Sea buckthorn male and female seedling. How to distinguish male from female sea buckthorn? Pollination of sea buckthorn. Peculiarities

Sea buckthorn berries are very beneficial for human health, so gardeners try to grow it in their own, even small, garden plots. However, the yield is not always encouraging, since pollination occurs due to the division of sea buckthorn into a male and female plant. One day a funny thing happened to my parents. They planted sea buckthorn, waited several years for the harvest, and everything was useless. Having learned from others, it turned out that an unscrupulous seller sold them male plants that bear very little fruit. So, sea buckthorn: how to distinguish a male plant from a female one.


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Even the most inexperienced gardener can distinguish a male plant from a female one. Best time to determine the type of sea buckthorn - it is spring. At this time of year, the buds swell and now is the time to determine.

The male plant has large buds, covered with 5-7 scales.

Female plant - buds are 2 times smaller than male ones and have 2 scales.

How much sea buckthorn should I plant on my site?

You can plant 1 male plant and 2-3 female ones. Gardeners said that one male sea buckthorn pollinated all the female plants in the entire village. Indeed, the wind carries pollen over a decent but limited distance. Of course, this village is not big, 20-30 houses. The wind carries pollen far. This is often enough for pollination. female plants.

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Sea buckthorn is a tree that occupies one of the places of honor on personal plots. This happened due to the valuable properties of sea buckthorn berries, its decorative and practical significance. Its berries are used to make wines and tinctures, juices and compotes. In the medical field, sea buckthorn is used to prepare sea buckthorn oil, which has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Creams, ointments and lotions based on sea buckthorn have the same properties.

Sea buckthorn has a positive effect on the soil - it fixes its sands. upper layers. Therefore, plantings of this plant can often be seen on slopes and ravines. Sea buckthorn is planted as ornamental plant(as a hedge). In winter, sea buckthorn berries are food for birds. The leaves of this tree are used as raw material for tanning.

Sometimes it happens that even with careful care, planted sea buckthorn shrubs or trees do not bear fruit - this is due to the absence of one of the individuals - that is, only male or only female individuals grow on the site. The harvest of berries from sea buckthorn will only be ensured by the presence of 2 individuals - both a male and a female tree. The tree has such a division for the reason that sea buckthorn is a representative of the class of dicotyledonous plants.

Therefore, to obtain a harvest, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Flowers – the male tree has flowers that are greenish-silver, as if coated with a coating; the female tree has flowers yellow color. In addition, female sea buckthorn flowers are collected in inflorescences;
  2. Leaf shape - female leaves resemble a bowl (bowl) in cross section, and the overall leaf has the shape of a boat. In the male individual, the leaf is almost flat, or slightly curved outward, in cross-section it looks like a bird in flight;
  3. When the leaves are finally formed in size - the period of late spring - you should pay attention not only to their shape, but also to the shade. The female plant has bright green leaves, sometimes with a slight bluish coating, while the male leaves have a gray-green tint with a thicker coating;
  4. The shape of the buds - sea buckthorn has 2 of them - growth and fruit-growth. The growth buds of seedlings of plants of different sexes are almost identical. But in an adult plant they are quite different from each other - the male buds are triple, somewhat reminiscent of cones (since there are several keratinized scales on the surface), they are collected in several pieces on the shoot, thereby forming a kind of inflorescence. Female buds are double, do not form inflorescences and do not have keratinized areas; they are noticeably smaller than male buds and are located at a distance from each other.

Attention! Sellers who claim that their seedlings are male or female can mislead you - only (!) growth buds grow on the seedlings, which cannot be used for sexual differentiation. Only at the age of 3-4 years can you say for sure whether this is a male or female sea buckthorn plant.

Planting sea buckthorn

It is better to purchase seedlings in special nurseries - planting and care specialists will accurately select a plant of the desired sex.

If the choice is made correctly, and you have both male and female seedlings, you need to plant the trees correctly. This is a necessary condition for pollination, and therefore for high yields.

In addition to the fact that the female will be pollinated by the male, it will contribute to this process There will be air currents, wind, pollinating insects. Despite the fact that a single male specimen in one site is capable of pollinating up to 5 female specimens at a distance of 10 meters or more from it, it is recommended to plant plants close to each other. The closer the trees are planted, the better the pollination and productivity.

The place where sea buckthorn will feel comfortable and grow well should be filled with light - it is better to exclude the proximity of sea buckthorn to tall trees, having a wide crown - they will not let the sun’s rays through to the sea buckthorn.

The soil for planting must have neutral acidity - if it is elevated, treatment is necessary slaked lime in a ratio of 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m. Its fertility, friability and nutritional value are taken into account. When planting sea buckthorn, it is recommended to avoid areas where groundwater is located too close to the soil surface or the soil is swampy - in such conditions the bush may die. On loamy soils, air permeability is difficult - adding peat, humus, and river sand will saturate it with oxygen.

It is better to place the male sea buckthorn plant in the center of the site, surrounding it with females. If this type of planting is not possible, you can plant sea buckthorn in rows, while maintaining a distance between bushes of 2 - 2.5 meters. Good survival rate was observed in two-year-old seedlings.

Sea buckthorn care

It is better to add nutrients in the fall - superphosphate and potassium salt are suitable for this. They can also be brought into the pit for planting sea buckthorn (unlike nitrogen fertilizers, which can cause severe burns to the roots of seedlings).

Sea buckthorn is an easy-to-care plant with above-average resistance to diseases and pests. At correct landing tree and its further care - high yields Every year you are guaranteed 30-40 years.

Rules of care:

  1. Spring pruning - done in March to remove diseased, old and frozen branches;
  2. It is recommended to remove weeds growing around the tree;
  3. In the second half of May, it is better to treat sea buckthorn against pests - a solution of karbofos (25 g per 10 liters of water) is suitable for this;
  4. It is better to water twice a year, followed by loosening the soil in tree trunk circles. In hot weather, increase the volume of water applied and irrigate by sprinkling;
  5. Suitable for feeding sea buckthorn organic fertilizers– bird droppings, manure, and complex mineral supplements.

The varieties Orange, Chuyskaya, Moscow Beauty, Gift to the Garden, and Yantarnaya are suitable for our climatic region. Different sexes and proper planting of sea buckthorn are a guarantee of a good harvest.

Sea buckthorn is a fairly common berry crop and is successfully grown in most regions of our country. When choosing a sea buckthorn variety, it is necessary to give preference to zoned varieties; in addition, not only female but also male plants should be planted on the site in a ratio of 3–4:1, which will ensure pollination and fruiting.

How to distinguish male from female sea buckthorn

Annual and abundant fruiting of sea buckthorn can be achieved only when both female and male plants grow together in one area. Upon purchase planting material or self-propagation by cuttings to distinguish sea buckthornmale from female is easy.

Regardless of the type and variety, you need to pay attention to following features popular berry crop:

  • the plant has two types of buds, which are called growth, or vegetative, and fruit-growing, or generative-vegetative;
  • the plant does not differ in growth buds, which are almost identical in male and female plants;
  • fruit and growth buds have significant differences and make it easy to identify both female and male plants;
  • male buds are larger in size and are characterized by the presence of several pronounced scales.

Gardeners should take into account the fact that young plants form buds of exclusively growth type, so the sex of a berry crop can be determined with 100% certainty at approximately the age of three to four years.

How to plant a crop correctly

The agricultural technology features of garden sea buckthorn are quite simple. It should be remembered that this light-loving crop grows well in areas not shaded by buildings or other tall plants. Planting in most regions must be done in spring period according to the following rules:

  • the site for growing sea buckthorn should have light, fertile, sufficiently moist soils;
  • cannot be planted berry plants in areas with stagnant water and high locations groundwater;
  • too much acidic soils require mandatory pre-planting liming with slaked lime at the rate of 0.5 kg per square meter;
  • Work on deep digging of soil and liming is best carried out in autumn period;
  • heavy loamy soils need to improve their air permeability, so it is necessary to add coarse river sand, humus or peat;
  • You can plant plants in a clump, placing a male plant in the center and female bushes around it;
  • Row planting is allowed with a standard distance between plants of approximately 2.0–2.5 m.

At autumn digging It is advisable to enrich the soil with basic nutrients. For this purpose, for each square meter you need to add 0.25 kg of superphosphate and 40–45 g of potassium salt. If necessary, potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied directly to the planting hole. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers and lime cannot be poured into the planting hole, due to the risk of burning the root system. It is necessary to plant sea buckthorn in pre-prepared planting pits dimensions 65x65x65 cm. Two-year-old seedlings, placed according to a 2x4 m or 1.5x3.5 m pattern, take root best.

Further care

Sea buckthorn can be classified as an unpretentious berry crop that is sufficiently resistant to adverse external influences. The plant requires minimal attention, and The main agrotechnical activities carried out in home gardening are as follows:

  • in early spring it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning crowns, removing all dried, frostbitten or thickening branches;
  • at the end of May, sea buckthorn plantings are sprayed with a solution of karbofos, diluted in an amount of 25 g per 10 liters of water;
  • for preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray plants with 0.2–0.3% chlorophos in the first half of July;
  • if necessary, twice a year, in spring and autumn, moisture-recharging irrigation is carried out followed by loosening the soil in the tree trunk circles;
  • To feed sea buckthorn, you can use both organic matter in the form of manure or bird droppings, and mineral complex fertilizers.

When properly seated and good care Behind the sea buckthorn tree, the berry crop is capable of bearing fruit abundantly every year for up to 30–40 years.

Of course, it is preferable to purchase berry seedlings from special plant nurseries, where specialists will help you determine the gender of the plant. Meanwhile experienced gardeners When choosing planting material, it is recommended to focus on the following features:

  • male plants have a leaf blade that is almost flat and slightly turned outward;
  • a cross section of a leaf of a male plant may resemble a bird in flight;
  • the leaves of the female plant are concave at the edges and resemble a boat;
  • A cross section of a female plant leaf may resemble a bowl.

Differences are also visible in the density of plaque on the leaves. This coating on male plants has a more bluish tint, while the leaves of female plants have a color as close as possible to green.


At an early age, it is impossible to distinguish dioecious sea buckthorn plants. Therefore, seedlings of different sexes are usually grown separately in nurseries and provided with appropriate tags. Contact a reputable store and carefully read the labels.

Plant sea buckthorn on the site and wait 3-4 years. The plants will enter the fruiting period and can be distinguished in several ways.

Method one - during the flowering period. Take a closer look at the flowers collected in small brushes. If they are tiny, consisting of a greenish ovary up to 2 mm long and a yellowish pistil of the same size, then the plant; if the flowers are larger, with two valves and four stamens, then . Shake the branch “ ” - there is a cloud of pollen around.

Method two - after flowering. Inspect your seedlings. If the branches of the tree are covered with berries (hence the name “sea buckthorn”), then it is a female specimen. The absence of ovaries can mean one of two things: either the plant is male or female, which has not been pollinated and has not set berries. In this case, you will have to wait until late autumn.

Method three - after leaf fall. Examine sea buckthorn buds in late autumn or in early spring. In females they are all the same: small, oblong, with two covering scales and a characteristic groove between them. In male flowers, flower buds are clearly distinguishable from vegetative (leaf) buds: they are large, round, with 5–7 scales, similar to small cones.


By the type of flowers, you can distinguish a male plant from a female not only in sea buckthorn, but also in any dioecious species: willow, poplar, hazel, actinidia, asparagus. If a flower has an ovary, a pistil and no stamens, the plant is female. Conversely, if a flower has only stamens covered with pollen visible, the plant is male.


  • Biological features of sea buckthorn

A flower is one of the most attractive and most important organs of a plant. It is to this that people’s eyes are directed; if we talk about decorative value, it is he who serves as the organ of reproduction and formation of fruits on vegetable crops and even a source of trouble for insects - on carnivorous plants in some parts globe.

Flowers of plants are most different shapes, colors, have an aroma or a foul odor, but all of them are a source of procreation of the plant species. Few people know that plants differ in gender, and their sex is determined precisely by the shape of the flower, and the elements of this plant organ ensure its reproduction. Some types of vegetables and garden crops do not produce fruit if only their male or female species are planted, for example, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle or cherry do not bear fruit in this case.

How to distinguish a female flower from a male one

It is very easy to determine what type of plant it is; just look carefully at the shape of its flowers. Male flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-7 pieces, and female ones, as a rule, grow one at a time, in rare cases two. The base of the female bud is a stalk in the form of a testis, a small ovary. For example, you can see the fruit under the base of the bud. Male flowers grow on a thin stem and have no base. The gender of a plant can also be determined by the structure of the bud. Inside the female, as a rule, there is only a pistil, and in flowers male there are only stamens. Pollination occurs when pollen from male plants is transferred by insects to female flowers. But, knowing what female flowers look like, you can carry out artificial pollination and significantly increase crop yields.

Methods of artificial pollination of plants

To ensure natural pollination and fruiting of plants, one male seedling for every 6-7 female seedlings is sufficient. There are so-called dioecious plants that have both male and female buds, but they often require artificial pollination. For example, tomatoes - to increase the number of ovaries flowering plants just shake lightly. But many varieties of cucumbers require outside help to produce a large number of fruits, especially in cold weather, when insects cannot provide adequate pollination. Male buds, the so-called barren flowers, must be carefully freed from the petals and the pollen transferred from them to the stigmas of the pistils of the female flowers. This pollination method can be used on squash,

Sea buckthorn is a fairly common berry crop and is successfully grown in most regions of our country. When choosing, it is necessary to give preference to zoned varieties; in addition, not only female but also male plants should be planted on the site in a ratio of 3–4:1, which will ensure pollination and fruiting.

How to distinguish male from female sea buckthorn

Annual and abundant fruiting of sea buckthorn can be achieved only when both female and male plants grow together in one area. When purchasing planting material or self-propagation by cuttings, distinguish sea buckthornmale from female is easy.

Regardless of the type and variety, you need to pay attention to the following features of the popular berry crop:

  • the plant has two types of buds, which are called growth, or vegetative, and fruit-growing, or generative-vegetative;
  • the plant does not differ in growth buds, which are almost identical in male and female plants;
  • fruit and growth buds have significant differences and make it easy to identify both female and male plants;
  • male buds are larger in size and are characterized by the presence of several pronounced scales.

Gardeners should take into account the fact that young plants form buds of exclusively growth type, so the sex of a berry crop can be determined with 100% certainty at approximately the age of three to four years.

Male and female sea buckthorn plants (video)

How to plant a crop correctly

The agricultural technology features of garden sea buckthorn are quite simple. It should be remembered that this light-loving crop grows well in areas not shaded by buildings or other tall plants. Planting in most regions must be done in the spring according to the following rules:

  • the site should be represented by light, fertile, sufficiently moist soils;
  • Berry plants should not be planted in areas with stagnant water and high groundwater;
  • too acidic soils require mandatory pre-planting liming with slaked lime at the rate of 0.5 kg per square meter;

  • Work on deep digging of soil and liming is best carried out in the autumn;
  • heavy loamy soils need to improve their air permeability, so it is necessary to add coarse river sand, humus or peat;
  • You can plant plants in a clump, placing a male plant in the center and female bushes around it;
  • Row planting is allowed with a standard distance between plants of approximately 2.0–2.5 m.

When digging in autumn, it is advisable to enrich the soil with basic nutrients. For this purpose, for each square meter you need to add 0.25 kg of superphosphate and 40–45 g of potassium salt. If necessary, potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied directly to the planting hole. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers and lime cannot be poured into the planting hole, due to the risk of burning the root system. Sea buckthorn must be planted in pre-prepared planting holes measuring 65x65x65 cm. Two-year-old seedlings, placed according to a 2x4 m or 1.5x3.5 m pattern, take root best.

Further care

Sea buckthorn can be classified as an unpretentious berry crop that is sufficiently resistant to adverse external influences. The plant requires minimal attention, and The main agrotechnical activities carried out in home gardening are as follows:

  • in early spring, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of the crown, removing all dried, frostbitten or thickening branches;
  • at the end of May, sea buckthorn plantings are sprayed with a solution of karbofos, diluted in an amount of 25 g per 10 liters of water;
  • for preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray plants with 0.2–0.3% chlorophos in the first half of July;
  • if necessary, twice a year, in spring and autumn, moisture-recharging irrigation is carried out followed by loosening the soil in the tree trunk circles;
  • To feed sea buckthorn, you can use both organic matter in the form of manure or bird droppings, and mineral complex fertilizers.

With proper planting and good care of the sea buckthorn tree, the berry crop can bear fruit abundantly every year for up to 30–40 years.

Of course, it is preferable to purchase berry seedlings from special plant nurseries, where specialists will help you determine the gender of the plant. Meanwhile, experienced gardeners recommend focusing on the following features when choosing planting material:

  • male plants have a leaf blade that is almost flat and slightly turned outward;
  • a cross section of a leaf of a male plant may resemble a bird in flight;
  • the leaves of the female plant are concave at the edges and resemble a boat;
  • A cross section of a female plant leaf may resemble a bowl.

How to care for sea buckthorn (video)

Differences are also visible in the density of plaque on the leaves. This coating on male plants has a more bluish tint, while the leaves of female plants have a color as close as possible to green.

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