Traveling around the world. How to travel cheap around the world and home country

  1. I want to travel to see the world. This is both recreation and entertainment.
  2. I want to plunge into another world, another culture and country in order to expand my perception and horizons.
  3. To see opportunities to change life in their homeland. Seeing how other peoples live, to find out why we live poorly, with our natural resources. Find out how everything is tripled and organized.
  4. Live outside Kazakhstan. After the trip, I hope to miss my Motherland again and feel our mentality.
  5. I want to enhance, stimulate and develop my creativity by traveling. This is called "filling the well."
  6. Expand your comfort zone. Much is new on the road, there are difficulties to be overcome.
  7. Will I start or continue to play sports, lead active image life. Lots of hiking or lots of swimming, or both.
  8. To make your life more interesting and varied. This is what a lot of people are after. Interest in life and entertainment - this is what everyone wants.
  9. Discover new sides of character and potential. Difficulties harden us. Maybe we will come back completely different.
  10. I want to live traveling and find out if this life is right for me. When you dream about it at home on the couch, this is one thing, but when you are in another country without friends and support, this is completely different.
  11. I want my husband and I to learn and try freelancing. Can we make money while traveling? Is the freelance life right for us? Everything in life is worth a try.
  12. Travel as part of my self-development and new stage in personal growth.
  13. Maybe I'll write a book while traveling or in another country. A new environment can help inspire creativity.
  14. I think that this will help my husband understand what he wants from life. It is necessary to distract from work and routine in order to understand what and where to move on. Until we see another life, we have blinkers before our eyes, our thinking is limited.
  15. Money ceiling and travel. “Money for a dream is always there, if you believe it” - find out if it works. Unwinding the money faucet. How much money do we need for a simple life, if we discard the purchase of apartments and cars?
  16. I want to learn something new. I want to constantly develop. Cooking, drawing, knitting, yoga, dancing, massage.
  17. Get rid of fears and complexes, test your character and capabilities.
  18. I want to have something to write about and share practical experience.
  19. To encourage yourself to earn. Change your life for the better.
  20. Find business ideas. Something that works for them and makes a profit may work for us. People make good money from tourists. There are also achievements in production and processing that can be launched with us.

Here are my 20 reasons why I want to travel, I know that many things will not be as you think and imagine. You may not want to do anything while traveling. Maybe I don't like long trips at all. In the next few years, I would like to go to Thailand and India, and generally live in South-East Asia. How to do this is a completely different question and the topic of a separate article.

Live in in constant motion cannot but be interesting. And also cheap. You have to pay for the constant change of places and new acquaintances. How to travel the world without spending a lot of money? Remember how many charities there are in the world waiting for help from people like you! Therefore, free travel is not a myth.

1. WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms or Willing Workers on Organic Farms)
By changing the places of words, the essence does not change. And it consists in voluntary agritourism. Those wishing and suffering to work on a farm for 6 hours a day must fill out a form, where they will express their desire to field work. After some time, one of the farmers will be ready to provide workaholics with housing and food for work. Moreover, you will be given the right to choose: from the desired country, the agritourist is shown the entire catalog of farmers participating in the program. It remains only to dial the number and agree on the terms and conditions of stay. You can call it a kind of barter: he is food and bed, and you are his result. In this case, money will be needed only once - when paying the annual membership fee of the organization (20-60 dollars). The site itself:

Today, WWOOF operates in 53 countries, from Australia and the UK to Hawaii or Taiwan. In Russia, too. Farmers from countries not on the list actually participate in the program as well.

3. Conservation Volunteers, Australia and New Zealand is a new project in Australia, New Zealand and several other countries. The name of the organization is translated approximately as "voluntary defenders of nature." General task participants - the protection of nature and the development of ecotourism. To become a member of the fund, you need to pay a small deposit. Usually it is no more than $ 100, which covers food and accommodation in the future. The British version of the foundation is BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers),

4. Sudan Volunteer Program (Sudan Volunteer Program), Sudan
You can become a volunteer of this program by filling out a questionnaire on the website For those who know English language- this is a good way to earn extra money over the summer, because the program is focused on teaching Sudanese children and students foreign language. Accommodation conditions, of course, are not the most pleasant, but you won’t have to go far after work: sleep peacefully at school or university. Project participants pay only for the air ticket, the rest of the costs are covered. New teachers receive a small monthly stipend. Since the founding of the SVP - March 24, 1997 - thousands of British volunteers have managed to visit Sudan. And every year new members of the Sudanese community join the organization.

5. Appalachian Trail Conference, USA
The main goal of the Appalachian Trail Conference is to preserve the organization's 2.175-mile heritage, 250,000 acres of green land from Maine to Georgia. On the ATC website,, it says in big bold letters: “Our mission is to ensure future generations Fresh air And clean water, scenic landscapes and wildlife Finally, the possibility of outdoor recreation. It's within our power!"
The first gathering of the Appalachian Trail Conference took place back in 1925. Today you can take part by registering on the site again. More than 30 organizations around the world are looking for volunteers at ATC: food and accommodation are provided.

6. Trip Leader for HF Holidays, Europe - This is one of the most popular hiking organizations in Europe. So to speak, "gallop across Europe." The main task of Trip Leader for HF Holidays is to introduce people to European nature, to show all its beauty. You won’t have to save anything much, instead, the participants will have to experience many adventures, up to rafting and rock climbing. Particularly gifted volunteers in the future have the position of a guide conducting excursions in Europe. In general, it will definitely be possible to relax, unwind and communicate with new people. You can choose the desired place on the website by clicking on the map of Europe.

9. United Nations Volunteers - UN volunteers - Provides a wide range of assistance, from healthcare to disaster relief. The UN offers this project to those who want to work abroad. The UN, together with QANGOS, offers vacancies in non-governmental organizations.

10. Kibbutz Volunteer, Israel
What is a kibbutz? It is an agricultural commune in Israel, characterized by community of property and equality in labor and consumption. The number of jobs in kibbutzim far exceeds the number of labor force, so volunteers are always welcome here with outstretched arms. As a rule, the work that visitors get is “dirty”: milking cows, washing dishes for the whole commune, or harvesting crops in the fields. The beginning of the working day is marked by the first cries of a rooster - at 5-6 in the morning you should already take your workplace. But there is another side of the coin here: after working for a month or two, you can agree on a more attractive and less physically demanding job. So it's not all bad! You can find the most important answers to questions on the organization's website -

11 Couchsurfing global community, the purpose of which is to make travel around the world accessible to everyone. Arriving in another country, a person lives in a family of local residents - members of the community - completely free of charge. You, in turn, can invite someone to your place, to Russia.

We have compiled a list of the main services that provide the opportunity to participate in various events and projects in different countries the world, including volunteering, training programs and helping local residents for accommodation and food.

Help Exchange

On this resource, locals from around the world invite travelers who are ready to help them with housework or small business in exchange for free housing, food, sometimes excursions or even yoga classes. A great way to not only visit a new place but also explore local culture. Just choose the type of work that suits you and contact the owner. For example, you can join the Italian farming, spending only two hours a day on it.


Here you can find listings of local residents around the world who are engaged in organic farming and need free labor force. Another way to travel is by working for lodging and food.

Sudan Volunteer Program

A UK-based charity is sending final two-year university and graduate language students and graduates as volunteers to Sudan to teach English to Sudanese children. You can join a useful business and get a good practical experience. Preference is given to candidates whose native language is English, but if you have practical teaching experience, your application will also be considered.


On SE7EN you can find a volunteer program or project in almost any country. For example, go to the Bahamas to work at an independent research station studying lemon sharks.


Another international charitable organization that offers many volunteer programs around the world in the fields of healthcare, ecology, economics, education and others.

Youth in Action

This educational program The European Union for Young People (up to 30 years old) annually issues grants to non-profit organizations for their projects in different countries, including Macedonia, Great Britain, Turkey, Georgia, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Croatia.

As part of this program, over the past two years I have visited Macedonia and the UK. The essence of the program is that it provides free education, pays 70% of the flight, visa costs, internal transport, accommodation and meals during training and education. Plus you always have extra days in the country, but at their own expense. In fact, to become a participant, you need to submit an application form for one of the training programs. Each training is dedicated to a specific topic. So, last year we learned tolerance towards representatives of other countries in Wales.

Inna, participant of the Youth in Action program

Conservation Volunteers

And this organization will appeal to ecotourism lovers who dream of visiting Australia or New Zealand. The goal is to protect nature. The site has many volunteer programs in different parts Australia and New Zealand for both short and long periods.


Do not forget about this rather popular resource, where you can easily find free housing and new friends in different countries. Personally, I often use Couchsurfing to get up close and personal with local life and people in new places I visit. For super savings, you can combine Couchsurfing with .

United Nations Volunteers

In addition, you can become a UN Volunteer if you are already 25 years old, there is higher education and fluency in English, Spanish or French.


International youth organization providing various programs internships, exchange programs and volunteer opportunities for students and graduates in 113 countries around the world.

Appalachian Trail

Another one non-profit organization accepts volunteers who love nature and are ready to take part in preserving the heritage of the organization (and this is 250,000 acres of land from Maine to Georgia in the USA).

We hope that this list will inspire you to a new travel format, not only to relax and lie on the beach, but also to join a useful business and get new experience and dating.

Tell us, have you ever taken part in public initiatives in other countries and what other ways do you know to travel almost for free?

Oh, be sure to share and save, it will come in handy!
Life in constant motion cannot but be interesting. And also cheap. You have to pay for the constant change of places and new acquaintances. How to travel the world without spending a lot of money?
1. Its goal is to make travel around the world affordable for everyone, without spending a lot of money. Arriving in another country, a person lives in a family of local residents absolutely free of charge, while the people who host him can help to see local sights, spend time interestingly and informatively. Asking for money for the reception is prohibited by community rules, but a gift or help with housekeeping is welcome.
2. Turtle Teams It is the name of thousands of small groups around the world that help endangered sea turtles. For more information, visit and
3. Conservation Volunteers, Australia and New Zealand The name of the organization is translated approximately as "voluntary defenders of nature." The common task of the participants is the protection of nature and the development of ecotourism. The British version of the foundation is BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers),
4. Sudan Volunteer Program for those who know English is a good way to earn extra money over the summer, because the program is focused on teaching Sudanese children and students a foreign language.
5. Appalachian Trail Conference The goal is to preserve the organization's 2.175-mile heritage, 250,000 acres of green land from Maine to Georgia.
6. Trip Leader for HF Holidays Europe is one of Europe's most popular hiking volunteer organizations.
7. Help Exchange - - This website lists a list of all hosts around the world in need of extra strength, be it a farm or small garden, school or church, building construction or simple community center.
8. Peace Corps - - a unique chance to live and work in a foreign country, working in various fields, ranging from healthcare, rescue environment etc. In addition to this organization, there is also the American project Voluntary Services Overseas (Voluntary Services Abroad) -
9. United Nations Volunteers provides a wide range of assistance, from healthcare to disaster relief.
10. WWOOF Those wishing to work on a farm for 6 hours a day must fill out a form, where they express their desire to work in the field. After some time, one of the farmers will be ready to provide housing and food for work. Moreover, you will be given the right to choose: from the desired country, the agritourist is shown the entire catalog of farmers participating in the program. It remains only to dial the number and agree on the terms and conditions of stay. Today WWOOF operates in 53 countries.

The most common reason why people cannot travel is money. Many people work at low-paid jobs all their lives and only dream of traveling. But here's the truth - IT DOESN'T NEED A LOT OF MONEY TO TRAVEL. You can earn money for a trip in 6-12 months from scratch (meaning that there is enough money for a “normal” life (renting an apartment (mortgage payment), food, clothes) and travel). To travel for a whole month, 30,000 rubles a month is enough. There are two ways to get this money: 1) save and 2) earn more. I stick to the second way. It is better to earn more than to save. But you can also combine them. In this article, you will learn both. I will also tell how to travel without money(and this is possible, it is enough to know some of the features of such a trip, just read on).

How to travel cheap

1) Use the Aeroflot Bonus program. Thanks to it, you can fly for free or with significant savings. The essence of the program is as follows: You accumulate "miles" and pay them off when buying air tickets. Miles are earned when making purchases in stores when paying with a credit (debit) card of a program partner (Sberbank, Alfa Bank and others), when buying air tickets, even for simply writing reviews about attractions and hotels around the world. In general, read more (link above), very good way for travelers.

2) Use Couchsurf. It is one of the largest guest networks. Thanks to this service, you can find accommodation in any country for FREE, this is a kind of association of travelers from all over the world who are happy to help their “brother in spirit”. You may be offered a room, a separate bed or a cot in the room, but it will be absolutely free. Also this great way meet good and sociable people (travelers after all). Thousands of people use this service, which helps to travel year-round without the cost of living.

3) Use . This is an excellent service for finding rental housing around the world, and here you can find housing at the most low prices. For 20 euros you can rent a whole house, with several rooms, a kitchen and sometimes even a swimming pool. Moreover, here you can rent both a house and a room, a yacht, a boat and much more. Many people, when they go on vacation, rent out their housing, for them this is only a plus: they also receive money for a house under supervision, and travelers can live very cheaply in such houses. This The best way to find accommodation if you don't want to use Couchsurf.

4) Hitchhike. In the CIS countries, this type of travel is not popular, but in North America, Australia and many others, this type of travel has earned the trust of many. I do not recommend using this method for girls who travel alone, although many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity use it with success. This is at your own discretion.

5) Stay overnight in hostels. This is an inexpensive way to find accommodation in almost any city. This is a kind of hostel, when several people sleep in one room (usually 4-8), and there is a kitchen and a shower, so this is quite normal housing. I recommend using to search for hostels, a very convenient service.

6) Free tours. Many tourist cities in Europe and North America offer free walking tours. You will be introduced to all the main local attractions. You can find such excursions in Europe on the website

7) Cook your own food. Going to restaurants will significantly reduce the amount of money you have. Almost all hostels and hotels have kitchens, so self-cooking food will save a lot of money. Considering that an average lunch costs 10 euros, and you will eat more than once a day, then a decent amount accumulates for the entire time of travel. And with self-cooking, you will save 50-70% of this money. On the road, you can store cooked food in containers.

8) Use rail transport. European countries (except of Eastern Europe) Railway tickets are quite cheap, and the quality of transportation is at its best. By booking tickets in advance, you can save more than half of their cost. This method is suitable for those who know exactly where he is going and on what dates, who likes a “tight schedule”. Traveling like this, you will not be able to go where you suddenly want to, because. tickets will already be bought, but save a lot of money.

9) Use tourist maps. In many cities there are discount cards that can be purchased for little money, but they save quite a lot. You will receive substantial discounts on attractions, public transport, cafes and restaurants, shopping and much more. You can buy such cards in tourist information centers cities, railway stations, airports, on the official website of the city.

10) Use discount cards. Students under 26, pensioners, disabled people receive discounts of up to 50%, but you need to have an international document with you confirming that you belong to one of these groups. For students, this is an ISIC international student card. For pensioners, it is enough to present a passport (in many countries, discounts are provided to pensioners who are over 60 years old, and in the EU countries, many institutions give discounts only to residents of the European Union).

Some travel highlights

1) View ticket prices for nearby locations. It often happens that tickets to big cities are cheaper than smaller ones. It will be much more economical to buy a ticket to a “cheap” place, and from there it will not be difficult to get to by train or bus.

2) Visit the tourist information office. There you will be advised where it is best to go, where it is cheapest to eat or spend the night, and they will also give you a map of the city so that you do not get lost. The addresses of such offices can be easily found on the Internet (most often on the official website of the city).

3) Use free Wi-Fi. In most large cafes, in Starbucks, McDonald's, in libraries, you can use the Internet access for free. To search for Wi-Fi points, I recommend using the service.

4) Use free toilets. Savings are in the little things. Free toilets are almost always available in large supermarkets, bars, hotels, government agencies.

5) Food is cheaper where there are no tourists. On the central streets there are expensive establishments, but on small streets you can find decent and inexpensive places to eat.

6) Visit museums for free! Almost all museums have days when admission is free or at a big discount for visitors, take advantage of this. Information about such days can be found on the official website of the museum.

7) Skip the line at attractions so you save a lot of time. At lunchtime, the queues are minimal, because. organized groups of tourists visit attractions either early in the morning or in the afternoon.

8) Carry a bottle of water with you. Even saving on water helps to travel longer. Just fill a bottle with water at the hotel or hostel.

Using these tips, you can easily travel cheaply, and in some cases for free. Answer yourself one question: "Do I really want to travel or am I just talking about it?". Many people talk too much about travel, but do nothing to turn their desires into reality. If you really want to travel, you will find ways to do it. Your life is in your hands.

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