DIY LED trees. How to Make Luminous LED Trees Outdoors Luminous Tree

In this article, we will look at the process of making LED trees at home.

There are 2 main ways to make LED trees. Let's consider each of them

1. Luminous tree based on LED garland

The day of the beginning it is necessary to make a frame. It is best made from aluminum wire. Simply bend the wire at the right angle, in the form of a small bush. If the wire is in white insulation, you can wrap it with black electrical tape, bringing the frame closer to a more realistic color.

We also fix the garland to the frame with black electrical tape.

You can additionally decorate the LEDs by cutting out decorative nozzles from transparent plastic for them.

The LED tree is ready. It remains only to connect it to a power source.

The obvious advantage of this manufacturing method is its simplicity. However, there are also disadvantages. A tree made in this way cannot be made large enough. The standard length of the garland does not allow placing LEDs on all the "branches" of the tree. If you use garlands over 10 m, then due to the large number of bends at the base, the central part of the frame will stand out too much. Therefore, we recommend using this method for making miniature trees.

2. Luminous tree based on LEDs.

Making an LED tree from single LEDs is a more laborious process, however, this method does not have the disadvantages of using a ready-made garland and allows you to make a tree of any size and shape. For manufacturing, we need single 5 mm LEDs.

We also need resistors to the LEDs in order to equalize the voltage.

Let's move on to production. First you need to solder resistors to the LEDs. At the same time, we try not to keep the soldering iron on the soldering contacts for a long time, as there is a risk of spoiling the LED. The LED has a short and long contact leg, we decide which of them we will solder the resistor to and copy to the rest in the same way. We shorten the legs of the resistors on one side.

We cut a heat-shrinkable tube for a wire of such length that the place of soldering and the resistor itself would be closed, leaving room only for soldering the power wire. We insert the tube on the leg with a resistor and slightly warm it with a lighter so that the insulation takes shape.

After that, we make the main branches, for this we take the wire and cut it 50 cm long. of which 45 cm is the main part of the branch, and 5 cm will be on the bend to fix the branch on the tree trunk.

We also cut small branches, up to 10 cm in size.

We calculate the number of LEDs on one branch.

Next, we tape small twigs (10 cm) to the main branches (50 cm) with electrical tape. The number of small branches is recommended to be equalized with the number of LEDs on each main branch (in our case, 5 LEDs per branch). For ease of winding, take a small twig and bend it in the form of the letter "g", after which it is enough to attach it to the main branch and wrap it with electrical tape.

We wind the LEDs on the edge of each branch with electrical tape.

After that, we stretch the wire along the entire length of the main branch to the very end and cut the wire. Do not forget to take into account the bending of small branches and cut the wire to the desired length.

We bend 5 cm on each main branch and attach it to the tree trunk, we do it evenly over the entire diameter of the trunk.

When the branches are ready and tied to the trunk, we take the wires on each branch and wind them up, that is, we connect all the pluses and minuses of one branch. We do the same with all the main branches.

After that, you will get the number of pluses and minuses equal to the number of tree branches. We reel pluses with pluses, and minuses with minuses and isolate.
It remains only to wrap each branch with black electrical tape to decorate decorative flowers and connect the tree to a power source.

Tree lighting is one of the most popular techniques. landscape design. It simultaneously brings aesthetic pleasure and allows you to illuminate the backyard area in dark time days. There are several methods for lighting vegetation: using lamps and spotlights located on the ground, fixing LED garlands on trunks, and creating LED trees. How to make an LED tree with your own hands, and we'll talk further.

How to use the backlight correctly?

Depending on what result you want to get from illuminating trees, one or another method of illumination is chosen. In order for the luminous trees for the street to look beautiful, you must follow a few basic rules:

    spotlights are best placed on the ground at some distance from the tree under a slight slope;

    Multiple spotlights can be used at the same time different kind lighting: halogen and LED;

    for not too tall trees and bushes, lamps screwed into the ground are perfect, which can also be moved from place to place;

    lamps can also be installed on a tree trunk, directing the light upwards - this will allow the light to scatter between the foliage;

    creating a luminous tree with your own hands, you need to take into account the density of foliage, the height and diameter of the plant, as well as its shape;

    for overhead lighting, halogen or LED lamps installed on nearby buildings are usually used;

    in order for the plantations to cast a shadow on vertical surface spotlights behind them are installed at a great distance.

The use of LED garlands

If you want to create an LED tree with your own hands from an existing plant, then you just need to attach LED garlands to it, which are connected to the electrical network. Such garlands are divided into fruits that look like large lanterns, which are located far from each other, and leaves - small bulbs, located very densely (see photo). Presented LED lights trees has a lot of advantages, which include efficiency, long service life, resistance to low and high temperatures, precipitation. Trees with its help can be made both monophonic and multi-colored.


Now let's see how to do led trees street from scratch. First of all, I would like to note that luminous plants can be very diverse. This is an LED sakura tree, palm tree, maple, and a variety of spruce and pine trees. So, the stages of work on creating a luminous tree are as follows:

tree diagram

First of all, the future plant must be drawn on a piece of paper, where you also need to indicate its height, diameter, length and number of branches.

Creation of the trunk

The tree trunk is created very simply - just take a metal-plastic pipe and cut it to the desired height (see photo).

Frame erection

From wire different thickness must be cut right amount thick, medium and thin branches, and the latter should be as large as possible. All branches for ease of installation are bent in the shape of the letter "L" and attached to the trunk.

Working with LEDs

Resistors are soldered to the LEDs, after which they are isolated. For this, electrical tape and a tube of approximately the same shade are taken. The diameter of the tube should be such that the LEDs fit into it without problems. Each such element is attached electrical wire. Next, the LEDs are attached to the branches of the tree. In this case, the wires from smaller branches should be connected into a bundle and connected to the wires of thicker branches. As a result, all available wires are soldered in the main wire and run inside metal-plastic pipe. And don't forget to isolate them.

Twig decoration

In order for the luminous LED trees to look as natural as possible, leaves and flowers are cut out of plastic and taped to the branches with electrical tape, and the tree trunk is completely wrapped with brown electrical tape, as, for example, in the photo.

Tree installation

In order for the luminous plants to be stable, they are placed in a barrel, a beautiful pot or any other container hidden in the ground. And in order for them to begin to please the eye, it is enough to connect them to the electrical network.

For more detailed information on how to make LED trees with your own hands, see the video below.

The desire of a person to surround himself with comfortable and functional things is understandable and logical. Everyone wants to live in a good house or apartment, work in a well-furnished office. But for many this is not enough. I want beauty, celebration, emotions. Bright LED trees were created for such connoisseurs of beauty in environment and setting.

What are LED Trees?

The design of the LED tree includes the following elements:

Imitating the shape of a tree or a bush, a frame made of a special light-alloy material, which is enclosed in a plastic shell.

Decorative elements, which are LED garlands with silicone nozzles stylized as leaves and flowers.

The products are supplied with a transformer for 24V.

These decorative lighting structures are quick and easy to install. They can have any color, size and appearance - from a small bush to a "giant" with a chic crown. entwined big amount sparkling light bulbs LED trees are very similar to real ones. They almost always become the central figure of the interior, adjoining territory or landscape.

What are glowing trees for?

The use of this type of lighting technology makes it possible not only to solve lighting problems, but to embody a large number of decorating ideas. With their help, an amazingly magical festive atmosphere is easily created. The alley of luminous trees seems to be calling to a fairy tale, causing delight, surprise and anticipation of a miracle even among adults.

If you install a glowing tree in your office or store, it will surely increase the accommodating of customers and the willingness of buyers to make a purchase. After all, the atmosphere of the holiday always gives joy, and a pleasantly excited person more easily agrees with the proposal made to him.

The most commonly used LED trees are:

IN decorative lighting landscapes, territories and interiors;

To create bright light alleys,

When making an entrance to a restaurant, hotel, shopping mall, shop.

Very popular LED trees as christmas decoration apartment, house or garden. They give good mood to everyone who looks at them.

Features of this type of festive lighting

Unlike "live" light trees do not require care or attention. Since LEDs have a very long service life (measured in tens of thousands of hours), after purchase, you do not have to worry that the tree will soon fail.

Decorative luminous trees are not afraid of frost or heat, they are not afraid of rain, dew, hoarfrost. Even if one or more elements fail, the structure will not stop shining.

When buying, the main thing is to decide on the type of LED tree that is suitable for your purposes.

To decorate the office table, you can purchase a glowing cactus with a small number of small LEDs. large area it is better to decorate with a tree several meters high, impressive in size, which includes a huge amount LED lamps points. To create a light alley, low trees with a soft purple or blue glow are suitable.

How to make a choice?

When choosing LED trees, the following matters:


Brightness and power of LEDs.

Frame material (most often, it is aluminum or steel).

The method of fixing the tree at the installation site.

Type of power supply (autonomous or from the mains).

A variety of colors and crown shapes of LED trees creates a lot of opportunities to draw attention to the building, territory, interior. If you want to decorate your office for a holiday quickly and in an original way, decorate a garden or attract visitors to a store or entertainment center, the best option than LED trees, do not come up with.

Margarita Sukach,

The desire to decorate your house or apartment is familiar to all happy owners of real estate, as well as to those who have to live in a rented room. Modern manufacturers of various decorative fixtures are racing to meet the growing demand, offering novelty after novelty and creating the most unimaginable combinations of styles and technologies.

Some of them perform a purely aesthetic function, others combine attractiveness. appearance with functionality. It is to such useful decorations we can also include luminous trees made of polymeric materials and equipped with a large number of small ones. This decor is able to perfectly illuminate part of the room.

Naturally, the brightness of such a lamp cannot compete with full-fledged lighting; rather, it is designed to replace lit candles or a night light.

What is LED Lighting

The dynamically developing production of LED lighting devices is confidently replacing traditional incandescent lamps, conquering the market with numerous advantages:

  • Exceptional durability.
  • High quality lighting (brightness).
  • Safety.
  • Economical power consumption.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Resistant to humidity and temperature extremes.

The essence of the work of lamps is the release of light by a semiconductor material under the influence of the movement of electrons. Such devices do not require phosphorus, mercury or other hazardous substances to be manufactured. And during operation, burns are excluded, and since the lamps do not heat up and consume a negligible amount of electricity (5-9 watts).

What do LED trees look like?

The lion's share of popularity LED lamps can be attributed precisely to their attractive appearance.

Luminous trees, whose branches are dotted with numerous sparkling lights, decorated with flowers, berries or other decor, evoke only the most pleasant associations with fabulous landscapes and fantasy films. In addition, the owners of some devices have the opportunity to change the color of the shining lights, turn on the flashing mode, or get a design whose lamps play in several colors.

Depending on the purpose of the lamp and the style of the room or landscape, there are trees completely without decor. Their lamps are not hidden by flower attachments, and the trunk is made with a minimum of unnecessary elements, which will perfectly fit into a high-tech interior.

Types of LED Trees

When thinking about how to decorate your home or territory with a tree-shaped LED lamp, you should collect information about devices of this kind in advance.

Trees LED can be the most different sizes and types:

Some of these fixtures can be purchased in a completely finished form, others need to be assembled and connected. For amateurs, there is an opportunity, in addition to buying a factory product, to make a similar device on their own.

Glowing trees: price and equipment

Of course, in order to get a complete picture, illustrating the equipment of an interior or landscape with a bright LED tree, one cannot do without indicating the prices for such devices.

For fans of traditional shopping who prefer supermarkets, purchasing a lamp will cost a little more than buying it in an online store or making it yourself. On the other hand, they will have access to such benefits of civilization as professional advice, salesman's advice, home delivery and qualified installation.

Summarizing the cost offered by several major manufacturers, you can specify the following prices:

The price of a finished lamp or garland with lamps is also affected by the color of the LEDs. Blue, white and yellow lamps are considered more expensive.

Owners of "golden hands" will be able to save money by purchasing individual components, as well as self-manufacturing and installation of LED lamps.

Creating an LED tree at home

With even minimal knowledge in the field of electronics, you can quickly make a luminous tree with your own hands. Although it will take some effort to select, buy and connect components, even the most demanding hand makers will be satisfied with the result.

There are two ways to create such a decoration:

  • Assemble luminous trees from the prepared elements (stable base, frame, ribbon with diodes and decorative flowers).
  • Solder your own electronic design using separate LED bulbs, wires and insulation.

The first method is much simpler and faster. It does not require the use of skills in working with a soldering iron and electrical circuits, since you only need to connect the prepared device nodes into certain order. Here creativity is manifested in the choice colors future tree and unique combination finished items.

Choosing the second method and completely creating a luminous tree with his own hands, the master sequentially performs the following stages of work:

  • Assembles the frame (pipes are suitable for this different diameter, wire, wooden bases).
  • Solders resistors to wires of LED lamps and provides isolation of joints.
  • Attaches LEDs to branches.
  • Brings out the wires to the power supply and fastens them by soldering (using tin as well).
  • Fixes the frame of a tree with lamps on branches on a stable horizontal base.

When doing this work, you need to carefully monitor the observance of the correct polarity (+/-).

Decorating trees with LEDs

Luminous trees for the street look great as a single decor or as an element of a bright composition (decorated alley, garden, house).

One of the main advantages of lamps is their resistance to mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive weather conditions. That is why they are so often used to decorate household plots or areas near offices and shops.

You're totally wrong to clean up after winter holidays glowing garland. There are many interesting ways to decorate your home interior with it.

1. Lay a garland around the mirror office of some interesting shape.

2. Wrap paper lanterns with a garland around the branch and hang over the bed.

3. Create a drop down light by decorating the garland with large bulbs.

4. Create an original tree from a garland.

Draw a contour on the wall, drive in carnations around the perimeter and wrap a luminous garland around them. As easy as pie!

5. Attach photos to the glowing garland with clothespins.

6. Create your own canvas with a pattern of glowing lights.

7. Thread the garland into flower baskets or put it right there.

8. Fill wine bottles with lights to effectively illuminate them from the inside.

9. Create an angel wreath from paper napkins.

Using wire cutters, form a round holder for snowflakes and wrap it with an electric garland with small bulbs. Then glue decorative snowflakes onto the holder.

10. Or use napkins to make a wedding wreath.

Just make small holes in the napkins and thread the lights through them.

11. Cover disposable cardboard cups with fancy paper, this will help create interesting light shades with the help of an LED string.

12. Crochet a glowing rug with a rope and a garland.

13. Decorate your Christmas garland with tulle bows.

14. To create a festive mood, decorate the garland with old decorations.

15. Create colorful twine balls and decorate them with a glowing garland.

16. Make flaming snowflakes out of store-bought flower holders.

17. Tie rope with a garland for a nautical room decor.

18. Create a network of glowing garlands in the bedroom.

19. Hang air clouds with hanging luminous garland.

Pictured is a 2D version of the cloud.

20. You can also use egg cartons to create the effect of flowers.

21. Write a letter-by-letter message on pendant lights.

Make letters by punching holes in the paper.

22. Create a romantic headboard.

Bring down the simple wooden frame and add traverses. Drill small holes and insert sockets at the bottom of each niche. Paint the frame and screw it to the wall. Fill each niche with a garland and connect it to the outlets. Cut transparent panels from polycarbonate sheets and attach them to the frame with fasteners.

23. Use glitter wrapping paper to create giant glowing candies.

Required materials and tools:
  • disposable Plastic container with lid;
  • electric garland;
  • scissors;
  • wire or pipe cleaners;
  • wire cutters;
  • multi-colored wrapping paper;
  • scotch.

Preparation method:

  1. Cut off a piece of wrapping paper measuring 45x45 cm from the roll.
  2. Wrap the garland with wrapping paper. Remember to leave both ends of the garland outside in order to connect it to the network and connect the element with other candies.
  3. Put the wrapped garland in a plastic container and close it. Wrap the container in wrapping paper and secure with tape.
  4. Use brushes or wire to shape the garland container into a candy shape.
  5. Decorate the entire garland in this way, leaving between the links free space(20-40 cm).
  6. Connect the finished bunch of candies to the network.

24. Insert flashlights into tiny canning jars.

Take special covers with a hole for the garland. Close each jar with a lid and insert a light bulb from the garland into it.

25. Insert an LED string into an old toy.

You will need:
  • old toy (made of cotton fabric);
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • light garland.
Preparation method:

26. Write a light message.

27. Arrange the luminous garland in waves.

28. Cut out black cat shapes to make this cute garland.

29. Wrap the garland around the wire wreath.

Probably one of the most simple options creating homemade wreaths.

30. Light up the canopy over the bed with a garland.

31. Cut the paper into strips to make the same fringed lanterns.

32. Use foil from a cupcake pan to decorate your garland.

This is a great idea for any party.

33. Make sparkling decorations with mirrors and lights.

  • brushed aluminum bar;
  • hooks for hanging;
  • garland with mirror pendants;
  • electric garland.


  1. Attach the bar to the wall with two hooks.
  2. Hang a mirror garland on the rod. To enhance the visual effect, you can cut some of the threads with pendants so that the finished curtain is of different lengths.
  3. Behind the pendants, stretch a light garland and plug it into an outlet.

34. Use twigs to create a rustic chandelier.

This idea can easily be implemented with a luminous garland.

  • dry branches;
  • hemp twine;
  • stain (optional to darken the color of the wood);
  • wood color paint;
  • lampholders with a removable cardboard cover for painting;
  • plastic ties;
  • glue gun;
  • electrical cable black and white color;
  • black electrical wire with plug;
  • branch clamps "nuts".

35. Make a garland of geometric lanterns.

You can make your own lanterns from black wire or natural straw.

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