Installation for flushing heat exchangers: principle of operation. Pump for flushing heat exchangers. Do-it-yourself cleaning and flushing of a gas boiler heat exchanger: tools and technologies Do-it-yourself flushing plant for heat exchangers

A gas boiler is the most popular equipment used by private homeowners who plan to efficiently heat their homes during the cold season. However, the comfort of private housing owners is determined by the health of a functioning heating system, while its flawless operation is possible only if all the working elements of the system are contained in perfect order. Speaking of ideal conditions functioning of the heating gas equipment, it should be noted that all its elements are subject to pollution, which negatively affects the efficiency and duration of its operation. Soot, soot, rust and scale often act as contaminants, which not only reduce the efficiency of heat transfer, but also adversely affect the operation of the device as a whole. How to solve the problem of pollution of gas equipment? Regular inspection, as well as preventive measures, including cleaning of heating boilers, will significantly increase the life of gas equipment, significantly reduce energy consumption and the cost of replacing individual components and elements, reduce the frequency of repair measures and lengthen the time interval between them, and also prevent unwanted emissions into atmosphere of carbon monoxide. Flushing the heat exchangers of gas boilers is the most critical step to ensure the smooth operation of the heating system. How to clean gas equipment, as well as what cleaning method is most appropriate in each case - we will consider in this article.

Functioning of gas boilers: theoretical information

If you study the basic basics of the theory, you can come to the conclusion that the gas heating system operates on the principle of elementary conversion of the energy potential of the burning fuel into the energy of the heat carrier circulating in heating system, most often this function is performed by water. Despite the fact that the heat exchangers of various heating systems may differ slightly from each other, they are combined general design and the principle of operation: a curved pipe, also called a coil, is a conductor for the coolant (water). During operation, under the action of a flame of burning gas, the coil heats up, and the heat generated on this stage, is transferred to the coolant located in liquid state, which is subsequently fed through pipes and goes to heating radiators. The tube heated by the flame is placed in a system of plates, which contributes to a more uniform heating of the coil to higher temperatures.

Important! Heat exchangers are made of materials with high thermal conductivity, such as copper or its alloys.

In order for the coolant in the heating system to be evenly heated, it is necessary to follow several principles that ensure the efficient functioning of gas boilers:

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the heat exchanger both inside and outside;
  • Keep clean and free of blockages in gas nozzles, which are designed to release gas that heats the heat exchanger and its surrounding plates.

Important! Cleaning of a double-circuit boiler should be carried out annually before the start of the heating season, which will increase the efficiency of its operation and reduce energy consumption by at least 10-15%. However, practice shows that in the case of using soft tap water, cleaning can be carried out every three years.

Cleaning gas boilers: the relevance of the problem

One of the most common causes of gas boiler failure is heat exchanger contamination. Experts believe that constant circulation of distilled water in the system or regular topping up of untreated water can save homeowners the need to clean the boiler without affecting its efficiency. However, some owners of private houses often neglect these rules by pouring ordinary tap water of increased hardness into the system, which has not undergone additional filtration, which contributes to the contamination of the heat exchanger and the breakdown of gas equipment. However, it should be noted that in the case of a single filling of hard water into the system, the heat exchanger will not be contaminated, but if untreated water, which contains a high salt content, is constantly added to the system, the calcium contained in the water will accumulate on the walls of the heat exchanger. Calcium salts, deposited on the walls of the heat exchanger, contribute to a decrease in the heating capacity of the system, and are also the main cause of heat circulation disturbance with subsequent blockage of pipes. Thus, this process of circulation of hot liquid through pipes with subsequent sedimentation of plaque is similar to the sedimentation of lime on the walls of a kettle, which, with an increase in the thickness of the scale layer, begins to heat up more slowly.

Every homeowner sooner or later asks the question: “What consequences can arise if you neglect or untimely clean gas boilers?”

  • Overheating of the heat exchanger. In accordance with the principle of gas boilers, the coolant coming from the return line is designed to cool the internal cavity of the heating elements. The settling of scale on the walls reduces the cooling efficiency, which contributes to the failure of the heat exchanger;
  • Failure of significant parts of the system. Due to the fact that the plaque deposited on the walls of the pipes reduces their diameter, the maximum load placed on the circulation pump increases, which negatively affects its performance and contributes to its failure;
  • Excessive fuel consumption It is also due to the presence of mineral deposits on the walls of pipes, which are characterized by lower thermal conductivity, and therefore more energy is spent on heating water.

How to clean a heat exchanger: basic methods

Due to the fact that do-it-yourself gas boiler cleaning can be done in several ways, each of which is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages, it is necessary to consider the main cleaning methods in order.

Manual cleaning of gas boilers

It is the simplest and, at the same time, the most effective method of cleaning the boiler, feasible at home. Manual cleaning of the boiler can be carried out in two ways and includes:

  • Mechanical cleaning of boilers, implying the removal of mechanical particles, including plaque, using metal brush, scraper or vacuum cleaner;
  • flushing, the main stage of which is the soaking of the heat exchanger elements in various active solutions. The use of this method is most appropriate in the case of cleaning a double-circuit boiler, the functional elements and channels of which are most susceptible to contamination.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully study the documentation that came with the heating boiler. Flushing a gas boiler can be carried out in two ways, the first of which involves the complete disassembly of the heating equipment, and the second one omits the use of a special reagent and does not involve the complete disconnection of the equipment from the main system. If you prefer the first option, remember that the heat exchanger is an element that occupies a fairly large space inside the gas boiler and is located directly under the combustion chamber, which greatly complicates access to it. To gain access to the heat exchanger, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • Remove the outer case. To do this in accordance with all safety rules, it is necessary to disconnect the gas supply, as well as turn off the power supply, if such is provided for by the design of the device;
  • Disconnect the heat exchanger from the pipes of the heating system;
  • Remove heat exchanger mountings.

After you have carried out these manipulations, you can pull the heat exchanger out of the boiler and proceed with the cleaning. In most cases, after removing the heat exchanger fasteners, you will find that the internal cavities of the device are clogged with salt deposits (salts of calcium, sodium, and ferric iron). To clean the elements of the system, you will need metal tools - scrapers, pins, as well as a ruff for cleaning the boiler. When using these tools, it is important to be careful not to damage the heat exchanger wall.

Often experienced craftsmen they resort to soaking the device in the bathroom in a weak solution of some acid (most often it is hydrochloric acid). This leads to a softening of salt deposits, which contributes to their easier removal. After completing this procedure, on the advice of specialists, rinse the internal cavities of the device with water supplied under slight pressure. To make it easier for yourself, attach a hose connected to the plumbing system to the nozzle. By carrying out this event, you will make sure how much dirt will come out of the hole. Pressure flushing should their carry out until it comes out of the holes pure water. To increase the efficiency of flushing, you can use a rubber or wooden mallet, which need to tap on the heat exchanger in the process of flushing the internal cavities.

Chemical cleaning of boilers: main aspects

Chemical cleaning of boilers, despite the seeming simplicity of execution, is not the easiest task. To carry it out, you need a specialized device - a booster. Despite the fact that cleaning the boiler with your own hands using a booster is considered a simplified version of the dry cleaning of boilers, you need to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of its implementation.

This process is considered simplified, since during its implementation there is no need to remove the heat exchanger and disassemble the heating boiler. To carry out dry cleaning by this method, it is enough to disconnect two pipes, to one of which a hose is connected that injects a chemical solution into the heating system. It is also necessary to connect a hose to the opposite branch pipe, since the spent chemical solution will exit from it. Thus, a circular movement of the reagent will be carried out inside the heat exchanger and booster.

Consider what a booster is and what elements it consists of?

  • Reservoir, for pouring a chemical reagent;
  • An electric heating element that is not present in all modifications of boosters, however, experts recommend using just such systems. This is due to the fact that the presence of an electric heating element contributes to the heating of the reagent in the system, which, being in a warm form, contributes to a faster and more efficient destruction of mud and salt deposits;
  • Pump.

In the process of dry cleaning of gas boiler heat exchangers, all safety rules must be observed, since equipment is washed using strong acids.

To carry out dry cleaning you will need:

  • Booster (powerful sediment designed for flushing boilers);
  • Boiler cleaning agent;
  • Capacity;
  • Gloves and mask.

Chemical cleaning of heat exchangers is carried out in two stages. First of all, before cleaning the boiler, use shut-off valves to isolate the water inflow into the system. Only after completing this event, you can proceed to further cleaning. Remove the top protective cover of the boiler. If you want to increase the cleaning efficiency, remove the unit after draining the water from it. The first stage involves cleaning the boiler with a chemical reagent using a booster. Cleaning is carried out due to the circulation of the reagent in the system under powerful pressure. The reagent functions in such a way that under its influence, salt deposits on the inner surface of the heat exchanger soften and lag behind the walls. Cleaning the boiler using chemicals can take from 2 to 6 hours. The second stage is somewhat simpler than the first and does not present technological difficulties. It involves the removal of the reagent and the pouring of a substance that neutralizes its residues. Then wait for the unit to dry and install it in place.

Chemical reagents used for cleaning gas boilers:

  • Adipic acid- a reagent that is diluted in water, observing a certain concentration, and then pumped into the boiler after it cools down. Under the pressure of carbon dioxide, carbonates are converted into acidic salts that are soluble in water. In order for them to precipitate, easily washed off with water, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in time;
  • Sulfamic acid- by analogy with adipic acid, it is diluted in water and pumped under pressure using a pump into a cooled boiler. After exposure to the reagent, the boiler is thoroughly washed and dried. The interaction of carbonates and internal elements gas boiler contributes to the successful cleaning of the walls of the device;
  • Boiler cleaning gel- a substance that is not related to acids, but successfully copes with cleaning the inside of a gas boiler from dirt and salt deposits. It contributes to the removal of scale from the metal elements of the boiler and its dissolution, which corresponds to the principle of functioning of any do-it-yourself pump for flushing heat exchangers refined products. The cooled boiler is treated with gel and thoroughly washed with clean water. The specified substance acts very gently, easily cleaning the structure without damaging its walls.

Important! The disadvantage of dry cleaning is the inability to control the chemical processes of acid interaction not only with scale and salt deposits, but also with metal elements boiler, not subject to contamination. However, this detrimental effect can be avoided by adding inhibitors to the acid, which reduce the negative effect of the acid on metals.

Hydrodynamic cleaning of a gas boiler

It is a method of cleaning gas equipment, during which there is no need to disassemble it. This method is based on pumping water into the system (sometimes with an abrasive filler) and then pressurizing it. Due to the fact that during the manipulation the liquid moves at an increased speed, this contributes to the destruction of salt deposits and their subsequent removal to the outside.

Important! The disadvantage of this technique is the possibility of exceeding the critical pressure in the system, which can cause pipe rupture. In this regard, experts do not recommend dynamic cleaning of the gas boiler with their own hands, as it can cause adverse effects on the equipment. To carry out hydrodynamic cleaning, contact specialists who are authorized to work with gas equipment. However, knowledge of the technology for performing work will not hurt you, since, having familiarized yourself with the information provided by us, you will be able to control the work of invited specialists.

Cleaning the boiler from soot: a step-by-step guide

Cleaning a gas boiler involves not only cleaning the chimney, but also cleaning the channels of the gas boiler itself. In case of contamination of the chimney and problems with draft, there is automatic shutdown gas equipment. The accumulation of soot inside the gas equipment does not contribute to the operation of the automation and the shutdown of the boiler, which can cause poisoning of the residents of the house by combustion products. In addition, contaminated equipment does not function properly, and therefore, gas equipment must be cleaned annually, and this is especially true for gas boilers operating year-round.

Disassembly and removal of soot

To remove the parts of the boiler and clean them, you will need the following tools:

Thus, any materials and tools that can be used to remove limescale With metal surface, and you will also need wrenches.

If you follow the guide suggested in this article, you can not only effectively clean the internal parts of the gas boiler from soot and soot, but also prevent smoke in the room or an accident.

First of all, you need to turn off the gas. Then remove the boiler door and disconnect the wire that leads to the piezoelectric element. Unscrew the elements one by one, observing the specified sequence:

  • First unscrew the thermocouple;
  • Then - the ignition electrode;
  • And finally, the pilot burner tube.

Important! To avoid misconfiguration, note the position of the burner in the nozzle. It is recommended that the gasket under the pilot burner be replaced with a new one. Being careful, they take out the nozzle, copper tube and, finally, the burner, while unscrewing the set of clamps.

Important! Use a #17 wrench to unscrew the copper tube fixing nut, use a #10 wrench to remove the ignition electrode, and prepare a flathead screwdriver to loosen the pilot burner mounting screws.

After you have taken out the thermometer sleeve, remove the boiler cover together with the insulating sheet. Then remove the gas duct, having previously disconnected the terminals from the traction sensor. Clean the swirlers removed from the heat exchanger during disassembly using a brush. Clean the base in the same way and outer part heat exchanger. Internal channels must be blown out with a vacuum cleaner. To clean the burner, use a brush and brush. As for the flue, it must be wiped from all sides.

Important! Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to cleaning the nozzle, the outer surface of which is cleaned with a brush, and the hole is cleaned with a thin needle, the diameter of which is somewhat smaller than the diameter of the hole. If you do not clean carefully or choose the wrong needle, you can expand the hole, which will disrupt the combustion mode.

The internal and external elements of the heat exchanger are cleaned with a hard metal brush. Dust and lime residues that have settled on the surface of the boiler are removed with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. To clean the interior surfaces of any shape from plaque, use a boiler brush.

How to assemble in reverse order?

The main burner, copper tube and nozzle are returned to their place in the specified sequence. A pilot burner is installed on a new gasket after it has been cleaned with a metal brush. To prevent damage to the ceramic base, when connecting the ignition electrode, refrain from using the key and perform manual manipulations. Also fix the main parts in place. To carry out a control check, use the soaping of the connections. Checking the tightness of the fixation of the burners and copper pipes ok you will be able to carry out only in the process of turning on the equipment.

Do-it-yourself pumps for flushing heat exchangers A gas boiler is the most popular equipment used by private homeowners planning to heat efficiently

Do-it-yourself pumps for flushing heat exchangers

do-it-yourself pumps for flushing heat exchangers

In this article I will talk about the properties of each individual pipe in order to correctly navigate the choice of pipe material.

Corrugated stainless steel pipe.

PEX - cross-linked polyethylene.

Steel pipes meet all standards. The material for their production is high quality carbon steel.

Advantages of steel pipes:

Resistant to high pressure up to 40 atmospheres calmly. To hydraulic shocks.

Low linear expansion. Allows use at high temperatures.

Not high cost.

Service life up to 10-20 years.

Severe corrosion, which in the future leads to leaks. The inner surface is heavily clogged with various kinds of deposits. As a result, the throughput is reduced.

They conduct stray currents, which also negatively affect the state of the inner surface.

High price installation work. Electric or gas welding required. Thread cutting.

The galvanized pipe is steel pipe, only the steel is coated with a zinc layer to prevent premature corrosion.

The working pressure from the pipe brand varies from 10 to 20 atmospheres.

Spike. The connection of pipes with fittings occurs due to thermal welding, which creates a monolithic connection. For welding (soldering fittings) a welding machine (soldering iron) is used. Soldering fittings takes seconds.

The cost of polypropylene pipes and fittings is two times less than metal-plastic ones.

The operating temperature of polypropylene pipes is up to 75 degrees at a pressure of 7.5 atmospheres. Guaranteed service life of 25 years. The maximum temperature is 95 degrees, but at this temperature, the service life is greatly reduced.

Reinforced pipes are specially designed for heating and hot water supply systems. They can be reinforced with both aluminum foil and fiberglass.

Polypropylene pipe has good mechanical strength unlike plastic pipes.

Withstand several cycles of freezing of the coolant without destruction.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

The big term of operation cold from 50 years. For hot from 25 years.

Absence of corrosion and overgrowth of the inner diameter.

Simplicity and accessibility of installation for any person.

Tightness of welded joints.

High chemical resistance.

Small noise level.

Freezing resistance.

Disadvantages of polypropylene pipes

High coefficient of expansion of pipes when heated.

Poor quality polypropylene materials come across on the market.

When the temperature changes by 50 degrees, the length of one meter of the reinforced polypropylene pipe increases by 2.1-3.5 millimeters. The coefficient of linear expansion of pipes made of reinforced polypropylene is approximately 4-5 times less than that of non-reinforced ones.

Working pressure up to 10 atmospheres.

Advantages of metal-plastic pipes

Are not exposed to corrosion.

Large footage of pipes in the bay.

Plastic, easy to bend.

The coefficient of thermal expansion is less than that of a polypropylene pipe.

According to temperature loads, it bypasses the polypropylene pipe.

The disadvantage of metal-plastic pipes

They are afraid of ultraviolet radiation. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

Do not apply mechanical stress and open fire.

The internal passage of the fitting is always smaller than that of the pipe. Some materials are made from of stainless steel on which plaque can form due to various kinds of coolants.

In terms of working pressure, metal-plastic pipes are inferior to polypropylene pipes. That is polypropylene pipes withstand more pressure than metal-plastic pipes.

All metal-plastic pipes have a five-layer system starting from the inner:

3. Aluminum foil.

5. Outer polyethylene

Connection of pipes with fittings:

1. Split, threaded, collet.

2. Non-detachable, press fittings.

The connection press can be hidden in concrete and other structures.

Corrugated stainless steel

Working pressure up to 15 atmospheres.

advantage of corrugated stainless pipes kafulso and other analogues.

Convenient and fast installation of pipes. It bends easily.

Not afraid of high temperatures.

Not afraid of expansion in length.

Not afraid of hydraulic shocks.

Does not corrode.

Service life is not limited yet. High durability.

But connection fittings have sealing gum, which give a service life of at least 30 years.

Withstands some frost cycles.

Does not require special washing.

Can be mounted under plaster and in underfloor heating.

This pipe is sold in a special polyethylene film, to protect it from sweating or to lay it in underfloor heating, in order to protect it from mechanical damage.

High heat dissipation. Used for underfloor heating and warm walls, as well as for all kinds of heat exchangers.

Not afraid of rodents and mold.

Such a pipe can be used as a heated pipe along the perimeter of the skirting boards. Such heating will be plinth heating.

Working pressure up to 16 atmospheres. Possibility to use for heating and hot water supply.

Very high resistance to corrosion.

Small pipe wall thickness without loss of strength characteristics.

The inner walls of the pipe are not subject to overgrowth.

Exists flexible pipe(annealed pipe), for ease of installation of underfloor heating and other needs.

Annealed pipe sold in coils

Unannealed pipe and fittings

We do not allow the joint of copper with unalloyed steel, since the occurrence of electrochemical processes can cause accelerated corrosion of steel.

PEX - pipe or cross-linked polyethylene

Designed for working pressure up to 10 bar.

Conditionally detachable, compression connections.

Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, unlike plastic, have greater strength and greater resistance to temperature effects. That is, they will last longer in hot water.

The crosslinking of linear polyethylene molecules increased its strength, but at the same time the material (polymer) lost or lost its ability to weld. Therefore, clamp-based fittings are applied to this pipe.

Do-it-yourself pumps for flushing heat exchangers

Do-it-yourself pumps for flushing heat exchangers do-it-yourself pumps for flushing heat exchangers In this article I will talk about the properties of each individual pipe in order to correctly

Do-it-yourself flushing of the gas boiler heat exchanger

The question of washing the heat exchangers of a gas boiler with one's own hands, without involving masters in this procedure, arises in the following cases:

  • finding a gas boiler in a village, or a small town, where there are simply no companies and craftsmen involved in flushing and repairing gas boilers, and there is no desire to look somewhere in the area or nearby town. As a rule, such masters are very expensive, and behave approximately like general designers. spaceships. You have to pay for work and for the road, both ways. This is my example.
  • when there are problems with finances, because flushing two heat exchangers costs a lot.
  • and the main condition is that it is necessary that your hands grow correctly, and you do not consider a simple gas boiler an airplane into which only great great masters can climb.

With a combination of two conditions, you can think about self-flushing the heat exchanger with your own hands. I matured for this procedure for the following reasons - living in a town where there are no normal firms, there are only phone numbers of some masters who once washed heat exchangers for someone. Having called - I found out the price, found out the queue, found out what they wash, and what else they do during disassembly - I decided to do the washing myself. Naturally, the conditions were not liked, but the article is not about that. But it finally repulsed - the "master" had to come by his own transport, and the expenses for the road had to be paid additionally.

The question arose - where to get a booster (a device that drives flushing fluid through a heat exchanger). Naturally, acquaintances do not have such a device, because. the cheapest booster goes from $300.

Pump off washing machine

The farm turned out to have a pump from washing machine(seems to be from samsunga), which was purchased earlier for a couple of coins for a small decorative waterfall. Further, it is a matter of technology, but the main problem arose in the manufacture of a device for flushing the secondary heat exchanger.

The secondary heat exchanger of my boiler looks like this

and the main one is this:

In order not to damage the heat exchanger, it was removed from the aquablock, so here it is with tubes connecting it to the aquablock.

The task is to connect the flush tubes from the pump to it.

We make such a device, by the way, great masters also use it.

We take a plate with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm and drill two holes 16 mm, and one 6 mm, according to the drawing below.

Boiler secondary heat exchanger drawing

and four pads. Issue price $ 2-3. We make two plates. It should turn out like this.

In the future, we put gaskets on the heat exchanger, thread the bushings into the plates, and with the help of bolts and the plate we made, we press the fitting to the heat exchanger.

To connect the hoses, you can buy two 3/4 brass fittings like mine - they will later go to the main heat exchanger, or you can use these cheap ones.

Here we kill two birds with one stone - in the blue ones there is a half-inch thread, and by unscrewing them we have a 3/4 thread. Attaching hoses to fittings is already a matter for the master.

How to insert a fitting into a barrel with a narrow neck is shown below in the picture, the only thing I would add is to tie a cord to the stick, which is behind the fitting, in order to pull our device back without any problems.

I got it like this.

You can still put a tap at the outlet, but there was no suitable one, and it went well without it.

Now the washing process itself is the eternal question of who and what washes. A bunch of forums on the Internet, even more opinions, case studies, and so on.

Most often, "great" masters wash with hydrochloric acid 10 or whatever percentage there is. Orthophosphoric and .... etc. They write that it washes well and there were no bad cases. And who will tell them about them, if the heat exchanger is leaking, they give a guarantee. Just send you to best case away, and you will go to buy a new heat exchanger, or look for a master who solders them.

Reputable companies wash cillit, detex, etc. with expensive preparations, use neutralizers, reducing agents, etc. Therefore, if it is possible to order such a master, then it is worth it, and salt masters, whose washing solution costs $ 1, can be invited at your own peril and risk .

I did not waste time on trifles, I bought a liter of Detex - it costs about $ 10, in bulk, of course, a decent saving would have turned out. The solution is enough to dilute 10 liters of water. I didn’t buy a booster - its cost is high, but there is no desire to flush the heat exchangers of gas boilers.

Therefore, we take the pump from the washing machine. We put everything together. First, fill the canister with 6-7 liters of water heated to 50 degrees, and start the pump.

See that it doesn't leak anywhere. Turn off the pump and fill with Detex. Turn on the pump again for 40 minutes.

The figure shows that the hose, let's call it a return, d = 18 mm, was specially purchased transparent in order to see bubbles and dirt in the process of washing the heat exchanger using a pump from a washing machine.

Washed for 40 minutes, moved the hoses to another circuit. I also wash for 40 minutes. The effect is amazing - the heat exchanger is like new.

We connect the main one, and wash it for 40 minutes.

If you want it to be like in a real booster - after 20 minutes, change the direction of the flow in the heat exchanger by a banal change in the inlet - outlet of the liquid.

In good boosters, you can change the direction of fluid movement without unscrewing the fittings. They say it washes better. Maybe better, but it's still pretty good.

Flushing of bithermal, (bithermic) heat exchangers is no different in technology, but in boilers with such heat exchangers there is no secondary heat exchanger, all the work is done by one device. There are advantages and disadvantages in such a boiler device.

But you do not need to make the device described above.

Attention: The time for flushing the heat exchanger is approximate. If the heat exchanger is heavily clogged, you can increase. In short - you need to look at the effect.

After flushing each circuit of the heat exchanger, we connect a hose, say a return line, to a tap with water and flush the circuit with water for about 5 minutes, since we did not buy a neutralizer.

The pump itself from the washing machine is not critical to the thickness of the pipes, and the flow through the heat exchanger. If the duct is weak, it will not burn, tear the hoses.

The question is how many such washes will last. I do not know, but enough for yourself and your loved ones.

There is nothing to comment on, everything is described in the article. Who cares see how the whole process looks like.

The result pleased - it is especially noticeable on hot water supply. The money savings are huge.

And the saying - "If you want it to be done well, do it yourself", no one has canceled.

I’ll also add - I didn’t change the gaskets on the main and secondary heat exchangers, everything fell into place, without leaks.

Many will say - the collective farm. But this collective farm is not inferior in terms of efficiency and technology to flushing from the great gurus in this "space" business.

I wrote here about flushing the heat exchanger of a gas boiler using a pump from a washing machine, and did not write anything about the very removal of the heat exchanger from the boiler, its installation (as this procedure is solved differently on different brands of boilers), what else needs to be pumped up after its installation pressure in the expansion tank, or check.

What needs to be done is also a thorough cleaning of the outer plates of the main heat exchanger, if it is already in hand.

After increasing the pressure in the system to

1.5 atm. bleed air from batteries.

Still taking advantage of the fact that the water is drained from the boiler, remove the three-way valve and clean it.

And if you have already taken it apart - do not be too lazy to pick up a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush and clean the entire boiler well, especially the burner, naturally without fanaticism.

We will be very grateful to you.

Do-it-yourself flushing of a gas boiler heat exchanger: 1 comment

They came, (by pull I found them somewhere, some friends asked for them), connected the booster to the water circuit, caulked hydrochloric acid. They didn’t shoot anything, they just unscrewed the cold water inlet, and a booster to it. Turned on, under the tap in the kitchen a bucket - washed for 2 minutes (fucked up). They filtered this brew, poured it into the booster again, opened the faucet in the bathroom - turned it on again until it was driven 1 time.

They screwed everything up - they asked for a vacuum cleaner, vacuumed the boiler, called a decent price. The mother-in-law is happy, I'm crazy. I said everything I think about them.

The result - the boiler is on the thermostat, and there you need to give almost full power, if you want some kind of savings. It crackles at full power like an airplane, which indicates a clogged heating circuit.

These motherfuckers didn’t even touch him, they said that, as a rule, he doesn’t get clogged (the boiler has been working for 8 years without flushing). This is not clogged in the bithermal heat exchanger. I don't understand everyone is like that, but that's how people are fooled.

It was the masters with a fucking queue to them, you know?

Do-it-yourself flushing of the gas boiler heat exchanger My fortress

The question of washing the heat exchangers of a gas boiler with your own hands, without involving

Do-it-yourself pump for flushing heat exchangers

Any technique needs maintenance, and gas boilers not an exception. Many homeowners for years and even decades do not remember the need to flush the heat exchanger, but sooner or later this has to be done. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of the equipment, but also saves the owner money. By what signs do they determine that flushing of boilers is needed? How to do it with your own hands?

Why do you need regular cleaning of the gas boiler

Most of the year, water is constantly circulating in the heating system. Over time, a coating of salts, lime, impurities that enter the coolant settles on the details of the equipment. The harder the water, the more mineral deposits appear on the elements of the system. They remain in the heat exchanger for the gas boiler, which negatively affects its operation.

Heating equipment in the house

The principle of operation of heating equipment is based on the fact that the coolant is heated, passing through the curved channels of the coil. To raise the temperature of the liquid, special plates are used. Thanks to these additional elements, the coil itself and the water entering it warm up more evenly. When assembled, the system looks like a car their radiator.

The efficiency of the equipment largely depends on the thermal conductivity of the materials from which it is assembled. Usually copper or alloys with this metal are used. Any growths, deposits on the inner surfaces of the coil tubes lead to a decrease in thermal conductivity and a deterioration in the operation of the system.

Deposits in the heat exchanger for the boiler

Preventive measures are beneficial

If the equipment is not cleaned in a timely manner, problems may arise:

  1. The heat exchanger of a gas boiler constantly overheats and fails faster. It can be replaced, but such repairs are very expensive. To this amount should also be added the inconvenience and cost of heating the house during the period when the equipment is being repaired. Electric heaters are usually included, and this significantly increases the cost of repairs.
  2. Limescale greatly complicates the passage of the coolant through the system. The more scale, the higher the load on the circulation pump. The equipment has to constantly work in emergency mode, which leads to natural wear of spare parts and negatively affects its service life.
  3. A clogged boiler heat exchanger works less efficiently. It takes more energy to heat it up. Accordingly, the gas consumption increases (on average by 10-15%). This means that the owner will overpay for heating, and the house will warm up worse. Simple calculations show that during the season an amount close to that paid on bills for the whole month will come out.

Do-it-yourself device for washing heat exchangers

How often do you clean the heat exchanger in a gas boiler

The frequency of cleaning the heat exchanger depends primarily on the type of coolant and the design features of the unit itself. Least of all, it is necessary to service single-circuit boilers in heating systems in which purified water is used as a heat carrier. To keep them in normal condition It is enough to carry out preventive maintenance every 4 years.

If untreated water circulates in the system, then the boiler should be flushed once every 2-3 years. If the water is hard, then the cleaning regimen is once every 2 years. The secondary heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler must be flushed with the same frequency, because. through it comes unfiltered tap water with impurities.

Most often, maintenance is required for equipment in heating systems, where antifreeze is used as a coolant. It should be washed at least once every 2 years. In addition, you have to control the expiration date of antifreeze, replace it in a timely manner. Otherwise, the efficiency of the system will decrease, and heating costs will increase.

When cleaning heat exchangers, pay attention to appearance boilers, nozzles and, if necessary, carry out repair work. You should also monitor the condition of the chimneys, clean them from soot in time. These simple measures extend the life of heating equipment prevent breakage.

Antifreeze for heating systems

Contact the experts or do it yourself

Professional cleaning of heating boilers is an expensive pleasure. Depending on the condition of the equipment and the features of its operation, the amounts can range from several tens to hundreds of dollars. In addition, the masters rarely arrive in the next few hours, sometimes they have to wait several days. It is not comfortable.

The cost of professional cleaning with a special heat exchanger washing station pays off: the parts are washed from the inside to a shine, and the equipment works much better. But if you want, you can always save money and do the same yourself. The result will not be worse, and you will have to invest only your own time and effort.

Professional device for flushing heat exchangers

Methods for cleaning the gas boiler heat exchanger

There are two main types of flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger - with and without disassembly of the unit. To disassemble the equipment, you will need tools. What exactly - it depends on the design of heating equipment. In some cases, it is generally impossible to remove the heat exchanger, but you can access it by removing some of the parts.

Dismantling the heating boiler

Before starting work, prepare the equipment:

  1. Disconnect the boiler from all power sources, drain the water from the system and the expansion tank. To drain the coolant, special fittings must be provided. If this is not the case, then you will have to turn off the water supply to the house, and then drain it from the system into pre-prepared basins and buckets.
  2. When there is no water left in the system, you can proceed to disassemble the equipment. First, remove the front of the case to gain access to the heaters. If the boiler is double-circuit, then the heater of the second circuit is located closer, the main one is further. To remove it, you need to disassemble the combustion chamber.
  3. Construction details are usually contaminated. Outside, it is advisable to rinse them with special compounds that remove soot and soot. If there are no such products, you can take the traditional household chemicals that are used to wash stoves - gels, cleaning pastes, etc. They should be used only in extreme cases, since even the most aggressive household chemicals it is not able to wash carbon deposits as well as a specialized one, but it can damage materials.
  4. From the inside, the elements of the unit can be washed with a strong aqueous solution of citric acid. It does not corrode metal, but it removes plaque and lime deposits well. Most often there is a lot of scale. It is not possible to cope with it by half measures. In this case, equipment will be required for flushing the heat exchangers of gas boilers. Can be made by hand easy installation with circulation pump.

Soot and soot on heater parts

There are three main ways to clean boilers: manual, hydrodynamic, chemical washing of boilers. Let's look at them in more detail below.

Option #1: Do-It-Yourself Manual Cleaning

Manual is the cleaning of boilers without the use of special mechanisms. Only required simple tools which are found in almost every home. The boiler must be partially dismantled in order to gain access to the heat exchanger and remove it. Next, you should decide how best to remove the dirt - mechanically or using chemical solutions.

If you decide to remove plaque mechanically, you should stock up on a scraper, brush and vacuum cleaner to remove small particles of deposits. If chemical descaling of boilers is planned, then you can use a solution of citric acid, or even better, buy a specialized product.

Well proven trade marks MasterBoiler and SVOD TVN Professional. They are issued in different forms. There are liquids that do not require special preparation before use, and powders. When using, read the instructions carefully. Some formulations foam, and you need to be prepared for this.

How to flush a gas boiler from scale? Almost all compositions are suitable for removing calcium carbonate deposits, and only individual preparations cope with iron oxide deposits. When buying a product, it is important to make sure that it is designed specifically for the types of deposits that are typical for a particular boiler. Of the popular preparations that remove iron oxide plaque, one can advise the REDD TVN Extra.

SVOD TVN Professional

Advice. When disassembling and cleaning the boiler, try to be extremely careful not to damage the parts. Installing them in place after manipulation, check the tightness of each connection.

Option #2: Chemical Wash

Boosters are often used to flush boilers. These are special installations that pump liquid into the channels of the heat exchanger. You can make a booster for flushing heat exchangers with your own hands by connecting a circulation pump so that it drives the acid solution, flushing the equipment from the inside.

A good flush can take up to 10 hours if the channels are very dirty, but usually takes much less time. Cleanliness indicators: carbonate and iron plaque completely disappears, and the inner surfaces of the channels shine. Used to neutralize acid residues. special formulations, they are poured into a booster to flush the heat exchangers at the end of the procedure.

Chemical Wash Booster

Option #3: hydrodynamic cleaning

Hydrodynamic flushing of boilers and heat exchangers is similar to chemical flushing, as it also uses pumps and acidic solutions. The main difference is that the liquid is pumped under high pressure. Sometimes abrasive preparations are used as cleaners.

Since deposits are destroyed under the influence of water hammer, the procedure itself is quite dangerous. If the pressure is higher than allowed, the pipes can be damaged, and their repair will cost a serious amount. It is better not to take risks and entrust this work to professionals.

Condition of the heat exchanger before and after cleaning

Do-it-yourself cleaning from soot and soot

Soot and soot hinder the operation of heating equipment. There are models that automatically turn off in such cases. If this does not happen, then combustion products can enter the room. Harmful gases can poison the residents of the house, so it is important to clean the boilers in time to prevent such situations.

Detergent for flushing heat exchangers

  • Prepare tools: brushes, screwdrivers, open-end wrenches (keys 8-17 are most often suitable), needle, brush, rags. If a complete cleaning of the channels is planned at the same time, a means for flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger will also be required.
  • Shut off the gas, remove the front wall of the boiler, disconnect the wires, ignition electrode, burner tube. During cleaning, it is advisable to immediately replace the pilot burner gasket.
  • Next, you should get the burner, swirlers. They and the surface of the heat exchanger are cleaned with brushes - soft and for metal. From the inside, the channels are blown with a vacuum cleaner.
  • It is convenient to clean the burner with a brush and a needle smaller than the diameter of the burner hole.

Boiler design diagram

Advice. Do not try to widen the burner hole with a thicker needle. It will be easier to clean next time, but the performance of the heating equipment may deteriorate.

DIY booster

  • When cleaning and washing the heat exchangers of gas boilers with your own hands is finished, the equipment is assembled in the reverse order. First, the burner, nozzle, tube are put in place, the ignition electrode is connected, etc.
  • The assembled boiler is tested. It is turned on and the tightness of the connection of tubes and burners is checked. If the equipment is working properly, it can be put into operation. If there are any failures, then the boiler will need to be disassembled again and the connections sealed.

Do-it-yourself replacement of a heat exchanger in a gas boiler

How to flush the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler

How to clean the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler

Attention! If you are not sure that you can handle flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger with citric acid or special tool, contact the experts.

How to make a do-it-yourself pump for flushing heat exchangers photo

Do-it-yourself pump for flushing heat exchangers

Do-it-yourself pump for flushing heat exchangers Any equipment needs maintenance, and gas boilers are no exception. Many homeowners have spent years and even decades without

During operation, a thick layer of scale is formed on the walls of the heat exchangers, as well as limescale. As a result, the efficiency of using boilers and other heating equipment is significantly reduced. To return the heating system to its capabilities, you can use in modern ways cleaning pipes and radiators with flushing units. the main task installations for flushing heat exchangers - ensuring the forced movement of the chemical flushing agent supplied to the system, which will remove most of the build-up, scale and various pollution. The pump is the main part of the flushing system.

When to clean heating equipment

Clean heating and technological systems equipped with heat exchangers, as planned after the completion of the heating season, or once every 2 years.

Cleaning is also carried out as necessary - this can be determined by significant deviations from the required indicator for the pressure of the coolant in the system or from temperature data. If you clean the system in time, you can avoid replacing the heat exchanger on the gas boiler. This is a big money saver.

Scheduled flush

Private homeowners clean up autonomous systems much less often. But if signs of pollution are detected, the owner should think about the need for preventive maintenance. In the event of a drop in the efficiency of the heating system, not only the “pipe in pipe” heat exchanger (or any other) is washed, but also the radiators, as well as other components of the system.

Signs of pollution

When does a heat exchanger need to be flushed? This can be determined by the following signs. So, fuel consumption increases significantly for frequent stops, heat transfer drops, batteries do not warm up enough. Also, the need for flushing is indicated by the rapid clogging of the filters.

If flushing is regularly performed using installations for flushing heat exchangers, then pipelines and other elements of the system get rid of blockages, as well as violations of the coolant circulation processes.

Low-power treatment equipment is used for autonomous heating systems in private housing construction. More efficient pumps for flushing heat exchangers are used in multi-storey residential buildings, office buildings, as well as industrial facilities.

The use of such equipment helps to prevent accidents, failure of radiators, the need for major repairs or complete replacement, and an increase in energy costs.

In boiler equipment, the heat exchanger is a critical and responsible unit. It is on him that the efficiency of space heating, as well as the correct course of technological processes, depends. Flushing should not be abandoned, especially if it was announced by experienced specialists after the diagnosis. Cleaning with a heat exchanger flusher using hydrochemical technology is much cheaper than overhaul or complete replacement heating equipment.

Flushing technology

There are several cleaning methods that can be divided into:

  • Collapsible.
  • CIP.

Collapsible technology is necessary when heavy pollution or if it is necessary to replace any components of the system. During work, the heat exchanger must be disassembled, and then each component is subjected to mechanical, hydrodynamic or chemical washing.

Since collapsible cleaning requires certain resources, a method is most often used that does not require the mandatory dismantling of the system. This is a chemical washing technology. If it is carried out regularly, it will help to preserve the properties and characteristics of the device for the entire service life.

The technology is simple and economical. For its implementation, a pump is needed to flush the heat exchangers. It is connected to the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. The result is a contour. Further, a chemical reagent is poured into a special container of the pump, after which it enters the inside of the heat exchanger. The flow direction on different devices can be changed both manually and automatically. After flushing is complete, the reagent will be neutralized. It is drained, and the heat exchanger itself is washed with plain water.

Washing Equipment Types

If heating is carried out in a timely manner, this will help get rid of corrosion, scale and sediment. There is a special equipment for maintenance of heat exchangers. There are several types of such installations. We will talk about them further.


This technology is the supply of compressed air to the heating system along with water. Through high pressure and frequent pulses, small air bubbles actively fill individual areas. This allows you to quickly and effectively exfoliate deposits on the walls of the water heat exchanger.

For cleaning in this case compressors are used. This equipment allows you to flush the entire heating system. But the process is carried out in stages. For maximum effect, rinse small areas. Before proceeding to the process, determine the required amount of water and the level of pressure that will be supplied to the DHW heat exchanger or any other.

It is possible to carry out hydroflushing in two ways - flowing and filling method. The first technology involves the complete filling of the system with water. In this case, you need to open the valve of the air collector. After maximum filling, the valve is closed. Compressed air is then supplied to the system by the compressor.

Washing chemicals

They are used to obtain the maximum effect from flushing heat exchangers and heating systems with copper pipes. Chemicals are also suitable for steel products. With installations for washing heat exchangers, red liquids are used, which, reacting with contaminants, change their shade. Depending on the volume of dirt, the amount of the product is adjusted. Along with special fluids, hydrochloric or phosphoric acid is also used. These substances will help to rinse the “pipe in pipe” or any other heat exchanger as efficiently and quickly as possible.

For high-quality cleaning, from 10 to 30 percent is pumped into the system chemicals. The use of aggressive substances allows not only to clean the various elements of the system, but also protects against corrosion, water foaming, and increases the life of the boiler.

Device for descaling "Romantic-20"

This is a very affordable product that allows you to rinse the entire heating system with the highest quality. But it is important to understand that the device is intended for use in systems where the coolant volume is up to 300 liters.

This appliance removes scale and other contaminants. "Romantic-20" has the function of automatic reverse control. The pump power is 1.5 bar, the head is up to 10 meters, and the performance characteristics are 35-40 liters per minute.


This installation can be used not only for heat exchangers and heating systems. It effectively cleans the supply systems drinking water. Also, this device is widely used for cleaning water heated floors, solar collectors and other equipment. "Ropulse" removes the effects of corrosion, scale and other contaminants.


This is a small pump that allows you to effectively flush heating systems and boiler heat exchangers. The device is used for washing steel and copper pipes. The system is suitable for where the amount of coolant is not higher than 300 liters.

With its compact size specifications circulation pumps "Rokal" are quite high. So, the productivity is up to 40 liters per minute. The pump is capable of maintaining pressure up to 1 bar.


This is a modern system equipped with an electronic control function. Pumps of this type are used not only for heat exchangers and heating. They can also be used for flushing potable water systems.

Judging by the reviews, Cillit-boy is the highest quality and fastest process for hydropneumatic cleaning of hot water or other types of heat exchangers. Due to the use of new technologies, the unit evenly supplies compressed air and water. The vibrations are constantly pulsating. Due to this, they pass not only through the pipes, but also clean the boiler from the inside.

Do-it-yourself washing device

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the design of the washing station. This is a pump, a reservoir resistant to aggressive chemicals, as well as hoses for connecting to a water heat exchanger or to a heating system. Therefore, you can assemble this installation with your own hands.


Boosters are called devices for chemical washing of heat exchangers in boilers and columns, any radiators and for cleaning the heating system. The operation is carried out without the need to disassemble the system. The installation consists of three parts:

  • Pump.

There are systems without TENs. However, they are of low efficiency. Let's see how to make a booster for flushing heat exchangers. The first thing you need is a reservoir. A plastic canister with a volume of 10 liters or more can act as a container. You will also need ½ or ¾ inch hoses and a pump.

Make a booster based on the type of pump. It could be an element submersible type or separate pump. In the case of a submersible, no holes are needed in the tank. A hose is attached to the pump, which is connected to a heat exchanger. The second is taken to the tank. The main thing is that the pump can withstand acid exposure - there are a number of chemically resistant devices.

A remote pump is more convenient for these purposes. You can apply even the most ordinary circulation mechanisms for heating systems. To connect to the tank, you need to use a spur. It is connected to the bottom of the tank and then clamped with nuts. All connections must be tight. Then a coarse filter is installed on the drive. Behind him, the second hose is connected to the heat exchanger. This is how the system is cleaned.

The disadvantage of such devices is the absence in the design of the heating element. Flushing with cold reagent will take much longer. Also it is more high costs for electricity.

A gas boiler will last a long time without creating serious problems if it is periodically inspected and prevented. Therefore, owners of a private house are often interested in the problem of how to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler, the furnace and chimney of the appliance, and how often this should be done.

Flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger

A heat exchanger is an element in the form of a pipe system, in the channels of which the coolant moves. Since the water functioning in the heating system is not crystal clear, the various metal salts contained in it are deposited on the inner walls of the pipes. They turn into scale and as a result significantly reduce the diameter of the passage, which affects the speed of movement of the heat carrier.

In addition, the deposits formed are a kind of barrier that reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal heat exchanger. For this reason, the temperature of the coolant is significantly reduced. To prevent damage to the unit, it is necessary to deal with scale.

There are several options for fixing it:

The first two methods are used when flushing is performed. The third option will not work on your own, since you will need a special compressor that creates a working pressure equal to several tens of atmospheres. Such equipment for flushing heat exchangers allows you to break up dense deposits that have accumulated on metal surfaces.

For the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that self-flushing of the heat exchanger is not an easy task. To do this job, you need to have certain skills. When implementing the first method (mechanical cleaning), the heat exchanger will need to be removed, and this is quite problematic.

Mechanical cleaning of the heat exchanger

As an element of a gas boiler, the heat exchanger occupies a large space inside the unit. It is located above the combustion chamber, and it is not easy to get close to it.

Before flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger, this element is removed:

  • first remove the outer part of the case. Before this, disconnect the gas supply and electrical power, if present in the device;
  • the heat exchanger is disconnected from the pipes of the heating structure;
  • remove the fasteners of this element.

Inside the pipes, when the descaling of the heat exchanger has not yet been done, you can see that its cavities are clogged with deposits. Most of them are made up of salts. various metals, usually sodium and calcium. Cleaning is carried out using metal tools such as pins, scrapers, etc. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the wall of the heat exchanger.

The device is soaked in a container, it is possible in a bath, and a weak acid solution is poured there, for example, hydrochloric acid. After the deposits soften, they are removed. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the internal cavities with water under low pressure. To do this, you can use a hose connected to the water supply by attaching it to the pipe.

Chemical flushing of the heat exchanger

Performing a chemical flush on your own, when using special flushing fluids for heat exchangers, is not a simple undertaking.

For such work, you will need a device - a booster. This method is simplified and therefore it is necessary to know the features of its implementation. It is easier to carry out, since there is no need to dismantle the boiler and remove the heat exchanger from the unit.

It is necessary to disconnect two pipes, connect a hose to one of them, pouring the agent for washing the heat exchangers into the device. The composition should come out of the opposite pipe, to which a hose is also attached. As a result, the reagent will move in a circle inside the booster and heat exchanger.

Apparatus for flushing heat exchangers - booster consists of the following elements:

Chemical solutions for washing are freely sold in the distribution network. When choosing a reagent, one should take into account the degree of contamination, the types of deposits formed and the material of manufacture of the heat exchanger.

Typically, consumers use solutions based on acids - hydrochloric or sulfuric, less often - nitric or phosphoric. Data chemical compounds it is possible to remove dense and thick deposits. This is especially true for layers formed by ferric salts.

When the pollution is insignificant and the frequency of washing the heat exchangers is observed, it will be sufficient to use compounds based on adipic or sulfamic acids. On sale are not only liquid solutions, but also gels diluted with water.

Cleaning the boiler from soot

When gas is burned, unburned heavy oil products are released, which are black layered film formations. This soot, adhering to the heat exchanger and to the surface of the combustion chamber, reduces the thermal conductivity of metals. Thus, it becomes a barrier that prevents the penetration of heat. Soot must be disposed of in the process of cleaning the gas unit. The external surfaces of the heat exchanger and internal furnaces, as well as the chimney, are cleaned. This work can be done on your own.

If the soot layer on the heat exchanger does not exceed 2 mm, then it can be easily removed with a scraper or a damp sponge.

If there is more pollution, then the installation for washing heat exchangers and chemical solutions are activated. For this, it is desirable to use acid-based reagents. As for cleaning chimneys, there are many ways to do this work.

Flushing of plate heat exchangers

During operation, the heat carrier circulates through the plate heat exchangers. Substances in the working fluid settle on the plates, and as a result, heat transfer decreases.

Flushing of plate heat exchangers is carried out at least once every 2 - 4 years using one of the following methods:

Washing of shell-and-tube heat exchangers

Washing of shell-and-tube heat exchangers is carried out, as a rule, by hydroabrasive and hydrodynamic way because today they are considered the most effective. For particularly difficult pollution, they are combined with hydrochemical washing, which is used to initially soften lime deposits, and only after that water and non-rigid abrasive materials are added.

  1. The method of hydroabrasive cleaning of heat exchangers is most effective for very dense, already cemented pollution. High-pressure flushing liquid combined with abrasives is the perfect solution for cleaning shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
  2. When lime deposits are not too dense, it is advisable to use the hydrodynamic flushing option, for which industrial devices are used that operate with a pressure of not more than 1600 bar.
  3. The hydrochemical method involves the use of a special liquid with the addition of corrosion inhibitors for flushing heat exchangers - in some cases it can be quite effective. But in some places of the shell-and-tube element, foci of corrosion processes sometimes occur.

Video about the need to flush the gas boiler heat exchanger:

You will need

  • - Booster - apparatus for washing;
  • - washing liquid;
  • - set of wrenches;
  • - wrench;
  • - Screwdriver Set.


Flushing of heating systems and heat carriers in boilers is carried out using a special device - a booster. It includes a reversible circulation pump and a cleaning liquid container. You can rent a booster, you can buy it in specialized stores. You will also need to stock up on special flushing fluid and a neutralizer. In most cases, Cillit-Kalkloser and Cillit-Neutra, or their domestic counterparts TMS DM and TMS DP, are perfect. The choice of cleaning agents must be made in accordance with the nature of the pollution, the material of the heat exchanger and the type of heat carrier.

Before flushing the heat exchanger, remove the decorative cover from the boiler and disconnect the device from the heating unit. To do this, unscrew the mounting screws and remove the casing from the canopies, and unscrew the connecting flanges or nuts of the quick couplings on the supply and return pipes.

Then you should attach the booster to the boiler. This is done by means of hoses and special adapters, which are selected depending on the type of connection and the diameter of the nozzles. Before turning on the booster, it is necessary to disconnect the boiler from the mains and close the gas valve, and also check the reliability of the connection on the inlet pipes.

The first stage of washing is etching. This procedure consists in intensive circulation of an acid solution through the heat exchanger, which decomposes limestone, rust and other deposits. The pickling agent is poured into the booster storage tank through a wide mouth. Depending on the degree of contamination, two to six hours of operation of the booster in different directions circulation. It may also be necessary to change the etch solution as the chemical reaction progresses.

After etching, the system must be flushed with a neutralizer. This is done to remove the remnants of decayed deposits and bring the environment to a neutral level of acidity. To carry out neutralization, the booster is turned off and the entire composition is drained from the heat exchanger into a receiving tank. Then the product is replaced and the booster is turned on for another hour and a half.

Upon completion of the flushing procedure, the waste liquid is drained from the booster and the hoses are disconnected from the boiler. It is necessary to connect the supply and return pipes to the inlet pipes, turn on the power supply, gas supply and check the operation of the boiler. After flushing, as a rule, there is an increase in water temperature, a decrease in heating time and gas consumption.

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