What is the best insulation for attic floors? Insulating the ceiling of a cold attic. The negative aspects are obvious

When providing insulation for a private home, we must not forget that Special attention should be given to a place like the attic.

Warm air tends to rise to the top, and therefore temporarily unheated room heat can escape through the cold attic space. Therefore, the issue of insulating the attic must be resolved without delay.

1 Why do you need attic floor insulation?

Insulation of a cold attic floor with stone or mineral wool, according to by and large needed in lightly used rooms that are properly equipped with special roof ventilation.

The attic, or rather its ceilings, serves as a kind of boundary between heat and cold. In such places, the attic floors are exposed to intense moisture due to the formation of condensation.

However, you can properly insulate the floors in the attic of a house with mineral wool with your own hands. The very process of insulating the floor in the attic with mineral wool is the creation of a durable thermal insulation coating, which will have a low degree of thermal conductivity.

The technology itself for insulating floors in the attic with mineral wool implies strict adherence to its stages and requirements.

The technology itself is quite simple and understandable. Good thermal insulation attic floor using mineral wool Helps close unwanted gaps.

To do this, the insulation must be laid tightly. In most cases, mineral wool is used to insulate the attic of a house.

The presented insulation is the most suitable for this type of work; it can also be used to insulate the floor surface in the living areas of the house.

By organizing good insulation with mineral wool, the most optimal temperature will be maintained in residential premises.

If the procedure is performed incorrectly, moisture rising from the floor of the house will lead to the formation of condensation.

It will accumulate on the ceiling and then seep through the ceilings. The resulting temperature difference in those areas where the attic floors adjoin the walls of the house initiates the formation of mold and microscopic fungi, which can be causative agents of allergic diseases.

1.1 Requirements for attic insulation

The process of insulating the attic floor and, more precisely, the level of its quality has a direct impact not only on the size of heat loss, but also on the duration of the operational life of the entire truss structure and roof coverings.

The fact is that water vapor located inside the heated room diffuses to the attic of the house. In order for the insulation used to provide a high degree of calculated efficiency of the thermal insulation layer, it must always be dry.

Based on this, the insulation must be protected from excessive humidification by vapors of rising heated air using a special vapor-proof material.

If the attic space is well insulated, it will not only provide high-quality thermal insulation, but will also help increase the service life of the entire roofing structure.

If there is no vapor barrier, steam will penetrate through unprotected ceilings attic space and condense on the floor surfaces.

This will lead to moisture flowing onto the rafters, which, under its influence, will begin to slowly rot from the inside.

As a result, the likelihood of destruction increases roofing pie. The thermal insulation performance of the structure is also reduced due to the fact that the tightness of the vapor barrier layer has been compromised.

Before insulating the attic, you need to drain the layer and remove moisture from the entire attic space. To do this, ventilation should be done through windows. They can be:

  • Skate like;
  • Cornice;
  • Slotted;
  • Auditory.

In order to ensure maximum ventilation intensity, the indicator of the total area of ​​all ventilation holes should be equal to 0.2-0.5% of attic floors.

If all work is carried out correctly, then winter period Icicles will not form on the roof. The process of insulating the attic space itself is carried out not from the living quarters, but from the attic floor.

This is the most convenient way to lay insulation, the choice of which depends on the technology used and the design features of the structure.

1.2 Features of insulation of beam floors

When implementing such an insulation scheme using mineral wool, heat is retained in the space between the beams. Their usual height is almost always enough for this, but if necessary, several bars are packed on top.

The lower part of the ceiling is sewn up using molding material as with. For this, lining or sheets of plasterboard can be used.

The subfloor covering is laid on top of the beams. This can be a tongue and groove board, plywood sheet or OSB board. Mineral wool is placed on a previously prepared special vapor barrier layer.

An alternative can be an ordinary film made using polyethylene. If the vapor barrier material is foil-coated, then it is laid with the shiny surface down.

The intermediate distance between the beams is filled with mineral wool with the required thickness parameters. The surface of the beams must be equipped with an additional insulating layer.

This will lead to blocking the so-called cold bridges and significantly reduce general level heat loss If timber was used to create beams High Quality, then the finishing material spreads directly onto their surface.

Mineral wool is placed between them as if, and the attic floor is laid on top. The use of this technology is especially important in houses that are made of logs or beams.

It is important to reliably protect mineral wool from the smallest drops of moisture, this is especially true if the roof has minor coating defects that cause leaks.

The layer of mineral wool must be reliably protected from the effects of wind from the eaves. For this purpose, mineral wool slabs with a high degree of density are used.

2 Why is mineral wool used to insulate an attic?

In most cases, when insulating attic floors, the consumer's choice falls on mineral wool. Its advantage is that its installation does not require special skills.

Mineral wool has excellent thermal insulation properties. Its structure consists of thin glassy fibers, the length of which ranges from 2 to 60 millimeters.

High sound insulation characteristics are ensured due to the presence of a large number of air pores.

These pores are located in the space between the fibers and can occupy 95% of the total volume of the insulation. Mineral wool is presented in three varieties; it can be basalt glass and stone.

Basalt wool is made using molten basalt rocks, to which binding elements are added.

This may be a carbonate type rock, which regulates the acidity level of the substance, which entails an increase in the service life of the insulation. Glass wool exhibits high heat-resistant properties and can withstand temperatures up to +450 degrees Celsius.

2.1 Technology for insulating attic floors with mineral wool

When carrying out work related to mineral wool, it is important to comply with all safety requirements and regulations.

This is due to the fact that in the process of cutting and laying such material, the air is filled with tiny particles that can enter the respiratory organs and thus cause harm to human health.

When carrying out installation, be sure to ensure the availability of funds personal protection. Goggles, a respirator and thick rubber gloves must be available.

The process of insulating attic floors begins with the selection of the necessary tools and additional materials. You can't do without:


  • Boards and plywood;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Mineral wool (excellent);
  • Waterproofing;
  • Scotch tape;
  • Roulettes;
  • Knife;
  • Construction stapler;
  • Spatula.

The essence of insulation technology is that the insulation must be carefully laid in the space between the attic floors or beams.

To enhance the thermal insulation qualities, reliable vapor barrier protection should be used. Warm and moisture-saturated air will continuously rise from the living rooms and reach the top through the ceiling.

There, in the under-roof space, it will collide with a layer of insulation. Due to the fact that mineral wool is generally considered a vapor-proof material, it will absorb all the outgoing moisture inside itself.

If she is left without the necessary air access and sun rays, it will gradually shrink and eventually lose all its heat-insulating qualities.

In order to avoid such destructive consequences, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier material under a layer of mineral wool.

Before starting the main work, you will need to carefully calculate the required amount of insulation.

The amount of cotton wool purchased depends on how many layers you plan to use when covering the attic space. In addition, the thermal insulation thickness parameter directly depends on the features climatic conditions in the region.

2.2 Proper insulation of the attic floor (video)

Today, energy-saving technologies are being introduced everywhere. Private construction was no exception. IN country house or dacha, heat escapes in all directions: through the roof, walls, floor, windows and doors. And there is enough information on insulating the above-mentioned elements of the house.

But what about those who have a basement under the first (1) floor, two-storey house or a house with an attic? Who is looking for an answer to the question of how and with what to insulate the interfloor ceiling? After all, many believe that external insulation will be sufficient.

This is true, but only if the roof is well insulated. And the attic or attic is constantly used. Otherwise, the interfloor ceilings need insulation. Because reliable insulation of the roof slopes will prevent heat from escaping outside, but not into the unheated upper room. The floor also needs to be insulated, because the cold rises from the basement.

Before you start insulating the floors of a house, you need to find out what type of floor we are dealing with: floor beams or a monolithic slab. And also what is used as the flooring material: concrete, metal or wood. The choice of material, its thickness, and the method of insulation (on the ceiling or on the floor) will depend on this.

The ceiling made of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab is always insulated.

Floor slab insulation technology

  • the slab is leveled. For this, a cement-sand mortar is used. If there are deep cracks in the slab, funnels or V-shaped grooves should be made from them. This way the solution will fill the voids more completely. Then apply the mixture and smooth it out. It's easier to do this on the floor.
  • a vapor barrier film is laid. Front part film is directed towards more warm room. You need to lay the film overlapping. If the temperature of the rooms is the same, the film may not be used.
  • Thermal insulation material is laid. This is where the catch lies. The insulation must be selected so that it can withstand spot and permanent loads and at the same time maintain its original geometry. Therefore, in this case, it is possible to insulate the floor with expanded clay, sawdust, expanded polystyrene or high-density basalt wool. Alternatively, you can install wooden joists, and lay insulation between them. The subfloor is filled onto the joists.

Tip: Near chimneys and other heating elements, fire-resistant insulation must be used.

  • Spread a waterproofing film over the insulation. Also overlapped.
  • lay the subfloor. A concrete screed or plywood flooring is suitable as such.

Technology of insulation of floor slabs on the ceiling

Sequence of work:

  1. leveling the slab;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. insulation - polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. IN in this case there are no restrictions on the hardness of the material, but soft or loose material is simply not suitable for insulating the ceiling on a slab;
  4. mesh (reinforcing, polymer or fiberglass) + putty;
  5. plasterboard or wooden lining.

It is worth noting that due to the complexity of the work, this method of insulation is used very rarely.

The most popular material for arranging the interfloor ceiling in a house is wood.

Wooden beams are good because they are easier to install and are affordable. And, importantly, they transmit much less heat than concrete.

Therefore, let us dwell in more detail on how to insulate floors according to wooden beams.

Technology for insulating ceiling beams

Sequence of work:

  • prepare the beams. That is, inspect for fungus, bark beetles and other troubles. If there are problems, they need to be eliminated. If the house is old, then before insulating the wooden floor between floors you need to.
  • attach a waterproofing film or superdiffusion membrane. The film is attached with markings to more warm wall. The advantage of the membrane is that it is both a water barrier and a vapor barrier. Without letting water through, it is able to let steam through.

The beams should also be wrapped in film. In this case, the edges of the beams should be left free by 10-15 mm. This way, the natural drying of the wood will be maintained.

Tip: The film can only be laid between the beams, and the beams themselves can be treated with a primer or other solution.

  • fix the insulation. Ceilings are most often insulated with foam plastic, due to the rigidity of the material, or with mineral wool.
  • after installing the insulation, it is carried out fine finishing ceiling.

Insulation of interfloor ceilings with foam plastic

Performed in the following sequence:

  • The insulation is cut to size minus 1 cm (for further fixation). You can cut it to size, but then you need to fix the sheet with umbrella dowels, glue or special adhesive foam;
  • the insulation is fixed with pegs. To do this, a wooden peg is hammered between the beam and the foam;
  • the joints and connections with the floor beam are covered with polyurethane foam;
  • after drying, excess foam is trimmed off;
  • fastens polymer film. In the event that you plan to putty the ceiling.

The process of installing polystyrene foam on the ceiling is shown in the photo.

Insulation of interfloor ceilings with mineral wool

The second method of insulation is insulation of interfloor wooden floors using mineral wool. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the distance between the beams is measured;
  • The insulation is cut to size.
  • The wool is placed in the space between the beams. Moreover, if the height of the beam is greater than the height of the insulation. You need to lay cotton wool in two layers.
  • the insulation is fixed to the ceiling using wire.
  • a layer of membrane is laid.
  • It is better to finish such a ceiling with plasterboard, suspended ceiling or wooden clapboard.

The process of installing mineral wool on the ceiling is shown in the photo

Technology for insulating wooden floors

Insulate the floor in wooden house, on wooden beams or reinforced concrete monolithic slab, on the floor is much easier. Mainly due to the fact that all work is carried out on the floor.

Floor insulation is performed using:

  • polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam

  • mineral wool

  • expanded clay, etc.

Sequence of work:

  1. the floor is leveled;
  2. a vapor barrier film spreads. Be sure to overlap;
  3. insulation is installed. For loose and rigid insulation materials, film is not needed;
  4. a hydraulic barrier is laid;
  5. gets settled concrete screed or lay a subfloor made of plywood, OSB or natural boards.

Those who value the environmental friendliness of thermal insulation material can be advised to insulate the floor with sawdust or straw. In this case, other insulation should be used near structural elements that can heat up.

Insulation interfloor ceilings on the floor - sawdust and straw

Correctly performed insulation attic floor at home ensures that heat is retained indoors rather than wasted on heating a cold attic. Warm air, rising, will freely pass through the ceiling, which means that all expenses for heating the room will ultimately be spent on heating the street.

This means that it is necessary to insulate the attic floor using suitable thermal insulation agents at the stage of building construction or before finishing the interior.

The technological process of thermal insulation is determined by the design features of the building: wooden beam or solid reinforced concrete structure.

However, in any case, thermal insulation products for insulating the attic must:

  • have minimal thermal conductivity;
  • have moisture-repellent properties;
  • be fireproof;
  • resist rot or mold;
  • have little weight.

Based on this, today the following is usually used as insulation for attic floors using wooden beams:

  • Mineral wool. Inexpensive, lightweight, durable material, which is easy to work with. Typically, mineral wool is laid in the space between the beams in two layers with the expectation that the thickness of the material will be at least 20 cm. In this case, the joints are tightly adjusted, but not jammed. If you plan to further develop a living space or attic, then insulating the ceiling of a cold attic necessarily includes the installation of sheathing.

  • Expanded clay. It is a loose mass of baked clay. Suitable for all types of floors, however, it is more often used for insulation concrete slabs. However, the use of this material can only be limited by the load-bearing capacity of the building structure. The optimal layer of expanded clay when constructing a thermal insulation layer is at least 16 cm; this must be taken into account when calculating the material.

  • Styrofoam. The cheapest option used for insulating attic floors using reinforced concrete slabs or wooden beams. Its advantages include: ease of installation, light weight, excellent thermal insulation and low cost, however, polystyrene foam is not resistant to the formation of fungal mold and is susceptible to high temperatures.

  • Sawdust. Inexpensive natural insulation, often used in the attics of private houses. It has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. However, such material attracts rodents and insects, is easily flammable, is susceptible to mold, absorbs moisture, and cakes.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before insulating the attic floor in a private house, it is necessary to prepare lumber, hydro- and vapor barrier, standard carpentry and power tools. Thus, to carry out the technical part of the work, you will need:

From hand tools:

  • a pair of hammers (heavy and light);
  • rip and cross saw;
  • plane;
  • set of chisels;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

From power tools:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver with replaceable attachments;
  • Instead of a crosscut saw, sometimes it is much more convenient to use an electric cutting machine.

To fix roll insulation, it is convenient to use a special construction stapler with staples.

A film made of foamed polyethylene or a vapor-permeable waterproof membrane is suitable for creation. To seal the joints tightly, you will need foil tape.

From lumber you will need bars with a cross-section of 62x62 mm, as well as boards with a thickness of at least 25 mm. To finish the floor, each owner uses Decoration Materials at your own request.

Important! Before carrying out thermal insulation work, all wooden components of the structure must be treated with special antiseptics and, if possible, antipyretics. This will avoid the occurrence of putrefactive or moldy processes in the wood, and will also provide fire-fighting properties.

Filing the rough ceiling

During construction wooden houses the entire load from the roof falls on wooden load-bearing beams made of timber or logs, with a cross section of at least 120x120 mm. Most often they are mounted on load-bearing walls the structure of the house, parallel to its narrow side and they are the load-bearing elements of the ceiling of the upper floor and the attic floor.

The insulation of the attic floor using wooden beams is called hemmed, since both the rough and finished ceilings are hemmed from below to the load-bearing elements.

Before you start insulating the attic, you need to make a rough ceiling. The main materials used here are usually edged boards and plywood. In this case, the boards are fastened tightly using galvanized self-tapping screws.

Vapor barrier

For any type of floor, vapor barrier is an integral step. A thin and durable film is attached to the ceiling itself, since this helps prevent vapor condensation in the heat insulator when heat enters from the heated room.

can be installed under any finishing materials. They have additional functions in the form of protection from wind, water, dust. Therefore, the space under the roof will be reliably protected not only from the harmful effects of condensation, but also from atmospheric influences with maximum effect.

To install a vapor barrier, it is enough to evenly distribute the film over the surface of the attic floor and secure it with metal staples, while the joints should be taped with foil tape.

Installation of thermal insulation

After installing the rough ceiling and vapor barrier layer, ceiling beams will be located on the attic side, so the thermal insulation will be between them. Based on which insulation is chosen, the installation process itself may differ slightly.

So, for example, to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic with mineral wool, sheet or roll material laid on the vapor barrier layer without any creasing or compression. Another layer of film is laid on top of the insulation.

This entire pie is attached using a furniture stapler to beams and walls throughout the entire area of ​​the room. Joints vapor barrier membrane must be sealed with metallized tape.

When installing polystyrene foam, a waterproofing film is unnecessary, since the polymer insulation itself does not allow air and moisture to pass through.

Typically, foam plastic is mounted on the surface of the rough ceiling in two layers.

When using expanded clay as insulation, a two-layer vapor barrier is used. However, in this case it is necessary to fill in a mixed-fraction granular mass of baked clay. This will avoid the formation of voids in the thermal insulation layer and improve heat and sound insulation.

The technological process of insulation with sawdust is similar to the use of expanded clay. However, here very often wood chips are mixed with other binding components: clay, cement or gypsum. In any case, the sawdust must first be dried, treated with antiseptics and, if possible, antipyretics. Note!

Any mineral insulating material is capable of transmitting heat and moisture. To improve the heat-saving properties and extend the service life of the insulation, it is necessary to use special vapor-proof films.


When the interfloor pie is ready, it is necessary to waterproof the cold attic space. It will help prevent the appearance of leaks and condensation. Most often, the role of waterproofing is performed by foiled polyethylene foam. It is attached using a stapler with the metalized side facing out, leaving ends 15-20 cm long wrapped on the walls.

The joints, as in other cases, are sealed with foil tape.

A sheathing is installed over the entire surface of the resulting structure, which will subsequently serve as the basis for the final coating of the ceiling. Moreover, this is necessary to create an air-thermal floor cushion.

Installing a floor in the attic In most cases, attics in private houses are used as utility rooms

for storing unnecessary trash. But it is also often used to make a living room or attic. In any case, this room must have a reliable, safe floor. The type of thermal insulation material used in a particular case will help you choose the right material for creating a subfloor in the attic. So, for example, if the attic floor is insulated with mineral wool over wooden beams or polystyrene foam is used as insulation, then the floor covering must be rigid. As rough material Thick plywood is most often used,

Expanded clay insulation is covered with thick plywood. Cement screed is sometimes used as a rough floor covering when arranging a living space in the attic, if the load-bearing characteristics of the building allow.

Sawdust-cement or sawdust-clay insulation after drying becomes rigid and resembles a reinforced concrete rough coating, so finishing can be done directly on it.


There are several variations on the theme of how to insulate an attic floor. Which one to apply to a particular room depends on technical features structure and preferences of the owners. The main thing here is the correct observance of all technological stages of laying thermal insulation.

The attic floor separates the heated part of the building from the cold part. Choose correctly required material and the thickness of the insulator - this means reducing heat loss and saving material costs in heating season. Let's talk about insulating the attic floor using wooden beams with your own hands.

Construction of a wooden attic floor

Load-bearing elements in the attic wooden floor are beams. They are made from coniferous species tree. The cross-sectional size of the beams is taken based on the load that the element absorbs. ABOUT correct calculation We told you about wooden floor beams in the article “How to calculate wooden floor beams”.

For each specific climatic conditions and depending on the ability of the material to resist heat transfer, according to the thermal engineering calculation, its own value for the thickness of the heat insulator is obtained.

Scheme of attic floor insulation: 1 - joists; 2 — cranial bars; 3 — board shield or boards; 4 - vapor barrier; 5 - counter-lattice for ventilation gap; 6 - insulation; 7 - clean floor; 8 - ventilation gap

Black floor wooden shields or boards are mounted on cranial bars. Next, a membrane-type vapor barrier is laid, insulation is laid on it, which is covered with another layer of membrane.

If the attic is in use, a clean floor is laid on top. If not, then running boards (min. 40 mm thick) are laid along the beams. All wooden elements are antiseptic. To ventilate wooden structures, when laying a clean floor, a gap is left between it and the insulation.

Selection of material for insulation

Bulk materials

Expanded clay

You can insulate attic floors using bulk materials, which include expanded clay. It has a relatively low weight (250-600 kg/m3) and high resistance to heat transfer. Ease of installation and relative low cost determine the choice of this material.


Expanded vermiculite is obtained by heating vermiculite rock to a temperature of 700 ° C, which at the same time increases in volume by 25 times. Its thermal conductivity is from 0.13 W/m K, and volume weight- up to 200 kg/m3.


Expanded perlite also belongs to bulk thermal insulation materials. Perlite rock is crushed and fired to produce a porous structure. Expanded perlite is environmentally friendly, does not burn and is bioresistant, and has high thermal insulation properties (0.052 W/m K). Its volumetric weight is 160-250 kg/m3.

Piece materials

Piece insulating materials are manufactured in the form of: sheets, rolls, plates, mounting shells and segments. To insulate attic floors, slabs and rolls are most often used. In this case, roll-type insulation is preferable, since it does not leave joining seams, which slightly worsen the resistance to heat transfer.

Basalt wool

Mineral wool slabs and rolls of basalt fibers are the most popular thermal insulation material in house construction. It is made from crushed and molten basalt by blowing. Basalt wool has low thermal conductivity (0.32-0.048 W/m K) and low volumetric weight. This material is biostable, environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive.

Glass wool

Glass wool in its characteristics is very close to mineral wool. It is also obtained by melting the starting material, which in this case is broken glass. Glass wool has longer threads, greater chemical resistance and strength, and is less expensive than mineral wool.

It is produced in the form of slabs, mats, rolls, reinforced and with a reflective layer. The volumetric weight of glass wool ranges from 25 to 200 kg/m3, heat absorption is 0.035-0.045 W/m K. The disadvantage of fiberglass is the need for personal protection during installation.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene (foam plastic) also belongs to slab insulation. This is a cheap, lightweight, moisture-resistant material with good thermal insulation properties. In private housing construction, it is often abandoned due to rodent damage and low resistance to high temperatures.

Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex) has good properties insulation, less fire hazardous than simple polystyrene foam, but when burned it releases toxic substances.

Polyurethane foam

Slab polyurethane foam (foam rubber) has a high resistance to heat transfer (0.029-0.041 W/m K) and low volumetric weight (30-80 kg/m 3). Rigid types of this material are used in construction. Sprayed polyurethane foam creates continuous surface insulation, both thermally and hydrologically. It is also resistant to temperature changes and is durable in use (up to 20 years).

Foam glass

Foam glass is a type of glass that has a cellular structure. It has low thermal conductivity (0.04-0.08 W/m K), water resistance, high strength and fire safety. The percentage of porosity of foam glass reaches 80-95%. Volumetric weight varies from 100-200 kg/m 3.

Peat slabs

Organic thermal insulation materials include peat slabs. They are made from young sphagnum moss using a wet and dry method. Under the influence of temperature, peat fibers stick together. Peat slabs are divided into ordinary and moisture-resistant. Their volumetric weight is 170-300 kg/m3, the coefficient of thermal conductivity is 0.05-0.07 W/m·K.

Fiberboard boards

Fiberboards are made from wood fiber, which is first mineralized and then mixed in the required proportion (cement - water). Thermal insulation boards have lower volumetric weight (300-350 kg/m 3) and thermal conductivity (0.085-0.95 W/m·K) than structural fiberboard.

It is quite easy to make a fiberboard mixture yourself and lay it directly in place. It is possible in advance by special technology make slabs out of formwork the right size, and then mount them on the ceiling.


Reed, which is practically the cheapest, is also used as a thermal insulation material. It is made from compressed reed stems sewn together with steel wire.

The volumetric weight of reed is 175-250 kg/m3, the coefficient of thermal digestibility is 0.05-0.08 W/m·K. Its disadvantages are low fire resistance and biostability, high water absorption and damage by rodents.


Ecowool (cellulose wool) is an environmentally friendly thermal insulation material. It is made from recycled cellulose raw materials with the addition of antiseptics and fire retardants. Most often they are boric acid and borax.

In stores you can find it packaged in plastic bags. When laying, the ecowool is loosened and then laid out at the insulation site. In fact, the density of the insulation should be at least 35 kg/m 3 for the ceiling, which is quite difficult to determine by eye.

This thermal insulation material has good performance thermal conductivity - 0.037-0.042 W/m K, low volumetric weight (28-63 kg/m 3), moderately flammable and bioresistant. Ecowool can prevent about 20% moisture from entering the inner layers, while maintaining its thermal insulation properties.

Cork boards have been used for thermal insulation for a long time. They are made from crushed waste from cork production by mixing with glue or heat treatment. Pressed slabs in special molds are dried at a temperature of 80 °C.

The volumetric weight of cork insulation is small and amounts to 150-250 kg/m 3, the thermal insulation value is high (0.04-0.08 W/m K). The advantages of this insulator include:

  • biostability;
  • low water absorption;
  • low volumetric weight;
  • relatively high strength as a heat-insulating material;
  • fire resistance (slowly smolders);
  • not affected by rodents.

Features of laying thermal insulation on a wooden floor

Insulation made of mineral and glass wool is installed with mandatory vapor barrier. By absorbing water, the insulation loses its thermal properties, so careful protection from moisture is needed. Vapor barrier films are laid with an overlap of 100 mm.

Thermal insulation with a reflective coating reduces heat loss from the floor. It is placed with the foil down. The use of penofol is justified only in baths and saunas.

If the thickness of the thermal insulation material is greater than the height of the floor beams, it is necessary to lay additional slats to create an air gap. Multilayer thermal insulation is installed with overlapping joints.

The dimensions of rigid thermal insulation boards are adjusted with special care so that the gaps do not increase the thermal conductivity of the floor. Otherwise, the installation of this type of insulation does not differ from the installation of thermal insulation from mineral wool slabs.

Bulk heat insulators are evenly distributed throughout the entire space between the beams, observing the required (calculated) layer thickness. Since almost all of them absorb moisture, such an insulator is protected from moisture on top and bottom by a membrane film.

The choice of material for thermal insulation of the attic floor is determined by the following criteria:

  1. Material costs, including delivery costs.
  2. Local availability of material.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. Health safety.
  5. Fire safety.

You can reduce the stress of a building's structure by choosing insulation with a lower volumetric weight and a low heat absorption rate.

Insulation of the attic floor concerns to a greater extent cold rooms that are not used as residential ones, that is, with uninsulated roofing system and natural ventilation. In such cases, the attic floor becomes a kind of boundary between heat and cold, where the likelihood of condensation moisture forming is especially high. It’s interesting that you can easily handle such a responsible job yourself.

Why do you need to insulate your attic?

To install the roof slope, you need to adhere to a certain angle of inclination. It is formed between the rafters and the floor beams located on the upper part of the walls of the house. They form the floor of the attic. For technical work A boardwalk is installed underneath them.

Timely insulation of the attic floor of a house is necessary for the following:

  • Reducing heat losses through the upper ceiling. Warm air rises, so the ceiling of the top floor of the house should be insulated as much as possible from the air of an unheated attic. Good thermal insulation allows you to maintain a temperature in living areas around the dew point. The result of any violations will be condensation formed on the ceiling, and in just a few weeks there will be a need to repair it.
  • Waterproofing. The correct configuration of the heat-insulating layer implies mandatory installation waterproofing materials. If a roof leak occurs, moisture should not penetrate into the living room.
  • The temperature difference in the areas where ceilings and walls meet becomes a decisive factor for the occurrence of mold and microscopic fungi - the causative agents of various allergic diseases.

In essence, this is the arrangement of a durable and durable coating made of thermal insulation material with low thermal conductivity.


The material can lead to tragic consequences of dubious quality or non-compliance with technology.

Requirements for attic insulation

Insulation of the attic floor of a house, its quality, significantly affects not only heat loss, but also durability rafter system and roof coverings. Water vapor from internal warm rooms diffuses intensively into the attic, but, as is known, in order for the insulation to provide the calculated thermal insulation efficiency, it must be dry. Therefore, it is protected from moisture vapor warm air, laying vapor-proof material on the “warm” side.

Good vapor and heat insulation, in addition to thermal protection, helps to increase the durability of the roofing structure. Indeed, in the absence of a vapor barrier, water vapor penetrates through the ceiling into the attic, condenses from the attic side on the surface of the roof covering and flows down onto the rafters. As a result, metal coatings and parts corrode and collapse wooden rafters and roofing pie.

The thermal insulation properties of the structure are also reduced due to a violation of the tightness of the vapor barrier layer.

Ventilation through vents: ridge vents, eaves vents, and slot vents helps to dry the layer and remove moisture from the attic space. dormer windows. To ensure optimal ventilation intensity, the total area of ​​ventilation openings should be about 0.2–0.5% of the attic floor.

Properly carried out work prevents the intensive formation of icicles on the roof. After all, how do icicles appear? If it is poorly insulated, the heat passing through it begins to warm up the roof, melting the snow lying on it. The resulting water, flowing down the roof, freezes and turns into icicles.

Insulation of the attic floor is almost always carried out not from the side of the living space, but from the attic floor. Performed in several ways. The choice of technology depends on constructive solution structure and insulation used.

Insulation of beam floors

An option for heat conservation in such a structure is between the beams. Usually, their height is enough for this, but if there is not enough, you can fill a block on top. The floor from below is covered with molded material, say, clapboard or sheets of plasterboard, and the attic subfloor covering is laid on top of the beams: sheets of plywood, OSB boards, MDF, etc.

The insulation must be laid on a layer of special vapor barrier or polyethylene film.

On a note

If the material is foil, then lay it down with the shiny side.

The gap between the beams is then filled with insulation of the required thickness. It is recommended to lay an additional layer of insulation on top of the beams, this will help avoid “cold bridges” and reduce possible heat loss

If high-quality, well-processed timber is used for the beams, then the finishing, say, massive board, laid directly on the beams. The insulation is placed between them, and the attic floor covering is laid on top. This technology is quite common in houses made of rounded logs or timber.

Light fibrous materials are blown by air currents and drafts, that is, heat is removed from them. These troubles, of course, can be avoided if protection is provided with windproof, vapor-permeable materials. Thus, the thermal protection of the attic is improved. Moreover, the insulation is protected from moisture droplets. Let's say the roof has minor damage and minor leaks.

The insulation must be protected from the wind and from the eaves side. For this, slabs of high-density mineral wool or a wooden board left on edge are usually used.

Partial penetration of thermal insulation onto the external wall will ensure complete heat retention of the house.

What insulation materials are most often used

The installation technology is practically no different from the traditional floor-mounted one for a living space. It is important to choose the right material for making the heat insulator. Recently, the most common way to insulate attic floors is with mineral wool.

Why mineral wool?

This is a heat-insulating material made from basalt rocks of volcanic origin. They undergo heat treatment in a special drum-type oven. During this process, the molten mass swells and stretches into fibers. To form a dense material, they are processed with special binding materials.

As a result, a material with unique properties is formed, which is successfully used to insulate attic floors. For an objective analysis, it can be compared with other types of heat insulators - and.

  • Thermal insulation. The heat transfer coefficient for mineral wool is 0.035 W/m*K. For foam plastic it is slightly higher - 0.04 W/m*K. Expanded clay has the worst performance – 0.4 W/m*k.
  • Hygroscopicity. Foam plastic does not allow moisture to pass through, so if you insulate the joints during installation, you don’t have to use additional waterproofing layer. Mineral wool is hygroscopic - it absorbs moisture. But this does not lead to its swelling. Expanded clay also slightly absorbs moisture.
  • Flammability. In this plan basalt insulationperfect option. It does not burn, and its structure melts when exposed to a temperature of 700°C. This quality is very important - a chimney passes through the attic, the surface temperature of which can reach high values. Polystyrene foam, when burned, releases substances harmful to humans.

Mineral wool can be used to insulate almost any surface, even uneven ones. It is produced in soft slabs or rolls. It is advisable to use a material that has a metallized heat-reflecting surface. Cut mineral wool using an ordinary knife. Place it tightly between the beams, without jamming, without gaps. This is an inexpensive, but durable and effective option.

The work requires some precautions: glasses, gloves, and those with allergies are advised to use respirators.

The layers are laid in the same sequence:

  • vapor barrier;
  • mineral wool;
  • vapor-permeable moisture-proof membrane.

The floor film is spread overlapping, and the joints must be either glued or secured through wooden slats staples using a construction stapler. The thickness of the layer is selected based on thermal engineering standards for each specific region.

On a note

Insulating and soundproofing the floor with cotton wool materials is considered the simplest and most effective solution.

Stone wool

Mineral wool slabs today are often replaced with stone wool. Unlike mineral wool, which is often made from low-grade slag-basalt using bitumen binders, stone wool is an environmentally friendly material.

This insulation is distinguished by excellent characteristics - both technical and operational. Unique structure internal structure of stone wool: chaotic arrangement of fibers, provides an effective thermal conductivity of 0.036-0.045 W/m*K. It significantly exceeds the insulation of its class in these indicators, provides excellent protection against temperature changes and guarantees microclimatic comfort.

Thermal insulation of tiled floors

The principle of prefabricated insulation reinforced concrete slabs or monolithic floors similar to the same process in the case of beam type. True, since the vapor permeability of reinforced concrete slabs is quite low, performing a vapor barrier on the “warm” side is not necessary. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is calculated taking into account the type of supporting slab. Tiled, having flat surface, capable of carrying a large load.

How best to insulate

Let's start with the fact that you can install wooden beams on the slabs and place insulation between them. These can be backfill materials or mats of various types.

Installation technology

To install mineral wool, you will need to first prepare the attic space. To do this, you should remove all unnecessary things from there. The surface of the subfloor is cleaned of dust and dirt. If it is wooden flooring, it is recommended to install a layer of waterproofing.

It is best to use rolled polyethylene foam for this. This film for floor insulation in addition to thermal insulation properties has almost zero moisture absorption. A slight thickness (2-4mm) will not affect the increase in the insulation layer.

It is important to choose the right thickness basalt wool– it should not exceed the height of the joist taking into account the waterproofing layer. Models with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of up to 30 kg/m³ are often used.

The installation technology consists of the following stages of work.

  • Preparatory work. Before installation, you need to insulate the chimney pipe. This is necessary to prevent direct contact of its surface with the heat insulator. The best option is to make a small circular masonry from fire bricks around the pipe.

  • Installation of insulation on the floor should be carried out only after installing thermal insulation on the inner surface of the roof slope. This additional measure will significantly improve the thermal energy conservation rate not only of the attic space, but of the entire house as a whole.
  • Installation of waterproofing protection. As mentioned above, it is best to use polyethylene foam film for waterproofing the attic. It should be located on the entire surface of the subfloor, including on the floor beams. The joints are insulated using special tape.

For fastening, you can use double-sided duct tape, but do not use a staple gun or nails. This may lead to seal failure.

  • Installation of heat insulator. Proper insulation of the floor of a cold attic begins with calculating the amount of material. The main indicators are total area rooms and the distance between beams. The latter is necessary for selection optimal model insulation. The width of standard slabs is 600 mm.

If the distance between the floor elements is greater, you need to use roll type mineral wool. Depending on the manufacturer, its width can reach 1 m.

Having counted required quantity insulation, you can begin its installation.

Roll material is installed from the roof. The edge of the heat insulator should extend slightly onto the surface of the slope - this will help to avoid the appearance of gaps between the different layers of the heat-insulating layer.

The material is pressed tightly to the floor surface. It does not require additional fastening. When the entire surface between the beams is insulated, the roll is cut using a knife.

The rest of the attic floor is installed using the same scheme. After this, technological wooden flooring can be installed on top of the beams. These can be ordinary boards, the thickness of which can support the weight of an adult.

Backfilling of thermal insulation material

Backfilling of insulation can be done without installing lags. Expanded clay or slag is poured in a layer of 25–30 cm, leveled and filled with a thin layer of screed. It is recommended to stick roofing felt onto the slabs.

It is possible to insulate without floor joists using rigid insulation. Foam glass is considered the most effective, but also expensive. Sometimes foam concrete is used, however, it is somewhat heavy and the estimated height of its layer should be approximately 40 cm. In this case, a screed is not used.

Proper insulation of the attic floor is the main factor in maintaining heat in the house. It is important to follow the order of installation of all materials of the thermal insulation layer. You should also worry about operational safety - be sure to install a protective structure around the chimney pipe.

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