Church put a candle. What does the burning candle say? How to put suppositories rectally

- one of dosage forms quite popular nowadays. Vaginal suppositories are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. Today we will present you the answer to the question - how to enter correctly, what are the doctors' advice on this issue.

  • As a rule, doctors prescribe the use of vaginal suppositories once, maximum twice a day. Before inserting a candle, a woman should wash her hands thoroughly with plain soap, then rinse well running water. You should immediately prepare candles and a gasket.
  • The time for the introduction of a vaginal suppository is in the evening before bedtime. This is necessary so that the liquid from the dissolved candle does not leak onto the laundry. The candle is inserted in the supine position with the buttocks raised. Some suppositories are equipped with a special applicator device that helps to insert the candle to the maximum depth.
  • To make it convenient to insert the candle, you need to bend your knees, pull them up to your chest, pick up the applicator with the candle and insert it into the vagina as far as possible, as deep as possible. Pull the accessory back out slowly and very carefully.
  • If there is no auxiliary device, then you can simply enter with your finger for the entire length of the finger. If the candle is inserted incorrectly and shallowly, the candle will dissolve under the influence of body temperature and flow out all over the linen.
  • After the insertion procedure is completed, the woman should remain in the supine position for another 20 minutes, then the melted candle will not go beyond the body and produce the desired effect.
  • After the introduction of the suppository, residual discharge appears, which is the norm - the vaginal suppository, even with completely correct insertion, is not completely absorbed into the tissues of the vagina. And so here you need to use the prepared gasket.
  • After 20 minutes, the woman can stand up. However, it is better to stay in bed until morning, then the effect will be the best.
  • During treatment with vaginal suppositories, as they say, it is undesirable to have sexual intercourse, as there is a possibility of re-infection. Even better, if the woman's sexual partner also passes full course treatment, at least, will pass the necessary tests and undergo an examination. This is due to the fact that often it is men who are carriers of the infection, but are not aware of it, since external signs illnesses are not observed.
  • It should also be remembered that any medicinal drug preparation has side effects and unwanted effects.
  • The use of vaginal suppositories is allowed only after the recommendation of a gynecologist.
  • Some vaginal suppositories have their own characteristics of use, so you should always carefully read the annotation attached to the package with the drug.

Candles can be designed for insertion into the rectum or into the vagina. This form of drugs is often prescribed to patients today because suppositories are effective and do not have a harmful effect on digestive system. But not all patients know how to properly insert suppositories into the rectum or vagina.

medicinal suppositories

Candles for introduction into the rectum are widely used in the treatment infectious diseases excretory and reproductive systems. Suppositories from hemorrhoids are often used, which reduce pain, reduce nodes and relieve itching. This method of taking the drug has many positive qualities compared to tablets. How to insert candles correctly will be described later.

The drug contained in the suppositories immediately enters the bloodstream, that is, it acts much faster and much more efficiently. In addition, rectal use of drugs does not have a negative effect on the digestive system (especially if there is a need to take a large dosage). But sometimes suppositories are still not recommended for medical reasons. These are severe forms of hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures and other diseases.

Introduction of rectal suppositories

How to insert candles correctly? The technique of treatment with rectal suppositories is quite simple, but for those who have never encountered this form of drugs, difficulties may arise. Before inserting the suppository into the rectum correctly, you need to wash and dry your hands well. Hands should not be hot, because the candle will melt too quickly. For this reason, before starting the procedure, it is recommended to keep the medicine in the refrigerator or under cool tap water for several minutes. But the candle should not be too cold, because this can lead to discomfort.

How to insert suppositories rectally? The candle should be released from the packaging when it becomes a little warmer. If the doctor has prescribed only half of the suppository, you need to cut the medicine lengthwise with a clean knife. When inserting, it is better to use clean medical gloves. You need to take care of their availability in advance. For ease of insertion and a minimum of discomfort, it is advisable to lubricate the sharp end of the candle with cream (children's or special lubricant). Vaseline is not recommended for this. If not at hand suitable remedy, then you can usually use vegetable oil. If there is nothing at hand, it is enough to moisten the anus plain water.

Sometimes the contents of the candle may leak. Therefore, you should take care in advance that there are several disposable napkins nearby. How to insert candles correctly? It is most convenient to administer the medicine in a pose on the side. In this case, the lower leg should remain straight, and the upper leg should be bent at the knee (towards the stomach). With one hand, you need to lift the upper buttock and advance the candle a distance of about five centimeters. After the introduction, you need to squeeze the buttocks and hold them in this position for a couple of minutes. Then you should remain in the supine position for a few more minutes. This will not allow the candle to come out until it is completely dissolved.

Introduction of vaginal suppositories

In gynecology, suppositories and tablets for local action are also widely used, which must be inserted into the vagina. How to insert suppositories into the vagina? Before the procedure, you should wash your hands and perineal area very thoroughly without using aggressive detergents. It is better to insert vaginal suppositories at night, doing this already in bed. Some drugs are sold with an applicator that allows you to enter the drug and advance to the required depth correctly.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly? For convenience, you need to take a prone position, pull your knees to your chest and insert the applicator, with which you can push the candle into the vagina. Remove the applicator very carefully and without haste. In the absence of a special applicator, it is required to insert the candle with your fingers as far as possible. With a shallow injection, the medicine will simply flow out.

After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least 30 minutes. Candles are not completely absorbed, so for hygienic purposes, you will need to use a napkin or sanitary pad. At the time of therapy, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse in order to avoid re-infection. The partner also needs to be examined, because men of this kind of disease are often asymptomatic.

Vaginal tablets: how to administer

Vaginal tablets eliminate gynecological diseases or designed to protect against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs are in solid form. Before using the tablets, you need to wash your hands, if the nails are long, then it is advisable to wear medical gloves. The tablet should be moistened with water. The medicine is administered in a prone or squatting position as deep as possible into the vagina. After the introduction, it is desirable to lie down for at least 15 minutes. If the doctor has prescribed to administer the pill at night, then you should not get out of bed.

Pills for contraception contain substances that destroy the sperm membrane, which leads to the inability of male germ cells to conceive. These substances dissolve and form a film on the mucosa. The film forms a thick plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. So, tablets are considered a barrier remedy. Such contraceptives should be administered immediately before sex. It is important to follow all the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. After the introduction, you can not wash off for 30-60 minutes.

Medicines in the form of suppositories or tablets in the vagina are prescribed for discharge, itching and burning, bad smell. In addition, this form of drug administration can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. With abundant discharge, it is recommended to first rinse the vagina so that there is an effect from the use of the medicine. But you can not use detergents with aggressive components.

Precautionary measures

Only a doctor can prescribe vaginal tablets or suppositories. You can not self-medicate or act on the advice of a friend. The wrong scheme of application can complicate the course of the disease, and the process will become chronic as a result. Such initiative is also unacceptable in the case of pills that are used as a means of contraception.

Introduction of candles to young children

How to insert candles for small children? Here the procedure is slightly different. The child needs to be put on his back and with one hand lift the legs up. With the second hand, the candle is inserted into the rectum. Pre-grease better anus outside is not big amount baby cream or oil. The medicine should be used after a bowel movement so that the suppository does not come out with the feces. It is better for very young children to administer suppositories during sleep.

Appointment of rectal suppositories for children

Children are often prescribed rectal suppositories, because this is a gentle form of the drug. They are prescribed even to newborns to reduce the temperature in case of illness. Suppositories are very effective, although the procedure cannot be called pleasant. To prevent the baby from crying, you need to distract him with a toy or turn on a cartoon. It is very important when using suppositories to think about the risk-benefit ratio. It may make sense to save the child from an extra dose medicinal product if the body can handle itself.

From correct use medicines, compliance with the instructions for use, exact compliance with the dosage and course of treatment, the effectiveness and the achieved result depend.

Rectal suppositories are no exception.

Some patients are dismissive of this simple form of medication.

And candles, along with other means, successfully stop bleeding, relieve pain, do not allow the inflammatory process to develop, and regenerate tissues.

How to use candles for hemorrhoids correctly so that they bring the maximum effect?

How to apply correctly?

Using candles for hemorrhoids is not difficult, but there are certain rules. If the manufacturer recommends administering suppositories once a day, it is better to do this before bedtime.

With multiple administration, the procedure is repeated as many times as the candles are injected.

Hygiene measures

Suppositories are placed after a bowel movement. If the patient suffers from constipation, do an enema.

After the enema, it is necessary to wash the anus and perineum with detergent, wipe dry. Washing - compulsory procedure before the introduction.

With external and internal hemorrhoids, there is a strong inflammatory process. If you do not comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, bacterial infections will be added to it.


Rectal suppositories are cigar-shaped with a pointed end on one side. The mass of the drug for adults is no more than 4 grams, the length of the product is 3 cm, the diameter is from 1 to 1.5 cm.

Candles are packed in a soft plastic sealed package. For the convenience of customers, many manufacturers leave the edge of the package not completely sealed.

To release the candle from the plastic capsule, just pull the ends of the package.. If the plastic is dense or the capsule is sealed on all sides, you must carefully cut off the edges of the package and remove the suppository.

You can not hold a candle in your hand for a long time, it can melt. It is better to put it in a specially prepared container.

If the agent is not stored in the refrigerator, it is cooled before use.


The most comfortable position is lying on the left side. The right leg is bent at the knee and slightly pulled up to the chest. In this position, you can enter rectal suppositories on your own.

In a standing position with an inclination forward, it is difficult to put a candle on your own. This will require an assistant.

It is also difficult to place candles in a squatting position.". In this position, it is impossible to relax and tense muscles cannot hold the candle and push it back.

How to insert candles correctly?

  1. For a more comfortable introduction, the sharp end of the candle can be lubricated with a water-soluble gel.
  2. Lying on your side, spread the buttocks with one hand, and gently insert the suppository with the sharp end into the anus with the other.
  3. With your index finger, push the product to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  4. It will take about half an hour to melt the base and absorb the drug. It is better to spend this time in bed, lying on your stomach.
  5. After that, you can return to your normal lifestyle.
  6. When finished, wash your hands well with soap.
  7. If disposable gloves were used, they must be disposed of.

The drug is almost completely absorbed and does not stain underwear. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to use a napkin or daily pad.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women can use rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids only with the permission of a specialist and under his supervision.

The safest for the expectant mother and her fetus are candles based on herbal ingredients and natural bee products.

  1. Suppositories with extracts of sea buckthorn, calendula, seaweed gently affect tissues, healing microcracks.
  2. Organic acids, micro- and macroelements stop the development of inflammation of hemorrhoids, successfully cope with bacterial infections, and have a positive effect on the walls of venous vessels.
  3. Propolis has a venotonic effect, lowers blood viscosity, normalizes blood circulation in hemorrhoids.

Putting rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women on their own, especially before childbirth, is difficult and inconvenient. Someone needs to help them with this.

Breastfeeding women should make sure that the ingredients of the suppositories will not cause allergic reaction The child has.

If the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation cannot be carried out in other ways, and the substances contained in the candles raise doubts about their hypoallergenicity, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding.

In addition to suppositories with natural substances, nursing mothers are prescribed drugs with lidocaine to relieve pain and itching.

The use of candles for children

If it becomes necessary to put candles for children, use suppositories intended for the treatment of adult patients.

  • For adolescent children, it is best to administer suppositories from hemorrhoids in the “lying on their side” position;
  • A single dose of the drug for children should not exceed 2 grams;
  • Depth of introduction not less than 1.5 cm;
  • Suppositories are divided into 2 parts, cutting them with a blade along;
  • Children younger age they do not know how to use candles correctly, their parents help them to carry out the procedure.

In order not to damage the epithelium of the baby's rectum, you should lubricate the anus or the sharp end of the candle with a water-soluble agent, push it inward with the little finger, and not with the index finger.

Children are recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids candles with herbal ingredients.

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment for children with rectal suppositories.

He selects individual doses and sets the terms of treatment.

Helpful information

Rectal suppositories have different effects:

  • Anesthetize and relieve spasm of the sphincter;
  • Stop bleeding;
  • Prevent the development of the inflammatory process;
  • Prevent thrombosis;
  • Heals the walls of venous vessels.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is a long process, it can last from 3 to 6 months. With advanced forms of the disease, repeated courses are carried out. Each drug has its own course of treatment.

Instructions for use rectal drugs contain recommendations not only on how to properly administer them, but also introduce contraindications and side effects.

Read the instructions carefully and follow the doctor's recommendations. It depends on how long you will be treated and what result you will achieve.

It is clear that diseases differ. With some, you need to insert candles anally, while others - vaginally. Ointments or other preparations are applied in the same way. But, when faced with this process for the first time, the patient is lost, not knowing how to do it correctly.

For the medicine to work the best way and distributed evenly throughout the damaged area, simple rules should be followed.

How to administer rectal suppositories correctly

Such drugs should be stored only when low temperatures, for example, in the refrigerator. The point is that if the temperature environment reaches 34 0 C, then the candle will begin to blur, after which its use will become impossible.

They take the package and carefully pull the candle out of it. It is recommended to do this with clean hands, otherwise dirt will get on the candle. Next, prepare the anus. They boil water, wait for it to cool down a bit (to a warm state), and then fill it with an enema. Using an enema kills two birds with one stone: cleansing is in progress gastrointestinal tract and dilation of blood vessels. Therefore, the drug will work more efficiently.

To improve the hygiene of the procedure, gloves made of rubber or polyester are used to insert candles. Then you need water, petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. These substances lubricate one of the ends of the candle, which helps to insert it better. It is recommended to always do similar procedure, because the anal passage is quite narrow, and it is difficult to insert a candle into it, especially if there are hemorrhoids. Moreover, you need to do the above steps if a candle is inserted into a child.

Then they lie on their side and insert a candle. As soon as the candle completely passes into the anal canal, we can say that it was inserted correctly. If a person uses suppositories as a drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, then they should penetrate very gently inside, without causing pain and without causing damage. To do this, gradually, without making sudden movements, rotate the candle clockwise.

Doctors say that as soon as the procedure for inserting a candle is completed, you do not need to get up immediately. It is best to lie down for a few more minutes. At least 25 is recommended, but in general the body will absorb the medicinal elements in the candle in 40 minutes. In addition, on internal organs mechanical action has been applied, and such rest will allow them to recover.

How to properly insert vaginal suppositories

A vaginal suppository is inserted differently than an anal one. It needs to be bent first. The measure of the bend is the length of the index finger.

Each medicine contains its own ingredients, which should be considered when prescribing them by a specialist. After all, the body of one person calmly endures what the body of another cannot endure.

It is necessary to perform hygiene of the genital organs before introducing a candle into them, i.e. simply wash. Do not use the drug if a woman is menstruating, because therapeutic effect candles in this case are completely neutralized. Hands are washed too. Soaps are not used, gel for intimate hygiene, too, only warm running water.

In addition, sanitary pads are needed, because in the morning all the substances that are processed overnight will pour out of the vagina.

For the correct introduction of the candle, you must lie down. Some types of this drug have special applicators that will greatly facilitate the procedure for a woman. Next, the knees are pulled to the chest, after which you need to gently push the labia apart with one hand, holding them, and insert the candle with the other. If an applicator is present, then after the drug is immersed in the vagina, it is carefully pulled out.

If there is a need to insert a candle during the day, you should lie down for about 20 minutes. But in general, all vaginal-type candles are used at night, before going to bed. The thing is that only during this time the composition of this drug will completely split. Then apply the gasket.

It is undesirable while a woman is being treated with a candle to have sexual contact, otherwise infection is possible.

Introduction of suppositories Betadine

It is worth knowing that such a drug has several contraindications, so you need to read them carefully. These include the following:

  • Allergy to iodine and medicines based on it.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland, for example, adenoma.
  • during physiological procedures.

It is forbidden to use Betadine suppositories until puberty occurs. The preparation contains a lot of iodine. It can inflict severe damage. soft tissues which are not yet fully developed.


If a person does not know how to use candles, then the tips above should help him. However, it is important to always remember about hygiene. It is also necessary to read the instructions, because sometimes there are other requirements when using the drug.

Good time of the day. According to church canons, not everyone knows how to put candles in the church correctly. Read the article to the end, you will find many answers to your questions.

Why put candles?

This is a symbol of the aspiration of the human soul to its Creator, turning to God through prayer and sincere repentance for one's sins. Fire is a symbol of turning to God and all the saints.

The essence of lighting a candle is that the divine light emanating from it, brought into the world by Jesus Christ, drives away darkness and ignorance. People often live in ignorance that they commit sin. Their souls are in darkness, which the Savior helps dispel. The light emanating from it drives out spiritual ignorance, brings purification to the soul.

And the wax from which they are poured personifies a person's repentance for sins, his readiness to follow God's commandments.

A candle lit in front of the saints means the aspiration of the human soul to God, turning to Him through prayer. And the burning itself means repentance. The softness of wax indicates that a person is ready to follow the Lord.

By purchasing a candle in the temple, you make a voluntary donation, and it becomes a sign of your love for God and faith in Him.

Before you perform this church ritual, you need to fill your heart with love for the one in whose honor you perform it. It is not necessary to do this without soul and love, that is, automatically. Before entering the temple, say the words of repentance for sins, then cross the threshold of the holy place.

How to perform this action correctly? Candles are placed for health and peace. "For the repose" should be placed on a special memorial table, which is called eve. Thus, you will honor the good memory of the person who left this world.

To put "For health", a person finds many reasons:

  • As gratitude for a good deed in relation to him.
  • For help in difficult circumstances.
  • Before a long journey on serious matters.
  • Before starting a dangerous business.
  • For the health of loved ones.

Which saint?

The question often arises, to which saints to put candles? Without a doubt, this action is performed with good thoughts towards the person for whom you are interceding before God. With love in your soul and good thoughts, you can turn to the images of Jesus Christ or the Virgin. Kind wishes will surely be heard.

If you want to make special requests, then you need to know which saint you can turn to.

  • If your close person seriously ill, and you wish him recovery, then light a fire in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Healer" and pray.
  • If a person is sick, then pray at the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". All saints are endowed with images healing power, therefore, knowing which one to approach, you will definitely get help.
  • To protect your children, protect them, or help your loved ones who are in a difficult life situation You can contact their attorney. Often candles are lit for the guardian angel. If you have names of guardian angels, then put a candle in front of them too and say a prayer.
  • So that the husband does not leave the family, in order to return prosperity to the family, kneel before the image Mother of God, pray to St. Guriy, St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg or Samon and Aviv. Try to understand your guilt before your husband, ask him for forgiveness, try to make peace.

Frequently asked question: is it possible to put a candle in the church about your health? Certainly! Necessarily, because a candle is a symbol of turning to God through prayer. Most of the prayers are pronounced in the first person.

What is the meaning of church candles?

A candle is a sign of reverent burning before the Savior, His Most Pure Mother, before all the saints. This is a sacrifice to God, sent to His temple from a pure soul, as well as a sign of man's involvement in the divine light.

The tangible sign in the form of fire expresses full love, a good attitude towards the one to whom it is intended.

If the ritual takes place without love and favor, then it makes no sense, the sacrifice is useless.

Therefore, it is impossible to approach this good action formally, with a cold soul. You must not only perform an action, but also say a prayer - you can use your own words.

What does the burning candle say?

Divine fire is a symbol of eternity, turning to God, to the Mother of God, to all the saints through prayer. The flame of a candle always rushes upward, no matter how it is tilted, so a person should direct all his thoughts to God with faith in help in any case. life circumstances.

When should candles be placed?

This must be done before the start of worship. You should not violate decorum with your behavior, that is, pass candles through people when the service is in progress, or make your way to the candlestick yourself, thereby distracting those who came to the service.

If you are late for the service, then wait for it to end, then do what you came for.

What is the right way to light a candle?

It is forbidden to use a lighter or matches in the church, it is impossible to light from a lamp, so that the wax does not drip into the lamp and extinguish it.

Candles are lit one from the other. When it lights up, place it in the candlestick socket. It should stand straight, not lean to the sides.

How much, to whom and how to bet?

Where and how much to bet, there are no such rules. Their purchase is your voluntary donation to His temple.

First, go to the lectern, which always stands in the center of the church. Place a candle for a “holiday” or a saint honored on this day. Then go to the relics of the saint, bow to them (if they are in this temple), then go to any icon, put on health to the one you wish or for the rest (on the eve or on a square table with the Crucifixion).

Is it possible to put a candle on a candlestick if all the cells are occupied?

Can. No need to try to put a candle in the nest if it is already occupied, and you can’t remove it to install your own.

Important to remember that you should not leave immediately after you have lit a candle. Stand in front of the icon, read a prayer, state your request mentally or in a whisper. Address the saint as if he were next to you. Stand by the icon so that the fire burns out to the end, or most of it. Therefore, take small candles.

Is it possible to hold a burning candle in your hand and stand with it during worship?

It is customary to stand with lit candles at the memorial service and during the service of Matins of the Great Heel. For the clergy, the tradition of burning on polyeleos has been preserved.

Usually worshipers do not hold candles in their hands. When this cannot be avoided, for example, during a wedding or unction, then one must be very careful with fire:

  • prevent dripping of wax on the floor,
  • make sure that the clothes of the person standing in front do not catch fire.

In the temple you must follow established order, that is, put candles on a candlestick that is designed for these purposes. You can't do whatever you want in church.

To whom to put a candle for the remission of sins? What prayer to read for the remission of sins?

Come to Confession, where sincerely repenting, confess in detail in the presence of a priest. He will read over you permissive prayer. Only at Confession can you repent of sins, a candle by itself will not free you from them.

Is it possible to light a candle for a newborn child who is sick, but who has not yet been christened?

A sick child should be christened as soon as possible. If due to illness it is impossible to baptize in the temple, then call the priest to the maternity hospital or home.

During the Sacrament of Baptism, a special grace will fall on the baby, which will be of great help to him. If a child leaves this world unbaptized, then the sin for this will remain on the parents.

You can take communion, order prayers and magpies for health. And this is the first aid for ailments.

Who can put a candle on a man who is being destroyed by drugs?

In order for a person to get rid of drug addiction, kneel before the icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", or before the image of the martyr Boniface, righteous John Kronstadt.

To whom to put a candle if the child is very ill?

Can be put to any icon: Jesus Christ, Mother of God, saints of God. Order magpie for health on the same day in three churches. will pray simultaneously in three churches.

It is important to remember that a child's illness is a time of repentance, tireless prayer of all family members, as well as a call for spiritual growth. Let the child drink, wash him with holy water.

The main thing is that a sick child must be communed in a church, at home or in a hospital, depending on his condition.

If the child himself knows how to pray, then let him pray, if he does not know how, then parents and godparents should bow for him. And, of course, you should not refuse the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Which icon to put a candle before the operation?

You can do this and kneel before the image of St. Panteleimon, before the icons of the holy unmercenary doctors Cosmas and Damian.

Do not forget to confess, take communion, and also order a prayer service for the successful outcome of the operation. It is necessary to know the name of the doctor and ask God to control the hands of the doctor.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to put candles for the dead?

Everyone can pray and light candles.

To whom to put candles about well-being in business?

To receive from the Lord or from the saints what you ask, you must not only pray, but also live according to their commandments. The Creator, through the Gospel, appeals to people with a plea to fulfill his simple commandments, but people often do not hear His requests. But when they need it, they immediately turn to Him with requests, seek help in business.

For God to hear you, pray sincerely, with words coming from the heart. In prayer, there should be faith that the Lord will surely hear your request.

But the Lord will be able to fulfill only that which is beneficial to man, which leads to the salvation of his soul. So many things seem unfair to people. For all God's will!

Is it possible to light candles for the tragically dead unbaptized and for the repose of the unbaptized?

Yes, you can, you can pray for the unbaptized, but it is forbidden to submit church notes with the names of the unbaptized.

Is it possible to put candles for health and repose on Easter?

Yes, this is not forbidden, but the Church does not pray for the dead on Easter and on bright week, they are moved to the -2nd Tuesday after Easter.

Is it possible to put candles bought in another temple?

You came to the temple, so get them in the temple where you came to pray, because this small sacrifice this particular temple.

What to do with a candle after the consecration of eggs and Easter cakes? Can you take her home?

Take her home. When you pray, then light it or put it in the church in front of any image.

Why do they remove candles that have burned down to half, because money has been paid for them ...

Often there are not enough cells on the candlesticks due to the large number of parishioners, so they are removed not completely burnt out. There is no need to worry about this, and also because the incompletely burned candle was extinguished after the service. The Lord has already accepted your sacrifice.

When is incense used? Can you use it at home?

Frankincense is used in worship, the funeral of the dead, the consecration of the dwelling by the priest. During home prayer, incense can be applied to each person praying.

Is it possible to put candles during menstruation?

Putting candles, taking a blessing, praying is not prohibited. But to participate in the Sacrament of Communion, you can only on the recommendations of your confessor.

No one can give a definite answer to this question. In the West, women never think about this issue, because modern facilities hygiene does not allow the church to be defiled with uncleanness.

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