Children's room for a girl: stylish design, modern design and the best solutions for children (150 photos). We create an original design of a children's room for a girl. Interior of a children's room for a 5-year-old girl.

A bright and cozy “haven” for your child is the key to a happy childhood. And for parents, designing a children's room for a girl usually brings a lot of positive emotions. Just when filling it with colors, you should not forget about the practical side of the interior, which should not harm the health of your precious child, while providing freedom for active development. Find out how to maintain a balance and take into account all the nuances in our article!

Features of nursery design for girls

When designing a room for a child where he will grow, develop and explore the world, it is necessary to take into account many points. Firstly, the girl’s age: is she a newborn or a more mature child of 5-6 years old? Children grow quickly and their tastes change rapidly, so the space in the first years of life should be minimalist enough, but flexible - to add new elements as needed.

At the same time, do not forget that childhood impressions are the most vivid and can become an invisible companion in the child’s future adult life. The design of a girl's room will inevitably affect her worldview, formulate certain tastes, patterns of behavior and interaction with the outside world. You will have to carefully select each element of decor, focusing not only on your understanding of “beautiful”, but also on the educational aspects of the objects.

The interior of a nursery for a girl should be comfortable and safe. It’s good if children have access to objects that interest them, easily get toys, and sit on a chair. This will teach independence, and also relieve discomfort in case of failures - even minor negative experiences can affect the child’s character. But you must be absolutely sure that there are no dangers in your child's personal space, such as sharp objects, rickety furniture or harmful materials.

Children's gender plays a key role in design, helping them identify themselves at an early age. This does not mean that the girl's room must concentrate the maximum number of dolls, flowers or all shades of pink. The child’s world should not be monotonous, but should be oriented in the right way.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological and educational aspects of the interior, but do not fanatically follow each point, being afraid to add an extra item or color. External aesthetics, uniqueness, as well as practicality - these components will help create harmonious design rooms, which will be the key to a happy childhood.

Style solutions

The guiding thread in organizing the design will be the choice of style. It is desirable that the interior matches the overall composition of the house. But even a slight deviation will look harmonious if you correctly enter the characteristic elements. At the same time, styles in the space of a children's room will inevitably find a new interpretation, for example, diluted with non-canonical colors.

Children's room for girls in a modern style

To begin with, we note that such a solution will most likely appeal to a teenage girl who has outgrown Barbie dolls and fairy tales. Laconicism and restraint of modern style will create a universal space into which a child can fit his hobbies or hobbies. But even for younger girls there is a lot of interesting things in a modern children's room, because this style is best suited for unusual solutions. For example, photo wallpapers with cartoon characters, collections of figurines, items of non-standard shapes.

Children's room for girls in a classic style

What else will help realize a girl’s cherished fantasies, if not the style of real ladies? Classics will turn a trivial children's room into a princess's chambers, in which the characters of your favorite works live.

The desired effect can be achieved thanks to furniture with carved legs and patterns, curtains with lambrequins, a canopy bed or elegant decorative motifs in the decoration. This design will instill aristocracy and a sense of beauty in the child, with which he will later go through life.

Children's room for girls in Provence style

Originating in the French province, the Provence style was created for gentle and romantic natures. Pastel palette, floral patterns, light fabrics, antique furniture - using these expressive means, you will be able to realize cozy atmosphere in a children's room, which a little girl will definitely be delighted with.

Light colors will calm overly active children a little. Another advantage of the style is the mandatory use of natural materials, which not only will not harm the child’s health, but will also instill a love of natural beauty.

Children's room for girls in pop art style

Creative and active girls with bright interests will definitely love a children's room in the pop art style. Such a space can become a place for the development of imagination, as well as the realization of non-standard hobbies.

In the interior design you can add rich, varied colors, slightly eclectic objects, images with comic or cartoon characters - any element will look appropriate.

Choosing a color scheme

Girls are more sensitive to environment than boys. Therefore, even a certain color palette interior design can influence their mood and behavior. Bright colors are acceptable, it all depends on the child’s character, but pastel shades remain the most popular for the room.

Pink children's room for a girl

When thinking about a girl’s nursery, pink shades are the first to pop up in my head as the main color scheme. And it’s not surprising, because this option looks very gentle, touching and clearly demonstrates the age, as well as the gender of the occupant of the room.

But when choosing the required shade, try to avoid rich tones of pink, combining them with neutral white if possible. This will avoid the banal girlish nature of the interior, because not all modern children like standard things.

Lilac children's room for a girl

The situation is a little similar to the room in pink, only it represents a more unusual interpretation of “girlish”. A cool shade will have a positive effect on the child and his development. This solution will allow you to incorporate floral motifs into the interior of the nursery, using different variations of lilac.

Green children's room for a girl

Green refers to mint, light green or olive shades that are popular today. It's more neutral color, which is suitable for both boys and girls, but will certainly have a positive influence per child.

Green is associated with nature, which is sometimes lacking in noisy cities. Combining it with neutral tones, you can create a harmonious and fresh interior.

White children's room for a girl

In any children's room, the use of white should not be limited to just this color. The girl will become bored in a sterile space, and the monotony of the palette, especially at an early stage of development, can worsen the perception of color, hindering the child’s cognitive aspirations.

White can serve as a universal background for other solutions, emphasizing and balancing them.

Beige children's room for a girl

Delicate creamy, nutty shades will fit perfectly into the style of the classic style or Provence, creating a noble mood in the nursery. But we should not forget that beige is monochrome, does not combine well with other colors and only with careful planning achieves the desired effect. But natural materials look very organic against such a background.

Finishes and materials

More than just the aesthetic appearance, when decorating a girl’s nursery, you need to pay attention to the materials used. Choose hypoallergenic safe basics. To be sure, ask for quality documentation from manufacturers.


The floor surface should be smooth, but not slippery, so that the child does not fall during active games.

The decoration in a little girl’s room should be selected taking into account all possible contamination options. Parquet and laminate have good characteristics, only the dirt that has penetrated into the cracks will not be easy to remove.

Therefore, many designers recommend marmoleum - a modern, environmentally friendly and durable material that has high aesthetic characteristics.


The walls in the nursery face many challenges: they are painted on, scratched, objects are thrown at them. In addition, the rapid pace of child development implies a rapid transformation of the interior.

Unfortunately, construction technologies they cannot yet offer a universal solution for wall decoration. You can choose cheap, easy-to-use materials, but they are not always environmentally friendly.

In a girl's children's room, the best choice for wallpaper remains - budget but short-lived paper wallpaper, harmless liquid wallpaper, high-quality eco-wallpaper and colorful photo wallpaper. But vinyl ones can harm the baby’s health.


Most suitable ceiling- with cement starting plaster, treated with a primer and painted with white acrylic paint.

Many parents like to decorate the interior of the room with drawings in the form of a starry or cloudy sky. But this solution is not suitable for all children: some may be distracted and, accordingly, have trouble sleeping. A smooth white ceiling with an interesting chandelier looks simple, but at the same time harmonious.

How to choose furniture for a nursery?

Filling a girl's nursery with furniture is an important stage of design. The choice of models depends on the age of the child. It is clear that a comfortable crib will be enough for a newborn. But in just a couple of years she will need more “tools” to meet her needs.

The child will be interested in learning and relaxing with a multifunctional set that resembles a separate children's world, including drawers, beds on the second level and a cozy workplace.

Some girls will like separate, large beds with soft pillows and gentle bed linen. This option is indispensable for classics, as well as Provence.

Since it is difficult for children to concentrate on their studies, it is better if the workplace is more discreet and not cluttered with foreign objects.

Places for storing things should be as convenient as possible for the child - so that she gets the necessary things and learns to put them in place. But the choice of gaming furniture is too individual, as well as items related to hobbies. Just try to ensure that the purchased elements fit into the already created design.

Design of a small nursery for a girl

If at an early age small sizes rooms will not cause any particular difficulties, then as the space is further filled, the dimensions will begin to limit the freedom of design. You will have to think additionally about how to place everything you need while maintaining a feeling of spaciousness.

Let us immediately note that the classic style is unlikely to fit into a room with a modest area. But the modern one is able to benefit from the shortcomings of a small nursery for a girl. For example, if you give preference to complex multifunctional furniture with several levels, instead of individual bulky items, then there will be free space for movement and games.

Some techniques will also help to visually expand the space. First, choose a light color scheme that is not oversaturated with patterns. Secondly, don't forget to include one or two full-length mirrors. Thirdly, choose light, unobtrusive curtains that will not become a barrier to entry natural light.

Design of a children's room for a girl - photo

Decorating a nursery for a girl is a joy not only for the child, but also for the parents. Some interiors look like houses from fairy tales; others are like a workshop for a little genius. What other design options are there? Look in our selection of photos. Enjoy watching!

By the age of 10, girls get tired of playing with Barbies, they have idols, and they begin to copy their parents. This means that the toys need to be put away in a separate place (a special closet or a separate shelf). IN play area can be installed computer desk or trellis.

It is advisable to replace the cozy crib with an interesting sofa or a more formal bed that will last until adolescence. Round-shaped beds covered with contrasting bed linen look interesting.

Choose furniture for a children's room for a 10-year-old girl that is comfortable and roomy. You can choose a set of a pouf, a dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe. A growing fashionista will enjoy spinning around the mirror and sorting through her favorite outfits in her closet.

The bed can be matched to the furniture or some elements in the room (this will make the interior look more harmonious). Refuse variegated colors in favor of natural shades (beige, light brown, yellow, powder).

Children's room options for girls. Do you want your child to feel comfortable in a private room? Opt for a stylized interior:

  1. Little Princess. Decorate your bedroom in soft pink. A bright bedroom set and a huge mirror will delight your child. The bed can be decorated with an airy canopy, and a soft long-pile rug can be placed on the floor.
  2. Activist. Is your girl active and athletic? Choose an American style room. Wallpaper for a children's room for a 10-year-old girl should be plain, but not pale. Pistachio will do, lavender, light green color. Let your child decorate the walls with posters of their favorite characters.
  3. Intellectual. Are books your child’s main hobby? Great. Make them a key feature in your interior design. Decorate the wall with long shelves on which to place the girl’s favorite fairy tales. Designate a special place for reading. This could be a converted window sill or a cozy easy chair in the corner of the room.

A teenage room can hardly be called a child's room - it should have stylish and comfortable furniture, design taking into account the interests of the younger generation, and a convenient location for the computer. Our article will help you create a beautiful and comfortable design teenage room.


Many people believe that the design of a nursery for a girl should be bright, with elegant cabinets and frills. But in fact, psychologists recommend making the interior simpler and more comfortable. You are probably now thinking: “How can this be, gentle and romantic girls should be surrounded by beauty and charm!”, but in reality, the child needs to be left room for imagination.

In what style is it better to design the interior of a children's room for a girl? It's about not about newfangled solutions, but about a modern approach to organizing space. It turns out that these criteria best apply to functionalism.

The style is as simple, comfortable and ergonomic as possible - without unnecessary decorations or bright design solutions. The main elements are space and natural light. Also, do not forget about safety, because this is one of the main factors in the nursery.

Wall color and decoration

It is best to leave the walls light. This will make the room look spacious and sunny. When choosing a color, you shouldn’t rely on stereotypes - not everyone likes it pink color. Especially if your renovation is designed to grow. When the background color is neutral, you can easily add a few bright elements, accessories and get beautiful interior. It’s convenient that if you get tired of one color, you can change it to any other. Of course, they also use colored wallpaper with drawings from cartoons, but a girl can quickly get bored with her favorite characters.

Video on the topic: Children's room design for girls


It is advisable to make the windows as open as possible so that light penetrates well into the room. When choosing curtains for a girl’s children’s room, you should not buy thick materials. The best option is Roman or translucent curtains that can be easily opened completely. If the interior turns out to be monochromatic, then you can choose bright curtains, diluting the boring look.

Let's move on to artificial lighting. In the center of the room you can place a chandelier for the nursery. In addition, be sure to make additional lamps or sconces above the bed, near the table, mirrors and inside the closet. Many children are afraid of the dark, and they will be more comfortable in a room with good lighting.

When designing lighting for a desk, it is necessary to take into account which hand the child writes with. The lamp should not cast a shadow on the workplace. To avoid this, the tabletop llama is mounted opposite the working hand (that is, for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right). The mounting height is selected individually.


Any girl needs to have a bed or sofa, a desk, a chair, and a closet for storing toys and things in her room. It is better to choose eco-friendly furniture made from natural materials that are harmless to health.

Regular bed with good mattress more convenient for sleeping, but on the sofa the child will be able to play and receive guests, which is important for the development of communication. The color of the furniture is matched to the wallpaper.

Desk and the chair should be height adjustable to suit the child's height. It will be convenient if there are several drawers in the table for the most necessary things, and on the wall there are shelves for books and notebooks. The desk is placed near the window, where there is more daylight.

Children's room for girls from 6 to 10 years old.

At the age of 6-10 years, you can already decorate a children's room with a girl. This is one way to instill a sense of style and communicate with her almost as equals. At this age, the child is extremely inquisitive and enthusiastically absorbs everything new.

It’s also time to provide a convenient place to do your homework. The interior should no longer be too childish. Bright designs are replaced with neutral ones geometric shapes, or abandon them altogether. We will replace the children's bed with a more spacious one or install a sofa. Required element in the interior of a room for a teenage girl there is a mirror.

Room for a girl from 10 to 13 years old

Now children stop playing with dolls and begin to copy adults, their own idols appear. This means that the place for toys can be replaced with a shelf for books, clothes or a computer. The decoration of the walls becomes more strict, monochromatic, so that posters of idols can be pasted. In small rooms practical solution There will be a built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors installed. It takes up little space and is very roomy.


Ideal children's room for a girl

For the interior decoration of a child’s room, you need to choose hypoallergenic and absolutely environmentally friendly materials. Demand quality certificates from manufacturers of paints, wallpaper, linoleum, trust well-known brands. Make repairs keeping in mind that design is not at all important for a newborn, but after a year the baby will begin to take an active interest in the surrounding space. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately choose a design style that is not universal, but specifically for a girl. You can paint the walls in pastel colors:

  • peach,
  • soft lilac,
  • pink (but not too bright!),
  • beige,
  • baked milk.

An appropriate option is to highlight one wall with a different color, which in the future will be a platform for design experiments. Some bright elements can be added at any time, they will allow you to place the necessary accents.

Video on the topic: Bedroom for a girl 10 - 12 years old - nursery interior design ideas
A very common style of decorating a nursery today is classic. If your entire apartment complies with these canons, you can logically continue it in the baby’s room. Moreover, if you want to introduce your child to art and literature in the future, you will raise him in an aristocratic manner, like a real lady. Children's furniture for girls from natural wood with carved legs, preferably in brown tones. At the head of the bed you can hang a satin curtain with a lambrequin or even make a romantic canopy. Use as accessories:

  • large photos from a family album in gilded frames,
  • massive chandelier,
  • small night lights of regular shapes,
  • Roman curtains.

Children's rooms for girls decorated in this style - perfect option for little fidgets. We choose bright wallpaper with a simple geometric print, add light furniture (bed, wardrobe and table). This idea is good to implement in spacious room with a large window, because we will need a lot of natural light. Light curtains made of cotton or silk will enhance it.

Video on the topic: Children's room design for girls.
To arrange a “girl’s” room in modern style are used bright colors, as well as various design developments. For example, structures made of plasterboard: (a high shelving in the shape of a tree, an imitation of a starry sky with lighting on the ceiling, the roof of a fairy-tale hut over a table for classes), artistic painting of one of the walls with a fairy-tale plot.

Competent design is an investment in the future. The design of a children's room for a teenager, a princess girl, should be filled with romanticism. This is where ruffles on the curtains, bright coral pillows, vinyl hearts on the walls, a huge mirror with stucco around the rim, and ottomans will come into play. different forms and sizes, table lamps with fringe on soft lampshades, panels with anime or computer game characters.


How to decorate a room for a 10 year old girl?

When choosing a room style for a 10-year-old child, parents face some difficulties. You should not chase fashion: your home should be comfortable, organized in accordance with modern trends design of a children's room and taking into account technical advances. Psychologists say that style should be extremely simple. The abundance of bows, ruffles, and soft toys is not very suitable for the room of a 10-year-old girl.

The room should be functional, without designer pretentiousness, special decor or decorations. There should be as much natural light as possible, and the room should be ventilated as efficiently as possible.

Wall decoration, lighting

Often parents choose wallpaper with a bright pattern to decorate their children's room. It doesn’t matter how old the child is. This is not entirely correct. Experts say that a light, neutral wall covering is best for perception. This will emphasize the spaciousness and enhance the warmth of the sun penetrating through the window. Windows should not be tightly curtained or blocked by furniture: choose Roman curtains in a pleasant light color.

Artificial lighting in the room of a 10-year-old girl requires a careful approach. There should be enough light sources:

  • arrange a lamp above the bed,
  • definitely needed good lamp on the desktop,
  • place one or more lamps in the closet.

Game of colors

A teenage girl's room in pink is an established stereotype that does not need to be followed. Neutral tones will look good here: pale yellow, baked milk, pale apricot, pale blue. You can decorate the room with bright, stylish elements.

A common design solution is to decorate one of the walls in a bright color or apply a pattern to it. Attention will be concentrated on this wall, where the girl can place her toys.


Furniture for a 10-year-old girl should be chosen based on considerations of functionality, beauty, and convenience. It is important that the child himself likes it. A child at this age already has a lot of clothes, because Young lady wants to always look perfect. Therefore, one of the main pieces of furniture is a spacious closet where you can hide your things from prying eyes.

Video on the topic: Design of a room for a girl. Interior, furniture and decoration No. 1

The room should also have small cabinets, shelves, drawers, where the child can hide his numerous little things and make room for games, developmental activities or lessons.

The physical development of a 10-year-old girl is very important, so if possible, try to install a wall bars in the room or install a fitness machine there. She will be able to alternate mental stress with physical exercise, relieve stress from school lessons and relax.

The sofa in a girl’s room can be replaced with an ottoman or a bed. The sleeping area should be spacious enough and provide healthy physiological sleep. Psychologists recommend placing the bed so that the door is visible from it. This way the child will feel more comfortable and see who comes into the room.

School worries

The work area is a very important element, without which a children's room cannot do. After all, the child will long period training. The table should be roomy, comfortable, with big amount drawers. Place shelves for books next to the table. You need to choose a comfortable, anatomical chair so that your back does not strain and problems with the spine do not arise over the years of study.

For numerous toys, you need to provide a rack or cabinet so that they do not distract from your main work.

A 10-year-old girl, as a rule, already has many friends who often come to visit. Especially for such meetings, you can put a small sofa and organize a TV so that the company can watch cartoons and educational videos.

Video on the topic:

It is necessary to explain to a child from an early age what looks beautiful and what does not, thereby developing good taste in him. A beautiful, high-quality decorated room teaches a child about beauty and develops a girl’s sense of style.

When decorating your home, try to attract the child and give her freedom of choice. Let the girl take an active part, because this is her room in which she will spend her youth.


Room design for a teenage girl - interior examples

It is better to make the walls for a teenage girl in light colors; the wallpaper can be either patterned or textured, so you will give the room a feeling of spaciousness and sunlight. Another interesting solution would be to use color to delimit a teenager’s room.

For example, the recreation area can be transformed into soothing colors such as soft blue, beige or soft pink. Shades of green should predominate in the work area. For that part of the room where the girl will have a get-together with her friends, you can choose a rainbow coloring, and the use of stencils and decorative stickers will make the corner extraordinary.

Don't forget about artificial lighting. It must be above the bed, above the desk and near the mirror. This way you will protect your child’s vision. Also, using the color of the wallpaper, you can create zoning of the room, which is necessary for a teenage girl. Zones into which the room should be divided:

- Bedroom
— A place to study
— A place to relax or meet friends
- Beauty Studio
— Dressing room

The main task of parents when refurbishing a room is to highlight each zone, create an atmosphere for each activity and not spoil the overall styling rooms. To delimit a room, it is best to use various shades wallpaper

Video on the topic: Design of a room for a girl. Interior, furniture and decoration No. 3

What furniture to choose?

If you are choosing furniture for a teenage girl, then you should first of all pay attention to its functionality. For a teenager of this age, furniture is just a place where the child can put all his things, for example, books, magazines, CDs, so that they do not interfere while relaxing or hanging out with friends.

The furniture should be dominated by light colors that will not highlight the furniture too much and thus will not clutter up the room.

Furniture must also be safe to use, despite the fact that a child at this age is considered old enough, he still remains a child. The furniture should be durable and able to withstand all the girls’ pranks, since we all know how teenagers love to play pranks and play around at this age. If the room in which the girl has settled is not large, then the corners of the furniture should not be sharp and in no case stick out. Because this is fraught with injury.

In a girl’s room, everything should be in moderation; there should not be too much furniture. Choose multifunctional, mobile and modular furniture, which, if necessary, you can rearrange or take out of the room. It is best for this age to buy a comfortable one instead of a bed folding sofa. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the sofa and its comfort, since at this age the child’s spine is still developing.

Do not clutter a small room with furniture, as space is very important for a teenager. Under no circumstances should you place a large wardrobe in a small room; it is better to place it in the hallway or in the living room. So that the girl can easily get the things she needs, place shelving and a small closet in her room.

To avoid crowding the room with chairs for friends, buy soft and colorful pillows. If you have nowhere to put your winter clothes, try choosing special drawers for them that will fit under the bed. If you have two children, then a roll-out bed would be an excellent solution. This way you can save space and create more space for children.

How to organize a room for two teenage girls

In fact, creating a room for two teenage girls is not a difficult task. The main thing before renovation is to find out the preferences of the children, and only then try to combine their wishes. The main thing is that each girl has her own personal space, as well as a place to study and sleep, so that the child does not feel discriminated against. In our article you will find interesting design solutions that will help you decorate a room for two teenage girls.

If you want to use bright colors in the interior, then it is better to listen to your intuition and the advice of psychologists. For example, the color red encourages a child to be more active and strive to win in all things. A room in pink colors symbolizes femininity and tenderness. Yellow has a positive effect on mood, warms you up in difficult moments and improves intelligence and intuition. Green color will motivate the child to study and new beginnings, but still, in excess, this color can evoke boredom and melancholy.

How to decorate a room with your own hands?

Adolescence is not an easy time in the life of a young lady. It is very difficult for a parent to find a common language with his daughter due to his unstable temperament. Therefore, when decorating a room, the main task of parents is to make the child’s room become his fortress, where he will feel cozy and comfortable.

Therefore, parents should carefully consider design ideas that will help update and decorate a teenage girl’s room. First of all, you can use your child’s crafts to decorate the room.

Video on the topic: Children's room design. Interior, furniture and decoration No. 6
If your child is talented at drawing, then let him draw a picture, which you will frame and hang in his room. You can also decorate curtains with your daughter using decorative ornaments. To give the bed a feminine touch, take your child to the store and choose interesting pillows.

An excellent solution would be stickers made of vinyl or other materials. You can buy them and stick them yourself. Finding something suitable for the topic will not be difficult, since there are a lot of online stores on the Internet that offer a large assortment such stickers.

You can also place photographs around the room in beautiful frames. Just don’t do it yourself, let the girl choose the photos herself and suggest the place where they should be.

Interior in Paris style

A room for a teenage girl in Paris style is very easy to make. First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the walls; light wallpaper with a pictographic pattern that will display the sights of Paris is best.

In addition to the wallpaper, choose light-colored furniture on which you can stick bright stickers with inscriptions in French. To emphasize the theme of the interior, place small little things around the room that are reminiscent of French flavor, for example, a statue of the Eiffel Tower, framed photographs of Paris landscapes, antique clock on the wall, bottles of French perfume.

The room should intertwine black and hot pink colors. For example, place pink pillows on a white bedspread, and place pink folders on the shelves in which the girl will store her documents.

Decoration in Art Nouveau style

A room in the Art Nouveau style for a teenage girl implies modernity, versatility and comfort. The main task The goal of creating this interior is to create an atmosphere for relaxation and study.

The room should be able to withstand minimalism, which is diluted with bright decor and accessories. The room should be dominated by neutral tones such as brown, beige, sand, dark gray and pearl. Bright accessories, such as paintings, colorful pillows, photographs with bright frames, will help to enliven the room.


Interior design for a girl's children's room

The general style of a children's room depends on the hobbies and interests of the girl living in it. If your daughter is interested in sports, and she especially likes swimming, then the interior of her room can be done in aquatic style.

First of all, decide on the color of the wallpaper. The color range of which can be from soft blue to dark blue. In early preschool age, blue colors were preferred for decorating boys' rooms. However, color solutions do not depend on the gender and age of the child.

The blue color calms the child's hot-tempered temperament and sets him up for a calm wave. Blue color has a beneficial effect on a child’s creative abilities, trains perseverance and determination, which is most important for children school age.

Wallpaper for the children's room of a 10-year-old girl in a water-sea style can be chosen with a picture of a mermaid, goldfish, sea pearls and seafood, as well as with an image of a beach resort town that the girl dreams of visiting. Additional decor can be an aquarium with roars, an impromptu pond, the seabed, lamps and night lamps with an aquatic theme.

Wallpaper for a children's room for a 10 year old girl in the style of the fashion industry

If your girl is into fashion, you can create a runway-inspired room for her. In this case, wallpaper for a 10-year-old girl’s children’s room can be chosen with looks from famous Russian and world fashion models.

This will be an incentive and desire for her to always look good and neat, like her idols. Wallpaper can be with photo printing, made to order or in a huge selection of modern building materials, you can find something ready-made that suits you.

Additional accessories can include photographs of famous clothing designers, posters with new products of the season and fashion trends, as well as mannequins on which a girl can try on her outfits and see from the outside how she will look in them. Create a small podium for her and hang a full-length mirror.

Your daughter will have a desire to spend more time at home and invite her friends to visit her, which is very important for children of this age group. Having hobbies and interests will help your children spend less time on social networks and playing computer games.

Showing an interest in fashion is good basis to realize the child’s creative abilities, for example, to design clothes. Perhaps a future famous fashion designer is growing up in your home.

Video on the topic: Interior of a children's room for a girl

Many school-age girls have hobbies and interests. This could be drawing, playing music, singing, writing poetry, creating gifts. with my own hands, weaving baubles, cross stitching, knitting and crocheting. Many people are interested in hairstyles, braiding dolls' hair and making wicker baskets for their girlfriends.

If your child has creative abilities, then to develop them he needs privacy and a calm, harmonious environment. You can create it using color.

Violet– this is the main color responsible for the development of creative abilities; it calms, pacifies and harmonizes the atmosphere. You can buy wallpaper for a girl’s nursery in purple tones, which will have a positive effect on your girl’s mood and inspiration.

These can be flowers; callas and orchids are considered the most popular in 2017. Roses will always be in fashion as they are considered a classic.

The trending print in the fashion industry in 2017 are large designs depicting flowers, as well as exotic birds. In order for the purple color not to inspire despondency and melancholy, you should add yellow or orange decorative items to the interior.

Yellow- This is a symbol of optimism and joy, this color is well suited for children, they love bright colors and feel confident in them.

Orange– saves you from bad mood and melancholy, it perfectly complements purple. But black in combination with shades lilac color not recommended for children. It is better to use wallpaper for a girl’s children’s room in gray tones - they are neutral and do not have a psychological impact.

School-age children tend to fall in love, this is facilitated by the pink color in the interior, moreover, it is the most feminine and romantic, capable of making a princess out of any girl. It softens character traits and cultivates femininity.

Physical education classes for many girls aged 10 years and older do not leave them indifferent. They begin to pay more attention to their own figure and appearance. They run in the morning, play sports, and work out their abs. Some do yoga, Pilates, dancing and hula hoop.

In order for girls to be able to safely play sports at home or rehearse dance routines with classmates, they will need a lot of space. A minimalist interior will help expand your study space. There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it.

Design points to pay attention to:

  • First of all, you should consider the age of the child. Since the girl’s preferences will change over time, it is best to choose a minimalist but flexible interior design from birth to make it easier to bring something new into it.
  • Complete safety is important for a child's bedroom. Sharp corners, unstable furniture and harmful materials are excluded from the room.
  • The space should be simple and comfortable. A child needs space, so you shouldn’t clutter the nursery with unnecessary accessories and original things.
  • It is necessary to correctly highlight functional areas indoors and ensure the child has a free approach to necessary items such as books or toys.
  • In color design, instead of saturated shades, it is better to give preference to pastel and delicate colors, which can be diluted with colorful accent details.

Design options for different ages

Photo examples of real interiors.

Room for a newborn

The baby needs a personal furnished room. Comfortable space provides positive influence on the active growth and developing qualities of a newborn girl.

The photo shows the design of a children's room for a newborn baby.

Examples of children's rooms for girls from 3 to 5 years old

This age requires neutral decoration, interesting toys and decor. You should choose lightweight furniture elements with a streamlined shape. Designs should not have small parts.

A room for a girl from 3 to 5 years old is divided into four parts. There is a sleeping segment, an area for creative activities and games.

It is better to lay warm, soft, easy-to-clean flooring in the play area and complement the space with interactive sets such as a kitchenette, hospital and supermarket. The place where the girl plays should not be cluttered with unnecessary items.

The children's bedroom is equipped with good lighting; a night light is installed next to the sleeping bed. The ceiling surface can be whitewashed, and the wall surfaces can be decorated with self-adhesive stickers or painting.

The photo shows an option for decorating a girl’s bedroom in Norwegian style.

Ideas for a girl's room from 6 to 8 years old

At the age of 6, certain preferences are formed, so the nursery becomes more individual. To support your child’s interests and hobbies, you need to create an inviting atmosphere.

So, as at the age of 7, a child becomes a schoolchild, a clear zoning is used for the room and a segment is arranged with a desk and shelves with educational and fiction literature.

The photo shows the interior of a bedroom for a girl aged 8 years.

If there are sufficient square meters in a girl’s nursery, it is appropriate to organize a place to relax with a soft, stylish pouf or hammock.

Options for a girl’s bedroom from 9 to 11 years old

The children's room also implies the presence of a study area with a table equipped with shelves, drawers and other additional elements.

The compact and cozy crib is replaced with a spacious one sleeping bed, folding sofa or sofa. In the children's room there is a wardrobe that matches the girl's height.

Open shelving and hanging structures are suitable as storage systems.

The photo shows a children's bedroom for a 9-year-old girl with a place for relaxation, study and creative activities.

It is appropriate to decorate the room with collages, various fashionable posters and paintings, and decorate the bed with bright pillows.

At the age of 9, girls are interested in fairy-tale princesses. Interesting solution- decorate the sleeping area with a canopy made of translucent lace fabric.

Teen room design

Perceived as adult bedroom. The interior fully reflects the hobbies, preferences and self-expression of a teenage girl.

Thematic design of the nursery

Cartoon heroines can contribute to the design of a children's room for a girl. The Little Mermaid will inspire the interior in green or blue colors, the beauty from the fairy tale Aladdin will introduce oriental motifs into the decor, and Cinderella will turn the bedroom into a magical palace.

The photo shows a themed design of a children's room for a girl in the style of Disney princesses.

You can liven up the interior of a girl’s children’s bedroom thanks to the theme of forest characters. The room is decorated in natural colors, natural wooden furniture is installed, and the walls are covered with photo wallpaper with a landscape. The floor will complement well carpet covering grassy shade.

Color selection

Young beauties are more susceptible, so a certain shade solution will affect the child’s behavioral mood. In the design it is permissible to use both bright and pastel colors.

The most common option is to decorate the bedroom in muted pink tones, combined with a white palette. This way you can add a gentle romantic mood to your design.

The photo shows purple and chocolate colors with rich details in the interior design of a children's bedroom.

Green shades of mint, olive or light green accents will fit perfectly into the decor. Natural colors will have a positive effect on the child’s psyche, refresh and harmonize the interior of the room.

It is better to replace rich yellow colors with bleached tones or use different combinations. Amber can be complemented with aquamarine, and golden with herbal. Yellow in combination with vanilla will fill the atmosphere with additional light.

The photo shows a children's room for a girl in provencal style, finished in beige color.

Delicate caramel, nut or beige palette - perfect solution For classical direction or Provence style. Noble colors will give the children's room a special background, which will be organically complemented by natural furniture.

Decorative design

To organize the main lighting, spotlights or a chandelier are installed in the room, which is not only a functional lighting device, but also a decoration of the room. The light source can be stylized as a cloud, sun, heart, etc.

Bedside sconces or night lights with a soft and dim glow are suitable for illumination. An interesting idea for a girl’s children’s room is to install switches with adjustable light intensity.

The photo shows an example of decorating a classic bedroom for a girl.

Curtains made of thick fabric will look great on the windows and will protect the room from sunlight. You can add curtains made of light tulle, organza or cotton to the curtains.

To make the atmosphere as cozy as possible, different decor and textile elements are selected. It is appropriate to decorate the bed with a lace bedspread and pillows with patterns; decorate the walls with paintings, dream catchers or paper origami. Thanks to such cute details, a girl's children's bedroom will be filled with charm.

The photo shows the lighting design of a children's room for twins in the interior of the apartment.

With the help of a canopy, you can turn a modest nursery into a chic palace room of a real princess. A printed carpet, which in tandem with other textiles will add a unique flavor to the bedroom, will help to add cheerful notes to the interior.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

The main item is the sleeping bed. In a large room you can install big bed, and for a small-sized nursery, choose a loft model with a first level equipped with a closet, a study desk or a sofa. It is advisable to place a place to sleep at a distance from the entrance.

It is appropriate to furnish a room for a little girl with a small table for drawing, modeling or holding tea ceremonies with toys. For school-age children, a functional table with a chair is required. The bedroom may also have a dressing table with a mirror.

To create a compact study area, a place next to the window is suitable. A narrow desk with cabinets will become a harmonious continuation of the window sill. In such a working segment there will always be bright natural light.

The photo shows the interior of a teenage room with a double bed and a wardrobe.

For clothes, school supplies and gadgets, choose storage systems such as compact cabinets or racks.

Toys can be hidden in a chest of drawers or in special baskets and drawers. In addition, there is a huge variety of original and decorative containers in the form of hanging tunnels, chests or ottomans, stylized as animals.

An unusual interior item for relaxation and games will be hanging chair or wicker swing.

Photo in the interior of a girl's room

If the children's room is small, it is preferable to use complex multifunctional furniture and structures with several levels. This will make it convenient to move around and free up an area for games.

A laconic design will help hide some of the shortcomings of a small children’s room for a girl. modern style, which does not involve elaborate details. The bedroom is decorated in a light color palette, mirrors are installed, and the windows are decorated light curtains which will ensure good light penetration.

Cheerful and cozy design A children's room for a girl will bring positive emotions to parents and provide comfortable conditions for the child to actively develop.

Every child at any age dreams of their own room, furnished according to personal preferences with an original layout. The best way to renovate a nursery is to involve the child in choosing the style and furniture. Even at the age of 2-3 years, children actively participate in such adult activities with great pleasure.

However, when creating perfect design A children's room for a girl should take into account a lot of different aspects, such as:

  • child's age;

    repair budget.

It is these questions, as well as photos of completed repair work, that we will consider in this article.

Bright room design for a girl

Bright design of a children's room for a girl

Design of a children's room with a castle

Choosing the interior of a girl’s room depending on the area

When choosing a vacation plan for a child, it is better to give preference to, perhaps not the largest, but the most sunny and warm apartments. Depending on its size, you should choose the arrangement of furniture, colors and a unified style of the children's studio. Taking into account the total areas of apartments and houses, parents allocate a certain square footage for their children:

    12-14 square meters;

    20-30 square meters.

The design of the room should be done based on the area of ​​the room

For different areas you need to make a unique design

Decoration of a studio room measuring 12-14 sq.m.

When decorating such a bedroom for parents, it is necessary to take into account the small free area. That is why the furniture here should be as functional as possible. It would be optimal to purchase transformable furniture that can simultaneously perform several functions. Also, you should not oversaturate it with furniture elements; it is important to leave free space for ordinary games.

You can also apply certain design tricks that help visually change the number of spatial footage.

    Glossy stretch fabric in a lightened color visually increases the height of the walls.

    Installation of full-length mirror panels on one of the wardrobe doors. It would be optimal to use this technique in a recreation area for a teenager, because for a small child it may be unsafe.

    For visual expansion In a teenager’s narrow room, you can build a niche with special lighting on one of the installed walls.

    When selecting color tinting, preference should be given to light tones. You can make an accent with a bright color, but it is important to position it correctly.

    Use the maximum number of light sources: chandelier, spotlights, floor lamps, table lamp, sconce.

    Light translucent curtains should be used to decorate windows, but it is preferable to avoid heavy curtains. Here it is relevant to use roller blinds or blinds.

An example can be seen in the photo.

Glossy stretch fabric in a lightened color visually increases the height of the walls

Small rooms need a lot of light

Decoration of a bedroom with an area of ​​20 sq.m.

In a room with such footage you can embody any design ideas. Parents should divide it into zones:

    sleeping area;

  • for storing things.

The large footage allows parents to create a dressing room in which it is convenient to store all the child’s things and shoes. The bed can be separated from total area screen or plaster partition. The apartment style and color selection should be selected based on the age category of the baby.

In such a room you can set up a sports corner that any child will enjoy and will have a beneficial effect on his physical development.

A significant nuance here is sufficient lighting of the space. In a large room alone ceiling chandelier won't be enough. It is necessary to equip additional light sources, for example, highlight a wall with lighting.

The room can be equipped with a sports corner

A large room will require a lot of light

Project of a studio room depending on age category

Considering age characteristics child, the room must perform certain functions. For a newborn baby, as well as up to a year, the presence of a separate children's room is not mandatory. However, for a teenage girl, it is better to give her a separate personal space where the baby can store her things, toys and relax. Of course, this does not mean that the child will spend all his time here. free time. However, this way the baby will have his own space. Next, we will consider the most successful design of a children's room for a girl, depending on her age category.

Below is a table of conditions when the color of the interior affects the child.

Pink shades

calms the nervous system;

lifts the mood;

has a beneficial effect on sleep;

relaxes muscles.

Yellow shades

helps get rid of anxiety;

stimulates the nervous system;

activates logic;

good for vision;

activates the segments of the brain that are responsible for thought processes and speech.

Orange shades

increases activity;

promotes overall strengthening of the body;

reduces emotional instability.

Green shades

gives balance to the character;

increases vitality;

affects concentration;

increases mental performance of the brain;

helps fight sleep disorders.

Purple shades

helps cope with fears;

when a space is oversaturated with this color it can cause aggression.

helps to calm down;

relieves internal tension;

has a positive effect on consciousness;

has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

A pink nursery will look very glamorous

All girls like pink color

For baby up to 3 years old

When renovating a room for a little princess under three years old, you should not choose too bright colors, as they have a stimulating effect. When selecting finishing materials, preference should be given to those that have quality certificates, are environmentally friendly and harmless.

Particular attention should be paid to dividing the room into zones. This will help develop the child's understanding that every thing has its place. If your child has a work table, you need to install a table lamp on it.

As flooring Parents can use carpet, laminate or linoleum. If the apartment is cold, it would not be a bad idea to install heated floors. An important nuance This refers to the fact that a large number heating devices significantly dry out the air. Therefore, in such a situation, it would be optimal to purchase a humidifier for the children's room.

It is better to paint the ceiling white or pastel color, or use a stretch fabric (examples in the photo).

The playing area can be highlighted with bright applications with your favorite cartoon characters, as in the photo.

It is better to design a room in one style

The playing area can be highlighted with color or pattern

Design of a children's room for a girl 4-7 years old

There are no strict recommendations for repairs here, since all children are completely different. The only common factor among all children in this age group is the start of classes. At this age, children begin to learn letters and numbers. It is important to create comfortable conditions for the educational process, as well as sufficient lighting fixtures.

Parents need to properly zone the room, and the design and color scheme must be decided together with the girl. It is necessary to create a comfortable time for the princess in her own square meters. To achieve this, furniture must be functional and practical. The baby will already have many friends who will come to visit. It would not be a bad idea to purchase a sofa in addition to the main bed. Ideas in the photo.

Design of a children's room for a girl from 7 to 12 years old

During this period, babies show maximum independence, and after 10 years, a transition period begins, during which not the best character traits may appear.

It is important to choose the interior of a child’s room for a girl together with her. You can choose several approximate design ideas, and then, together with your daughter, select the most interesting designs. Regarding furniture, you can give preference to comfort and functionality.

It is important to choose a table and chairs that will suit the baby’s height, and the bed and mattress should be as comfortable as possible for sleeping.

Design ideas in the photo below.

Furniture should be selected based on the child’s height

It is better to choose the design of the room together with your child

Room design for a teenage girl over 14 years old

Every parent faces a moment when the cute pink flowers on the wallpaper lose their relevance. The daughter becomes older, and with this begins the process of rethinking the design concept of the personal space zone of a teenage girl. Starting at the age of 14, girls become teenagers, showing increasing independence. It is important here to support hobbies and starting, creating bedroom interior according to the daughter's preferences. The key to designing your daughter's personal meters is not in the use of objects, but in creative approach to the process.

The following elements must be present:

    A transformable bed or sofa for a comfortable sleep;


    A place for hobbies (here you need to install an easel for a young artist, bookshelves for a poetess, a decorative stage for an aspiring dancer, musician or singer);

    A large amount of lighting;

    Spacious wardrobe with full-length mirror;

    Make a dressing table for cosmetic accessories.

The bed must be functional

A wardrobe with a mirror would be a great idea.

Bedroom design style for young ladies

The most popular stylistics in apartments for fashionable little girls are:


  • minimalism.

Next, we will consider in more detail the features of each of the directions. It is not necessary to use a specific style in design; a combination of styles can be an interesting idea, but they must be harmoniously combined with each other.

Classic interior

This style combines luxury and style at the same time. This is the perfect solution for a young princess. An important aspect considered sufficient free space. The classic design of a children's room for a teenage girl involves a large number of natural materials:

    natural wood;

    bulky furniture;

    heavy curtains;

    large chandeliers decorated with crystal and floor lamps.

Regarding the color scheme, preference is given here pastel colors. For the floor, parquet or laminate, as well as carpets, are used. The sense of style in this nursery design for a girl is created through accessories:



    decorative pillows;

    Natural flowers.

Classic style usually uses carpets

Classic design will be an excellent option for a child's room


This stylistic proposal contains a lot of free space combined with minimal furniture content. Such an interior would be optimal in a room for a teenage girl over 12 years old.

It is best to combine such decor with other ideas, since children value not only functionality, but also comfort and originality. Based on the minimum amount of furniture, you can complement the interior with bright accessories.

High tech

Such design in a children's studio room is rare. It is mainly used to create personal space for boys. The basis of this sleeping part of the apartment is clear lines combined with the latest technologies. The room is decorated using modern materials.

Examples of such designs are shown in the photo.

This design is suitable for boys

This design involves the use of clear lines


This image is the most popular in rooms for fidgety little ones. Such an area for sleeping turns out to be cozy and comfortable. When choosing a color, both bright colors and smooth line transitions can be used. This design of a room for a girl is filled with rounded shapes and the absence of sharp corners, combined with naturalness.

Furniture can be made in original form, for example, a bed in the shape of a flower, shelves in the shape of clouds, etc.

Examples of such design are shown in the photo.

This design is suitable for little fidgets

You can paint a flower on the wall

Bedroom furniture

This issue needs to be resolved based on the age of the owner of the premises. For example, for babies you need a playpen and a changing table; for older princesses you need to choose a full bed and a spacious closet for things. Regardless of age, there is a mandatory minimum of things that should be present for both kids and teenagers. These things include:

    Full bed with orthopedic mattress for the formation of posture (even for a small area there is no need to install a sofa for sleeping, since sofa mattresses are not designed for a young spine, and in the future can have an unpleasant effect on it. In a situation with a minimum of space, it is better to order a transforming bed with an orthopedic mattress);

    Desk with adjustable table top and a comfortable chair;

    Spacious closet for things.

Wall covering for a young housewife

More and more designers in creating their projects prefer painting and textured plaster. The key aspect in this matter is to purchase paints from trusted manufacturers with a quality certificate. However, wallpaper also remains popular for renovation purposes.

Types of wallpaper that can be used in apartments for a young princess.

    Vinyl wallpaper - should be used with caution, since the surface material is a foam component, and small children can tear off a piece of it and taste it.

    Paper wallpaper is an excellent solution for this room. They are environmentally friendly and provide good air flow. The disadvantage is their fragility. However, given the fact that children grow very quickly, their preferences and wishes change, replacing the old coating with new wallpaper will not be difficult.

    Liquid wallpaper is an absolutely harmless material for walls. The disadvantage is the lack of a significant selection of paints.

    Photo wallpaper is an original idea for rooms with young owners. They allow you to create unusual projects that children of any age love.

    Eco-friendly wallpaper for walls does not contain harmful components, but has a very small selection of colors, as well as a high price.

Window decoration

The windows can be decorated with unusual crafts and animal-shaped figures, as well as garlands. This will provide a feeling of celebration for the whole year.

When purchasing curtains, pay attention to the following aspects.

    Reliable fastening of the cornice. The ideal solution It will be mounted to the wall in three positions, and its base is natural wood.

    Choose the color of curtains and curtains in light shades; natural fabrics should be used for raw materials.

    Design should be selected in accordance with the unified concept of designing a nursery for a teenage girl.

Bedroom ceiling project for a baby princess

Ceiling modeling should be considered at the renovation planning stage. You can choose from the following options.

    Single-level for painting – standard option, can be used in any room. In addition to paint, you can use decorative finishing or wallpaper;

    Tension ones are one of the most popular. This direction has received the greatest development today, and almost any consumer can afford such an embodiment of the idea. Here you can create either a monochromatic canvas or apply a 3D drawing on it, for example, the night sky. The only limitation is that its level is too low, since after installing the stretch ceiling it will take from 3 to 7 centimeters of height.

    Multi-level ones are the highlight of the room for little fashionistas. It can be created in absolutely any form, and can also be combined with stretch fabric.

Here you can additionally install soffits around the perimeter, providing additional lighting studio rooms, or create solid lighting around the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

Work area lighting for a young lady

It is not for nothing that the issue of sufficient lighting is considered one of the most important in planning and during repairs, since the lack of sufficient light can negatively affect the eyesight of a toddler. In addition to the standard central chandelier, you can select and install additional lighting fixtures:

  • make neon lighting;

    floor lamp or wall sconces;

    table lamp for writing and reading.

The modeling of such devices should fit harmoniously into the overall design of the room.

If there is not enough natural light, it is worth installing additional lighting

Lighting in the room plays an important role


Stylistically correct, laying laminate flooring in a children's bedroom will be a good idea. This is not the most expensive and at the same time high-quality and warm coating. To create additional heat, you can install heated floors.

Another option is carpet. It provides warmth to tiny feet, keeping them warm. The color and style of the carpet should also fit harmoniously into the overall renovation concept.

Video: Room design for a girl

To make a girl’s children’s room look stylish while remaining cozy and comfortable, you can contact a professional designer. But there is a second option - to independently study all the subtleties of the design and take them into account when making repairs.

Basic design rules

When thinking about how to furnish a girl’s nursery, first of all, consider the rules that are common to all ages. They concern questions color design, finishing walls, floors and ceilings, choosing furniture, proper lighting and interior decoration.

Color solution

Delicate light colors work well for girls' rooms. You can use one of the following colors as the main color:

  • light pink;
  • lavender;
  • olive;
  • baked milk;
  • cream;
  • beige.

This range is not exhaustive. You can give preference to any shades that suit your taste. Place bright colored elements against a neutral background to make the room interesting and childlike. Studying photographic materials will best help you choose a harmonious color combination.

Tip: Children's room interior small size It is best to decorate it in the lightest colors possible. This technique will visually expand the space.

Wall decoration

It is the walls that set the overall mood of the design of a children’s room for a girl. You can choose colorful wallpapers with bright patterns or images of cartoon characters, but keep in mind that they can quickly become boring. That is why the best solution would be a plain finish. Already on this simple background you can place temporary stickers, decor, posters, etc.

Idea: You can leave one wall free. Then the girl will have the opportunity to design it herself.

Ceiling decoration

What is clear is that the ceiling should be light. This is the key to comfort from a psychological point of view. As for the type of ceiling, it can be anything. For a small room, it is best to choose the simplest solutions. The photo clearly shows that such a solution does not weigh down the space or overload it.

Tip: If the area allows, using multi-level ceiling you can zone the space.

Choice of flooring

The best option is to install heated floors. As for coverage, it could be:

  • cork cloth;
  • laminate;
  • Lenolium.

You can also choose carpet, but it will be problematic to clean, so it is better to limit yourself to a soft carpet in the play and relaxation area.

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