What are insects for? Beneficial insects are our helpers. Need help with a topic


The value of insects in nature

Insects make up about 80% of all animals on Earth, according to various estimates, in the modern fauna there are from 2 to 10 million species of insects, of which just over 1 million are known so far. Actively participating in the circulation of substances, insects play a global planetary role in nature.

More than 80% of plants are pollinated by insects, and it is safe to say that the flower is the result of the joint evolution of plants and insects. The adaptations of flowering plants to attract insects are diverse: pollen, nectar, essential oils, aroma, shape and color of the flower. Adaptations of insects: sucking proboscis of butterflies, gnawing-licking proboscis of bees; special pollen-collecting apparatus - bees and bumblebees have a brush and a basket on their hind legs, megachil bees have an abdominal brush, numerous hairs on the legs and body.

Insects play an important role in soil formation. Such participation is associated not only with the loosening of the soil and its enrichment with humus by soil insects and their larvae, but also with the decomposition of plant and animal residues - plant litter, corpses and animal excrement, while the sanitary role and the circulation of substances in nature are performed.

The following types of insects perform a sanitary role:

· coprophages - dung beetles, dung beetles, cowsheds;

· necrophages - dead-eating beetles, gravediggers, leather-eaters, meat-eating flies, scavengers;

· insects - destroyers of dead plant residues: wood, branches, leaves, needles - drill beetles, larvae of barbels, borers, horntails, centipede mosquitoes, carpenter ants, mushroom mosquitoes, etc .;

· insects - orderlies of reservoirs feed on suspended or decaying ones that have settled to the bottom organic matter(detritus) - larvae of twitching mosquitoes, or bells, mayflies, caddisflies, purify water and serve as a bioindicator of its sanitary condition.

The value of insects in human life

In the life and economic activity of a person, they have both positive and negative significance.

Of the more than 1 million species of insects, the real pests that need to be controlled are about 1%. The bulk of insects are indifferent to humans or are beneficial. Domesticated insects - honey bee and silkworm, beekeeping and sericulture are based on their breeding. honey bee gives honey, wax, propolis (bee glue), apilac (bee venom), royal jelly; silkworm - a silk thread secreted by the caterpillar's spinning glands during the construction of a cocoon, the silk thread is continuous, up to 1000 m in length. In addition to these insects, the following are valuable products: caterpillars of the oak cocoon moth, their coarser silk thread is used to make flaky fabric; lac bugs secrete shellac, a waxy substance with insulating properties used in radio and electrical engineering; carmine worms (Mexican and Ararat cochineal) give red carmine dye; blister beetles secrete the caustic substance cantharidin, which is used to make a blister patch.

Insect pollinators, representatives of many orders, among which an important place is occupied by hymenoptera, increase the yields of seeds, berries, fruits, flowers of many cultivated plants- fruit and berry, vegetable, fodder, flower.

The Drosophila fruit fly, due to its fecundity and reproduction rate, is not only a classic object of genetics research, but also one of the ideal experimental animals for biological research in space. Fossil insects are used in stratigraphy to determine the age of sedimentary rocks.

Beneficial insects

Ladybug seven-spot (Coccinella septempunctata L.). A small black beetle, 6-8 mm long, with red elytra, on which 7 black round spots clearly appear, thanks to which the insect got its name. Beetles fly well, with amazing accuracy they find colonies of aphids, which they greedily eat. Immediately on the leaves or branches, the females lay heaps of yellow shiny eggs. Small black six-legged larvae emerge from them, which immediately begin to eat aphids, like adults. Where the cows settled, aphids are completely destroyed. Such a picture can often be observed in gardens, berry fields and fruit nurseries. Beetles overwinter in the crevices of buildings, under fallen leaves, in bough grass and other places. In early spring, after overwintering, they leave their shelters, crawl out onto trees and begin to eat pests. IN favorable years ladybugs (they are also called ladybugs) multiply rapidly and eat not only aphids, but also others small pests. In search of food and water, they accumulate en masse near water bodies, on the coast of the seas, on rocks, crawl along roads, where a large number of them die under the feet of passers-by. At such times, cows should be saved from death, collected in special boxes made of thick mesh and stored in refrigerators or in basements in cold places in order to release them on plants damaged by aphids in the spring.

Dragonfly(Leptetrum quadrimaculatum L.). Predatory insect, with large compound eyes, occupying most of the surface of the head, strong gnawing mouthparts and two pairs of transparent long narrow wings with a dense network of veins. The wings of a dragonfly are always perpendicular to the body. They fly very fast, catching a lot of small insects, especially mosquitoes, midges, moths and other pests than bring great benefit to a person. The larvae live in ponds, rivers and feed on small aquatic animals. There are about 200 species of dragonflies in the USSR.

Insects cause enormous economic damage to mankind by eating crops, wooden buildings and other items made from materials of plant origin. These insects include many types of butterflies: apple and plum codling moth, apple and cotton moth, representatives of the family of night bats (they destroy crops, cotton, corn, sunflower, beets, etc.), pine moth and Siberian silkworm (pests of coniferous forests). Great damage to forests bark beetles, lumberjacks and goldfish. Leaf beetles, weevils, caryopses and May beetles harm the green parts of plants. The May beetle is especially dangerous at the larval stage, which lasts 4–5 years. The larvae feed on the roots. herbaceous plants and trees. Devastating locust raids were a terrible disaster at the dawn of human civilization and affect the economy of many modern states. Termites cause very great damage, which, thanks to the fauna of intestinal symbionts, perfectly assimilate fiber, destroying a huge amount of wood.

Beetles, or, as they are also called, beetles, are one of the orders of the class of modern invertebrates that thrives on Earth - insects. Beetles are ubiquitous. They can be found in any seemingly uninhabitable place. They live in soil and water, on flowers, grasses and tall trees, in the hot sands of deserts and in the swampy subpolar tundra. Beetles are found in the burrows of animals and in the nests of birds, in stocks of food and in tree trunks.

Among the beetles there are orderlies of nature who destroy manure and animal corpses, destroy thin branches falling from trees and turn mighty tree trunks into dust. There are beetles that are harmful to humans: they destroy wooden buildings, eat grain in warehouses, potatoes and vegetables in gardens, fruits and berries in gardens. But there are also useful ones. Many predatory beetle species eat harmful insects sometimes acting as protectors of the harvest.

A special group of beetles are species that have adapted to life in human dwellings and buildings. They are called synanthropic. Among them are famous lovers of woolen carpets and fur coats, museum collections and antique furniture.

Like other insects, beetles have a chitinous cover that forms the outer skeleton. They have it especially well developed, which gives them special strength and serves as good protection.

The body of beetles, like all other insects, consists of three main sections: the head, chest and abdomen. The chest, in turn, is divided into three parts: the anterior (prothorax), the middle (middle chest) and the posterior (hind chest). The prothorax is the most developed. It is movably articulated with the head and mesothorax. The mesothorax is fixedly attached to the metathorax, and the metathorax to the abdomen. The entire dorsal part (tergite) of the mesothorax, with the exception of a small triangular formation - the shield, is hidden under the elytra.

Two pairs of wings have a completely different structure and purpose. The front (upper) wings are attached to the mesothorax. They are dense and leathery, devoid of veins and are called elytra, or elytra. The tergite fastens the bases of the elytra when they are folded. During the flight, the elytra remain motionless and raised, playing the same role as the stabilizer in aircraft - they provide balance to the flying body. Their no less important purpose is to cover and protect the large membranous hind wings that fold along and across. These wings represent the main flying machine of the beetles. They are called flying. Usually they are transparent, with veins that have the same purpose as the backs of an umbrella - they give the entire plane of the wing the necessary rigidity.

There are, however, beetles that lack flight wings, as a result of which they will never take to the air. And female fireflies do not even have elytra.

Beetles are typical complete transformation. This means that any of them develops sequentially in four stages. After mating, the female lays eggs - this is the first stage. A mobile larva emerges from the egg - the second stage. In the process of feeding, the larva grows, from time to time shedding the skin. After several links, she turns into a chrysalis. The pupa is motionless; only when disturbed does it begin to squirm restlessly from side to side. At the pupal stage, the larva magically transforms into an adult beetle - an imago. With the advent of the young beetle ends life cycle development. If an insect goes through one such cycle during the summer, then they say that the species develops in one generation or has one generation. Some species have time to form two or even three generations in a season. Others, on the contrary, take several years to fully develop.

The coloration of the body of beetles is very diverse. It depends on the presence in the integument of the body of coloring substances - pigments and on the features of the structure of the integument. Even within the same species, individuals can vary greatly in color and tone. This is the reason for the differences in the description of the coloration of one species of beetle by different authors. The same can be said about the size of the beetles. Among our beetles there are pygmies, less than a millimeter in size (featherwings), there are also giants reaching 15 or more centimeters (hercules, relic woodcutter). But even within the same species, the body size of different individuals can vary greatly, which is most often associated with their feeding at the larval stage.

The coloration of male and female beetles is also often not the same. In some cases, individuals of different sexes differ in surface structure and appearance. In males, various outgrowths in the form of claws, horns, growths are often clearly visible on the body. various shapes. All these formations most often serve the purposes of protection and are used during the confrontation for the possession of a female. The external dissimilarity of the female and male is called sexual dimorphism.

Beetle eggs are usually oval, translucent, light in color. Larvae with a well-developed head and gnawing mouthparts lead a predominantly secretive lifestyle. As a rule, they differ sharply in appearance from adults, but in some species of beetles they are similar, although they are devoid of wings. pupation at different types usually occurs in shelters: in the ground, under the bark or in the wood of trees where the larvae lived. Before pupating, the larvae of the beetle make a so-called cradle - a kind of nest, where, under the sewn cover of its shell, the sacrament of transformation takes place - metamorphosis. In the ground along the banks of reservoirs, most of the aquatic insects also pupate.

To some readers, all these details may seem redundant. But not to entomologists, specialists who have devoted their lives to the study of insects. It is by the totality of external (morphological) features, by way of life, behavior, that they distinguish one species from another. Sometimes such differences are so small and imperceptible that they are detected only by high-class taxonomists. Usually there are only a few such specialists in the world for each individual group of insects, and they work in well-known museums or zoological institutes. It is to them that they turn, if necessary, to recognize little-known insects. There are excellent taxonomy entomologists among amateurs as well. Each of them has its own home collection, sometimes exceeding the state collections in terms of the number of collected species. There are especially many collectors who collect butterflies and beetles. The latter are called coleopterologists (from the Latin name of the order of beetles - Coleoptera).

The biology of beetles is very diverse. In this respect, they are superior to almost all other orders of insects. The mouth apparatus of all beetles is gnawing, which allows them to eat a wide variety of food: from soft raw to extremely hard dry. Among them there are carnivorous (predators and corpse-eaters) and herbivorous forms (phytophages), which can feed on various organs of the most various plants. There are also saprophages; their favorite food is decomposed, rotted organic remains.

No one knows how many species of beetles live on our planet. At least more than 300,000 have been described, although in reality there are almost certainly 2-3 times more. This is confirmed by the results of recent studies conducted in tropical forests. There, using the method of "toxic knockdown", i.e. while treating closed dense crowns with a pesticide using a helicopter, under their canopy on pre-spread bedding, entomologists discovered an unthinkable number of hitherto unknown species of insects, including beetles. Calculations showed that the number of new species is 2-3 times higher than the number of previously known insects.

On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries(within former USSR) entomologists number over 20 thousand species of beetles, uniting them in almost 90 families. Representatives of each of the families are characterized by morphological, biological and behavioral features peculiar only to them. There are large families that unite thousands of species, there are also small ones, in which only a few species are known.

On this site you will get acquainted with more than 40 species of beetles. It is difficult to accurately describe the boundaries of the habitat of each species of beetle. The zones of their life - areas - usually cover the territories of a number of neighboring countries. We will not point out each time that the given data on the number of species in a particular family refer to the territory of the former USSR. But this should not be forgotten, since some species live, for example, only in Central Asia, and some - only in the Caucasus.

As for those described on the site certain types beetles, then all of them are inhabitants of Russian spaces: forests, gardens, fields, reservoirs. Among them are our immediate neighbors, who can be found inside dwellings, in a bag of flour or dried mushrooms, in wooden wall at home or in an old piano. These are the most common and typical species of beetles for the fauna of Russia - representatives of 24 families.

Entomologists use various rules and systems for sequencing families when describing them, including beetles. For the convenience of readers on our website they are arranged in the Russian alphabet.

To the question Why does nature need insects? given by the author ღツღLenie ღツღ the best answer is Benefits of Insects
Insects are very prolific. Naturally, their influence on nature is enormous. Let's talk about their benefits now.
The most important function of insects is the pollination of flowering plants. flowering plants- This is the main source of both food and moisture for most insects. And at the same time, most flowering plants (that is, those with cross-pollination) depend on pollinating insects.
All bright, visible flowers from afar are "ads" with which plants attract insects. It also attracts insects and their scent.

In each corolla of a flower there is a pistil in the middle, and around it are stamens, the ends of which (anthers) are stuffed with pollen. In order for a cross-pollinated plant to bear fruit, it must be pollinated: make sure that the pollen of one flower falls on the stigma (top of the pistil) of another. And it is the insects that visit the flowers that provide such pollination.
Insects visit flowers to collect pollen (some beetles, many Hymenoptera) or for sweet nectar (flies, butterflies, many Hymenoptera).
Sometimes insects use the corollas of flowers as a refuge or climb into inflorescences to attach their offspring there. And all types of insect visits to flowers are used by plants to provide pollination.
Many plants reproduce only through pollination by insects. And we are harvesting!
* * *
The honey bee, mulberry and oak silkworms, lac bugs, and cochineal are examples of semi-domesticated insects bred by humans for the food they provide.
Let's remember how many benefits bees bring to a person! Honey, propolis, wax... Silkworm caterpillars secrete silk during the construction of a cocoon, from which delicate silk fabrics are spun.
Another silkworm - Chinese oak - also gives a thread - even more durable. Very valuable product- shellac - give varnish insects living on a number of tree species of southeast Asia. The wax-like substances emitted by them have exceptional electrical insulating properties and are wide application in radio engineering.
Other worms give dye in the same way.
Many insects are important soil formers: destroyers of fallen leaves and needles, dead wood, and manure.
For example, there was such an interesting case in the history Agriculture Australia. Some pastures began to die due to the fact that heaps of cow dung that did not decompose and hindered the growth of grass accumulated on the surface of the soil. It turned out that there were no dung beetles. Dung beetles were brought in - and this quickly led to the decomposition of manure accumulations and to a large increase in the yield of pastures that had begun to fall into desolation.
And besides all of the above, we will also remember the aesthetic role of butterflies, dragonflies and other insects that adorn our nature!

Insects are creatures belonging to the class of invertebrate arthropods. Of all the earthly creatures, only they managed to adapt to life in literally all climatic zones. Their number is very significant, as well as the ability to reproduce in huge quantities and in short time. They are present literally everywhere and can be unpleasant and annoying, cause inconvenience, and sometimes outright harm. Everything seems to be clear with them. But we must not forget - to species that turned out to be useless or unnecessary, nature is merciless. So why does nature need insects?


Insects are small in size, but very numerous and varied. It is difficult to overestimate the impact they have on the Earth's biosphere. The most striking and famous example of beneficial insects are bees that collect honey and pollinate plants along the way. And what about the rest - caterpillars that eat a huge amount of greenery, biting mosquitoes and midges and other little things, the usefulness of which is not at all easy to notice at first sight?

First of all, it should be said that not only bees contribute to the pollination of plants. Many insects - butterflies, bumblebees, beetles, flies - need pollen and nectar and visit a huge number of flowers every day, thus realizing their cross pollination. Some species of plants have become so adapted and so dependent on certain types of insects that, in their absence, they are not able to bear fruit.

As you know, insect larvae - caterpillars - feed on the leaves of wild and cultivated plants. Over many millions of years, plants have adapted to possible damage by insects. Approximately one fourth of the leaves is not necessary. These are spare leaves. Damage, as a rule, only stimulates the growth of green mass of plants.

Sometimes caterpillars damage the trees in the forest, and so much that they leave them completely without leaves. However, around the middle of summer, greenery on the trees will still appear. In autumn, the layer of fallen leaves will not be too thick and by next spring the forest floor will turn into humus with the help of earthworms and other soil organisms. The accumulation of fallen and unprocessed leaves harms the forest. The access of water and air to the roots of trees is difficult, and they begin to die off, the seeds remain on the surface of the leaf litter and cannot germinate. In addition, caterpillar excrement scattered throughout the forest is tens of kilograms of additional fertilizer. Of course, all of the above does not apply to cases of “explosive” reproduction of insects, in which the ecological balance is disturbed.

There are quite a few species of insects that perform sanitary and soil-forming functions. They accelerate the decomposition of animal droppings and their remains, promote the movement of humus into the soil and literally plow it, creating conditions for the normal development of plants. These are all kinds of beetles and dung beetles, meat-eaters and dead-eaters, gravedigger beetles, etc.

Insects are very prolific. Larvae of some flying insects can be found in almost every puddle. They are able to accumulate in their body valuable trace elements that enter the water from the soil. Flying insects that have developed from larvae spread them, fertilizing the soil. Considering that their biomass is huge, it can be said that this important element soil formation.

Finally, do not forget that for some species of animals - birds, fish - insects and their larvae are, if not the main, then a very important link in the food chain.

Anastasia Kirichenko

Above project our whole family worked me, my husband and son 4 years old with my daughter 11 years old

View project: long term project with a given result and elements of creativity.

Duration project: 01.04.15-01.09.15 5 months

Members project: parents with children

Educational area: environmental education.

Object of study: insects

Target project: creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities in the process of implementing educational project« Why do we need insects.

Tasks project:

form elementary representations O insects(butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper, their structure, modes of movement;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards living things;

Develop emotional responsiveness;

Develop communication skills;

Build skills research activities.

Estimated result:

Know and name insects(butterfly, ant, ladybug);

Have a basic understanding of certain features appearance(body shape, number of legs, presence of wings, methods of movement (flies, runs, sounds made (buzzes, chirps, where and how they hibernate insects;

Know about the benefits or harm that people and plants bring;

Find similarities and differences;

Have a general concept « insects» ;

Research methods:

Observation, description, comparison

Relevance of the problem: With the advent of spring, everyone strives to restore order in the garden, in the yard, and often meet insects. They don't know if they're good or bad. With Mitya, we decided to conduct a series of studies about insects. The reaction of the child was ambiguous. Some aroused joy and genuine interest, others - fear and disgust. There were also such solutions to destroy insects. During the course of the study, there problem: « Are insects necessary?? Do they benefit or harm? The project will allow you to form ideas about insects, their benefit or harm; develop creative abilities and search activity.

Implementation plan project:

2. Conversations and reading about insects

3. Observations for insects

4. "Aunt Owl's Lessons" cartoon review

5. Board games : "Lotto", "Ladybugs", D. i. « Insects»

6. Crafts Panel "The Birth of a Butterfly",

« Insects»

Research methods

The first method is the capture-release method. It is to collect insects into traps in some way harmless to them, and after studying they are released back into nature. For example, one of these methods is the installation of a trapping cylinder (Barber traps) to study crawling insects. This is so scientifically called, but in a simple way, it is the usual glass jar(precisely glass, so that insect, having got into it, could not crawl back along its walls). We bury the jar so that the neck is at ground level, and during the day we check who got there.

These are the careless insects that fell into our trap. We like this trap because, unlike many others (water, sticky, etc., insects do not die in it. After research, they are simply released into the wild. Another trap is light.

She needed for"hunting" at night insects. For this, any white material (big leaf paper or just a vertically stretched sheet) and a flashlight or lamp to illuminate it. Insects fly into the light and on a white background they can be perfectly seen. We used the whitewashed wall of our house as such a trap. When it gets dark, you need to turn on the lamp and wait for someone to fly into its light. I have already written that I I'm terribly afraid of insects. And it's one more thing to look at cute ladybugs, ants, and it's quite another thing to come face to face with night dwellers. And here is another creature that seems to have come out of my nightmares - a flycatcher. She does not apply to insects- This is a huge centipede 5-7 centimeters in length. Fortunately, the flycatcher is completely harmless to humans, at night it crawls out onto white walls to catch flies.

The second method, with the help of sweet lured insects.

Insects are small but very numerous and varied. It is difficult to overestimate the impact they have on the Earth's biosphere. The brightest and most famous example of useful insects - bees, which collect honey and at the same time pollinate plants. And what about the rest - ants, ladybugs, eating a huge amount of greenery, the usefulness of which is not at all easy to notice at first glance?

Why do we need insects? Ants

In the spring, as soon as the sun warms up, the first spring flowers begin to appear and insects come out of their winter houses. All submitted insects go through 4 stages of development.

Ants are one of the most interesting insects The structure of the ant 3 pairs of legs, abdomen, chest, head, antennae and strong jaws. As already seen in scheme No. 1, they go through 4 stages development: Egg, larva, pupa, adult.

Ants live in families in nests called anthills, which are arranged in the soil, wood, under stones; some build anthills from small plant particles, etc. A number of species have adapted to living in human dwellings. Some species are valued for population control insect pests, others may be considered pests.

They feed mainly on plant sap, aphids and other sucking insects, during the feeding period of larvae - mainly insects. There are also species that feed seeds(reaper ants) and cultivated mushrooms (leaf cutter ants).

Ants are different, most often we divide them into red and black, but some benefit fruit and berry crops, while others do not. Good helpers in the garden redheads forest ants. They are so active and skillful exterminators of harmful insects that their dwellings (cone-shaped piles) they began to take them under protection and deliberately resettle them, not only in the forest, but also in gardens, on lands adjacent to them - in forest belts and groves.

Their help can be very significant; ants play an important role in nature. They loosen, mix and fertilize the soil, accelerate the decomposition of dead wood, transfer seeds plants and are indispensable links in several important food chains. Black garden ants, on the contrary, can cause considerable damage to fruit and berry plants, and not directly themselves, but by settling their favorite aphids on them.

Do not ruin forest anthills!

Ants are forest orderlies;

That's what people called them for a reason!

To make the forest beautiful and healthy,

Without harmful larvae and beetles,

Ants guard the day and night:

Drive different bark beetles away!

Only you, my friend, do not disturb them!

Don't destroy the ants!

These nurses are needed

For the forests of your native country!


It belongs to the phylum Arthropoda, class insects, order Coleoptera, ladybug family.

Well known for their bright coloration and lack of fear of humans. Most people know the seven-spotted ladybug, but the species diversity of these insects are huge.

They are characterized by a very small head, an enlarged cephalothorax, and a round or slightly elongated body with hard, convex elytra. The color of most species is very bright - red with black dots. The vast majority of ladybugs are voracious predators and only a few species are herbivores. Predatory ladybugs are extremely voracious and can eat up to hundreds of small ones a day. insects - aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies, and they prey not only on adults, but also eat their larvae and eggs. Occasionally, ladybugs can even attack butterfly caterpillars. The victims of ladybugs are inactive, so hunting for them comes down to simply eating the victim.

This is one of the most beautiful insects, which reminds us of the coming spring, and the upcoming long-awaited summer. They, like the inhabitants of gardens and kitchen gardens presented above, go through 4 stages of development.

Consider the structure of a butterfly. The butterfly has a head, body, wings covered with scales. The scales refract light, shimmering like a rainbow, forming a beautiful pattern. Tell your child that butterflies should not be caught or touched by the wings. You can remove the paint. In fact, butterfly wings are transparent, like those of a bee or a fly. And scales give color. Therefore, they are called Lepidoptera. Coloring is very different. We see it both in nature and in pictures. Sometimes the coloration is protective.

The butterfly has antennae and a coiled proboscis. When a butterfly lands on a flower, it unfolds its proboscis, puts it inside the flower and drinks the nectar. If a butterfly flies from flower to flower, it will carry pollen and the pollinated plants will have more seeds. And now we find out whether they benefit or harm.

Among the butterflies there are species of caterpillars, which during the period of mass reproduction can devastate gardens and orchards. These are cabbage, turnip, swede, hawthorn, moth.

Butterfly caterpillars, whose fodder plant serves some kind sometimes turn out to be the most effective tool fight him. The role of butterflies as pollinators of plants is great.

Action Program

1. Do not ruin anthills, as the help of ants can be very significant, in nature they play an important role. They loosen, mix and fertilize the soil, accelerate the decomposition of dead wood, transfer seeds plants and are indispensable links in several important food chains.

2. Do not crush bugs and spiders, they also play an important role in nature, eating hundreds of pests.

3. Butterflies must not be touched by the wings, let alone tear them off, they will not be able to fly. Even, such as moths and cabbage, because birds feed on them.

If we make an effort to fight against insects, then where we can break the chain in development. Some species may become extinct and be included in the Red Book, whether it is a bird or an animal. In nature, there is a life cycle of pest selection. Let's fight for the preservation of living species, not for their destruction.

All conditions were created for the development of cognitive and creative abilities in the process of implementing educational project« Why do we need insects.

And also Mitya formed elementary ideas about insects(butterfly, ant, ladybug, their structure, modes of movement; the concept of caring for the living arose; acquired basic research skills. Knows and names insects, has the simplest ideas about some features of appearance (body shape, number of legs, presence of wings, methods of movement (flies, runs, where and how they hibernate insects. Gained a lot of experience in knowing about the benefits or harms that insects bring people and plants. Learned how they are similar, the fact that all insects go through 4 stages of development, some individuals have wings, and 3 pairs of legs, but differ external factors and habitat. The child has mastered such a generalizing concept as « insects» .

Working on project, we wanted to improve it and created two materials with our own hands that will help other children in learning about the world around them, as they helped us.

How we made the panel "The appearance of a butterfly"

here is what we got

more to work on project we have prepared didactic manual "insects"

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