Construction of a wooden slide. Do-it-yourself children's slide made of wood - manufacturing and installation. Finishing work. Making the top platform of the slide

Few parents know how to make a slide for children with their own hands, but you really want to please the child, diversify his leisure time both in the city yard and in the country.

For the construction of a children's slide, you need to use environmentally friendly materials that will be harmless to children's health.

There are no children in the world who do not like to ride downhill, and they do it at any time of the year: on slopes, sleds, packs, or just on a soft fifth point.

Often, slides located on playgrounds have long been broken, and parents do not allow children to go to them, as they are worried about their life and health. But the child cannot be limited in movement, he must move and develop, therefore best option- make a slide with your own hands. You can involve children in this process and, together at your leisure, build any kind of slide, which in the future will delight both parents and their child and his friends.

The ice slide is simple in design and execution.

As with any construction, there are several stages of work on the slide:

  1. First, it is important to think over the idea of ​​the structure itself. Choose a place for the slide, since it can be located both in the country house and in the city yard; it can be made from wood, metal, plastic or ice.
  2. Secondly, for the further construction of the slide, it is desirable to draw up diagrams of the future structure. The drawings will help in the subsequent stages in order to determine what material will be needed, how much it will be needed, and also to assess the scope of the work ahead.
  3. Purchase of the necessary consumables, preparation of tools.
  4. Assembly of the slide, installation and strength test. You need to check the slide, because, without specialized skills, you can easily make a mistake in the calculations and during assembly, which can lead to injury to children.

Options for slides for children: in the yard or in the country

Alone in the city yard or on suburban area You can build several types of slides:

  1. Icy. The slide is short-lived, but winter period she is simply irreplaceable. Indeed, during the winter holidays, children do not have so much entertainment, but they have enough free time. At the same time, it is simple in design and execution, takes up little space, which, with the onset of heat, will be freed up for further use for its intended purpose.
  2. Wooden. A durable and fairly safe structure that you can do yourself with a minimum of money spent and Supplies. At the same time, such a slide can serve for a long time, delighting both children and their friends.

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How is an ice slide made?

As soon as winter comes, the first snow falls, children run out into the yards in droves and spend everything there. free time riding on any slopes. At the same time, you can build a safe, durable ice slide, which is simply not more economical. For such a slide, you will need a minimum set of consumables and tools that can be found in any apartment:

After the base of the slide is formed, you need to fill it with water.

  • shovel;
  • metal spatula or scoop;
  • several buckets;
  • water;
  • sand.

The ice slide is made in several stages, in each you can involve a child who will directly take part in this exciting process:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place down the hill. It is important to consider that the slide should be located in a safe place, the descent should not end at the roadways or next to the wall of the house or the fence, as this is traumatic. The slide should be placed in a well-lit place, away from car parking, it is ideal if such a slide can be built on suburban area close to home.
  2. With a shovel, together with the child, you need to form the base of the slide from the snow and fill it with water, it is best to do this with a spray bottle, but you can also simply pour non-hot water from the bucket and let it freeze well.
  3. After glaciation, you need to form the upper part of the hill and the descent from the snow. Well, if the latter is not cool and long. Then again fill the resulting structure with water. To give the slide additional strength, you can repeat this procedure until the ice has a stable and safe shape. It is important to ensure that the water is evenly distributed over the surface of the slide.
  4. On last step with a spatula, all protrusions and irregularities must be removed from the surface of the descent, and with reverse side from the descent into the hill, again, with a spatula, cut steps into the step of the child, which it is advisable to sprinkle with sand to provide additional security.

There is only one drawback of such a slide - its seasonality, which is successfully compensated by the happy time spent on it by the child and his friends.

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wooden slide

Wood is a fairly common material for the manufacture of playground elements, swings, carousels and slides.

In order to make a wooden slide, you will need more money, effort and at least minimal skills in carpentry. The scheme is very simple:

  • slide base;
  • descent;
  • ladder.

For work you will need:

  • board (5x14x60 cm) - 8 pcs.;
  • timber (10x10x60 cm) - 4 pcs. and another one with dimensions of 50x50x80 cm;
  • two sheets of moisture-resistant plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • round rail (30x120 cm) - 2 pcs.;
  • drill, screwdriver and screws;
  • garden drill or shovel;
  • stain and varnish or you can use paint.

Before proceeding with the assembly of such a slide, you need to saw all the wooden parts according to the scheme, sand the timber and boards, remove sharp corners. This work takes place in several stages:

  1. Marking the territory, drilling holes in the ground to install the base from the timber. To make the slide more solid construction, it is better to concrete the timber in the ground.
  2. With a saw or a milling cutter, grooves are made on the upper parts of the racks to strengthen the planed boards, and the supports must be connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure is provided by transverse bars, and they will also play the role of a protective barrier, sides.
  3. Two beams are attached to the extruded frame, and already they will need to attach a ladder and a slope to them.
  4. The floor is made of boards. You need to screw it with self-tapping screws for greater fixation. It is better to lay the boards not tightly, but to leave small gaps, this will help to remove excess moisture after snow or rain.
  5. The ends of the boards are cut at an angle of approximately 45 ° and attached to the uprights. These will be the sides of the stairs, to which you need to attach boards horizontally at an equal distance - these are the future steps of the slide. Their step is calculated separately, you should not make it very large, as this will be inconvenient for children, but too small is not recommended. The descent of the slide is done similarly to the stairs, only instead of boards it is formed from sheets of plywood, tightly fitted and reinforced from below wooden slats with mandatory fixation with screws.
  6. At the last stage, decorative processing of the slide is carried out. You can cover it with varnish or paint - it already depends on the desire and availability of materials. But it is important to process all wooden and plywood parts in order to protect the slide from the effects of precipitation and extend its life.

Children's slide for giving: a product that we will talk about in this article on the site site. Drawings photo and video instructions help you build do-it-yourself children's slide. A children's slide is probably one of the obligatory elements of any suburban area if you have children. Any number of structures can be installed on the playground various types: sandbox - the choice depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Most of the items for the playground can be made independently. For example, children's slide quite simple to build and long years serving as a source of children's joy.

The main requirement for children's slide in the country is security

Mandatory conditions for a children's slide in the country

Children's slide in the country Can be installed both indoors and outdoors outdoors. It should be understood that the slide is for a child (it was built for a house or for a street in this case does not matter) must meet certain requirements:

  • for the construction, you need to use only environmentally friendly and safe materials for the health of the child. It does not matter if you are building a slide from wood, metal or plastic, the material should not contain harmful elements. The same goes for paintwork materials, with which you will open the structure. Another important point both for a children's plastic slide for the house, and for wooden structure- it is resistant to fire;

The most popular materials for slide construction- wood and metal

  • be sure to use structural elements such as railings and railings. They will not only help the child maintain balance while climbing the hill, but also protect him from falling during games. The railing on the slide for a child in the country should be installed regardless of the age of your child;
  • It is best to use wood to build a structure. Children's wooden slides for the home are more pleasant during operation due to the natural origin of the material. In outdoor conditions, wooden slides do not heat up as quickly as metal ones, so they can be installed in any place convenient for you, and not just in the shaded part of the site. On hot metal, a child can easily get burned, but wood does not heat up to a dangerous temperature;

metal slide with a wave-like slope covered with acrylic paint

  • plastic children's slide for the street is easier than wood or metal. It can be easily moved from place to place, transported if necessary, but the material itself is less durable - it can easily crack;
  • slide should be located away from trees, lamps, outbuildings and other structures. This is done so that when going down the hill the baby does not get hurt. The surface around the hill can be sown lawn grass or use a special rubber coating. Remember that the main thing is the health of the child, so any street children's slide for giving should be safe;

Slide must be installed on open area to help minimize possible injury.

  • the base should be reinforced with a metal support or concreted. You should not rely on the fact that the child still does not move the structure from its place - even the most durable slide can tip over as a result of children's games;
  • an important point is the height of the constructed do-it-yourself children's slide for a summer residence. It should correspond to the age of the child, for example, the height of the slide intended for younger children school age, should not exceed 3.5 m.

wooden slide with two slopes, a house and a swing, built in the yard of a private house

Helpful advice! There should be no gaps and openings in the design of the slide, otherwise the child may get stuck or seriously injured during the game.

Do-it-yourself slide construction: materials and tools

How build a hill in the country with your own hands without much difficulty? If we are talking about a wooden structure, you will need several wooden beams, planed boards, slats, clapboard and fiberboard. You can connect the elements together with nails, anchor bolts and screws.

Process construction of a children's slide wood

The list of tools needed for construction is very simple:

  • saw for wood, manual or electric;
  • hammer;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • roulette and level;
  • drill.

The slope for the slide can be purchased factory-made or you can make it yourself

By the way, it is not necessary to use a wooden slope - cracks may appear on it or chips may break off, which can injure the child. You can buy plastic ramps for slides and install them on a wooden structure.

In the case of a metal structure, everything is a little more complicated. Here you will need welding machine and Bulgarian. All seams and joints in a wooden and metal structure should be carefully sanded so that the child does not accidentally get hurt during the game. Metal ramps for children's slide should be painted special paint, which will absorb Sun rays and do not allow the metal to heat up to a high temperature.

Device drawing wooden slide for babies

How to build a children's slide in the country with your own hands

If you decide build a slide for a child on your own, you should follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • first of all you need to prepare construction plan drawing. You can take a ready-made one from the Internet or draw your own. Finished drawings of a children's slide made of wood with their own hands are good because they indicate the exact proportions of the elements and the sizes of individual parts;
  • referring to the diagram, it is necessary to cut boards, slats and beams. In addition, they must be sanded so that splinters cannot get under the skin of the child. With the help of a planer, the beveled edges of the corners of the parts are removed, which will further increase the safety of the structure;

Wooden structures are environmentally friendly and fairly easy to install.

  • markup is carried out on the selected area. It is worth allocating a site with a margin if you are going to build a children's sports complex for a summer residence together with a slide. Optimal size for construction without additional outbuildings - 2 by 2 m;
  • recesses of about 60 cm are dug under the supports. wooden bars, the ends of which should be covered with a special waterproofing mastic. This is done in order to extend the life of the supports. In the racks, grooves are cut into which the connecting wooden planks. The elements of the resulting frame are interconnected using bolts or self-tapping screws;

Drawing of a wooden slide for a playground in the garden

  • then the floor is installed. At building a slide in the country with their own hands remember: it is important that the floor is as strong as possible, so thick boards are selected for it, which are interconnected with self-tapping screws and screwed to the frame with metal corners. If you do not want water to accumulate on the floor of the slide, small gaps should be left between the boards, but not enough for the child to put his finger in them;

Railings and fences - required elements designs children's slide

  • a ramp for children's slides is being made. Its width should not exceed 80 cm. The surface of the slope is covered with linoleum, galvanized sheet or plastic. Linoleum is the cheapest option, but warps and tears easily. The metal coating heats up noticeably in the sun and can also bend. Most reliable option- plastic ramps for children's slides. Plastic does not overheat, rust, or bend, but is more expensive than linoleum or metal flooring;

Drawing of a slide slide device for a children's sports complex

  • ladder is installed. The optimal size of boards for its manufacture is 20 mm. After mounting the main part, the side part is installed. To do this, a board sawn at an angle of 45 ° is attached to the posts with screws. Then the bars are screwed to the board, on which the steps are mounted. Photos of do-it-yourself children's slides made of wood on the Internet clearly show how exactly you need to fasten the elements of the stairs. After the installation of the steps, balusters are installed, on which the railings are attached;

Photo: the sandbox can be arranged both at the base of the slide and at the end of the descent

Helpful advice! Railings must be done in any case, regardless of the height of the slide or the angle of the stairs. They serve not only for safety, but also to make it more convenient for the child to keep balance when lifting.

  • grooves are cut in the side of the racks into which they are installed side walls from plywood or fiberboard. The walls can also be made of small boards or have some kind of original look;
  • all protruding corners, nail and screw heads are removed, all surfaces are carefully sanded and coated with paint or a special protective varnish.

Drawing of a children's slide for a summer residence. dimensions: length - 3020 mm; width - 890 mm; height - 1800 mm. Maximum user weight - 100 kg, minimum child age - 3 years

An interesting modification of the design can be a slide - a sandbox for children. In this case, the sandbox is organized either at the base of the slide, or you can build a reservoir with sand at the end of the descent.

Materials for the construction of a children's slide

If you are in doubt from what material to build a house with a slide for children or another similar structure on personal plot, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of buildings made of the two most popular materials - wood and metal.

Wooden children's sports complex for a summer residence with a slide

Features of a wooden slide

Wooden structures for playgrounds have proven themselves several centuries ago. All do-it-yourself children's slides made of wood are built according to the classic layout, which includes a ladder and a ramp, a base, an upper platform and a protective part. In addition, often standard project add additional elements, for example, an internal labyrinth, a sandbox, additional descents and much more. Since it is quite simple to make such a design, it all depends solely on your imagination.

Photo: installing a plastic descent is the best option when building a slide designed for young children

One of the significant advantages of creating a wooden slide for children in the country with their own hands is the cheapness of manufacturing. The material itself is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are also not needed for its processing. In addition, building a structure from boards and timber does not require special building skills and abilities from you - sometimes it’s enough just to clearly adhere to the scheme found on the Internet.

Another advantage of this design is its environmental Safety. The tree does not cause allergies, does not emit harmful substances when heated. The only one point of contention Here - paintwork structures, so be sure to read the instructions when buying varnish or paint to cover the slide.

Photo: simple design children's slide made from tree trunks

Helpful advice! The wood for the slide should be High Quality dry and well sanded. Choose the most durable types of wood, and to increase resistance to humidity or temperature changes, the boards must be coated with a special compound.

An element that should be given special attention when installing a wooden building is the descent. It is best not to risk using your own planed boards, but to purchase factory-made material for a ramp. It can be linoleum, stainless steel sheet or plastic.

Photo: children's playhouse made of wood with a plastic slide

Features of a children's slide made of metal

Metal slides for children, they used to stand in every yard and, with proper care, could serve for more than a dozen years. Photo of children's slides with their own hands made of metal show that in appearance they are not much different from the wooden counterpart.

A significant advantage of a metal structure is its strength. iron structure does not require special processing and care, endures temperature extremes, high humidity, large mechanical loads. The only thing that needs to be done periodically with a metal slide is to update the paint and make sure that the paintwork does not peel off as a result of corrosion.

Strength and durability are the main advantages of a metal structure

How make a slide for children with your own hands from metal? For this you will need finished items, grinder and welding machine. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the seams, as they are potentially dangerous for the child. The quality of welding is also of fundamental importance: the higher it is, the stronger the structure will be.

Flaw iron slide- quick warming up in the sun. If you install such a structure where the sun's rays will constantly fall on it, your child can easily get burned. Therefore, if you still decide to build a building made of metal elements, you should choose a place for it in the shade or make a special one.

Photo: a metal slide with a plastic slope installed by the pool

At building a slide with your own hands it is not necessary to use only wooden or metal elements. These materials can be combined in different proportions, thus obtaining an original, reliable design.

Of course, one can always wonder where buy a children's slide. You can do this in any specialized store or via the Internet. But remember that only a self-made design will satisfy all your requirements and allow you to realize design fantasies.

Even a factory-made slide can be supplemented with self-created elements

There are a number of points that should be considered in order for the design to be reliable and safe:

  • for additional stability of the balusters, the stairs of the wooden structure should be further strengthened with planks;
  • drawings, videos, photos of children's slides in the country with their own hands show that the grooves and the slats inserted into them, when bolted together, form a light, but strong and stable structure;

At construction of a children's slide in the country the height of the structure should be carefully calculated

  • great option for painting a structure - acrylic paint. It is safe for the health of the child, well protects the tree from various kinds negative impacts and looks attractive. Also, acrylic is famous for its durability and does not lose color saturation even with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • A convenient type of surface for use under a slide is artificial grass or rubber. This does not require special care, does not change its properties depending on the season or weather, creates a safe surface under the slide that will protect the child from injury in case of a fall from the slide.

The covering of the area around the slide for children should be as less traumatic as possible.

Plastic slide for children purchased at a store or construction market, is not always the best option. Yes, you save time and effort by building, but wooden or metal structure can not only cost less money, but also allow you to create a full-fledged sports complex for the child, consisting of a large number of elements. By the way, even a plastic slide for children can be supplemented with homemade elements and turned into a complex and exciting design for games.

High-quality and reliable slide is not only good way keep your child busy while staying in country house but also the opportunity to develop it physically.

The children's slide is one of the favorite entertainment for kids, and parents are also not averse to sliding down it. Previously, on each playground there was a metal structure, today it is a bright and colorful structure made of wood or plastic.

Today, a children's slide can be purchased at a specialized store and it will no longer be just a design with steps and a descent, but a whole play complex. Of course, not every family can afford to buy such entertainment. But if you want to please your child, then you can make a children's slide with your own hands.

When buying a ready-made slide in a store, there is not always confidence in the quality of the product, but if you do it yourself, you can slowly foresee all the nuances of safety and minimal cost get a safe and high-quality design.

The first thing to worry about is the safety of the child. All equipment used in playgrounds must comply with GOST. For example, a slide should be equipped with railings and sides of such a height that the child cannot fall out or get stuck during the game. The lower part of the descent should have a smooth rounding with a radius of at least 5 cm at a height of 20-30 cm from the ground.

Near it there should not be electric lighting devices, household buildings, trees, etc. The child is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, so at least part of the structure should be in the shade.

It must have the following characteristics:

  1. strength;
  2. stability;
  3. functionality;
  4. attractive appearance.

The structure must be well fixed, you can concrete or use metal supports. All parts must be sanded and varnished. The size of the structure should correspond to the age of the child; for children of primary school age, the height should not exceed 3.5 meters.


For the construction of a children's slide, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly materials. Most often, such structures are made of wood or metal.

The installation process will be different depending on the material chosen. Wood and metal have their own characteristics, which you need to know and take into account even at the selection stage.

Children's slide made of metal

To build a metal slide, you need electric welding and skills to work with it. It is also worth considering that the metal heats up during welding and can be deformed.

Therefore, the end result, without at least a minimum knowledge of working with metal, may not meet expectations. But despite this, the metal structure has such advantages as:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability.

However, do not forget about the shortcomings. The main disadvantage of a metal slide is that it heats up in the sun and the child can get burned. Therefore, such a structure will have to be placed on the shaded side of the garden plot.

And one more minus - if a metal slide is installed in the country, then there is a high probability that the ubiquitous scrap metal collectors will drag it away.

wooden slide

One of the advantages of a wooden structure is the ease of installation. It does not require special and expensive tools to work. Main tool kit:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. drill;
  3. grinder and nozzles for it;
  4. hammer.

Anyone can use this tool. Wood has practically no disadvantages, and those that can be found are easy to fix. For example, to protect against moisture, it is enough to process it by special means and varnish.

The choice of material is up to you. And if you are the first to make such a design and have never worked with welding, choose a tree.

Construction process

The first step is to make a drawing. You can use a ready-made layout or come up with your own. Then, in accordance with the drawing, prepare the material: cut the timber to size, sand and plan the logs and boards. On all structural details, it is necessary to chamfer the corners so that the child is not injured.

Then a territory of 2 × 2 m is marked out, and more if possible, and in the future it is planned to create a playground. A garden drill makes depressions 60 cm deep in the ground. Coated waterproofing material poles are installed in prepared pits and concreted.

In the upper part of the bars, with a hacksaw or a milling cutter, grooves are cut into which the planks are inserted. The slats are fastened with self-tapping screws and perform two functions:

  1. strapping - the structure becomes stable and more rigid;
  2. fence - ensure the safety of the child on the hill.

Now you need to attach two more planks to the bars, a ramp will be attached to one, and a ladder to the other. On these strips, the floor from the boards is fixed with self-tapping screws.

For a slide, it is made of two boards, the ends of each board must be cut at an angle of 45º. Prepared boards are attached to the platform and racks. Then they are fixed at regular intervals with bars, on which the steps are laid. After that, balusters (vertical bars) and railings (horizontal bars) are installed on the stairs.

After the stairs, the descent is made. The manufacturing technology of the descent is similar to the manufacture of stairs. The only difference is that plywood is attached to the side boards, and fences are made on the sides.

The fence should rise at least 10 cm above the plywood, this will not allow children to fly out of it. All joints of wooden parts are additionally fastened with corners.

When the slide is fully assembled, they start grinding and painting. All elements are deburred grinder, and sharp corners are ground.

Now you can apply to wooden surfaces varnish or paint. In order to make the sliding better, you can additionally fix a sheet of tin on the descent.

On this, the construction of a children's wooden slide is completed and your children will have a place to have fun, and you will enjoy children's laughter.

One of the main rules to remember during installation is that all stages of construction must be carried out with high quality, the safety of your child will depend on this.

Today we'll talk abouthow to do winter do-it-yourself children's slide.Consider detailed drawing and construction schemes, we will discuss the material and tools for the construction of this object.

The slide is the most interesting projectile for active games At the playground. To please your child, it is not necessary to buy expensive turnkey solutions, of which there are many on the market. Today you have the opportunity to create a slide yourself. I hope the article will serve you as a good hint and will be useful in the construction.

So let's get started. From the tool - trimming, or hand saw, screwdriver, tape measure, pencil. For fastening parts - wood screws.

Material - dry planed board with a thickness of at least 25 mm, or, as in our case, a floor board with a thickness of 28 mm and a width of 133 mm (without a spike). Our drawing is made for a board of this size.

Scheme for the construction of a children's slide.

We divide the construction of the slide into 3 stages: a pedestal, a slope, a staircase.

First of all, we assemble the pedestal, to which the ramp and ladder will later be attached.

We start with the side frames. Spike, if you use a floor board, cut off.

We fix the guide for the flooring according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram.

We twist the sides together and pave the floor.

At the second stage, we build a slide slope.

First, we make the flooring for the ramp. We cut boards 2000 mm long, connect them with each other - a spike into a groove. We take into account the size of the opening of the pedestal for further fastening the slope, in our case it is 900 mm. We put the transverse boards for the bundle, stepping back from the edges of the slope by 200 mm, and twist the structure.

We prepare the sides. If you are using a floor board, then it is advisable to cut off the spike and turn the groove of the board so that it looks down. We make cuts for fastening to the pedestal.

We connect the sides with a slope

We fasten the slope to the pedestal.

The third stage - we mount the stairs. First, we prepare the guides for the stairs in the amount of 2 pcs.

We fix the guides on the pedestal.

We fasten the sills. The height of the sills is 200 mm, the number is 4 pcs.

To entertain and entertain the kids in the backyard, while the parents are busy with their "adult" affairs, you can install a swing, a sandbox and a slide. Construction of a wooden slide for home or giving is quite simple and does not require expensive materials. Today we'll talk about how to make a slide for children with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself slide for children: drawing

To calculate the amount required material First of all, prepare a design plan. You can draw the layout yourself or take as a basis finished drawing from any source, adjusting the dimensions to your requirements.

When designing your own layout take into account the following points:

  • age of the child: for children from 1.5 to 4 years old, the height of the slide should be no more than 1.5 m; from 4 to 11 years - from 2 to 4 m;
  • the optimal length of the slide can be calculated by the formula: “height of the slide x 2”;
  • the slope of the slide should be within 40-55 degrees;
  • the height of the steps and handrails is calculated depending on the height of the children;
  • it is necessary to provide protective bumpers, the height of which on the launch pad should be at least 60 cm, on the descent - about 20 cm.

How to draw yourself scheme? You can create your drawing based on these photo:

Do-it-yourself wooden slide for children: manufacturing steps

Preparatory stage

First of all, based on the drawing, the required amount of basic material is purchased - boards, bars; auxiliary material- self-tapping screws, varnish for woodworking, paint. It is also necessary to prepare tools - a saw, a hammer, a screwdriver, a drill, a tape measure, a level, a planer.

IMPORTANT! Particular attention must be paid to wood - it must be dry, without visible defects. It is preferable to use wood coniferous trees. As fasteners, it is advisable to use not nails, but self-tapping screws, bolts, screws, since nails can come out during operation and cause injury .

Preparation of materials

  • First thing, sawing all parts of wood, according to the drawing.
  • Then everything wooden details need to get rid of knots and chipping and carefully sand to remove all defects.
  • To avoid decay, the bottom of the supporting pillars is processed resin, mastic for waterproofing, shale or anthracene oil, oily antiseptic.

Site and foundation preparation

The place where the slide will be installed must be carefully leveled, and the positions of the support posts should be marked with a tape measure.

If you decide to put a slide not at home, but in a summer cottage, follow the following instructions. With a garden drill dig holes, about 60 cm deep, which will make the whole structure more resistant to weather conditions- freezing of the soil during severe frosts and soaking it during periods of rain.

In the resulting wells insert poles, leveling them with a level and pouring concrete.

IMPORTANT! W the descent must be soft enough - covered with sand, or artificial grass, rubber mat to avoid injury at the end of the descent.

Assembling a wooden structure

  • in installed supports cut grooves. Their width should correspond to the width of the board that the frame will consist of, and the depth should be about 2-3 cm;
  • a board is inserted into the grooves and the rack is pulled together with self-tapping screws;
  • at the upper ends of the support pillars, transverse bars are screwed on both sides, which will serve as the railing of the launch pad;
  • two bars are screwed to the supports, to which the ladder and descent will be attached;
  • on top of these bars the floor of the descent platform is being laid. Small gaps (2-3 mm) should be left between the boards to ensure the flow of rainwater and melted snow;
  • mounted ladder: the edges of two boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, screwed to the transverse beam of the launch pad. Between themselves, these boards are fixed with the help of steps. Optimal step between the steps is 25-35 cm. Next, balusters are installed, to which the railings are attached;
  • mounted descent: the edges of two boards are sawn off at an angle of 45 degrees, screwed to the transverse bar of the descent platform opposite the stairs. Between themselves, these boards are fixed with the help of several transverse bars, fixed with self-tapping screws. Plywood is laid on top of the transverse bars or long boards, which will be the descent.

Final stage

After assembling the slide, it is necessary to carefully examine all the places of the fasteners, check that all the hats are recessed into the wood.

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.