Plywood houses for girls. DIY dollhouse - photos and drawings. We design a doll house quickly

To make a dollhouse out of a box, you will need:

  • cardboard packaging for anything ( household appliances, shoes, bananas or even juices);
  • scissors and a sharp knife (do not give children hands!);
  • ruler;
  • paper clips or clothespins;
  • glue ("Moment" or PVA);
  • cardboard (it can be cut from other boxes);
  • glue gun or a regular glue brush;
  • optional - brush and paint;
  • finishing material (remains of unnecessary kitchen oilcloth, wallpaper, self-adhesive film, beautiful wrapping paper, pieces of fabric, faience tiles, foam ceiling tiles);
  • anything: scraps of lace, New Year's "rain", pieces of fringe, satin ribbons or braids, gift bows, sticks from a crumbled Vietnamese rug, toothpicks, pieces of bamboo blinds, plastic stoppers.

Making a house for dolls

First of all, you should decide on the size. Dollhouse can be of any size: from a small one, from a shoe box, to a huge one, from several packages from household appliances. It all depends on the size of the children's room, the size of the dolls and the grandeur of your ideas.

Suppose you want to build a medium-sized doll house with your own hands. Take some cardboard boxes. These will be doll rooms. We cut off the front walls: the doll house should be open.

Boxes can be installed in two or three floors and equip them with a living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Boxes should be carefully glued together. To do this, use adhesive tape and PVA glue.

The roof of the box house can be made gabled by using two pieces of cardboard from the cut-off front walls. If you don’t feel like messing with several boxes, you can make a house from the packaging of something large (for example, from a TV), dividing the interior space with cardboard partitions.

Remember that children are not yet as good at working with their hands as adults. Therefore, although PVA glue does not set so quickly, it is easier to wash off and there is less possible damage from it than from Moment. To prevent the glued structure from moving apart, before the glue dries, the parts should be fastened with clothespins or paper clips. In the side walls sharp knife cut through the windows and paste over the sections with colored paper.

The floors of the rooms are pasted over with oilcloth or self-adhesive tape; for the living room it would be nice to choose a material that imitates wood or parquet. Real faience tiles are suitable for the bathroom floor.

On the ceiling of the living room, you can stick a piece of foam ceiling tiles.

As wallpaper, you can use both real wallpaper and fabric or wrapping paper. If you prefer to paint the walls of the rooms with your own hands, stick white or plain colored paper instead of wallpaper.

Boxed Dollhouse Ideas

If you are a lover of small forms or are simply not in the mood to create something monumental with your own hands, you can make a doll house from a McDonald's box or a box from new year gift. By the way, dolls also have holidays, so for the New Year it is customary to decorate houses from boxes with rain, garlands, cones, fir branches. " Summer garden» for dolls can be arranged by using as flower pots plastic corks wrapped in foil, and gift bows as flowers. Beautiful curtains are obtained from lace or pieces of guipure.

If there are too many dolls, you will have no choice but to make a multi-storey house out of boxes. You can make a ladder with your own hands by cutting it out of two strips of corrugated wrapping cardboard, fastened together with cardboard rectangles - “steps”. Matches or toothpicks can be used as railings.

For a child, making a house for dolls with their own hands is a special pleasure. By creating houses out of boxes, a young designer gets the opportunity to arrange the space to his liking, develop logic and practical wisdom.

Master class 2

Do you want to please your daughter and give her a doll house? Read how to make a house for Barbie, Monster High with your own hands from cardboard, plywood and MDF.

What girl does not love dolls and does not dream that they have a real house with spacious rooms and furniture? Such a toy will not only entertain the baby, but also make her director's game more complex and varied. As you know, while playing, children learn and develop, and parents should make efforts to organize the conditions for this development.

Do-it-yourself dollhouse for barbie: diagram, photo

Certainly there are more simple options make a doll house for your daughter:

  1. Buy ready. But they cost sky-high money. At the same time, the plastic parts are fragile, they are poorly attached to each other, the house is constantly falling apart.
  2. Organize your home in a closet, nightstand or bookcase. Probably, parents in their distant childhood did this themselves. The option is good because, firstly, you do not need to spend extra money, and secondly, the child will learn to use objects in the game - substitutes. The downside is that sooner or later the daughter will say that the house is not real, she will want to have something more believable, with wallpaper, windows, etc.

Then mom and dad will have to decide how to make this toy themselves. First of all, decide on the size. If the house is intended for a doll like Barbie or Monster High, it will turn out to be dimensional. The height of each room will be at least 30 cm, width, so that you can put a doll bed in the house, 40 cm or more. For baby dolls and toys - figures, you can make a more compact "housing".

House for Barbie made of plywood, made by hand.

IMPORTANT: In practice, the doll house takes its place as a full-fledged piece of furniture. Having decided to make one, you need to think about where it will stand in the room.

The next step is the choice of materials. As a rule, dollhouses are made from:

  1. Cardboard boxes and cardboard. Budget option, you do not need to spend a lot on the purchase of materials. Also, you don’t need to think about what fasteners to assemble the house with, you will only need any glue and adhesive tape. The big minus of the house is that it is fragile, hygroscopic, easily dirty. You can't put heavy furniture on thin shelves. cardboard house For a doll, do not fit small children who do not know how to calculate strength while playing.
  2. Plywood. A more practical and also cheaper option. A sheet of plywood is covered with do-it-yourself parts for a toy house using an ordinary jigsaw. The toy is getting better. But porous plywood must be painted or glued so that it does not absorb dust and moisture, does not swell, and fungus does not start in it. Another disadvantage of this material is thin sheets plywood is not easy to connect with each other so that they hold tight, the house does not fall apart.
  3. Wood, MDF. The most practical and costly option. The house will turn out to be very high quality and durable, stable and safe. It will not fall apart even if the child hangs on it with all its weight. MDF is easy to process, structural elements are firmly connected to each other with self-tapping screws, and their caps can be drowned in the thickness of the material. MDF gives absolute freedom to house decor ideas.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that a child will play with the house, and, most likely, this dimensional toy will stand in the children's room. Materials for it must be hygienic, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, non-toxic. If after priming or painting the house exudes a smell, you need to let it weather.

Although the house is intended for children from 3 years old, that is, the age at which the director's game is already formed, you need to pay attention to the presence of small details in it that you can choke on.
Before proceeding with the purchase of materials for the dollhouse and proceeding directly to its assembly, it is necessary to make a plan or diagram. It will help you calculate how much material you need to buy. The details will match each other, they will turn out to be firmly connected. sustainable and beautiful house for toys will please the child and will not spoil the interior of the apartment.

Diagram of a doll house with dimensions.

How to make a dollhouse out of a box?

The girl really asks for a dollhouse, did you decide to urgently and cheaply make it out of cardboard boxes? Well, then you need:

IMPORTANT: Boxes will fit any, if they right size and quite dense. For dolls the size of Barbie (29cm or 31cm, scale 1:6) or Monster High (26-28cm), it is best to take drawers from under household appliances.

  1. Boxes are stacked in two floors of two rooms. On the second floor, you can also equip one room and a veranda.
  2. The boxes are fixed with glue and adhesive tape. In order for the parts to stick well, they organize a press from ordinary clothespins.
  3. The roof of the house can be made from a box by cutting it in half diagonally, or cut out from sheets of cardboard.
  4. In the side walls they measure out, draw and cut out stationery knife windows.
  5. The interior decoration of the house is in progress. Ceilings, floors and walls are glued with colored paper, wallpaper residues, self-adhesive or oilcloth. From improvised means, you can also make cornices, window sills, baseboards, and other surroundings.

House for a doll from boxes: tools and materials.

House for a doll from boxes: manufacturing steps.

How to make a do-it-yourself doll house out of cardboard?

Dollhouse parts can be cut from thick cardboard, perhaps, all from the same boxes of household appliances.
Here a drawing is definitely needed, for example, this one:

The scheme of the house for Barbie from cardboard.

You will need:

  • cardboard
  • scheme
  • pencil and ruler
  • glue, tape, tape
  • stationery knife
  • paints, felt-tip pens, old wallpapers, oilcloth, corrugated paper for decorating the interior and exterior of the house
  1. The drawing is drawn or found on the Internet and printed. The details of the house are cut out.
  2. Make markings on cardboard. It is better to cut cardboard parts not with scissors, but with a knife, then their edges will be even.
  3. Sections that will not join can be trimmed with tape or electrical tape.
  4. The cut parts of the house are assembled into grooves or glued together.
  5. Create the interior of the house. If mom and dad are creative, they can paint the house by hand.

A simple cardboard house.

House made of cardboard for toys.

Cardboard house.

Cardboard house, assembled into grooves. Cardboard house for small toys with a drawing.

VIDEO: How to make a house for dolls?

Drawing of a plywood dollhouse with dimensions

Making houses out of plywood is no longer so easy. Most likely, mom alone can not cope. You need to attract dad, the little princess will definitely thank him for the unique toy with her incomparable happy smile.
To make a house for Barbie prepare:

  • plywood
  • jigsaw
  • hammer
  • sandpaper
  • wood glue or PVA
  • masking tape
  • nails
  • wood primer, paint
  • scissors, pencil, ruler
  • house interior decoration materials

Plywood dollhouse drawing.

Scheme of assembling a plywood dollhouse.

  1. From plywood, the details of the house are very carefully cut out. They must exactly match the drawing. Also cut out window and door openings, if any. Windows can be made rectangular, round or triangular.
  2. All plywood parts are carefully sanded with sandpaper so that the child does not drive a splinter during the game.
  3. Connect the details of the house with construction glue, PVA glue or hammer together with nails. It is necessary to make a reservation, the glue gun with silicone will not hold plywood.
  4. Primed and painted plywood.
  5. Think over and create the interior of the dollhouse. The walls in the rooms can be painted by hand with paint, painted in one color, decorated with the remnants of wallpaper, wrapping paper.
  6. The floor is also painted, shreds of carpet are laid on it, and so on.
    It is recommended to make a staircase to a two-story housing for dolls from wooden rulers sawn to size.
  7. Furniture in the plywood house will be any - bought specifically for dolls in toy stores, made with your own hands from cardboard, the same plywood or improvised means.
Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 1.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 2.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 3. Making a house for Barbie from plywood: the back side.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: rooms.


Do-it-yourself wooden doll house: drawings and dimensions

The doll house will be played by a girl from 3 to 10-12 years old. This toy, if it is beautiful and of high quality, will stand in the house long years, permanently please the baby and surprise the guests. It is definitely worth the effort and investment. Therefore, the best option would be to make it from MDF.

  1. At the first stage of work, they think over the design of the house. You need to decide on the size, number of rooms, their shape, roof configuration. One-Stop Solution - two-storey house for 4 rooms with pitched roof and an attic.
  2. For such a house, the main details are needed: a rear wall, two side walls, two strips for the ceilings of the first and second floors, two vertical lintels between rooms, a strip for the roof slope. It is better to order the cutting of these parts in a furniture or carpentry workshop. Under them all take MDF of the same thickness. Or is it possible back wall and the sides, that is, the bearing parts of the structure, should be made thicker, and the rest, auxiliary, thinner.
  3. In the side walls, and, if desired, in the back, window openings are cut.
  4. window frames best to order in laser cutting, then they will turn out perfectly even and already trimmed.
    MDF is a heavy material, glue or ordinary screws will not take it. Connect the parts of the house with self-tapping screws. Hats are drowned in the material and then masked with shavings with glue or polymer clay.
  5. On the roof, the attic with a round window looks beautiful. It is also better to order it in laser cutting. A plywood attic is attached to the roof of the house with glue.
  6. To imitate tiles and decorate the roof beautifully, they buy thin bamboo roller blinds, cut them to the size of the slope and glue them on it. The attic is decorated in the same way. If the roller blinds are on one thread, they can crumble when cut. Then they must first be glued with ordinary PVA.
  7. The roof of the house is conveniently mounted on hinges so that it can open. In the "attic" then it will be possible to store the pupae and their dowry.
  8. Window frames are planted in openings.
  9. Next, move on to the design of the walls. The simplest thing is to prime them and paint them the same color. You can also simulate brickwork. The bricks are first marked with a pencil, then cut out with a wood router. Primed MDF and painted desired color. After the soil has dried, the recesses between the bricks are isolated with a simple pencil or marker. To make the masonry look natural, color heterogeneity is betrayed with the help of crayons.
  10. "Bricks" are cut out of porous egg trays different sizes and glue them around the windows.
  11. They complete the exterior decor of the house with artificial small flowers. They are glued at the base of the side walls, on the roof and attic.
  12. The ceilings and floors of the house are painted in the right colors.
  13. Barbie doll is a conditional model of a person 1 to 6, respectively, and her house. Scraps of old wallpaper or gift paper will look rough in it. Good decision- for each, find a wallpaper on the Internet with a pattern that you like, proportionally reduce them in a photo editor and print them out at a printing house. Important to choose good paper. A conventional copier will soon wipe off, glue may appear on it, or it will wrinkle during pasting. Photo paper may not adhere well. Glue wallpaper on PVA.

Blanks for a dollhouse made of MDF.

Window layout.

Assembled frame house.

Window frames laser cut.

round window attic.

Roof top attic.

Decor window openings and brick imitation.

Wallpaper 1:6 in the children's doll room.

House interior decoration.

Finished roof with imitation tiles and flowers.

The girl will play in such a house for hours.

IMPORTANT: The girl will play in the barbie house for a long time. To make it more convenient for her, it is better to make it on a leg. The raised design also makes it easier to clean the toy.

VIDEO: K do-it-yourself prickly house made of drywall

How to make a do-it-yourself doll house for monster high?

The relationship of moms and dads to Monster High dolls is ambiguous. Some cannot stand them, they consider them crippling the psyche of the child. Others tend to think that stylish monsters stimulate the child's cognitive interest in myths and legends, and also raise his self-esteem. Be that as it may, girls love monster dolls. And at some point, the daughter may ask her parents to make her a house for them.

House for Monster High from whatnot.

IMPORTANT: The dimensions and construction of the Monster High house are different from those intended for Barbie. But with the finish will have to tinker.

  1. Before you design a house for monsters, you should learn more about the Gothic style.
  2. monster high like interesting color palette: dark black they combine with rich pink, fuchsia, neon yellow and green. The same combination of colors should be used in the interior of the doll house.
  3. You need to think about how to beat the shine and black lace. Monster rooms should have gold and silver.
  4. Elements with imitation also complement the interior of the Monster High doll house. artistic forging: chandeliers, candelabra, fireplace grates, stair railings.
  5. The interior and exterior of the house use Monster High symbols.
House with symbols of Monster High. Dollhouse lighting.

Almost every girl between the ages of 1 and 10 plays with dolls. Classic Barbie, glamorous Monster High, popular little Lol - all of them eventually need new clothes, shoes and accessories. But the main thing that every girl dreams of is a doll house for her favorites.

There are a lot of workshops that provide this type of service. If you have the Internet, then you can easily find a couple of offers in your city or region. However, the price of such toys is often high, so many parents simply cannot afford such a purchase. What to do in this case? The main thing is to tune in to the positive and turn on the fantasy, because you can make a house for dolls with your own hands.

Drawings and necessary materials

How to start building a dollhouse? Firstly, decide on its size. To understand how high the house should be, you need to focus on the growth of the doll that will live in it. And also be sure to consult with the future hostess of the house about its design and content. Surely she has some preferences and wishes.

Secondly, audit the materials from which you can build a house. Have pieces of wood, plywood, laminate or chipboard leftovers? They are quite suitable for "building". There are no such materials? Nothing, the old one will do cardboard box. We also recommend preparing:

Third, prepare the exact scheme of the dollhouse with your own hands. From plywood or cardboard, wooden or plastic - at this stage it does not matter at all. Here you can show your imagination and make the house the way you dreamed. Perhaps it will be a three-story cottage with a terrace. Or maybe compact. two-roomed flat. The main thing is that the drawing is accurate, because according to it you will have to cut out the parts, and then connect them. The beauty and accuracy of your future work depends on the accuracy of your drawing.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a house

So, you have decided on the basic materials and prepared everything necessary tools. Now it's time to get to work. Below is a plan that describes step by step how to make a dollhouse with your own hands.

When building a dollhouse from plywood or laminate should act according to the following plan:

  1. Why plywood
  2. What to look out for
  3. What to look out for
  4. Getting to work
  5. Additional functions
  6. Summing up

Apartments for dolls are often expensive, made of plastic - a fragile, quickly breaking material. The article describes how to toy house with your own hands.

To fulfill a child's dream of a house for his favorite doll, it is not at all necessary to go to the store. You can make a plywood cottage according to your own project.

Arguments in favor of self-production

Why you should build a homemade plywood dollhouse:

  • Individuality. The project will be unique.
  • Collaboration with a child. Helps strengthen family relationships.
  • Development of creative abilities, skills, motor skills, acquisition of new experience by children.
  • Possibility to create a house of any size.

Why plywood

The dollhouse is made from different materials. The best option is plywood:

  • The use of plywood for construction ensures the strength of the future home. At good fastening parts do not fall apart, do not break off.
  • Plywood is easily processed with conventional tools.
  • Wooden toys are pleasant to the touch.
  • Beautiful appearance tree allows you to do without additional clearance, surface design.
  • Low material cost.

What to look out for

Formaldehyde is used in the production of plywood. They are part of the impregnating adhesive for joining fibers. To avoid poisoning, the ingress of hazardous material into the nursery, it is necessary to pay attention to the labeling of the sheets:

  • E0 - less than 6 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of product;
  • E1 - 7–9 mg per 100 g;
  • E2 - 10-20 mg per 100 g.

Furniture and its components must be made from the safest plywood class - E0.

How to do

Making a house for plywood dolls is a multi-stage process. It is required to follow a certain sequence of actions. To facilitate the work, you can use the step-by-step instructions.

Stage 1. Sketch preparation

The scheme should display the layout, the dimensions of the floors in length, width, height.

You can find a sketch on the Internet, adjust it. The photo shows several basic schemes of a toy dwelling.

The most important thing is to keep the proportions of the sizes in scale. This is necessary in case you want to change the dimensions of the product during operation.

Design can be thought out in advance to purchase and prepare necessary materials for decor.

Step 2. Prepare accessories and tools

For assembly you will need:

  • Plywood. To determine its quantity, a drawing is used: they calculate the number of parts, their dimensions, get total area surfaces. Based on the result, get right amount sheets. For a desktop house, you will need 2-3 blanks; for a large mansion, up to 7-10 sheets of plywood can take.
  • Corrugated cardboard for the roof.
  • Wood cutting tool. It is recommended to use electric jigsaw. It will help you quickly, accurately cut out the details of the desired shapes and dimensions.
  • Joiner's glue for fixing assembly elements.
  • Mounting tape as an aid for fastening parts.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Tape measure, ruler, pencil for marking.

For registration you will need:

  • PVA glue or silicate.
  • Wallpaper, color films.
  • Self-adhesive film for imitation flooring.
  • Colored cardboard or paper for decorating individual elements of the premises (optional).

Step 3: Image transfer

To assemble the wooden parts into a single whole, they must be cut from a blank sheet. To do this, scale sketches are transferred to paper, finished parts are cut out of it, and later used as a template.

If windows are not indicated on the diagrams, they are drawn when transferring patterns. On a flat-looking house without a front wall, cuts for windows are not needed.

Stage 4. Assembly

Step by step assembly instructions:

  1. With an electric jigsaw, the parts transferred to plywood are cut out. They try to do this carefully, without going beyond the lines of the contours: in case of a design error, they may not connect correctly.
  2. The edges are sanded to make the parts safe, to avoid injury.

Cutting and edging must be done by an adult.

  1. Build starts with join inner space. to vertical end walls using glue and mounting tape, attach the ceilings and internal partitions according to the diagram. To strengthen the connection internal corners glued with thin strips. They will give rigidity to the structure. At this stage, the child can take part in the work.
  2. Flights of stairs are made of wooden rulers. They are placed in the form of slides or cut one, glued from it a real staircase.

  1. Attach the back wall.
  2. Assemble the roof. From cardboard, you can cut whole slopes and glue them. Another option is to assemble the roof from separate pieces in the form of tiles.

The finished frame of the house is left for several days until the glue dries, and the structure acquires sufficient strength.

After assembly, proceed to design.

Stage 5. Design

The finished frame is decorated and furnished with doll accessories. Recommendations:

  • The floor can be left as is or decorated. Plywood has a wood pattern, so it is not advisable to cover it with a similar ornament.
  • You can make hinged windows, doors. To do this, attach the canvas to pieces of cardboard or use small metal door hinges. The passages are covered with fabric cut-curtains. Windows are sometimes replaced with cardboard shutters.
  • The ceiling, walls can be pasted over with colored films, wallpaper, painted.
  • Furniture for toys is placed in the rooms.

Additional functions

Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the house is important: toys must be stored somewhere, accessories must be removed, something must be hidden. You can make additional built-in drawers in the upper or lower tier. This is appropriate if the house is large, occupies a significant place in the living space.

The boxes are also made from plywood.. The drawing provides a place for storing things. The sides of the box are cut out of plywood, glued together. Screw the handle, insert into the department.

You can make a folding door as in the photo. To do this, the cut canvas is screwed onto metal loops.


A do-it-yourself plywood toy house will become a good gift for any child.

The construction process will take 2-3 days, taking into account the preparation of blanks, their cutting, drying glue. The child can arrange the premises independently.

It is difficult to imagine a nursery without toys. But toy toy is different, many of them imply a kind of “addition”: a garage for a typewriter, an airfield for an airplane and, of course, a do-it-yourself plywood dollhouse for your beloved Barbie.

Doll houses: features of choice

These buildings are very popular and varied.

But in practice, the main determining factor both when buying and when self-manufacturing, it turns out the age of the child, and not beauty or versatility.

  • It is still difficult for a baby from 1 to 3 years old to manage small complex objects. Her dolls are simple - plastic or rag, designed for a short period of operation. Accordingly, the dollhouse should be a match: small, durable, without complex decorations and complex shapes of furniture. The design is as simple and durable as possible. Wood is recommended as a material, birch plywood is suitable.
  • A child from 3 to 5 can make a toy more serious. Larger sizes are needed, the layout is more complicated, it is already possible to install doors, balconies, and verandas here. The dimensions of the product are selected according to the size of the dolls. Furniture may not be available: let the child select the sets on their own. But you can bring him to the decoration: choose a color, wallpaper pattern, and so on.

Material - wood or plywood. They will no longer try the product for a “tooth”, but they will definitely disassemble, assemble, and settle in the room of Murzik, a cat that is too big for this.

The option for a girl from 5 to 10 should be complex and multifaceted. The scheme of the plywood dollhouse is selected according to the needs of the child. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the change in the nature of the game: a girl or a boy does not just repeat everyday scenes, but builds a plot, fantasizes, and attracts popular cartoon characters.

The toy house becomes a playground for school, kindergarten, hospital and shop. Its parameters increase in accordance with your favorite dolls - as a rule, these are Barbie or Winx. In the photo - an option for Barbie.

Material selection

The choice here is small, since safety is a very important factor for a nursery.

  • Tree - the best option, because it is durable and does not cause allergies. In addition, the tree is easily processed and cut, so how to make a house out of it does not raise questions. The only recommendation: to manage with a minimum of dyes and use only water-soluble paints.
  • Plywood sheet - especially birch, is also quite suitable option. The material is strong and light, and is quite suitable for do-it-yourself work. Preference is given to non-moisture resistant - FBA on albumin-casein glue. The glue does not emit any fumes and is of animal organic origin, so it is much safer than carbamide or melamine. In the photo - a plywood house.
  • Chipboard - you can use it, but only in toys for older children. It is absolutely impossible to try on the “tooth” of chipboard. In addition, only chipboard with a low emission class is suitable for a nursery.

Materials and tools

Before deciding how to make a toy according to the scheme, you need to prepare all the necessary materials.

  • Birch plywood - 5–7 mm thick.
  • Jigsaw or electric jigsaw.
  • Joiner's glue, PVA glue, adhesive tape.
  • Corrugated cardboard for the roof.
  • Ruler, tape measure, pencil.
  • Decoration materials: paints, wallpaper pieces, self-adhesive film, fabric pieces and so on.

How to make a dollhouse with your own hands from plywood according to the scheme

The drawing of the product can be found on the relevant sites, or you can develop it yourself. In the first case, you only need to transfer finished parts on a plywood sheet and assemble the product. In the second case, there is no step-by-step instruction, but on the other hand, the dollhouse can be designed for the most custom sizes for any doll.

In any case, the toy will be unique, because even when used finished scheme design is selected according to the taste of the child.

The dimensions of the plywood dollhouse are selected in accordance with the dimensions of the dolls. If finished drawing according to these parameters it does not fit, but it suits as a design, all the details need to be simply proportionally increased. The number of walls can also be varied. The front wall is traditionally absent, which allows you to freely move the dolls.

However, with large dimensions of the toy, this may not be enough, therefore, another wall is removed - the back or side, and the rest of the work is done step by step.

  1. On paper, drawings of a plywood dollhouse are made. Calculate the dimensions of all parts, taking into account mounting tolerances.
  2. Details are transferred to plywood. If there is no great experience in such matters, it is better to first make the elements out of paper, and, making sure that they correspond to what was intended, transfer the drawing to a plywood sheet.
  3. A jigsaw or an electric tool is cut out of the material of the part: back, side wall, internal partitions, ceilings and so on. In the "walls" cut out door and window openings. In the photo - a working moment.
  4. All corners must be processed with sandpaper.
  5. Following step by step instructions, collect parts for glue. The joints are sealed with tape. Lastly, mount the back wall.
  6. In the same way, the internal partitions are fixed.
  7. A roof is cut out of corrugated cardboard and glued to PVA glue. From wooden rulers, you can cut steps for stairs and window elements, assemble the door frame and paste over it with a film.
  8. Then they proceed to the design: paints, wallpaper, fabric are used - everything that is at hand. Furniture can be used ready-made or made independently from cardboard or matches, for example.

The video shows a step-by-step sequence of assembling a toy house.

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