How to effectively clean the kettle from scale. How to clean a glass electric kettle from scale

Enamel teapot - very beautiful, convenient and the most common type kitchen utensils. Even if the kitchen is present home system water filtration, it is completely impossible to avoid solid deposits on the walls and bottom inside the kettle.

The filter significantly reduces the concentration of impurities and salts of calcium and magnesium, but over time, in the process of heating water, an insoluble precipitate still forms, causing the quite expected question - how to remove scale in an enameled kettle.

During the first heating in the vessel, the salts contained in the water precipitate and initially form a loose base. With each further boiling, it becomes more and more compacted, creating a durable layer of plaque.

The most important argument is taking care of your own health. The smallest particles of sediment, getting into the cup, and then into the body clog the intestines and lead to many unpleasant diseases.

How to descale an enameled kettle

The problem is quite common and was relevant many years ago, when there was no talk of filters designed to purify water.

To date, there are three answers to the question of how to clean an enamel kettle from scale:

  • Mechanical way;
  • Application special means for cleaning appliances;
  • Using valuable knowledge in order to clean at home.

Mechanical - at first glance, the easiest way to remove formations using metal brush and cleaning pastes. With sufficient intensity, mechanical action will remove even the most stagnant layer of solid deposits.

This method is not without drawbacks:

  • The process of exposure takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort;
  • Together with the plaque, the coating is also removed, forming cracks;
  • In the future, the scale in these defects will be fixed more firmly, and it will be more difficult to remove it.

Departments of household chemicals are full of a variety of cleaning products, the instructions of which vividly describe how to descale an enameled kettle. As a rule, the names speak for themselves - Antinakipin, Antinakip and others. These powders contain acids, through which the solid precipitate is removed. They are easy to use by following the instructions on the package.

homemade recipes

Lime deposits are successfully removed natural remedies, which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife:

  1. Lemon acid;
  2. Vinegar essence, table, apple cider vinegar;
  3. Baking soda.

Citric acid is an amazing helper in how to descale an enameled kettle. Excellent solubility, no toxicity and property efficient removal hard deposits makes the crystalline powder a leader in home remedies for descaling. In order to remove scale in an electric kettle, you can use the same tools.

To do this, dilute five tablespoons in two liters of water. citric acid and bring the solution to a boil. It is not necessary to boil, and after 15-20 minutes you should make sure that the plaque peeling process has been successfully completed.

If the desired result is not achieved, it is necessary to clean again with citric acid. Before pouring old mortar and rinse the kettle, it is necessary to cool the vessel, otherwise the enamel will crack.

After all solid deposits have moved away from the walls and bottom, it is required to wash the vessel with a soft sponge and loosened particles (if any) are easily removed. In order to remove the remnants of citric acid, you need to boil 2-3 times clean water.

Vinegar - works on a similar principle. Acetic acid actively breaks down hard deposits.

  • For 2 liters of cold water you will need a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • Leave the mixture for half an hour;
  • Then bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes;
  • Rinse the kettle thoroughly under a strong stream;
  • Boil fresh water “idle” several times.

The only drawback of vinegar is a strong specific smell. But at the same time, this is how you can clean a stainless steel kettle.

vegetable peel

IN potato peel contains a large amount of organic acids, even more than in the tuber itself. It is the peel that helps to solve the problem of how to remove scale in an enameled teapot.

To do this, cleaning from two fruits is put in a vessel, poured with water and boiled over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. It should be noted that the deep layer of solid particles will only slightly soften, but will not dissolve completely.

For the same purpose, apple and lemon peels are used.

Some recommend using carbonated drinks instead of these funds (Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc.). They are really able to cope with a small layer of gray plaque and all because carbon dioxide is added to the composition to form a weak carbonic acid.

The concentration is small, so this method is irrational, due to high cost drinks.

Cleaning an enamel kettle from scale using any chosen method is carried out in several stages and continues until a satisfactory result is achieved.

The cleaning procedure should not be delayed - this will be a good preventive measure.

It is more expedient to wash the kettle every two weeks and spend 5 minutes on it, rather than then deal with old, deeply ingrained scale.

How to deal with old scale?

Let's figure out how to remove scale with soda. Soda in this case will be one of the stages in the fight against old plaque. It does not completely remove it, but only softens the stubborn areas.

  • Pour water into the kettle and bring to a boil;
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of soda;
  • Stir and let cool;
  • Bring to a boil again and drain the water;
  • Without washing, pour a new portion of water and add two teaspoons of vinegar essence or a sachet of citric acid;
  • Let stand 30 minutes.

After such a procedure, solid deposits easily move away from the walls and bottom. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to wash the kettle with a soft sponge, rinse well and boil clean water in it 2-3 times.

Video on how to descale an enamel kettle

An enameled, aluminum or electric kettle is in the kitchen of every housewife. During operation, a hard, unaesthetic, harmful coating settles on the heating elements and walls.

Every housewife should know how to descale the kettle so that mineral salts do not enter the body with a new portion of water. There are many simple and available ways: you can use professional formulations and folk remedies to combat hard deposits. Only half an hour of work - and the inner surface of the container for boiling water will be like new.

Causes and danger of scale in the kettle

Tap water contains mineral salts and particles of substances of various chemical composition. Insoluble elements settle on the walls and the heating element. At prolonged absence salt deposits (carbonates) accumulate on the inner surface of the kettle. Against the background of acid-base imbalance and water hardness in the region, the likelihood of active accumulation of salt deposits increases.

It is important to understand that not only large flakes of a dirty yellow, grayish or cloudy white color are dangerous for health. The smallest particles of scale, which are difficult to see with the naked eye, are also harmful to the body.

Some "specialists" on the Internet write that calcium salts in solid deposits are beneficial for the body, and if scale gets inside, then nothing bad happens. It is necessary to clearly distinguish: microelements, minerals from food are useful for the body, but salts and other impurities from solid deposits, penetrating in excess with hard water, harm the skeletal system and internal organs.

In the presence of insoluble salts, particles of minerals and microelements in the liquid, the teeth take the first blow, then the digestive tract, kidneys. If you constantly use "hard" water, then salt deposits accumulate in the joints, osteochondrosis, gout develop, stones form in the bean-shaped organs and the bladder.

How to get rid of and prevent it reappearance? We have an answer!

How to properly wash stretch ceiling so that there are no divorces written on the page.

The color of the scale shows what substance is in large quantities in the water:

  • milky white shade - excess chlorine;
  • saturated White color with a yellowish tint - magnesium and calcium are present;
  • reddish-brown - iron compounds are detected.

Another point is that in stagnant water, which the owners do not change for two or three days or more, but only add a new portion of the liquid, microorganisms can multiply. The finely porous structure of hard plaque creates an ideal environment for the life of microbes in a warm liquid, especially in summer, in the heat.

If scale rarely appears in the water heating tank, then there is no serious damage to health, but with constant neglect of the rules for caring for the kettle, the use of hard water with mineral sediment increases the risk of developing pathological processes in the body.

Harm to household appliances

The smallest particles accumulating on the walls of the kettle not only penetrate the body, but also reduce the service life household appliances. The less often the hostess removes the accumulated plaque, the greater the negative impact.

Important facts:

  • the coefficient of thermal conductivity decreases, it is necessary to spend more electricity and gas to heat water;
  • violation of the integrity of the coating. When trying to remove mechanically salt deposits easily damage the enamel;
  • prolonged operation in high load mode leads to a quick breakdown of electrical appliances.

Proven Methods for Removing Plaque in a Kettle

Professional formulations give a good effect, but some products are quite expensive. If desired, you can use natural ingredients and homemade methods of dealing with scale: the result of processing the walls of the kettle and the heating element will be of the same quality.

On a note! No need to “break” the remnants of deposits with a knife or rub the surface with a metal washcloth: all the folk remedies described below act delicately, but effectively. Be sure to rinse the kettle well after the procedure, especially after using household chemicals based on synthetic components.

Folk remedies

How to effectively remove scale in the kettle? Simple, proven methods:

  • lemon acid from scale in the kettle. For a teapot with a volume of 2-3 liters, take 1 sachet (25 g of bulk product). IN cold water pour in citric acid, bring the composition to a boil, turn off the fire after 3-5 minutes, wait 10-15 minutes (with a stubborn plaque, more time is needed - up to half an hour). Pour out the sour liquid, rinse well inner part kettle with water, wipe with a soft cloth, rinse again. With an old raid, you can repeat the procedure again;
  • baking soda. The method is suitable for dealing with hard-to-remove deposits if the hostess regularly cleaned the walls of scale. Add soda to boiling water (a couple of tablespoons of bulk product will be needed per liter of liquid). Important nuance- fill the kettle not to the top: soda actively foams at the beginning of the process of interaction with water;
  • drink Coca-Cola from scale. Many housewives confirm the effectiveness of a fizzy drink when removed. various kinds contaminants such as rust. Mineral deposits also dissolve under the influence of orthophosphoric and citric acids, which are rich in a popular product. You need to pour Coca-Cola into a water container, wait until the reaction occurs. The scale begins to dissolve, lag behind the walls in half an hour or later: it all depends on the thickness of the layer of solid deposits;
  • acetic acid. Another proven tool for cleaning the inside of the kettle. You will need 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. It is necessary to boil the solution, wait until the product cools down, drain the composition. With a thick layer of mineral deposits, the treatment is repeated. Be sure to rinse the kettle, pour clean water, boil, drain the liquid, wash the container well (to remove the smell of vinegar);
  • brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes- Another one original method control of salt deposits. You need to fill the kettle with an acidic liquid, boil for 2-3 minutes, put the container off the fire, wait for the composition to cool, pour it out. After processing, it is important to rinse the flask or enameled surface well.

professional tools

Supermarkets of household chemicals offer imported and domestic compositions for cleaning the kettle from scale. The names contain citric acid, organic and synthetic substances. The use of cleaning agents must be carried out according to the instructions for the composition. Decalcification must be carried out regularly to avoid the accumulation of a thick layer of mineral salts.

Effective remedies for scale in the kettle:

  • Sano Anti Kalk.
  • turbo.
  • Tortilla.
  • Antinakipin.
  • Bagy Kumkumit.
  • Kraft Zwerg.
  • Sonett.

Prevention of mineral salt deposits

It is impossible to completely get rid of mineral plaque: a deficiency of salts in the liquid negatively affects health. Regular care of the kettle reduces the time to deal with scale, reduces the risk of penetration of harmful mineral deposits into the body of adults and children.

Learn about what and how at home.

About how to remove bad smell in the apartment and saturate the dwelling pleasant aromas written page.

Go to the address and read about how to remove wax from fabric with folk and professional remedies.

It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • wash the inner surface of the kettle two or three times a week, carefully wipe the heating element in the household appliance with a sponge;
  • no need to wait until all parts inside the container are covered with a thick layer of harmful mineral deposits. It is necessary to clean the kettle from scale as it accumulates: the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. It is enough to pour into the kettle professional household remedy either natural products: vinegar, soda, citric acid, cucumber pickle, other types of home-made compounds, boil - and the surface will again be perfect;
  • with the accumulation of calcium-magnesium deposits, it is not necessary to rub the walls covered with plaque, a metal washcloth or a hard sponge, use caustic compounds: mineral deposits eat into scratches and microdamages even more actively. To prevent scale, you need to handle the kettle delicately. If the enamel is damaged, you cannot use a container for boiling water: this fact must be taken into account by everyone who tries to “break” the plaque with a knife or a metal washcloth.
  • it is desirable to use filtered water;
  • it is not necessary to pour a full kettle for boiling every time: from the remaining liquid, calcium and magnesium salts penetrate into the pores on the surface of the product, and plaque forms. It is important to completely drain the water if not all the liquid was useful for making tea, coffee and other needs.

Decalcification - important element maintenance of electric kettles, enameled and metal containers for boiling water. The use of household chemicals and folk remedies eliminates harmful salt deposits on the heating coil and the walls of the dishes. Many formulations and natural ingredients are cheap, act quickly and effectively. It is enough to allocate 15 minutes for simple procedures two or three times a week - and you will not have to worry about how to clean the kettle from a thick layer of scale.

You can find out more in the next video. effective ways descaling the kettle:

The appearance of lime white plaque and scale in the electric kettle does not bypass all owners of this useful household appliance, so everyone will be interested to know how and how to quickly and effectively clean the electric kettle from scale at home, as well as how to extend the “life” of the kettle and prevent the formation of plaque and scale inside him.

How and with what you can clean the electric kettle from scale at home

Scale formation in electric kettles occurs regardless of what water you use, even if it is well purified or from mountain springs, it still contains salt, due to which plaque appears on the heating element and the inner surface of the electric kettle when it is constant use.

The quality of water greatly affects the rate of scale formation, therefore, using poor quality water (unpurified, unfiltered) for boiling, a large layer of scale will soon form in the kettle, which can lead to premature damage to the household appliance, and also increase the time it takes to boil water (scale has a low thermal conductivity and acts as insulation between the water and the heating element).

Remove scale from the kettle plain water and a sponge for dishes will be very difficult, even detergent won't help much for dishes. IN this case it is best to use effective special descaling products or time-tested folk methods that will help remove scale in electric kettle without unnecessary waste and minimal cost time and effort.

Cleaning the electric kettle from scale and white deposits inside can be done using the following improvised means:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Table vinegar 9%.
  • Baking soda.
  • Potato and apple peels, as well as brine from canned cucumbers and tomatoes (these products are practically not used anymore, since they are not very effective and specific, so we will not consider them in the article.

The funds listed above for a long time are used by many housewives to deal with scale not only in electric kettles (metal, plastic and glass), but also to remove scale in other household appliances, so let's take a closer look at what needs to be done before starting to clean the kettle and how to use each descaler .

You may also find the article on cleaning common metal and enameled teapots from scale: .

Preparation for descaling the kettle

  • Cleaning the electric kettle is best done when none of your family members are going to use it in the next few hours (so as not to accidentally pour water with a cleaning agent into tea or coffee), while it is better to warn them in advance that the kettle cannot be used.
  • To remove scale in an electric kettle, you do not need to use special brushes and metal brushes, which can damage the inner surface and the heating element in the kettle. When cleaning, the most used descaling agent and, in some cases, a regular soft sponge for dishes are sufficient.
  • The descaling process in the electric kettle can be combined with its external washing, while the sequence of its complete cleaning does not matter.
  • After using special chemicals for descaling, as well as ordinary helpers, it is always necessary to thoroughly rinse the electric kettle inside, as well as boil and drain ordinary clean water in it several times so that all residues of the agent used are removed and do not get into tea or coffee.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and precautions, you can proceed directly to the cleaning itself by choosing one of the methods suggested below on how to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home (the methods given are arranged in the following order: from the most effective and simple to the least effective, not taking into account special chemicals at the end of the article).

How to descale an electric kettle with citric acid?

Can be used: you can clean with citric acid an electric kettle made of stainless steel (metal), plastic and glass.

Citric acid is one of the cheapest and most reliable helpers in the fight against scale at home, and it is used to clean almost all household appliances, as well as various surfaces, which can form limescale and scum.

Descaling an electric kettle with citric acid is quite simple:

  • Pour clean water into the kettle to the maximum (up to the maximum permissible mark on the kettle), or half of the kettle, if there is little scale and it is mainly only in the lower part of the kettle and bring it to a boil by turning on the electric kettle itself.
  • After the water boils, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid to it, if there is a little scale, or 2 tablespoons of citric acid if heavy pollution kettle (citric acid can be added immediately to the kettle so that the water boils with it inside the kettle).
  • We wait until the water in the kettle has cooled down, after which we drain it and thoroughly rinse the electric kettle from the inside of the usual clean water from the tap.
  • We collect a full kettle of clean water and boil it, then drain it and repeat the procedure again to make sure that there are no traces of citric acid left in the kettle and you can safely drink water from it.

As you can see, cleaning an electric kettle with citric acid is quick and easy, while the scale dissolves well in water with citric acid and after that it does not need to be cleaned with a sponge. If there was a large layer of scale in the kettle, you can repeat the procedure again or use the following method using vinegar.

Advantages: very simple and fast way removing scale and scale inside the kettle, which is suitable for all models of electric kettles and does not cause any harm to the appliance itself. Ideal Solution at low and average pollution of an electric kettle by a scum.

Cons: None found.

How to get rid of scale in an electric kettle using table vinegar

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles (plastic, metal, glass).

Often, table vinegar is used in critical situations, when a lot of scale has formed in the electric kettle and it needs to be urgently cleaned out.

To clean an electric kettle from scale inside with vinegar, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • We fill the kettle with clean water to half its volume and add 1 cup of table 9% vinegar.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and bring the solution of water and vinegar to a boil (until it turns off by itself), after which we wait until all the liquid has completely cooled down.
  • We pour out all the contents from the kettle and rinse it well with tap water, while if there was a lot of scale and it didn’t all come off, you can additionally rub its remnants with a dish sponge or repeat the procedure with vinegar again (while using a little less vinegar).
  • After the electric kettle is well washed from the inside, pour clean water into it (a full kettle), bring it to a boil and pour it out (we repeat this procedure several times to completely clean the inner surface of the kettle from vinegar residues and its smell).

Using vinegar to remove scale in an electric kettle will help get rid of any amount of scale in this appliance in a short period of time, the main thing is not to forget that the vinegar will evaporate when boiled, so the cleaning process is best done either under the hood in the kitchen or near open window(during the warm season), so as not to inhale vinegar fumes.

Benefits: Cleaning an electric kettle with vinegar is effective for any amount of scale in the kettle (vinegar does a good job even with large deposits of scale on the heating element and the inside of the kettle). Vinegar is most effective for descaling metal kettles, but other models are just as effective at removing scale.

Disadvantages: an unpleasant specific smell of vinegar during the cleaning of the kettle.

How to use soda to remove scale in an electric kettle at home

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles.

Baking soda is more commonly used to descale conventional enameled kettles, but is also used to descale electric kettles.

Cleaning an electric kettle from scale with soda takes place in the following sequence:

  • We collect clean water in the electric kettle (up to half).
  • Add 1 tablespoon baking soda.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and wait until it boils and turns itself off, after which we wait for the water to cool completely in it.
  • We drain the water from the kettle and rinse it well under running clean water from the tap.
  • We collect water in a washed clean electric kettle and bring it to a boil, then drain it and repeat the procedure again so that the remaining soda is washed out on the inside of the kettle.

Cleaning an electric kettle with soda is similar to the previous methods, while the electric kettle can be cleaned with soda from scale using vinegar for more best effect. To do this, we make a slurry of soda and water, and rub it into the surfaces in the kettle, on which scale has formed with a sponge, which was previously moistened with table vinegar. As a result chemical reaction scale and plaque will begin to dissolve, after which they can be removed with a regular clean dish sponge and water.

Advantages: an easy way to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home, which is less effective and popular than the previous methods and more suitable for cleaning enameled kettles.

Disadvantages: not high cleaning efficiency.

We use special means of scale in the electric kettle

Can be used: for all models and types of electric kettles (glass, stainless steel or plastic).

In many household stores and supermarkets you can find a variety of various means from scale in the form of tablets, powders and liquids (for example, antiscale, antiscale, etc.), which are specially designed by experts for effective and safe cleaning of electric kettles from scale and plaque.

The sequence of using special cleaners to deal with scale is similar to the folk methods given above in the article, especially since each package of such products says detailed instructions according to the application, according to which it is necessary to carry out cleaning.

Benefits: Descaling chemicals for electric kettles are among the most effective, as they were designed to do just that.

Disadvantages: none found (certain disadvantages and disadvantages may be certain types And trademarks special means for cleaning scale).

How to prevent the formation of limescale and scale in an electric kettle (metal, glass, plastic)

  • For boiling, we use only high-quality filtered (purified) water, in which the content of salts and other components (metals, chlorine) will be low.
  • It is better to pour water into an electric kettle for one time use, and if it remains, then drain the excess.
  • After using the electric kettle, it will not be superfluous to rinse it with plain water inside to wash off the small particles of the newly formed plaque.
  • With the constant use of an electric kettle, every 1-2 months it is necessary to carry out preventive descaling (for example, with citric acid) so that a thick layer of scale does not have time to form on its inner surface and the heating element.

Note: when buying, it is better to give preference to electric kettles with a heating disc and with a closed heating coil, as they are easier to maintain (easier to clean from scale and plaque from the inside).

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that the knowledge of how to properly descale an electric kettle will be useful to everyone, since it is not possible to completely protect yourself from the appearance of limescale and scale inside the electric kettle during its operation and sooner or later cleaning will be needed. We leave our useful tips and reviews on the topic of how to clean the electric kettle from scale at home with the help of improvised and special tools, leave in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

Electric kettles can be expensive and cheap, with a wide variety of filters, but nothing saves you from the scale that regularly forms on the walls and bottom of the electric appliance.

Problems begin to form vulnerable spot– heating element. Citric acid from scale in the kettle will help get rid of the problem quickly and safely.

Water filters do an excellent job of purifying water from heavy metals and chlorine, but this does not apply to lime, and although the amount of sediment will be less, it will not work out completely.

It turns out that the precipitate obtained during boiling is a poor heat sink. When the heating element, which is made of steel, heats up well, it cannot give off heat to the liquid - adhering particles block the path to it. If there is nowhere to give off heat, the element continues to accumulate it, overheats greatly and eventually simply breaks.

But the process of sedimentation is dangerous not only for economic reasons. Each water has a certain amount of salts. If it is hard, there is a lot of salt. When boiling, they create a salt coating, accumulating on the walls and the heating element, and fall into our cups.

All this enters the kidneys, liver and stomach, creating many problems in the future. That is why you need to know how to remove scale in a kettle with citric acid.

Why is descaling a kettle with citric acid convenient and safe?

There are chemical products for removing sediment from an electric kettle, but they are not safe for health. After use, the device is boiled for a long time and persistently, washed, and boiled again. But a metal thermal element after the action of salts always remains dotted with cracks, scratches and chips invisible to the eye. In them chemical agent can leave its particles.

Cleaning the kettle from scale with citric acid is gentle for him and safe for humans. It is reliably washed out after the first boiling, and does not pose a danger to the body, especially in the negligible amount that may remain after processing an electrical appliance.

In addition, descaling the kettle with citric acid is very cheap, and you can purchase the product at any grocery store, at any time you want to determine for this work.

How to clean the kettle from scale with citric acid

There are several options for cleaning by boiling and without it, with lemon.


Remove scale in the kettle with citric acid by boiling. This method is suitable for a large amount of sludge that is already tightly compressed. The process is divided into the following steps:

  • Before you clean the kettle from scale with citric acid, you must first wipe the walls and the heating element from soft touch. You can do this with a hard rag, but in no case should you use hard, and especially metal, washcloths. After that, rinse well with cold water.
  • Depending on the amount of plaque, use 20-40 gr. funds for one boil. In ordinary store packaging, this is 1-2 things. Cook them.
  • Fill the electric kettle with clean water to 2/3 capacity, open the prepared packages and pour into the liquid.
  • Put the appliance to boil. If it is with an automatic switch, a few minutes after switching off, bring to a boil again. If there is no machine, boil water for 2-3 minutes.
  • Leave the kettle on for a few hours. After that, pour out the water, carefully remove the softened sediment (without the help of sharp objects). In case of incomplete cleaning, repeat the procedure.
  • Rinse thoroughly from sediment, pour clean water, boil it and pour it out. Then the device is ready for operation.

No boiling

If the electric kettle is cleaned at least once a month (twice with hard water), you can apply milder measures and remove scale in the kettle with citric acid without boiling. For this it is enough:

  • IN warm water dissolve a packet of citric acid.
  • Fill the container with a solution and leave for 4-5 hours, preferably overnight.
  • Rinse the device from sediment.
  • Pour in clean water and boil. The electric kettle is without sediment and ready for use.

regular lemon

There are small children in the house, and there are doubts about how to wash the kettle from scale with citric acid, while being sure of the safety of the baby? There is a way out that is a little more expensive, but ideal in terms of safety for the body, even for babies. To do this, clean the kettle from scale with citric acid own production. Powder, of course, does not have to be made. It is enough to have an ordinary lemon available:

  • It is cut into thin circles along with the skin.
  • The electric kettle is filled with 2/3 water, chopped rings are lowered into it and all this is put to boil.
  • The softened sediment, together with the remaining lemon, is removed from the container, the device is thoroughly rinsed.

Lemon from scale in a teapot - great idea, although a little more expensive. The method is not only harmless and fast (final boiling is not needed), but also has another interesting property - the boiling container gets a pleasant lemon smell for a while. As for the amount of the product, it must be varied depending on the contamination.

For regular brushing half a lemon is enough, but in order to descale the electric kettle with natural citric acid in advanced cases, you will have to chop 2-3 pieces and clog the floor of the container with mugs.

Descaling the kettle with citric acid is best done frequently. This will significantly extend the life of the electrical appliance, preserving not only its performance, but also your health. No sediment - no sand and kidney stones, no infection and no load on the liver.

Knowing how to clean scale with citric acid in a kettle quickly and carefully, you can always stay healthy for both the appliance and its owner.

Read more about how to clean the electric kettle with citric acid (video)

Someone noticed that the kettle, as, by the way, the stove is the face of the hostess. Therefore, each of us should know how to clean the kettle from scale.

Where does scale come from

Part drinking water includes a huge amount of minerals and salts. Whatever folk methods and you didn’t clean it with modern filters, even a small percentage of various impurities still remain. During the heating of sodium and magnesium salts, a limescale deposit is formed, which eats into the walls of the dish and does not want to voluntarily leave it.

This plaque covers any kind of material, so all housewives have to clean their kettles.

Why get rid of limescale

  • Limescale has a low thermal conductivity, which is why water boils more slowly.
  • If the kettle is electric, and you are too lazy to clean it, the plaque quickly disables the heating element.
  • Water becomes tasteless due to scale. And if it boils for a long time, it is also cloudy.

Effective ways to deal with scale

How to clean a kettle with simple means that can be found in every home.

Hit the scale with citric acid

  1. Type a full kettle of water, pour 1-2 sachets of citric acid (depending on its volume and scale thickness). Boil.
  2. Let the solution cool slightly, in the meantime, the acid will have time to corrode the plaque as much as possible. Drain the liquid.
  3. Boil water with citric acid again. Drain the liquid again and rinse the kettle thoroughly.
  4. You can replace citric acid with vinegar - 100 grams per liter of water.

Removing a thick layer of scale

If the solution with citric acid did not give the expected result, try another method:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Pour this solution into the kettle, boil for about half an hour.
  2. Drain the resulting liquid. Pour water and add a tablespoon of citric acid, boil.
  3. Pour water with vinegar a third time (the thicker the layer, the more vinegar), boil for 30 minutes.
  4. After such a triple treatment, the scale becomes soft and easily lags behind the walls. Delete it or kitchen sponge, or wooden spatula. Rinse the kettle thoroughly, boil clean water for reliability and pour it out.

Trying to clean Coca-Cola

  1. Release all gas from the drink before use.
  2. Fill half of the kettle with Coca-Cola, boil.
  3. Pour out the contents, rinse.
  4. Some claim that "Fanta" and "Sprite" are also suitable for this case.

Is your teapot sparkling clean again? Isn't it time for a fragrant tea? Good tea drinking and pleasant conversation!

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