About faith and God: quotes of the great .... Quotes of great people about God

I thought about what helps people in life .. And I decided firmly and thoroughly that this is FAITH. No matter what, the point is that there is something brilliant, powerful, harmonious, higher that helps you and can even save the world .. It gives strength to live, gives an explanation to everything and that notorious meaning of life that everyone is looking for and with they talk about it with difficulty .. Faith gives the core on which life is built, a system of principles and beliefs .. And if you think about it, everything exists for a person from the position of his faith .. The subject of faith, the main aspect, is God. But at the same time - EVERYONE HAS OWN GOD.

God is both Jesus and kindness, beauty, love, nature .. For each his own. God can be many things, entities .. in the end, perhaps it is you yourself?

Everyone chooses what to believe in, what they fear, wait, whom to worship, before whom to kneel and pray (or not to do so). Someone wants to call himself a slave, follow the instructions (even if his soul opposes this), live by the commandments and wait for a bright but very distant future as a reward .. Someone wants to fill his life with dreams of an afterlife, thereby missing Life , the moment is here and now. Someone wants to believe in predestination, divine will, and thus refuses the idea that man himself is the creator of his own happiness and destiny..

I understand that I have no right to condemn religious people .. but I don’t want to be like that myself. I do not want to seize on these ingenious and powerful foundations of religion, as Lifebuoy. I do not want to believe that there is or someone else who is watching me, predetermines my life and will ultimately judge me. It seems to me that all this is just a figment of the imagination, a way of avoiding real life(After all, people who have lost something important, who suffer and do not understand why and how to live on, often “fall into” religion, and religion can provide answers to these questions). It is a powerful mind control tool; perhaps this is a way to give a command to people to be “good” and manageable, this is a way of uniting the nation, unification ..

I personally realize what is good and what is bad, I don’t need such guidelines ... I don’t condemn the commandments, but I think morality, culture, legal norms could also reflect them .. Without religion ...

…I wonder if my opinion will change after a while.. Will something happen that will change me and make me look at it differently? Life will show... And now I am sure only that to each his own and that this world, whatever it may be, always gives you the opportunity to choose. Choose - what kind of person to be, what to strive for and expect from life, what to believe in, what to be afraid of and in general how to spend, what to spend that period of time, the chain of these minutes, hours, days and years that are called LIFE ....

You just need to realize that the choice (and maybe then fate?) is yours. I think it's worth it. My gods, my faith, what helps me in life is nature, harmony, beauty (bodies and souls), sincerity and justice. This is love, music, optimism... It gives me strength...

What is faith for you?

May the kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth, young men and maidens, elders and youths, praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted, His glory on earth and in heaven ... ()

Even notorious atheists talk about this topic. Many of them, for a long time denying both faith and God, under some circumstances they abruptly changed their minds. Many great figures of the past - scientists and diplomats, thinkers and writers, military leaders and sovereigns, doctors and playwrights, including materialists - spoke with the deepest respect. Here is a small selection of their quotes...

Poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

“There is a Book in which every word is interpreted, explained, preached in all ends of the earth, applied to all kinds of circumstances of life and events of the world; from which it is impossible to repeat a single expression that would not be known by heart, which would not already be a proverb of the peoples. This book is called the Gospel - and such is its ever-new charm that if we, satiated with the world or dejected by despondency, accidentally open it, we will no longer be able to resist its sweet attraction.

Archbishop and surgeon Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky)

“We are accustomed to think that knowledge is stronger than the faith underlying religion. But in fact, it is faith that gives strength to knowledge. Knowledge without confidence in it, without recognition, is dead knowledge. You may know that the plane is capable of lifting you, but if you are not sure of this, you will never dare to get into it. We know God the way scientists know electrons – by His manifestations, by His actions, by the outpourings of the power of God upon us, by the grace of God, which we feel in our hearts.

Faith is unprovable. There were many disputes, there were many attempts by some people to prove that God exists, and others - that there is no God. And never throughout the history of mankind has anyone been able to convince their opponents, because it is not about evidence. You cannot prove the existence of God by reasoning. God can only be perceived with a pure heart. Science proves the necessity of the existence of God logically, aesthetics shows the ideal being in images, and religion unites, brings into communion with God.

Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

“Holy Mother of God, save us! Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us! “Without this prayer, do not draw your weapons, do not load your guns, do not start anything. Do you know three sisters? Faith, Love and Hope. With them glory and victory. God is with them."

Prince Alexander Nevsky

“God is not in power, but in truth. Some - with weapons, others - on horseback, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God!

Mathematician Blaise Pascal

“Only God can fill the vacuum in the heart of every person. Nothing created by man can fill this vacuum. Only God, whom we know through Jesus Christ, fills this void. Knowing God without knowing your own sinfulness leads to pride. Knowing your sinfulness without knowing God leads to despair. The knowledge of Jesus Christ leads to the right path, because in Him we find God and our sinfulness.”

Writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

“Do not be dead souls, but alive. There is only one door to life, and that door is Jesus Christ."

Surgeon Nikolai Pirogov

“I cannot hear without disgust the slightest hint about the absence of a creative plan and creative expediency in the universe, and therefore the existence of the Supreme Mind, and therefore the Supreme Creative Will, I consider the necessary and inevitable fatal requirement of my own mind. So, even if I wanted now not to recognize the existence of God, I could not do this without going crazy.

Physicist Albert Einstein

“I believe in God as a Person and I can honestly say that I have not been an atheist for a single minute of my life. True, I am a Jew, but the radiant experience of Jesus of Nazareth made a tremendous impression on me. No one spoke the way He did. Indeed, there is only one place on earth where we do not see a shadow, and that Person is Jesus Christ. In Him, God revealed himself to us in the clearest and most understandable manner. I respect him."

Physicist Isaac Newton

“The Heavenly Sovereign governs the whole world as the Sovereign of the universe. We marvel at Him because of His perfection, we honor Him and bow before Him because of His infinite power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, no variety could come about; and everything corresponding to the place and time, the variety of created objects, which constitutes the structure and life of the universe, could only come about through the thought and will of the original Being, Whom I call the Lord God.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

“Alexander the Great, Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne and myself founded vast empires. And on what basis did these creations of our geniuses take place? - Based on violence. Only Jesus Christ founded His empire by love... And be sure that they were all real people, but none of them was like Him; Jesus Christ is more than a man. At a distance of one thousand eight hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a difficult demand that surpasses all other demands. He asks for a human heart."

Scientist Galileo Galilei

“Holy Scripture can never lie or err. Whatever it says is absolutely immutable. Both it and nature are created by the divine Word: the Bible - by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and nature - to the fulfillment of Divine commands.

Physicist Max Planck

“Wherever we turn our eyes, whatever the object of our observation, we never find a contradiction between science and religion. We rather state their absolute harmony in the main points, especially in the field of natural science. Both religion and science ultimately seek the truth and come to the confession of God.

When religion and science profess faith in God, the former places God at the beginning and the latter at the end of all thoughts. Religion and science are by no means mutually exclusive.

Biologist Louis Pasteur

“Descendants will one day laugh heartily at the stupidity of our contemporary materialistic scientists. The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the inimitable deeds of the Creator.

Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

“Intertwined with patience, my life was one joy. Although before the greatness of God I must confess: Almighty! We do not comprehend Him. He is great in strength, judgment and fullness of justice, but it seemed to me that I was following in the footsteps of God. I feel that my death is not far away, but this does not frighten me. Almighty God will find another form of being for my spirit, will lead me along the path of eternity, as he leads a wandering star through the darkness of infinity. I argued with people for the truth, but never with God, calmly waiting for the end of the time measured out to me.

Poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The gospel reflects from itself the radiance emanating from the person of Christ. If God ever came to earth, it was only in the Person of Jesus Christ.”

Writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

“In adversity, the truth is revealed. I will tell you about myself that I am a child of the century, a child of unbelief and doubt until now, and even (I know this) to the grave. What terrible torments cost me and cost me now this thirst to believe, which is the stronger in my soul, the more contrary arguments I have. And yet, God sometimes sends me moments in which I am completely calm; in these moments I love and find that I am loved by others, and in such and such moments I have formed within myself a symbol of faith in which everything is clear and sacred to me. This symbol is very simple, here it is: to believe that there is nothing more beautiful, deeper, more sympathetic, more reasonable, more courageous and more perfect than Christ, and not only not, but with jealous love I tell myself that it cannot be. Moreover, if someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth, and indeed it would be that the truth is outside of Christ, then I would rather like to remain with Christ than with the truth. Christianity is the only refuge of the Russian land from all its evils.

President Abraham Lincoln

“I have often bowed my knees before God, driven by a strong conviction that to no one else could I turn in my need. I believe that the Bible is God's best gift to man. Everything beautiful from the Savior of the world is transmitted to us through this Book.

Philosopher Vladimir Solovyov

“One has only to decide on any act, call up in one's soul the moral image of Christ, concentrate on it and ask oneself: could He have done this act; or in other words, whether He approves it or not, blesses me to do it or not, and we will get the answer. I offer this test to everyone, it will not deceive. In any doubtful case, if there is only an opportunity to come to your senses and think, remember Christ, imagine Him alive, as He is, and place on Him all the burden of your doubts.

Poet Taras Shevchenko

“Now my only consolation is the gospel. I read it daily and hourly.”

Scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

“Nature is, in a certain sense, the gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and majesty of God. And not only the heavens, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God.”

Playwright William Shakespeare

“I have committed my soul into the hands of God, my Creator, and have absolutely unshakable faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior.”

Naturalist Carl Linnaeus

“The eternal, infinite, omniscient and omnipotent God has passed me by. I did not see Him face to face, but the reflection of the Deity filled my soul with silent wonder. I saw the trace of God in His creation; and everywhere, even in the smallest and most imperceptible of His works, what a power, what a wisdom, what an inexpressible perfection! I observed how animate beings, standing on the highest level, are connected with the plant kingdom, and plants, in turn, with the minerals that are in the bowels of the globe, and how the globe itself gravitates towards the sun and revolves around it in an unchanging order, receiving life from it.

Emperor Peter the Great

“Whoever does not believe in God is either crazy or naturally insane. A sighted Creator must know the Creator. He who forgets God and does not keep His commandments, with all his work, will not be successful and will receive little benefit.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh

“First of all, for the sake of God and your soul, have the fear of God in your heart and give generous alms - this is the beginning of all good.”

Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin

"He who has not found God on Earth will not find him in space either."

Poet George Byron

"If Man can be God, and if God can be Man, then Jesus Christ was both."

Publicist Heinrich Heine

“And what is this Book of the Bible! Majestic and vast, like the world, rooted in the depths of the universe and ascending to the mysterious azure of heaven! Truly, this is the Word of God, while all other books of the world express only their own, human art.

Writer Charles Dickens

"I gave my soul to the mercy of God in Christ the Savior."

Naturalist Charles Darwin

“I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of the Creator. In the first cell, life had to be breathed in by the Creator.

The world rests on regularities and in its manifestations it appears as a product of the mind - this is an indication of its Creator.

Philosopher Immanuel Kant

“You do well to seek comfort in the gospel, for it is an inexhaustible source of all truth, which the mind will never find elsewhere.

The existence of the Bible is the greatest and highest blessing that mankind has ever experienced."

Philosopher Karl Jaspers

"The existence of God is so obvious that not believing in him is a sin, and it is so non-obvious that believing in him is a merit."

Philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev

“Faith in immortality is not only a comforting faith that makes life easier, it is also a terrible, terrible faith that burdens life with immeasurable responsibility.

Spiritual life is unthinkable without the great sacrament of repentance. Sin must not only be recognized, but also burned in the fire of repentance.

Writer Jean Jacques Rousseau

“The words of the Bible fill me with wonder, the holiness of the gospel speaks to my heart. Look at the books of the philosophers, how insignificant they are against the Bible. Is it possible that such an amazing and at the same time simple book was the work of human hands?

Physicist Michael Faraday

“I wonder why people choose to wander in the unknown in so many important issues when God gave them such a wonderful book of Revelation”!?

Chemist Robert Boyle

"In comparison with the Bible, all human books are small planets that receive their light and brilliance from the Sun."

Physicist Henri Marie Ampère

“The most convincing proof of the existence of God is the harmony of means by which order is maintained in the universe, thanks to this order, living beings find in their bodies everything necessary for the development and reproduction of their physical and spiritual abilities.”

Astronomer Johannes Kepler

“Our Lord is great and His power is great, And His wisdom has no end. Praise His sun, moon and stars and planets, no matter what language the praise is in. And also you, the witnesses of His revealed truths, and you, my soul, sing the honor and glory of the Lord all your life.

Physicist Hans Oersted

"Every thorough study of nature ends with the recognition of the existence of God."

Physicist William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

“Don't be afraid to be free-thinking people. If you think deeply, through science you will gain faith in God.”

Historian Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

“Consciousness precedes the embodiment of ideas. God is a great architect.

Philosopher Francis Bacon

“Surface knowledge moves away from God; deep knowledge leads to God.”

Writer Francois Mauriac

“You don't need to have faith to pray; you have to pray to gain faith.”

Writer Clive Staples Lewis

“God speaks to man in a whisper of love; if he does not hear, then with the voice of conscience; if he does not hear, through the mouthpiece of suffering.

All events in the world are answers to prayers, in the sense that the Lord takes into account all our true needs. All prayers have been heard, although not all have been fulfilled.

Writer John Tolkien

"The only cure for a weakening and waning faith is the communion of the Holy Mysteries."

Writer Ivan Turgenev

“Earthly everything is dust and decay, - and blessed is the one who anchored not in these bottomless waves! He who has faith has everything and cannot lose anything.”

Philosopher Ivan Ilyin

“Faith in God belongs to the deepest, most mysterious and spiritually precious states of man. This is a blessed experience of great spiritual and artistic value and life force which should be cherished, which should be protected and which should not be approached by cleverness and arbitrariness.

Poet Vasily Zhukovsky

“God is positive goodness, positive truth, positive truth, positive beauty - everything that is contrary to goodness, truth, beauty, truth, is the denial of God. the foundation of all goodness, all truth, truth and beauty in the human soul is faith in God. From faith in God comes all goodness, all truth, all truth and beauty.

Wanderer Grigory Skovoroda

“The kingdom of God is within us. Happiness is in the heart, the heart is in love, and love is in the eternal law.

Philosopher Semyon Frank

“Only faith unites, while disbelief disperses, atomizes human forces.”

Physicist James Joule

“After we know the Will of God and obey it, we have one more important thing to do: to comprehend His Wisdom, Power and Mercy from the evidence that is revealed in His deeds. The knowledge of the laws of nature is the knowledge of God.

The answer to the question of what God is depends primarily on the adherents of what religious and philosophical worldviews it will be asked. For adepts (followers) monotheistic religions, the most common of which are Christianity, Islam and Judaism, is primarily the Creator of the world and the personification of the Absolute in all its manifestations. For them one God─ the fundamental principle and the beginning of everything that exists in the world. Being eternal and unchanging, He is at the same time beginningless, infinite and comprehensible to the human mind only within the limits that He Himself sets.

What is God in the understanding of the pagans?

The idea of ​​each individual person about God depends not only on the characteristics of the culture and religion of his people, but to a large extent on personal qualities, among which the key ones are spiritual maturity and level of education. It is not enough just to give yourself an answer to the key question "is there a God", it is also important to have at least some clear idea of ​​what meaning is put into this concept. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand the ways and forms of His influence on the world.

Adherents of polytheism (polytheism), or, as they are usually called in Christian theology, pagans, believe in several gods at once, each of which, as a rule, is able to influence only one side of human life.

In the pre-Christian period in Rus', both the highest gods, which include Perun, Mokosh, Dazhdbog, Svarog, Veles and a number of others, and the patron spirits of the clan were revered. There was also a cult of dead ancestors ─ ancestors. The various rituals performed in their honor were intended to ensure, first of all, earthly well-being, to bring success, wealth, many children, and also to protect from the influence of evil spirits, natural disasters and invasions of enemies. Belief in God, or rather, in a whole pantheon of gods, was an important part of their life for the pagans. This approach to the perception of the deity was characteristic of almost all peoples of the world on early stage their development.

Understanding God in Orthodoxy

Within the framework of Orthodoxy ─ the religious confession covering the majority of the inhabitants of Russia ─ God is perceived as an incorporeal and invisible Spirit. On the pages of the Old Testament there is evidence that it is not given to a person to see God and remain alive at the same time. Just as the rays of the sun, warming everything earthly, are capable of blinding one who dares to raise his gaze to the shining disk, so the great holiness of the Divine is inaccessible to human contemplation.

God is omnipotent and omniscient. He knows about everything in the world, and even the most secret thought cannot hide from him. At the same time, the power of the Lord is so infinite that it allows Him to do everything for which there is His holy will. God in the Orthodox understanding is the creator and spokesman of all that is good that exists in the world, and therefore, speaking of him, it is customary to use the expression "all-good".

God is one in three Persons

The main dogma of Orthodoxy is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. It contains the statement that the one God has in Himself three hypostases (persons) bearing the following names: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are connected to each other not together, but at the same time not separately. You can understand this combination, which is difficult at first glance, using the example of the same sun.

Its disk, shining in the sky, as well as the light emitted by it, and the heat that warms the earth, are essentially three independent realities, but at the same time they are all unmerged and inseparable components of a single heavenly body. Like the sun that gives warmth, God the Father gives birth to God the Son. Just as light comes from the sun, so God the Holy Spirit comes from God the Father. Thus, prayer to God is always addressed to all of His three hypostases at the same time.

Cross sacrifice of Jesus Christ

Another most important dogma of Orthodoxy is the doctrine of the sacrifice brought on the cross by the Son of God, sent by the Heavenly Father to atone for original sin once committed by Adam and Eve. Having incarnated in man and uniting in Himself all his properties, except for sin, Jesus Christ, by His death and subsequent resurrection, opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven to all adepts (followers) of the Church He created on earth.

According to the gospel teaching, true faith in God is impossible without love for one's neighbor bequeathed by the Savior and without sacrifice. Orthodoxy is a religion of love. The words of Jesus Christ addressed to His disciples: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34) became the main commandment, expressing the greatest humanism contained in the teaching given to people by the Son of God.

The search for truth

Having created man in His image and likeness, the Lord endowed him with reason, one of the properties of which is the ability to critically comprehend everything that happens in the world. That is why for many the path to religious life begins with the question: “Is there a God?”, and the subsequent path to the salvation of the soul largely depends on how convincing the answer to it will be received.

Christianity, like any other religion, is based primarily on blind faith in the dogmas that it preaches. However, over the two thousand years that have passed since the events described in the Gospel, inquisitive minds do not stop searching for evidence of the existence of God. Many church leaders who lived in different eras and belonged to different Christian denominations, such as Malebranche and Anselm of Canterbury, as well as the outstanding philosophers Aristotle, Plato, Leibniz and Descartes, devoted their works to this exciting issue.

Thomas Aquinas' statements

In the XIII century, the outstanding Italian theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) tried to answer the question "what is God" and prove the indisputability of His existence. In his reasoning, he relied on the law of cause and effect, considering God as the cause of everything on earth. He formulated the proofs of the existence of God derived by him in five points, which he included in the capital work called "The Sum of Theology". Briefly, they contain the following statements:

  1. Since everything in this world is in motion, there must be something that gave this process the initial impetus. It can only be God.
  2. Since nothing in the world can produce itself, but is always derived from something, it is necessary to recognize the existence of a certain primary source, which has become the initial link in the subsequent chain of emergence of more and more new realities. This primary source of everything in the world is God.
  3. Each thing can have both a real being and remain in an unrealized potency. In other words, it may appear, or it may not. God must be recognized as the only force that translates it from potentiality into reality.
  4. Since the degree of perfection of this or that thing can only be assessed in comparison with something that surpasses it, it is logical to assume the existence of some kind of absolute that stands above everything that exists in the world. Only God can be such a height of perfection.
  5. And finally, the expediency of everything that happens in the world indicates the existence of God. Since humanity is moving along the path of progress, it means that there must be some force that not only determines the right direction of movement, but also creates the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of this process.

The Proof That Wasn't

However, along with religious philosophers who tried to find arguments to substantiate the idea of ​​the existence of God, there were always those who pointed out the impossibility of a scientifically sound answer to the question of what God is. Prominent among them is the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).

Contrary to the assertion of Woland, the hero of Bulgakov's immortal novel The Master and Margarita, Kant did not refute the five proofs of the existence of God that he allegedly built and did not invent the sixth, this time absolutely irrefutable. On the contrary, he never tired of repeating all his life that in terms of proving the existence of God, no theoretical construction can have any serious scientific justification. At the same time, he considered faith in God useful and even morally necessary, since he recognized the depth and significance of the Christian commandments.

As a result of this approach to the fundamentals of the doctrine, the German philosopher was subjected to severe attacks from representatives of the church. It is even known that some of them, in order to express their contempt for the scientist, called him the name of their domestic dogs.

An interesting detail: the legend that Kant, contrary to his views, created the so-called moral proof of the existence of God ─ exactly the one that Woland spoke about on the bench at the Patriarch's Ponds ─ was born by the clerics themselves, who wished in this way to take revenge on their fierce enemy.

Religion as the restoration of man's connection with God

At the end of the conversation, it would be appropriate to dwell on the issue of the emergence of religion. By the way, this word itself comes from the Latin verb religare, which means "to reunite." IN this case This refers to the restoration of communication with God, broken as a result of original sin.

Among historians, there are three main points of view about the emergence of religion. The first of them is called “religious”. Its supporters are of the opinion that man was created by God and before his fall had direct communion with Him. Then it was broken, and at present, only prayer to God is the only way for a person to turn to his Creator, who reveals Himself through prophets, angels and various miracles.

Religious compromise

The second point of view is "intermediate". It's kind of a compromise. Based on modern scientific knowledge and the moods prevailing in society, its supporters at the same time adhere to the main religious postulate about the creation of the world and man by God. According to them, after the fall, man completely severed communion with his Creator and, as a result, is forced to re-seek the path to Him. It is this process that they call religion.

The materialist point of view

And finally, the third point of view ─ "evolutionary". Those who adhere to it insist that religious ideas arise at a certain stage in the development of society and are the result of the inability of people to find rational explanations for natural phenomena.

Perceiving them as rational actions of certain beings more powerful than himself, a person created in his imagination a pantheon of gods, attributed to them his own emotions and actions, thereby projecting into the fictional world of the features of the society in which he was. Accordingly, with the development of society, religious ideas became more complex and colored in a new way, progressing from primitive forms to more complex ones.

We bring to the attention of readers a selection of quotes from great physicists about faith and God.

(1564-1642) – Italian philosopher, mathematician, physicist, mechanic and astronomer, who had an exceptional influence on the science of his time. The first to use a telescope scientific discoveries, which became the satellites of Jupiter, spots on the Sun, mountains on the Moon, and the phases of Venus. Defender of the Copernican heliocentric system and founder of experimental science.

"Nature is, no doubt, the Second Book of God, which we must not refuse, but which we must read."

"The intention of Scripture is to teach us how to go to heaven, not how heaven goes."

"In the workings of nature, the Lord God appears to us no less admirable image than in the divine verses of Scripture."

(1643-1727) – English physicist, mathematician, astronomer. Founderclassical theory of physics.

“The miraculous structure of the cosmos and the harmony in it can only be explained by the fact that the cosmos was created according to the plan of the Omniscient and Omnipotent Being. This is my first and last word."

(1711-1765) Russian naturalist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, encyclopedist. He laid the foundations of physical chemistry and the molecular-kinetic theory of heat. Approved the foundations of modern Russian literary language, champion of the development of domestic education, science and economics. Developed a project for Moscow University. He predicted the existence of an atmosphere around the planet Venus.

“The Creator gave the human race two books. In one he showed his majesty; in the other, His will. The first is this visible world, created by Him, so that a person, looking at the vastness, beauty and harmony of his buildings, recognizes the Divine omnipotence, by faith, a concept bestowed upon himself. The second book is Holy Scripture. It shows the Creator's blessing to our salvation. In these prophetic and apostolic inspired books, the interpreters and elucidators are the great church teachers. And in this book of addition visible world of this, physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, and other explainers of divine actions in nature, are the same as the prophets, apostles, and church teachers in this book.

“Truth and faith are two sisters, daughters of one supreme parent, they can never come into strife among themselves, unless out of some vanity and testimony of their own sophistication, enmity is exclaimed against them.”

(1775-1836) – French physicist and mathematician, discovered the basic lawelectrodynamics.

“The most convincing proof of the existence of God is the harmony of means by which order is maintained in the universe, thanks to this order, living beings find in their bodies everything necessary for the development and reproduction of their physical and spiritual abilities.”

(1777-1855) – German mathematician, astronomer, physicist.

“When our last hour comes, with what inexplicable joy we will fix our eyes on the One whose presence we could only guess in this world.”

Hans Oersted (1777-1851) –Danish physicist.

"Every thorough study of nature ends with the recognition of the existence of God."

William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) one of the greatest physicists. He worked in the field of electrostatics, heat and power transmission, thermodynamics, theory of elasticity, geology, practical physics and technology. He was the first to formulate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

“Don't be afraid to be free-thinking people. If you think deeply, through science you will gain faith in God.”

Thomas Edison (1847-1931) – American inventor.

“My greatest respect and admiration is for all engineers, especially for the greatest of them, God!”

Gustav Mi (1868-1957) – German physicist.

“It must be said that a thinking natural scientist must necessarily be a pious person. He must reverently kneel before the Divine Spirit, Who so clearly manifests Himself in nature.

(1818-1889) in elikyEnglish physicist. Worked on understanding the nature of heat, its relationship with mechanical work which led to the discovery of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Together with Lord Kelvin, he developed an absolute temperature scale.

“After we know the Will of God and obey it, we have one more important thing to do: to comprehend His Wisdom, Power and Mercy from the evidence that is revealed in His deeds. The knowledge of the laws of nature is the knowledge of God.

John Ambrose Fleming (1849-1945) – British physicist and radio engineer.

"Great multitude modern discoveries completely destroyed the old materialistic ideas. The universe appears before us today as a thought. But thought presupposes the presence of a Thinker.

(1856-1940) and English physicist, studied X-rays, discovered the electron. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906.

“Don't be afraid to be independent thinkers! If you think strong enough, you will inevitably be led by science to faith in God, which is the foundation of religion. You will see that science is not the enemy, but the helper of religion.”

"From the tops of the towers of the fortress of science, the greatest deeds of God are visible."

Max Planck (1858-1947) outstanding German physicist, founder of quantum theory.

“Wherever and how far we look, we do not find contradictions between religion and natural science, on the contrary, it is precisely in the fundamental points the best combination. Religion and natural science are not mutually exclusive, as some believe or fear these days, the two are complementary and dependent on each other.”

“Religion and natural science need faith in God. At the same time, for religion, God stands at the beginning of any reflection, and for natural science - at the end. For some, it means the foundation, and for others, it means the pinnacle of building any worldview principles.

AlbertEinstein(1879-1955) - a second special and general theory relativity, introduced the concept of a photon, discovered the laws of the photoelectric effect, worked on the problems of cosmology and unified field theory. According to many prominent physicists (for example, Lev Landau), Einstein is the most significant figure in the history of physics. Nobel Prize in Physics 1921

“The harmony of natural law reveals a Mind so superior to us that in comparison with it, any systematic thinking and action of human beings turns out to be a most insignificant imitation.”

“My religion consists in a feeling of modest admiration for the boundless rationality, manifesting itself in the smallest details of that picture of the world, which we are only able to partially grasp and know with our mind. This deep emotional confidence in the highest logical harmony of the structure of the universe is my idea of ​​God.

"The real problem is internal state soul and mind of mankind. This is not a physical problem, but an ethical problem. What frightens us is not the explosive power of the atomic bomb, but the power of the wickedness of the human heart, the explosive power for wickedness.

“In vain, in the face of the catastrophes of the 20th century, many complain: “How did God allow it?” ... Yes. He allowed: He allowed our freedom, but did not leave us in the darkness of ignorance. Let the knowledge of good and evil be indicated. And man himself had to pay for the choice of false paths.

“Every serious natural scientist must be in some way a religious person. Otherwise, he is unable to imagine that the incredibly subtle interdependencies that he observes are not invented by him. In the infinite universe, the activity of the infinitely perfect Mind is revealed. The usual idea of ​​me as an atheist is a big misconception. If this idea is taken from my scientific works, I can say that my scientific work not understood."

(1882-1970), German physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics.

Nobel Prize in Physics 1954

“Science has left the question of God completely open. Science has no right to judge this."

“Many scientists believe in God. Those who say that the study of science makes a person an atheist are probably some kind of ridiculous people.

Niels Bohr (1885-1962)great Danish physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. Created the first quantum theory of the atom, participated in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. He made a significant contribution to the development of the theory atomic nucleus And nuclear reactions, interaction processes elementary particles with the environment.

"It is not our business to prescribe to God how he should govern this world."

(1892-1962), American physicist, laureateNobel Prize in Physics1927

“For me, Faith begins with the knowledge that the Supreme Mind created the Universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact that there is a plan and, therefore, Reason is irrefutable. The order in the universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and sublime statement: “In the beginning is God.”

Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958), Swiss physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum field theory, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1945

“We must also recognize that in all ways of knowledge and deliverance we are dependent on factors beyond our control and bearing the name of grace in religious language.”

Karl Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) German physicist, one of the founders of the fundamentals quantum physics, Nobel laureate 1932

"The first sip from the vessel natural sciences makes us atheists, but God is waiting for us at the bottom of the vessel.”

(1902-1984) – English physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum statistics. Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 "for the development of new, promising forms of atomic theory"

“Nature has that fundamental feature that the most basic physical laws are described by mathematical theory, the apparatus of which has extraordinary power and beauty. We should just take it for granted. The situation could probably be described by saying that God is a mathematician of a very high rank, and that he used top-level mathematics in constructing the universe.

“It turns out that one of the main features of nature is that the laws of fundamental physics are described by very elegant and powerful mathematical theories. You need to be a mathematician to understand these theories. high level. You may wonder: why is Nature arranged in this way? The only thing that can be answered at the current level of knowledge is that Nature is designed in this way. It remains only to accept it. In other words, God is a very high level mathematician and He used the most perfect mathematics in creating the universe. Our feeble mathematical efforts allow us to understand the device only little piece universe, and as further development mathematicians, we hope to understand the structure of the universe better.”

A deeply religious person, she believes in God, in his existence.
We have preserved tape recordings of conversations in which the clairvoyant talks about God, Jesus Christ and Faith, so we quote strictly documentary:

“Listen to God and everything will be fine. If you go against him, you will suffer and suffer. Baptize your children to keep them safe from harm.”

“Strengthen faith in God, love each other and be kinder, because without this you will not succeed in anything. Although with difficulty, the bad gives way to the good. Do not hurry. Heaven knows better what order events should follow. There are other laws and reasons.”

“We live in difficult times. Broken brothers and sisters. Let us unite in order to save ourselves for a better share. "One God, one ruler, one people - that's what you need!"

“Not a day, not two, but for fifty-three years (since I began to prophesy. - Ed.) There is no peace in my soul. But I will tell you - only good can overcome evil. Kindness - God's grace. Be wise, do not believe crazy speeches! Then you will be saved sooner.”

Vanga interprets many biblical legends in a peculiar way. For example, a rainbow, according to Vanga, is a reminder of Deluge. “In ancient times, punishment was sent down on people for their sins: it rained for forty days. Water flooded the earth, living beings drowned, and, of course, people also drowned. Noah survived and with him in the ark "every creature in pairs." Noah on his ark, although he did not completely lose faith in salvation, despaired of fighting the waves, and then a rainbow rose in the sky. Under the rainbow, the peaks of the mountains sparkled with snow, and a dove flew from there with an olive branch in its beak. That was the signal: you are saved because you believed.
In general, Noah Vanga spoke about the Flood and the ark very many times with various shades and variations:

“When the rain stopped, a rainbow first appeared in the sky, and before that it went on and on for 40 days and destroyed the entire human race and all earthly creatures. Only Noah's ark remained.
Late in the evening, just before midnight, I walk through my house past this Noah's ark. It has been standing there for many years…”

And once Vanga said: “Noah's Ark is very close to my house. As soon as I walk ten steps, I will touch his warm, mossy side with my hand. The tree warmed by the sun is so pleasant to the touch!”

Mysterious words - Noah's ark in Vanga's house in Petrich ... Noah's ark next to the house. What is it - a vision of the legendary event described in the Old Testament, when God destroyed his creation? Or does the revelation of the prophetess symbolize something completely different?

Vanga urged not to quarrel, but to love each other, emphasizing that the main thing for the well-being of the people is faith and love.

Very often, in fact, almost always, answering a question about the situation in the country, the prophetess tirelessly repeated that the people must restore their lost faith in God and strengthen their morality. According to Vanga, in order to overcome the crisis, it is necessary, first of all, to follow the Christian virtues, to strengthen moral principles and take action on that basis. Here is what Vanga says: “There is Good. There is Evil. And every person has the right to choose ... "

The right to choose ... A person comes into the world with this right, it is his most important asset from the first to last day life. Dualism underlies the structure of earthly life - there is no only good or bad, they always coexist with each other. Whether a person will be virtuous or not resist the temptation, whether he will serve people and follow Christian morality, or whether he will love himself - the choice is his, for all his will, about which Vanga says that "no - strength will not break her."

"Pray that God will spare man, for man is mad in his hatred of his neighbor."

“Be kinder so as not to suffer anymore, a person is born for good deeds. The bad guys don't go unpunished. The most severe punishment awaits not the one who caused the evil, but his descendants. It hurts even more."

Next, let us quote - Vanga's statements about God, Jesus Christ, faith to supply with small comments. All these comments were made directly during or immediately after the conversations with the clairvoyant. So, quotes from the conversation with Vanga and comments.

“Explore me, experiment, study me with the help of instruments and equipment ... Do you want to explain what I do? But how can you explain this when it is the work of God?

“My gift is from God. He deprived me of sight, but gave me other eyes with which I see the world - both visible and invisible ... "

“You don’t believe in God, but you want him to help. Don't come to me without faith. Not me, but He helps you.”

Vanga's hope in God does not leave her until her last breath. She thanks him for her wonderful gift and destiny. He prays for the forgiveness of human sins, makes him believe in him, honors his authority.

God for Vanga is the answer to all the eternal questions of existence that continue to be asked simple people. God for her is the beginning and the end human being, goodness, justice and truth.

It is noteworthy that all the famous soothsayers in recent history Humanity prioritizes faith in God. And, explaining that the past and the future are moments of a single process called time, they are trying to reveal the great truth that there is a force that created people, and that they are only its particles in their diversity.
Vanga often spoke about this truth, about the highest knowledge of the order of things:

“How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer if they don’t understand and admit that there is a spiritual world (heaven) and a physical one (earth) and a supreme power, call it whatever you want, which created us.”

In order to understand the Bible, a person must rise spiritually, only then will he be able to perceive and understand the highest knowledge. God will reward him and give him strength and help him so that he can understand how it happened.”

"God exists. And if you keep quiet, the stones will say that He exists. Just as the blind know that there is light, just as the lame know that there are healthy people, so the healthy must know that there is God!”
A lot of fragments have been preserved where Vanga is talking about the Bible. For her, the Bible is both a source of inspiration and spiritual support (personally for herself and for a huge number of people), and faith in salvation, and the ability to prevent big and small troubles.
Vanga bluntly declares: “It will be bad, but we will cope with the trouble. And it's written in the Bible. Look to the Bible more often, especially when it is difficult and difficult. Everything is written there."

This is not just a call of an ordinary believer. It is known that most prophets and astrologers are deeply religious, regardless of which God they worship. In their faith, a metaphysical meaning is hidden, little accessible modern people, which long years brought up in the spirit of atheism and the denial of the spiritual foundations of being.
According to the soothsayer, the problems facing people and the country can only be solved by faith, love and compassion. Vanga calls on the people to turn their faces to religion, otherwise ...

“People are waiting for severe trials, for we are atheists!”
"People do not believe in God and in unity, so they are tormented in sin."

If faith in God is one of the conditions for achieving a bright future, then another condition is the unity of the nation. The prophetess does not tire of emphasizing that people should be united, love each other and help each other, while, unfortunately, the centuries-old history of the country testifies to the opposite.
In the "Encyclopedia" one cannot ignore such difficult questions: how does Vanga see the image of God? How Vanga sees Jesus Christ? What does she say about the apostles?
According to biblical canons, the meaning of the word "apostle" is "sent", that is, a messenger, a representative.

In the New Testament, the twelve disciples of Jesus are called apostles, as are Paul and other Christians who preach the gospel.

Jesus chose twelve disciples to follow him, preach and heal. After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus commanded His disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel.

Later, when they were looking for someone to replace the backslidden Judas Iscariot as an apostle, Peter said that they should choose one of those who had been with Jesus from the very beginning of His ministry and who had seen Him after the resurrection from the dead. Paul defended his right to be an apostle because he believed that what he experienced on the road to Damascus was an encounter with the living Jesus. He was chosen by Christ to bring the gospel to the non-Jewish world (Gentiles).
And Vanga says this about the apostles and their mission:

“All the apostles are not sitting still now, they descended to Earth, for the time of the Holy Spirit has come. But the most important mission is entrusted to the Apostle Andrew. He paves the way for Christ just as He commanded."

According to the Law of God and the Bible, God is the highest being. He has no equal anywhere, neither on earth nor in heaven.

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