Renovation in the hallway of a two-room apartment in a panel house. Design of a hallway in an apartment in a panel house: photo, features of the transformation. Interior of a corridor in a panel house: general examples and an interesting idea

With the traditional approach, the entrance hall and corridor, due to their auxiliary purpose, play minor role in the interior of the apartment, masquerading as the general concept of decorating living rooms. Meanwhile, ignoring this part of the house sometimes leads to uncomfortable and uncomfortable functional solutions. IN best case scenario these parts of the room are facelessly lost and hidden, at worst they introduce dissonance and spoil the overall impression.

The unique role of the hallway and the corridors leading from it is that, on the one hand, these are the most public parts of the house, on the other, they serve as a kind of boudoir for residents, who change shoes and clothes when entering and leaving.

These small venues are a kind of bridges not only between various rooms, but also in styles, so their finishing, lighting and decor must be selected with special care.

Design Features

When choosing materials and colors for floors, walls and ceilings, you can take two approaches. In the first case, the design of the hallway and corridor completely coincides with the interior of the room to which they lead; in the second, they are designed separately, in harmonious combination. It is clear that transitional options are also possible, in which the differences may consist of one or two independent elements.

The choice of material for flooring is one of the important tasks. Linoleum, tiles or heated wood, the use of carpets and rugs are determined by the layout and functions of the corridor.

Most often, this is the most trampled part of the apartment, and it is more advisable to focus on durable and washable materials for cladding.

When combined with the floors of other rooms in color and texture, you can use:

  • different shades of the same color,
  • the same color with a transition in two or more color combinations,
  • sharp color contrast.

The use of carpet runners and rugs for hallways can add a pleasant twist, creating coziness and geometrically expanding the space.

The photos of various apartment segments show the design of the corridor floors in all of the listed options.

Another feature of the design solution is the construction various types rectangular and rounded arched structures.

The design of ceilings is most often done in a single concept for the entire room, but even here you can take advantage of special opportunities for experimenting with mirror or reflective ceiling surfaces. Such extravagant decor will not get on your nerves, since people do not stay in these rooms for a long time.

Lighting can be built into the ceiling and walls, or you can choose lamps and fixtures. Ceiling chandeliers are used very rarely.

Visual Expansion Techniques

The problem of cramped hallways and narrow corridors is relevant in our time not only for owners of Khrushchev apartments. When planning any apartment or house, small utility spaces may arise, which, if properly designed, will ensure overall comfort and increased functionality.

Small corridors and hallways are an excellent platform for applying effects. visual expansion. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of mirrors. It is justified, but you need to be careful with ceiling mirrors: they can narrow the space.

In other cases, mirror or reflective surfaces will become a stylish and useful addition to small spaces.

In narrow corridors and hallways, regardless of the overall design of the apartment, dark colors and patterns in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, bulky furniture and lamps should be avoided. In this case, you need to take care of the light, using built-in options or flat lampshades.

Spaces can be optically expanded through the clever use of directional light in combination with mirrors. In small and square segments, evenly diffused light can be used through several spotlights.

Light blue, olive and beige tones will become a universal solution for painting walls. In low rooms, the ceilings should be a shade lighter; in the corridor you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes.

To expand the space, one of the walls can be covered with photo wallpaper. Wallpaper with imitation stone, brick and other textures will create the effect of a mysterious labyrinth.

The floor should be at least a shade darker. You can also use sharp contrasts using dark-colored tiles. Diagonal laying or contrasting floor segmenting can also create the desired expansive effect.

Hallway zoning - another one design technique, in which wallpaper with textured imitations can be used. When applying this method, a separate entrance space near the door is formed, which is contrasting, sometimes in all respects (floor, ceiling, walls), different from the passage part. The latter, as a rule, merges with the design of the room with which the corridor is connected.

Inner side front door and the design of other doors facing the corridor, when there is a lack of space, become especially important. They should either be disguised as walls, which would be ideally embodied in a minimalist style, or be a contrasting spot.

Lovers abstract design can choose catchy geometric designs or photographs for doors that change the configuration of the space.

Furnishings and decor

Properly selected furniture and decorative details will complement the decoration of the room. They can also do it without overhaul The apartment has changed the corridor and hallway beyond recognition.

If there is enough space, they can be decorated, like any living space, taking into account the taste and needs of the residents, equipped with cabinets for shoes and clothes, upholstered furniture And coffee tables, decorative items, plants, aquarium, etc.

Vintage or other mirrors with bulky frames will also require a certain area.

The presence of furniture in small rooms should be limited to open shelves and corner or built-in cabinets. Cabinets with open shelves require a certain amount of space; in small rooms they look overly cluttered, creating the impression of cramped space and clutter.

An alternative could be narrow wardrobes of various sizes. Single and narrow open shelves along the entire wall are also a good solution, as long as they do not interfere with movement.

The use of oval mirrors without frames, mirrored doors on cabinets, as well as decorating walls and open shelves solid mirrors will visually expand the space. Decorative shelves and vases will add coziness, softening unused corners and narrow niches.

Photo of the corridor in the apartment

Interior Design two-room apartment is a topic that interests many people these days. This is due, first of all, to the fact that such housing is much more affordable than three- or four-room layouts, and for a young family, even one with a child, two rooms are quite enough. The main factor in arranging a comfortable home is the correct distribution of functional zones. Before making renovations, you should definitely take into account the needs of each family member, choose an interior style, and, based on it, select furniture. We will look at what the design of a typical two-room apartment where a family with a child lives, and where to start, in this article.

Layout of a two-room apartment: design that involves “rebuilding”

Before you start renovating a two-room apartment, you need to decide functional purpose each room. Often such housing does not correspond to its layout modern understandings comfort and convenience. In cases where a certain “reconstruction” of the walls is required, which involves the demolition of the structure or, conversely, the construction of a partition, this should be taken care of in advance and this project should be legitimized in the appropriate authority.

As for two-room apartments, this question may arise when organizing a kitchen-living room, which involves dismantling the wall separating them (the design of the renovation of a two-room apartment with the organization of a kitchen-living room will be discussed in detail below).

Often, especially in older apartments, the bathroom is divided. Modern styles suggest combining them into one spacious bathroom, and this will also require demolishing a wall.

Sometimes there are projects where the interior design of a two-room apartment involves combining a corridor with a living room. In this case, there is no hallway space and, upon crossing the threshold of the apartment, a person immediately finds himself in a spacious living room. And here an important point of repair will be the removal of the wall between the corridor and the room. Such an association has its pros and cons: on the one hand, the space of the apartment will significantly increase, and on the other, there is no separate place for changing clothes, and street dust and other contaminants end up directly in the room.

In general, there are different options, but it is imperative to legalize the redevelopment in order to avoid subsequent fines.

Design of a typical two-room apartment: decorating the hallway

If family members agree that a hallway is still necessary, then you need to think about its interior. First of all, it's color. If we are talking about the design of a small two-room apartment, the corridor here will also be small, which means it is preferable to decorate it in light colors, since dark colors will significantly reduce the already small space.

The best colors will be green, beige, blue and their various shades. This palette will give the room both spaciousness and the coziness of a home. Materials such as wallpaper or decorative plaster are suitable for wall decoration, and both options can be either plain or have certain reliefs and patterns. It is worth considering that different location geometric lines on the walls can bring one or another visual effect.

Thus, a horizontal pattern will increase the width but reduce the height of the corridor, and a vertical pattern, on the contrary, will “raise” the ceiling but narrow the space itself. Good effect The space is expanded by mirrors placed on the walls. You can also use 3D and photo wallpaper elements to create the appearance of infinity in space.

As for the floor, the interior design of a two-room apartment provides different variants, among them: laminate, parquet, carpet, decorative rock, floor tiles etc. It is better to choose a floor covering of a darker, non-staining color, as it will be constantly subject to contamination.

The ceiling can be plastered or painted water-based paint or decorated with plasterboard. To make the ceiling surface appear higher, it is equipped with suspended plasterboard panels with built-in hidden lighting.

Interior design of a two-room apartment: arranging a children's room

The design of a children's room for a two-room apartment should be guided by the principle of preserving as much space as possible for children's games. Therefore, it is better to choose only the most necessary furniture, depending on the age of the child. If the child preschool age, in the room, besides sleeping place, there may be a small wardrobe for clothes, a table with chairs, shelves with toys, a TV.

The schoolchild will already need additional elements furniture that serves as desk(as an option, computer desk), shelves for books, and even a small cabinet is no longer enough - you can buy a small wardrobe that will accommodate all the clothes and shoes of the growing owner of the room. Sometimes designers use a solution such as built-in furniture, such as a wardrobe bed, which will significantly free up space in daytime days or when visiting guests.

The design largely depends on the preferences of the child himself, which must be taken into account in order for the child to feel comfortable. Often the interior design of a children's room in a two-room apartment is decorated using favorite cartoon or fairy-tale characters. Here photo wallpapers, soft toys, as well as thematic bed sheets. When decorating a room for a teenager, it is imperative to take into account his wishes and hobbies. The interior may well be decorated with elements of your favorite sport or music. Marine theme is also popular.

Interior in the hallway panel house should become a kind of calling card for the owners of the apartment. However, to declare financial well-being and decorate an area of ​​4 square meters with exquisite furniture. meters is unlikely to work. And in such a matter as decorating a hallway, it is not the price that is important, but the aesthetic and practical components.

Converting a closet into a wardrobe

How to place it on small space a closet with hangers for clothes and shelves for shoes so that you can move around without bumping into any corners, and at the same time maintain aesthetics? Hallway design in panel house It begins with the fact that we have to convert a closet, which previously served as a haven for all sorts of rubbish, into a wardrobe compartment. If there is an opportunity to use an adjacent room to expand the common space, it is simply a sin not to take advantage of it.

Don't hoard trash

Of course, renovations in an apartment one way or another force the owners to get rid of bulky things that have served their purpose. However, they have the unpleasant feature of accumulating again and again after some period of time. Therefore, the contents of furniture drawers need to be reviewed annually. And if some things start to interfere, you need to get rid of them immediately. After all, the interior of the hallway in an apartment of a panel house (we provided photos of design options in this article) has Golden Rule- a minimum of things. Let's consider several ways of practical placement of furniture, based on the shape of the hallway.

Narrow corridor: design options

It's no secret that a long narrow hallway is one of the most inconvenient interior design options. In this section, we will put together tips and tricks for expanding your space from professional decorators. As a rule, the narrow corridor of a standard Khrushchev building is literally crammed with doors leading to all rooms at once. Craftsmen who design the interiors of hallways in panel houses recommend getting rid of doors that open into rooms and the kitchen, thereby making the hallway more comfortable, spacious and bright. Instead of doors, you need to create arched openings, and then, believe me, the room will sparkle with new colors. In addition, visually the arch can smooth out the excessive length of the hallway.

How to visually reduce long walls?

On long wall If possible, install niches, and install mirrors instead of the back panel, which will visually increase the width of the room. Unobtrusive lighting fits well into this piece of furniture, and there is always a place for various necessary little things.

Advice: For owners of narrow walls, it is better to “split” the walls with the help of several small paintings, mirrors and built-in panels. One large mirror covering the entire wall will only worsen the situation. And identical objects must be placed along the same line.

We separate functional zones

Yes, yes, and in this way small room, like the hallway, has its own functional areas. First, you need to allocate a piece of territory for shoes and storage outerwear. It is more advisable to place this area next to the front door.

Then we separate an area for storing important little things: umbrellas, key holders, leashes, bags and house shoes - everything that we may need when entering or leaving.

Thirdly, the interior of the hallway in an apartment of a panel house, as in any other building, cannot do without mirrors.

We remember that the hallway is the face of our home and business card the lifestyle we lead. However, until now, it was somehow customary to save money on this part of the apartment, believing that a person spends less time in the corridor than in any other part of the apartment per day. Now let's look at the practical component. Particles of street dust from dirty shoes Every day they enter our homes through this space. In other words, the entrance hall and corridor serve as a kind of filter for all other rooms of the apartment. Therefore, finishing materials must be selected of high quality, durable and easy to clean.

This also applies to ceiling decoration. Every day the doors to the landing are opened more than once, which means that condensation and elements of access dust settle on it. Therefore, it is better to refuse whitewashing and painting, because after a while the ceiling will take on a rather unsightly appearance.

The best, but more expensive solution seems to be easy-to-clean stretch ceiling, which are also capable of protecting the premises from unexpected flooding of neighbors above.

Interior of the hallway in the apartment: wallpaper. What are the fashion trends?

Of the types of such coating presented today, it is best to use practical, washable wallpaper. The color scheme is chosen depending on the interior style of the entire room, because in small apartments There should be no stylistic disharmony. Among the most versatile shades, muted pastel tones are popular, and among prints, vertical stripes are popular. If we continue to talk about such common narrow hallways, then the most current solution are contrasting combined wallpaper. This finishing option looks very beautiful and unusual.

Advice: the art deco style suggests decorating the entire interior of the hallway in a panel house apartment using contrasting black and white stripes. In some parts of the walls the lines may be horizontal.

How should you apply wallpaper combinations?

Vertical combinations increase the spaciousness of the room, while horizontal combinations will visually narrow a long corridor. If the ends of the hallway are done in light pastel colors, and the side walls are darker, then the room will receive the desired volume.

Can be used for wall decoration modern materials: PVC panels, tiles, laminate. Some wall elements can be decorated with stone. Most often, corner openings and square elements next to the mirror are decorated so expensively and richly. Also, the design of the hallway in the apartment may have walls made of decorative plaster, but in this case, cleaning the surface looks problematic.


Constantly experiences significant loads, so it is necessary to choose a durable covering material: tiles, porcelain stoneware, homogeneous linoleum. It is not recommended to use carpet, laminate and parquet board. Their appearance if heavily soiled, it will soon lose its former luster, but caring for the listed types of flooring is extremely difficult.

Low ceilings should have lamps whose rays are directed upward.

In a narrow corridor, the main lighting is located at the ends.

The interior of the hallway in a panel house apartment will be elegant if you place a wall sconce next to the mirror.

Ceiling lamps in narrow hallways are not placed in two parallel lines; the most convenient placement is a shape in the form of two squares.

Corner hallways

Square small rooms have their own positive traits, the main one is the ability to place a corner multifunctional wardrobe with many small and large shelves, which will help to combine all the functional areas in the room at once. The hated open hangers that spoil the picture will disappear, and the mirror can be hung directly on the furniture door.

When thinking through the features, you need to pay attention to the little things and nuances. Thanks to the optimal approach, each owner of such a hallway has the opportunity to make it wider and at the same time save a lot of space. Advice from professionals will help you achieve this result. There is no need to put a lot of furniture in the room - you should choose from a variety only the most necessary items, and most importantly, they should also be functional. In order to save space, ideal option there will be built-in furniture. If you want to choose beautiful, expensive wallpaper that will improve the appearance of the room, then it is better to choose light shades; they will make the room visually spacious.

A great way to visually expand a space is to have mirrors on the walls. Mirrors are the main decorative item, especially if they are framed in a beautiful frame. Lighting plays an important role; you can opt out of a large-volume chandelier - it will clutter the room, visually turning it into a miniature one. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house may look great in the photo, but the most important role is played by the person’s feelings.

Decoration of small hallways

When designing, you should pay attention to such details as:

  • Choice of floor color and material;
  • Selection of wall material;
  • Combination selection color solutions;
  • Determination with the type of walls.
  • Expanding space through zoning

An excellent way out of this situation could be to divide the hallway into two main zones - the entrance and corridor zones. Near the entrance area can be used ceramic tile, and the remaining part may contain laminate or carpet. The two coatings must connect clearly and beautifully, and the line does not necessarily have to be even. It can have a wave relief or run in a zigzag, the most important thing is that it beautifully emphasizes the features of the interior.

One more important step will be the choice of floor covering. If you want to achieve a great effect, you can use transverse laying of the laminate. Using a massive floor strip or tiles that imitate it. This pattern helps expand the room. if you make a design for the floor correctly, you get a unique and original design hallway in an apartment in a panel house, which has beautiful photos capable of delighting with beauty.

Working with walls

Wall decoration is quite significant in the design unity of the hallway. You should not cover it with clapboard and other materials, since the room is already small. If you want to cover the walls with wallpaper, then their pattern should be vertical. Thanks to this approach, you can expand the room, especially if you use bright hues. As already noted, an excellent approach in this situation would be to use mirrors, which should be enclosed in a beautiful frame. However, if they have a standard arrangement, it will be difficult to achieve the expansion effect. Also, if mirrors are positioned correctly, their abundance will not irritate the eye.

If you want to expand the boundaries of the hallway, then you can choose photo wallpaper as a means of pasting. On the walls you can use a beautiful sunset, sea ​​beach or the beautiful streets of Paris. Wallpaper with prints can also be used - such patterns can blur the corners. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house can be seen in the photo, and after that you can safely combine ready-made ideas with their own. Discover new opportunities for yourself, because they are simply endless.

Performing a rebuild

If the hallway is long, then it can be divided not only in the plane, but also in part of the volume. Having made an arch or partition, a vestibule area is created. The arch can have several additions in the form of stained glass, and glass can also give the impression of increased volume. To equip a hallway with partitions it is not at all necessary to achieve symmetry, rather the opposite. Proper division into zones can occur thanks to the successful integration of furniture - for example, a wardrobe with other elements.

When planning, more serious restructuring can be carried out. It represents a radical measure, that is, partial or even complete destruction of blank walls. Even if you came to such a radical method, you should not think that the problem is solved. It is necessary to achieve competent and correct location furniture, the result is a wonderful result. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house, a photo of any variety, distinguished by special features that are important and necessary to evaluate

Not an apartment, but a studio

The decision to make a studio instead of an apartment is optimal, but you need to remember that the feeling of calm home environment will disappear and something else will take its place. Many will prefer comfort and a homely atmosphere, while others will choose rational use space and something unusual in the corridor. In such a room, the zoning should remain conditional. The best option would be if flooring in the hallway area it enters the living room, and not to talk about the previous miniature spot that was in front of the door. Decorative columns or shelving are often used for zoning.
Design of a hallway in an apartment in a panel house - you can take a photo to view it to have an idea of ​​what you want.

Using partitions

Instead of typical blank walls in a panel house, owners can easily use partitions, which have a number of advantages in the form of decent aesthetics and other aspects. If you decide to get rid of walls, then lightweight partitions will look great. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the stained glass canvas, which lets light into the hallway. You can also make an incomplete combination in the rooms or carry out zoning.

Whatever you choose, the most important thing remains up to your own imagination, which simply does not and cannot have limits. The corridor area can be kept intact and the entrance area can be expanded with a room. If you reduce some area, this can be compensated by the fact that the shape remains interesting and original. As a result, a niche appears that allows you to arrange a dressing room or library - at your discretion. The design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house, a photo of which you can create yourself or use ready-made ones, must meet the wishes of the owner and be stylish.

At the right approach to the optimal combination of colors and styles, you can achieve great result. The design of the hallway in the apartment will be stylish even in a panel house. This is evidenced by numerous photos of results from professionals. Choose the optimal color or style combinations to stay informed best options and decisions, start feeling great with the created interior that you wanted and dreamed about for a long time, because you deserve all the most beautiful things. When creating the optimal picture, you can use ready-made ideas and perfectly combine them with your own imagination.

70 photos of the design of the hallway in an apartment in a panel house

Long rooms with insufficient width are a real challenge even for a professional.

Moreover, if we are talking about a corridor, often combined with an entrance hall (typical layout three-room apartment: from the front door a straight corridor of 4-6 m leads to the back rooms, accommodating from 3 to 5 interior doors). Is it possible to make such a complex, from a design point of view, walk-through room practical? There is a solution.

If the layout of the straight corridor in the apartment is correct, choosing furniture, wall decoration, ceiling decoration and decorative items will not be difficult. A narrow hallway can be increased in volume by properly thinking through the lighting and designing it in general style with an apartment.

  • availability of necessary furniture for the room, things and accessories: bags, umbrellas, scarves;
  • space for movement of all invited guests;
  • a mirror is a necessary attribute before going out;
  • shelves for small items: keys, shovels and shoe polish.

If the dimensions of a long corridor do not allow you to follow the criteria, we will tell you a few secrets on how to better design it.


Important in long design narrow hallway execute competent zoning. The entrance and passage areas are designed with clear designation boundaries. Try to make your idea a reality in this way:

  • Lay out the area near the door with tiles or mosaics. Bark beetle plaster is suitable, as it creates interesting patterns. Choose the color according to the style of the interior;
  • use a different finish to indicate a walk-through. Choose wallpaper or tiles of a different color. Place laminate or carpet on the floor.

The design of a long corridor is also done using wallpaper, but with a different pattern. For the entrance area, use a brick pattern; for the entrance area, use lighter surfaces with an unusual textured pattern.

Clear zoning of the premises into entrance and passage areas. Zoning can be done using various finishing materials(lay tiles on the floor at the entrance door, and cover the floor further along the corridor with carpet or install laminate flooring), several lighting points, and appropriate furniture.

Visual game

You can make a narrow corridor wider, and even make it taller, by giving preference to light colors. Pay special attention to the light ceiling. It can “stretch” even the design of a corridor into dark color. Instead of a white ceiling surface, you can make a mirror one: this will also add light to the room. In addition, you can make the corridor plump by covering the walls with wallpaper in vertical stripe or painted in the same way.

If “stretching” the corridor even further in length is undesirable, do not use horizontal stripes or any type of horizontal decoration (for example, when the lower third is decorated artificial stone or wood paneling, and the upper two-thirds are wallpapered or painted in a contrasting color).

To make a long corridor in an apartment wide and voluminous, it is important to choose the right color and wall decoration. Do not level walls using drywall sheets. This way you will take up space and it will become even narrower. Use other options:

  • Venetian plaster;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • wallpaper with a textured pattern.

Use washable vinyl wallpapers for painting. This way you can change the design just by repainting the wallpaper. Choose light colors to expand the area and compensate for the lack of windows.

When choosing a pattern, do not choose wallpaper with vertical or horizontal stripes, or large or complex patterns. This way you will stretch out the hallway even more and reduce its volume.

Wallpaper with an abstract pattern is suitable for the passage area, and use light colors for the entrance area. The corridor is susceptible to dirt and dust getting on the walls. So that they are not visible dark spots at the bottom of the walls, for the bottom part make dark finish. Use washable wallpaper, wood or plastic.

Interior items

Start the “cleaning” with the doors. If you don’t want to completely dismantle them, just replace the hinged doors with sliding ones.

Instead of ordinary doors to rooms in a narrow hallway, the creation of arched openings is encouraged. If you don't like this, use accordion sliding doors or partitions on rollers. This way you won’t take up space like you would with open interior doors.

Proper furnishings

One of the most optimal options furnishings narrow corridor− a long wardrobe the height of the walls. Especially when internal layout you make the cabinet yourself, because not all standard proposals for the arrangement of shelves are practical: low ones will be much more useful for you drawers than deep and high stationary shelves.

In addition to the wardrobe in long hallway use one of the interesting options:

  • bookshelf along the entire length of the camp;
  • display shelves for souvenirs or awards;
  • an unusual longitudinal chest of drawers, with a mirror or photo frames placed above it.

Install an ottoman for a seat between the entrance and passage areas. This is necessary for the convenience of putting on shoes. In the design of long corridors with furniture, the harmony of beauty and functionality is important.

Well-chosen necessary furniture for a long corridor will allow you to play up the space and make it useful for placing many things. The design of a hallway with a wardrobe up to the ceiling can be designed with mirror surfaces. This will make the corridor more voluminous.


Do not leave dark corners in the hallway and prefer spot lighting for central lighting. It is not necessary to hang the frame of the wardrobe with light bulbs and turn the room into New Year's garland, But autonomous lighting, organized from different switches, and located along the walls of the corridor, will not only illuminate, but also decorate it.

The hallway is a place with no natural light source. Do not choose fluorescent lamps. Make a plasterboard ceiling for a long corridor and install halogen lamps. Take care of autonomously turning on and off a separate group of lamps.

Photo - 42 Ideas for designing a long corridor

Comfortable minimalism: design of a narrow long corridor

For a longitudinal corridor, it is important to maintain a minimum of details and maximum functionality. Use built-in wardrobes hanging shelves, small cabinets. It's better to make them according to individual order so that they fit exactly into your hallway.

Photo - 50 Long corridor - nothing superfluous

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