Russian old wooden houses. Projects of wooden houses from a log in the Russian style

The construction of wooden houses is becoming more and more popular in Russia. Pronounced aesthetic qualities, a high level of heat retention, efficiency in operation - all this, invariably, draws the attention of customers to wooden house in Russian style. The work of masters in the construction of such houses is admired by people who are uninitiated in the intricacies of this matter, and experts believe that when building a house in the Russian style, the master refers to wood as the material from which a work of art is created. Refined architectural and constructive techniques, amazing originality of houses while repeating their main elements, focusing on constructive and aesthetic qualities natural material- these are wonderful qualities characteristic of the Russian style in the construction of houses.

Wood is a great material for building a house.

A wooden house in the Russian style is built from logs. If a timber is used, then the builders will have to emphasize the peculiarity of the style with the help of decorative elements. Exquisite porch railings, carved architraves, a carved veranda - the possibilities of wood processing are amazing. All this attracts attention and does not allow you to indifferently pass by such a house.

Wood material not only allows you to skillfully decorate buildings, but also differs in a number of other qualities that are very important for the operation of the house. So, the tree perfectly retains heat, is an environmentally friendly material. Wooden houses are highly durable. Their construction is more economical than when using other materials - the lightness of the material allows to reduce transportation costs, there is no need to build a powerful foundation, the construction of load-bearing structures does not require the use of heavy equipment.

The unity of the interior and exterior design of the house

The design of the house in the Russian style has pronounced features, thanks to which such houses are easily recognizable. A hut, a house-terem, a house in the style of a Russian estate - all this Various types residential buildings with a characteristic style, each of which has its own differences. An important requirement when creating projects of houses in the Russian style, it is necessary to achieve a harmonious combination of external and internal design of the house.

The interior of the house in the Russian style should fully testify in favor of the excellent qualities of the material used. wooden walls should be left unfinished.

The massive board is very effective in internal rooms as a covering for a floor. Dark wooden beams will look great under the ceiling. In such a house, the construction of a hearth is mandatory. A stove or fireplace will emphasize the style of the house if you decorate them with tiles.

Windows in log houses are recommended with wooden frames and carved platbands. Wooden doors and curtains for decoration doorways, aged wooden furniture, cabinets, decorated with carvings, a massive table, solid simple chairs- all these elements will create an atmosphere beautiful home in Russian style.

Timber house in Russian style

Russian style in houses made of timber allows you to provide harmonious combination natural material and the use of modern wood processing technologies. Timber walls work great decorative function, so they do not require additional finishing.

Maximum simple furniture will be perfectly combined in the interior of such a house with elements of forged metal. Designers recommend, when choosing furniture, to prefer products that are one tone darker than the walls. Therefore, it is better not to use stain for walls, but to varnish them, thus preserving the natural color of wood.

Wooden walls, of course, will be decisive in the interior decoration. However, there are still plenty of opportunities for creative interior design. Homespun rugs, tablecloths and towels with Russian ornaments, icons with golden settings allow you to feel the special spiritual atmosphere characteristic of the life of Russian people, regardless of whether they lived in small villages or large cities.

It is better to entrust the construction of a house to experienced craftsmen.

Currently, many companies offer services for the construction of a country house in the Russian style. Russian style in the construction of houses - today the realization of such a dream is quite real. Experienced craftsmen make log cabins and carry out their delivery, as well as assembly on site on a turnkey basis. If a company operating in this area has own production, then the company's specialists are confident in the quality of the work and carry it out in as soon as possible. Firms, as a rule, organize trips to objects already built by their specialists, so that customers can see them with their own eyes and draw up own opinion about the quality of the buildings.

When ordering a project, you can opt for a typical or individual version. Installation of a log house and its finishing can be both complete and partial. The customer, if he has such a desire, can purchase only building materials made from high-quality spruce and pine wood, and do construction work on his own. Thus, all issues related to the implementation of the project for the construction of a log house in the Russian style can be entrusted to experienced professionals who value their reputation.

When creating the interior of a house made in the Russian style, it is necessary to pay attention to all the elements, since even the smallest details are important. For clearance interior perfect furniture made of oak, ash, pine. Furniture is not recommended to be painted - it is better to treat it with stain. Birch is recommended for use in the manufacture of accessories: shelves, mirror frames, stands.

Today, building a house in the Russian style is available to everyone who has such a desire and the necessary financial means!

Video - Russian style architecture in wood

Projects of houses in the Russian style are becoming more and more fashionable and in demand, since the finished housing has a unique charm, comfort and is in perfect harmony with the natural landscape. As a rule, the construction of wooden estates and cottages is carried out using round logs, glued or profiled timber. In this case, the wood of spruce, pine, cedar, larch and other species can be used, which directly affects the cost of construction and the performance of housing.

Features of houses in the Russian style

Russian-style wooden estates and cottages are popular among customers because they have the following features and benefits:

  • Elegant appearance . Such structures successfully combine the old traditions of domestic architecture and modern technologies. As a rule, house projects involve original verandas and railings, shutters and murals, carved ornaments and other details, which make it possible to emphasize the unique Russian style.
  • Aesthetics of the interior. Walls out natural wood create a unique cozy atmosphere, which can be emphasized with exquisite staircases, forged metal products, original fireplace and various pieces of furniture, including benches, chests of drawers, massive tables and carved cabinets.
  • Unique village atmosphere. Through the use of natural materials and interior decoration you can plunge into the unique atmosphere and forget about the bustle of the city.
  • Environmental friendliness. Wooden structures are as close to nature as possible and are environmentally friendly.
  • Low finishing cost. Thanks to the use of wood, the cost of interior decoration is significantly reduced.

The company "Vitoslavitsa" is pleased to offer its customers a variety of projects of houses in the Russian style for every taste. In our catalog you can see photos of the most popular finished projects, however, if necessary, our engineers will create a unique home, taking into account all your wishes. By choosing our company, you get the following benefits:

  • a large selection of cottage projects in the Russian style;
  • minimum terms of housing construction;
  • competitive prices;
  • a wide range of services offered (from design to installation of engineering networks);
  • providing a guarantee for finished housing from 3 to 5 years.

In our catalog, projects of houses in the Russian estate style occupy place of honor. This is due to the growing interest in log housing construction, and logically leads to the revival of half-forgotten elements of ancient Russian architecture. Our ancestors knew how to create fabulous masterpieces from wood.

With the absolute external dissimilarity of each house in the catalog, they can still be divided into two large groups. Projects of classic Russian manor houses fall into one, and ethnic stylizations of the “fairy-tale tower” type fall into the second.

The project of the estate in the Russian style

This concept usually includes a traditional, more often one-story, residential building, or rather, a complex wooden buildings together with a bathhouse, an outbuilding, a fence and a gate, forming a whole "compound". IN modern projects several techniques of traditional Russian architecture are used.

  • Log cabins can be recruited from logs different diameter, laid "butt to the crown".
  • Tiered roofs different shapes- "chest", acute-angled, 4-pitched.
  • The pediments are recruited from the same logs as the walls - there is a feeling that they stand "on their own", without any support ("males").
  • Peculiar "bay windows" are characteristic - a half of a hexagonal "drum" protruding beyond the wall.
  • Wooden carving - business card Houses. The porch, architraves, hanging edges of the roof are richly decorated with figured elements.
  • Open galleries "gullishcha", small cozy balconies- supported on carved wooden columns.

A characteristic feature of Russian houses is individuality. Each of them is unique, expresses the taste and wealth of the owners of the house. In a modern interpretation, a brick cottage in the Russian style can also be built, or with combined stone walls. The combination of materials of different textures gives the building a new look, while retaining all the charm of a wooden frame.

Traditional house in Russian tower style

The first wave of interest in medieval Russian architecture rose in the 19th century, on its crest a “pseudo-Russian style” arose. Of the projects of houses of Russian architects of that period, the works of Ivan Ropet, who built many "towers" with multi-tiered turrets and carved patterns, have been preserved. Among the techniques of the 18th century, two stand out that can give a wooden house a particularly "fabulous look".

  • Russian chalet - a building with a log cabin expanding upward due to a gradual increase in the release of crowns ("fall"). They formed a cornice on which a roof was laid, the overhangs of which could be significantly increased. Now this is a rare technique, modern houses of this type are more like a stylization on the theme of a chalet.
  • Log house "in the oglo" - the connection of logs in the corners of the log house with the rest (remember the house of the "Baba Yaga"). The project of the tower in the old Russian style in our catalog includes such rare elements: figured columns with carvings, a hexagonal glazed "lantern".

All projects of houses developed by us in the Russian estate style are accompanied by a full package of architectural and constructive solutions. The attached specification of materials facilitates the work of builders, and ensures that the building being erected complies with the technical plan.

Our country is rich in forest resources, which led to the widespread use of lumber in construction. This material has a number of advantages, such as manufacturability, ease of processing, positive impact on human health. An individual project of the estate, made by a professional architect in the Russian style and implemented by highly qualified craftsmen, will organically fit into.

The lower level of the building is often a multifunctional structure, which is also the foundation. Here, in addition to the garage box, there is a shower, a bathroom and a real bath or sauna.

log country house

At present, there is an increased interest in traditional Russian architecture in our country. Original volumetric and spatial solutions are embodied in buildings reminiscent of old merchant or noble mansions. Individual and standard projects wooden estates are becoming increasingly popular among representatives of almost all social groups.

Architecture firms offer a variety of options, ranging from inexpensive low-budget buildings to luxury buildings. , which is quite enough to accommodate the following premises on the ground floor:

  • living room with a working fireplace made of natural stone;
  • a large dining room next to the kitchen, which is equipped with everything you need;
  • bathroom with jacuzzi, shower and other modern sanitary equipment.

The second floor is designed for work and leisure, it provides:

  • bedrooms for good sleep;
  • children's room or any other room for rest and relaxation;
  • additional bathroom, so as not to go down constantly.

For the convenience of permanent and temporary residents, this level has a well-equipped bathroom and a convenient lavatory. A special charm to the premises of the second floor is given by the walls sloping inward with skylights special design. This design approach allows the most complete use of the entire internal volume of the building with the lowest possible total height of the house.

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Projects and construction of reinforced concrete houses

Movement between floors takes place on internal stairs specially designed for this purpose. The steps are made of hardwood and treated with a special wear-resistant colorless varnish. The base of the stairs is made of rolled metal with extensive use of electric arc welding, which gives it high mechanical strength. However, the supporting structure is hidden and not visible from the outside.

Foundation and foundation of estates

The country house, made in the traditional Russian style, is characterized by solidity and reliability. This is expressed in the use of lower level one of the most durable modern building materials - monolithic reinforced concrete. To strictly follow the chosen architectural concept and organicity, natural stone is used for facing the foundation.

Combination of natural wood and wild stone gives the building a special charm. At the same time, the materials used, while maintaining authenticity, were subjected to serious processing using innovative technologies. This made it possible to give the raw material a more perfect form, adapted for carrying out construction works.

Cast together with walls and ceilings. All elements of the structure are reinforced with steel or fiberglass rod. Monolithic construction has a high mechanical strength and resistance to external influences. To protect the base from moisture contained in the adjacent soil masses, a set of measures for waterproofing is carried out.

To reduce heat loss through monolithic walls they are carried out using extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. The use of materials can significantly increase the energy efficiency of the building and significantly reduce the cost of maintaining it in general and heating suburban housing in particular.

Log house materials

Russian architects were famous for their skill and ability to build architectural ensembles of wood. Multi-tiered buildings with complex transitions are several simple log cabins combined into a single structure. As the main building material For country house a log that has been processed on special equipment is used.

In the process of cylindering, the material is given the correct geometric shape, which greatly simplifies the work of builders and the appearance of the building. Whips of freshly sawn trees are used as raw materials. conifers pine or cedar. Wood of the first type is more accessible to the general consumer, primarily in terms of cost.

The wood that grows in the northern regions of Siberia, Karelia and Pomorie has the best characteristics. When choosing a material for the construction of a country house, in no case should you save on its quality. It is recommended to involve a qualified specialist to inspect rounded logs offered by suppliers. The forest must meet the requirements of national and international quality standards.

A chopped hut, a hut "without a single nail" - this is what they called and call a log house, made in Russian traditions. Today, when the return to the origins is becoming more and more obvious, architects are beginning to remember vintage technology construction, which, when checked, turn out to be not at all “old” in terms of quality and convenience. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what the construction of houses in the Russian style is.

Pros and cons of wooden houses

The log is the cleanest and eco-friendly material, which you can think of for building a house. There were many forests, stone buildings were expensive, so a log house, without any decorations or richly decorated, was a measure of the solvency of any person.

However, in addition to beauty, such buildings had a lot of advantages:

  1. Microclimate. The concept includes everything: ideal humidity, saturation of rooms with oxygen, optimal temperature regime, lack of allergies, fullness of air with phytonicides;
  2. Aesthetics. A beautiful tower is pleasing to the eye and comfortable for life. In addition, wood does not need additional finishing and is good in itself;
  3. Warming up The highest energy saving performance, not the latest quality. Wooden houses warm up quickly, but cool down slowly;
  4. Cosiness. There is no need to say much here, every owner of a wooden house will confirm that natural comfort is preserved in the rooms.

Cons also occur:

  • fire hazard of the material. But the problem is easily solved by means of special impregnating compounds;
  • Short service life- a controversial statement, judging by how well the buildings of past centuries have been preserved, the main thing is to choose the right material;
  • Care. Log house needs attention. But, given the price of the building, this part of the cost will not be so large.

And, of course, in order to build a real wooden house in the Russian style, you will have to invest. And this is perhaps the most important drawback that scares away buyers. But the structure requires considerable skills and knowledge, which is highly valued.

Distinctive features of the Russian house

The main difference between Russian wooden houses in the use of cup connection technology. That is, the logs are stacked in pre-hewn bowls, so no nails are required at all. In addition, log cabins were made from strong, even trunks, always well dried and with a unique technology for removing the bark - a very thin layer protective coating remained on the log, completely protecting the body of the tree from decay and damage.

All these nuances take place today in the processing of wood for construction, and many companies, offering projects of wooden houses, mention technological subtleties. But what is hard to resist is the exterior of the Russian house. These are carved platbands and cockerels on the roofs, a beautiful frame and many turrets. But if you still want to get a house in a truly Russian style, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. No PVC windows, doors and other things - only natural materials: wood, stone.
  2. Laying logs "oblo" - these are protruding ends and well-visible connections of elements.
  3. Simple gable roof no newfangled kinks.
  4. Massive porch columns, balconies.

And you have to think about interior design: finishing is minimal, as is the use of plastic and other artificial materials. And don't forget the stove, or at least a good fireplace, big windows And obligatory decor: woven rugs, benches, chests are not only very beautiful, but also practical.

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