Amazing clematis plants: cuttings and caring for seedlings. Clematis - propagation by seeds, green cuttings and layering

Every lover of such wonderful and varied vines as clematis can propagate their favorite variety without difficulty. I offer my own method. It is especially suitable for those people who have no time or who rarely visit the sites.
This is how I do it.

I take an old leaky bucket. I pour soil from the garden into it, and mine is black soil. I water it well with water and place it right next to the wall with north side Houses. It is very important!
This bucket, in which the cuttings will be planted, should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as the temperature in it will rise and they will burn.

In summer, at sunrise and sunset, the sun illuminates this place with its oblique rays, which is useful for cuttings.

I'm preparing old film(possibly with holes) to cover the top of the bucket and the aluminum arches, which with their ends are buried in the bucket. The arcs hold the film at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground in the bucket, but only after planting the cuttings in this container. Arcs are important both for creating a microclimate in the greenhouse and for allowing water to drain during rain.

I cut cuttings from clematis shoots with one node in June and July.

Clematis varieties have leaves of different sizes. I remove one leaf from the cutting, but it is most often complex and consists of three to five leaves. The other leaf, if it is large, is shortened by a third, and if not, then I leave it completely.

I plant from 20 to 30 pieces in a bucket, depending on the variety and size of the bucket (they also come in different sizes). I cut clematis lashes with a blade, with one knot and 4-6 cm long. I do this in a shady place and immediately immerse them in a bucket of water so that they do not lose moisture.

I plant the cuttings in a bucket of black soil, deepening them to the bud. I put up arches and cover them with film, which I tie with rope or copper wire at the top edge of the bucket. In such a simple greenhouse the cuttings are kept until autumn.

Once every two to three weeks it is better to lightly water the soil in a bucket. In October, I select rooted cuttings by turning the bucket over and carefully removing a lump of earth. The rooted cuttings are still weak, and I store them in the cellar in the sand until spring. I'm growing for another season. In the fall they can be planted in a permanent place.
All materials for a greenhouse can easily be found at a landfill in your area, if you don’t have something at home.

How to plant a seedling correctly?

If you purchased a seedling in the spring, then I believe that it is best to grow it for another season in a semi-dark place, and if possible, then in a container without a bottom (for example, in a bucket).
At the end of August - September, plant in the ground in a permanent place according to all the rules. In the south of Russia you can plant in October and even November. If you purchased clematis seedlings late, in October-November, then it is safer to store them in damp sand in the cellar until spring.

It is best to make a hole 60x60 cm, as experts recommend. Leave the top fertile layer and replace the lower part with fertile land by adding humus (2-3 buckets), 50 g of superphosphate, 3 cups wood ash and 100 g of complex fertilizer.
The seedling should be planted with the root collar (the place where the neck of the stem transitions into the root) deepened in the fall by 10-15 cm. First fill in the roots. Make a cylinder out of a plastic bottle in advance by cutting off the top and bottom. Place this cylinder on the shoot and pour sand into it. Add soil to the sides of the cylinder.

Then carefully remove the cylinder. Water the sand and seedling with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary to prevent fungal diseases, of which the most dangerous is vegetative wilt.

Its signs are as follows.

Suddenly the top of the shoot begins to wither, and in the following days the leaves on the entire shoot are affected. Control measures: cut the shoot to the ground and burn. Treat the soil and seedling with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Sand is also needed because it will be easier for sprouts to break through to the surface of the earth in the spring. This is important for our heavy soils. Such dangerous pest, like the mole cricket, also does not like places where the soil is loose. This insect is breathing atmospheric air, and in the sand its passages collapse. For the winter, I cover clematis shoots like this. If they bloom on this year's shoots, then I cut the shoot down to the first bud. If they bloom on last year's shoots, then I shorten the shoots by a third of their length and roll them into a ring. Handle clematis stems carefully and gently - they are very fragile.

I put leaves on top of the clematis shoots (sawdust, humus, etc.) and cover them with roofing material or film.
Please take into account that clematis tolerate frost well, but they cannot tolerate the combination of water and frost, and the shoots freeze.

This means that in winter they must be strictly kept dry! Clematis easily tolerate frosts up to 15 degrees without any shelter.
In spring, do not rush to remove the shelter. I first remove the roofing material, and only then, when the soil has completely thawed, then the nut leaves.

It is best to shade the shoots first so that they get used to sunlight. Some of the shoots dry out. I cut them out after new stems begin to grow.

How to grow clematis from seeds?

If you have already collected a small collection of clematis, then you will have a desire to breed your own hybrids. Clematis produces few seeds, and it is difficult for them to germinate - up to 250 days. This process can be accelerated. I can see some of the seedlings blooming as early as fall next year.

In October, I collect the seeds in plastic cups and leave them near the bushes until December. I have a lot of things to do in my garden. It is useful if snow or water gets into the cups with seeds.

In December I bring them into the house, thaw them and peel the seeds from their shells. I sow the seeds in damp sand, sprinkling them a little (0.5 cm), in baby food jars. I sow 10 pieces and clearly write the labels - from what variety of clematis they were collected and when.

It is very important that the temperature in the room where they will be located is above 20 degrees. Otherwise, the germination process slows down. I plant the sprouted seeds and always (!!!) with white (etiolated) sprouts in pots with fertile soil and tie them with film for two to three weeks. I place them in the partial shade of the house, on the windowsill on the north window, and in May - on the north side of the house.
I remove the film when leaves appear on the shoots. If you hurry, the tender shoots will dry out. outdoors, because they are used to humid conditions.

After about a month, I transplant them from the cups directly with a lump of earth into large containers (for me these are buckets) and expose them to the light.

They grow there until autumn. I plant seedlings in the fall good quality into the ground, and if they are weak, I store them in damp sand in the winter until spring in the cellar.

The selection of promising hybrids should be carried out in the second or third year of flowering. This must be approached very critically and responsibly, since many seedlings are small in color, with weak flowering and bad shape flower. They are destroyed.

I sow seeds from open pollination and do crossbreeding. I pick a flower of one variety, turn it over and tie it to a flower of another variety with thin copper wire. I definitely write the label. This will be useful in the future. You will see for yourself how the color and shape of this flower have changed. mother plant.

Propagating clematis - autumn methods


In the fall, I cut off the shoots of clematis at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and hill up the bush fertile soil by 10-12 cm and cover it on top with any insulating material until spring.

In the spring, I fence the plant with boards and add more soil so that it is convenient to water and the water does not spread. During the growing season, roots form on the lower part of the shoots.

I remove the boards for the winter.

Next spring I rake out the soil, cut off the shoots with roots and plant them.


  1. You can sow at the end of November. Collected seeds soak for 1.5 days in warm water, then rinse 3-4 times. I mix it with sand or peat (1:4) and leave it in the cold for 15-20 days, burying it in the snow or putting it in the refrigerator.
  2. Then I sow in pots to a depth equal to 2-3 times the diameter of the seed.
  3. To prevent the appearance of mold and rot, I water it with lime water for the first time (100 g of lime/10 l of water). Shoots appear in 60-90 days.

Next season, it is necessary to regularly water the emerging shoots.

Clematis seeds germinate better if the substrate humidity is about 70-80% and the temperature is +25-30 degrees.

Most effectively - by layering

  1. I place lignified shoots horizontally in grooves dug next to the bush, up to 1.5-2 m long and 5-10 cm deep.
  2. I press it to the ground with wire staples or wooden pins, leaving the tops with well-developed buds above the surface, and cover them with fertile soil.
  3. I always feed the mother bushes with mullein or urea in the spring (according to the instructions).
  4. By mid-June, root primordia will become visible on the base of the growing shoots, which by the end of the month will reach a length of 2-5 cm, and by the end of September, roots up to 10-15 cm long will have already formed in most nodes.
  5. It is better to separate rooted shoots in the spring of next year. I clear them of soil, cut them between the nodes into separate parts and (depending on the degree of development of the root system) plant them in a permanent place.

When propagated by horizontal layering, up to 10 plants can be obtained from one shoot per season.

Today there are many varieties of clematis. A seedling of such a plant today is quite expensive, and purchasing even a few clematis to decorate the garden will require significant financial costs. Few people know that propagating clematis with your own hands is quite simple process and even a novice gardener can do such work.

The plant can be propagated in several ways, and correct execution sequence of actions in the future it is easy to get a strong and luxuriantly flowering plant.

The main methods of propagating clematis

The main methods of propagating clematis can generally be divided into two main groups

  • propagation by separating a part from the mother plant - the method of division and layering;
  • propagation by rooting - a method of cuttings.

Each of these methods is effective and allows you to propagate the flower. Hybrid varieties do not transmit their qualities through seeds, so they are propagated only by cuttings, layering or dividing the bush.

Cutting method and propagation by layering are considered the simplest in terms of wasting time and effort. The effectiveness of dividing a bush largely depends on the correctness of its implementation. It is worth considering that old clematis bushes have strong and powerful roots. The process of separating a part from such bushes greatly injures both the parent bush and the plots themselves. For better survival rate, it is recommended to fill its base with a layer of humus a year before the planned division of the clematis bush, which will contribute to more better education young roots.

Propagation of clematis by seeds

This method is not suitable for all varieties of clematis. Only wild and small-flowered species can be propagated by seeds. Depending on the size, seeds are divided into three main categories:

  • from 1.5 to 3 cm - small;
  • from 3 to 5 cm - medium;
  • from 6 to 12 cm - large.

The larger the seed size, the more germination it has. Small seeds germinate after 3-4 weeks, germination of medium seeds can be expected from 1.5 to 6 months, large ones only after 6 months from the moment of sowing. The ability to germinate depends not only on the size, but also on the shelf life. At the time of buying planting material It is worth checking its expiration date.

Before planting, seeds must be stratified. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • the seeds are soaked for several days;
  • the seeds are covered with wet sand;
  • The planting material is stored in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Sowing is done at the end of April directly into the soil. To increase the germination of seeds and the possibility of control, some gardeners carry out preliminary planting in a container, and then plant it together with the seeds in open ground. At the same time, you can always accurately determine the location of future seedlings and, if necessary, dive the seedlings.

Possibility of sowing seeds in autumn, in this case, in the spring you can expect natural germination of sprouts. Some types of clematis are able to reproduce independently by sowing. These species include Tankut clematis. Reproduction by seeds can occur so actively that after some time the flower becomes a weed.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings

Propagation method by cuttings is quite simple and does not require special skills in the field of floriculture, therefore it is the most commonly used method of propagating clematis. When using this method, depending on the clematis variety, you can expect a cutting survival rate of 60-90%.

The best time for cuttings is considered to be the end of May and the beginning of June. During this period, clematis begins to form buds, and rooting biostimulants are most active. You can take cuttings later, but the survival rate of the shoots is significantly reduced. The following deadlines should be adhered to:

  • until the beginning of August - hybrid species of clematis;
  • until mid-August - small-flowered varieties.

The first thing you need to do is choose the right flower for cuttings. Young and strong clematis over two years old are suitable for this. Clematis for cutting cuttings must be healthy, otherwise the transplanted shoots will also be sick and may not take root.

The upper part of the shoot cannot be used for cuttings. The correct choice would be the central area of ​​the plant, which has strong buds ready for flowering. The presence of at least one good bud is considered sufficient for reproduction. For cutting, it is better to choose cloudy weather and carry it out in the evening or morning time, which will protect the flower from possible dehydration. You cannot take more than a third of the shoot from one clematis at a time.

Trimming the cuttings is done as follows:

  • 1-2 centimeters of shoot should remain above the upper bud;
  • You need to leave 3-4 centimeters of the stem under the bud.

The second stage will be proper preparation soil for planting. It should be:

  • light;
  • moisture-intensive;
  • good air flow.

Soil for planting can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands at home. A mixture made from sand and humus in proportions of 1:2 has proven itself well for planting clematis. The process of rooting cuttings in vermiculite, coconut fiber or perlite works well. Such soil should be used for a short time and after the roots appear, the plant must be transplanted into a nutrient substrate in a permanent place.

It is very convenient to plant cuttings in small transparent plastic cups, since you can control and see the growth of new roots. To plant, perform the following steps:

  • are formed in the container drainage holes;
  • the substrate is poured;
  • the soil is shed abundantly with water;
  • the lower part of the cutting is treated with root;
  • The cutting is planted in such a way that the internode is half in the ground.

After landing The cutting must be covered with film or a glass cap. For better rooting You can use growth stimulants. Every 2-3 days it is necessary to spray with water to maintain a sufficient level of humidity. Once a week it is recommended to spray the plant with a zircon solution. Watering with sodium humate no more than once every 2 weeks has a good effect on plant growth.

Clematis does not tolerate high temperatures, therefore, propagation by cuttings can be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 30 C 0. The optimal temperature is +25 C 0. On average, the rooting process takes one month, and after a month and a half, clematis can be planted in the ground.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction of clematis by layering considered simple and reliable. To do this, the flower shoot is buried in the ground throughout the summer. At the same time, a small bush sprouts from each internode.

  • a furrow 7-8 centimeters deep is formed in the ground;
  • the shoot is placed in the ground;
  • Using hooks, the stem is fixed and pressed to the ground.

The end of the shoot does not need to be completely buried in the ground; it must protrude from the ground by at least 20 centimeters. It is recommended to completely fill the furrow only after the appearance of the first young shoots, which have grown by 10-15 centimeters. Humus or loose soil is used as backfill material. It will be necessary to pinch out the young shoots. During the summer it is necessary to maintain sufficient moisture levels for clematis to grow. If you want to propagate a large number of clematis, you need to add in drops from 2 to 5 shoots of the plant.

For the winter, young shoots are sprinkled with leaves or pine needles. After overwintering the shoots on the mother plant, the cuttings are transplanted. At the same time, you need to dig out young shoots of clematis very carefully. You should be prepared that most of them will end up without a root system. Each flower bush is connected to each other by a stem, so when you dig up and try to strongly pull one of the young bushes, the root of the neighboring shoot will break. First, the shoot needs to be cut in the ground with a shovel, and only then can you start digging it up.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Propagation of clematis by dividing the bush is considered an effective, but more labor-intensive method. It is recommended to transplant in autumn or spring period, after the onset of warm weather.

The division process depends on the age of the clematis bush. A plant at the age of 5-6 years is simply dug out of the ground and divided into parts using cutting tool. To divide a small bush, you can use pruning shears if the plant has a large and strong root system, then you should use an ax. The division must be done in such a way that each part has a good bunch of roots and at least 1-2 shoots.

Adult clematis have a very powerful root system, so simply digging up and dividing such a flower will not work. Under such clematis, an excavation is made from one of the sides, and it is necessary to dig as deep a hole as possible. The root is washed with a stream of water until it is exposed and it becomes clear where to chop. The rhizome is cut with a shovel or an ax, plots with good bunches of roots and shoots are formed. After transplanting into the ground, the shoots of all plots must be trimmed, leaving only two buds.

Next year the excavation can be carried out with opposite side and get new material for reproduction. From one clematis bush you can get a year 2-6 new seedlings, which, if successfully dug up and established in a new place, are capable of blooming in the same year.

How to choose a landing site

For good survival of a young shoot of clematis, regardless of the chosen method of flower propagation, it is necessary to choose the right planting site. For planting, you should choose open sunny places, protected from gusts of wind and drafts.

Clematis does not have any special requirements for soil, the main thing is that it provided sufficient air access. Clay and heavy soil, places with high traffic, and periodically flooded areas are not suitable for planting. Before planting, it is recommended to first loosen the soil, add sand and peat.

When thinking about landscaping your property, first of all, you want to acquire flowering plants. It would also be nice for the flowering period to last several months, and ideally throughout the warm season. These plants include clematis.

It blooms all spring, autumn and summer. If the summer months are particularly hot, clematis can rest in midsummer. As soon as the heat subsides, its flowers will again fill your garden with fragrance. The color range of this plant is very diverse. And care comes down to feeding, moderate watering and shelter for the winter. This ornamental shrub will not cause much trouble, but in return will delight you with delicate and beautiful inflorescences.

How to propagate clematis?

This ornamental plant can be propagated by all known methods. The only difference is the amount of time and available materials. Therefore, when considering the question of how to propagate clematis, you need to start from the presence of this ornamental shrub on your site. If you already have clematis, you can propagate by layering or cuttings. Another option is dividing the bush. And if you don’t have these plants, you will need to purchase them or collect seeds. Before you start planting, you need to choose a place for clematis. Although this flower is unpretentious, it still has its own preferences. You need to choose a place for it that is windless and moderately sunny. You can plant clematis next to taller plants that will create moderate shade.

We propagate clematis by cuttings

The answer to the question of whether clematis can be propagated by cuttings is positive. Moreover, a method such as cuttings makes it possible to obtain a large number of seedlings. The cutting process can be done at any time of the year, except autumn. Let's consider the question of how to propagate clematis by cuttings in more detail. You can use both lignified and green cuttings. Reproduction green cuttings differs from propagation by lignified ones in the time of cutting. The process itself is not fundamentally different from cuttings from other shrubs. The cutting should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and there should be 2 nodes on it. And you need to take it from the middle of the shoot. It will be better for the plant if the cutting process is carried out in the fall.

To achieve better effect, before propagating clematis by cuttings, you can acquire growth stimulants. They are sold in specialized stores. When propagating clematis by cuttings, you must adhere to certain rules. temperature regime. The temperature can vary from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. Phenomena such as high humidity, drying out and overheating are detrimental to cuttings. It is also necessary to prevent direct sun rays. By propagating clematis by cuttings, you will ultimately get seedlings that have a strong root system. This is an undeniable advantage of cuttings over other methods of propagation.

We propagate clematis by layering

Now let's figure out how to propagate clematis by layering. The first step is to prepare the grooves, the depth of which should be 10 centimeters. The further process is very simple. Young shoots should be placed in these grooves. They should have 6 knots.

All that remains is to cover the shoot with earth. The soil can be additionally nourished or mulched. The top of the shoot should look out from under the ground. It is advisable to tie it to a wooden stick. In order for the cuttings to take root, it is necessary to water in a timely manner. The earth should not dry out. Then, as the tops grow, the process is repeated. And in the spring you can separate young clematis from the mother bush and replant it in a place prepared for them.

We propagate clematis by seeds

This is perhaps the most troublesome way to get clematis. From seeds, a plant may not turn out the same as its parent. If you buy clematis seeds, then there is no need to do anything with them. You can start sowing immediately. If you collect seeds, then you need to select only large samples. There are 2 sowing options: in pots or open ground. Let's look at both.

Sowing in open ground

This ornamental shrub can be sown both in autumn and spring. Before sowing, you need to stock up on a certain amount of sand. Because the seeds will need to be sprinkled with it. If you decide to sow clematis in the spring, then you first need to keep the seeds for 3 months at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius. Such measures will accelerate the germination and germination of the plant. Seeds are poured onto the surface of the earth, and a layer of sand is sprinkled on top. It is desirable that the air temperature during seed germination be from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Sowing in pots

If sowing is done in pots or special boxes, then the soil must be half sand. Pour soil into the container, then seeds, sprinkle with sand. The temperature should be, as when planting in open ground, from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

After the seeds have been planted, timely watering must be ensured. If planted in open ground, weeding will also be required. If all the conditions have been met, then sprouts will soon appear, which need a lot of light, humidity and a certain thermal regime. However, they should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

After the first leaves appear, clematis needs to be pruned. And after the bush begins to produce shoots, they need to be pinched. It should be remembered that if there are several clematis, then the distance between them should be at least 20 centimeters. If planting and care have been carried out properly, you will receive an ornamental shrub with a strong root system and a luxurious crown.

To prevent the root system of clematis from suffering in winter, the plant must be planted in a trench, the depth of which is on average 6 centimeters. The shoots in front of the shelter are cut so that 2-3 nodes remain. Although here big role The characteristics of the type of clematis play a role - there are varieties that are not pruned.

Reproduction of clematis by dividing the bush

Before considering the question of how to propagate clematis by dividing the bush, you need to make a reservation that this can only be done with a plant that is at least 3 years old. Due to the large dimensions of the ornamental shrub, this method cannot be called very convenient. Although it makes it possible to get an already formed healthy bush. It is advisable to do this in the fall, and as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the root system. Can be divided into several parts. The main thing is to remember that each resulting plant must have at least 4 shoots.

Advantages and disadvantages of clematis propagation methods

We looked at several ways to propagate this ornamental shrub. You can get clematis from seeds by cuttings, dividing the bush or layering. The simplest and most reliable is propagation by layering and dividing the bush. In second place you can put cuttings of shrubs, but getting a plant from seeds is quite a troublesome task. Although if we talk about efficiency, cuttings should still be put in first place. When growing a shrub from seeds, you may not get what you expected. Which is also difficult to attribute to the advantages of this method.

How to properly propagate clematis was described above. However, I would like to emphasize that you can get a strong plant only by adhering to the temperature regime and care rules.


We figured out how to propagate clematis. I would like to say a few words about caring for this wonderful plant. In order for it to feel comfortable, it is necessary to loosen the soil and feed the bushes. They don't like clematis acidic soil and cannot tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, watering should be moderate, but the presence of peat or manure can destroy ornamental shrubs. You also need to remember about the fertilizers that clematis need. After all, in order to bloom, a plant needs a lot of strength.

In parallel with planting, it is necessary to take care of the supports, since clematis are shrubby vines. Before propagating clematis, it is necessary to build arches. These ornamental shrubs can perfectly act as a hedge or decorate the walls of a house. However, in the second case, you should remember that you need to leave at least 40 centimeters between the wall of the house and the clematis free space. And between the bushes themselves, if there are several of them, you need to leave at least 30 centimeters of free space. You also need to make sure that the clematis will not be exposed to water running off the roofs.

Well, a few words about how clematis endures winter. It belongs to frost-resistant plants. If all planting rules are followed, then the root system is not afraid of frost. But the Achilles heel of the plant is root collar. It is on this that the flower buds are located, which will send out vines in the spring. To protect it from frost, after pruning, clematis is covered with ash and sand and covered with spruce branches. For most varieties, such a covering is sufficient, and owners of capricious clematis can additionally build a roof from scrap materials. Boards, plywood or slate are suitable for this. But you shouldn’t cover it before frost sets in. When the temperature drops, clematis not only feels great, but also gets healthier, as the plant hardens and diseases freeze out.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings

To increase and diversify the number of clematis varieties in your garden, you need to learn how to propagate this plant. Propagation of clematis is possible in several ways, and some of them are so simple that the most inexperienced amateur gardener can master them.

The main methods of propagating clematis are:

  1. Propagation of clematis by cuttings.
  2. Reproduction by layering.
  3. Dividing the bush.
  4. Seed propagation.

To breed large-flowered, varietal clematis at home, only vegetative propagation is used.

Clematis cuttings

Propagation of clematis by cuttings is one of the most famous and popular methods of propagating this plant.

When to start cutting clematis. The best time for cuttings is the end of May, the beginning of June. This is the time of budding of plants.

How to prepare cuttings. Cuttings are cut from the middle part of the shoot. The upper, unripe part of the shoot and the nodes with buds are not suitable for this purpose. It is better to cut cuttings with one internode and two well-developed buds in the leaf axils. Leave a stem 3 - 4 cm long under the node, and 1 - 2 cm long above the node. The photo below clearly shows how this is all done.

Soil for rooting. The main requirement for the soil: it must be breathable, light and at the same time moisture-absorbing. The soil should not dry out quickly and should have good air permeability, which is necessary for the cuttings to form roots.
You can use the following mixture: two parts plant humus and one part sand. Or something like that. Cuttings root well in vermiculite, perlite, and coconut fiber. But in this case, after the roots appear, the cuttings will still have to be transplanted into nutrient soil.

How to root clematis cuttings.

In both cases, a film greenhouse must be built over the cuttings. Cuttings need a moist environment; they must be sprayed with water 2-3 times a day and once every 5-7 days with a zircon solution. Good results Watering with sodium humate also works; it is enough to do this once every 2 weeks.

Temperature for rooting. I would like to especially emphasize this point.

Firstly, this is a much more important factor than many might think.

Secondly, ensuring the optimal temperature for root formation in summer can be very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings should take place at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

The optimal temperature is about + 25, but if it is + 30 outside, then under the film, even in the shade it will be below 40, and this is a very serious test for the cuttings. In hot weather, cuttings sitting in the ground have a better chance of survival. And of course, greenhouses should be located in the shade, under trees.

Cuttings take root on average in a month and a half. Then the greenhouses must begin to be ventilated, and after about a month the film is removed.

Clematis cuttings video

Rooting clematis cuttings in bottles

Clematis can also be propagated in bottles. This greatly simplifies the whole process. Actually, at first everything is done as described above. Only instead of a glass, the stalk is placed in plastic bottle, after which the top of the bottle is set in place and wrapped with tape.

The cutting immediately ends up in a mini-greenhouse. These bottles must be buried in the ground, to level

We bury the bottle with the cutting in the garden, in the shade.

soil poured into them. This way they will overheat less. It should be buried in the shade, but you shouldn’t shade it too much either; light is needed for root formation. After two weeks, you need to start ventilating the bottles (unscrew the cap for about 20 minutes), and when shoots appear, remove the caps completely and make drainage holes.

And now young shoots have appeared.

It is better to put young plants in the cellar for the winter, but if they are well insulated, they can overwinter in the garden.

Reproduction of clematis by layering

It is this method of propagating clematis that can be considered the simplest and at the same time very reliable. Its essence is as follows: the clematis shoot is completely buried in the ground and during the summer a young bush grows from each internode.

The most convenient way to do this is in early spring. When, after wintering, you lift and tie clematis to supports, choose a good shoot that has not been broken over the winter. Place it in the prepared groove (groove depth 7 - 8 cm). The shoot will bend and puff up, so it will have to be pressed to the ground with some kind of hooks.

Such shoots can be buried.

If you are breeding clematis and you need a lot of seedlings, then dig in not one, but 2 or 5 shoots, but don’t bury their ends; they should look out of the ground at least 20 cm. You shouldn’t fall asleep right away either. Let them lie in the furrows until the young shoots grow 10 - 15 cm. Then cover them with humus or soft earth.

And these shoots already need to be pinched.

In the future, pinch the shoots and mulch everything around. Of course, the ground here should be moist throughout the summer. That's all. All that remains is to wait until next spring and plant the cuttings. It is better not to do this in the fall; let them overwinter in conjunction with the mother plant, and cover them with leaves or pine needles for the winter. As you can see, propagation of clematis in this way is available to everyone.

I must warn you that these young bushes must be dug up very carefully. Otherwise, half of them will end up without roots. The point is this: all these bushes are connected to each other by a shoot. They are, as it were, strung on this escape. And when you begin to lift one bush with a shovel, it will pull the neighboring one along with it and the root of the neighboring one will break off. It will be very disappointing.

The photo shows that one layer has a root, but the neighboring one does not. And he was, but remained in the ground.

One of the cuttings lost its root

Therefore, first you need to find these shoots in the ground and cut them. And after that, start digging up cuttings and planting them in a permanent place.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for planting seedlings in the article and

We propagate clematis by dividing the bush

Reproduction of clematis by dividing the bush.

This method of reproduction is also quite simple, but somewhat more labor-intensive than the previous one. If a relatively young bush (up to 5-6 years) is to be divided, then it is simply dug out of the ground and divided into parts with a knife, sector, and sometimes an ax. Each of these parts should have a bunch of roots and 1 - 2 shoots.

Old clematis are dealt with differently. The old bushes have just huge roots! Therefore, they are not dug up, but undermined on one side, trying to dig a deeper hole. Wash the exposed root with a stream of water from a hose (this will make it easier to see where to cut the roots). After this, a part of the rhizome is cut out with a shovel, removed and further divided into several sections. When planting in a new place, the shoots of all divisions are pruned to two buds.

We dig up the bush, trying to preserve as many roots as possible. We wash the root so that it is clearly visible where it is best to divide it.

We divide the rhizome into 2-3 or 4 parts and plant them in new places

Propagation of clematis by seeds

Only small-flowered, wild-growing species of clematis are propagated by seeds. Before planting, such seeds must be stratified. To do this, they are first soaked for several days. Then they are covered with wet sand and kept in the refrigerator for about two months. You can sow such seeds at the end of April, directly into the ground.

It’s even easier to sow clematis seeds in the garden in the fall. In winter, they will undergo natural stratification in the soil and germinate in the spring, as is usually the case in nature. Some gardeners, not wanting to take risks, sow seeds in the fall not in the ground, but in some kind of box. This box is buried in the ground before winter, taken out in the spring and, after waiting for the shoots to sprout, they are planted in the beds.

Such clematis often reproduce by self-sowing. Moreover, they reproduce so actively that they soon become weeds. This primarily applies to Tankut clematis.

Using clematis in the garden video.

We have other interesting articles on plant propagation:

There is quite a lot of information in specialized literature on how to propagate clematis yourself. Indeed, this perennial flower very popular among flower growers, and many hybrid varieties They are successfully grown even in regions with unfavorable climates. This article lists the main methods of propagating clematis, gives a description of each of them, and also talks about the basic measures for caring for this perennial flower.

When is the best time to propagate clematis?

Most gardeners agree that propagating clematis by cuttings is the most The best way. Indeed, it is a priority when breeding many perennial flowers. This method allows you to preserve all varietal characteristics of plants during propagation. In addition, biological material for planting can be prepared not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn, when clematis can be propagated by green cuttings.

How to propagate clematis at home

In addition to cuttings, clematis can be propagated in the following ways:

  1. By layering. The procedure is carried out in early spring.
  2. Seeds. Planting is done in late spring in open ground and in April under film. Wild clematis seeds can also be planted in the fall.
  3. Dividing the bush.

The best time for this is autumn, but clematis bushes can be propagated by division in the spring, before the growing season begins.

How to propagate clematis from cuttings If the cuttings are prepared correctly and all planting conditions are met, the survival rate of clematis will remain very long. high level

  • . In this case, for propagation, a bush no older than 5 years should be selected as a donor. He must be healthy and well developed. In order to properly carry out cuttings, you will need:
  • pruner;

cutting board or just a piece of plywood. In addition, you will need a special container for planting cuttings, filled with nutritious soil

, as well as a root growth stimulator, for example, Kornevin or Kornerost.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in spring

In the spring, clematis bushes that are at least 2 years old can be used for cuttings. Long elastic vines can be used as material for cuttings. The average length of one cut branch is usually 0.8-1 m.

Important! From one mother bush, no more than 1/3 of all shoots can be cut for cuttings.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in summer Cuttings of clematis in summer are usually carried out in the last ten days of June or early July. Many gardeners consider this period good time for reproduction. Harvesting and cutting clematis cuttings during this period is no different from spring work

. In summer, they can be planted in open ground, but it must be taken into account that rooting is better in partial shade. Therefore, cuttings must be shaded.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in autumn Cuttings of clematis in the fall are made from its blooming vines

. Cutting and preparation of cuttings is standard. They can only be planted under film.

Propagation of clematis by layering is a fairly simple method. To do this, in early spring you need to select a good flexible shoot, lay it in a specially prepared groove and fix it on the ground. A separate clematis bush will begin to develop from each internode. After it grows to 10-15 cm, the mother shoot can be covered with earth. During the summer, the bushes need to be watered regularly and mulched in the fall.

They need to be separated from the mother plant in the spring, after they have overwintered together. The mother shoot must be carefully cut with a shovel, digging out young clematis bushes one at a time and planting them in a new place.

Important! You cannot pull on the mother shoot, as this will lead to the roots of young bushes being torn off.

How to propagate clematis by seeds

Most clematis varieties returned to Central Russia are hybrids. Therefore, the most preferred method of reproduction for them is vegetative. However, clematis can also be propagated by seeds. This method is often used for propagating wild, small-flowered plants. U different varieties different size seeds, their ripening period also differs. For example, seeds of small-seeded species can be collected 1.52 months after flowering, large-seeded species - after 2.5-4.

Propagating clematis by seeds at home is not difficult. Planting is carried out in open ground to a depth of 1 cm at the end of April or beginning of May. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds in water for three days. Their germination period can range from 2.5 to 6 weeks, depending on the type.

If the seeds are subjected to stratification, they can be planted in April not in a greenhouse, but immediately in a permanent growing place, without shelter. To harden the seeds, after soaking, they are covered with damp sand and stored in the refrigerator. Many gardeners plant seeds in the fall, following the natural growth cycle as closely as possible. In this case, stratification occurs naturally.

Important! If there is a shortage of planting material, seeds can be planted in March and germinate at home or in a greenhouse.

How to propagate clematis by dividing the bush

Like most perennial shrubs, clematis can be propagated by dividing the mother bush into parts. Moreover, this procedure is useful for this flower, since over time its root system increases significantly in size. There is literally no soil left between the roots, and the bush begins to lack nutrients and moisture. At the same time, the flowers become smaller, and the plant itself takes on a wild, unkempt appearance.

It is preferable to divide clematis that have not reached the age of seven. This is both a method of propagation and a procedure that allows you to rejuvenate the bush. You can divide the bushes in the spring, before the plants enter the growing season, as well as in the fall, which is more correct.

Important! Spring breeding By dividing the bush, the flowering time of the bushes is shifted by about 1.5-2 weeks.

Before dividing the bush, all shoots are cut off, leaving only small stumps, on which there should be two or three pairs of buds. The plant is completely dug up, but the soil on the roots does not need to be shaken off. The division is made with a sharp knife through the center of the bush. Each division should have enough roots, as well as 1-2 renewal buds. After this, the separated parts of the plant are planted in planting pits, while the first node should be 10-12 cm below the soil level.

You can divide a clematis bush without completely digging it up. To do this, dig a spacious hole on the side of the mother bush, so that the roots are exposed. After this, the clematis is divided with a knife so that each division contains shoots with a developed root system.

How to root clematis from cuttings

Easiest to use for cutting cuttings sharp knife And cutting board. This procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The escape is placed on the board.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cuts are made 1 cm above and 5 cm below the internode.
  3. Of the two leaves growing from the internode, you need to leave one, the second can be cut off.

In this way, several cuttings can be obtained from one shoot.

Rooting clematis cuttings in water

You can root a clematis cutting in ordinary water. To do this, place it in a container of water so that only the lower part is immersed. To reduce moisture evaporation, the leaf plate is cut in half. It is very important that the water level is constantly at the same value; this must be monitored and topped up regularly. One jar can contain several cuttings at the same time.

Important! Cuttings take root better in partial shade, so the jar needs to be wrapped in a sheet of paper.

The light in the room in which the jars with cuttings are located must be dimmed. In 1.5-2 months, the length of the roots will reach 4-5 cm. After this, the cuttings need to be transplanted into soil, containers or a greenhouse. Keeping them in water any longer is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to their death.

Rooting in the ground

For planting cuttings, it is better to use special containers that can be closed at the top. transparent material. They are filled with soil mixture or nutrient soil purchased at the store.

Important! You can make your own soil mixture by mixing sand and peat in equal proportions.

The soil can be scalded for disinfection. hot water or spray with a solution of potassium permanganate, diluted to a dark pink color.

The prepared cuttings are treated with a root growth stimulator, keeping the cuttings in it for 10-12 hours, and then planted in the ground to a depth of approximately 0.5 cm. The interval between adjacent cuttings should be at least 5 cm. After planting is completed, the plants and soil are moistened, then the container is closed plastic bag or film.

The necessary conditions for normal survival of clematis are the following:

  1. Air temperature + 18-20 °C.
  2. Air humidity 90%.
  3. Soil moisture 30%.

Excessive humidity, as well as elevated temperature, can lead to the death of cuttings.

Further care

For good rooting of cuttings, appropriate conditions are needed. They need to be watered regularly, and the ambient temperature must be ensured within + 20-22 °C. Containers with cuttings must be regularly ventilated, for this plastic film removed for a while.

After 1-2 months, the cuttings will have their own root system. At this time, they are seated in separate containers and placed for growing. In the fall, young clematis are put into the cellar, and in the spring they are planted in a permanent place.

Important! In the first year after planting, it is necessary to pinch the shoots and prevent the bush from flowering. This will significantly strengthen its root system.


How to propagate clematis, which method to use - this decision must be made by the grower himself based on his knowledge and experience. Many people consider this perennial to be quite capricious plant, requiring increased care, but this is not the case. Even a novice gardener can grow clematis from cuttings at home, since existing methods The propagations listed in this article are simple and affordable.

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