What can be made from Lego for children. Lego crafts - what can be built from the designer, how to use structures and good ideas for using cubes

With the help of lego figures you can create wonderful world. It all starts with building a house. To build a big beautiful house, you first need to master its classical construction technique.

Building a house starts with building the foundation. Walls (Lego figures) are superimposed on the foundation. Then begins the construction of the walls of the rooms and their arrangement. The final step is the roof and adding additional elements. Each of the stages has its own nuances, so now we will consider step by step instructions building a lego house. Before you start building your home, make sure you have all the right parts. You can do without them, but with necessary elements the house will look much more aesthetically pleasing. You will need:
  • Lego plate at least 10x20;
  • lego figures different sizes;
  • Windows, doors;
  • Figurines for the roof;
  • Decorations and figurines for home improvement.
Foundation. You can use a 10x20 plate. But if possible, take a larger part. Then on it you can place not only a house, but subsequently complete a garden, garage, fence and other elements. If you took a large plate, it is most convenient to place the house on its corner. The design can be any size. Take the little Lego pieces and insert them into the plate and start building the foundation. At this stage, it is important to immediately place the doors. Walls. Pick up any details and continue to complete the walls. Some lego collections have special walls, but we will look at classic version. At the stage of building walls, do not forget to place windows in the places you like. Build up the house with walls to the end. There can be as many layers as you like - it all depends on how high you want to see your house. When everything is ready, proceed to the construction of rooms. Rooms. You can make several rooms in the house. Construction takes place on the principle of building the house itself. Define room boundaries. Then take the Lego pieces and start building walls inside the house. Stack the figures on top of each other until the walls are completely filled. Don't forget to make doors for each room. When everything is ready, equip the rooms. Make a table - take a square Lego figure and put a larger plate on it. The table is ready. Place chairs, mugs, people figures and other elements. By the principle of building a table, you can make a sofa. If there are other elements in your Lego collection, place them there. Roof. Now you can move on to building the roof. If you have large plates, you can use them. Place the plates on the walls and lay them on until the entire roof is covered. If you are planning to make a two-story or three-story house, put new walls on these plates and continue building the next floor. If you plan to finish the building, place special Lego figures on the plates, designed to build the roof. Additional elements. If you wish, you can attach a garage to the house, make a booth for the dog, put a table on the street, place flowers, Mailbox, a small fence, etc. If you have few additional elements, you need to purchase a designer box called "Freestyle". It has a lot of details that complement any of the sets. Instruction. If you're having trouble, look for instructions. It should be included with every box of Lego toys. The instructions clearly outline the options for assembling various parts. If the instruction is suddenly lost, use the site www.lego-le.ru. Here are the assembly diagrams of all the parts. Click on the link of the instruction you like - it will open.

Remember that your Lego house can have absolutely any design. As soon as you start building a house, you will immediately understand the principles of construction. After that, it will be much easier for you to continue building. Do not be afraid to experiment - with the help of Lego you can realize any fantasy and create the house of your dreams!

The modern multifunctional construction set is especially popular today among boys and girls. Lego (Lego). With the help of this amazing designer, your child will be able to create the most incredible buildings, and even entire worlds.

Lego constructor of any series can become great gift for a child on his birthday or New Year. It is important to take into account the gender of the child when choosing the theme of the designer, because there are a huge number of thematic Lego constructors 8terminal .

For example, boys will be interested in such series of Lego constructors as Lego City (the ability to build a real city), Lego Train (what boy does not dream of creating and then driving a real train), Star Wars (the series was created based on the popular science fiction saga) and etc.

Girls will be interested in such series of Lego constructors as a cozy cafe, fairytale castle for a princess, a mysterious house by the sea, a pet spa, a restaurant or a pizzeria.

Each Lego constructor contains in its kit a set of necessary details, understandable and detailed instructions for assembly, as well as small Lego figures that have appearance according to the theme of the designer you have chosen.

What makes the Lego set convenient and multifunctional is that even after your child has played enough of it, you don’t have to throw it in the trash or give it to the neighbor’s kids. You will ask why? Yes, because using Lego parts, you can easily create the most incredible and useful items for home.

In this article, the Site news portal decided to share with you the simplest but most impressive crafts that each of you can do at home.

So let's get started...

Lego vase

To make a stylish and fashionable Lego vase, you will need a tall glass or an old vase and designer details. It is advisable to have a Lego base available, then the vase can be easily rearranged from place to place without the risk of losing a glass of water that is inside.

So, the base from the Lego constructor will be the bottom of the future vase. Now, using various parts, build a tall box so that it completely covers the glass that will be inside.

To be safe, you can lubricate the parts with glue when assembling.

Liquid soap with Lego parts

Does your child hate washing their hands? Then this idea will suit your taste. Make it so bright and original liquid soap, which will not only decorate the interior of the bathroom, but also an excellent motivator for cleanliness.

The next time you go shopping for liquid soap, opt for liquid soap in a clear bottle. At home, carefully remove unnecessary stickers from the bottle, and pour Lego parts inside the jar.

Lego wreath

Here is such a bright and funny wreath that can be a great decoration for the door that leads to the nursery.

cut out sheet thick cardboard circle, glue it with foam rubber and drape any beautiful cloth.

Decorate the wreath with Lego pieces, attaching them with glue in a chaotic manner.

Lego key holder

Such an original little thing will be very appropriate in the hallway, especially in those families where a lot of time is spent looking for keys.

To make a key holder, you will need the base of the designer and small parts.

From multi-colored details, make bright key chains with which the keys will be attached to the key holder.

Lego night light

A bright and magical night light can come from transparent parts Lego constructor. Fold a small box out of the parts, and place a cartridge with a light bulb inside it.

Enjoy the soft and subdued light that the Lego night light will give you.

Lego jewelry

This idea will definitely appeal to young fashionistas.

Make holes in the Lego parts and thread a tight tourniquet through them. You get bright summer beads or necklaces.

Use the details from the designer to create unusual pendants for rings and earrings.

Do-it-yourself Lego flash drive:

DIY Christmas toys from Lego:

The news portal "site" will be glad to place on the site photos of your unusual crafts from Lego. Send your work with a description to our email address -

When a child is small, he collects "Lego" the way he wants. Ideas do not need to be submitted, a small engineer himself knows what the project should be. But growing up, children lose their share of enthusiasm and creativity. Therefore, they sometimes need to be prompted what to build from Lego.


What to build from Lego? Boys love to design various techniques. Moreover, the form can be the most primitive, the main thing is that the result should be similar to a real-life object.

We will tell you how to build a ship from Lego. First you need to assemble the base. It will be a trapezoid. From three small rectangles we assemble the base. The second tier should protrude slightly above the first. This can be done by attaching the parts not along, as on the first layer, but across. And to the final third tier, you need to attach 2 more parts than to the previous one. The result is a stable trapezoid.

Now we assemble the mast. It may consist of one long vertical piece. It is desirable to do each part of the ship different colors. We attach the sail to the mast. It will be in the shape of a triangle. Folding it up is pretty easy. We attach 3 square parts to the mast, the next layer will consist of two, and the third one will also consist of two spare parts, but a little smaller. The final step is attaching one piece that will complete the sail and one that will crown both the sail and the mast.


Thinking about what to build from Lego, you immediately remember the city. But to make such a big composition, you need to start with something smaller. For example, from building a house. It can be a high-rise building or a residential cottage. For the construction of such objects, a special "Lego" will be required, which includes semicircular parts, as well as parts, one part of which is cut off.

How to build a house from Lego? First you need to make a flat base. Often in the designers it is already there, and it is integral and it is not necessary to assemble it. But if your Lego does not have such a plane, it must be folded from flat parts.

Let's start building. We collect three pillars, which will be load-bearing structure building. Having approximately imagined what the width of the house will be, we build a wall on the opposite side of the beams. Between the finished two structures, we erect filling in a chaotic manner. The base is ready.

Now you can proceed to the construction of balconies. They will be made from rounded parts. We attach them to bearing wall with equal spacing from each other. We construct flat balconies on the opposite side of the building. They may vary in length. For example, on the lower tier they will be large, and the upper ones will be small. We build a roof over the balconies, and the building itself can be completed with small turrets.


What to build from Lego? Sometimes you want to build something not only beautiful, but also functional. For example, a beautiful toy steam locomotive. How to collect it? This will require "Lego", similar to puzzles. If this is not available on the farm, it can be replaced with a standard constructor. We collect two walls of the steam locomotive. They should look like rectangles. We fasten them together. To do this, you need to collect the nose of our vehicle. We will make it from contrasting details so that the form is better read. We collect the rectangle and attach the blanks of the sides to it.

To make the nose of the locomotive look prettier, we supplement it with a few more details that will create a trapezoid in front of the structure. Collecting back wall. It will look like a simple rectangle.

We install our workpiece on pre-assembled wheels. For structural stability, they will also be rectangular. Now we are building a high hollow rectangle on the back of the locomotive. It is worth remembering about the windows and leaving empty space there. We make the front part of the locomotive in the form of a half cylinder.

It remains to collect the pipe. It will look like a rectangle expanding upwards. We fasten the pipe to the nose of the locomotive, and our vehicle ready.


What can you build from Lego with your own hands? You can do something original, such as glasses. How to build them? Even this task can be done Small child. We collect the contour of two squares. They must be the same. Then we make a small jumper and connect all the blanks. It remains to make the arches. These parts will be in the shape of the letter "L". We attach the temples to the already finished lenses with a jumper - and our glasses are ready.


With the help of a constructor, a child can be explained how simple mechanisms work. For example, such as an elevator. It is very easy to build such a structure from Lego. You need to assemble a flat base. We put a pole on it. We make it from parts of the same size, simply attaching them to each other. We crown the top of the pillar with a roof. We put a flat part on it, to which we attach the wheel. Now you need to assemble the elevator car itself. It will be something like a basket. We make a flat base, raise all four walls up. We complete the basket with a jumper, which we attach to two opposite sides our cabin. We take the rope, which we hang on the wheel of the lifting tower. We tie one end to the jumper of the elevator car. And now pull the free tail of the rope, the basket will rise and fall.


What can a girl build from Lego? It is worth asking her to design a castle. How to do it? First you need to build four towers. But they must be more than just pillars. These will be structures with arches located at different heights. Parents should help the child in this task. An adult can easily calculate to what height the arch needs to be erected so that later a tube can be pulled through it. We collect the turrets and put them on a common basis. We crown each of them with a roof, and in the middle of the castle, if desired, you can put a roof. It remains to pass a tube through the arches. It will turn out something like a castle-water park.

Christmas tree

From "Lego" you can collect any design. So, for the New Year, you can make a Christmas tree. How to do it? We are preparing a flat base, on which we assemble a low rectangle from the brown details of the designer. It must be filled in. This is the supporting part of the structure that will support the weight of the Christmas tree. For beauty, we attach one more detail to the right and left. So, in place of the legs, a kind of crosshair will appear. Let's start making a Christmas tree. We will build it from the top. We start with one part and so on increasing we attach to it the second row, consisting of two parts, the third of three, and so on until the sixth row.

To make the tree look original, it needs to make some branches. To do this, in some rows, we put the parts not along, but across. Branches can be uneven and have different lengths. Having reached the 6th row, we make the 7th a little less. It must be made from 5 parts. The next three rows increase again. The 11th row is again made smaller. We do the last part of the Christmas tree like this: 4 rows increase, and the rest smoothly narrow. We attach green billet to the leg - and our tree is ready.

The Lego company has been producing children's construction sets with the same name for many years. For the first time, this company patented its plastic products back in 1958. The set includes plastic parts of different sizes, each of which can be easily attached to other parts using pins located in its upper part. Over the years, these models sets were improved, and many were interested in the question - what can be done from Lego?

To date, the range of these designers is very wide: on the shelves of shops there are often various additional details for such a designer: figures of people, birds, animals, as well as coins, trees, and other attributes. In addition, the designers themselves may belong to a specific theme, for example: wizards, pirates and other characters and everything that accompanies them. But the model of the city or Lego city is the most popular.

Before you start doing anything from this constructor, of course, you must purchase it. A standard set will do. In order to assemble an assault rifle, pistol or other weapon, you need to start with small parts. By the way, another advantage of this constructor is that even a one-year-old baby can play with it, because its details are not so small as to penetrate the child's respiratory organs. But for the most part, the vast majority of sets are recommended for children over the age of 5 years.

Any lego is accompanied by instructions for the manufacture of a particular element (robot, car, etc.). After reading it carefully, you can special efforts and labor to assemble the designer. The main difference between such an instruction is the most understandable description of the assembly steps, and color pictures will make the assembly process understandable even for a small child.

With Lego City, the situation is somewhat different: for its construction, most likely, you will need more than 1 set, because here you will have to construct buildings and structures, as well as other elements of urban or rural use. Such a toy will captivate not only children, but also adults!

By the way, for the details of this constructor, there is 1 more bit unusual application, namely, household. For example, such products can be excellent molds for ice! To do this, simply fill them with water and place in the freezer, and then remove the contents from them with a knife. In addition, Lego can be used to make refrigerator magnets, candles, soap molds, or other useful household items.

Now the company is actively releasing new sets with which you can create figures not only from simple details, but also from gears, chains, various connecting elements and even a programming unit.

The company does not forget about its many fans. In this regard, she opened a number of amusement parks that are somewhat similar to Disneyland, located in Paris. Such parks are called Legoland and Legocity. In them, kids and adults can look at unusual buildings, ride rides and even create structures and entire cities on their own!

DIY Lego crafts: options

Lego bricks are an exciting educational game that children especially like because of their bright colors and colorful design. But its main advantage is the many different variations in the assembly of parts. Any person can collect what he likes more: from weapons like a pistol or machine gun, to cars, robots and even structures!

But before you start assembling the constructor, you need to unpack it and look at the manual - instructions, there the work options will be indicated. This guide is step-by-step, so you don’t have to think long about how to properly assemble this or that design.

If all the assembly options suggested by the instructions have already been tested by you, then you can create a special model or design using, for example, video tutorials.

But a situation may arise when you do not have any desired part, then it will be necessary to purchase 1 more set of the designer. But you can immediately buy Lego "Freestyle", thereby supplementing the original designer big amount various details.

The Lego Technic set is very useful for child development, but for starters, the baby should be taught to fasten the main details together, and then you can already give free rein to his imagination. By the way, this set Lego includes, in addition to the main parts, quite specific ones, for example: motors, gears and chains. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor a small child at a time when he is busy designing so that he cannot swallow small parts.

Work on complex structures sometimes it takes quite a lot of time, so if your son or daughter is under 7 years old, then it can get boring very quickly. To search necessary scheme took the shortest possible time, you can search on the Internet.

But you need to know that different sets have, respectively, different sizes. For example, when buying Lego Duplo, next time it is better to purchase a designer of the same series if your plans include expanding the details. There are also sets for older kids, and even for those who like to break their heads, such as LegoMindstorms. Here you will find software modules, many small and connecting parts, and even electronic sensors with which you can easily assemble a robot or car!

How to make a legotransformer: video

Many children, especially boys, love robots - transformers. After all, a toy can be both a robot itself, and a car, and even an airplane.

Lego crafts: video

Lego games have been popular with kids for decades. different ages. Almost every family with a child has several sets of this constructor. After all, this is not just a toy, but a whole fairy-tale world that allows you to create your own cities, buildings, structures and machines from small blocks and parts of different sizes. It is very interesting for a child to fantasize how to make a Lego city, a farm or a police station. But sometimes simple observation and ingenuity will not be enough. It is important not only to have detailed instructions, but also to gain experience in building from this constructor.

History of Lego

The history of the appearance of Lego begins in 1932, when at that time the little-known carpenter and carpenter Ole Christiansen, together with his twelve-year-old son, started producing ironing boards, stairs and wooden toys. But it was toys that began to be in good demand, so two years later the company specialized only in the production of goods for children. For everything children's world this moment was a turning point. In 1947, Christiansen became the first manufacturer plastic toys, and two years later the first construction details and elements appeared, which became the progenitors Lego constructor. However, 1955 is considered the year of the appearance of the famous toy, when the first building kits were released.

The very name "lego" came from two words - "leg" and "godt", which in translation from Danish means "I play well." In Latin, Lego means "I am learning".

Development of the company

The first kits included plastic parts of different sizes, which were connected to each other using pins. Interestingly, since 1958, Lego parts have almost completely corresponded to the modern designer and can be used in construction along with any series. The idea of ​​the company and the production technology of the constructor have not lost their relevance at the present time. The most important thing for the company is the high quality of products. The quality of the plastic is high standards and is under strict control at all stages of the production of the designer, thanks to which Lego products are appreciated and loved by buyers from all over the world.

How to make a lego city

In 1968 from Lego parts a whole toy city was built. Since then in different countries Lego festivals and competitions are constantly held. For the convenience of buyers, each designer has assembly instructions, as well as last years there are many different author's guides that describe in detail how to make from Lego with your own hands various structures and mechanisms.

Currently, the assortment of designers is very wide, in stores you can even find various additions: figurines of animals, people, trees, vehicles, and so on. In addition, kits are available various topics, for example, dedicated to pirates, wizards, movie characters. But Lego City is the most popular among children.

It is better to collect your city on a flat and smooth surface: on the floor or on the table. While working, try not to mix up the parts used for different elements. Parts should be fastened to each other neatly and tightly so that they do not fall apart.


Draw on sheet rough plan the future city of Lego, designate its central part, residential area, park area, roads. It doesn't have to be an ordinary city. Perhaps your child will want to create a fairytale castle or an alien metropolis.

Pick up the parts that you will use to create a particular structure. You can use all the sets you have, as they are ideally combined with each other. To help your child, you can type simple instructions: how to make a Lego helicopter, a car, a farm and other buildings. The use of a schematic instruction is useful for developing the child's thinking and attention.

At the base of each block or building, a large rectangular piece should be placed; blocks can be connected by bridges, passages and railroad tracks. Complete your landscape with trees, ponds, flower alleys, cars, people and other figures. Assign roles and play with the whole family!

What else to do with Lego?

Surprisingly, the plastic constructor can be used to create various interesting things. For example, Lego can be used to make ice molds, fridge magnets, candle holders, even soap molds or a flower vase. As well as a decorative wreath for Christmas, Christmas decorations, a convenient key holder, a night light, jewelry. Fantasy has no limits!

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