Photo wallpapers in the interior. Tips for decorating a small room with murals - how to "push" the walls Beautiful murals in the interior

We will look at examples of interiors with photo wallpaper and talk about when it is appropriate to use this type of wall decoration.

When we talk about photo wallpapers, first of all, children's wallpapers come to mind - here they are used much more often than in other rooms. Moreover, along with cartoon characters and fairy tale characters on the walls of children's rooms, flowers shot with macro photography look good. Basically, for decoration with photo wallpapers, one, the most open and furniture-free wall, or part of it, is used. It is not recommended to cover the entire room with color images - it will seem smaller than it actually is, so owners of small apartments should take this factor into account.

The advantages of photo wallpapers are that after finishing works you don't have to worry about decorative design walls. And if in the living room or bedroom for this purpose you can get by with small drawings, framed photographs, a couple of shelves, then it is much more difficult to achieve a colorful, bright and cheerful dynamic atmosphere for a nursery with these methods. So in this matter, photo wallpapers make life easier for us.

In the topic, I already wrote that the choice of the color shade of the walls should be approached carefully, because. it can affect the psyche of the child. The drawing on the walls should not be bright and distract all attention to yourself - best solution there will be an option when it is the background for the contents of the room. The same applies to photo wallpapers.

Wall mural - good idea for decorating the walls of teenagers' rooms. When children's symbols are no longer relevant, and adult ones seem boring and out of place, thematic images are just what you need. Today in stores there are very interesting options, among which you can choose pictures suitable for the age category and gender of the child, as well as for his interests.

And yet, nurseries are far from the only place in the house suitable for photo wallpapers. They will find wide application in interiors, because using this type of wall decoration you can not only decorate, but also visually control the space: increase the area of ​​​​the room, divide it into zones, and place accents. This is especially relevant in one-room apartment or studios when zoning is simply necessary.

The image on the photo wallpaper for the living room is selected in accordance with its common style. It should be borne in mind that this type of wall decoration greatly changes the mood and atmosphere of the room, so it’s better not to get carried away with unusual intrusive pictures, because. they can get bored quickly. The color of the image will also play a role - it will make the interior warm or cold, light or dark. In the interior of classic living rooms, neutral natural images with flowers and greenery look good, because. favorably affects us, causes a feeling of comfort and peace. IN modern interior hi-tech black and white wallpaper in the style of industrial and urbanism look good.

For the bedroom, murals are most suitable, large garden flowers and branches flowering trees in dim pastel colors. Often in the photographs of the interiors of the bedrooms you can find marine scenes that evoke memories of a vacation at sea. Suitable for the bedroom and naturalistic wallpaper with a blurry black and white image.

In conclusion a little advice. To maximize the potential of the image on the photo wallpapers, beat it in interior design - it can turn out to be very fresh and unusual. To do this, you need to make sure that some of its elements are real objects and are in the room. Such a technique will visually expand its boundaries, open up the perspective.

I hope this material was interesting and useful for you!

The living room is the main room in the apartment, and the owners always pay attention to the design of its interior. Special attention. Any woman knows perfectly well that appearance living room, guests will judge her abilities as a hostess. Indeed, many of the nuances of the design of this room will tell a lot about the owners.

Is photo wallpaper appropriate in the living room? What can they bring to interior design? What will the living room look like with photo wallpapers? Perhaps the problem here is that many of us remember those old, still Soviet-era photo wallpapers. Tubes come to mind, from which rolls with unusual material for decorating walls were taken. The choice was not very large, the quality was not impressive, but the rush demand was supported at first by the fact that the photo wallpapers were in short supply. This word, like a golden key, could open any doors and beckoned those who did not have this deficit. Then the demand began to decline - quite decent wallpapers began to appear on sale, and when “wallpaper abundance” came, interest in photo wallpapers almost disappeared.

However, the new is the well-forgotten old, and now, after more than a quarter of a century, photo wallpapers have returned. We are back with a new image quality, with a different, never seen before assortment of drawings. And not just returned, but were able to take worthy place among other decorative wall materials.

Why use photo wallpaper in the living room?

Today, when the problem lies in choosing among the literally ocean of offers on the market, and not in searching for scarce finishing materials, you can safely evaluate what the use of photo wallpapers in the living room interior will give.

Tasks solved with the help of photo wallpapers

Very important! Don't be surprised if you stick beautiful photo wallpapers and they don't create the effect you were hoping for. Recommendations from professional designers(and you most likely do not belong to them) are based on an analysis of the interior of the room, which is done in specialized programs. These programs take into account a lot of nuances, including the organization of lighting in the living room, installation location and type of used lighting fixtures. The natural light in the living room is also taken into account. For example, in a well-lit room facing south, for visual expansion spaces are quite appropriate wallpaper of cold shades. On the contrary, in a room oriented to the north, the lack of light and “warmth” is compensated by warm-colored wallpapers.

With the right photo wallpaper, you can:

  • Zoning the living room. With their help, a zone in the room is highlighted and emphasis is placed on its function. In the dining area, wallpaper “with a view” of the river or the sea from the balcony would be appropriate, the recreation area goes well with nature views (although this depends on the tastes of the owners), and a small wall with souvenirs brought from travels will “make friends” with ethnic-style photo wallpapers.

  • Visually increase the volume of the living room. What is perspective, everyone knows - this is an image that goes into the distance. However, without correct organized lighting Your prospects will most likely fail. Lighting will help beautiful picture to show that the path runs around the corner, the Champs Elysees lead you straight to the Arc de Triomphe, and the gondolier takes away the beautiful stranger from the Bridge of Sighs. And your living room will end behind the field, the edge of which is not visible. Or behind the Arc de Triomphe, which is even more than a kilometer away. Instead of a wall, you will get a perspective that will seem endless.

  • Repeat the colors used in the interior. Harmony is achieved by color repetition; a beautiful object in the interior cannot look harmonious without color support. It will remain a bright independent spot, and not part of a harmonious interior.

  • Create contrasts and play on them. A bright detail of the interior against the background of black and white or sepia wallpaper will look very interesting. Designers use this technique when decorating a living room with a modern interior or in a glamorous style.

  • Create an illusion in the interior with the help of fake wallpaper. The illusion that you are a book lover and the owner of a library that is quite a bit inferior to the Alexandria library will help bookshelves or cabinets. Or that you "attached" a small ballroom to your living room. Or they invited familiar animals to the party, only the rhino miscalculated a little. But he is forgiven, he is clumsy by nature. Reception with open window or the door has already become a classic.

  • Select part of the wall. This technique echoes the previous one, and makes it possible to arrange false windows and false doors.

Thematic classification of photo wallpaper

There are so many varieties of photo wallpaper that it’s even hard to imagine at once. Somewhat conditionally, they can be grouped by topic into the following groups:

  • Landscapes, nature motifs, landscapes, macro photography of flowers, plants, birds, animals, insects. Matched in the appropriate color scheme, will harmoniously look in the living room, decorated in any style. Optimally match the country style and eco-style of the living room. Bring freshness to the interior fresh air help to expand the space of the room.

  • Wallpaper with flowers. This is a subgroup in the nature theme, but manufacturers offer such a variety of them that they deserve a special mention. Not suitable for all interior styles - they are unlikely to find a place in a living room decorated in Hi-Tech or urban style.

  • A separate group should include photo wallpapers depicting the sea, islands, pebble coast, fishing boats, luxury yachts, cruise ships, inhabitants of the deep sea. Perfect for Mediterranean or nautical style interiors.

  • Mountain landscapes. Formally, they refer to wallpaper with natural motifs, but the mountains are the same eternal theme as the sea. You can look at the mountains all the time, and these views will not get bored. True, for this you need to be a "fan" of the mountains. “Only mountains can be better than mountains!”

  • urban views. For those who cannot imagine life outside the metropolis and cannot part with its views even in their favorite living room. Styles Hi-Tech, urban, modern, loft. Suitable for such wallpapers modern furniture glass or minimalist, unplastered brick, metal, stone. Be sure to maintain the style of lighting fixtures in the living room and all accessories.

  • Wallpaper in the style of glamor and pop art - for those who like to follow the life of the "stars" of pop, cinema, sports, and for whom it is not enough just to flip through glamorous magazines. "Star" is your guest, and has come for a long time. Until next renovation.

  • Wallpaper with abstract drawings. Much will be said about inner world owners. Not everyone perceives abstract painting, so in order to stick photo wallpapers with an abstract pattern in the living room, you need to be on the appropriate “wave”.

  • Wallpaper depicting Various types wall textures.

  • Art reproductions, frescoes, Tuscan-style wall paintings - a wonderful choice for a living room in classical style. Refined and luxurious. Such photo wallpapers will require proper "accompaniment" and a large living room with high ceilings.

Where is the best place to place?

Important! Photo wallpapers are glued in such a way that they are in the living room in the visibility zone of the people there. This is usually a wall near the placement. upholstered furniture or dining table. In the first case, you will create for yourself and your family members a relaxing atmosphere of relaxation with beautiful views, in the second - the feeling of a picnic in nature, lunch in a seaside restaurant on the shore warm sea, a romantic retreat with your loved one on a paradise tropical island.

Furniture should be arranged in such a way as to minimally obscure the image. And it is important that the pieces of furniture, like the entire interior of the living room, are in harmony with the photo wallpaper you have chosen.

Color combination rules

Harmony in the interior can only be achieved by the "balance" of the colors used: to multi-color photo wallpapers that will dominate in color palette living room, you should choose a calm neutral background. So to the image of a waterfall framed by bright green vegetation, you can choose very light or white upholstered furniture with a coffee table made of natural wood And light walls. The blue sea will be in harmony with the furniture of light sand color.

However, before implementing your plans in life, you should consult with experts and first see the compatibility of the selected shades and interior style. Many beautiful bright details in the interior, not connected by one idea, will create only color chaos in the living room.

City apartments, especially old ones, often have small rooms. If you do not take care when decorating the interior, the problem of visual expansion of space, then the walls, for sure, will press. So what can be done? You can choose compact furniture in soothing colors and cleverly arrange it so that there is room for movement in the room.

There are some "tricky" design techniques to help solve the problem small space in the apartment.

The interior is better decorated in light colors. Basic wallpaper for a small room on must bear large drawing, but it is better if they are monophonic. And if one wall in a small room or its fragment is decorated with photo wallpaper, then the space of the room will take on a different shape. Tastefully selected wallpaper in hand good designer will make the room cozy and modern, regardless of its size.

A few tips for choosing a photo panel in a small room:

  • Texture. Create the impression of a three-dimensional image thick embossed wallpaper. On textured surface light reflections will play in a new way, making the image more realistic. If the photo wallpaper will shine a little, this effect will reflect the light and increase the space visually.
  • Color. The photo wallpaper palette for a small room in an apartment should be carefully considered. If choose dark tones, they will darken the room, which means they will make it even smaller. Too light a picture will look faded. Stylish interior will benefit from the presence in it of warm tones of sand, beige colors. A soft green or yellow. Be sure to consider the lighting of the room. If there is not enough light, then it is better to choose wallpaper in warm colors, but if the room is bright, cold shades will do.

You can make multi-colored walls, but at the same time you need to combine related tones, and decorate only one wall with photo wallpaper.

  • Selecting a drawing. To "push" the walls, light colors were always used. plain wallpaper or with a small discreet pattern. But if you want to decorate the interior bright panel, creating good mood, think over the theme of the image on the wall. If you are an urbanist, then you can pick up a photo panel with a city landscape. An intersection with a perspective image of the avenue stretching into the distance will push the walls of a small room apart. Or choose a bird's-eye view of city blocks.

It is good to relax in the bedroom, where a morning forest or a waterfall sparkling in the sun will flaunt on the wall. A landscape with a perspective receding into the distance is the most popular photo subject on the walls. The interior with a marine theme is popular for decorating a boy's room.

  • Plot. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, its style, color content (colors of upholstered furniture, window textile). If carpet covering, basic wallpaper for a small room, interior details have more than one color, the image should be in soothing shades. This is especially true for the interior of a nursery or bedroom, where the decor and colors should not excite and irritate the nervous system.

The plots of the panels should contain landscapes with a perspective - a field, a sea distance, wide road, receding into the distance. IN modern design often use 3D - images that create the effect of presence. The choice of such wallpaper requires a balanced approach.

If one wall is a mountain cave or a dark thicket, the design of the entire room can simply drown in such an image. And you will achieve the opposite effect. Space, on the contrary, will shrink.

The plot and color of the panel must be selected in accordance with the purpose of the room. For a child, it is better to choose a picture from a cartoon, for a teenager - sports or motocross. Combine, close in a single line the space of the room can be murals on the wall with a door. The interior will have original look. It should be noted that frequent functional use of the door can damage the wallpaper material. Therefore, if you decide on this option, the picture must be laminated or varnished.

Ceiling murals are an interesting spatial solution. The top of the room can be made in the form of a starry or cloudy sky. This will add air and freshness to the room. Such a sky above your head looks very romantic. Whatever their texture, ceiling murals are best glued with the help of a master. They are quite heavy, and hoisting them on the ceiling without skill is quite problematic.

In specialized stores you can find murals with themes for every taste.

On one wall, you can glue wallpaper with a large geometric pattern. Visually, such a wall moves away from the viewer. Horizontal and diagonal stripes, checks, wavy lines and other geometric images will not only “deceive” spatial perception, but also make the interior stylish.

The patterns on the walls give an exotic spirit to the design of the apartment, especially if they are old ethnic motifs. Remember that the perception of the height of the ceiling depends on their location (horizontal or vertical). If it is low, it is better to arrange the patterns vertically. Only patterns and ornaments should not be many in a small room, and their color should not be flashy bright. General rules color decisions must be observed in any pattern of photo wallpaper. Large flowers, fragments of vegetation, a fantasy complex color are also suitable options.

What wallpaper will not decorate the interior of a small room:

  • panel with a large bright pattern or ornament;
  • wallpaper with a smooth texture;
  • matte pale colors;
  • if all the walls are covered with photo wallpapers.

A few tips on how to stick photo wallpaper:

  • The wall must be carefully cleaned of old lime or wallpaper, rinsed, removing glue residue. Repair irregularities, cracks on the wall with putty. The picture will fit well on a perfectly flat surface.
  • Photo panels, most often, have a textured thick base. Need to buy a special vinyl adhesive. So that the result does not disappoint you, prime the wall with a special mixture. It will ensure good adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall surface.
  • You can not start gluing with a draft.
  • Mark carefully. To a millimeter, measure the wallpaper laid out face down on the floor. Transfer the measurements to the wall. Start from a window or corner. Then it is guaranteed that the picture will not “move out”.
  • If you have never glued wallpaper, do not choose self-adhesive ones. The process of putting them on is not as easy as it seems. You can just spoil the material.

Wall murals are glued for more than one year. They are quite expensive. And it happens that a photopanel is going through more than one repair. It is carefully surrounded by new wallpapers, matching their color to the existing picture. Wall murals in the interior of a small room attract attention. Therefore, the interior of the room should not be overloaded with details and pieces of furniture. They all require space, every inch of which is valuable in a small room.

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At the mention of photo wallpaper, many people recall faded and dull wall coverings from the last century. At that time, almost everyone tried to use photo wallpapers in the interior of an apartment, people were attracted by the desire to somehow diversify a boring interior. Their nondescript drawings, made on thin paper, quickly lost their attractiveness and evoked melancholy. The murals of the Soviet era also could not boast of a variety of subjects, the choice was limited. The quality of dyes and manufacturing technology were at a low level, which contributed to the rapid exit from fashion of such decor.

Photowall-paper with the image of flowers

But times have changed, printing technologies have developed, cheap and low-quality inks have been replaced by stable and bright dyes. The use of computer technology in the manufacture of the material made it possible to apply a variety of patterns of varying complexity. At the moment, photo wallpapers are regaining their former popularity and love of consumers. After all, they look equally good both in large rooms and in small ones. Designers often decorate the walls of the bedroom or nursery with them.

Photo wallpaper with a picture of a flower

Photowall-paper with the image of the forest

The living room is rightfully the most main room in any home. Every housewife dreams of perfect design this premises. After all, households spend most of their time in the living room, here they often receive guests and spend their leisure time. Is it possible to use photo wallpaper for living room design? And what is the effect of their use? This wall covering affects the interior in different ways, depending on color solutions and style, you can give the room any mood. The main thing is that the wallpaper in the interior of the living room should be combined with furniture and match the style of the whole room. Do not choose microscopic images, they render Negative influence on the human psyche.

Photo wallpaper with the image of the sea

Photo wallpaper with various patterns

In the design of a living room with photo wallpapers, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and think over the details. After analyzing the lighting of the room and, having understood the style, you should select the picture of the photo wallpaper.

Choosing the right wall covering can solve the following problems.

  1. Visually expand the volume of the room. If the windows of the room face south, then the murals, in which cold shades predominate, can achieve a visual expansion of the room. Such an effect can also be obtained from a picture with a perspective, an image of an endless field or a path that goes into the distance will make the room more voluminous.
  2. Select a specific part of the wall. This can be done using photo wallpapers depicting windows or doors, emphasizing them with appropriate decor, you can get an imitation of an additional window or doorway.
  3. Make the interior of the living room more harmonious. Often several colors and shades are used in the decor, but it is not always possible to achieve harmony in their use. So, here is a wallpaper and will be able to help in this problem. Choosing the right pattern and matching colors you can "assemble" the room into one integral space.
  4. Divide space into zones. Wall murals highlight certain areas in the living room. For example, an image of nature or a drawing of a city landscape will decorate dining area, and the wall covering in ethnic style will complement the storage of souvenirs brought from travels.

Photowall-paper with the image of a lilac

Photowall-paper with the image of flowers

Thematic classification of wallpapers

Among the variety and varieties of photo wallpapers, the most popular groups and types can be distinguished.

Flowers wallpaper

One of the most popular types, suitable for decorating any premises, whether it be a living room, a children's bedroom or kitchen walls. Among the various images, you can find a print that fits any style. Photo wallpaper in pastel colors with flowers will please romantic natures, and bright tropical pictures will add colors to the living room. Interior in Japanese style favorably emphasize the print with sakura.

Photo wallpaper with the image of the bridge

Paintings with nature

The choice in favor of such photo wallpapers is made quite often, because people who live in the "stone jungle" very often lack communication with nature and want to have a particle of it in their home. Such photo wallpapers are able to change the parameters of the room, making it deeper and more voluminous. A huge selection variety of prints is amazing.


Perfectly fit into a modern interior. Suitable for decorating a teenager's room. They will add some dynamics to the living room, and the image of the city at night will make any room stylish, with fashion design. Interior masters often use such wallpapers in their work.

Children's theme

Having picked up a picture with drawn cartoon characters or cute little animals, you can decorate and diversify the children's room. Wallpaper will not only make the room more comfortable, but also help the child develop creativity and imagination.

Photowall-paper with the image of flowers

Marine theme

If the room is furnished in mediterranean style or in the style of Provence, murals with a marine theme will perfectly fit into the interior of the room. The choice of print with seashore, pebbles and waves, and passing ships or yachts is perfect for the living room. Such wallpapers will add freshness and comfort.

Plots in ethnic style

Prefer to use such images in their interior people who want to emphasize their individuality. Very often, a certain country or geographical area is depicted in the photo with the presence of national color.

Photo of cars or planes

If the situation in the living room is minimalist, then lovers of various techniques will be able to use such photo wallpapers in their interior.

Wall mural depicting a big city

Wall mural depicting trees

animal pictures

These wallpapers are quite difficult to choose correctly, they may not "fit" into the environment. Only if the room is decorated in safari style will they be appropriate.

Wall murals imitating wall painting

Quite a popular look, thanks to its texture, it will decorate the living room or bedroom in a classic style.


Not suitable for everyone, designed mainly for lovers of this style.

Photowall-paper with the image of the lake

Animal murals

Application in the interior

For correct design rooms must not only be selected desired view photo wallpapers, but make sure that they are combined with existing furniture and do not stand out from the general ensemble. Where is the best place to place such a wall covering? Experts advise decorating them with recreation areas in the living room, decorating the walls in this way behind the sofa or at the coffee table.

Relaxing, after a hard day's work, it will be nice to look at the drawing of nature. If the zone with a TV is decorated with photo wallpaper, then it is worth considering that the image should be neutral, in calm shades, so as not to distract from viewing. A bright picture will interfere with concentration and it will have a bad effect on vision. Plots from beautiful scenery decorate the walls in the dining area. If furniture and decor items bright colors, then it is best to choose wallpaper in black and white. It is advisable to arrange the furniture in the room so that it does not obscure the image on the wall.

Photowall-paper with the image of mountains

Wall mural depicting the city

Combination of colors

In the decor of the room, harmony and balance are most important. It should be noted that, due to its multicolor and brightness, photo wallpapers will dominate the interior of the living room. To balance the color balance, it is necessary to select a neutral and plain background. For pasting the rest of the walls in the room, do not use wallpaper with prints and patterns.

The color of the furniture is also important. With plots dominated by greenery, they will look great wooden tables and white soft corner. If pictured marine theme, then furniture in sandy shades would be appropriate. It is best to consult with design masters and discuss the future interior with them, the consultation will help to avoid mistakes and an overabundance of color spots.

Photo wallpaper with the image of leaves

Wall mural with the image of the morning forest

Types of photo wallpapers

paper wallpaper

Have paper base are popular due to their affordable price.

Wall mural printed on canvas

The most expensive in terms of price. For their basis, natural linen, silk and viscose are used. Very laborious in gluing, it’s quite difficult to cope on your own, you need the help of specialists.

Laminated photo wallpaper

They have a number of advantages, they are easy to clean, do not fade, and are durable.

Wall mural depicting France

Photowall-paper with the image of the lake

Vinyl based

These wall murals are easy to care for, and they are quite durable. They have an average price category.

The use of photographic pictures for decor: pros and cons

Exist different opinions about the use of such wallpaper in the interior. Some consider them a relic of the past and treat them negatively. For others, wallpaper will be a stylish addition to the decor. And yet, photo wallpapers have more pluses than minuses. Disadvantages often appear as a result of ill-conceived decisions, errors and shortcomings in operation.

An incorrectly chosen drawing for the main style of the room can spoil the impression. It is worth choosing a plot strictly in a given style, if the room classic interior, then a picture in an abstract style will be clearly out of place. Similarly, in a modern high-tech interior, Provence-style views will look silly.

Photo wallpaper with the image of nature

Photowall-paper with the image of the forest

When making a choice, you should pay special attention to the quality of the drawing on the canvas. The colors of the image should not be faded and smeared. It is also necessary to check the coincidence of the pattern in the sheets of photo wallpaper, the image must converge at the junctions.

For a better perception, do not hang additional decor in the form of paintings or photographs on the walls with a photo print. Such a wall covering does not need additional decoration.

Those colors that are available in the photo wallpaper must be present in the interior of the room. Only then will everything be harmoniously combined with each other.

If the room is quite bright and there are big windows, then the wallpaper should be chosen in colder colors, play in contrast. And here, in dark room a light image and photo wallpaper will look better in warm colors, they visually expand and increase the room.

Wall mural depicting wheat

It is also worth noting that the choice of plots and drawings is simply huge, in addition, you can make an image according to custom order and print your photo from the trip or your own picture on the wallpaper.

It can be concluded that such a decorative element as photo wallpaper not only looks beautiful in the interior of a room of any style, but is also a rather practical wall covering that does not require special care.

Video: Wallpaper. Sticking photo wallpaper on the wall

50 photo examples of photo wallpaper in the interior:

Agree that the design of the walls largely depends on how comfortable a person will feel at home. Not by chance modern market offers a wide selection of finishing materials - wallpaper. In this issue, we will talk about the “well-forgotten old” - photo wallpapers. Today, this material provides great opportunities for transforming space.

One of the main advantages of photo wallpapers is the ability to increase the area. A correctly chosen plot will visually “push apart” or completely “remove” the walls, “raise” the ceilings, and give the room freshness and dynamics.

With the help of photo wallpaper, you can “cut through” a window in a blank wall and make the room more comfortable and open. Properly used lighting will enhance the effect.

With the perspective of space bright photos, with finely detailed graphics are more suitable for a small room.

In a spacious room, large plots and images, fragments of the image will look good.

It will turn out interesting if you beat the photo wallpaper with other interior elements that correspond to the depicted plot - furniture, lamps, stone or brick laid out on the wall.

Wallpaper can be glued not only on the wall. Use them to decorate the ceiling or doors.

Are you dissatisfied with your home? Perhaps you would like to dine in a medieval castle, sleep on sea ​​beach or find yourself, along with fish and dolphins, in a beautiful underwater kingdom? Photo wallpaper will help you partially realize your dream: stick it on and enjoy!

Each person had important, happy moments in his life, to which you mentally return every now and then, drawing strength and inspiration from memories. Modern technologies allow you to make photo wallpapers with any images. Optionally, you can order finishing material with your favorite photos, such as family snapshots or illustrations of your travels. And be sure that you will not find walls like yours anywhere else!

You can print images not only on a special film, but also on almost any material, such as ceramic tiles.

Wall murals will become a highlight not only of the bedroom or living room, they will create a “room” in the room, appetizingly decorate the kitchen and any other room.

By the way, the image can be pasted or printed on kitchen furniture.

Bright, dynamic or, on the contrary, calm stories in the nursery will cheer up or help the kids fall asleep peacefully.

Surprise guests, make the room unusual, fill the space with new content - all this can be done with this.

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