How to eliminate clogged pipes at home: the best tools and methods for cleaning. Ways to clean and prevent sewer blockages To combat clogged sewer pipes

A clogged sewer pipe is a blockage of particles of grease, dirt, foreign objects (large or small), which prevents free drainage. It is possible to perform sewer cleaning yourself in many cases, but for this you need to know how and what tools are best to use. Action should be in direct proportion to the cause and location of the sewer blockage.

The classification of sewer blockages according to the type of their occurrence helps to determine the method of cleaning.

Obstruction of the drainage system rarely occurs suddenly. More often, this is a gradual overgrowth of communications with fat and small debris, which decomposes, releasing a specific smell. A sign of blockage is difficult draining, when water leaves with difficulty. An unpleasant smell is also an unfavorable symptom of clogging.

All blockages can be divided into the following types:

  • Operational in a pipe. The most common type of drain blockage caused by suspended debris (food leftovers, hair, household dust, sand) and grease, which inevitably end up in wastewater.
  • Operating in a siphon. It is formed when small debris clogs the siphon of the bathroom or sink.
  • Mechanical. It is formed suddenly, when a large object enters the drain pipe, or grows gradually, for example, when toilet paper is flushed into the toilet.
  • Man-made. Here there is an error in the design or installation of the drain system. A sign that clogged pipes are due to their incorrect location are constantly appearing plugs.

How to determine the location of the blockage

All blockages can be divided according to the place of their formation:

  • to the central ones - arising in a common riser;
  • to local - arising in a separate apartment.

If a blockage has formed in the pipes that are located between the plumbing fixtures and the central sewer riser, then such a blockage, as a rule, can be eliminated quite quickly on your own, without resorting to the help of plumbers.

If the central drain is clogged, then you can’t cope on your own, and you need to call the housing office.

Signs of clogging central pipe: the water in the apartment will not leave any plumbing fixture. The worst option is when the drain waters do not just stand, but begin to rise in the sink, bath or toilet. This is especially true for apartments located on the first floors of apartment buildings.

Note! If the water does not go away in a single sink (bathroom, toilet bowl), and other plumbing fixtures are working normally, then the blockage has a local character, and it is usually easy to fix it yourself.

Cleaning methods

All pipe cleaning methods can be divided into mechanical and chemical.

Analysis is a necessary thing in our time, it is an indispensable part of the life of every family and every person. Sewerage is used so intensively and often without observing the elementary rules of operation that in many cases, sooner or later, it fails. Such stories happen, first of all, with sewer pipes, and most often it is a blockage of pipes. It is best when this issue is resolved by a qualified specialist, but if such a solution is not suitable for some reason, then you can clean the pipes yourself.

Blockage removal

To fix this problem, you need to clean the blockage directly and completely flush the sewer. For this, technological and chemical means are used. Thus, repairs are carried out much faster, and in compliance with all hygiene standards. This problem is quite easy to prevent, it is only necessary to occasionally prevent blockages. This is called scheduled pipe cleaning. It is much more convenient and safer than solving an already existing blockage problem.

Also, by cleaning for preventive purposes, you can not only avoid problems with mechanical problems, but also eliminate bad odor from sewer pipes. Many enterprises or individuals offer their services in the field of sewer installation and cleaning of structures, washing channels, pipes, they can remove mud and grease deposits. This is much better than climbing an inexperienced person into the sewer yourself.

Sewerage clogged often and quite unexpectedly

Sewerage clogs often and quite unexpectedly. sewer cleaning may take a different period of time, since the blockage can also be different, mostly they are minor or deep. Very often, the problem of blockage can be solved by surface cleaning of the sump or pipe. This can be done with your own hands, if you have experience in such matters, repeatedly encountering them in everyday life. For an experienced specialist, this problem is insignificant, he is able to deal with it quickly and efficiently.

    Sometimes, in order to clear the pipes of clogging, you need to partially disassemble them, which can cause some difficulties. This is a dirty and unpleasant job, but this problem needs to be solved in shortest time, since blockages cause not only problems in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdraining water, but also because of this, pipes are further destroyed, colonies of bacteria multiply, and unpleasant odors in the house and insects in the house.

    You can also clean sewer channels with a simple thermally- Spill the sewer with boiling water. It is effective against deposits of fresh fat - this type of contamination can simply dissolve by coming into contact with high temperature. If your sewer consists of cast iron pipes, you need to use at least 10 liters of boiling water, because cast iron pipes absorb heat while cooling the water.

    It is possible to clean pipes chemically only if a small amount of debris is deposited, since in other cases it is ineffective and even harmful. It is best to use this method in order to prevent the formation of blockage. Most often, these funds are special powders and liquids, when the case is particularly difficult, hydrochloric acid is used. But you should not use acid if you have old cast iron pipes - it can corrode the pipe walls, and then you will get a new, much more unpleasant problem.

    The most effective is the mechanical method of cleaning the sewer pipe, since it is quite possible to do this. with my own hands. To do this, you need a plunger or a flexible cable. A manual or mechanical plunger creates a vacuum in the system, thus, it can “stir up” deposits of debris, and they will calmly pass without creating congestion. If the plunger did not solve the problem, you can try the option with a flexible cable. Only a few people are needed to push the cable into the pipe and thus, rotating the cable in different sides, break the congestion. In order not to cut your hands with a cable, you need to put gloves on them, or make handles at the ends of the cables. These are the simplest options that you can apply yourself.

The plumber is aware of the arrangement of sewer systems

Do not forget that the plumber is best aware of the arrangement of sewer systems. He can solve a blockage of any complexity, since this problem happens very often. A professional plumber will fix the problem qualitatively and guarantee you no further leaks or pipe breaks. Self-cleaning the pipe can cause a number of problems, since a common person, who does not understand these matters, will not be able to determine whether some rubber gaskets and seals, as well as evaluate corrosion and deterioration of pipes, thus, can bring the situation to a critical limit.

Blockage problems

Small blockages can provoke further global problems with sewerage. The first sign of a blockage may be problems with the flow of water from the toilet or sink. Therefore, if the pipe is cleared of blockage in a timely manner, you can not worry about a further major blockage in the sewer, as well as flooding a house or other premises. Thus, cleaning sewer pipes from small blockages is a household necessity, along with general cleaning or repair.

Descriptions of problems associated with clogged sewers are often found in the list of works of public utilities and plumbers. Statistics cite facts in which half of the cases of flooded basements happen precisely because of clogged sewers.
A blockage in the sewer system is not just a small nuisance, but most often it is the cause of an emergency not only small area pipeline, but also the entire system. This can be the main reason for the failure of the sewer system of an individual house or even disrupt the piping system of the entire area.
In order to avoid problems with the sewer network, it needs care and timely maintenance in the form of cleaning manipulations to prevent possible blockages. The frequency of such actions depends on the condition of a particular sewerage system and can occur once a year, or 2-3 times, depending on specific conditions.
The sewer can become clogged due to the following factors:
The presence of a fatty deposited layer;
Mechanical type congestion due to improper use of the system;
Sufficiently large parts of plants;
Long service life of equipment and a high percentage of wear;
External factors, most often natural changes.
A blockage does not always form due to the presence of an obstacle in the pipe, often they linger on the inner surface of the pipes different particles food and chemicals that can destroy the structure of the pipe. Under the places where the particles linger and accumulate in large quantities, corrosion begins to form as a detrimental development of events. These collapsed areas can penetrate root system trees, soil, other acidic waste systems, and all this also becomes a very serious cause of sewer blockage in some cases.
For a pipe with places of a corrosion process, emergency cleaning does not help much. In this case, you need repair work replacement, restoration or repair of pipes, such actions will hit the pocket hard compared to preventive work on the inside of the pipe that was not carried out on time.

Dealing with sewer blockages
To determine whether repairs are needed, or whether replacement actions need to be taken, surveys are carried out with video diagnostics. At present, enough private companies and firms have opened that can eliminate all problems with clogged sewers, they carry out work promptly and guarantee the quality of their actions and the long life of the pipeline without congestion.
Signs that the sewer is clogged:
If water flows do not pass on one area of ​​the pipe;
Water has accumulated in the basement;
The water level in the sewer well increased sharply;
Water streams overflow the toilet bowl.
In the case where there is a suspicion that the sewer is clogged, but the outflow of water flows is slow, it is necessary to carry out without delay preventive measures to clean up debris. When the allowed function is restored to its previous value, it will be possible to be sure that sewer system will work perfectly. However, even when correct use sewerage, blockages and other similar troubles cannot always be avoided, because their presence is affected by for a long time systems operation.
Due to the long use of the pipeline, the inner walls of the pipes are overgrown with deposits and this reduces the internal section of the pipe for the flow of water, so the throughput of the pipe is sharply reduced. Without emergency cleaning of pipes in this state, it becomes possible to clog it even if a small foreign body enters the system.
The Jack of All Trades service can, using the video diagnostic method, determine what type of blockage has formed in the pipe and, based on this, decide on the best method to clean the sewer.
Ways to deal with congestion:
Hydrodynamic type of cleaning - used in sewers of external and internal locations, having a diameter of 100 mm to 200 mm. They can remove various heavy deposits with great efficiency.
Mechanical type - pipes with a diameter of up to 150 mm are needed.
Manual type - pipes from 50 mm are needed.
The chemical type is the most optimal, effective method for cleaning in apartment buildings, cleans the system well in the presence of fat plugs, but cannot clean it if there are fabrics or construction debris in the pipes.
The first method for plastic pipes inside the house is not often used, because fragile plastic can be damaged there. This method is also not used for old and dilapidated pipes.

Everyone in the apartment may experience such a nuisance as a blockage in the pipes. To combat it, you can use a variety of means: a proven plunger, plumbing cable, soda ash or chemicals with acids and alkalis. For those who do not tolerate various kinds of chemistry, you need to adopt drugs with bacteria, then you can not be afraid of the occurrence of allergic reactions.

But the most important thing is prevention, which must be carried out in time, and maintaining cleanliness.

How to choose the perfect remedy for clogged pipes? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Why does blockage occur, how to avoid this problem?

The problem of clogged pipes is familiar to every homeowner. Why does it occur, and some constantly:

Before you start cleaning the pipes, the most common questions arise: “How to quickly and effectively clear the blockage?”, “What is the best tool?”, “Will the drug damage the pipes?”, “Which is better to buy: gel or solution?". Consider the basic tools that will help you quickly solve the problem with blockage.

In total, there are 4 main types of funds:

What are they made of?

The composition of any means always includes alkalis and acids. Alkali perfectly dissolves any fats and the accumulation of small debris. Such products are ideal for the sink, which is located in the kitchen.

The acid composition is used in order to remove soap deposits and lime deposits. This product is ideal for the bathroom.

One of the most frequently asked questions is: "Is this acidic or alkaline product bad for the pipe?". As a rule, such drugs are created by chemists who have studied in detail any effect of drugs on pipes made from the most various materials. Therefore, before proceeding with the cleansing, you need to read the instructions. In it you can find the answer to the question posed: "Is it possible to use this tool For pvc pipes or metal?"

You can not increase the time of the drug to blockage, otherwise you will have to start an unscheduled replacement of pipes.

Be sure to read the instructions! This is necessary for correct and safe work with chemicals!

Rating of the best remedies for blockages

The most famous and publicly available tool. Its effectiveness has been proven for a long time. This substance is currently being produced in various types: gel, granules and liquid. This alkali-based preparation removes grease and debris well.

Terms of use:

  1. Bring at least 3 liters of water to a boil and pour this amount into the clogged pipe.
  2. Mix the liquid well and pour 250 ml into the opening of the pipe.
  3. Don't touch anything for 3 hours.
  4. Rinse off with water by turning the tap.

In some cases, the water continues to leave with difficulty. Take a plunger and push the already soft residue of dirt out.

Its content: sodium hypochlorite, chlorine-containing bleach 5 - 15% and non-ionic surfactants.


  1. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil and pour into the drain.
  2. Fill half of a special glass with Tiret.
  3. Pour into drainer. Depending on how strong the cork is formed, the action time is up to 35 minutes.
  4. Rinse again with boiling water.

The disadvantages of Tiret are a pungent odor, high fluid consumption and not always a positive result.

Excellent product, perfect for plastic pipes. The advantage is convenient packaging. At one time, one sachet weighing 60 grams is required. Homeowners consider the main advantages of the tool: convenience, good effect And inexpensive price. If you purchased a red sachet, its contents are dissolved in hot water. Cool water is also perfect for green packaging.

In its composition: caustic soda, sodium nitrate, dyes and fragrance.


  1. Open the bag and pour into the drain hole.
  2. Pour in 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Wait 15 minutes and wash off the remaining dirt and grains of the substance with boiling water.

Forbidden for use in toilet bowls. When working with "Floop" it is necessary to observe safety measures. The product may splash upwards and get into the eyes. Another disadvantage is a strong unpleasant odor.

It only takes 3 minutes for this product to effectively clear the toughest clogs. You have to be very careful while working with it. As soon as the agent enters chemical reaction, it is ejected to the surface. Do not lean over the sink, as the smell of the substance can be harmful to health. Do not go beyond the dosage and recommended time.

It contains only 2 components: sodium hydroxide and surfactant.

Operating instructions:

  1. Remove accumulated liquid from the sink with a douche or a regular rag. 5 cm - allowable distance from the grid to the water level.
  2. Pour 100 g of the substance into the drain.
  3. Leave everything alone for 3 minutes.
  4. Pour in 250 ml of hot water there.

Disadvantage: very caustic. Be careful not to get the product on adjacent surfaces, especially corrugation and enamel.

A very popular tool among housewives. It ideally eliminates any blockages in the sewer coming from the kitchen or bath. This mild solution will not harm expensive plumbing and plastic and metal pipes. It does not have a pungent smell, but the result is long in coming.

In its composition: sodium hydroxide and filler.


  1. Remove all water around the drain.
  2. Empty the contents of the sachet down the drain or sink.
  3. Wait half an hour. After that, pour a glass of hot water into the pipe, then turn on the tap and rinse the drain well. If the cork is large, the contents are left for 12 hours.
  4. If there is no effect, the cleaning must be repeated.

The downside is too high price Mr Muscle.

For those who do not want to use chemistry, you can offer products that contain live bacteria. These drugs do not harm, are not poisonous and do not affect human health at all. Ideal for those who suffer from asthma or allergic diseases.

The most famous trade marks that produce such drugs: Probiotica in Progress (PiP), Binatec, Chrisal, HD Unblocking, etc.

How probiotics work

Bacteria, penetrating into the pipes, begin to absorb fat deposits, accumulated food residues, and small debris. At the same time, all harmful microorganisms are destroyed, and the terrible smell disappears.

The microflora of probiotics does not increase the number of microbes in the sewer and protects the metal from corrosion.

The main composition of this useful tool:

  • lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • acidobacteria;
  • organic.

It is easy to use this drug. It is enough to shake the can and dilute the composition in accordance with the recommendations prescribed in the instructions. Pour the contents into the opening of the pipe and leave for 12 hours. To achieve a greater effect, you can repeat the procedure after a few days.

If you prefer to clear blockages with proven folk methods, then you should use the following recipes:

1 way

This is an excellent preventive measure. It is advisable to carry out such cleansing once a week. To do this, remove the remaining water from the sink and pour 100 g of soda ash into the hole. We leave for 30 minutes. After that, with the pressure of water, we wash off all the accumulated dirt and the resulting congestion.

Soda ash is an excellent substance for removing mold, cleaning pots and pans from soot, and washing things. If there is no calcined powder on hand, you can use ordinary soda, increasing its amount.

One of better ways to fight limescale and fat deposits. The disadvantage of this method is the release of toxic chlorine. Therefore, when working with this substance, open windows, close the drain hole with a rag and leave the room.

Stages of work:

  1. We pump out excess water.
  2. Pour a mixture of soda ash and ordinary soda into the hole. Each powder should be taken in 50 gr.
  3. After 30 minutes, pour in the same 150 ml of 9% vinegar.
  4. Immediately after this, add 150 ml of chlorine bleach to the pipe.
  5. Leave the room.
  6. Wait 30 minutes, then enter the room and turn on the water faucet. Make sure the blockage has dissolved.

When the pipes are clear, you should ventilate the room well and continue to use the plumbing as before.

In order to completely dissolve lime deposits, you need to apply citric acid. It effectively removes plaque in the bathroom. To start the procedure, you need to pour 50 g of acid into the drain and pour 250 ml of very hot water into it.

Country house owners

In those households where there is no sewerage system, and basic amenities are located on the street, it is recommended to carry out cleaning using septic tanks or local treatment plants. In this case, the processing of fecal matter occurs with the help of special microorganisms.

Chemical preparations should not be used, as this will lead to the destruction of microorganisms that help in the fight against waste. Restoring their vital functions will be problematic and costly.

Therefore, known cleaners based on live bacteria are used to clean cesspools.

Terms of use

  1. Dilute the solution exactly as written in the instructions.
  2. Pour into cesspool or pipe.
  3. Try not to use this toilet or sewer for a day. All this time, the bacteria will break down fats and dissolve all the accumulated debris.
  4. If the pipe you unclogged is also clogged, use a plunger.

This is the easiest and most environmentally sound way to remove blockages in any type of sewer. It is based on bacteria that actively destroy all blockages. But you need to know that microorganisms begin to act only at a temperature higher.

So, in order to quickly and successfully clean the sewers, you can apply mechanical methods(cable or plunger) or pour chemicals that contain acids and alkalis. Or you can use verified folk recipes. Solutions that contain live microorganisms are perfect for septic tanks.

Self-clearing blockages in pipes at home is not as difficult a task as it seems at first glance. To do this, you can try to use both folk methods and specialized chemicals.

The most effective ways to get rid of blockages will be discussed in our material.

A clogged pipe is a fairly common problem that you should not panic and look for the plumber's phone number when faced with. Very often you can handle it on your own, saving time and money.

Before cleaning pipes, it is important to understand exactly where the plug has formed. This directly affects the choice of method for solving the problem.

To determine the approximate location of the blockage, open the water and see how it will "leave":

  • Water drains very slowly- most likely, the cork is at a distance of more than a meter from the drain. With such a problem, the most optimal way will use a special metal cable.
  • Water drops to a certain level, and then everything remains unchanged - the blockage is in the area from the siphon to the first turn. In this case, it will be enough to use either folk methods or chemical means.
  • Fluid doesn't come out at all.- in 90% of cases, the siphon is clogged with fatty deposits. The best option to cope with pollution will be manual cleaning of the pipeline.

These are the most common ways to identify the place where the problem has formed.

Once you have figured out exactly where the blockage formed, you can begin to eliminate it.

Popular folk ways

Method number 6 - salt and soda

To dissolve the fatty plug, use soda and salt. Take 300 g of each component, mix and dissolve in hot water - you need to get a highly concentrated solution. It is important to achieve complete dissolution of the components.

Pour the mixture down the drain and wait 15 minutes and briefly turn on the water. If the first time you can not cope with the problem, carry out the procedure again. Only this time, in ready composition additionally add 15-20 ml of vinegar.

Method number 7 - Alka-Seltzer tablets

Instead of soda and salt, you can use Alka-Seltzer effervescent tablets. They have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

To remove the cork, you will need to take 2 tablets and place in the drain. Pour the tablets with a glass of vinegar and 50 ml of water. Leave everything for a couple of minutes and then rinse with hot water.

Please note that Alka-Seltzer tablets are sold in regular pharmacies. They are affordable and available without a prescription.

Method number 8 - washing powder

In the fight against light pollution and for the prevention of blockages, housewives use washing powder. Agree, it will definitely be found in every home.

It is important to use granular, rather than liquid, laundry detergent to deal with clogs. Only the first option will help to effectively solve the problem.

It is taken in the amount of 2 scoops and poured into the drain. Next, the hot running water for 5 minutes. After this time, the plug should disappear.

Back to chemicals

If there is no time to experiment with folk remedies, then you can use specialized mixtures that are sold in any supermarket, in the department household chemicals. They are affordable and highly efficient.

Radical solutions to the problem

When a blockage cannot be cleared with folk remedies and chemicals, it is worth trying to deal with it using mechanical methods.

Option number 1 - vacuum cleaner

You can use a vacuum cleaner to deal with blockages. However, the appliance must have a blow function. If you are the owner of such a technique, then first wrap the end of the hose of the device with a loose rag. It is very important to fix it well.

Lean the hose firmly against the drain hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner to the maximum. A powerful stream of air will push out the plug formed in the pipe.

Using a vacuum cleaner is effective when the problem is no more than 1 meter from the drain hole.

Option number 2 - plunger

To pump the drain drain, use a plunger, which can be manual or mechanical. This device is sure to be found in every home. It helps to create strong pressure inside the pipe, due to which the blockage is broken or pumped deeper.

While pumping, move the plunger back and forth without lifting the bowl from the drain. Take a few approaches, and then remove the plunger and evaluate the effectiveness of the work. If the liquid comes off slowly, you will have to repeat everything from the beginning.

Before working with a plunger, it is advisable to lubricate its edges with grease or petroleum jelly. Then a tighter contact with the sink will be ensured.

Option number 3 - plumbing cable

When a plug has formed at pipe bends or far in communications, a plumbing cable is used. With it, you can hook and pull out the blockage or clear it.

The process of cleaning pipes with a cable begins with the dismantling of the siphon. Do not attempt to cable straight through a plumbing drain. Only by removing the siphon will you get free access to the sewer.

After installing the cable into the pipe, start screwing it clockwise, trying to slowly push it forward. Act smoothly and gradually, avoiding sudden movements.

If you encounter resistance, rotate the device until it continues to move. After that, you can put the siphon in place and flush the system.

Not everyone has a plumbing cable, but if you want, you can buy it at any plumbing store.

In addition, you can build this device with your own hands from plastic bottle and improvised materials.

The instruction is as follows:

  1. Tape the bottle from top to bottom with strips of tape so that you get a spiral.
  2. Draw lines along the border of the adhesive tape with a colored marker.
  3. Cut the bottle according to the marks you made.
  4. Be sure to leave the bottom - it will act as a handle.
  5. On the resulting spiral, make small notches.
  6. Insert a homemade cable into the drain and push it through, slowly holding the "handle". Due to the notches, debris will cling to it, thus it will be possible to overcome the cork.

This device is only suitable for plugs that are not too far from the siphon.

For blockages at great depths, a steel wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm is used. One end is crochet.

Option number 4 - disassembly and cleaning of the siphon

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, in 90% of cases, water does not pass beyond the sink due to clogging of the siphon.

The procedure for cleaning it is as follows:

  • Spread an unnecessary rag on the floor that absorbs water well. It should be directly under the siphon.
  • Place a basin under the sink into which the liquid will merge in the future.
  • Unscrew the lock nut that secures the siphon tube.
  • Remove the siphon. Remove all dirt from it (it is convenient to do this with a brush), and then rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • Pour a solution based on soda and vinegar into the pipe connected to the sewer. When the reaction is complete, add another 150 ml of vinegar. Repeat this procedure several times.
  • After 15-20 minutes, pour a few liters of hot water into the pipe and wait 5 minutes.
  • Reinstall the siphon and tighten the lock nut.

As a rule, if you follow the instructions given, you can deal with the blockage the first time.

Blockage prevention

Most common cause sewer blockage - grease. It gradually accumulates on the walls of pipes after washing dishes, especially if you wash them in cold water Or you are using a poor quality detergent.

The best prevention is installation. He is small design with two sections, which is attached to the sink. The principle of its operation is that at first water with particles of dirt and fat enters the first section of the device, where the liquid is cleaned of debris.

In the second section of the structure, water is cleaned of fat and only after that it enters the sewer pipes, which ensures trouble-free operation of the water supply system.

Once a week, use a solution of vinegar and soda as a preventive measure. This simple method will not only save your pipes from blockages, but also prevent unpleasant odors.

Prevention of blockages also involves a number of other measures. Before washing, remove particles of adhering food from the dishes. It is important to avoid getting leftover food down the drain. Sticking to the pipes, they later become the cause of all sewage problems.

Also, do not pour the fat remaining after cooking into the sewer - it must be disposed of separately, otherwise problems with blockages cannot be avoided.

Make it a rule not to throw hair from a comb, paper, various items. Additionally, install a special protective mesh on the drain.

Turn on every 2 weeks hot water full pressure for 1-2 hours. Also, use a plunger regularly.

At least once a month, use one of the specialized products that are sold in the departments of household chemicals. This simple prevention will help to forget about traffic jams in pipes.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Modern ways to deal with blockages in pipes:

The main types of sewer cleaning at home:

Do-it-yourself blockage removal is possible with the help of different ways- it all depends on what exactly caused such a problem, at what distance from the drain is the plug.

In any case, everyone can cope with the blockage on their own. In the future, one should resort to preventive measures to avoid recurrence of this problem.

Perhaps you know others effective ways clearing blockages in pipes? Please tell our readers about them. Leave your comments in the box below.

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