Male interiors of apartments. Room design for a young man: functional interior

The wallpaper for the boy's bedroom is chosen in such a way that its occupant is comfortable, cozy and at the same time stylish and modern in the room. Decide on the choice of color for the room, understanding how to various shades and their combinations affect the psychological state of people.

The right finish will help make the room bigger, lighter, cooler or warmer. It allows you to visually highlight working area and rest, if the room is supposed to equip a corner for the office. How to choose do-it-yourself wallpaper in the bedroom for men, the article will tell you.

The peculiarity of the bedroom is not a room where you can make bold experiments when decorating the interior. At the same time, there are many options for wall decoration for any budget. However, it is necessary to follow some rules and techniques of designers. Many modern apartments do not have high ceilings and large areas.

To increase the size of the room, you can use several tricks:

  • Wall decoration with light and warm shades of wallpaper will visually enlarge the space and fill the room with cozy light and warmth.
  • You should not choose bed covers with a large pattern.
  • Wallpaper with vertical stripes helps to make the ceiling taller.
  • By making a small indent from the ceiling or a border along the upper edge with the color of the ceiling, you can make the bedroom 10-15 centimeters higher.
  • Decal horizontal stripes along the bottom of the walls allows you to expand the room. Such peculiar "panels" are darker than the general background of the finish.
  • A small space of the room should not be cluttered with unnecessary elements.

Tip: For small bedroom it is necessary to take wallpaper with a small discreet ornament. Especially if they are with abstract and natural motifs.

  • With caution, you need decorative stickers, which are now quite popular.
  • Use in the interior of a small bedroom dark wallpaper, involves finishing the ceiling with light and making the floor covering the same or neutral color.
  • Sometimes a very large bedroom needs to be visually made a little smaller to make it cozier. It is appropriate to paste expensive wallpapers with luxurious and bright pattern. In room large sizes they visually look the most advantageous.
  • IN large bedrooms look good as the main trim of companion fabrics and textile wallpaper who have beautiful flowers and rich patterns. However, such wallpapers for a small bedroom are best used when zoning a room.

At all times, the most popular color choice for a bedroom is pastel.

These are shades of such colors as:

  • Blue.
  • Cream.
  • Pink.

All of them have a strong effect on a person:

  • Yellow- uplifting, cozy warms and creates an optimistic mood.
  • Beige is the most neutral color, it makes it possible to completely get rid of problems, goes well with almost any shade.
  • Pink and peach wallpaper in the bedroom can stimulate sensuality.
  • Blue- soothes, activates the brain, allows you to reduce strong emotions.
  • Green- able to increase vitality, give peace and security.
  • Muted shades of purple and lilac able to distract from heavy thoughts and create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery.

Tip: People involved in mental work, often getting stressed, should wallpaper the bedroom in green color scheme or warm pinks and peach flowers. Men prone to impulsive actions should choose cool blue shades.

Using fashion trends in the bedroom and combining wallpaper

If the proposed classic tips on the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom, can only cause boredom, it is worth experimenting and applying more bright colors. This does not mean that it will be impossible to fully relax in such a bedroom. In addition, in modern interiors, bright and large color accents are often taken.

But, in the decoration of the bedroom should be abandoned:

  • Orange.
  • Lemon.
  • Blue electric.
  • Neon shades.

They strongly attract the attention of the sleeping person, activate his mental activity and do not allow him to relax well.

Tip: Red is not banned, but you should be careful when using it in the bedroom. Energetic and creative natures will appreciate the popular color combinations of black, red, white today.

At the same time, no more than a third of the entire area should be given to the decoration of the bedroom with aggressive shades, but the result is incredibly stylish and modern.

Popular in the men's bedroom combination of colors such as:

  • Black, purple and white.
  • Very light beige.
  • Wallpaper black and white in the bedroom.
  • Recently, black and chocolate colors. But, it is not customary to paste over all the walls with them. The finish will be very gloomy and depressing.
  • However luxurious dark color perfectly combined with pastel light colors, which gives the finish expressiveness and certainty.
  • Without accents of dark brown or black, there are no Japanese or eco-style interiors. Such calm and harmonious directions are very well used when decorating a bedroom. Free space filled with light, they have details to a minimum. The atmosphere contributes to the psychological relaxation of a person and healthy sleep.
  • Interesting combinations can be created using less bright colors. pastel colors too light wallpaper can be distinguished by separate elements of a brighter and darker color, as in the photo.

Tip: Combining wallpaper with minimal cost Money and time allows you to create a stylish, expressive, and most importantly modern interior male bedroom.

What wallpaper is best for a boy

Wallpaper for a boy's bedroom is usually chosen in blue tones with a touch of soft blue.

Instructions for the design of the children's room, the main condition is taking into account the interests of the child. Some boys are fond of pirates, others imitate their fathers from childhood who are fond of football or other sports.


  • Do not choose intrusive and catchy colors that will annoy the child.
  • The use of dark saturated tones is not recommended. A small room, it will visually make it even smaller.
  • In the boy's room, the coating on the walls should be resistant to cleaning, which is associated with the great activity of the guys.

The bedroom for a teenager, as for any person, should be comfortable and cozy.

Here you need:

  • Correctly allocate zones.
  • Choose the right furniture (see) for a teenage boy's room.

Features of the design of the room:

  • The bedroom is designed for sleeping and relaxing. To sleep well, you need comfortable bed, better with orthopedic mattress useful for the spine. In this case, its length should be taken into account, which is associated with the rapid growth of the boy.
  • At this age, a teenager devotes a lot of time to lessons, which requires comfortable table so that my son can only enjoy it. In the room you need to install special shelves where textbooks and books, drawers for small parts and accessories will be stored.
  • An important factor is the availability good lighting rooms. For this is set for daylight big window, and in the evening - the installation of a good large chandelier and a pair of table lamps.
  • Be sure to have a convenient closet for storing clothes and things of the boy.
  • Usually for a teenager, blue, blue, brown, gray, green or burgundy colors. But in order to please the child, he must look at the wallpaper for the bedroom and choose the ones he likes for himself, while the price should not be too high so that he can change them in a timely manner.

All the details on the design of rooms for men and boys are shown in the video.

Studio apartment by Elftug

For some reason, it is believed that a man without female supervision should live in a den. IN best case seems to be a meaningless heap of computers, music centers, televisions and game consoles with posters of ambiguous content on the walls and a mountain of dirty dishes. But, undoubtedly, many of our readers have friends - bachelors who respect the coziness and style, comfort and brutality of the home. Let's look at seventy examples of how to create a manly home.

Elegant and cozy room for a bachelor

The living room is the face of any home, especially. And even if the perfect evening for you is soft sofa, huge TV and tasty pizza, a purely masculine living room should look elegant. Be sure to combine beauty and convenience, style and functionality. Do not try to be fashionable and extravagant. Strict lines and neutral tones will allow you to create an interior that is relevant for many years.

"Floating shelves" will add ephemerality

A chaise longue or rocking chair looks great in a "men's" living room

Leather upholstery would be a great idea

Combining a stylish, laconic living room with a gym is so masculine…

Low tables look great in this living room

Monochrome and crisp lines

Elegance and minimalism by Nicole Hollis

Living room in dark natural tones by Nick Onken. Dark but brutal

Bright hues, big windows, right angles

Gorgeous combination of purple and white

A bright picture in a strict living room will add individuality. Author Robert Granoff

Properly selected curtains will not make your home feminine

Put comfort first

Do not forget that you should be comfortable in your home. This is the place where you should rest after have a hard day. The place where you want to return. The apartment, as if descended from the pages of a magazine, will please few people.

And a table and an ottoman. And the fact that it is the size of a heliport is also masculine ...

Originality doesn't hurt. Peculiar fireplace and bag chairs from Ambient Lounge Designer

Soft carpet will only add convenience. PURE Design

Suzie Parkinson SÜZA DESIGN offers to combine the strict style of the room with bright fantasy-style paintings

Simplicity by Dana Gordon + Roy Gordon Architecture Studio

If you love hosting, large modular sofa beds are perfect for you. A crowd of friends will fit perfectly on such a sofa. And after a noisy party, it will perfectly serve as a bed. Original coffee table add some fun touches.

Another idea how to accommodate guests

Strict modernity from Caitlin & Caitlin Design. warm tones soften the severity

Idea from Z Gallerie. Contrast of gray and red

Wolf & Wing Interior Design. A small bright spot will enliven the interior

Masculinity and elegance by SoCal Contractor

sofa bed - great idea For small room

Get the unexpected original item furniture, such as an armchair from Eames Lounger

About lighting

Recently, almost all designers are advocating for natural light. Is it possible to expand the windows? Do it. Especially if the view from the window itself can become a decoration of the apartment. Combine natural lighting with sober or original lamps.

View from the window as a decoration

A big sofa, natural colors, clear lines and a lot of light

In the open

Spotlights and modest lamps. "Masculine" design by Jarosz Architect

Beautiful view on a modern city can be an addition to the style of an apartment

The idea of ​​the British company A Good Chick To Know

Reasonable use of narrow and long room

Like the wardroom of an ocean liner...

Cheerful and a little unreal, but still very masculine living room

original floor lamp and unusual plant add originality

Minimalism by Gerstner. Contrasting painting and carpet bring life to this "sterile" space.

Iron horse in the living room. An element of decor or a declaration of love?

Making the most of space

A simple change of sofa cushions can change the style of a room.

Selection of colors and materials

It is not necessary to use only neutral shades and strict lines in order to emphasize their masculinity. Feel free to bright colors and soft fabrics. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Comfort and warmth

original lighting and a few bright spots

White with turquoise. Almost sea ​​style

Large contrast pattern on a neutral background

The quilt shelter in the latest trends

Of course, in a pink room with ruffles and Dalmatian pillows, a man will look funny, but if you like comfort, then who forbids buying a soft plush sofa and hanging pictures on the walls? Don't forget, you are furnishing a home for yourself.

Cubic ottomans as additional seating

Combination steel pipes, brick walls and contrasting furniture. Fusion is the perfect style for men

Mix bright and strict

Another great example of the use of bright spots

Benjamin Cottrell. Individuality

Sharp lines and colors by Allison Jaffe Interior Design

natural colors. Contrast. Leather. A little harshness won't hurt

The house must contain a piece of the owner

Pool table or basketball basket, darts or chess table. If you are a fan or a professional of some game, its presence in your living room will be absolutely appropriate.

You should enjoy your home

Desk, stylized as a bumper. What can tell better about the owner of the house?

Shall we play a game of chess?

If you love art, create a gallery from your living room

Add Something Extraordinary

Built-in fireplace. An unexpected decision

And again about the contrast against the background of strict lines

Unusual lamps will enliven the living room

Combination of incompatible

Don't be afraid to decorate the room with paintings or original furniture

Own house can't be boring

Strict and stylish

Strict contrast of soft shades, such as olive and terracotta

Pastel also looks very masculine if the correct form is observed.

Bedroom for young man- This is usually a multifunctional room. Its inhabitant not only sleeps in it, but also communicates with guests, studies - if he is a high school student or a student.
The interior of such a room should be decorated in accordance with age, therefore, as a young man grows up, the design of his room may undergo drastic changes. The instruction and video in this article will tell you how to properly zone such a room, and what materials and color combinations perfect for finishing.

How to highlight zones and choose shades

The choice of zoning option (see) is based on the size and configuration of the room. If the room has a normal rectangular shape and a small area, it is best to perform a visual separation.
This means that the zones will be highlighted only with the help of finishing, without constructive intervention. There should be at least two zones: sleeping and working.

  • Let's turn to specific example. On this photo we see the design of a room for a young man, made without any frills - everything is spartan simple, and very comfortable. This interior uses a combination of three shades: ivory (main color), yellow and dark brown (additional tones).
  • The ceiling and walls are simply leveled and painted: no false ceiling, no wallpaper, no elaborate decorations. Such a design is quite possible to do it yourself.
    The originality of this interior is given by unusual accents on the wall. In the training area, it's yellow finishing, and in the sleeping area - a decorative wide board, covered with the same fabric as the sofa, and mounted on the wall.
  • The boundaries of the zones are separated by an interesting zigzag shelf for books. opposite wall completely occupied by cabinet furniture, the color of the facade of which exactly matches the main shade of the walls and ceiling.
    For men's room It is important that the cabinet doors are deaf, without glazing and decor. The only accessory that enlivens the interior is a palm tree in a floor flowerpot.
  • In general, the bedroom young guy, should be equipped with cabinet furniture - you need to store clothes, books, CDs, souvenirs and trinkets somewhere. It can also serve as a zoning tool. Today, a computer or laptop is an integral part of life, if not for the older generation, then for sure for the youth.
  • Therefore, a beautiful computer desk that fits well into the interior of the room is the number two necessity, after the bed. It can be quite modest if located in the far corner, and not visible from the entrance. But on our following example, a table with high side shelves, is the main accent in the interior.
  • Here, the sleeping area on both sides, along the perimeter of the bed, is highlighted with wallpaper with vertical stripe.
    The two-tone wallpaper is exactly the same shade as the plain painted wall in Cocoa Milk White false ceiling and furniture. The area where the TV is located is also highlighted, but only with photo wallpapers (see).
  • How more spacious room, the more zones can be distinguished in it. Young guys are often fond of sports, and then in the room you need to hang punching bag, or put the simulator.
    Hobbies of a young man can be versatile. Playing sports does not interfere with music at all, and in the room of a young man there is often a piano, a guitar, or even a drum kit.
  • Not always, a separate room can be allocated for each family member in the house. Brothers often live in the same room, they may have different hobbies, and each should have its own habitat.
    It seems that in our next example we see just such an option: the room is quite large, and there are two computer desks, two bedrooms.
  • This room is zoned using a suspended combined ceiling structure plasterboard and glossy PVC films. The central part of the room is the musical and guest area, they are distinguished by a stretch fabric of olive-brown color, which, although harmoniously combined with the gray scale, is not duplicated anywhere else in the interior.
  • The gray color being, in this case, basic, neutral in nature, and suitable for a men's room like no other. For a classy design, it is enough to combine several shades of gray.
    In this case, these are: zircon, gainsborough and slate - their names are listed as saturation increases.
  • A young person may not have such pronounced preferences that could be reflected in interior design. The design of his room may well be universal, suitable for both a teenager and a high school student.
    In the picture above, we presented you with just such an option. After all, there is no arguing about tastes, and what one likes does not suit another at all.

In this example, we see a room that has design features: zigzag wall with floor-to-ceiling windows. This option is often found in private homes, and provides excellent opportunities for zoning.
Here, the study area is located in the protruding part of the room, and the sleeping area is highlighted with wallpaper with an interesting large pattern, very similar to the pattern on the curtains. Take note! This option for a young man can be considered one of the most successful.

How to decorate walls

The design of a room intended for an older young person can be done in a certain style, using modern facing materials And fashion trends.
Such finishing material, like a tree, will not leave anyone indifferent:

  • The photo below shows an example of accenting one wall. wood paneling original diamond shape. Naturally, the price of such a finish is much higher than painting or wallpapering, but the beauty and practicality of such a finish, as well as its durability, more than compensate for the costs incurred.
  • The dark wall cladding, and the same furniture, is balanced by a two-level glossy stretch ceiling with backlight. The interior of this room clearly indicates that a man lives in it.
    If, for example, he gets married, just add a few touches in the form of accessories - and this room is transformed, becoming a cozy nest for a young couple.
  • The tree may well participate in the decoration of the ceiling - this is even more logical if a room is made out in a private house. Often a young person is given a room, and even there there are simply unlimited possibilities for design.
    What are the intricate configurations of roof overhangs, thanks to which original ceilings are obtained.
  • And here there is already where to turn around - opportunities for ceiling design weight. In the design of such a room, you can use: bearing structures roofs; beam ceilings; perform decorative stitching with a beam, repeating unusual shape ceiling.
    For sheathing walls and roof overhangs, both drywall and board, various panels, including wooden ones, are used.
  • Fashionable at all times texture brickwork, for the room of a young man is suitable as well as possible. You can, of course, use various imitations, but if there is such an opportunity, designers prefer to decorate natural masonry.
  • The loft architectural style, to which we owe this trend in interior design, was originally designed as a design option for men. creative professions and young couples. Today, brickwork decoration is used everywhere, for rooms of any purpose, and even for children.
  • Someone prefers the color of the wall to match the traditional shades of clay bricks, while someone likes only the relief of the masonry. In such cases, the wall is cleaned, primed, and painted, as in our example, decorative paint with the addition of pearl. How to get a similar design if the house is not brick, but concrete?

Aerated concrete blocks, which are actively used in private construction today, are also great for this design. Well, if you want to get the relief of brickwork, you can veneer the wall gypsum stone, clinker or hyper-pressed brick-like tiles. So keep it up!

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