Do I need to plaster drywall. Drywall plaster for wallpaper. Consumption and perfect quality putty

Drywall - versatile material, it allows you to level the surfaces of walls and ceilings where in the usual way it is impossible to do so. Under it, you can lay insulation and sound insulation, or quickly redevelop the entire housing. But at the end of the installation, the question arises, is plastering of plasterboard walls necessary? Or further finishing of such facing wall material Can you end up with a clean finish? A mistake here is unacceptable, since the appearance of housing, its aesthetics and comfort will depend on the decision. Do-it-yourself plastering on drywall is laborious, but quite affordable for mastering and doing work.

Can drywall be plastered? Yes, any type of this wall material can be subjected to additional finishing, including processing with special mixtures.

Do I need to plaster drywall

First of all, we note that plasterboard walls have a significant advantage over brick or any other types of walls. An almost perfect surface does not require a continuous plaster layer, which means that the cost of interior decoration will be less. But before wallpapering or painting, you will need to seal up the joints of the sheets and trim the corners. Also, noticeable depressions remain from fasteners with self-tapping screws, which do not add aesthetics to the walls of the room at all. So for the question of whether it is necessary to plaster drywall walls, the answer is yes.

Currently, plasterboard finishing with decorative plaster is very popular.

Also another trend modern finishes walls today is a decorative finish. In this process, there are some nuances and subtleties that you should also know.

What you need for plastering drywall

What is needed for plastering works, can be divided into two groups:

  • Consumables;
  • tools.


For interior decoration Today, various kinds of gypsum plaster mixtures are used. They are of three main types:

  • Starting. They are used to create a primary draft layer with a plaster layer with a thickness of three millimeters or more.
  • Finishing. Mixtures for finishing surfaces.
  • Universal. Can be used in both the first and second cases.

Also, to give the room more aesthetic appearance and decoration with design repairs used decorative plaster on drywall. It comes in several types:

  • Structural. Gives the surface a special structure. It is based on marble chips or quartz.
  • Textured. It includes in its composition various kinds of pebbles, fibers, pieces of wood, mica. When finished, the surface looks like fabric, wood, a natural stone or skin.
  • Venetian. The composition of such plaster contains lime and marble chips. After drying, it imitates natural stone, such as marble.

There are many types of plaster, choose the one that suits you depending on the purpose, for example, for wallpaper, decorative or for leveling

Decorative types of plaster perfectly meet the task of hiding the irregularities and errors of the primary wall decoration, while giving the design of the room sophistication and unique individuality.

  • With significant irregularities and differences, Rotband plaster can be used for drywall. It should be laid with a layer of at least 5 millimeters, which will hide all the shortcomings of the installation wall work.
  • For sealing seams, except plaster mixture, reinforcement is required. For this purpose, a grid in the form of a tape is used - the so-called serpyanka.
  • Plaster beacons are used with a significant thickness of the plaster layer.
  • If you have to lay a continuous plaster layer, you will also need a reinforcing fiberglass mesh.
  • Soil is also required. deep penetration, can be with antiseptic properties, for surface preparation.


Do-it-yourself plastering on drywall requires a certain amount of specialized tools.

  • Spatulas. Needed for laying the plaster mixture on the surface. At
    it is better to use two - the main and auxiliary.
    As the main one, you can use a long straight spatula with a width of 400 - 600 millimeters. It is very convenient to use a rectangular Venetian trowel for small volumes. An auxiliary spatula is used to apply putty on the main one, to clean it from residues and remove excess plaster from the surface. A straight spatula with a width of 40 mm is designed to cope with these tasks.
  • Level. Used to check surface levels.
  • Roller or brush. Used for priming drywall.
  • Grinder machine. An indispensable tool for rubbing and leveling dried surfaces.
  • Drill and mixer. Are intended for preparation of plaster mix.

Preparing for plaster work

To begin with, before plastering plasterboard walls, the entire surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris. And then the stage of priming the wall with a roller begins. It is necessary to prime all places where it is planned to lay the plaster. Areas where high humidity is expected are treated with a primer with antiseptic additives. At the joints of drywall sheets, a sickle mesh is glued.

How to plaster on drywall

Plastering plasterboard walls begins with the choice of a method for further finishing. If it is just wallpapering, then it is not necessary to putty all surfaces, it is enough to seal only the joints of the sheets and the attachment points. In the case of painting and decorating, it will be necessary to carry out a full amount of plastering work. How to plaster drywall under wallpaper and carry out other types of finishes?

Putty joints

As mentioned above, initially a sickle is glued at the joints of the sheets. It has an adhesive side and no additional adhesive is required. But it is better to do this as follows: a small layer of finished putty is applied to the edge of the spatula and the mixture is applied at an angle of approximately 30 - 40 degrees. Then the grid is superimposed on it and the grid is gently melted with a spatula. From above, the mesh must be covered with another thin (2 mm) layer of plaster. The attachment points are puttied with a thin layer of the mixture.

After the putty dries, use a fine-grained sandpaper to ensure that there are no bumps.

After drying, with the help of a fine-grained sandpaper (P-600), all plastered mixtures are overwritten, ensuring the absence of protrusions and drops.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decoration of corners and arches. To do this, at the junction of the corners (ribs) of drywall, special plaster corners are glued to the same mixture, they are trimmed for arches, which allows them to be bent into non-standard semicircular shapes.

Complete surface finishing

solid plaster drywall walls is also a fairly simple process. The mixture is applied to a wide spatula and trowel and spread over the surface at an angle of 30 degrees. All work is carried out in the direction from the bottom up.

The main thing is not to prepare too much plaster mixture. Gypsum putties begin to dry approximately 30 minutes after preparation. If you are a beginner, then you simply run the risk of not having time to use a bucket of the finished mixture to process the wall.

If you have to lay too thick a layer of plaster, then first plaster beacons are placed under the building level, and a reinforcement mesh is glued between them on the same mixture. Then putty is applied according to the established level. The entire surface is leveled with a spatula or a rule. In this case, Rotband plaster is also excellent.

A fully plastered surface requires 5-7 days to dry completely.

In the question of how to properly plaster drywall with decorative plaster, the answer is: it is laid in accordance with the technology of one type or another.

Ready plastered walls are left to dry completely for 5 to 7 days. usually dried plaster surface acquires a white tint. After that, using grinder or graters with sandpaper, the surface is treated to the most even and smooth state. If the surface becomes sticky during sanding, the mixture is not yet dry enough.

Do-it-yourself plastering of drywall with your own hands is a rather laborious process, however, with a little practice, you can catch the nuances of finishing and work out skills and abilities. It does not matter if not everything turns out easily and smoothly - in this case, you can seek the advice of a specialist.

At its core, the unexpected question of how to plaster drywall is not a priority, because given material is just a dry variety of plasters. It is much more important to decide in advance on the finish, that is, it would be more correct to immediately ask yourself, is it necessary to cover a perfectly flat surface with a plaster composition? The answer will be yes if a decorative mixture is chosen as the finish.

What should be done before plastering drywall?

Usually, masters or the owners of apartments and houses themselves take on the complex and painstaking installation of profiles according to the level so that in the end, after the drywall sheets are fixed with screws, it turns out Smooth surface. That is, they try to achieve with less labor the same result that is obtained after applying a liquid plaster mixture. And if one material is replaced by another, should they be combined? Quite if as a cover you prefer decorative plaster and not paint or wallpaper.

In this case, drywall will play the role of a perfectly prepared, leveled surface, however, given that this material is easily soaked, it is better to take waterproof sheets. And this is the first thing to take care of before plastering drywall. The second thing you need is a special deep penetration primer. As for the final finishing material, it is recommended to stop the choice nevertheless on quick-drying mixtures, so that during the hardening of the coating, as little water as possible passes into the base sheets.

Step by step instructions with exclusive photos and video materials.

Foundation preparation process

Because the we are talking about the performance of plastering work, we will assume that the plasterboard coating has already been installed with us. But, before moving on to finishing, you need to carefully prepare the surface. It would seem that the sheets are already perfectly smooth. However, if the sequence of their installation was observed to the smallest nuances, the screws must be deepened, and this already creates irregularities. Joint seams may not be completely smooth individual parts skins, and one should take into account the possibility that when creating curved structures, a spiked roller was used, after which a large number of notches were left. All these small surface imperfections should be eliminated.

Preparation of drywall coating for putty - step by step diagram

Step 1: Priming

To increase the adhesion of all subsequent finishing layers with which the drywall will be covered, we take a pre-prepared primer and carefully cover each square centimeter of the sheathing with it. For this purpose, you can use a wide brush or foam roller. Try not to wet the sheets too much, so as not to cause them to warp.

Step 2: Puttying the seams and attachment points

As a rule, putty is sold ready-made, so we open the container and take a trowel. We scoop the mixture in small portions and apply a thin layer both at the joints of the sheets and over the recessed screws, smoothing well. From above we impose a tape a serpyanka.

Step 3: Editing the Corners

Where sheets of drywall converge at an angle, internal or external, it is impossible to do without putty alone to level the flaws. Therefore, we use special aluminum perforated profiles, laying them on the corners covered with putty. The excess mixture that has come out through the holes is smoothed over the profiles, completely hiding them.

How to cover drywall?

After putty has been applied to the prepared surface, the walls (and the ceiling, if you want to process it too) are primed again in the same way that was described above. This is done so that the plaster lies well on the smoothed mixture, which hides all the irregularities. And if you have not yet reconsidered your decision in favor of wallpaper, you can start choosing finishing composition. You have few options - these can be paste-like mixtures with coarse-grained inclusions, or dry stone chips from mixed minerals of different colors.

Plasters with a high liquid content should only be applied to moisture-resistant drywall sheets to avoid buckling of the skin.

Having opted for the first option, you need to prepare a steel trowel with smooth surface and smooth edges or, for thinner formulations, a sprayer that allows the mixture to be applied in a uniform thin layer. But what to do with dry crumbs? It's simple, first the wall covering sheets are lubricated with a special adhesive mastic composition, and only then, using a sprayer on the base air compressor, stone grain is applied. However, since it has nothing to do with plasters, we will not consider this option further.

Do-it-yourself plastering of plasterboard walls - what should be done?

So, the surface is fully prepared, leveled, primed, and ahead of us final stage work - covering the walls, and possibly the ceiling, with a decorative stucco mixture. About what it should be, we talked about above, so there should be no problems with the purchase of finishing material, unless, of course, it is in the shops of your city. We need a trowel and a rectangular spatula, or a textured roller. Some techniques for applying the composition require a trowel.

Plastering plasterboard walls - step by step diagram

Step 1: Plastering the ceiling

When applied decorative composition both on the walls and on the ceiling, it is imperative to start from the latter, and only after finishing the ceiling, move on to vertical surfaces. Since it is inconvenient to work under the ceiling, and it will take a lot of time to move scaffolding or ladders, it is recommended to use a roller with a special extension for the handle, which allows you to work at a height of up to 4 meters.

Step 2: First strokes

With a spatula, we collect a little mixture from the container and transfer it to the trowel, after which we firmly press it with the plane up at an acute angle to the surface. Do-it-yourself plastering of drywall walls is done better than with a sprayer (a dense layer is obtained only when using a powerful compressor). Movements should be smooth, any direction can be chosen, the main thing is to apply the composition in a thin layer. If necessary, we carry out the trowel again. The next batch of the mixture is applied almost without a gap, close to the first. The smaller the portion, the smaller the strokes, and the more beautiful the finish will be in the end.

Step 3: Second layer

When the strokes of the first layer dry up, you can move on to the second, finishing. It is applied either with the same trowel, and the more overlapping strokes are made, the darker the coating area will turn out, but if you can simply overlap the lower strokes and small gaps between them, the surface will be lighter. So you can create whole compositions by playing in semitones. Instead of a trowel, you can use textured roller, applying the composition directly to them and, as a result, not only a uniform, but also a relief coating.

Plaster on drywall can only be applied with a roller from the very first moment finishing works. In this case, you need to roll the textured nozzle directly over the composition poured into a small trough (sometimes rollers are sold with such trays), and then apply it to the wall in one motion from the bottom up. If the layer applied with a trowel sometimes needs to be treated with a trowel, then after the roller the surface does not need to be smoothed, the finish is final. For frescoes, plaster is applied exclusively with a trowel.

Added on 04/18/2017

With development modern technologies there are more and more unique building materials that are easy to use. Despite this, many still have a question regarding whether drywall putty is needed under the wallpaper? If earlier it was necessary to provide a perfectly flat surface, and only then apply a finishing material, today the situation has changed. Manufacturers offer products that do not require wall alignment.

Main reasons

The need to cover drywall with plaster is eliminated if you use decorative materials or choose the wallpaper presented on our website. They adhere well to wall surfaces. The only thing to think about is the seams. For plastering drywall in these areas, you can choose a budget option and only after the final drying proceed to the decorative decoration of the walls.

Another reason why it is imperative to putty drywall under the wallpaper is future work. For example, when you want to change appearance walls, the old coating has to be removed. In this case, problems will inevitably arise. Finishing material is often torn off along with what is under it. Such difficulties can be avoided by pre-plastering drywall.

How to apply materials?

If the question of why plastering drywall has disappeared by itself, then we will dwell in more detail on some features of this process. It is no longer necessary to level the walls before finishing material is applied to them. It only takes finishing drywall for wallpaper.

At first glance, the work is simple, but it has its own nuances. It can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  1. Ground cover.
  2. Starter putty.
  3. Finishing coating with polymeric materials.
  4. Wall plastering.

It should be remembered that finishing putty drywall under the wallpaper is unacceptable to rub the net. If paper is visible on the surface, you will have to repeat the work again. For those who skillfully handle a spatula, plastering or puttying plasterboard walls under wallpaper with their own hands is a pleasure. If this process seems too complicated for you, then entrust it experienced craftsmen. They plaster quickly and efficiently.

What should be remembered?

To create a flat surface, you need a putty for drywall under the wallpaper. Then you will need finishing plaster. It should be remembered that the finish for wallpaper in rooms with high humidity should be carried out with materials that are resistant to environmental factors.

Employees of our sales office will help you choose the right building products. The site offers a wide variety of products from the best manufacturers, so decide on suitable option won't be difficult.

Drywall with incredible strength is gaining popularity. Perhaps no repair is now complete without drywall sheets. And this is quite logical: low cost, convenience and ease of installation, excellent end result.

Finishing facilities

After you install the GK sheets on the walls, the question arises, what to do next? Someone will ask, do you need plaster for drywall?

Basically, it all depends on what you expect in the end.

  • If, for example, you decide to wallpaper the walls, then gypsum board plaster can act as a material that levels the joints, unevenness and roughness of the sheets.
  • If you decide to paint your walls, then interesting solution will apply decorative plaster on drywall.

We eliminate irregularities

Applying plaster on drywall is a simple process, but requires certain knowledge.

So, our task is to close up the seams, screw caps, potholes and roughness.

  • To begin with, it is necessary to clean the entire surface of the dust that has arisen during the installation of drywall. This can be done with a special construction vacuum cleaner, but if there is none, do not be upset - a damp rag is quite suitable.
  • Then we prepare the mortar for plaster. There are two options: make your own from a dry mix or purchase a ready-made liquid solution.
    You should choose high-quality and proven material, in this sense, Knauf has proven itself well.

Important to remember!
The plastering solution must be diluted with water immediately before starting work and in the proportions indicated on the package.

  • Before you start plastering plasterboard walls, you need to glue all the joints with a special mesh.
    It is sold in a convenient roll and has an adhesive backing. Particular attention should be paid to the corners: we carefully glue the mesh, then draw it with a spatula on one side of the wall and on the other to give the corner the correct shape.
  • The preparatory work is done, we begin plastering drywall. Carefully apply the solution to the seams between the sheets, trying to fill the empty space as carefully as possible.

The main thing is to prevent tubercles from the solution on the surface. If there are any, it is better to remove them immediately with wide spatula.

  • After the plastering of the drywall joints is completed, we proceed to plastering all the irregularities on the sheet (crevices, potholes).

Please note: two types of plaster are used, one for joints, the other for surface finishing.

  • We wait until the first layer dries, after which it is necessary to repeat the work in areas where the plaster has not completely filled the empty "channels".

Voila! The wall is ready, it can be pasted over with wallpaper. It is better to use moisture resistant ones, they will last longer, and their material is more reliable.

We apply decorative plaster

If the walls are being prepared for painting, then decorative plaster on drywall will be the most correct solution! Is it possible to apply decorative plaster on drywall without having the experience of such work, that is, with your own hands?

Many people who make repairs in the house with their own hands will say: it is impossible for a beginner to make such a beautiful and hard work as in the photos and pictures. But it's not! With a strong desire, you can learn everything.

Decorative plaster on the walls

There are several types of decorative plaster on drywall, consider them.

Structural plaster

This is a heterogeneous plaster mass with a granular structure. Granules are added to it, similar to small pebbles or pieces of quartz.

How to apply it?

  • For such plaster, a perfectly flat surface is not at all necessary. The most important thing is that the walls are dry and clean.
  • First, we strengthen the drywall base with a special primer. And thus we create a protective intermediate layer that will prevent moisture exchange between the decorative plaster and the wall.
  • Structural plaster of plasterboard walls can only be applied to a completely dry primer.
  • The composition of the special finishing mixture is laid in one layer, using a trowel (trowel) or spatula. The texture depends on what technology you will be using. You can apply the mixture in a circular or straight motion.
  • After two to three hours, the coating will become durable, but it will completely harden only after a week.

Textured plaster

With the help of such a mixture, you can give the walls a relief original texture. The complexity of the drawing depends on the tools used and the composition of the mixture.

What does that require?

  • For this type of plaster, you should also clean and dry the walls and apply a primer.
  • We apply a special base paint with sand to the dried primer, this is necessary to increase adhesion (good adhesion of the plaster mixture).
  • Then we apply one or two layers of plaster, using different instruments giving the desired pattern. The more complex you want to get the texture, the more layers of plaster should be applied (but the layers should be very thin).

Venetian plaster

This is a special "transparent" mixture made from marble flour. When applied to the wall, this plaster creates the appearance of marble. It is clear that the price for it will not be affordable for everyone.

How to apply it correctly?

  • For this type of plaster, the surface of the drywall must be exceptionally flat.
  • On the dried primer layer, apply a thin layer with a spatula Venetian plaster, let it dry completely, and clean the surface, eliminating all roughness and irregularities.
  • We do this with each layer (there can be from five to twelve, depending on the desired result).

After applying all the layers, we clean the surface with a fine sandpaper, in a circular motion. This is necessary to give perfect evenness to the walls.

  • Apply a layer of white wax. Ready!

Look at the photo of the end result.

Common questions about plaster

  • What materials are best to use? For drywall, plaster is most often used on plaster base. It is sold in bags of thirty kilograms. The service life of the solution from the dry mixture before setting is half an hour.
  • Can drywall be glued to plaster? This is very dangerous, plaster is a very unreliable material for such purposes.
    It is better to fasten drywall sheets with self-tapping screws, using a guide metal profile for drywall.
  • Can plaster be used to level walls instead of drywall? Yes, you can. But this work is very labor intensive. Drywall is mounted much easier and faster.


Now you are convinced that drywall and plaster can exist together. The main thing is to properly handle these building materials. The visual clue is in the video attached to this article.

Finishing of internal surfaces always begins with their alignment. To do this, it is not at all necessary to plaster them with “wet” methods. Plasterboard sheets are often used, which are mounted on a frame or directly on a wall. All kinds of niches, ledges, partitions are arranged from them. And then the question is: is it possible and necessary to plaster the walls of drywall for wallpapering or painting and applying decorative plaster with your own hands. There can be no unequivocal answer, since the GKL itself is called "dry plaster".

Many people think that it is enough to putty joints and caps of self-tapping screws for finishing. Perhaps this is correct, but only in relation to cheap products without moisture-resistant impregnation. And then, with subsequent pasting with thick wallpaper. When it comes to using quality moisture resistant drywall, then plastering and puttying it is certainly necessary, especially for painting. In this case, the surface should not just be smooth, but polished. Otherwise, the finish will lose its meaning.

The choice of materials for plastering

Of course, plastering plasterboard surfaces cement mortar absolutely impossible. cement plaster it is not used on drywall because of its property to dry for a long time, during which time the base can be saturated with unnecessary moisture and deform. Besides, cement compositions it is difficult to apply a very thin layer, and this is exactly what is required when finishing the drywall surface to the desired condition.

For primary or rough finishing with your own hands, gypsum-based mixtures are usually used. These are special materials for drywall plastering from various manufacturers. The most popular today are gypsum plaster compositions Rotband from trademark Knauf. Usually they go on sale in a dry form, and are diluted with water and brought to the required plasticity immediately before use. There is also putty ready for use. She can putty GKL immediately, without prior preparation.

How to plaster drywall for different types of finishes

According to technology, it is correct to first level the base. However, the verticality and horizontality of the surfaces have already been verified by installing drywall sheets with your own hands, so the task of plastering:

  • remove the slightest irregularities, roughness, shells due to putty;
  • protect the caps of self-tapping screws from corrosion, and joints and seams - from the appearance of cracks and moisture penetration;
  • plaster and putty walls, ceilings, partitions until completely leveled, to make them even and smooth;
  • provide the first layer under Venetian or silk decorative coatings.

Work can be done by specialists or with your own hands. It consists of several stages, each of them is important in its own way.

General preparatory process

At the beginning of any repair, you need to prepare necessary tools and knead by hand plaster mortar and then plaster. In order for the application to be correct and the technology to be observed, the gypsum composition must have a uniform structure without lumps and non-messages. It is not easy to do this manually, so you should use a construction mixer or a drill with a mixer attachment. Before applying plaster on drywall, all joints and seams should be coated with the prepared composition and a reinforcing tape should be laid over them. It will help to make the joints more durable. On top of the tape, you need to go through the putty again, at the same time covering the caps of the self-tapping screws with it.

Next is the formation of the outer corners. For this, a profile corner is taken, which is “planted” on the putty, aligning and firmly pressing the profile to the walls. Then the corner must be puttied again, without waiting for the first layer to dry. influxes gypsum mortar should be removed with your own hands and clean up the bumps. Specified preparatory procedures are mandatory for any type of fine finish.

For wallpapering

Quite often you have to solve the problem - is it necessary to plaster drywall under the wallpaper. Preparatory activities and surface priming must be done without fail. The primer should be of high quality, capable of penetrating deeply into the base, strengthening it and ensuring normal adhesion to the lining. But plastering the walls completely is not always necessary. If the wallpaper is dense, then you can do without solid putty. It is enough to carefully seal the joints, seams, arrange corners, large sinks and recesses. In the case of choosing a thin finishing material, it is necessary to plaster drywall under the wallpaper with a continuous layer.

For this, a gypsum plaster mass of the starting grinding is used. It is applied with your own hands on the walls and ceiling with a thin layer using a wide spatula made of of stainless steel. It is necessary to plaster correctly, evenly distributing the composition along the plane of the wall, smoothing it and removing excess. After drying, light sanding with sandpaper or a grinder is performed. This is followed by priming and the walls are ready for wallpapering.

For painting

It is imperative to plaster drywall for painting in order to fine finish turned out smooth and beautiful, without streaks and stains. The procedure completely repeats the one that is performed for wall decoration with thin wallpaper. If necessary, putty can be several times to the desired result. But, according to the initial preparation, it is imperative to apply the finishing gypsum mixture. It has a finer grinding and creates an absolutely smooth plane, which is very important when painting works. Finishing gypsum plaster on drywall is applied in a thin continuous layer in one go. If one layer is not enough to completely level the planes or close the seams, then the application is repeated. Fine-tuning of the painted surface to full readiness is carried out by careful grinding.

For decorative plaster

Decorative textured compositions themselves can cover surfaces, eliminating existing defects. However, such mixtures are priced much more expensive than usual. In order to save money and for a more even application of textured mixtures, it is recommended to pre-plaster the walls with a rotband. And only then we apply decorative plaster on drywall. Under textured finish it is not at all necessary to plaster the surface with special care as it is for painting. embossed decorative coating It will hide any minor imperfections. When forming the texture, you need to be as careful as possible, not to overdo it with pressure on the surface to be trimmed, so as not to damage the drywall.

It is not always necessary to completely plaster drywall panels. However, for each of finishing facings there are some nuances regarding the final readiness. From proper preparation GKL depends on the quality of the decorative coating.

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