Contemporary ceiling finishes. Repair of the ceiling in the apartment Prices for decorative plaster

Finishing options can be divided into several large groups, each of which we will discuss below.

plaster ceilings


    Very easy to apply

    wear resistant

    Very slow fading in the sun

    Create an interesting look


    High price

    Not suitable for wet cleaning

    Difficulty of restoration

Dropped ceilings

Most apartment owners today give their preference precisely because they are not demanding on the quality of the ceiling surface.

It is based on thin plates of steel or aluminum, which, in turn, are covered with a protective layer of varnish. Such a ceiling has various colors and is well suited for rooms with a small area.

Advantages of rack ceilings


    moisture resistance

    Ease of installation

    fire safety



    The susceptibility of rack plates to deformation

    Difficulty accessing the space above the ceiling

This version of suspended ceilings is optimal for do-it-yourself repairs.

Advantages of lining made of plastic or PVC

    Easy to install

    Not afraid of moisture

    Does not absorb unpleasant odors

    Have a wide range of colors


    fire hazard

    Sensitive to mechanical damage

    May fade if exposed to constant sunlight

This is not a particularly popular type of ceiling decoration in an apartment, most often in offices or trading floors.

Advantages of cassette ceilings

    moisture resistance

    fire safety

    Ease of installation


    High price

    Hiding room height

    Lack of soundproofing

This is the most common finish.


    Perfectly hides all surface imperfections

    Drywall is absolutely safe from an environmental point of view

    Easy to install

    Has a low cost


    Hiding the height of the room

    Lack of moisture resistance

    The need for further staining, hence the increase in costs

This type the ceiling is a decorative adhesive tile. is popular with many people, because in some cases it can replace expensive stucco on the ceiling.

Advantages of ceiling tiles

    Very practical

    Have good moisture resistance

    Easily mounts to the ceiling


    Requires a perfectly flat ceiling surface

    cheap ceiling tiles very fragile and unlikely to have the above advantages


This is a large PVC sheet, which is stretched over special fastening profiles.


    Stretch ceiling waterproof

    moisture resistant


    Have high strength

    Huge variety when choosing their color


    high cost

    Difficulty of DIY installation

Based on the name, you can guess that such ceilings are a combination various kinds suspended structures. It can be, for example, a combination of a plasterboard ceiling with a stretch ceiling or with a mirror one. This finishing option will help create a special mood in the room and give it a twist.

Ceilings made of natural materials

If, when choosing a material for decorating a ceiling, its environmental friendliness is in the first place for you, then we advise you to pay attention to the finishes listed below.

This is a natural wooden board or MDF sheet. Such boards are attached to the ceiling with special shunt connections. Lining made of natural wood can be of different shades - from very light to dark. The desired shade can also be created using stain.

The indisputable advantages of wooden lining are its moisture resistance, durability, strength and, of course, environmental friendliness.

This type of ceiling is more suitable for a private house or cottage, but it will also look interesting in an apartment. A wooden ceiling will be not only environmentally friendly, but also a practical decor solution. But when processing it, it is very important to remember that you need to use materials that later do not prevent the ceiling from “breathing”.

The advantages of cork ceilings are very difficult to overestimate. Due to the fact that cork slabs are impregnated with wax, dust and condensate do not settle on them. Also, choosing this finish option, you can be sure of its environmental friendliness and durability.

The ceiling in the room occupies a considerable area, so its decoration should be approached responsibly. Sometimes, even an interior thought out to the smallest detail looks unfinished if the surface above is not involved in creating the overall look of the room.

The options for finishing the ceiling are varied, and choose the most suitable material in accordance with the design intent, the level of complexity in manufacturing and financial capabilities will not be difficult. The most common methods of finishing the ceiling, which will be confirmed by the corresponding photos, will be discussed in this article.

Types of materials and methods of finishing the ceiling

There are many options for finishing and decorating the ceiling, the choice of which depends on several criteria:

  1. Purpose of the premises and microclimatic indicators in it. For example, the bathroom is characterized by high humidity, so the ceiling finish material must be moisture resistant. In the kitchen, in addition to humidity, there are temperature changes and pollution, so the ceiling must adequately withstand cleaning. In the bedroom, special requirements are placed on environmental friendliness and vapor permeability. ceiling covering;

  1. From the size of the room and its height. In a low room, the suspended ceiling structure will “absorb” at least 10 cm, but will allow you to adjust the geometry of a narrow or too wide space. Glossy surfaces reflect light and visually enlarge the room, while matte surfaces gently scatter light rays;

Finishing in the apartment should be in harmony with the interior of the room.

  1. From the style of the interior. The trendy multi-level stretch ceiling is suitable for modern interiors, while a white flat surface will be appropriate for classic design or country style;

  1. From the level of difficulty. Some types of finishes can be done by hand, in other cases, work must be done by qualified specialists;

Bright glossy, photo

  1. From financial opportunities. Exist Decoration Materials, the price of which is available to everyone, and more expensive, up to elite, for example, wooden panels made to order from precious woods.

To make a choice, you need to know about the types of finishing materials and their properties. Some finishing options should be considered in more detail.

Finish options


This method of surface finishing has been known for a long time. And before the advent of finishing materials, it was the only budget way to create a finish coating. It is still used in the repair of premises that do not particularly pretend to sophistication - the ceiling is smooth and white.

This method of finishing has its positive and negative sides:

  1. Lime-based material has the most affordable cost;
  2. Ceiling finishes can be made on their own, without involving specialists and without special construction skills;
  3. The material is environmentally friendly, so it can often be found on the ceilings of children's and medical institutions;
  4. The white smooth ceiling is versatile and will look good in any interior;
  5. It is the whitewashed ceiling in combination with wooden beams that will emphasize the flavor of the rustic style in the room.

Bedroom interior in country style, photo

Among the disadvantages of whitewashing, the following can be noted:

  1. This coating has a short service life;
  2. due to its properties, it is not resistant to moisture and pollution;
  3. Due to the high degree of hygroscopicity, the lime surface cannot be washed;
  4. Over time, the integrity of the coating is violated - it begins to flake off and crumble;
  5. Does not have a special decorative effect;
  6. The coating requires frequent updating;

  1. Requires careful and complex preparatory process before whitewashing - the base must be puttied, plastered and primed;
  2. The process of renovating an old lime coating requires the removal of the existing layer and careful preparation of the base;
  3. The production process of this type finishing works associated with the formation of a large amount of dust and pollution;
  4. The coating does not hide the irregularities and defects of the base.


Painting is more practical way surface finishes (see ). Moreover, with the advent of modern decorative embossed paints, the ceiling can acquire an original appearance. In addition, the paint can have any shade and quality of coating - glossy or matte.

  • With the help of paint, you can decorate the ceiling with artistic painting, ornaments and patterns using stencils or curly rollers.

Contrasting design in the apartment, photo

  • If you want to create an even white finish, you can use white matte paint for the classic interior of the room, and glossy paint in the kitchen.

  • This type of finish cannot be called durable either, but with proper preparation base and selection of paint, it will last longer than whitewashing. The substrate must be carefully prepared before applying the paint.
  • First of all, the base is examined for the presence of leaks from above, and they are eliminated when detected. Otherwise, moisture will cause the paint to peel off.
  • Before applying paint, the base is leveled, cracks are sealed and primed. The quality of the preparatory work will be the key uniform distribution paint on the surface, its durability and aesthetic appearance.

In terms of cost, painting with water-dispersion compositions is one of the budget ways finishes that are relevant to any room in the house.

The positive qualities include the following:

  1. Affordable cost;
  2. The process of applying paint to the ceiling does not require special skills;
  3. The paint is resistant to moisture, steam and temperature extremes;
  4. The paint dries out short time, therefore, such repairs can be considered fast;
  5. Water-dispersion paint is environmentally friendly;
  6. A wide range of colors allows you to choose the right shade for any interior;
  7. Painting will become great solution for low spaces.

Important! You can apply paint on any substrate, but it is necessary that metal parts previously treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Among the shortcomings of this material, the following can be noted:

  1. Short operational period;
  2. Careful preparation of the base with the complete removal of the old coating - plaster or whitewash;
  3. The paint does not hide the irregularities and defects of the base, so it must be carefully leveled;
  4. The material requires periodic updating. Glossy paint on the ceiling in the kitchen does not absorb odors and dirt, but grease stains settle on its surface.


Another common inexpensive finishing method is its decorative plastering:

  1. This material is environmentally friendly;
  2. Possesses vapor permeability;
  3. Creates an even monolithic coating;
  4. Depending on the internal filler, it has a different degree of relief;
  5. Can be dyed in any color and varnished, which allows it to be used in the kitchen;

  1. It is combined with many finishing materials in the interior;
  2. Hides imperfections on the surface when applied, therefore, does not require a complex procedure for preparing the base;
  3. Is a non-combustible material;
  4. Has an affordable price.

One of the positive qualities of this material is the possibility of applying the composition in a mechanized way. To do this, use a special plastering machine or a spray gun, with which the mixture is supplied under pressure and evenly distributed over the surface.

This method of application allows you to save material, as it is dosed and covers even the most inaccessible places.

At the same time, the speed of work execution increases several times. The coating is embossed and resembles a “fur coat” in texture.

After applying the entire composition to the ceiling, the plaster is smoothed with a spatula, resulting in an original pattern. When stained with paint, a two-color relief coating is formed.

Important! Working with plaster, especially on the ceiling, requires certain skills, so you won’t be able to do the job on your own.


One of the inexpensive types of ceiling decoration is pasting them with wallpaper. Special preparatory work is not required - only the elimination of obvious irregularities and primer coating. And minor flaws, for example, pores and small sinks on a concrete base, roll material can hide.

Wallpaper in a modern interior in an apartment, photo

Of the positive qualities of such a finish, the following can be noted:

  1. Affordable material cost;
  2. Environmental friendliness;
  3. Aesthetic appearance and a variety of patterns and colors will allow you to choose the material for any interior solution (see);
  4. Some specimens have embossed and embossed patterns on their surface;
  5. Wallpaper can be combined both with each other and with other finishing materials, creating a unique look of the room;

  1. allow you to change if you wish. color scheme interior without removing the decorative coating;
  2. A quick way to give the room a new look - the work is carried out relatively quickly, and is not associated with the formation of a large amount of construction waste and pollution;
  3. No special skills are required to perform the work.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the wallpaper is not suitable for rooms with high humidity. In the kitchen, wallpaper can be glued in the dining area, and above the work area, it is better to use a more practical coating.

Since wallpaper is a rolled material, a seamless coating will not work. To glue the wallpaper with high quality, you will need the help of a second person.

Wallpapering is considered short-lived, and due to the complexity of the repair, it has lost its popularity. They were replaced by a modern material called liquid wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper

This finishing material is also called "silk plaster" if it contains silk fibers. In terms of texture, this material really resembles a plaster composition, and it is called wallpaper due to the fact that it contains cellulose fibers.

Finishing liquid wallpaper

  1. Application instructions are extremely simple - the mass is distributed with a spatula;
  2. Forms an even monolithic coating, masking the imperfections of the base;
  3. It can have any shade and decorative fillers;
  4. Liquid wallpaper can be painted and varnished, increasing their moisture resistance;
  5. The material is environmentally friendly, therefore it is successfully used in children's rooms and bedrooms;

  1. Possesses sound and heat-insulating qualities;
  2. Repairable - the damaged area, if it is a scratch, can be moistened and smoothed with a spatula. Deeper damage can be repaired with fresh mortar;

Important! It is recommended to purchase liquid wallpaper with a small margin, so that if necessary, use it when repairing the coating. The remains of the unused mixture will also work, which can be stored in a frozen form, and before use it is enough to soak it with water.

Niche decorated with liquid wallpaper

  1. Using stencils and using the composition different shade, you can perform complex patterns;
  2. The coating belongs to the category of durable;
  3. Vapor permeability;
  4. Working with this material does not require special building skills;
  5. Liquid wallpaper does not fade under the influence of the sun if they contain silk fibers.

Among the shortcomings of this material can be noted high cost. If the wallpaper is not varnished, then they will absorb odors and moisture.

Styrofoam tiles

They have a decorative appearance, thanks to a relief surface with a different pattern. You can pick them up for any interior: from classic to discreet. modern type minimalism. With this finish, you can quickly repair the ceiling.

Of the positive qualities of this material, the following can be noted:

  1. The tile has an aesthetic appearance;
  2. It can be dyed;
  3. Polystyrene products can be of any size and shape;
  4. The tile has a small weight, so it does not exert a special load on the base;
  5. The slight thickness allows it to be used in low rooms;

From polystyrene boards

  1. The tile masks minor irregularities and defects on the ceiling;
  2. It is a durable material correct operation and installation;
  3. Has an affordable price;
  4. The work does not require special skills, and simple installation allows you to repair the ceiling in a short time.

Important! The tile relief resembles stucco, so you need to be careful when choosing a pattern - it will not be relevant for every interior.

You can additionally decorate with a border - it will give it a complete look and hide the joint between the ceiling and the wall.

Suspended structures

Suspended ceiling systems are popular for many reasons. They look aesthetically pleasing, allow you to get a perfectly flat ceiling surface or an original multi-level design.

They also hide communications: electrical wiring, pipes, and, due to the indentation from base surface, allow you to mount point light sources.

The principle of fastening the suspended structure is that to existing ceiling they fix a system of fasteners and suspensions, on which a frame made of metal profiles or wooden slats is mounted. Then the selected material is fixed on the frame - drywall, wooden slats or panels.

The presence of a frame allows not to produce careful preparation base - it is enough to clean it from dirt and falling off parts of the finish.

Layered design with spot lighting

The disadvantages of finishing include the fact that the design inevitably takes the height of the room, therefore, in low rooms such a ceiling is not recommended.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

Drywall is most often used in suspended structures. It is easy to process, so it allows you to make fragments of various shapes.

With the use of drywall, perfectly flat or multi-level surfaces are obtained. Using led strip you can create the effect of a "floating ceiling" if you place it around the perimeter of the structure.

Drywall sheets are made from pressed gypsum and cardboard on both sides. The material has an affordable cost and relatively low weight.

The disadvantage is the instability of the material to the action of the liquid. In the kitchen it is recommended to use moisture resistant drywall, and in the bathroom it is better to refuse this material.

Plasterboard ceiling can be painted with paint, plastered, wallpapered. Another advantage is the possibility of performing heat and sound insulation of the room, when laying the appropriate material inside the structure.

Important! Before painting the plasterboard ceiling, it is necessary to putty the joints and attachment points of the self-tapping screws.

Placement of point light sources should be considered in advance. To do this, it is recommended to make a scale drawing of the ceiling, and transfer the markup to the mounted ceiling. Multi-level backlit structures look especially impressive in combination with a PVC stretch fabric.

Drywall is an environmentally friendly material, so it can be used in children's rooms and bedrooms.

With the help of multi-level plasterboard structures, you can visually divide the room into separate functional areas, or adjust the geometry of the space. It is worth remembering that multi-level structures should have outlines in accordance with the style of the interior. Smooth lines emphasize the graceful curves of modern furniture, strict laconic forms support the minimalist style, etc.

Using panels, battens and slabs in a suspended structure

The frame of the suspended structure can be sheathed with plastic, metal slats, or panels with a mirror surface. Modular elements are used more often on a single-level ceiling structure.

This material is low cost and simple installation. Such a false ceiling can be rack, panel and cassette.

Rack suspended ceiling is made of plastic, aluminum or steel slats.

Of the positive qualities of such a ceiling device, the following can be noted:

  1. Long service life;
  2. The slats are made of moisture-resistant material, so they can be used in rooms with high humidity such as a kitchen or bathroom;
  3. Reiki are easy to mount, so no special building skills are required;
  4. The ceiling made of metal slats is hygienic, environmentally friendly, does not rot and does not burn.

Of the shortcomings, deformation of the rails over time can be noted.

Plastic panels are easy to install and do not require special experience when working with them. Of the positive qualities can be noted:

  1. Easy installation;
  2. Moisture resistance of the material;
  3. Aesthetic appearance, due to the large number of shades and textures;
  4. Plastic is easy to care for and does not absorb odors.

Among the shortcomings, the instability of the decorative coating to the effects of sunlight, from which the plastic burns out, can be noted. The panels are fragile material - this must be taken into account during installation. The material is not fire resistant and releases toxins when ignited.

It should be noted that when finishing the ceiling plastic panels a monolithic coating will not work, and pollution can accumulate at the joints. The surface of the panels has a glossy sheen, which can visually make a small room lighter.

Other types of suspended ceiling systems

Certainly, ceiling design is not limited to stretch and drywall options.

We will talk about what ceilings are in this part of the article:

  • We have already mentioned glass stained-glass windows built into the design of suspended ceilings (see). I must say that glass for these purposes can be used not only natural, but also organic or, as it is also called, acrylic.
  • Hardboard has a much higher margin of safety and is lighter in weight. Therefore, in ceiling structures acrylic glass can be used big size. Hardboard, like ordinary glass, is matted by sandblasting, patterns can be applied to it.

Acrylic hanging panels

  • Recently, another way of decorating the ceiling has been revived - drapery with fabric. As they say, the new is the well-forgotten old. Back in the Middle Ages, boudoirs and living rooms were decorated this way. And look how stylish and expensive this interior looks.

  • You can use absolutely any fabric - even satin, even chintz. Only designs with stripes and geometric patterns are avoided. There are several ways to attach the material to the ceiling. This is gluing, and pulling on the frame, application adhesive tapes, fastening with brackets to wooden slats.
  • This type of decor is not so common, yet it is not very practical. Fabric is fabric - it gets dirty, gets wet, and tears. Yes, and the cost of such a finish is rather big.
  • If you really want to use natural material in the decoration, they often turn their attention to wood, bamboo, cork. Here's an example for you: the walls of the room are covered with cork, and the ceiling is decorated with bamboo panels.

Stretch ceiling

The design of the ceiling with a stretch fabric has recently gained great popularity. The canvas is made of PVC film or fabric. In the first case, it can be glossy or matte, in the second - only matte.

PVC film ceiling can be used in any premises, fabric only in "dry". Structural stretch ceilings can be single or multi-level. They have high decorative qualities - thanks to a wide range of colors and the possibility of applying various patterns and images.

Important! A distinctive feature of PVC film is its small width - no more than 3 m. Therefore, it is possible to form a butt joint, which is so small that it is invisible to the naked eye. The fabric sheets are up to 5 meters wide, making them a seamless covering in standard living spaces.

  • The main advantage of a PVC film ceiling over a fabric web is its moisture resistance.
  • Such a ceiling can be washed and it is able to save the room from flooding from above, holding a large volume of liquid, which can later be drained by bending the edge of the canvas.
  • The disadvantage of PVC film is that it is easily damaged by mechanical stress and does not tolerate low temperatures. Therefore, when washing the PVC ceiling, it is necessary to remove jewelry from your hands so as not to accidentally damage the canvas and not use PVC sheets in unheated premises.

Important! When washing a glossy ceiling, do not use abrasive cleaners and hard sponges that can scratch the surface.

Fabric ceilings are more durable, but they are afraid of moisture and will not protect from flooding from above. In addition, the fabric absorbs odors, so such ceilings are not used in the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings, like plasterboard ceilings, can be performed at several levels, and allow you to mount spotlights.

Red flowers on the stretch fabric blend harmoniously with the shade tiles on the walls in the bathroom

Important! When ordering a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to discuss with the master at the stage of measuring the room where the sources of artificial light will be located, since the holes for them are cut out at the stage of fabrication.

Of the shortcomings of the stretch fabric, only the high cost and the impossibility self-manufacturing and installations. This is done by specialized firms whose employees have the necessary skills, tools and equipment.

The process of installing a stretch ceiling is fast, and is not associated with the formation of construction debris.

Tension structures, like drywall, allow you to hide defects in the main ceiling and communications. You can also choose the height at which the canvas will be located.

Wooden panel ceiling

Panels made of natural wood can be used to decorate the ceiling of any room, except for the “wet” one. This is an environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable material with a rich natural pattern and texture.

Wooden panels have a long service life and do not require repair for many years with proper operation. The material has low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties. A warm shade natural wood creates a special homely atmosphere and comfort.

The cost of some products made to order is quite high. There are several most common types of wooden ceiling finishes.

Lining and Eurolining

Decorative wood panels

MDF panels

Cork panels

ceiling design with moldings

To give the surface a complete look, various flexible elements made of expanded polystyrene or polyurethane are used. It can be ceiling skirting boards, moldings, frieze.
They differ only in their configuration.


  • It's not just about decorating the joints between the ceiling and walls. Finishing the ceiling with a frieze allows you to create on its surface various geometric shapes and patterns. The frieze is fixed with putty or glue, depending on the surface to be decorated.

  • Moldings and baguettes in cross section are somewhat larger than the frieze. Finishing the ceiling with molding can be done both along its perimeter and as a decor for the borders between the levels of the suspended structure.
  • Using moldings, you can structure the ceiling by dividing it into squares or rectangles. This technique creates the effect of a suspended cassette ceiling, especially if it has spotlights.

  • To decorate the ceiling, you can also use such details as interior baguettes. There was a time when they were used only for framing pictures.
    Not so long ago, they have found application in interior decoration. They are made from various materials: from foam to wood.

Baguettes can be designed for painting or have a finished decorative coating, volume relief. They vary in width and can be used not only for finishing the ceiling, but also for walls, door and window openings, and curtains.

The video in this article will tell you about which option for finishing the ceiling can be done in the apartment.

More practical are painted ceilings. The applied paint can be chosen in any color or shade, corresponding to the general decoration of the room. This budget-friendly ceiling finish creates a smooth finish that, depending on the quality of the paint chosen, can be washed.

In the cavity of the frame can be hidden necessary communications, A common disadvantage of such ceilings is a general reduction in the height of the room, which is a significant disadvantage for low rooms.


Finishing the ceiling with plasterboard has gained wide popularity due to the ability to create incredible designs, complex, beautiful and multi-level. Sheets of drywall can be easily cut to give the desired shape. By attaching them to the frame and sealing the seams, they get monolithic structure With smooth surface. By creating various forms ceiling, and using all kinds of lighting solutions for decoration, you can get ceilings of amazing beauty and complexity. To decorate the resulting surface, paint is most often chosen, but any other type of finish can be used.

The material allows you to make a room zoning or a smooth transition from the structure on the walls to the ceiling, creating a single composition.

Panels, rails and plates

For ceiling cladding, panels made of a variety of materials are used: plastic, aluminum, gypsum, mirror surfaces and others. Depending on the selected material, a smooth or structured surface is obtained. They are mainly used to create single-level ceilings. Easy installation and affordable price make ceiling paneling in a popular way.

In rooms with high humidity, finishing the ceiling with plastic panels or metal slats are the most acceptable options. These moisture-resistant materials are resistant to significant temperature changes, do not change their appearance and are easy to clean. The original paneling of the ceiling has a laconic look and is not suitable for all interior styles.
Gypsum boards are made from environmentally friendly material, with increased resistance to moisture. They can be painted and decorated with stucco elements, creating an interior design style. The main disadvantage of gypsum boards is their heavy weight, which requires reliable fastening.

Stretch ceiling

Ceiling decoration using a special PVC film allows you to quickly create a high-quality and unique ceiling space. The film is not afraid of moisture and does not absorb dirt, if necessary, it is easy to clean. A variety of colors and textures allows you to create a ceiling finish of any configuration and style.

Installing a stretch ceiling requires special equipment and special skills, so it is better to entrust the work to specialists. The price of the film and the costs associated with installation make this type of ceiling finish one of the most expensive. But the durability, reliability and beauty of the design make stretch ceilings popular. Making the ceiling with the help of a film can be limited only by the imagination of the customer and his material capabilities.
Design of structures of different levels of ceilings:

Any repair, even a simple cosmetic one, requires correct design ceiling. For various rooms, materials for finishing the ceiling are very important.
Even making simple repairs using improvised materials, not every user knows how to finish the ceiling in an apartment in a particular room and finishing technology.

In order to choose a material for finishing the ceilings of an apartment, you need to decide on the design direction and determine the budget for finishing the ceiling. After all, the design of the ceiling is not limited only to the classics, if you wish, you can even create very individual options, it all depends on preference.
Consider the most common finishing materials:

  • Whitewashing, the most inexpensive and short-lived way, as an option to quickly refresh the room.
  • Painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion, the classic version, requires preparatory work. It is necessary to completely level the ceiling surface.
    Therefore, for ceiling coverings with significant irregularities, this method will take a lot of time.
  • Finishing the ceiling with wallpaper also requires preparatory work. It will be difficult to quickly glue it alone with your own hands, you will need helpers.
    The price of finishing is low, but the operational period is not long, although with an interesting combination of several types of wallpaper, you can create interiors from classic to avant-garde.
  • Light finishing plates will help to quickly resolve the issue with cosmetic repairs, they will last for a long time, but do not differ in external originality.
  • Liquid wallpaper, one of the inexpensive modern methods of finishing the ceiling and walls. With the help of liquid wallpaper, you can create an interesting design due to the rich colors and combined technology application.
  • If you choose the most modern materials for finishing ceilings, then it is best to give preference to suspended structures: drywall, rack and cassette ceilings, PVC panels. There are no restrictions on design decoration, and by combining several types at the same time, you can create exclusive interiors.
  • Stretch ceilings are also very popular due to a number of positive characteristics.

It should be remembered that not every ceiling is suitable for painting, so even small irregularities appear. In this case, suspension or tension structures will be needed.

The better to finish the ceiling, the elimination method

Whitewashing, as a finishing option, is losing its popularity every year, if we are not talking about a modest small dacha In the countryside.
IN modern repairs this option is practically not used, especially since there are serious restrictions for such premises as:

  • Boiler room.
  • Kitchen.
  • Bathroom.

Ceiling painting practically does not go out of fashion, it is generic method finishes, but provided that the ceiling is fairly even.
The ceiling painting technology consists of several stages:

  • Putty.
  • Grinding.
  • Primer diluted with water emulsion.
  • Surface painting in several layers.

Advice. With a flat ceiling surface, you are wondering how you can finish the ceiling in the bedroom inexpensively, then painting is the easiest and most reliable method. In addition, modern paints are environmentally friendly and quick-drying, safe for health, which is important for a room such as a bedroom.

In relation to other materials, paint has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Modern special paint is not afraid of water, so after painting you can safely wash the ceiling, without even choosing special products.
  • If desired, at any time you can change the interior of the room, thanks to a wide range of colors.

In addition, this option is considered an inexpensive finishing material, but it will take time and effort to finish. See the photo for an example of a painted ceiling in a modern interior.

Wallpaper and tiles on the ceiling

To date, pasting the ceiling with wallpaper is still in demand. Of the inexpensive option, this is the simplest method of decorating the ceiling plane and makes it possible for various design developments.
Ceilings look especially interesting with the use of several types of wallpaper, which are with interesting patterns and are glued in different directions.

Advice. Having chosen wallpaper as an option, be prepared for the fact that the process is quite laborious. When finishing, you need to carefully monitor that no air bubbles form under the canvas. This problem concerns especially wide rolls.

Finishing with slabs does not require special preparation, installation is very easy, you don’t even need special instructions here. Such a finish will allow you to quickly make inexpensive cosmetic, labor-intensive repairs and hide all the bumps and cracks in the ceiling.

Advice. When tiling, do not press too hard on the surface, as it is soft and delicate. To avoid leaving marks in the places of clamping.

When finishing the ceiling with tiles, it is necessary to determine the starting point, usually the finish is made from the middle of the ceiling (from the chandelier) and is evenly distributed over the entire plane. Scraps are obtained near the walls, then they can be covered with a special plinth.
Glue "Titan" or similar is used as a fastener.

Liquid wallpaper as a finishing material for the ceiling

If the question arises, how to decorate the ceiling in the room, then of course one cannot fail to mention liquid wallpaper. This type of decoration is able to give any room luxury and elegance.
This type of material is perfect for such premises as:

  • Living room.
  • Hallway.
  • Bedroom.
  • Children's.

Silk plaster and liquid wallpaper are a great alternative to other finishing materials.
Instructions for finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper:

  • The entire surface is thoroughly cleaned of all contaminants.
  • Dry the ceiling.
  • Prime.
  • Using a trowel, apply silk plaster to the ceiling.

Advice. This type of finish involves a number of specific skills, so before starting work, without experience, it is better to familiarize yourself with the training video or consult with a knowledgeable specialist.

Dropped ceilings

Finishing with suspended structures is the most common and popular option for modern homes, offices and city apartments. The suspended structure in most cases consists of a metal frame, which is attached to the supporting ceiling and facing panels attached to a metal frame.

  • Dropped ceilings most often used when the surface is with radical drops and defects. In order not to engage in labor-intensive finishing, you can use a simple suspended structure, which will also allow you to hide all engineering communications and create unique design ceiling plane.
  • In the kitchen and bathroom, it is best to use PVC panels (see Finishing PVC bathroom panels on your own: a step-by-step guide), stretch and slatted ceilings, but for ordinary rooms, plasterboard structures and combined ceiling options are used.

Advice. The plasterboard construction is perfect for figured curvilinear designs, the material is easy to cut and install.

Ideally, for drywall construction and other types of suspended ceilings, a spacious room with high ceilings is suitable.

Stretch ceiling structures

This is the most versatile type of finish, which is suitable for absolutely any room, without restrictions. In addition, of all materials, it is the most durable, but also expensive interior decoration.
If you have not decided how to finish the ceiling in the bathroom, then you don’t have to think that the tension structure will withstand all the negative impacts. Given the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the cost of the material will be insignificant, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Do-it-yourself installation will not work without special equipment and knowledge in this area. PVC is heated to a certain state, stretched and fixed at the edges in baguettes.
Using PVC construction, you can hide all communication systems, irregularities and defects. In addition, thanks to its unique features, the ceiling will add elegance and luxury to the room.

Ceiling decoration is an integral part of the overall design of the room. The design of the ceiling space should correspond to the entire style of the interior. There is a wide variety of materials and finishes. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you should get acquainted with traditional and new ceiling design solutions, find out how the size of the room affects this choice, how you can decorate and what colors can be combined to create a harmonious interior.


The design of the ceiling depends on which room is to be finished. The design in a city apartment is different from the decoration of a summer residence. We spend a lot of time in the house and the disadvantages of finishing will not go unnoticed. It is appropriate to comply with the entire chain of the technological cycle. To prepare the surface of the upper floor, you need to more carefully approach the choice of color and texture, special importance is attached to the types of decor.

Finishing work in the country depends on the conditions of use of a country house- whether the room is heated or used only in the summer, will the material of the ceiling covering be affected low temperatures and humidity. A universal solution would be to sheathe the ceiling with wood if the design of the cottage uses a sheathing with a rail. Such a ceiling will serve long years and if necessary, it can be simply painted in desired color.

Giving preference to one or another version of the ceiling covering, you need to consider the size of the room. The ceiling on suspended structures will remove 5-10 centimeters in height, in low rooms it is better to paint or wallpaper on plaster. On the contrary, the dimensions of a narrow and high room can be balanced by lowering the suspension structure to the desired height. In attic rooms, up to two meters of height can be removed in this way in order to decorate the room in a traditional style.

The use of color and different levels in the design of the ceiling allows you to zone the room and visually influence the dimensions. A wooden crossbeam or a raised drywall plane will divide the space and expand the boundaries of the walls of a long, narrow room. The same effect will be obtained if the transverse strip is made in a contrasting color. With caution, dark tones should be used in the tinting of the ceiling. They make the upper part of the space heavier. This technique is acceptable when decorating walls with very light or white colors and a sufficient height of the room.

Some types of ceiling finishing work can be done independently, for more complex finishes it is better to invite specialists. To perform a design exclusive ceiling, it is compiled project documentation, drawing a plan constructive solution, wiring diagram and lighting, tinting sketches are prepared in relation to a specific object. Such design work not cheap, there will be costs for high-quality materials and payment for the work of specialists, but as a result you become the owner of a unique ceiling that will surprise guests and decorate your home.

Decoration methods

The traditional and oldest ceiling finishing technique is whitewashing. Any housewife is familiar with the whitewash scheme: the old layer of chalk whitewash is slightly washed out with a wet sponge or brush, then a new clean water-chalk solution is applied from a sprayer or a wide brush. At the first painting, several layers of whitewash are applied to the ceiling plate. The advantage here is the ease repair work and the painting itself, the harmlessness of the chalk solution, resistance to high temperatures. The advantages include the invariability of the height of the room.

The disadvantages include careful preparation of the floor surface. The cycle of work is as follows: the floor slab is cleaned of dust, cement splashes and degreased in the presence of oil stains. The surface is primed, the primer is plastered in heated rooms gypsum plaster, and in the ancillary - cement. In the presence of gaps between the plates or a large difference in height, beacons are set and the surface is leveled along the beacons. Next, they are treated with a leveling putty, on which a primer is applied and fiberglass is glued to a special glue. This is followed by a layer of finishing putty, which is rubbed first with a large-mesh mesh, then with a fine-mesh manually or mechanically. Now the surface is ready for whitewashing.

Chalk paints have lost their relevance today and they were replaced by acrylic and water-dispersion paints. Such a ceiling can be washed, this coating lasts longer, however, preparation for painting is carried out in the same order as for whitewashing. Both types of finishes can be painted in any color suitable for interior decoration. On this basis, frescoes and murals are made that adorn the front living rooms and halls. From the decor, stucco molding is used, to give more solemnity, gilding is added.

Monochromatic looks good white ceiling in classic style.

Affordable and easy to perform is pasting the ceiling with wallpaper. You can make this coating yourself by choosing wallpaper to match the wallpaper of the walls or using bright color accents on the ceiling with monochrome interior decor. Preparing the floor is a little easier than whitewashing. Here it is enough to apply a layer of leveling putty on the plaster. Dense wallpaper hides minor surface defects. Vinyl wallpapers can be painted several times, updating the color.

The disadvantages include a short service life, a tendency to yellowing under the influence of ultraviolet rays, to delamination of the seams under the influence of humidity and the laboriousness of the gluing process. Tastefully selected wallpaper will create a renaissance classic in the living room.

Liquid wallpaper has replaced paper. There is a great variability in color solutions, the availability of material, ease of application, great durability, the ability to change the color scheme. The disadvantages include the difficulty of wet cleaning and the accumulation of dust in the texture.

The next group of types of ceiling finishes refers to suspended structures to which the base material is attached. There are several such materials.

Drywall - inexpensive material with a surface prepared for applying the finishing putty. This finishing option does not require processing of the upper floor. These ceilings do not need to level the differences in floor slabs, they are environmentally friendly material, non-combustible, easy to install.

At the initial stage, a frame is mounted, which consists of metal profiles mounted on suspensions. The lighting scheme is determined, electrical wiring is laid. Then the frame is sheathed with drywall sheets, holes are cut for installation lighting fixtures. Drywall is puttied at the joints, fiberglass is glued and passed through with a layer of finishing putty. The surface is painted in the desired color. This type of ceiling can be pasted over with wallpaper or finished with liquid wallpaper, then you can limit yourself only to sealing the seams between the sheets with putty. Thus, the plane of the ceiling drops by at least 10 centimeters, this must be taken into account when choosing a method for finishing the ceiling in low rooms.

Ceilings on the frame can be done in several levels, this will add artistic expressiveness interior. Multi-level ceilings look good in spacious high rooms. In a small room, it is worth staying on a straight ceiling or mounting one protruding level in the center or along one of the walls. An LED strip is mounted in the side faces of the level or several spotlights are mounted in the plane of the ceiling along the outlines of the level.

Plasterboard suspended ceilings are indispensable if you need to perform a complex relief on the ceiling.

Recently, stretch ceilings have become very popular. They are easily and quickly mounted, do not require special preparation of the floor surface, only the installation of the frame. Frame from metal profile is attached to the walls, so the ceiling drops only to a profile height of three to 5 centimeters. The next step is to make electrical wiring for lighting. The finishing fabric is stretched and fixed in several places, then it is heated with the help of an electric generator and bent between the profile and the wall with a spatula. The junction of the wall and ceiling is decorated with a molding.

PVC fabric can be classified into the following types: matte, glossy, satin and fabric. The matte surface is suitable for almost any interior, regardless of the size of the room. This solution will be ideal for low rooms. The disadvantage of a matte surface is its ability to absorb light, so you need to take care of sufficient lighting. The choice of this type of canvas is suitable for a classic room design with wooden furniture, traditional curtains and paintings, for which the presence of glare in the room is undesirable.

For cutting-edge trends in interior design, manufacturers offer a glossy canvas. Glossy ceiling due to the reflectivity and glare of light, it adds illumination to the room and visually raises the ceiling. Gloss acts on the principle of reflection in a pond - if the floor is finished with glossy porcelain stoneware, then objects will be reflected many times, creating an effect of infinity. If you add one or the other color scheme, on the floor and ceiling, you can get an exceptionally stylish effect.

Satin canvas combines the advantages of both types of finishes. Retaining the nobility of a matte material, it has a slight sheen of satin fabric and mother-of-pearl motifs. It is the best choice for classical architectural solutions. A slight gloss of the structure of the canvas emphasizes the play of light on the ceiling, the weave pattern changes shades from different angles of view, which adds richness to the texture. At natural light the color looks darker than with electric.

Fabric stretch ceilings have similar properties. In this case, a thin layer of PVC is applied to the fabric at the factory, which gives the fabric elasticity and does not hide the features of thread weaves. On the fabric do a professional artistic painting or choose an existing pattern, but this type of finishing material is the most expensive.

Modern technologies allow you to perform multi-level ceilings PVC or fabric.

The advantage of stretch ceilings is durability, high performance and strength, a wide variety of textures and colors of the canvas, they are easy to keep clean, just wipe with a damp cloth. The finishing material has a high moisture resistance, it can be used in rooms for any purpose.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of self-assembly, as it requires special equipment and knowledge of technology, and limitation of use in unheated rooms. Small repairs cannot be made. If such a ceiling is damaged or flooded from the upper floor, the canvas must be completely replaced.

The next popular type of ceiling finishes are suspended modular ceilings. Armstrong ceilings are distinguished here. In the ratings of finishing materials for administrative and office buildings they take first place. The ceiling consists of a metal frame attached to the floor slab in the form of squares or rectangles. Pressed mineral fiber slabs are inserted into these squares ( stone wool with starch, latex, gypsum, cellulose), which are held by the T-shaped frame profile.

Plates have standard size 60x60 centimeters and a thickness of 1-2.5 centimeters. Rectangular plates are produced in the size of 120x60 centimeters. most accessible and practical ceilings- "Oasis" and "Baikal" white or gray color. Plates "Biogard" have a special antimicrobial coating, which expands the scope of application in kitchens and canteens. Plates "Prima" withstand high humidity. Ultima ceilings have additional sound insulation.

The advantages of these ceilings are obvious: affordable price, speed of installation, no need to prepare the floor, hidden wiring, ease of replacing one module with another during repairs. The disadvantages include the loss of performance at high humidity or water ingress on the plates, the fragility of mineral plates and instability to ultraviolet rays.

A variety of suspended structures are cassette ceilings. They are more often used in home decoration because of their decorative effect. Modules can be of any color, as well as mirror, metal, polymer. Their performance is much higher, and ease of assembly makes them the leaders in sales.

Another version of the modular ceiling is the Grilyato ceiling. These are aluminum grilles. Their configurations are very diverse, they can be painted in any color, there are no difficulties in installation, they let light through, which allows you to mount original lighting. Previously, Grilyato designs were used in industrial buildings and canteens. There are lattices of dense small rectangles - blinds, a square cellular system "Standard", a pyramidal cell that visually increases the height of the room - "Pyramid". These cellular ceilings can be located at different levels. Today, when industrial design styles, lattice modules at the peak of popularity, which allow you to create fantastic interiors.

The disadvantage is the transparency of the gratings and the visibility of electricity and ventilation communications. Designers prefer to close the interceiling space from the inside with frosted glass.

by the most economical option PVC or foam modules are recognized. They are provided with ornamental relief, texture of wood or stone. They have a wide variety of colors. Even an inexperienced person in construction can cope with gluing plates to the ceiling. After gluing the tiles, the seams are covered with putty to match the color of the module. With a flat base and careful installation of the modules, a beautiful ceiling is obtained.

rack ceiling well known for national rural construction. Wooden log cabins sheathed wooden board or lath, since wood was the most affordable material, wood is very durable material, retains heat well, has excellent soundproofing properties. Minus - susceptibility to rotting and fungal diseases in violation of the temperature and humidity conditions.

Nevertheless, this is a fairly simple technology that does not require special preparation of the base. A frame made of a metal profile or of wooden beam. The frame is sewn up with a board or rail. The brutality of the material allows the presence of saw cuts from knots, and the heterogeneous interesting fibrous structure of the wood hides unevenness. Electrical wiring is laid between the frame and the rack web.

The tree adapts well to high humidity., is a "breathable" material, environmentally friendly. Some types of wood emit resins that are beneficial for the respiratory system when heated, this effect is successfully used in baths and saunas. Designers enjoy using wooden lath in interior decoration. The slatted ceiling, after special treatment against decay, is varnished, waxed or stained with water or oil based. When repairing a ceiling blackened from time, you can sand upper layer, this will open the clean wood. With a deep defeat of the array, the ceiling is simply painted with paint.

Today, natural finishing materials are increasingly being replaced by artificial ones. Wide use received PVC ceiling slats. The construction of PVC rails is very light, it is not afraid of moisture, its installation is not complicated, the entire technological cycle takes a little time. Manufacturers produce high-quality imitations natural materials which cannot be identified "by eye". Similar ceiling slats are made of metal decorated with gold or with a mirror surface. Affordable decorative material allows you to create luxurious interiors.

An original and simple solution will be the sheathing of the ceiling and walls with OSB boards. The OSB board is used as a flat and solid base for finishing other material, it can also become a final ceiling solution. This material is now at the peak of popularity, as it has an interesting structure and color scheme in natural tones. OSB boards have increased moisture resistance, durable, aesthetic.

Reed mats have become an interesting technique for finishing a country house or attic, they are not very durable, but with proper protection from moisture they will last for several years and bring an exotic touch to the design of the dacha.

Rooms with sloping ceilings are usually difficult to decorate beautifully. An unused area appears in the low part of the room, where unnecessary things accumulate. It is better to give such premises under the bedroom and put the headboard against a low wall. A good idea would be to combine the ceiling with contrasting materials. Bright color will warn against bruises and decorate the interior.


Modern design trends attach great importance to the modeling of the ceiling space. The floor can only have a horizontal plane, the walls can be vertical, but the ceiling is given the most bizarre configurations. And for this they use a combination of simple types of finishes - from whitewashing to wooden slats.

Original designs are made from a combination of drywall structures and tension elements. When contrasting colors are included in the composition, a stylish high-tech ceiling is obtained. This design is supported by glossy dark furniture and light wall colors.

Stretch ceilings with a pattern can completely transform the room if you use the backlight of the canvas from above and on the sides in lower level. The effect of a three-dimensional image has become available thanks to the technology for creating 3D drawings.

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