Bedroom renovation based on the type: technology, design, functionality. Modern ideas for repairing a bedroom, photos of interiors What repairs can be made to a bedroom

The bedroom is the main rest room, which should be comfortable and pleasant. Therefore, when making repairs in the bedroom, some nuances should be taken into account, because, on some things, you can really save a lot, and invest in something well. How to make inexpensive repairs in the bedroom with high quality and how to decorate the room in a strong and original way - read the article!

Inexpensive, but high-quality, cosmetic or semi-overhaul of the bedroom can be done only with your own hands.

In order to receive nice room without spending it large sums, you must follow these guidelines:

  1. Everything that can be done with your own hands - we do! Economy and laziness are two incompatible things. Therefore, you will have to putty the ceiling and walls, glue the wallpaper, mount the floor and skirting boards yourself. What can not be said about, for example, wiring: here it will be necessary to hire a professional.
  2. We leave everything that can be left unchanged. If, in general, the ceiling is even, but has deep gaps at the joints, you should not use stretch or plasterboard canvases: rustication can be easily foamed, and putty can be walked on top.
  3. We assess the condition of the heating system. If earlier cosmetic repairs required mandatory replacement cast iron radiators for aluminum heat exchangers modern loft interiors only welcome conventional batteries. If the system is airtight and copes with its task, feel free to leave it.
  4. Down with imitation. We leave the imitation of expensive stone, marble and wooden floors in the past and give preference to high-quality and available materials, For example, carpets(modern low pile carpets around the perimeter of the room will become great solution, if the floor is even), parquet (the most affordable is bamboo parquet). Most inexpensive option, which will allow you to level the floor and look stylish - concrete, self-leveling coating.

Minor wall defects are leveled with plaster. If the irregularities are significant, then you can fix them with the help of drywall: the sheets are not expensive (from 200 rubles), and you can do their installation yourself even without any experience in construction work.

Choose early-mid-autumn for repair work: work at this time with open windows is still comfortable, and prices for building materials are already beginning to decline in anticipation of winter.

You should not save on windows to the bedroom, because the microclimate in the room and the health of the residents depend on this element: choose a three-chamber package that can guarantee the maximum level of heat and sound insulation.

Modern trends in interior design allow you to decorate the bedroom economically, but stylishly. So, if you choose styles such as loft and minimalism for bedroom design, you can achieve maximum decorative effect while saving significant money.

By following the following rules, you can get a stylish bedroom without spending all your savings on it:

  1. Main rule modern bedrooms- the bed should not be cheap: only a few basic pieces of furniture can be left in the room, but the bed should be spacious, strong, with an orthopedic mattress. Healthy sleep- this is something that you can not save on in any case!
  2. Furniture for modern bedrooms should be as simple as possible: no massive wardrobes, chests of drawers and bedside tables around the perimeter of the room. The most budgetary and loft-style option is wooden shelving. You can buy a rack (for example, in Ikea a simple Albert rack costs 749 rubles), or you can make it yourself. You can store clothes in such racks using organizer boxes, and small items and accessories can be placed in fabric, hanging racks: affordable, stylish and convenient!
  3. If the budget is running out, then pleated blinds, roller blinds can be used as curtains.
  4. Buy soft chairs can be on sale, and workplace you can search on bulletin boards or do it yourself (this way you can make a stylish set of shelving and a table).

Collages and pictures on the walls, lamps with colored sconces, and textiles can dilute a rather restrained design.

Saving a bed

For one-room apartments and small rooms, the issue of saving is especially acute. bed.

  1. Bed on the second floor. This option will be great for rooms with a ceiling height of 3 meters. The bed, at the same time, can be of any size, it is placed on a special design with steps, which can be easily assembled with your own hands. There is free space under the bed itself, which is often used for an office or recreation area.
  2. Murphy bed or lifting bed- This practical solution for standard Khrushchevs: the bed, in this case, is easily transformed from furniture (most often - tall cabinet). At the same time, the design imitates a facade behind which a retractable mechanism with a mattress is hidden.
  3. Bed on the podium. In this option, the bed is placed on a sufficiently high platform (about 80 cm), which, in addition to the frame for the mattress, also serves as a place to store household items, clothes and shoes (you can organize the space under the bed using perforated or fabric boxes, plastic containers ).

The proposed designs for a berth can be made with your own hands: for this you will need to find the appropriate drawings on the Internet and purchase good mattress for the bed. In many ways, such options will be cheaper than high-quality ones. folding sofas on orthopedic mattresses. In addition, such systems will look stylish and unusual!

Economy bedroom

Economy class bedroom furniture is frames made of chipboard and, in part, MDF. Such furniture can be made to order or sold as a complete set.

Most often, bedroom sets in this price category include: a wardrobe (swing or compartment), a bed (frame without a mattress), a chest of drawers, one or two bedside tables or a dressing table. Such headsets can be made in any color, while the surfaces can be both glossy and matte. If necessary, some elements of the headset can be equipped with mirrors (for example, a wardrobe or a dressing table).

When choosing furniture in the economy segment, you should give preference to trusted companies that give a guarantee on their products.

Economy: inexpensive do-it-yourself bedroom renovation (video)

High-quality, inexpensive repair in the bedroom is a reality! Having mastered some types of repair work and connecting a little imagination, you can get a beautiful and modern room saving a lot of money! Explore photos of inexpensive bedroom renovations, get ideas, and create your own, unique interior!

Competently and with their own hands to carry out repairs in the bedroom is within the power of almost everyone. Here we need a competent approach, accurate, consistent actions, the main idea and a plan for its implementation. Having all this, as well as at least a little experience, you can safely start renovating your bedroom in a private house or apartment.

The main stages of repairing a bedroom

The first question is where to start the renovation in the bedroom? Even when carrying out inexpensive repair everything in the bedroom needs to be carefully planned. Yes, the bedroom renovation in the photo always looks chic and beautiful. But a similar result can be achieved on your own if you make an effort. After all, repairing the bedroom with your own hands with a competent approach saves money and allows you to get an excellent result.

Some prefer to mediterranean style, others choose high-tech, and still others choose the classics. But let you choose a bedroom in a Mediterranean style or any other, the main thing here is to clearly set a goal and formulate a plan of action. Then beautiful renovation in a Mediterranean-style bedroom you will definitely not be disappointed.

When renovating a bedroom inside your own apartment, we recommend that you proceed according to the “top-down” principle. That is, you need to start from the upper surfaces and end with the floor.

There are several main stages of repairing a bedroom:

  • Ceiling repair;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Floor repair;
  • Furnishing and interior design of the bedroom.

Now we will talk about each of the stages of repair separately.

But first, a little about the size of the bedroom. When apartments are being renovated, where the bedroom is 15 sq m, many fear that such a small space will put an end to Napoleonic plans. But any number square meters makes it possible to realize the most daring ideas. Let it be a global renovation or a small simple cosmetic Mediterranean renovation.

We recommend that beginners carefully plan each step and not deviate from the planned plan. Only by taking into account the actual dimensions of the bedroom, you can find a place for each piece of furniture, choose the right shades, etc. Emphasize original ideas from the novelties of 2019 in the interior of bedrooms. Based on your ideas and plan, you will be able to achieve an excellent result. Be sure of it.

Ceiling repair

When planning a do-it-yourself bedroom renovation, it is important to foresee the zero stages for a start. They include replacing windows and doors. This is necessary in order to create in the apartment the necessary conditions for pasting the same wallpaper. You all know that when pasting wallpaper, drafts should not be allowed inside the apartment.

Once the zero stage is completed, proceed to the ceiling surfaces.

There are several options for repair and decoration.

  1. Finishing the ceiling of the apartment with plaster. A time-consuming, but budget option, for which you will need to putty the ceiling, level it and apply finishing layer decorative plaster or putty. In the future, such surfaces can be painted or updated by applying new thin layers of plaster.
  2. Ceiling painting. Not the most modern version, which is still in demand in 2019. Repairs are not expensive, and with the help of a varied palette of colors, you can give the room an attractive look. appearance.
  3. Tiles on the ceiling. There are various ceiling tiles made of light and not very materials. They are glued on a special glue, they create great design apartments, emphasize the chosen interior style. The downside is that covering the ceiling with such material makes it non-breathable. This negatively affects the microclimate in the apartment. Such solutions are more relevant for the hallway, toilet.
  4. Stretch and suspended ceilings. Complex ceiling structures, the installation of which is best entrusted to specialists. There are both single-level and multi-level. Their disadvantage is that the structures take up useful space.

Regardless of the material chosen, try to make sure that the ceiling does not focus on itself much attention, merges with the interior, fits into the design of the bedroom and has a calming effect. That is, no bright and dark colors.

Wall repair

In terms of walls, do-it-yourself bedroom renovation can be done in a variety of ways. But work should always begin with alignment. Especially if we are talking about wallpapering.

Considering the trends of 2019, here are some of the most attractive bedroom wall renovation ideas:

  • Wallpaper. Fabric, non-woven, paper, bamboo. At your discretion. Their design is so diverse that it is not possible to classify them somehow. Do not take wallpaper for the bedroom with bright and large, complex patterns. Preference for neat lines, light patterns, geometric shapes;
  • Prints on the wall. In many ways, they are similar to photo wallpapers, only they are made on the basis of the photographs that you provide to the manufacturer. Made to order only, so great way show individuality;
  • Dye, textured plaster for walls. In 2019, the demand for these bedroom wall finishes remains high. Choose pastel colors exclusively natural materials;
  • Tiles on bedroom walls. 2019 clearly showed that ceramic tile- this is not only a lot of bathrooms and kitchens. Small panels or fully tiled bedroom walls can look chic. If you dare to take such a step.

Floor repair

Special novelties for floor repair in the bedroom 2019 did not bring. But why invent something complex and unusual, if there are a number of time-tested options?!

  1. Linoleum. An ageless classic for apartments that appreciate comfort and are not ready to allocate a large budget for repairs. Fashion Collections linoleum 2019 are able to emphasize your refined taste, create an atmosphere of peace, comfort or intimacy in the bedroom. Everything depends on your needs.
  2. Cork board. Natural, eco-friendly, safe and very warm material, which does not require the installation of heating.
  3. Parquet. Always in fashion and is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. Only its price, as before, is high, and the installation should be trusted to specialists.
  4. Laminate. A budget option parquet, which looks similar but costs less. Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation using laminate is not difficult, since this material is assembled according to the principle of a simple puzzle.

Bedroom furniture

It is the furniture purchased for the home that completes the renovation of the bedroom. After all, it allows you to form the final appearance of the premises in the apartment.

Since we are talking about a bedroom in an apartment, here you should take care of buying a basic set of furniture. It includes:

  • Full double bed. No pull out sofas. Otherwise, this is no longer a bedroom, but some kind of living room. The exception is one-room apartments, although even there the solutions of 2019 allow you to organize a full-fledged sleeping place;
  • Wardrobe. If you have a separate dressing room in your apartment, you can completely refuse the closet;
  • Bedside tables. Very useful pieces of furniture where they store gadgets, set alarms, desk lamp, charging device. Choose nightstands with lockable doors or drawers so as not to store things and not create chaos;
  • Dressing table. When living with a girlfriend or wife, this element is indispensable;
  • Dresser. Certain types of chests of drawers can be combined with dressing table functions. Beloved will get a place to store cosmetics and preening, but at the same time you can save space;
  • TV. Many people think that it is better to abandon the TV in the bedroom and put it in another room in the apartment. But practice shows that everyone puts TVs. Place it on a chest of drawers or hang it on brackets.

Think over the interior at the stage of preparation for repair. So you can stick to a certain style of the bedroom.

Popular Repair Mistakes

We figured out how to make repairs in the bedroom. But in order for the repair to really go well and competently, we advise you to pay attention to common mistakes. Not allowing them in your own apartment, the result will be excellent.

  1. Mirror ceiling and walls. The bedroom is designed for sleeping, and in such an atmosphere it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to sleep. Feng Shui has a similar position regarding mirrors in the bedroom.
  2. A lot of furniture. Often the repair goes well, and the arrangement of furniture spoils everything. Choose only the most necessary, correctly allocate space after repair.
  3. Too much decor. Need to decorate the bedroom after the repair. But this should be done in moderation. The photo clearly shows how to successfully decorate a room and not oversaturate it.
  4. Bright colors. It looks great at first. But sleeping in a room where the walls are full of bright colors is psychologically difficult. Don't hurt your eyes.
  5. Huge chandeliers. No bulky chandeliers. This is a relic of the past.

Create beautiful with your own hands quality repair in the bedroom cream or bright lilac tone not difficult. Even if the budget is limited. The right approach, the sequence of actions and following a clear plan - this is the basis successful repair. And after the completion of all the work inside your bedroom, the photos will be sent to friends and acquaintances so that they appreciate your work.

The bedroom is the place where a person spends most of his life. It is here that you can and should forget about troubles, gain strength and positive energy.

And for a comfortable sleep and pastime, he simply needs a cozy homely atmosphere in this room. So how do you properly set it up? Bedroom renovation- not an easy task, but with a competent approach, you can achieve the solution of all tasks.

If you have not even decided on the location of the bedroom in your new home, then experts recommend allocating the brightest and most isolated room for this room. The fact is that a person needs peace and comfort in order to have a good rest. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that sleep is the best medicine Sleep is the best thing you can do for your health.

As for the location of the bedroom in relation to the cardinal points, ideal option will be one of three. Either you choose a room whose windows face east, or south - east or south.

Of course, one of important issues is choice of bedroom style. But first you need to decide what exactly the bedroom will be intended for. Designers distinguish three main types of bedrooms. This bedroom is exclusively for sleeping - most often, this is a room for parents.

The second type is a children's room in which the child not only sleeps, but also plays or does homework. And the third type is a combination of a rest room and a workplace. This option is usually used when there is not enough free space in the house, and therefore the bedroom performs the functions of several rooms at the same time.

Of course, depending on which type the bedroom belongs to, you should choose design solutions.

The three types listed above depend on color design bedrooms. But the general criterion for them can be called that This room is intended primarily for relaxation. Therefore, choosing color scheme preference should be given to the range that will be pleasant for its inhabitants.

For a bedroom that's meant for two optimal solution will be pleasant bright hues. People really want to fall asleep and wake up in an atmosphere of comfort and warmth transmitted by these flowers.

But some neglect this generally accepted solution and equip their bedroom in red or black shades. And they are not at all afraid of this option for decorating the room. After all, as you know, the red color excites, and falling asleep in such a room is often problematic. Although, as regards sexual relations as a couple, it only benefits them. In any case, the choice is yours!

Children's bedroom experts recommend arranging in warm colors using blue or green shades. You should not use exclusively pink tones for a girl's bedroom, and blue for a boy. These colors overload and bring sadness to the child. It is good when there are yellow or orange accents. But only a little, since these colors can also strain the nervous and mental system of the child.

For combined rooms in which you plan to work and rest, it is better to use the effect of zoning the room. Try to isolate the workplace from the bed with a screen or frosted glass. In the recreation area, make a peaceful atmosphere, and for work, decorate part of the room in colors that will help you concentrate your attention. It can be brown or blue shades.

The democratic use of black and white finishes is more suitable for a minimalist living room style. But for the bedroom, designers do not recommend this solution.
Generally recommended in the interior of the bedroom, use 1-2 primary colors, diluting them bright accents. Then you will feel comfort and peace.

As finishing materials for the bedroom, experts recommend choosing natural materials. Of course, it all depends on your financial capabilities. But remember, the bedroom needs it more than any other room. Therefore, the use synthetic materials may not be good for your health. Use in the interior mainly: wood, stones, textiles.

For walls, you can use not too bright sticky wallpaper or just color them in warm colors. There are many options for decorating walls with decorative plaster. Such a design solution looks very impressive, besides, the appearance of the walls will last for many years.

Of course, the use of textiles also plays an important role in the bedroom. These are not only curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads. You can make them in style general interior rooms, but you can use bright colors and with their help to place accents. Fortunately, the variety of materials now is simply magnificent. Curtains, most often, are made of dense material, so that nothing interferes comfortable sleep. Can be used in the interior and blinds on the windows. This is also very popular today.

The best lighting option for the bedroom is multi-level. After all, many people like to read before going to bed, and then on bedside tables or light fixtures on the walls.

Bedroom furniture should include several basic elements. This is definitely a bed. Often, instead of it, a podium is used, on which a mattress is simply installed. And in children's rooms, a sofa or chair-bed is often used instead of a bed. Another indispensable piece of furniture in the bedroom is the closet. Often, in modern bedrooms still installing a TV. It is hung on the wall or placed on a bedside table.

Most best option for finishing of a covering - a parquet. If this option is not affordable for you, then you can stop the choice on the laminate. These materials look very aesthetically pleasing, besides, they are very easy to care for.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with repair in the bedroom in the photo! We hope that they will inspire us with new creative ideas that will help you create a cozy, comfortable environment in your bedroom!

The bedroom is the place where you relax and sleep. The interior planning and the choice of finishing materials must be taken very seriously, since bright, intense and eye-catching shades are completely unsuitable here, as is the abundance of plastic and metal in the environment.

The bedroom is the place where we spend a lot of time. Therefore, for its design, you should not choose too bright and aggressive colors.

How to make repairs in the bedroom and what is better to choose? Experts advise using only natural materials, among the shades, preference is given to calm, pastel colors. This rule is especially important for apartments that do not differ in large volume. free space. The repair itself can be major, with a complete replacement of all materials, including furniture, or partial, cosmetic. The second option is more economical.

Master bedroom renovation

Almost every man can do a bedroom renovation with his own hands. This process is complex and can take up to a month. The duration depends on what kind of work needs to be done. The rules for performing work are as follows:

If you are planning a major renovation, you should start by replacing windows.

  1. The overhaul must begin with complete replacement window frames and doors. It is not always possible to cope on your own, so it is better to call the master, who will make preliminary measurements, and then install the frames and doors. IN last case first, the doorway is prepared, and only then the box and the canvas are mounted.
  2. After that, a number of works are carried out to replace communications. Not only the wiring is changing, but also ventilation system, a television cable and other communications are being laid. After laying, all done channels must be carefully decorated.
  3. At the next stage, preparations are made for replacing sockets, the wall surface must be cleaned of the old coating. Usually, all old finishing materials from the walls, ceiling and floor are removed immediately.
  4. Directly repair work in the bedroom you have to start from the floor. Possible various options from underfloor heating to installation massive board or parquet. The complexity of the work depends on which option floor covering was chosen.
  5. Next, you need to start decorating the walls. First, they are leveled by puttying, installing plasterboard structures. If windows and doors are being replaced, they must first be installed, after which wallpaper or another type of finish should be used, including the use of decorative plaster or painting.
  6. The ceiling is designed last, as the work requires cleanliness from other surfaces. For the bedroom, you can use various decoration options, including simple painting. But if the room allows, then it is best to make hanging or stretch ceiling that amaze with their diversity and attractiveness. Perfectly suited imitations of the starry sky with illumination, multi-tiered drywall constructions. The color scheme should be selected calm. It all depends on the chosen style, the rest of the design of the bedroom.

Bedroom refurbishment

Do-it-yourself redecoration of a bedroom is much easier to organize.

A feature of the work is that the finishing must be done from top to bottom.

This means that the first work is carried out near the ceiling, the floor is finished last. Furniture is placed only after the work is completed.
Cosmetic repairs are performed in the following sequence:

To paint the ceiling, use pastel shades.

  1. You need to start work from the ceiling. First, skirting boards under the ceiling are glued with liquid nails. You can choose special plastic lungs edges. They will give the ceiling a presentable appearance. Used and imitation plaster moldings. It is not necessary to take massive decorative elements, thin stripes that act as a separator are suitable. Their selection depends on the style of the room. For modern style imitation of stucco is not suitable, but for the classical, baroque - this great option. After the edging is glued, completely dry, you can start painting the ceiling. For the bedroom, it is desirable to use pastel shades; for a small room, a soft, pleasant shade of ivory is ideal. The number of layers depends on what result you want to get.
  2. Further, do-it-yourself bedroom renovation continues, the line is now outside the walls. Most often, wallpaper is used for this, today they can be purchased in any texture and color. Paper, vinyl, non-woven wallpapers are best suited for bedrooms, there are numerous options for photo wallpapers that allow you to create an unusual, attractive design. Selection rules colors are also followed here. Soft, soft, pastel shades are used, the absence of bright and too intense colors, small unobtrusive patterns is welcomed. But also very light, white wallpapers are not suitable for bedrooms. The best options are pale golden, pink, blue, sand. As a pattern, you can choose smooth stains, geometric ornaments.
  3. If possible, instead of wallpaper, you can use decorative textured paints and plaster. There are a lot more finishing options here, you can use elegant Venetian plaster, imitations of natural fabrics, wood. The process of decorating the walls depends on the chosen technology, but work should begin only after the surface has been prepared, at least leveled.
  4. The flooring is installed after the ceiling and walls are ready. The easiest option for a bedroom is linoleum, which can be laid in just a couple of hours. For the bedroom, you can use soft, calm shades, for example, honey, light brown, gray. It will be a little more difficult to lay a laminate, as the material requires more complex preparation, the use of a substrate. Rarely, but ceramic tiles are still used, only the option is suitable when installing a floor heating system at the same time, but this is already a major overhaul that takes more time.

How to make repairs in a small bedroom?

Making repairs in the bedroom on your own is more difficult when it comes to a small room.

It is not only about choosing materials for work, but also how to choose and arrange furniture so that the room turns out to be cozy and suitable for a good rest.
The following conditions for the selection of materials are observed:

Brown shades are well suited for painting the floor in the bedroom.

  1. For the floor, it is best to choose honey and light brown shades; light gray, milky color is well suited. Coating material - laminate or linoleum of excellent quality, carpet for a small room can be used, but not dark shades, although many experts do not quite recommend taking it for rooms whose area is less than 9 m².
  2. For walls, it is also necessary to take coatings of light, pastel shades. It is best if they are plain or with vertical pattern, but not very small and intrusive. For small bedrooms, it is better not to take coatings with small and intricate patterns, let them be divorces, geometric ornaments. Wallpaper is the best option, but you can also use decorative plaster like the Venetian. The bedroom can be decorated in pale pink, light lilac, honey, pale green, blue shades. Panels from natural wood, complex drywall constructions that will take up a lot of space. MDF panels or plastic panels- Not the best option for finishing. Plaster after application can be coated with matt varnish or varnish with sparkles. Wallpaper is recommended to take paper or non-woven, their pattern should be calm, not distracting attention.
  3. Ceilings are hung in White color, it is better to take the paint with a slight pearlescent sheen in order to visually make the room a little lighter and higher. But there is another trick that helps to draw small rooms, is the use of a stretch ceiling, the fabric of which imitates the night or day sky.

Whatever bedroom design you choose, the selection of materials must be taken responsibly. Only natural products are welcome. If you want global change, you will have to be ready for a major overhaul. If you are not ready for long-term work, and the budget is limited, then a simple redecoration of the bedroom with your own hands will do.

Bedroom renovation is a responsible event. The comfort of your stay in it will depend on the final result. Inexpensive renovation of a bedroom is possible with the right selection of finishing materials, the use of various techniques that will expand the space of a small room, as well as make it beautiful and modern. In the article we will consider these points, and also learn how to make repairs in the bedroom, depending on its size. Remember that all the work can be done independently, having studied the relevant information and making a little effort.

Do-it-yourself repair in the bedroom, photo of renovation on an area of ​​9-10 sq. m.

Repair of a bedroom in 9-10 square meters. m. requires a special approach. Limited space leaves little room for imagination, so it is necessary to resort to various methods of expanding the room. Some ideas for repairing a bedroom of 10 square meters. m. and less are given below.

Correct selection color performance will visually correct the volume. Best to use light colors- beige, light pink, light green and other shades pastel colors. You can make several bright small-sized accents. Also used for flooring light tone. When laying laminate or parquet, it is worth mounting them diagonally. For walls suitable wallpaper with embossed or small pattern, avoid stripes and rectangles. The device of a glossy or mirrored stretch ceiling will also push the room apart. IN evening time it will beautifully reflect the lamps located on the walls. Furniture is recommended to choose compact sizes, replace the double bed with corner sofa, perfectly fit into the interior wardrobe with mirrored doors. glass shelves on the walls they will look light and weightless. When making repairs in the bedroom with your own hands, you should adhere to the methods discussed above.

Beautiful bedroom renovation 12 sq. m. in Khrushchev

Repair the bedroom 12 sq. m. not much easier than with a smaller area, it will take even more building materials and time to complete the work. However, there is still room for fantasy. You can make some designs that are not permissible to arrange in a small room. For example, a drywall niche with beautiful lighting. It is used as a shelf or under the TV. You can also put the head of the bed in it. From drywall, you can perform and suspended ceiling if the height of the room allows.

It is possible to divide the room into two zones - sleeping and working - using an arch, into which you can also mount Spotlights, if desired - hang light curtain, which, however, will reduce the size of the bedroom. The color scheme should also not be too dark. For repairs in the goods market can be found inexpensive materials that will look spectacular in the interior. These are wallpapers, linoleum, paint, drywall, etc. Photos of apartment renovation in the bedroom, where arches and niches are used, as well as various techniques for increasing space, are shown in our gallery. With their help, you will get a visual representation of how to make the interior cozy and functional.

Small Bedroom Renovation Ideas

Bedroom in Khrushchev: learning to create a design

The bedroom in Khrushchev is different small size, and often it is also not very comfortable elongated rectangular shape("pencil case"). In general, Khrushchev is an apartment that is quite difficult to create comfort. But even in this case, you can create a very cozy interior. And you need to start repairing with your own hands with planning. Think about what you want to get? elegant bedroom for family? A multifunctional room-bedroom for one person? Children's bedroom? After you decide on an idea, try to create a project on paper, not forgetting about exact dimensions room and furniture in it. You can also use the Pro100, Basis furniture maker applications and create a 3D layout of your bedroom.

How to start repairing a bedroom of 12 sq m?

Of course, the bedroom is 12 square meters, which is not much, but here you can also turn around quite well. The first thing you should pay attention to is the place where the bed will stand, as this is the largest interior detail in terms of area. Only after that, you can begin to arrange all other items, make decorative plaster, glue wallpaper, install sockets, stretch ceilings in the bedroom, and so on. The main thing in this matter is that you yourself would be comfortable.

Bedroom renovation: let's talk about design

Unfortunately, not everyone can independently create a beautiful and functional design bedrooms. Many of us do not have enough imagination, and there is also not much experience in interior solutions. But even a very simple renovation in the bedroom can turn this room into a place where you will truly relax. That's why it's always interesting to see ready-made ideas bedroom renovation. When considering other people's ideas, it is also important not to forget about your own capabilities and limitations. Choose design solutions for rooms similar in size and layout to your bedroom. And do not forget that in most cases, the implementation of design delights is not cheap at all.

How to make a cheap but beautiful bedroom renovation?

Making a cheap but beautiful bedroom renovation is not so easy. IN this case a huge role is played by your taste and ability to choose the right materials, color, size. Of course, at first it may not work out, but if you connect your imagination, you can easily cope with the task. First: choose inexpensive, but quality materials. So, the finish "under the tree" can be a replacement for natural panels. And attractive wallpaper will be a great alternative to expensive plasters. True, you will have to repeat the repair, most likely, a few years earlier. On the other hand, what's wrong with that? Updating the interior is a joy and pleasure!

A small bedroom can be cozy!

Of course, a small bedroom is a really problematic place, especially if you want to accommodate 2 adults in this room, but there are options too. First of all, it is minimalism. If you're renovating a 9 sq. ft. bedroom, be prepared to sacrifice some furniture, bedside tables, or a chest of drawers, as the room won't fit everything you want. In this case, you can use different lighting options and colors to visually enlarge the space. It is also necessary to pay attention to the choice of the bed, due to its compact size or the ability to fold it, you can win extra space.

Bedroom renovation 10 sq m: save space

If you are renovating a bedroom of 10 sq m with your own hands, then remember that with a given room size, it is very important to treat space sparingly, not forgetting about comfort. Therefore, we offer a few tips that will help you do the repair of the bedroom in Khrushchev with your own hands.

We choose inexpensive materials for repair

Today, in any building supermarket, the choice is huge, including really high-quality and inexpensive materials for repairs. But if you decide to save seriously, you will have to “seize the moment” and carefully monitor seasonal promotions and sales. For example, during New Year's Eve promotions, you can buy many building materials much cheaper than usual. Also pay attention to the sale of leftovers. For example, you can buy the remnants of linoleum, parquet board, which, by quadrature, will perfectly lie on your floor. In addition, you can always save money by choosing the material. So, instead of plastering and painting, you can buy simple wallpaper. A tile to save money, you can choose not ceramic, but from high-quality plastic. There are many options, the main thing is that your savings be reasonable! Simple renovation of a small bedroom with inexpensive materials.

Is it expensive to renovate a bedroom?

Renovation of a bedroom is not only a beautiful “cosmetics”, but, above all, the introduction of euro standards into your interior. Everything is important here: double-glazed windows, and the height of sockets, switches and other details. Renovation can be compared with overhaul, because for its implementation it is necessary to redo everything, from floor to ceiling, including walls, since any domestic panel house, not to mention the Khrushchevs, was built far from European standards. Do not forget that for the implementation of a real European-quality repair, materials must also be used. European quality. That is why the answer to the question from the title is obvious: European-quality repair is comparable in cost to a high-quality overhaul. However, now more relevant is simply high-quality modern renovation, in which the wishes of the people are taken into account, and standards are not so important.

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