Photos of wallpaper on the ceiling. We analyze the types and methods of gluing photo wallpapers on the ceiling. Ceiling design: options for using ceiling wallpaper

Wallpaper is a finishing material that has not lost its relevance for many decades. Colors, textures change, other substances are used in their manufacture. But they are all also glued to the walls and ceiling. And they are getting better and better at hiding various flaws in the finish or uneven surfaces. Thanks to progress, the question: "How to stick wallpaper on the ceiling alone?" becomes easily solved, modern technologies greatly simplify the process.

Wallpaper selection

So, any repair begins with the choice of materials. First you need to decide what kind of wallpaper you need. When choosing, consider the following:

  • the strips should slide easily over the surface so that they can be corrected when gluing;
  • patterned material hides better various irregularities on the ceiling. Monochromatic wallpaper can only be used for relatively flat surface. Color and embossed material masks the errors best of all;
  • it is advisable to choose the wallpaper that will be easiest to stick: without the need for adjustment, not requiring additional actions, etc .;
  • paper wallpapers also do not hide irregularities well. Dense non-woven ones cope much better with this;
  • longer drying of the glue will be more of an advantage, since there will be more time for correction.

By the way, wallpaper for painting is quite suitable for pasting the ceiling. As a result, it will be possible to change color solutions, but there will be no need to replace the material itself.

Necessary materials and tools

  • wallpaper;
  • glue suitable for them;
  • a sharp knife, it will be convenient to work as a construction knife with replaceable blades, because they can be changed or broken if necessary. A dull knife will not be able to cut off wet sheets, but will pull or tear them;
  • roulette;
  • comfortable long table or goats. The stand should be of such a height that you can easily reach the ceiling. It is desirable that the length of the table or the goat is enough for the entire strip of wallpaper. It will be inconvenient to work with a ladder, because it is short and does not allow you to move freely;
  • rags for smoothing stripes and removing excess glue;
  • rubber roller for rolling;
  • plastic spatula;
  • brushes for applying glue;
  • primer;
  • antiseptic;
  • spray.

Ceiling preparation

Before you stick wallpaper on the ceiling alone, you need to properly prepare the surface. If this is not done, the material will quickly fall off. What needs to be done to ensure the highest quality adhesion of wallpaper to the ceiling:

  1. Remove completely old coating: peel off old wallpaper (or other pasted material) or paint, wash off whitewash. Swollen plaster is also removed: it can fall off along with the new material. If dusty or dirty work, then the furniture in the room must be covered with a film so as not to stain it. Even better - take everything that is possible to another room.
  2. Align the ceiling. Sheets will not fit well and stick to uneven surface. Also, any pits or protrusions will be visible through the material. Therefore, all the bumps are removed with a spatula. Pits and cracks - gloss over.
  3. Clean the ceiling of dust. It is recommended that you first vacuum it, and then wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it.
  4. Treat the surface with antiseptic agents to exclude the possibility of the appearance of fungus under the wallpaper.
  5. After the antiseptic has dried, the ceiling is primed. This will ensure high-quality adhesion of the sheets to the pasted surface. You can purchase a special liquid or dilute a more liquid one. wallpaper glue. Then 5 times more water is added to the dry mixture than indicated in the instructions.

Glue preparation and application

After the primer has completely dried, you can proceed to further work. First, prepare the wallpaper paste according to the instructions. Now there are many instant mixes, but there are also those that need to be aged for several hours. When preparing glue, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the instructions. Usually, ready mix similar to thick jelly, but it is easily smeared.

First, cut the strips to the desired length. The sheets are made a few centimeters longer than the ceiling. This allowance is necessary due to the possible unevenness of the surface itself or the curvature of the adjacent walls.

Now proceed to applying glue to the wallpaper strips:

  1. The prepared sheet is laid out on the floor with a pattern down, it is desirable that it be as straightened as possible. Further actions depends on the type of wallpaper. If they are made of paper or other thin material, then it is enough to simply grease them with glue using a brush or roller. Non-woven or any other thick ones, after smearing, are folded as follows: the edges are folded to the center so as to cover the glue with them. Thick material must be soaked, otherwise it will not stick. Coats 2 or 3 sheets at once. You should not be afraid that the strips will stick together.
  2. Now glue is applied to the ceiling. Many manufacturers write that the surface does not need to be coated, however, when wallpapering on the ceiling, it should also be processed, this will improve the adhesion quality. The glue is applied with a roller or brush slightly wider than the glued strip.


Now you can go directly to how to stick wallpaper on the ceiling alone. The work is uncomfortable, and therefore laborious, but still quite doable.

Important! Before you glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to create a room suitable conditions. The room should be warm, around +20-22°C. Otherwise, the glue will not dry well. But at the same time, any air movement must be excluded, that is, you will have to work with doors and windows closed. Due to drafts or not enough high temperature air wallpaper may fall off.

The ceiling is one of the largest planes in the room. It is also usually well lit. Any flaws on it will be noticeable. Therefore, the observance of technology is necessary. Actions are performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Mark the width of the wallpaper on the ceiling. If thick and embossed materials are used, then stick on the strip masking tape in order to secure the joint as securely as possible. Also, this line will help you orient yourself and not move the sheet too much.
  2. With one of the folded sheets, they climb onto the goats or a table.
  3. On one side, peel off the corners and unfold the sheet a little. The folded residue is passed between the hands so that it goes behind the head. Then he will not interfere with work.
  4. Corners are applied to the ceiling. Wallpaper should go a little on the walls or ceiling plinth with both short and long sides of the strip.
  5. The wallpaper is smoothed with a hand or a rag along the entire length. Movements are directed from the center to the edges. The protruding excess glue is collected with a rag.
  6. When the entire strip is glued to the ceiling, take a pin and pierce the sheet into different places. The frequency of punctures is 10-20 cm. This is necessary so that all the air comes out.
  7. Now proceed to smoothing and rolling. At first plastic spatula expel all the air from under the wallpaper. Movements are also directed from the center to the edges. After that, the glued sheet is rolled up with a roller.
  8. take next lane and repeat all steps. The joints of the sheets are especially carefully rolled.

When all the wallpaper is glued, it remains only to trim the edges. To make everything neat, you will need a sharp knife and spatula. The technology is simple. The wallpaper is pressed with a spatula. On it, as on a ruler, cut off sharp knife excess material. If the blade becomes dull (begins to pull rather than cut), it is broken or changed.

That's all for how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling. One person can handle this as well.

The ceiling, decorated with beautiful materials, is an integral element of the interior of a city apartment. Currently on construction market you can choose a variety of materials for ceiling coverings (in the photo - a modern version of the design of the ceiling).

Attention! The choice of finishing for the ceiling is influenced by the material possibilities of the owner of the dwelling, his taste preferences, as well as the chosen design.

To date, wallpapers remain the most accessible way ceiling surface finishes. Thanks to modern technologies used in the manufacture of various different types wallpaper, the glued ceiling fits perfectly into any design (in the photo-example of the ceiling on which the wallpaper is glued).

Material Options

Pasting the ceiling in the living room or children's room is good decision both for apartments with high ceilings and for houses with low ceilings.

Advice! Using a combination of various finishing materials, it is possible to distinguish several separate zones in the interior of the room.

Manufacturers offer four types of materials that are suitable for decorating residential premises (samples in the photo):

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • liquid;
  • glass wall papers.

Pasting features

Non-woven wallpaper has a dense base, so they are easy to use. Such materials "breathe", that is, they perfectly pass air. Due to the high density, these wallpapers (pictured are samples design solutions) fit into any design.

They hide minor cracks, wall imperfections, are highly resistant to water, and are suitable for use in rooms with high humidity. Professionals often design with the help of glass wallpapers, which include natural components: clay, quartz sand, limestone (in the photo, the design of the ceiling surface using glass wallpapers).

They are made of fiberglass different thickness intertwined with each other. That is why such materials have high strength, do not deform, and no visible defects form on their surface. These wallpapers are quite profitable to use, from an economic point of view. The average service life of such materials is 25-30 years. In addition, you can repaint if the design of the room changes (in the photo - wallpaper with fiberglass).

Liquid wallpaper fits perfectly into the design of studio apartments. They have a superficial resemblance to decorative plaster. Such materials are ideal for decorating those surfaces that have a sufficient number of protrusions, corners, as well as for decorating rooms with low ceilings. Among the advantages of these finishing materials, we highlight the natural composition, excellent adhesion to the surface being decorated, the ability to accumulate heat, and repel dust from the surface. Ceiling design using such materials (example in the photo) is possible even for beginners.

Advice! In case of damage to the coating, in order to return the ceiling to its original aesthetic appearance, it is enough to replace the damaged area.

Main disadvantages liquid wallpaper is unstable to high humidity. Such materials cannot be used to decorate ceilings in bathrooms and toilet rooms, liquid wallpaper is not suitable for kitchens. The video clip shows all the nuances of using wallpaper to decorate the ceiling in a living room.

Features of vinyl materials

Design using vinyl wallpaper is an expensive pleasure (option in the photo).

The structure of such materials includes two layers: the top is made of polyvinyl chloride, the bottom is made of interlining or paper. Manufacturers offer four types of these finishing materials:

Advice! When choosing the type of wallpaper for the ceiling, be guided by your taste preferences, as well as the style decision for your apartment (the photo shows an example of a ceiling design).

Wallpaper for painting

Decided to paint the ceiling a certain shade? In this case, choose wallpaper for painting. Manufacturers offer them in white, so that if desired, the owner of the finished ceiling can choose the color that will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. Such materials have a relief structure, so you can add additional sophistication and originality to the room.

Currently, the construction market is in demand finishing materials for decorating the ceiling, which have a matte pattern. It is offered in different color, when painting, you can get a plain ceiling with a protruding pattern.

The specifics of ceiling wallpaper

For painting, you can use vinyl, non-woven, as well as glass, as they are highly resistant to high humidity. Vinyl is better to choose those based on interlining. Finishing materials made on the basis of foamed interlining are distinguished by a relief structure. They are suitable for decorating the ceiling, with their help the room will acquire the desired design.

The use of photo wallpapers in design

Among the popular wallpaper options that are used to decorate the ceiling, photo wallpapers are of interest. Due to the realism of the image printed on the canvas, the room acquires any designer style. Currently, the following types of photo wallpapers are offered to customers:

  • velor;
  • textile;
  • 3d models;
  • PVC materials.

Textile photo wallpapers are supposed to have a paper or fabric base. Upper layer decorated with silk or linen polypropylene threads. This material used to make a variety of patterns and textures. Such wallpapers are resistant to high humidity in the room, they will be an excellent solution for decorating the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen. Textile photo wallpapers are obtained by pasting the pattern applied to the base with velor villi. These canvases are pleasant and soft to the touch, with their help you can create the most realistic effect.

Advice! Materials of this type are unstable to high humidity, so it is advisable to use them for pasting ceilings in children's rooms, bedrooms, living rooms.

PVC materials are highly resistant to moisture, so they are ideal for bathrooms, kitchens.

Have 3d materials three-dimensional view, they are considered an innovation in the production of photographic materials for the construction industry. Due to the realism of the images obtained on the ceiling, you can find yourself in the atmosphere of amazing wildlife, enjoy its splendor to the fullest. Looking at the ceiling of your bedroom in the morning, decorated with voluminous 3d photographic materials, you can get a charge of vivacity and optimism for a new working day. Designers recommend choosing 3d pictures for low ceilings.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with pasting the ceiling, clean and dry its surface. Check visually for major defects on the ceiling. If you find on the surface serious problems, putty, prime all problem areas. Cut the canvases of the desired length, first measure the ceiling. For shrinkage, add 2-3 cm to the obtained parameters. To glue the canvases evenly, it is necessary to mark the surface. To do this, in the center different sides pull the threads intersecting in the center. The gluing process must be started from the window so that the joints between the individual canvases are not visible. As a final element, use a decorative plinth or border around the entire perimeter of the ceiling.


The ceiling is important element any city apartment and country house, so you need to pay close attention to its decoration. Despite the variety of finishing materials that exist on the modern construction market, professionals do not advise disregarding traditional wallpapers of different types. The choice of finishing materials for the ceiling depends only on personal wishes, the material capabilities of the homeowner. Based on the ratio between the reasonable cost of finishing materials and a long service life, the leaders are vinyl wallpapers. In addition, they have excellent aesthetic characteristics that even the most fastidious owner will like.

Yes, and the surface itself has a number of features, manufacturers have created several types of such photo wallpapers in composition.

The variety of materials included in their composition allows you to choose the best option, regardless of whether the room is characterized by a favorable environment, or it requires a careful selection of durable and reliable finishing materials.

A variety of photographic images for ceiling structures

One of the basic rules that ensure the creation of not only stylish, but also practical and durable design, is compliance with the characteristics of the room, the location of the room, its layout, ceiling height and lighting level when choosing ceiling photo wallpapers.

Depending on the characteristics of the rooms, you can choose the following options for decorating the ceiling:

A special category can be attributed to the ceiling: they may include various materials, so you always have the opportunity to choose a realistic and voluminous pattern for any room. As a rule, voluminous plots on the ceiling can be seen in the interiors of a bedroom or living room.

Advice: Wall murals for the ceiling can be pasted over the areas in which you plan to relax: these can be sofas, folding chairs, a bed. So you can lie down to watch the drawing and enjoy the atmosphere created with the help of such plots.

When choosing wallpaper, think in advance what type of material surface is preferable to choose for your room. If you are planning to increase the space and create a reflective effect, stop at.

In the selection process, it is extremely important to determine the nature of the plot that will be presented on the ceiling. Wherein color rendering plays an important role: dull colors will not create the right mood, bright colors will reduce the space, cool colors will raise the ceilings, and dark wall murals will emphasize the gloomy environment, so they will not always be able to emphasize the desired effect.

Remember! The perception of shades is affected by the nature of the lighting in your room. It is desirable that it be uniform over the entire surface of the ceiling. Emphasize stylish design you can use built-in lighting, LED bulbs or fluorescent paints on photo wallpapers.

In some cases, the ceiling in the room is multi-level, and the use of photo wallpapers with one pattern is not always appropriate on such a surface. Choose wallpapers with different subjects related to the same subject and not containing contradictory and inharmonious shades.

Scene selection features

The choice of plot should depend on the room in which you plan to stick such photo wallpapers. In addition to the purpose of the room, pay attention to the style of the interior.. Vintage scenes such as frescoes are not suitable for styles such as modern, hi-tech, loft or minimalism. And 3D wall murals on the ceiling should not be glued in classic and restrained rooms, as well as in interiors that embody Provence, country and other old themes.

When the choice has already been made, it remains to go to a specialized store and purchase suitable option for your room.

Plots for the ceiling are produced by a huge number of manufacturers, and they are all different high quality. However, the cost of such photo wallpapers may vary: the price is affected by the complexity of the pattern, the materials included in the photo wallpaper, the size of the canvas and other factors.

The minimum price of photo wallpaper on the ceiling is about 450 rubles.

The process of gluing photo wallpapers on such surfaces involves the consistent observance of the following procedures:

  • ceiling preparation(removal of the old coating, putty, surface leveling, primer);
  • glue preparation in accordance with the instructions for the photo wallpaper or the most adhesive mass;
  • preparation of photo wallpaper(creating markup, cutting off unnecessary parts, fitting to the size of the ceiling). For PVC photo wallpapers you will need liquid nails;
  • glue application(moreover, both on photo wallpapers and on the ceiling) and sticking photo wallpapers;
  • canvas alignment and docking of several fragments.

In order for the selected photo wallpaper to serve you for a sufficiently long time, it is necessary to ensure proper care behind the ceiling. Cloths with a laminated layer, and it is enough to wipe with a damp cloth.

Remember! Paper murals, which do not have additional layers for protection, are cleaned only with a dry cloth and should not be exposed to contact with water.

Observing all the features of the selection, installation and care of such photo wallpapers, you can ensure the creation of a bright and stylish interior transform your ceiling and demonstrate that you follow fashion design trends.

Original plots for the ceiling are what will help you relax and tune in to the positive, because it is the murals that are considered one of the most best ways creating a comfortable environment.

Wallpaper for pasting the ceiling is used when you need to create an original and cozy interior. Usually, not paper, but vinyl wallpapers are used, since they have greater strength and durability. Non-woven ceiling wallpaper is a popular choice due to the fact that this material lasts a long time, withstands loads well and does not peel off from the ceiling. Proper pasting and the use of a suitable adhesive composition is a prerequisite for a strong adhesion of the wallpaper web to the ceiling plane.

There are interesting and beautiful options ceiling decoration for an apartment in any style.

What are ceiling wallpapers:

  • Light plain or with patterns;
  • Juicy flowers;
  • Embossed or smooth;
  • Matte or glossy.

The location can only be on the plane of the ceiling or with a transition to the wall. Any person who enters the room immediately notices if the ceiling is not white. You can choose colored ceiling wallpapers if they harmoniously fit into general idea rooms. Suitable for rooms with low ceilings light wallpaper. The design of the ceiling will help increase the height of the room, add light and volume. Wall mural on the ceiling can only be used if its height is more than 4.75 m, otherwise the room becomes visually smaller, and the ceiling presses on the viewer.

Stalin-style houses are well suited for photo wallpapers, but they are not suitable panel buildings with standard layout.

What wallpaper to choose on the ceiling: ideas

The ceiling is always heavily lit, so an important parameter when choosing ceiling wallpaper- It is fade resistant. The design and pattern can be anything, but the quality of the coating must be high. Usually, vinyl, interlining and textiles are used for the ceiling, in rare cases - paper. If the plane of the ceiling is perfectly flat, you can choose thin wallpapers, but if there are serious defects, you should choose thick ones (from 2 mm). Due to the thick wallpaper, you can hide defects, level differences and cracks. It is still necessary to prepare the surface, the size of sinking defects, potholes, cracks, chips before gluing should be no more than 0.5 mm. All protruding defects must be removed with a sandpaper or spatula, otherwise they cannot be masked. Embossed ceiling wallpaper uneven ceiling look much better than smooth ones.

Ceiling wallpaper for the kitchen must meet the following requirements:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • Easy care, washable wallpaper;
  • Burnout resistance;
  • Dense texture.

The kitchen is a humid room where a lot of smells arise every day. Wallpaper will periodically have to be cleaned of grease, dust and dirt. It is better to immediately choose dense non-woven wallpaper than to change repairs every 2 years due to a large dirty spot on the ceiling. It is undesirable to use wallpaper directly above the stove and sink. The design of the ceiling can delimit the kitchen into an area where food is prepared and where a meal takes place. How to glue washable wallpaper? Exactly the same as usual, in accordance with the instructions.

Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling (video)

Wallpaper for the ceiling in the nursery

If you use wallpaper glowing in the dark in the nursery, the child will remember such a gift for a lifetime. Fluorescent paint is used to create a pattern of the starry sky. The constellations on the ceiling can be invisible against the light background of the wallpaper during the day, but bright at night.

What to choose drawings on the ceiling for the nursery:

  • Sunny sky with cirrus clouds;
  • Birds, flowering plants, butterflies;
  • Angels, fairies, magical animals.

The design of the nursery does not impose any restrictions, you can give free rein to your imagination and embody any creative idea.

Ceiling wallpaper can be put on the entire plane of the ceiling or just above the bed.

Wallpaper moving from wall to ceiling: task implementation

In order for the design of the ceiling to look complete and logically fit into the interior, you need to think through the nuances of the transition. Ceiling wallpapers are often limited around the perimeter by molding. Molding is the name of a narrow decorative strip, which can have a gradation in level. On the floor, the plinth performs the same function. If the wallpaper occupies the entire plane of the ceiling, use ceiling cornice, if only part of the plane is a molding.

Molding can be light, dark or colored. You need to combine molding with wallpaper either according to the principle of harmony (similar shades) or according to the principle of contrast (opposite shades).

Light molding looks advantageous with absolutely any ceiling wallpaper. Dark molding significantly highlights and limits the wallpaper canvas, so it is usually used only with colored or dark ceiling wallpapers. Colored molding can duplicate the color of the canvas, for example, pink edging and soft pink wallpaper on the ceiling in the bedroom. Interesting solution: wallpapers and moldings of the same saturation, but not similar in color. For example, purple molding with silver wallpaper.

The transition of wallpaper to the wall is best done according to the following rules:

  1. The only accent bright wall- the one with which there is a transition;
  2. All other walls are neutrally decorated;
  3. Near accent wall there are the most significant pieces of furniture, a bed, a sofa or dinner table, all attention is directed precisely to this zone;
  4. The transition passes without a dividing strip, but there is a molding along the perimeter of the wallpaper canvas.

Combining wallpaper in the interior is quite simple. To make the room cozy, you should draw attention to only one specific area. For background walls, any pastel wallpaper, or darker than the ceiling.

Room design can be built on beautiful combinations colors:

  • Brown walls with beige ceiling trim;
  • Pearl or snow-white walls to a blue ceiling.

Eco-style offers a design in green, refreshing colors: juicy mint background walls, and an accent wall decorated with white embossed wallpaper with leaves exotic plants. The transition of the wallpaper to the ceiling and the framing of the ceiling wallpaper with green molding makes such an interior original and pleasant.

Finishing: what comes first, ceiling or wallpaper

The design of the room is not only a fantasy, but also a competent practical implementation of ideas.

What subtleties should be considered when gluing wallpaper on the ceiling:

  1. Draft. Before gluing, you need to tightly close all the doors and windows in the apartment so that the wind does not interfere with the smooth application of the wallpaper.
  2. Ceiling finish. Preparation is carried out sequentially. First sand all defects, remove dust, then prime with an acrylic primer. When the primer is dry, apply glue with a brush to the corners of the room and with a roller in the center of the room.
  3. Technology. Each type of wallpaper is used either with a specialized or with universal glue. You need to read the instructions, it is better to purchase a specialized version.
  4. Assistant. To lay the sheets evenly on top of each other, you need an assistant who holds the roll and feeds it. Synchronized work and good mutual understanding will make the repair pleasant, and the design neat.
  5. Ceiling wallpapers are glued with an overlap. The instruction contains data on stretching and shrinkage of the web.
  6. All excess parts are cut along the ruler, evenly.
  7. If during pasting glue got on the front surface of the canvas, you need to remove it with a damp sponge immediately. If the glue dries, a dirty stain will remain.

What needs to be done first, the wall or the ceiling? Any sequence is possible, because everything depends on the accuracy and experience of the builders. The glue can splatter on the walls, so it's best to start from the ceiling. The joint between the wall and the ceiling can be closed with a decorative plinth last.

If you chose ceiling wallpaper for finishing the ceiling, then let's first find out their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their characteristics, types, colors. First, compared to whitewashing, ceiling wallpapering is a fairly clean job. Secondly, profitable. For example, Russian ceiling wallpapers are inexpensive - from 28 to 70 rubles per roll. Firms charge an average of 55 rubles/sq.m. for wallpapering, and 20 rubles/sq.m. for removing old ones.

My pristine beauty and ceiling wallpaper retain whiteness for three to five years (if we are talking about domestic).

Now for the disadvantages. Gluing wallpaper on the ceiling is much more difficult than on the walls ( wall papering), so for this you need a little skill and the help of friends or relatives.

And we must not forget that for the ceiling you need to use ceiling wallpaper.

Problem of choice

German wallpaper for painting is in no way inferior to domestic ceiling wallpaper.
Just don't paint them.

Special ceiling wallpapers are made only in Russia.

True, it is not yet clear - why? Either we alone glue wallpaper on the ceiling, or the bourgeois have some kind of trick.

But the fact remains. The largest manufacturers of wallpaper for the ceiling are the Moscow Wallpaper Factory and OAO Mosstroyplastmass (Mytishchi).

They are also produced in other cities - in Tula, Rostov-on-Don ... The color is only white, but the texture is different - about 200 options. One roll contains 10 meters of wallpaper 53 cm wide.

How are they different from the rest? Let's start with the fact that they are denser than wall-mounted ones: two layers thick paper glued together and embossed. By the way, on the labels it says: “Embossed wallpaper.

Designed for pasting walls and ceilings of residential and public buildings". Due to their thickness and relief, they hide all the irregularities of the ceiling and do not require a perfectly prepared surface.

But such wallpapers on the ceiling will “live” for only five years. And that's all. Then you have to re-glue. Because dust will settle on them during this time, cigarette smoke and so on will be absorbed. Moreover, this situation cannot be corrected in any way: Russian ceiling wallpapers are not intended to be washed and painted.

Imported paintable wallpapers are sold in rolls of different lengths and widths and have a wide choice of textures.

And what to do? There are two options here. Well, firstly, you can still glue it. Because for five whole years you will not have any problems with the ceiling (if the upper neighbors do not flood, of course).

And secondly, you can choose imported ones.

But here, too, there is a but. Foreigners do not produce special wallpaper for the ceiling! But on the other hand, they have one wonderful thing called "paintable wallpaper." So, they may well pass for the ceiling.

At least in the West, they glue them wonderfully on the ceiling.

We sell wallpaper from German companies AS Creation, Erismann, Erfurt in our stores. Here, take them.

For example, the Erfurt company advises using the Raufaser series as ceiling wallpapers.

They are made from recycled paper filled with sawdust. Outwardly, they are very similar to domestic ones. Also two-layer, dense, have a porous structure.

But they differ from ours in that these wallpapers can be painted. They are painted with water-based paint. And you can easily do this more than ten times.

I wanted - I made a blue ceiling, I wanted - peach or red, for example. And so ten times, paint at least every year, until you get bored.

If you don’t feel like messing around with paint, you can buy wallpaper from the Raufazer Color series. They are exactly the same as the Raufaser, but already painted in different colors- from light yellow and pink to pale blue.

However, they can also be repainted. Beauty!
Imported wallpaper for painting are not only on paper basis, but also on non-woven (non-woven is a dense cloth that is used in sewing). Non-woven wallpaper also suitable for the ceiling. And gluing them is even easier than paper ones, because you need to spread the glue not on the wallpaper, but on the ceiling.

The only downside is the price. You will have to pay from 180 to 440 rubles per roll, depending on the width and length of the roll (see table). But, on the other hand, it is better to spend money once, but then for fifteen years you can not be afraid to get it dirty. Repainted and everything. You think for now, and in the meantime we will tell you how to prepare the ceiling for work.

Surface preparation

They are also good because they greatly simplify the process.

To prepare the ceiling, you do not need to wash off the paint or remove the whitewash. True, if your ceiling looks like a camel's back, you still can't do without putty. Still need to find out how horizontal it is? This is done with the simplest plumb line, measuring the distance from floor to ceiling at the corners of the room. If it turns out that there is still a slope, again you need putty, if the difference between the plates is large, then the ceiling is desirable level with drywall. And if the slope is small, there are no problems at all.

It is not necessary, but it is desirable to treat the ceiling with an acrylic primer. Wallpaper adheres much better to a primed surface than to an untreated one. The primer, which looks like milk, does not contain solvents, dries quickly, the surface "breathes" and does not create the so-called greenhouse effect.

It is applied simply with a brush, without any additional tricks. I advise you to use the primers of the German firms Henkel and Pufas or the Russian Eurolux and Monolith. A five-liter bottle is enough for 50 sq.m. After a few hours, wallpaper can be glued to the ceiling.

Ceiling wallpaper - choosing the best design options and do-it-yourself gluing technique (112 photos)

How to paste them correctly?

There are some subtleties here. Imported ones do not need to be impregnated with glue. Either they smear the ceiling with glue - and sculpt the wallpaper, or the canvases already smeared with glue are quickly glued to the ceiling. If bubbles form, they are smoothed out very carefully. And by no means a rag, but rubber roller, from the middle to the edges.

With domestic wallpaper, the situation is different.

Before gluing, they must be impregnated with glue. Just be careful. The label says that the wallpaper "should be soaked for 10 - 15 minutes." But I was warned: 10 minutes is the limit. Otherwise, the embossing will disperse, the wallpaper may tear, and there will be nothing to glue.

Yes! Another one important detail. In no case do not use your favorite Soviet method - wallpapering on newspapers. Firstly, now, as in all civilized countries, they take a primer as a basis.

And secondly, in a couple of years, yellow newspaper spots will definitely appear on the wallpaper.

Now about what kind of glue is needed.

Experts advise using a special wallpaper glue or Moment-Extra glue from Henkel.

Ripping off old wallpaper from the ceiling is as easy as shelling pears. You need to pick up the wallpaper from the edge and pull it slightly - they will fall behind by themselves.

However, this will only happen if the right glue. The glue is washed away warm water with soda. Do not worry about the primer - it is waterproof, nothing will happen to it.

If you accidentally stained the ceiling. With imported wallpaper it is easier: the stain can be repainted, the dent over time, according to the instructions, “self-destructs”. As for domestic wallpapers, there is nothing to be done: you will have to roll up your sleeves and re-glue a couple of canvases. But, I emphasize, this is easily and simply solved if these are special ceiling wallpapers, and not the first ones that come to hand.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult to tear them off the ceiling later. Discuss the article on the forum

Glossy wallpaper for the ceiling: choice

It is difficult to understand what it is: glued glossy self-adhesive plaster ceiling or PVC film tension

Despite the wide range of roller coatings that manufacturers offer to cope with surfaces in the house, the background for a glossy ceiling on a special account with designers.

In the end, not only decorate the ceiling surface, but also help solve the problems associated with the visualization of space.

A good but more expensive alternative is PVC foil stretch varnish. Which one is better for functionality and aesthetics?

In this issue, we will try to understand this article.

Varieties of glossy coatings

Ceiling wallpapers are often: textured; relief; small or deep relief; for painting or only white, which cannot be painted.

They are mainly used for bonding flat ceiling or drywall.

Although there are special ceiling wallpapers, all wall options are suitable for this. At the same time, due to a large assortment, you can always choose what fits perfectly into the interior.

Diversity interior with colored background on the ceiling

glossy wallpaper

A shiny background gives a completely different role and does not contribute to this - due to its reflective surface, visually expand the space, resulting in a room with more low ceiling higher.

  • On the entire surface of the ceiling, they are not glued - well, except that they do it in a very small room.

    More often glossy wallpaper used in the exhibition suspended ceilings.

  • When creating a background, a reflective surface is obtained by chemical action (braking). They may be monophonic or contain drawings.
  • On paper covered with a layer of vinyl, use inhibitors - these substances prevent the formation of foam.

    Then the background gets into a special oven. Stay tuned for a video of who is interested in the process.

  • If there is a background image, inhibitors can only be used for it.

    Therefore, only areas where this substance does not expand and increase. Embossed relief with a shiny surface.

  • If the inhibitor applies to the entire surface of the mesh, it becomes glossy. Of all these shades, it depends on the price of the product.
  • Today's popular photo wallpapers are obtained in this way.

    For the base only - paper with a photographic image printed on it. Behind the ceilings, the possibilities of the theme "clouds", "starry sky", "treetops" are popular - all this inspires the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bheight.

These wallpapers are very durable and resistant to ultraviolet radiation. They can be used not only for the design of ceilings, but also for walls. Their characteristics are ideal for wet areas: kitchens, bathrooms and balconies.

Self-adhesive film

The film can also be seen as a kind of brilliant backdrop.

How to lay the background on the ceiling - Complete the procedure in the article with instructions

The only difference is how they stick together on the surface. There are also some differences in the design of the front surface.

There are many more possibilities in this self-adhesive film.

After all, you can paste it anywhere: on tiles, on furniture, on any metal object- for example: a refrigerator or an entrance door.

How to use in ceiling decor

Since the material already has an adhesive backing, you can decorate Various types ceiling surfaces, including plastic, with such a film.

There are also small stickers for this.

  • Movies, as well as wallpapers, can be monophonic or patterned. Suspended ceiling design is often used because sometimes the ceiling configuration is quite complex and easier to stick on the film.
  • For example, to cover the petals of a solid clay cardboard daisy with a normal background, you have to suffer a lot and turn your ends.

    Self-adhesive film, the process is very simple and there is no need to dilute the adhesive.

  • It is even easier to stick the glue with an adhesive layer on the back side of the bottom or a geometrically correct niche. This work will not be difficult to do with your own hands, as well as without the help of assistants.

In general, drywall ceilings are leading in the use of glossy films.

After all, the GKL surface needs to be completed. Under the picture, he needs whales grinding. Self-adhesive film solves all problems at the same time, and in addition to surface treatment, it does not require anything.

It offers self-adhesive works

The label technology is quite simple, but there are some shades. Thus, small instruction won't hurt.

  • Suppose you will be gluing the film to a plywood ceiling. Then you need to remove the bumps and roughness and open it with acrylic powder.
  • If you are gluing a glass or metal surface, it must be degreased.

    In general, every surface should be smooth and smooth.

There is a mark on the back for easy cutting.

  • Cutting film on plates or trimmings is very convenient. There is a tiny grid on the back that makes it easy to measure, make a pencil mark and cut.
  • Do not remove the backing with a piece of film.

    First, a small area is separated, literally from three to four centimeters, and used in the right place.

  • Then, carefully, avoiding bubbles, flatten and press the film onto the surface with a dry cloth.

Then gradually pull out the protective paper pad.

Self-adhesive film has one invaluable quality - it can be removed twice from the substrate twice per second. This is what happens if something goes wrong.

Which is better: stretch film or self-adhesive material

If you take a close look at the photographs presented in this article, it becomes clear that you can make the same design options with stretch films and self-adhesive films.

At the same time, it is almost impossible to know what is.

Note. The self-adhesive advantages are that you can create a separate ceiling plan for quite modest money (the most expensive mirror, cost 600r / m.p.). And if you need to polish a small part of the ceiling, this is the most convenient option. In any case, no special equipment is required here, as with a ceiling ceiling.

However, in order to deal with large areas, it is better not to use glossy wallpaper for the ceiling, but to stretch the film.

The width of the canvas is up to 5 m, and self-adhesive - only 45 cm.

Accordingly, we get more seams that are unlikely to decorate the decorated surface.

Therefore, it is better to decide what is best with only the ceiling configuration and version of its design.

Ceiling wallpaper - design trends and gluing technology. 75 photos of ceiling decoration

Ceiling wallpapers: non-standard solutions for a stylish interior

home - Ceilings. grasshoppers

Contemporary ceiling design

The design of ceilings with the advent of new finishing materials has become an interesting and significant transformation of living spaces.

It is no wonder that the most daring and creative decorators are the main focus of their unusual design solutions. In this case, the classics of decades of tried-and-tested finishes no longer disappear - they can best fit into the existing situation.

Types of ceiling finishes

The most traditional, but not always simple, is painting the ceiling.

The painting should be done slowly, smoothly and evenly so that the updated ceiling is not visible due to work errors and has a neutral, identical look.

Wallpaper on the ceiling: how to choose the perfect finishing material (23 photos)

Before painting, the surface should be perfectly leveled - a fresh color clearly highlights all the bumps. The ceiling must first be drawn - walls and floor.

Self-adhesive ceilings have become popular in recent years.

The main reason for this is their relative cheapness and easy installation. Foam can be attached to grease or adhesive for easier handling. Tiles can be smooth or with some patterns. You can draw some types of them that allow you to determine the color of the future new upper ceiling. An added advantage this finishing material is that it improves the sound insulation of the room.

If you like wallpaper on the ceiling, we will say that this process is not easy.

But a wide range of backgrounds with different forms often pushes hosts to this decision.

Dry wall ceilings, most often surfaces that are difficult to level.

Installation is not that difficult and this material lasts for a long time. After installing the sheets, the ceiling can be decorated to your liking.

Ceiling ceilings are the most expensive and prestigious closure option. The basis of their design is a special frame that extends the polyester or PVC fabric. It is better to contact the installation specialists.

Hot resin cloth and insert it into the frame. On cooling, the film stretches and becomes completely homogeneous. Such ceilings can imitate metals and marble, suede and leather, a mirror and even take a picture of the owner of the apartment!

Finally, the second option is the upper limit of the fabric.

As with any textile material, it can be dyed with appropriate colors for this purpose. In general, today there are many possibilities for creating ceilings.

The video shows modern and original types of ceiling finishes:

Next: PVC Panel Installation Tips

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