Finishing material blanks for the fireplace made of polystyrene foam. Foam fireplace: assembly and installation of a budget decorative design. Making a false fireplace from polyurethane

It’s easy to make a fireplace from polystyrene foam with your own hands, such decor is inexpensive, will decorate any room, and will give it coziness. Safe analogues of real live fire systems are easy to use and very beautiful. Complex materials are not needed for the work; anyone can master the technology if desired.

Pros and cons of a foam fireplace

A portal for a fireplace made of foam plastic is a practical, inexpensive, easy-to-arrange decor. It has the following advantages:

  • low price;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • ease of processing;
  • low weight;
  • durability.

The solution looks attractive, and aesthetic, functional characteristics does not lose even over a long period of use. One person can make and install a fireplace design - all you need is compliance with the rules and skill.

Important! The foam cannot come into contact with fire, so there will be no flame. Alternative options for the fireplace - diode strips, light bulbs, closed candles.

A foam fireplace has its own strengths and weak sides

When heated, polystyrene foam releases toxic substances; sometimes prolonged contact with a conventional incandescent light bulb is sufficient. This disadvantage is relative, since it is leveled out through proper processing. You cannot spill liquids onto foam plastic; they will be absorbed and ruin its structure and appearance. Care products should be used specially, without aggressive chemical inclusions. The design has low resistance to mechanical stress.

Foam Fireplace Styles

Photos of a false fireplace made of foam will help you choose the optimal option stylistically. Style is one of the main factors that should be taken into account when performing work. It is desirable that the fireplace is in harmony with other components of the interior.

Important! A false fireplace made of foam plastic can become the main decorative accent in a room, provided it is used correctly.

Main options:

You immediately need to choose a place for installation, this will allow you to decide on the decor. At the same time, you can move the foam plastic structure around your apartment or house - it is light and mobile.

Important! A built-in burner is an excellent decor for a bio-fireplace made of polystyrene foam, the main thing is to comply with the requirements fire safety.

The style of the fireplace is selected for a specific interior

How to make a decorative fireplace from polystyrene foam with your own hands

Foam fireplace bricks can be purchased at a hardware store. What else is needed to arrange a decorative element and correctly place accents will be discussed below.

Fireplace made of foam plastic on a cardboard base

To create a portal on a cardboard base, use any box of suitable sizes, foam boards, decorative skirting boards or other decor. The tools you will need are scissors, a knife, glue, a brush, construction tape, a can of paint, and putty.


  1. Prepare a drawing, immediately indicate the dimensions (width, height, length), transfer it to a cardboard base.

    The drawing should convey the future project as accurately as possible
  2. Make slits in the areas where the hearth is located, bend the edges inward at the cut points, and secure with tape.

    You can use any dimensional box as cardboard. household appliances
  3. Make a tabletop from plywood or foam plastic, fix it decorative skirting boards.

    The more carefully the work is done with the base, the smoother the fireplace will be.
  4. Apply putty, level it and wipe it clean, cover with water-based paint.
    Painting work It is better to use a foam fireplace outside the home, for example, in the garage or on the street, if possible weather
  5. Install a screen in the fireplace that simulates combustion, or attach a garland, LEDs, or battery-powered candles.

    The future “flame” in a foam fireplace must meet fire safety requirements
  6. Paste decorative bricks along the contour of the hearth placement, apply a putty layer on top (it will create an imitation of unevenness).

    You can use ready-made elements as decoration

To obtain a complete image, it is advisable to cover the foam base with paint in the shade of brick. The combustion space is designed in the same way.

Retro-style foam fireplace

Do-it-yourself expanded polystyrene fireplace in retro style will look harmonious in an interior furnished with antique furniture. Scuffs and artificially aged surfaces are exactly what gives the solution original design antique

Stages of work:

It is most convenient to install the chest on a mantelpiece made using pallets. To simulate a hearth, logs are used. You can use a couple of old boards, just not rotten ones, and build a shelf out of them to preserve current abrasions, scratches, and errors. Above the fireplace cover, install false windows with vintage shutters, hang vintage photos, placed in retro frames.

Important! A false fireplace covered with “artificially aged” paint looks especially attractive. It is optimal to choose a pale gray shade, but be sure to let it dry.

Foam fireplace for the New Year

A false fireplace made of polystyrene foam with a themed decor will be an excellent decoration for an apartment or house. New Year. You can do it yourself, it won’t take much time, but you will have to be patient.


  1. Cut a couple of rectangles 60*40 cm and a couple 40*20 cm from foam sheets (they are needed to create the sides).

    Since polystyrene foam does not adhere well to PVA, you additionally need to secure the parts with toothpicks - up to 4 pieces per cut.
  2. Pin the side pieces to one of the rectangles with toothpicks.

    The joints should be pre-coated with glue.
  3. Prime the seams, make markings for the firebox from the inside, make cuts sharp knife.

    The thinner the blade, the more accurate the finished cut will be.
  4. Secure the back surface of the fireplace with glue and toothpicks. Apply masking tape along the lower and upper perimeter. Prime the resulting frame and let it dry for at least 10-12 hours.

    If necessary, you can repeat the priming work, dry everything thoroughly, sand using fine abrasive sandpaper
  5. Wet the braid in adhesive solution PVA, press onto the firebox cuts and prime the surfaces, dry for a couple of hours. Attach small decorations to the corners and cover everything with a gold layer.

    After priming the surface, let it dry
  6. Secure the lid to the top of the finished box, prime the narrow sides again, and cover them with gold. Finish the firebox cuts in the same way.

    Gold paint coating is the basis of New Year's design
  7. Leave the foam fireplace base open or place it on a rigid cardboard sheet.

    For decorative purposes, golden mother-of-pearl should be applied to the embossed surface of the braid, the cut of the firebox, and the ribs of the fireplace.

Let everything dry, wipe off in pieces soft fabric so that the paint gets into the recesses and highlights the relief pattern, and on the edges it looks like natural wear. You can make decoupage on the pediments of the fireplace made of polystyrene foam. To do this, snowflakes cut from napkins are glued using PVA glue, then varnished onto acrylic base. When all surfaces are dry, it will be possible to assemble the fireplace into a single structure.

Important! On the fireplace cover, provided there is no decorative tape, paint is applied directly to the sides.

New Year's fireplace decor made of polystyrene foam includes chains, toys, and decorative traditional boots that are hung near the firebox. Decorations are usually attached to multi-colored stationery nails. Cones, if any, can be used in pure form or after painting them gold, this will make them even more elegant. You can also place soap cones in baskets, and put candles in a decorative improvised firebox different sizes and forms. Usually placed on the mantelpiece Christmas decorations, candies and boxes. Sizes are adjusted to suit personal preferences. If you make a small false fireplace, it will even stand on Coffee table.


You can easily make a fireplace from polystyrene foam with your own hands in a couple of hours. This is a purely decorative piece of furniture; it does not involve the use of open fire. If you wish, you can add a retro or New Year's decor using appropriate accessories. It will be more convenient to use a cardboard frame and stick foam boards on it. You can buy materials at any hardware store.

IN winter time there is a desire to create an atmosphere of comfort at home, comparable to the warmth of the hearth. This is due to the cold outside and lack of comfort. This task is being implemented different ways, but there is one that is low-cost from any point of view: building a New Year's fireplace from polystyrene foam, which is accessible to everyone. The construction of a structure of this type is not difficult. A certain amount of diligence and small expenses for the purchase of materials are enough to realize your plans.

Creating a hearth defined as decorative is available from different materials, but the cheapest option is when foam and cardboard are used.

As a result, you can get a product with many advantages:

  • aesthetics of appearance;
  • unusualness;
  • long period of operation;
  • ease of installation;
  • minimal costs for purchasing materials.

The implementation of the proposed project for the installation of a false fireplace is possible only if there is:

  • a sufficiently large cardboard box;
  • polystyrene foam (2 sheets);
  • water-based paint;
  • putties;
  • construction tape;
  • foam molding and other similar elements;
  • assembly adhesive;
  • painting knife;
  • brushes

Once everything has been provided according to the above list, you can proceed with direct installation, following the instructions:

If the installation of the structure is timed to coincide with the New Year, then it is advisable to use fir branches or a wreath with bells for decoration. This will create the required holiday atmosphere.

Retro style

Let's look at how to make a retro-style fireplace out of polystyrene foam with your own hands, following the recommendations below:

The portal is attached at an angle to a small board, to which a longer block is then nailed. To directly fix the portal on the wall, appropriate holes are made in the long strip. The plank is secured with screws, and the entire frame with dowels.

  1. The next stage of the master class assumes that the tabletop will be assembled and installed in place.
  2. Close the gaps that have formed between the wall and the portal. In practice, this is realized through special strips. You first need to paint them to match the portal.
  3. Engage in the design of the structure being constructed. Variability is possible here in accordance with the riot of imagination. If you prefer a vintage style, you can choose aged wood, old newspapers, and the like to decorate the interior of the fireplace.

A portal aged with paint will look original. This is implemented quite simply. We paint the surface with a pale gray color, wait for it to dry and scratch it with any hard object. After which we apply paint again, but in a darker tone. The result of this work is the image of an ancient hearth.

  1. Paint with matte paint and start decorating the firebox. For example, consider placing an antique wooden chest filled with birch logs. If you also put a New Year’s attribute such as a garland on top, then the appropriate surroundings will be provided.
  2. The final touch to this guide would be to frame the wall above the fireplace to create cohesion. Family photos framed in wood, false windows, complemented by wooden shutters, etc. are suitable for this.


To simulate a hearth, only foam plastic can be used as the main material for constructing the frame. This makes it possible to add a festive feeling to the interior for little money. The process of arranging a fireplace composition looks like this:

Corner option

A fireplace as an imitation, where the manufacturing material is polystyrene foam, does not require serious knowledge to build it, and experience is also not needed here. The only obligatory condition is the presence of the corresponding desire.

A good option is a fireplace in the corner. Many designers share the same opinion, preferring the corner method of its installation. To fully understand how everything will look, you can make a preliminary sketch of the future design on paper.

In any case, you will need:

It is easier to implement the expected scope of work if the proposed step-by-step information is correlated with it:

  1. Creating a frame. Manufacturing material – cardboard. All necessary parts are marked with a pencil. A knife is used to cut cardboard. From the obtained parts, a base is formed by gluing, which is then attached to the wall.
  2. Pasting the frame. Styrofoam parts are being prepared. The tool for cutting them out can be a stationery knife. After this, the cut parts are glued to the frame.
  3. Giving the product strength. The corners are aligned and then secured with the help of counters. Then reinforcement is carried out, which is provided by a mesh made of propylene.
  4. Coloring. Application of water-based paint as the final stage of the work.

Since the hearth cannot be without a flame, you should take care of this. In our case, open fire is unacceptable due to the high flammability of the materials used. You can create something like an electric fireplace using an electronic frame, electric candles, etc.


Polystyrene foam is a material that makes it possible to create an imitation of a fireplace. It's cheap and very simple. It does not require any skill or special knowledge. At the same time, the atmosphere of the room changes, which is filled with spiritual warmth.

A fireplace in the interior of the room will add sophistication to the home. But this design Not everyone can do it, and living in an apartment is completely impossible. But a fireplace made of foam plastic will come to the rescue; it weighs little and is very easy to install. You can make this design yourself or buy a ready-made one.

Decorative fireplace styles

A false fireplace made of polystyrene foam can be made in the following styles:

  • Classical
  • Country
  • Modern
  • Minimalism
  • Hi-tech

In the manufacture of such a design can be used bright colors, or vice versa, sustained, freedom of creativity is not limited by anything.

Please note: In any room interior, a decorative foam hearth will give it a feeling of completeness.

Making a false fireplace from polyurethane

Because this process Quite simple and cheap, there are many manufacturing options. To make the structure you will need:

Manufacturing is carried out in several stages:

  • Design drawing being developed
  • We transfer the drawing to the box. This will be the base of the fireplace; all marked lines are cut and folded, secured with tape.

Important: To avoid sharp corners, they are cut at an angle of 45 degrees using a construction knife.

  • A fireplace mantel is made from plywood or foam plastic
  • Painting the resulting structure with water-based paint
  • Inside the fireplace you can mount a screen with simulated combustion or LED lighting with candles.

Important! Never use real candles or open flames, they are not safe.

Finishing materials can be:

  1. Stone wallpaper
  2. Brick putty

Fireplaces made of polyurethane in retro style

Such a hearth will look harmonious and interesting in rooms where there is antique furniture. The effect of artificial aging of paint allows you to create an object in an antique style. Creating a design includes the following steps:

The base of the hearth will be made of a pallet, then two guide strips are attached using dowels. The planks should vary in thickness. The base is also attached to the wall using planks, and a fireplace shelf is made on top. Side walls finished with foam plastic. Next, the structure is painted with paint, with an aging effect. Light is considered the most relevant grey colour. After painting, the coating is slightly scratched and matted with another layer. To add a vintage style, the firebox can be covered with newspaper clippings, and an antique chest can be placed in the niche itself, with a garland at the bottom. Place the firewood in a pile inside the chest, in a chaotic manner.

Retro fireplaces made of foam plastic

Interesting: If you can find a couple of old boards that are not rotten, you can make a shelf with all the elements of natural material.

Thus, the completed art object will fully comply old style. For complete harmony with the interior, you can place vintage photographs in frames on the mantelpiece.

Let's sum it up

As you already understand, there are many options for making fireplaces from foam plastic and they will all look beautiful, the main thing is to approach the process creatively. This design can be done independently once or twice. The costs for all work are minimal and the design will add completeness to any room interior.

Every person wants to make the space in their home as cozy, comfortable and enjoyable to live as possible. Interior design, furniture, curtains and textiles help us with this, decorative elements and accessories. One of the favorite decorative elements of many city residents is false fireplaces, which are safe analogues of real systems with live fire.

Anyone can build a fake fireplace, there is nothing complicated about it, and the most important thing is that it can be created from completely different materials. We have already talked about how, and today we’ll talk about how to build a false fireplace from polystyrene foam.

White fireplace replica with beautiful finishes

Foam product

Building a fireplace from sheets and pieces of polystyrene foam is perhaps the easiest way. This is a pliable material that is very easy to work with, create various three-dimensional images, interesting contours. In addition, the cost of foam plastic sheets is low, so we do not need a large budget to build such a structure.

In order to build a foam fireplace with your own hands, we will need:

  • Cardboard box big size, or large sheets cardboard From this material it will be possible to make a durable frame. If you take a box from a refrigerator or other massive household appliance, you can build a large structure that will be very similar to the original.
  • Foam sheets, usually they have a thickness of about 1-1.5 centimeters.
  • Scotch tape or crepe ( masking tape), glue, construction knife, tape measure, marker to create a strong structure correct form Measuring tools are a must.
  • Putty and paint for finishing the finished fireplace mock-up.
  • Decorative elements made of polystyrene foam or polyurethane to create a frame and a decent appearance.

In order for the product to be the desired size and shape, before starting work you should measure the space allocated for the foam fireplace and make a drawing or general sketch. The shape and appearance of a false fireplace can be seen on the Internet.

Easy to build artificial fireplace

Having finished drawing, you can easily transfer it to the prepared cardboard. A general frame is created from cardboard. Interior cardboard box is cut and bent inward, thus achieving the desired volume. If you need to do corner option, then the cardboard will have to be carefully marked and cut into more complex scheme. Using tape and glue, the structure is fixed. Make sure that it stands level on the floor and does not fall to the side. Make a strong base.

When the frame is ready, it is covered with foam plastic, which is cut into pieces from sheets. This way, the desired volume and shape of the future fireplace is obtained. You can also use foam plastic as a tabletop, which is placed on top of the structure, or saw off a piece of plywood.

To consolidate the result obtained, the foam fireplace is puttied. This can be done with universal putty, which is sold at any hardware store. Now to complete the image, all that remains is to paint the resulting foam portal. Acrylic or water-based paints odorless. You can make any color, or you can leave the standard white.

The firebox of a foam fireplace is filled differently:

  • The easiest option is to draw fire on the canvas and fix it inside.
  • using a fan and cloth.
  • If you want the firebox to glow, just place an LED garland or electric candles in it. To enhance the glow effect, you can place mirrors in the firebox, gluing them to the walls.
  • Filling the cavity decorative firewood And spruce branches, we will get a pleasant appearance and a light pine aroma.
  • Beautiful stones, fir cones, and real firewood are often used.
  • Ultimately you can always put it inside beautiful candles, and next to the artificial fireplace is a candelabra.

By building a fireplace from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you will receive great satisfaction from the work done and the final result. It will certainly bring comfort, coziness and tranquility to your home. The most important thing is to choose the right style for the future product at the sketch development stage.

Fireplaces have always been associated with comfort and helped create a special atmosphere in the house. Unfortunately, not all homes are suitable for installing a full-fledged fireplace with a chimney. In this case, a foam fireplace comes to the rescue. This design will harmoniously fit into any interior, especially since you can make it yourself from available materials.

For some, using foam for a fireplace may seem strange. Devices with fire cannot come into contact with such materials for safety reasons. But is everything as categorical as it seems at first glance? To answer this question, you need to take a closer look at the characteristics of polystyrene foam.

The material for false fireplaces has the following advantages:

  • low price compared to other materials for fireplaces;
  • environmental friendliness, which allows you to install a fireplace in children's rooms;
  • easy processing, thanks to which you can create any shape of fireplaces and create carved elements for decoration;
  • the low weight of polystyrene foam will allow one person to construct a fireplace and install it in the chosen place without resorting to outside help;
  • The durability of the material makes it possible to operate the structure for a long time, while it will not lose its appearance.

It is impossible not to note the disadvantages of polystyrene foam, because... it will be used in a residential area:

  • flammability, i.e. foam should not be in contact with open fire. That is why the hearth in the fireplace must also be artificial. These can be closed candles, light bulbs, diode strips, etc.;
  • when heated, the surface of the material not properly treated can release toxic substances harmful to human health;
  • can absorb moisture. Liquids spilled on the surface of such a fireplace are absorbed into the foam and render it unusable;
  • is afraid of the sun, so you need to think about the location of the device in advance;
  • for care foam fireplace must be purchased special means, without aggressive chemical components;
  • unstable to mechanical damage.

As you can see, polystyrene foam has a lot of pros and cons. If you make a decorative structure from this material, then you need to become thoroughly familiar with the nuances of this process.

Styles and options for making foam fireplaces

A fireplace in a home is not just a decorative element. It should be in harmony with the overall concept of the room. The style in which the false fireplace will be made depends on the interior of the room and personal preferences. Such designs are most often made in one of four style directions.

  1. Classic. Relevant always and everywhere. This fireplace is suitable for any design, both strict “grandmother’s” and with a touch of modernity. Features of such designs are clear lines and elegance.
  2. Modern. Will be relevant for creative personalities who in the evenings like to quote classics and talk about the eternal. Fireplaces of this type do not have unnecessary details, everything is simple, concise and at the same time bright, beautiful and stylish. Modernism can be combined with other trends, for example, the same classics.
  3. Country. Such a fireplace will give the room a real home comfort. Suitable for wood finishes. The cladding must be natural. If there are decorative elements on the portal, they should be as calm as possible and not conspicuous.
  4. Modern or hi-tech. Will fit into this type of interior. Designs include bold decisions and functionality. The color scheme can be very diverse, but should not stand out from the overall design of the room. It’s good to show your design skills in the design of such devices.

A fireplace in any of these styles will look unfinished if it is not decorated. Bare polystyrene looks boring, but if you line it, for example, with wild stone or decorate it with stucco, it will “play” in a completely different way.

Manufacturing technology and work stages

Even a beginner can make a fireplace from polystyrene foam with his own hands. Before you start cutting the material, you need to understand which design is best suited for this. The fireplace can be with smooth walls and right angles, or may have a fantasy design.

As for sizes, everything is individual. This parameter depends on the size of the room and the availability free space. If the fireplace is made for decoration purposes, then a width of up to 30 cm is sufficient.

Depending on the location of the fireplace in the apartment, it can be corner, wall, built-in or island. Standing against a wall is the most common option for most users. It will not interfere, and you can place it in any suitable place. In very small rooms ideal option will become corner fireplace. If its installation is planned during the construction stage of the house, then you can think about the built-in option. Island designs require suitable design from all visible sides. They are placed in the center of the room or to the side, but with some distance from the wall.

Preparing for the manufacture of a decorative fireplace made of polystyrene foam

After you have decided on the style and appearance of the false fireplace made of foam, you need to take care of preparing for work. To clearly see what the finished structure will look like, you can use special computer programs for volumetric modeling or schematically depict a sketch on paper. The drawing shows all sizes and locations of decorative elements. You can make a paper analogue of a fireplace from polystyrene foam with exact dimensions and attach it to the future location of the finished product.

Fireplace made of polystyrene foam on a cardboard base

Build decorative fireplace from foam plastic, the easiest way. You can choose cardboard as the basis for this design. To do this, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • foam sheets of the required sizes. The thickness is selected within 1-1.5 cm;
  • cardboard boxes or individual sheets for making a frame. If you need to design a fireplace large sizes, containers from a refrigerator or washing machine are suitable;
  • tape or masking tape;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • putty and paint for facing work;
  • decorative elements made of foam or polyurethane.

The sketch made in advance is transferred to cardboard, observing required sizes. The template is cut out, and a hole is made in place of the niche, the edges of which are bent inward and glued with tape.

The finished fireplace frame is covered with foam plastic. The tabletop is made of the same material or plywood. To avoid sharp corners, they are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

The final stage will be finishing the fireplace. Regular construction putty is suitable for this. After it dries, the surface is coated with water-based or acrylic paint without smell. Any color can be chosen, including white.

Fireplace in this style will suit for a living room or bedroom with antique furniture. Appearance The design should be as if the fireplace came to its current owners from the distant past. This can be achieved by aging the paint. The surface should be scuffed, faded in color, with scratches.

Making a fireplace begins with choosing a location. This is usually a space against a wall or in a corner. They also prepare the materials necessary for work and assembly:

  • baseboards and foam sheets;
  • pallet;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • nails, screws and dowels;
  • wooden planks.

Installation begins with the installation of the pallet. The base can be painted or left in its original form.

To finish the side walls, take plinths and foam sheets and attach them to wooden base. The front part is finished in a similar way.

Inner space The fireboxes are decorated with old wallpaper, newspaper clippings, or simply painted in one tone. The fireplace frame is painted gray, white or beige colour. After it has dried, the surface is rubbed with a fine abrasive sandpaper and painted again with paint a tone or two darker.

To complete the decoration of the fireplace in a retro style, you can make false windows with vintage shutters above the fireplace lid, and hang old photographs in appropriate frames.

Nuances of design and decor

Decoration artificial fireplace from polystyrene foam is not the main, but desirable stage. This can be done using plastic and polyurethane elements. For example, glue molding around the perimeter, and decorate the side parts with decorative stucco molding or columns. As finishing material Stone, plaster, textured paint are suitable.

If you want to make the false fireplace more realistic, you can use the option of pasting plastic panels with imitation brick or stone masonry, vinyl wallpaper with a similar pattern. On final stage works decorate the area inside the portal, as well as the area around it.

Fire for artificial fireplace

To create the illusion of flames in a fireplace, use various options, suitable in price and style. The most difficult will be imitation using steam. To do this, you will need LED lights, ultrasonic fog generators and a fan. Such a design will not come cheap, and its connection requires certain knowledge in electrical engineering.

More affordable option"fire" - New Year's garlands. It is placed inside the firebox. A small hole is made on the side of the portal, a cord is inserted into it and the garland is connected to electricity.

The most budget-friendly “fire” can be created if you paint it on the wall of the firebox. However, if there is no artistic talent, then it is better to think about an alternative to such decoration.

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