How do natural conditions affect people's lives? The influence of natural conditions and natural resources on the territorial organization of society


During the classes:

Part of nature with which humanity interacts in its life and production activities -

natural conditions is a set of properties environment (geographical location territory, relief, climate, regime of rivers and lakes, natural resources).

medical geography

Extreme conditions These are extremely unfavorable conditions for the human body:

Very low temperatures


Very high humidity

In Russia, these are tundra, deserts, regions of the sharply continental climate of Siberia and Far East. For example, in Primorye there is a very damp summer - people suffer from shortness of breath, mechanisms rust. Eastern Siberia has the coldest winter, permafrost, temperature differences, and very high atmospheric pressure.

Natural natural phenomena -

  • Phenomena of the lithosphere: earthquakes, volcanism are associated with areas of active mountain building - the Caucasus, the Far East.
  • Atmospheric phenomena: tornadoes, hurricanes - in the European part.


medical geography


Recreational geography

  • Climate and weather
  • Relief
  • Landscapes and soil composition
  • vegetable and animal world
  • The nature of inland waters
  • natural areas
  • Natural resources
  • natural phenomena
  1. Dwellings
  2. Cloth
  3. Food
  4. Electricity
  5. healthcare

The study of the patterns of the spread of diseases associated with the characteristics of the environment

The science of the influence of natural factors on recreational activities, the territorial organization of recreation

Practical work.

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"Influence of natural conditions on human life and health."

Influence natural conditions on human life and health.

Goals: 1 to give the concept of favorable, unfavorable and extreme conditions.

2 identify areas of Russia with different conditions for life.

3 to establish a connection between natural conditions and human health, his way of life and economic activity.

During the classes:

Part of nature with which humanity interacts in its life and production activities - natural (environment) environment.

natural conditions- this is a set of environmental properties (geographical position of the territory, relief, climate, regime of rivers and lakes, natural resources).

The connection between natural conditions and human health is obvious:

From the quality of water, air, soil, from climatic conditions human health depends

Noticed positive influence on the emotional health of a person of beautiful landscapes: forest, lake, sea, mountains, etc.

In the preservation of human health and treatment various diseases an important role belongs to natural factors: the sun's rays, sea, mountain, forest air, mineral waters, therapeutic mud.

Natural factors affecting human health

medical geography studies the features of the territory in order to clarify their impact on the health of the population, as well as the patterns of the geographical distribution of human diseases and measures to combat them.

Practical value medico-geographical assessment lies in the possibility of compiling a medico-geographical forecast for the territory.

The influence of natural factors on human health can be positive and negative, can disrupt its normal functioning and often cause certain diseases. So, as a result of the adverse effects of natural factors, frostbite, thermal and sunstroke, altitude sickness, snow blindness, poisoning poisonous plants and others. Sometimes human diseases occur due to a lack of various trace elements in drinking water, as well as vitamins in food.

The study of natural factors is necessary to develop a mechanism for human acclimatization to certain conditions. Many anti-epidemiological measures can be successfully carried out only on the basis of a thorough study of the natural factors of specific territories, for example, the areas of carriers of natural focal human diseases, etc.

Favorable conditions for human life and health:

    Warm sunny summer

    Moderately cold winter

    Sufficient amount of moisture

  • fertile soils

    The presence of a reservoir

    Beautiful landscapes, etc.

In Russia, the middle and southern parts of the Russian Plain, the Urals, North Caucasus, south of Siberia.

Extreme conditions These are extremely unfavorable conditions for the human body:

Very low temperatures


Very high humidity

Constantly strong wind, etc.

In Russia, these are tundra, deserts, areas of sharply continental climate in Siberia and the Far East. For example, Primorye has a very damp summer - people suffer from shortness of breath, mechanisms rust. Eastern Siberia has the coldest winter, permafrost, temperature differences, and very high atmospheric pressure.

Natural natural phenomena - these are unexpected, terrible in their consequences for a person, violations of the normal course of natural processes. They can become catastrophic.

    Phenomena of the lithosphere: earthquakes, volcanism are associated with areas of active mountain building - the Caucasus, the Far East.

    Hydrosphere phenomena: floods on large rivers in areas where there is a lot of snow in winter.

    Atmospheric phenomena: tornadoes, hurricanes - in the European part.


Ways to protect against the adverse effects of the environment

medical geography


Recreational geography

    Climate and weather

  • Landscapes and soil composition

    Flora and fauna

    The nature of inland waters

    natural areas

    Natural resources

    natural phenomena

  1. Food


    Changing the environment (construction of engineering structures, drainage of swamps, irrigation of lands, etc.)


    The development of geography, knowledge about the environment. environment

The study of the natural features of the territories in order to clarify their impact on the health of the population

Studying the patterns of the spread of diseases associated with the characteristics of the environment

The science of the influence of natural factors on recreational activities, the territorial organization of recreation

Practical work.

Identification of the comfort of natural conditions for different territories of the country.

Soils, PZ

Rivers, lakes

Probability of natural phenomena





MBOU Sosvinskaya secondary school

Public lesson in 8th grade


Theme of the lesson: "The influence of natural conditions on human life and health"

Geography teacher:

Loginova V.V.

Sosva 2014.

Theme of the lesson "The influence of natural conditions on human life and health"

Russian geography lesson in 8th grade.

Lesson objectives:
- to form an idea of ​​​​favorable and extreme living conditions for people;

To deepen knowledge about the influence of natural conditions on human life and health;

Develop skills to work with different sources geographic information.

Create conditions for the development of students' speech in the lesson;

The use of the regional component as an increase in interest in native land

Equipment: maps of Russia, computer, atlases, handouts.

During the classes

Organizing time:

    Determining the topic and setting the goal of the lesson.

Introduction by the teacher.

Today we have an unusual lesson. His topic is painfully familiar to all of us firsthand: they talk about it on the radio and show it on television, experts talk at conferences. This topic has too many unresolved, controversial issues, and therefore will always be relevant.


Associations : deer, reindeer moss, lakes, arctic circle, permafrost, Taimyr (tundra)

Black Sea, Caucasus Mountains, cruise liners (South of Russia)

II Actualization of knowledge

Relationship between natural conditions and human health obvious. From the quality of water, air, soil, climatic conditions depends on the state of human health, its ability to work and longevity.

Remember in which regions of our country he lives largest number centenarians. Think about what explains it.

It has long been observed that a positive effect on a person has beautiful landscapes: sea, mountains, fields, forest, steppe, lakes, rivers, etc. The best proof of this is the rest and treatment of people in resorts, as well as wide use forms of recreation such as tourism.

III Learning new material.

In maintaining human health and treating various diseases, an important role belongs to natural factors: sunbeams, sea, forest, mountain air, sea ​​water, mineral waters, healing mud.

- Temperature and humidity. Atmosphere pressure
- Proximity or distance from water bodies, quality drinking water;
- The state of landscapes and sanitary condition soils on which edible vegetables and fruits are grown

There is a special branch of science - MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY, which studies the patterns of the spread of human diseases.

RECREATION GEOGRAPHY- the science of the territory of organizing people's recreation.

Warm sunny summer Cold summer

Moderately cold winter Very damp summer

Adequate rainfall Harsh winter

abundance beautiful places(bodies of water) Poor natural resources

Mountain air

Favorable conditions for human life and activity. Part of the territory of our country is distinguished by favorable conditions for human life and health: warm sunny summers, moderate cold winter, sufficient rainfall, an abundance of attractive picturesque landscapes.

The climate of the middle and southern part of the European territory, the south of Western Siberia, and the North Caucasus is very favorable for health. For example, for a resident of temperate latitudes, the following conditions are most favorable: temperature in winter -8 ... -10 ° С, in summer + 23 ... + 25 ° С, wind speed in winter reaches 0.15 m / s, in summer - 0, 2-0.4 m / s, the relative humidity is 40-60%, respectively. These territories have long been mastered and have a high population density.

Development of territories with extreme conditions . However, in our country there are many places with unfavorable conditions for human life.

Extreme conditions (from Latin extremus - extreme, extreme, severe) are conditions that are extremely unfavorable for the human body: with very low winter temperatures, with very high temperatures summer, with strong winds, with very high humidity.

On the territory of our country, the following territories with extreme conditions can be distinguished: tundra, deserts, regions of a sharply continental climate in Siberia, the Far Eastern monsoon zone.

In Primorye, for example, there is a very damp summer: people suffer from shortness of breath, everything iron quickly rusts.

The coldest regions of the Northern Hemisphere are located in Eastern Siberia, where it is extremely difficult to build any buildings due to the presence of permafrost soils. In winter, the thermometer shows -50...-60°C, and in summer sometimes more than +30°C. Here are the largest annual temperature ranges on our planet: 95°С in the south and 105°С in the north, the highest atmospheric pressure in Russia is observed in winter. Frosts at -45... -50°C can stand here continuously from 1.5 to 3 months.

Rice. 137. The degree of discomfort in cold period year (according to F. Reimers)

Natural conditions have a great influence on human life and health. Looking at Figure 137, you can determine which areas of the country are typical for certain buildings, types of clothing.

Such conditions create great difficulties not only for the people living in them, but also for the tools of labor. Temperature -45°C is critical for mechanisms. For the northern regions, it is necessary to make them from special frost-resistant materials.

The development of territories with extreme conditions requires significant expenditures of funds, as well as the enthusiasm of people.

Difficult natural conditions create great difficulties in the development of territories, require significant material costs for the construction and maintenance of a certain standard of living.

IV . Practical work "Studying the degree of favorable natural conditions for people's lives."

This practical work allows us to conclude that unfavorable conditions for the life and economic activity of the population prevail on the territory of Russia. Russia is the most cold country planets (excluding Antarctica).
Territory with favorable conditions for people to live in Russia occupy only 1/3 of its area.

We all would very much like to know first your general opinion on the ecology of such a large and rich country as Russia, and then each group will be given the opportunity to determine the most ecologically clean and dirty areas, as well as determine the reasons for their cleanliness or outline ways to improve their ecological condition, But first, let's give the floor to our guest - an ecologist.

Now each group will try to make mineenvironmental hazard rating in the natural regions of Russia. You can do this work by filling in a table of the general environmental situation in Russia, and then we will compare your data with the data of environmentalists and determine the level of your environmental competence in relation to ours. home country. You fill in the data for each natural area on the basis of a 10-point scale and determine the average score.


You received your GPA according to the degree of environmental comfort of the territory of Russia . Raise your hands, who made it 10 points; 1 point; 5 points or close to it. As you can see from your activity, the ecological state in Russia is average.

And how do experts evaluate it?

You can give many more examples of your good and not so good activities in the environment, but every person who lives on Earth must remember that he is part of it, and therefore must take care of everything living and inanimate and not tear himself away from nature.

Area favorable for the life of the population of territories by country of the world
(in million sq. km)

The maximum population density is observed in areas with favorable natural conditions for life:

    North Caucasus and South-West of the European part of Russia (the most favorable conditions);

    The central regions of the East European Plain, the South of Western Siberia, the foothills of the mountains of Southern Siberia, the extreme South of Central Siberia and the Far East (favorable conditions).

V. Fixing the material.

"Attention! Problem"
“Can a person completely free himself from the influence of natural environment on his life and work

A person cannot completely free himself from the influence of the natural environment, but headapts adapts to the conditions in which he lives and engages in economic activities.

Try to determine the degree of your impact on nature and evaluate it. To do this, each of you is invited to draw a little man (yourself) in the center on a separate piece of paper, and from him with arrows to different sides(like the rays of the sun) draw what you personally do in nature.

Now name aloud: a) what, in your opinion, everyone should do to make the ecological situation in our country better; b) something that can never be done in the environment.

I'm not against progress, No - no!

I understand the scope and grandeur. But I beg you, age:

Save At least some small savagery.

Save the lakeside reeds, Save the country cherries,

Save the primordial silence, From which we once came out.

VI. Reflection

Students relate "new" information to "old" information using the knowledge gained at the comprehension stage.

Natural conditions affect almost all aspects Everyday life population, features of its work, rest and life, people's health and the possibility of their adaptation to new, unusual conditions.

The total assessment of natural conditions is determined by the level of their comfort for a person. To measure it, up to 30 parameters are used (duration of climatic periods, temperature contrast, climate humidity, wind regime, the presence of natural foci infectious diseases etc.).

According to the level of comfort stand out:

extreme territories(polar regions, high mountains
areas of high latitudes, etc.);

uncomfortable areas areas with severe natural
conditions that are unsuitable for the life of an unadapted population;
subdivided into cold humid(arctic deserts, tundra), arid
territories (deserts and semi-deserts), as well as mountainous areas;

hyper-comfortable areas - areas with limited
favorable natural conditions for the resettled population,
subdivided into boreal(temperate forests) and semiarid(steppes
temperate zone);

comfortable areas - areas with little
deviations from the natural optimum for the formation of a permanent

comfortable areas - areas with almost ideal
conditions external environment for the life of the population, are characteristic of
southern part of the temperate zone, in Russia are represented by minor
areal areas.

The largest part of our country - the coldest in the world (the average annual temperature of the territory of Russia as a whole is below -5 degrees Celsius) - belongs to extreme and uncomfortable territories. However, the bulk of the population lives in regions with precomfortable and comfortable conditions. Within their limits - in Central Russia, in the North Caucasus, in the Middle Volga region - there are 25 subjects of the Russian Federation, most of the largest urban agglomerations.

concept "natural conditions" already in itself presupposes one or another type of economic activity. It is natural conditions that often predetermine economic diversity human activity, industry specialization of individual regions, the pace of economic and social development. At the same time, it is significant that the influence of natural conditions on the national economy is ambiguous and largely depends on the level of development and the economic situation of the country or region.

Natural conditions are of paramount importance for those industries National economy that operate outdoors. First of all, it is agriculture, forestry and water management. Their specialization and efficiency of development are directly related to soil fertility, climate, and the water regime of the territory. They also influence transport and many other industries and

economic spheres.

It is known, for example, that when organizing the extraction of minerals, not only their reserves and quality characteristics are taken into account, but also the conditions of their occurrence, which directly affect the method, scale and cost of extraction. In the practice of the mining industry, it often happens that the most economical are not the richest, but relatively poor, but located in more favorable natural conditions deposits.

Almost all types of construction are in great dependence on natural conditions. Its prime cost is predetermined by such terrain parameters as strength and watering of soils, degree of seismicity, swampiness of the territory, presence of permafrost, mountainous terrain, etc. The creation of the same type of functional facility in the northern and northeastern regions of Russia can be an order of magnitude more expensive than in the south of the European territory of the country.

The natural parameters of the territory have a significant impact on the organization of urban utilities. Thus, the cost of heating, water supply, sewerage, lighting of dwellings, as well as their construction, also differ significantly depending on the climate and engineering and geological conditions. In the northern regions of Russia heating season lasts up to 10 months a year compared to 4-5 months in the south of the country. Correspondingly, the costs also increase.

In the north and in other regions with extreme natural conditions, there is a need to create special technical means adapted to these conditions, for example, with an increased margin of safety. In the northern version, this is the ability to withstand low temperatures, in the southern version, high temperatures, and for regions with a monsoon climate, the ability to work normally in especially wet conditions. For Russia, most of the territory is located in precisely such - extreme natural conditions - this is especially significant.

special attention deserves the question of natural conditions for Agriculture where they have played and are playing a decisive role. The specialization and efficiency of the agricultural sector of the economy, especially for Russia, are directly related to natural fertility soils, climate, water regime of the territory.

The way different crops are grown and farm animals are raised depends on agro-climatic conditions - resources of Shmat in relation to the interests (requests) of agriculture. The influence of climatic conditions on agricultural production can be quantified through agro-climatic indicators. Agricultural assessment of the climate is based on a comparison of the agro-climatic conditions of the territory with

the requirements of various environmentally cultivated plants to their life factors.

Obviously, agro-climatic conditions have significant differences from place to place. Understanding the patterns of agro-climatic differentiation is necessary not only for managing the agricultural sector of the national economy, but also for the purposes of political and economic analysis. It has been calculated, for example, that the agro-climatic potential of the United States is approximately 2.5 times higher than that of Russia. It follows from this natural scientific fact that, at equal costs, the productivity of US agriculture will always be higher by at least the same amount than in our country.

When assessing agro-climatic conditions, as, indeed, for a number of other practical purposes, they use data on zonal differences in the country's territory. On the territory of Russia, there is a change of natural zones from north to south: arctic deserts, tundra, forest tundra, forests (subdivided into subzones of taiga and mixed and broad-leaved forests), forest-steppes, steppes, semi-deserts and subtropics.

Variety of factors and their classification

The factors affecting human health and determining his lifestyle, as well as the quality of life, include:

  • biological (such as hereditary traits, including the type of higher nervous activity, features of morphology, build, temperament, etc.);
  • natural (this includes climate, landscape, flora, fauna, natural disasters - avalanches, tornadoes, droughts, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes), environmental quality;
  • socio-economic;
  • health status.

So, for example, the state of the environment affects health by 15-20% - in the same proportion as genetic factors.

Remark 1

In general, environmental factors are divided into natural and anthroponotic, that is, created by people in places. permanent residence. They can be either small in intensity and permanent, or short-term, but powerful.

Conditions of existence that affect the body

The list of natural conditionsaffecting human health is quite large. This is also a characteristic of the atmosphere, the landscape of the area and the nature of the landscape where a person lives, aquatic environment, its environment, flora and fauna of the biosystem. Proven influences are considered to be noticeable fluctuations atmospheric pressure(especially for weather-dependent people), energy effects (including physical fields, rhythm natural phenomena) and some others.

Example 1

The first in the $XX$ century to draw attention to the energy phenomena associated with the Sun was the Soviet scientist Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, who discovered the patterns of the influence of solar activity on the prevalence of many diseases. Later, the influence of the phases of the moon (biorhythms) on the well-being of a person, on some of his conditions and medical indicators was also proven.

Among the main physical factors affecting health are temperature, air humidity, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic and sound vibrations.

A large proportion falls on the radiation background. If it is exceeded (remember the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant), serious problems with health, consisting in the deterioration of body functions and a tendency to frequent illnesses, are guaranteed.

Human health is affected by a number of chemical factors that enter the body with inhaled air, through the skin, with food, and water. These include negative health effects tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, smoke from burning landfills and from burning leaves (the harmful practice of burning leaf litter is widespread).

State of the environment

The first attempts to interfere in nature began with the appearance of man on Earth. In the future, the transformation of nature "for itself" took active forms by now it has become global. And today, only a third of the land area of ​​​​our planet does not bear visible traces of human activity. In different regions, this figure varies greatly, for example, in our country, 33.6% of the area belongs to such territories, in North America - 37.5%, in Africa - 27.5%, and in Europe - no more than 2.8% . Of the many forests that provided the Earth's atmosphere with oxygen, only the forests of Siberia and the Amazon are capable of continuing this function.

Remark 2

Increased emissions from various technological processes led to the accumulation of up to 350 different carcinogens in the composition of atmospheric air, among which approximately one in six has particularly strong pathogenic properties.

Territories adversely affecting human health include, in particular: arctic and subarctic landscapes, continental arid and subarid landscapes, tropical and subtropical landscapes.

In Russia, only 1/3 of its area falls on the territory with favorable conditions for the existence of people. Although a person is not able to completely free himself from negative impact natural environment, but to some extent it adapts, adapts to its conditions.

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