Classic kitchens 12 meters. Color and light in the kitchen

The kitchen-living room of 12 meters, or rather the need for its design, is a real challenge for the designer, a kind of test of his professionalism. After all, combine in a small space two full-fledged rooms with different functional purpose, and even zoning them correctly is a daunting task. The designer at each stage of work faces serious difficulties.

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account and make the most of every centimeter of space, taking into account the features of the design composition, which will have to be thought out simultaneously with the drafting of the project. In general, there is a lot of work to be done, and we will talk about some of its nuances in the framework of this article.

We are planning the space of a combined room of 12 square meters. m

At the planning stage of the kitchen-living room, the main task of the designer is to fine-tune the space in order to fill the room with useful interior elements on the one hand, and not overload it on the other. Simultaneously with planning the space, you need to choose the style of the interior that we will fit into such a room, as well as decide on the way to divide it functional areas, we will talk more about this later.

You should not think that through design research, a rather cramped space can turn into a fully functional guest room, and even with a kitchen, miracles do not happen. But you can make a cozy room that will organically combine the living room and kitchen within a room cramped by twelve square meters, you can sit very comfortably and chat over a cup of tea with two or three guests.

When planning the configuration of the functional areas of the kitchen-living room, designers advise dividing the space approximately in half, and the kitchen area should be fully functional, and the living area may be limited functional. In the kitchen area there is a reason to place kitchen set, refrigerator and a few more options for household appliances. You can hang a TV in the corner directly above one of the elements of the kitchen set on the mount, so that its screen is directed to the living area. In the opposite corner from the headset, the designers propose to place a corner sofa, and next to place a small transformable table with several chairs.

Include in the plan, and at the same time in the estimate, a good powerful hood, so that you and your guests do not have to inhale the aromas of a burnt casserole.

Choosing the style of the interior of the kitchen-living room in 12 squares

The choice of style in such a small room, and even the unifying living room with the kitchen, can only be entrusted to a professional, keep in mind that such a cramped space does not forgive even the smallest mistakes. Professional designers specializing in the design of small rooms recommend the following interior styles that are most suitable for a living room combined with a kitchen.

  • Minimalism. This is not an interior style that is pretentious to a large number of elements, which, although it loves space, can in some cases be tolerant of a somewhat cramped space. The minimalist style also fits well into rooms with a combined interior, the main thing is to arrange the design composition correctly so that the minimalist living room-kitchen looks as organic as possible.
  • In a room where half of the space is occupied by a kitchen, high-tech style can fit in perfectly, and various high-tech gadgets will make a small kitchen-living room more functional.
  • The kitchen-living room in the style of pop art can also not easily be located in a space of 12 square meters. m, and colorful color composition, characteristic of this style, will certainly make a cramped room more fun.
  • Combined room in retro style. Some readings retro style are also tolerant of very limited space, so if you are a fan of this interior trend, you can experiment in your small room, the likelihood of success is very high.

We define and separate functional areas from each other

The definition of functional zones and their separation from each other within a small room is also a difficulty. Most of existing methods zoning for such a kitchen-living room is not applicable, since they also require space. It is necessary to use only those methods that spend a minimum of space, and the maximum benefit from them. We offer several such methods for your consideration.

  1. Steps and ledges. This is the most beneficial way of visual zoning for such a kitchen-living room, since it does not take up space at all. The essence of this method is to organize a ledge-transition on the ceiling, exactly at the border of the functional areas, and under it a step is usually organized by raising the floor in the kitchen area. The transition step is excellent on a two-level stretch or suspended ceiling.
  2. Zoning with light. It is also an economical way of separating the functional areas of a small kitchen-living room in terms of space organization. Its essence is in the specific arrangement of artificial light sources and their control. For example, you can brightly illuminate the kitchen area while cooking, while lighting the living area with subdued light, and do the opposite when meeting guests. The main thing to remember is that it is possible to achieve separate lighting in such a small space only through directional lamps, spotlights or spots.
  3. Zoning with a folding bar. This method also requires minimal "space costs", since a narrow wooden stand with a leg, located on the border of the kitchen area and the living area, can lean back to merge with the wall. During cooking or light afternoon snacks, you can use it as an additional work surface, which in itself is very convenient.

Features of the color scheme of the combined room 12 sq. m

Summing up, a few words should be said about choosing a color scheme for a combined room of 12 square meters. m, because for a cramped space, any colors will not work. Designers recommend the following shades, which, on the one hand, will not harm the interior composition, and on the other hand, visually expand the room a little:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • pastel shades of green, peach, blue, pink;
  • grey;
  • silver and many others.

In general, lean towards pastel shades of colors, the paler the shade, the more likely it will fit into the color scheme of the kitchen-living room. If you don’t like pale shades of colors, then try to choose a competent dilution color, which, along with the main one, will make an interesting color scheme. Good luck with your design experiments.

We all want our home to be cozy and warm. After all, this is not only a place of registration, recreation, or a common living space with relatives. The house is an absolutely special world in which the most incredible worldview ideas, stylistic experiments and psychological aspects its owner. It is in the design of their own home that everyone can maximize their individuality and artistic and architectural talent.

Most often, the kitchen becomes a platform for creative self-realization - a sacred place throughout the house. And this is not surprising!

Since a person spends most of his time on it, preparing and eating food, talking with friends or family, and simply indulging in philosophical reflections over a cup of tea.

And if more than one person fits in the kitchen, then you can safely experiment with interior design.

The most optimal in terms of dimensions of the kitchen space is a room of 12 square meters. meters.

Such a quadrature allows you to conveniently and without prejudice to the footage to place all the furnishings and household appliances necessary for the kitchen.

In addition, there is also always a place to organize a full-fledged dining area or a relaxation area.

However, in order to achieve the maximum combination of ergonomics and aesthetics in the kitchen, you will have to work hard.

Design features of a 12-meter kitchen

Thinking, designing, building and decorating the kitchen, it is important to follow a few useful recommendations for its design:

Remember, the kitchen should have enough space for unhindered movement. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out zoning of the premises only if there is sufficient free space in it. Given the wide variety of stylistic and compositional ones, it is necessary to make the final choice in accordance with the full potential of the room.

Types of kitchen layouts

Having enough space in the kitchen makes it easy to use any kind of layout. However, the most important in determining suitable type placement of the working and dining areas will act - the location of the window in the room and its structural features, for example, the shape of the room - square, rectangular, round. The most common options for a 12-meter kitchen are:

  1. Linear or straight. Very compact and handy. The working area is located along one wall, leaving room for the dining room. Maximum functionality is achieved due to the optimal placement of kitchen furniture - a sink in the center, a refrigerator and a stove - on the sides of it. In addition, to increase the roominess of the room, it is advisable to use high wall cabinets, and in the dining sector of a rectangular table.
  2. Double line or double line. Runs along parallel walls and has a fairly spacious work surface. The arrangement of furniture and household appliances also takes place according to the principle of a “zonal triangle”: a sink and stove on one side, a refrigerator and a dining table on the other. It is in this type of kitchen that there is a unique opportunity to use large floor cabinets.
  3. L-shaped or angular. Most giving enough space for a dining area. The working space is located between the sink and the stove, and the furniture and appliances are along the adjacent walls, forming a conditional angle. This type of kitchen is also good because it allows you to solve the issue of locating the necessary household appliances in the most appropriate way.
  4. P - or U - shaped. Very flexible and functional kitchen. When arranging the space, a continuous row is formed, which makes it possible to rationally use the entire area of ​​​​the room. Furniture in such a kitchen is installed along three walls. The working area is very convenient, as it allows you to move around the perimeter of the room.
  5. peninsular. Divides the kitchen space into dining and work areas. It is an ideal design technique for conditional zoning of a room. But if there is a small footage, the use of the peninsula (bar counter or ledge) is impossible.
  6. Island. It involves placing a dining table, stove or sink in the center of the room. In addition, it acts as an original design solution for the design of the kitchen work area.
  7. However, whatever the layout, first of all, this is a figurative division of the kitchen space in order to achieve maximum convenience and functionality of the room.

    Therefore, equipping the kitchen, it is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetic side, but also to the practicality of using the entire space. After all, your mood and well-being will depend on how pleasant it is to be in it.

    Stylistic highlights for 12 meters

    The character of the hostess is easily recognized by the style of the kitchen. After all, it is created in accordance with her taste preferences and inner worldview. Therefore, in order to be a pleasure to stay in the kitchen, it is necessary to correctly determine the ideological direction of the interior and the stylistic nuances of its design.

    Today there is a fairly large variety of decor designs. Which option to prefer depends only on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner. However, even when minimum budget you can create stylish functional kitchen a certain concept.

    The most accessible and understandable styles for most will be:

  • - involving the use of natural wood and strict patterns, ornate chandeliers and heavy curtains. It makes it possible to visually expand the footage and rationally organize the available space;
  • - unobtrusive, modern with application ideal proportions and the dominant color in the decor. Regarding the distribution of appliances and kitchen items, the built-in version is used. Textures and interior material - imitation of natural raw materials;
  • retro- compliance with a certain historical period in fashion interior design. It is possible to use old things and objects in the decor of the kitchen. A wide field for the realization of any creative ideas.
  • - practical and convenient, assumes the presence in the interior of only the most necessary. The furniture is voluminous and horizontal, built-in type. Sets - outdoor, lighting - point. Distinctive feature style - the use of three bright colors;
  • minimalism- maximum purity, correctness of lines and geometric shapes. The use of monochrome colors, a large amount of light, creating the illusion of space and infinity, a minimum amount of furniture. The latter is more of a functional addition to the technique, rather than a dominant element. The main features are ergonomics, reliability, lightness and simplicity.

However, when designing a kitchen in any style, it is necessary to pay special attention. Here it is better to give preference to calm and non-irritating shades, leaving variegated colors for another occasion.

Kitchen design in country style

But if the desire to use bright accents in the decor is still overpowering, try to do it very carefully and without too much fanaticism. Remember, staying in the kitchen should be fun and comfortable.

Thus, with just a little imagination, creativity and individual expression, you can easily create a beautiful, modern and functional kitchen.

Despite its modest size, such a kitchen can easily be functional and aesthetic. Here are a few modern ideas for the arrangement of the kitchen 12 sq. m.


1. Corner

The classic corner layout involves the placement of a kitchen set and appliances along two walls at a right angle. This leaves free space, which is usually reserved for the dining area.

On the picture open kitchen in peach tones. The arch and the bar counter visually separate the kitchen from the other room, which makes the room seem more spacious.

Ethnic elements such as a shelf with jugs or a pattern above the arch add folk flavor.

2. Exit to the balcony

It is not necessary to cover a beautiful view from the window with curtains, especially since textiles in the kitchen are gradually going out of fashion.

Headset in classical style located along the main wall. You should pay attention to the details of the situation: faucets and antique accessories that give a country touch to a classic interior.

All things are perfectly matched in style - from clay flower pots to painted dishes as decorations.

3. Bar counter

In this interior, the bar counter emphasizes the functionalism of the setting, ideally geometric shapes hi-tech features appear.

Despite the minimum of objects, the room is not made in minimalism, as there are patterned wallpapers (albeit with a suitable geometric pattern).

The monochrome interior is diluted with red accents.

An atypical form of a kitchen with panoramic windows and a bar counter, which is a functional and decorative piece of furniture.

The bar counter is fixed on a metal pole, which is reminiscent of the style of cafes and bars. Within this particular interior with black glossy tiles and black marble countertops, this technique looks stylish and organic. It is worth noting the contrast of orange and black. Bright but warm orange dilutes the coldness of black, making the kitchen feel cozy and homely.

Used in the interior reception of a combination of three colors: black-orange-cream. Large quantity colors looks chaotic, and less is boring.

An unusual bar counter in the shape of a pedestal fits well into the neoclassical interior of the kitchen in light colors. The monochrome color scheme - white with rare inclusions of metal, looks modern, and the compact placement of functional elements speaks of convenience and practicality.

Bar pole with glass holders - interesting design decision for the kitchen in a modern style.

The highlight of the interior is glass shelves, round futuristic bar stools and a high-tech ceiling.

4. Kitchen-living room with a sofa

The combination of kitchen and living room is a good solution for a kitchen of 12 square meters.

The kitchen set and appliances can be placed along the main wall, and with the help of the sofa visually separate living room from the kitchen.

An impromptu dining room for six people will turn out if you put a dining table opposite the sofa.

5. Without wall cabinets

Wall cabinets are a traditional piece of furniture in the kitchen interior, but without them, the kitchen can look newer, more interesting and more spacious.

Instead of wall cabinets, you can use cabinets with open shelves for dishes.

The vacant wall space can be decorated as you wish or left blank.

6. Wall decor

Decorated walls are appropriate in country, Provence, ethnic and other styles, where a combination of several colors, prints, patterns and colors is welcome.

The photo shows a country-style kitchen, which is read in the patterns on the tiles, the style of the furniture (carved elements, soft natural colors), accessories and fittings.

One of the walls is decorated photo wallpaper with retro print that emphasize cozy atmosphere rooms

Combination of print and pure color, as in the photo, is one of the most popular modern wall decorating techniques.

Printed tiles and bright blue solid walls create a stylish combination that is only possible with neutral-colored furniture.

New 2019

1. Red accent

Red creates a stylish accent in rooms in a monochrome color scheme. The most effective combination black-white-red.

Here in red curtains and accessories, it looks stylish and dynamic.

Modern designers create multiple light sources by placing Spotlights in the working area and a chandelier above dining table.

Chandelier over dining table an old trick that is still relevant. It helps to place logical accents. The chandelier above the table not only looks noble, but is also a kind of local lighting, which is especially important during family or dinner parties.

2. Cozy kitchen-living room with a sofa

The lilac-brown kitchen looks unusual due to the bright wall decor and the unusual color of the furniture.

Original decorative elements like a fence are supported by the style of furniture and accessories.

Linen upholstered sofa adds a touch of coziness.

Despite modern trend on the minimum use of textile elements in the kitchen interior, in some styles it is allowed rich fabric decor, for example, in those where country or eco elements are used.

A wooden dining set emphasizes the overall stylistic orientation of the room.

Here, the original style solution consists of a decorative fence, which is supported by bright wallpaper, a wooden dining table and a natural-colored curtain.

In this article, we will look at 7 interesting and beautiful design kitchen projects of 12 sq.m from ultra-modern to sophisticated classic style.

We choose options for planning a kitchen of 12 square meters. m

The kitchen is 12 sq.m. quite a large room. Almost all types of layout and furniture arrangement are suitable for such a kitchen.

  1. Linear arrangement of the whole set, including a sink, a refrigerator, a stove, a dishwasher and the cabinets themselves, along one of long walls it is preferable to select for elongated, rather narrow rooms. In this case, the second side of the kitchen of 12 sq.m unobtrusively turns into a dining area. For a small family in the corner by the window, you can organize a cozy corner with a folding table and a compact easy chair or pouffe.
  2. Kitchen layout 12 sq.m. placing work surfaces in parallel lines increases the functionality of the kitchen of 12 sq.m, but creates difficulties in finding a place for a dining table, which is most often installed by the window, occupying the free end side. In this case, it is taken into account that the sink, stove and refrigerator should be placed at the corners of an imaginary triangle, and the width of the free passage should be ≥ 1.2 m, so this option is used in almost square rooms.
  3. L-shaped kitchen layout quickly became one of the most popular, thanks to the introduction of elegance and comfort into the interior of a 12-meter kitchen. This arrangement of furniture organically fits into any form of kitchen. Facilitates visual perception by installing a bar counter as one side of the corner. Hostesses appreciated and convenient solution for the dining area, which leaves enough space.
  4. Gives an interesting effect C-shaped kitchen layout with the right decision. The shortened fourth line becomes an elegant border in the combined kitchen-living rooms, without weighing down the space. For a local room, this option is inappropriate, so as not to create the feeling of a warehouse entourage.
  5. At the height of fashion in last years firmly held island, as an independent and multifunctional piece of furniture. It is used as a desktop, a sink and even a hob are placed, often additional shelves are mounted below. The disadvantages include the following factors:
  • the central location of the island requires a spacious square kitchen. The distance from it to any surface must be ≥ 1.2 m, given that its own dimensions should not be less than this value;
  • when installing on the island of the sink, it is necessary to equip the supply of pipes, and for the hob - wires. In addition, with the second option, you will need to consider installing the hood.

In preparation for the repair, you should study interesting options modern kitchen design ideas 12 sq. m. in order to create an unusual interior, get acquainted with innovative methods of work in order to bring fresh ideas and elements of novelty into your home.

Kitchen design 12 square meters. m with a balcony

See further photo of the kitchen 12 sq. m. in a modern style. Combining a kitchen with a balcony can be done without a thorough alteration of the wall opening. Finishing putty polymer composition and painting all vertical planes with English white-bluish water-based paint with antifungal additives makes the kitchen design 12 sq. m. with access to the balcony is noble and balanced. Porcelain stoneware with an imitation of an oak board is laid on glue not only on the floor, but also as an apron.

Beautiful white kitchen with access to the balcony. Photo

The highlight of the interior of the kitchen are the frescoes in the dining area on the wall bordering the exit to the balcony. These are silhouettes of cups, teapots, which are made using the technique of painting on wet plaster.

Photo kitchen 12 sq. m. with access to the balcony

To free up enough space, furniture in a 12-meter kitchen with access to a balcony is placed on the three remaining sides. The curtains are double, the lower light canvas has a snowy hue, repeating the tone of the walls, and the upper curtain is dense, monochromatic, echoing the shade of the image of the dishes on the fresco. The design of the window logically completes the interior, charming with sophistication and unusual solutions.

Novelty kitchen design 12 sq. min white and brown. Photo of a successful project

Restrained brown tone combined with snow-white freshness, it gives an unexpected feeling of aristocratic nobility inherent in salon interiors of the 19th century. Two options in the kitchen design photo 12 sq. m. offer completely different effects due to initially predicted priorities.

Functional highlight in an elegant design. Interior design of a modern kitchen 12 sq. m.

The interior of this kitchen is 12 square meters. m. implies freedom of movement. Furniture is placed on three walls in sets:

  1. storage areas with closed facades;
  2. work zone;
  3. additional shelves, both open and with doors, surrounding the window.

An oval white table with comfortable chairs of the same light tone occupies the center; if necessary, it can be easily moved apart, increasing in size. White-brown surfaces easily flow into one another, removing excessive static. wood texture on furniture facades, supported by flooring and an insert on the table top, looks good on light background walls.

Photo of modern kitchen

Household appliances are maximally closed in cabinets, which creates a feeling of orderliness and calmness. Wide window sill if necessary, turns into an impromptu table. The dominant decoration is white ceiling lamps with adjustable luminous flux. The lighting is complemented by LED lamps on the ceiling, as well as lighting built into the furniture.

Modern kitchen design with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m. Photo of the project.Natural decor in a modern kitchen solution.

A photo wallpaper with blooming flowers on the wall makes it the center of the entire kitchen design of 12 square meters. m., which determines all other solutions. A table with a rectangular top, chairs of a simple shape with slightly curved backs, all these objects of a rich brown hue create a poignant picture. An amazing and light lamp above the table with an almost weightless design attracts attention with its unusual shape.

Completes a great look unusual cuisine light floor color. The interior, in which it is comfortable and joyful to be, will seem fresh and dear to the heart for many years.

Kitchen 12 sq.m with a breakfast bar. Layout options

Consider all possible options for planning a kitchen of 12 square meters. m. with a bar counter.

From official offices and the light atmosphere of restaurants, the bar counter has rapidly become an elegant and fashionable item in the kitchen, performing different functions and changing the shape, dimensions, and external decor in accordance with the surrounding space. There are several rack models:

Variety of modern finishing materials with a rich color palette makes it possible to give the surface of the bar counter the texture of valuable wood, noble stone. Durable plastic or glass stained-glass countertops with backlight are distinguished by special sophistication. Durable acrylic, ceramics, metal - a decent choice and will easily allow you to harmoniously solve the design of a kitchen of 12 square meters. m with a bar counter, which will quickly become a favorite place for soulful gatherings.

Gourmet kitchen 12 sq. m with a sofa. Project photo

Sufficient dimensions of the kitchen in 12 square meters. m for a small family of two or three people allow you to organize a cozy sofa corner, subject to the selection of other furniture items, light in tone and shape, made of ash.

The combination of finishes brings dynamism to the standard layout of the 12 sqm kitchen with sofa. To this end, one part of a light plain wall is pasted over with wallpaper with a magnificent floral ornament in a combination of light and dark shades noble chocolate, next to which a beige sofa is comfortably set in collaboration with a rectangular table covered with a snow-white tablecloth.

Kitchen interior with sofa 12 sq. m. Photo

The white facades of the suites along the rest of the planes, the apron made of glossy and delicate blue tiles, the light floor, the light blueness of the ceiling make the room bright. All communications are covered in boxes with ventilation and lighting, creating order and a cozy atmosphere. The dominant accent in such an interior is Roman blinds made of natural fabric, on a delicate gray-blue background of which swift swallows soar in free flight. Completing the design of the 12 sq.m kitchen with a sofa are ceiling track lights in the form of parallelepipeds with decor in harmony with the dominant brown scale.

Kitchen interior 12 sq. m with bay window

Kitchens with a bay window - part of the room that protrudes beyond the surface of the general facade of the house, look modern and create a sense of volume. When planning a kitchen design of 12 sq.m with a bay window, it is important to give this area functionality, which will be demonstrated by two creative options.

"Triple Alliance" items in a standard kitchen 12 sq. m with bay window

Creating a kitchen design of 12 square meters. m. with a bay window for three hostesses, the basis was a strip in alternating dark green with complex color saturation with a light beige companion on the walls, which has different widths and sets a dynamic rhythm for the entire environment. The bay area in the window area turns into a dining room, thanks to a wide artificial stone countertop, which goes into the work surfaces of the headset on one side and into the design of the back and sides of the sofa on the other. All Appliances hidden behind cabinet doors, and even a built-in refrigerator.

Kitchen with bay window 12 sq. m. Photo of the project

Near the sofa are placed two small round tables with a light finish, complemented by comfortable miniature chairs. The facades of the headset are light, slightly aged, the apron is glass, giving room for creativity, since engravings and drawings can be placed behind it. The floor of oak parquet panels with patina imitates antique noble surfaces. Three sconces on the ends of the rack, three openwork ceiling lamps with nickel coating in the bay window symbolize the equality of three housewives in the renovated space. Project author Rustem Urazmetov

dynamic and self design The interior of the kitchen of 12 sq.m with a bay window is created by a variety of flooring, dominated by light brown panels with imitation of wood texture in the main space. Under a furniture set, a rectangular table and a massive island practically adjacent to its end with hob an almost white coating is laid out, supported hinged structure ceiling rectangular shape. Light laconic design chairs harmoniously fit around the table.

A long hood cylinder above the island and a transparent partition bordering it on both sides gives the entire surrounding space a fantastic image, supported by track lights on long cylindrical suspensions above the table. Along with them, the lamp on the ceiling in the form of an elongated rectangle is located at a small distance from the upper border of the cabinet and gives enough bright lighting. Dark kitchen furniture completely occupies the wall behind the island, harmonizing with its color shades. Lightness and freshness are brought by long white curtains, translucent and airy.

Design techniques for creating a stylish image of the kitchen 12 sq. m

Color effects that affect the visual perception of space are becoming classics of designers' creativity. The kitchen, which has 12 squares of area, does not need any special frills to expand it, and the color palette should be selected according to the dominant style. The main motivation is the personal preferences of the household, which must certainly be taken into account. It is advisable to avoid dark tones, and juicy colors use as sophisticated accents. Some adjustments in the layout of the kitchen 12 sq. m may require only an excessively narrow room:

  • it is advisable not to post wall cabinets along the perimeter into a continuous line of closed facades. You can limit yourself to two elegant shallow products with glass or stained glass doors;
  • it is useful in addition to the chandelier to highlight work surfaces, as well as hang wall sconces above the dinette. Add decorative effect LED Strip Light behind stained glass inserts;
  • expand the space with modern mirror or 3D effect aprons, the ornament on which will support the overall interior background;
  • fittings should not be massive, calm forms or modern systems facades without handles;
  • diagonal laying of floor tiles will shift the accents and push the walls apart.

Another technique for creating a complete and homely entourage is zoning, for the implementation of which there are certain tools in the piggy bank of designers:

  • arrangement of furniture according to functional accessories in different areas;
  • highlighting the dining room, raising it to the podium;
  • an arch, as an elegant border, for example, when placing a dining table on a combined loggia;
  • temporary structures (screens, low partitions, shelving);
  • a luxurious lampshade over the table and a sconce over the sink and work area;
  • multilevel ceilings.

26.01.2017 Read in 9 min.

Kitchen area of ​​12 sq. m is spacious enough to accommodate a full-fledged furniture set, appliances and make the space truly comfortable and aesthetic. In such a room, interior designers have the opportunity to implement many modern ideas.

In the photo: Design of a dining room in a classic style. View of the kitchen

In combination with new trends in the world of interior design and unique author's solutions, which have already become classical tricks take on a new sound. There is no doubt that many of the popular trends of past years in the design of kitchens remain relevant in 2017-2018.

In this review, we will consider several popular techniques in the design of kitchens with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m on the example of works from the portfolio of the leader of the Moscow market of repair and construction services - the Fundament Group of Companies.

Kitchen interiors 12 sq. m in bright colors

In the photo: Kitchen design 12 square meters. m in Art Deco style

In the photo: Kitchen design 12 square meters. m in bright colors

Stylish monochrome contrast of black and white is a classic in color design interiors. Built-in kitchen set from floor to ceiling with laconic white facades in the color of the walls fits into such a room almost imperceptibly.

The shade of natural wood from which the countertops are made echoes the color of the pendant lights above the bar counter. A monochrome color scheme with a delicate accent helps to create a strict and versatile interior, which will not get bored for many years.

2. Graphic white kitchen interior

In the photo: Graphic interior of the kitchen in bright colors

Graphic elements in bright interior kitchens - another technique that allows you to emphasize the simplicity and conciseness of forms, pay attention to lines, not colors. Panels with graphics look relevant in this interior.

3. Art Deco style

In the photo: Kitchen in light colors in the Art Deco style

If you add a bright accent to the light color palette of the kitchen, the interior will be completely transformed. Fuchsia, shades of burgundy or hot pink emphasize luxury elements kitchen interior with dining area in art deco style.

4. Minimalism

In the photo: Minimalist kitchen in gray tones

Kitchen interior 12 sq. m is sustained in strict minimalism: rigor is observed both in the choice of colors and in the design style. Brickwork walls introduces the features of a democratic loft - a new "note" that gives the interior its own "zest".

5. Minimalistic bright kitchen

In the photo: Minimalist kitchen

White color in the interior of the kitchen harmonizes well with shades of natural wood. They “ground” the perception a little, which is created by cloudy, airy shades and bring notes of eco-style to the interior.

6. Soft neoclassic in pastel colors

In the photo: Kitchen interior in light colors in the neoclassical style

In the photo: Beige kitchen design with access to the balcony

To soften the palette of the interior and, if desired, cut off the view of the street, balcony doors can be curtained plain curtains made of dense beige fabric, which, if necessary, are removed using comfortable and beautiful wide tiebacks.

9. Sliding glass doors to the balcony

In the photo: Kitchen design 12 square meters. m with a balcony in a modern style

Wide sliding glass doors leading to the balcony are one of the most relevant current trends and a favorite technique of designers. After all, the presence of a balcony can somewhat darken the room, while completely transparent doors will help to cope with this problem and make a room with a balcony one of the brightest in the apartment.

10. Relaxation area on the balcony

In the photo: Kitchen design with access to the balcony

On the balcony, you can equip a cozy seating area by placing a couple of small chairs. A small room is separated from the kitchen with the help of transparent sliding doors which saves space in the apartment.

11. Bright decoration of the balcony door

In the photo: Kitchen with a balcony with a fuchsia accent

Fuchsia translucent curtains are the most bright accent in a gray monochrome kitchen interior. A chandelier with crystal pendants and pink chairs add personality to the interior.

Photo of kitchen projects 12 sq. m with sofa

Often in the kitchen, in addition to ordinary chairs, they prefer to install upholstered furniture. Straight, angular or semicircular - depending on the configuration of the room and layout, you can choose a sofa that fits perfectly into the interior and makes it even more comfortable.

12. Straight sofa

The most common option for the location of the sofa in the kitchen is on one side of the dining table. In such cases, a straight sofa is often used, which can be quite compact and not take up much space.

13. Green sofa and floral motifs

In the photo: Kitchen project with a sofa and a bay window

A sofa in the kitchen can not only make the room more comfortable, but also become the main focus in the interior. Soft sofa colors of fresh grass and panels with floral motifs color the kitchen interior in iridescent, spring tones.

14. Kitchen and living room design in the same style

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa and a balcony

In the photo: Cream sofa in the interior of the kitchen in bright colors

The sofa in the kitchen can be an additional place to relax. Creamy monochrome tones in the interior of the kitchen allow you to focus on the panel with the Venetian cityscape on the wall, where the sofa is located.

Option for interior design of a kitchen with a bay window. Photos of new products 2016-2017

A bay window in the kitchen is a significant advantage, since it not only increases the illumination of the room, but also its area, allows you to organize an additional work surface or recreation area, depending on the configuration of the room and other parameters. Consider several design options for a kitchen of 12 square meters. m with a bay window from the apartment design portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies.

16. Bay window with curtains in blue shades

In the photo: Kitchen design 12 square meters. m with a bay window in blue shades

Thanks to the bay window, it is convenient to place a round dining table in the bright interior of the kitchen with Provence style features. It organically fits into the interior due to the special configuration of the room with a bay window.

17. Beige kitchen with bay window

In the photo: Kitchen interior with a bay window in beige tones

In the bay window, it is often the dining area that is located due to the good illumination of this part of the room. To protect from excessive light, it is convenient to use blinds, matched in style in accordance with the design of the kitchen.

18. Effect of panoramic windows

In the photo: Kitchen interior with a bay window

A room with a bay window is a real find, especially when a picturesque view opens from the window. Sometimes the architectural design of the building involves high windows - then they can be considered panoramic.

19. Bay window in a minimalist interior

In the photo: Kitchen with a bay window in the style of minimalism

A bay window can fit into a room made in any design style. In the interior of the kitchen in the style of minimalism, where there is nothing superfluous, the bay window is one of the main "decorations".

20. Dining area in the bay window

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-dining room with a bay window

Often, bay windows decorate the facades of modern houses and cottages. They give originality to both the external appearance of the building and the interior. In the spacious bright part of the room in the bay window there is a dining area.

21. Office or seating area in the bay window

In a bay window, it can be convenient to equip a recreation area, equipping it with a comfortable counter and bar stools. Or make a small office.

Classic style in the interior of the kitchen with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m

In the photo: Kitchen design in a classic style

For this interior, a light monochrome color scheme was chosen, which allows you to fully appreciate the elegance of the finish, semi-columns and pilasters in the design of the kitchen island and other decorative elements.

23. Turquoise and ocher shades

In the photo: Turquoise kitchen in a classic style

In light neo classic interior, without voluminous stucco and decorative elements, more opportunities for color experiments open up. Light light turquoise shades are combined with ocher tones in the interior of the kitchen with a corner furniture set and a dining table located by the window.

24. Light classic in beige tones

In the photo: Neoclassical dining area

The interior of the neoclassical kitchen, made in monochrome pastel shades, looks especially elegant, light, morning. In this project of a one-room apartment, very little space is allocated for the kitchen area, and the living-dining room occupies the main area.

25. Gilding elements

In the photo: Kitchen interior in a classic style with gilding

Gold-plated elements, so characteristic of traditional classics, can look no less interesting in a modern interior. Competent finishing of kitchen facades and other items with gilding will give a beautiful cut to the interior.

26. Marble tiles

In the photo: Marble tiles in the interior of the kitchen in a classic style

For interior decoration in a classic style, high-quality and expensive materials are used: natural wood valuable species - oak, walnut, Karelian birch, cherry, as well as stone, gilding. The floor can be covered with marble tiles, the fashion for which came from Italian palazzos.

27. Kitchen island

In the photo: Kitchen island in a classic kitchen interior with a bay window

In the kitchen 12 sq. m, you can install a kitchen island - the distance to the furniture should be from 1.2 m. This multifunctional item The interior, which can serve as an additional work surface, a storage shelf and a small dining table, harmoniously fits into the design of a classic-style kitchen.

If you approach kitchen design from a non-formal point of view, it turns out that this is an exciting creative process, and there are a lot of options for renovating a kitchen. The Fundament group of companies pays special attention to the design and renovation of kitchens, in which there are no minor details.

Text: Natalia Savushkina

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