Types and cost of self-leveling polymer floors. Self-leveling floors: composition and purpose

A huge number of different floor coverings are produced in the world, which are successfully operated by the owners.

Recently, there has been a trend of increasing demand for bulk leveling compounds, with which they level the flooring and make it elastic and durable.

It is polymer flooring in the best possible way aligns concrete base and creates a thin protective layer that prevents moisture from entering.

Features of the composition and types of polymer coatings

The quality of the floor depends on the material of which they are composed.

There are several varieties of polymer floor coverings, which have their own separate scope.

At the moment, polymer coatings can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • thickness of the leveling layer;
  • the chemical composition of the coating and the difference in the binding elements in general;
  • structure of the outer layer.

Currently construction market densely filled various options polymer coatings, which in most cases differ from each other in the use of binders.

As a rule, different manufacturers use different compositions:

  • polyurethane;
  • polyester materials;
  • epoxy;
  • polyurea coatings;
  • methyl methacrylant.

It should be remembered that, despite the different thicknesses, there is a wide variety of connecting elements.

All polymer concrete floors effectively level the rough flooring, successfully fit into the interior of any room, and are also an indispensable option for flooring with a limited thickness of the finish cover (doorways and built-in wardrobes limit the height of the floor layer).

Epoxy joint compounds for self-leveling floors

Epoxy floors are particularly aesthetic, but not durable.

This compound has a wide range of applications. polymer coating of this type is the most common type of flooring and is widely used in apartments and private houses, thanks to affordable price for this product.

This type of flooring is distinguished not only by solid advantages, it, like many other flooring materials, has a number of disadvantages, the main of which is the possible evaporation of the main binder, which leads to fragility of the coating and some external changes. The use of such self-leveling floors is not recommended for rooms with high traffic and high sanitary requirements.

You should be aware that quite often the composition of a polymer coating with binding element in the form of epoxy resin, quartz sand is added in certain proportions, which gives the flooring sometimes lacking strength and resistance to temperature changes.

Methyl Methacrylate Coupling Compounds for Polymer Coating

Methyl methacrylate floors install and dry quickly

This flooring option is a reliable method of leveling and organizing the floor. The use of methyl methacrylate compounds as part of a certain type of polymer flooring allows you to organize the coating in the shortest possible time.

These coatings can only be laid by specialists

Experts say that with the use of this mixture, the cover is created in 35-50 minutes. Moreover, work can be carried out at any temperature, but this polymer flooring cannot be organized independently.

To fill this type of self-leveling floor, it is necessary to invite specialists who have specialized equipment to carry out the process, since in a short period of time the entire mixture must be evenly distributed over the surface.

Creating a deck is a rather toxic hazardous procedure that requires the use of personal protective equipment.

Mineral fillers are often added to the composition of the polymer coating with this binder, which increase the strength of the product, impart hardness and resistance to mechanical damage.

Polyurethane self-leveling floors

This type of polymer flooring requires mechanized laying by professionals, as it has rather high requirements for a rough floor. It should be as free of debris as possible (this composition is in poor contact with foreign materials in its composition). For more information on how polyurethane mixtures are poured, see this video:

Underfloor before pouring bulk coating must have a certain humidity, otherwise all the shortcomings may affect the performance of the floor material.

Polyurethane floors can be poured at any temperature, and they have excellent resistance to atmospheric changes and small mechanical influences (scratches).

Polymer coatings based on polyurea

In rooms with high humidity, a polyurea floor is optimal

This flooring has the greatest versatility of all the above options. It is used in conditions with high humidity.

This type of polymer floor can be laid on any surface (concrete, metal, wood, wood board), including the unprepared one.

The parameters of strength and resistance to various influences in the polyurea floor always remain "on top", as well as its appearance.

But, despite all the advantages of the material, it is not often exploited, since it has a considerable price and is poured exclusively with the help of special equipment, which not every customer can afford.

Some comparative characteristics bulk polymer coatings of various manufacturers can be seen in the table.

You should be aware that the cheapest option for a polymer floor is a composition with polyester binding elements. It is poured independently without the use special equipment, it has an attractive appearance, but it does not tolerate temperature changes quite well.

as a result, it can collapse, so this flooring is used in rooms with the possibility of constant temperature control.

The thickness of the polymer coating for the floor

The thickness of the floor polymer flooring can be different. It is according to the thickness parameter that there is an additional classification of self-leveling floors:

  • dedusting compositions;
  • painting polymeric materials;
  • thin layer polymeric coatings;
  • flooring 1.5 - 3 mm thick;
  • durable reproductive system 4-6 mm thick.

The dedusting polymer composition is a temporary protective coating. Its service life usually does not exceed 1 year. The mixture can be poured on its own in a thin layer, and quite often such flooring is used as an intermediate option.

The painting polymer layer is a protective coating that has a direct purpose for painting. The thickness of the material can reach 0.5 mm, but this layer is quite enough to protect the overall coating for a period of 5 to 10 years, but not for leveling. For more information about the paint layer, see this video:

Areas of use

Thin-layer polymer coatings are represented by self-leveling floors with epoxy and polyurethane binders.

These covers are quite often used for leveling purposes and have excellent operational properties.

These coatings are used in luxury housing

Polymer floors with a thickness of 1.5 - 3 mm are often used for decoration luxury houses and apartments. The thickness of the layer allows for both leveling work and decoration, using glossy vinyl films.

Thick self-leveling floors are organized wireframe method. Initially, a metal or fiberglass mesh frame is installed on the ceiling (from any material), which is subsequently filled with a mixture.

This type of flooring is often used not only for private needs, but also for domestic premises. He has the best performance characteristics of all the listed species.

You should be aware that in order to organize a self-leveling floor with a thickness of 4-6 mm, it is not necessary to process and specially prepare the rough surface.

The entire installation process of the coating is done manually, which makes the installation period quite long. For more information about thin layer coating, see this video:

After reading the article, each interested reader will be able to choose their own polymer flooring, which will match individual conditions operation and rough subfloor, as well as the required external parameters.

Bulk floors are called a group of materials applied in bulk and used to level and protect the base. Concrete and cement-sand screeds are suitable for rough leveling. Their thickness can be at least 3-4 cm. However, this thickness can only be achieved if reinforced and used special additives. Without reinforcement, the thickness of the screed will be at least 7 cm. The self-leveling floor is installed if it is impossible to make the screed thicker than 3 cm.

Classification of self-leveling floors

According to the degree of filling with sand and the thickness of the coating, they are divided into:

  • Thin-layer (up to 1 mm).
  • Bulk (up to 5 mm, up to 50% filling by weight).
  • Highly filled (up to 8 mm, up to 85% filling by weight).

The thin-layer self-leveling floor is used in industrial premises with an average degree of load. It is economical and practical solution, which makes it possible to give the coating decorative look. The weak point of the thin-layer coating is the low resistance to abrasion.

Self-leveling floors fully show their properties at high and medium mechanical loads. Durability, impact resistance, economy and maintainability perfectly explain the rapidly growing popularity of the coating. The surface of the floor can be glossy or matte.

Highly filled coatings are used where there are high mechanical loads. By their properties, they are similar to polymer concrete, have sufficient resistance to abrasive wear, impact resistance and durability.

Self-leveling floors are divided into two groups:

  • Mineral compositions;
  • polymer coatings.

The composition of the self-leveling floor of the mineral type is a mixture of modifiers, cement, mineral fillers, which affect the spreadability and plasticity of the composition and also its setting speed. Mixtures are divided into self-leveling and self-spreading. The main purpose is to level the base for the subsequent laying of laminate, linoleum, tiles, etc.

Types of mineral self-leveling floors

  • Base. The mixture is used for preliminary leveling of the screed with a slope of up to 80 mm, irregularities and drops. The thickness of the self-leveling floor of the basic type is 10-80 mm. You can walk on the coating 12 hours after pouring;
  • Average. It is used for leveling concrete and cement-sand screeds containing slopes of not more than 30 mm. The thickness of the application layer can vary within 7-30 mm. You can walk on the surface after 4 hours.
  • Finishing. It is used for leveling the base before laying parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc. The thickness of the poured finish layer is 3-10 mm. Permissible base slope - 10 mm. You can move on the surface after 4 hours.

The mineral self-leveling floor is not reinforced, but it needs finishing.

Types of polymer self-leveling floors

If the flooring in the house must be highly resistant to mechanical and chemical influences, polymer mixtures should be preferred. According to their composition, they are divided into:

  • Epoxy. They are used in rooms where it is necessary to create a coating characterized by high mechanical and chemical resistance, a sufficient level of resistance to moisture, where high sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed.
  • Epoxy urethane. The best choice for high traffic areas. Good resistance to abrasion and chemical damage, as well as elasticity, brings them closer to polyurethane coatings.
  • Polyurethane. In terms of durability and wear resistance, they surpass traditional coatings such as linoleum, tiles, mosaics, etc. Polyurethane self-leveling floors are smooth, seamless, antistatic, and are famous for their aesthetic and decorative properties. Wide choose polyurethane compounds allows you to implement coatings with any required performance characteristics.
  • Methyl methacrylate. They are highly resistant to chemical and mechanical destruction. They can be filled at temperatures up to +8°C. You can use the coating after 1-2 hours after application. In the process of pouring the floor, a pungent odor arises, which disappears after complete polymerization, therefore, sufficient ventilation must be provided in the room where the work is carried out.

Tools needed for the job

  • Container for mixing the components of the mixture with a volume of 30 l
  • Low speed drill with mixer attachment
  • Spatula for spreading the composition
  • Gap squeegee for uniform material distribution
  • Needle aeration roller
  • Paint shoes (special soles for moving on a freshly poured surface)
  • Solvent for cleaning tools.

Self-leveling floor - pouring technology

  • Foundation preparation

The first and most important stage of the coating device is the preparation of the base. If the base is wooden, it should be cleaned of grease and oil and dried thoroughly. Next, you should sand or grind the surface, treat with a primer.

If a concrete or cement-sand screed is used as the base, the joints and cracks should be filled with sealant and primed. Cracks can be glued with fiberglass, covered with quartz sand.

If it is necessary to install a self-leveling floor on an old concrete base, upper layer should be removed, the surface thoroughly sanded, cracks, chips and potholes repaired, concrete sandblasted and primed.

When preparing the mixture, the conditions specified by the manufacturer must be strictly observed: the temperature and humidity conditions must be observed in the room, windows and doors must be closed to avoid drafts. Substrate moisture should not exceed 4%. To determine it, a hygrometer is used.

  • Filling the main and finishing layer

The base coat should be applied two days after the surface has been primed. The mixture is poured starting from the highest point of the surface. It is best to move around the room in paint shoes. The composition is applied with a notched trowel.

Before starting work, you should carefully study the instructions for the preparation and application of the composition.

An aeration roller should be passed over the entire surface. This will fill the voids as much as possible and create a smooth surface without air bubbles. After 3-4 days, similarly to the base, we apply finishing layer bulk floor. If necessary, a decor is created along the finishing layer, after which the floor surface is varnished.

  • Seam cutting

A polymer coating applied to a concrete base is prone to linear deformations. You can eliminate the risk of cracking by cutting seams in the coating. Finished seams must be treated with a primer and filled with a special sealant or sealing cord.

The device of self-leveling floors provides for an operation to create a heat-shrinkable seam between the wall and the composition. This will minimize the risk of deformation of the base tie in case of displacement. load-bearing structures buildings, temperature increase.

A heat shrink seam should be created around the entire perimeter of the room, along walls and doorways. The operation is gluing a foamed deformation tape. Subsequently, the excess tape is cut off with a construction knife.

Building mixtures for self-leveling floors appeared relatively recently. Despite high cost fluid screeds quickly became in demand as an alternative to traditional cement screeds, and polymer compounds are popular as a topcoat and are valued not only for protective, but also for decorative characteristics. They are made from different components, but they all have a high fluidity.

Such mixtures are also called self-leveling or self-leveling, and in relation to polymer compositions, the name liquid floors is also found. They are easily and evenly distributed over the surface, without forming bumps, sagging, deviations from the horizontal plane.

Some sources equate self-leveling floors and polymer finishes, others refer to self-leveling floors all fluid screeds, including those without polymer additives. Self-leveling floors in a broad sense are called:

  1. Dry mixes for the main screed, which have a higher fluidity compared to CPS (cement-sand screed), harden and dry faster
  2. Dry mixes to eliminate minor irregularities in the existing concrete screed, which are applied in a thinner layer
  3. Polymer topcoats that perform protective as well as decorative function and applied with a layer of a couple of millimeters

Self-leveling floors differ in composition and scope. Initially, polymeric liquid floors were industrial and were used to protect concrete from wear, damage, and prevent dust formation.

Now they are actively used in residential areas to create a protective and decorative coating, there is a fashion for self-leveling 3D floors (a pattern is attached to the base and poured on top with a transparent polymer). But household ones are considered to be cheaper and less durable compounds without polymer components, which are used as a screed and leveling layer, and polymer self-leveling floors are traditionally classified as industrial.

Varieties of self-leveling floors by composition

Concrete, gypsum and polymer concrete mixtures can be used to make a screed and level the existing one. Cement-free, anhydrite-free, non-water-thinnable polymer formulations are more expensive, typically used for top coats, and applied in thinner coats.

Concrete self-leveling floors

Mixes are made on the basis of non-shrinking cement and fine sand and/or limestone. The finer the filler fraction, the smoother, Smooth surface it turns out, therefore, self-leveling screeds with the finest filler are also used as a finishing coating (for example, Vetonit 3000, a mixture based on special cements with limestone filler with a fraction of up to 0.3 mm, it can be applied in a layer of up to 5 mm).

Such a mixture spreads better than DSP, the coating from it is highly durable (for products of different brands, the compressive strength is 15-20 MPa and higher). It dries faster - you can walk on the screed in a maximum of a day, for Vetonit mixtures such a load is possible after 3-4 hours, for Eunice Horizon fast-hardening - after 3, for Osnovit Termlite - after 2. Final hardening, after which you can proceed to the next stage work takes up to 3 weeks.

Gypsum screeds

It is more correct to call them anhydrite, instead of cement, they use substances that practically do not contain water (“anhydrite” means “anhydrous”) and due to this they have minimal shrinkage. It can be calcium sulfate anhydrite (an anhydrous analogue of natural gypsum), synthetic anhydrites of various origins. The composition of such mixtures for screeds also includes mineral fillers and modifying additives:

  • superplasticizers, allowing to achieve greater fluidity with a lower water content in ready mix
  • defoamers that reduce the content of air bubbles in the finished mixture, due to which the porosity of the coating increases and the strength decreases
  • hardening accelerators

Such mixtures, due to minimal shrinkage, practically do not form cracks during the aging period, have the best thermal insulation characteristics in comparison with DSP, harden faster. So, you can walk on a screed from a mixture of Hercules after 24 hours, Knauf-Boden-15 hardens enough to withstand a pedestrian load after 3 hours, Eunice Eco - after 4. And you can start laying the floor base on a gypsum screed after 1-2 weeks.

Most often, such compounds are used to level the surface in residential and administrative premises, they are applied with a layer of up to 45 mm. They are sensitive to water and are suitable for rooms with a normal level of humidity, and the floor covering can be laid on top of them after the residual moisture content of the screed drops to 0.3-0.5%.

Polymer concrete self-leveling floors

These compositions, along with cement binder and filler, contain additives of polymer resins that increase the fluidity, plasticity of the mixture and give additional strength to the floors. Such coatings withstand significant mechanical loads, their compressive strength is 30-40 MPa, so these mixtures are more often used in industrial premises. They are more affordable than polymer self-leveling floors, so they can be applied in a thicker layer and used as a leveling layer and protective coating. Their advantages:

  • durability - up to 10 years
  • good adhesion to the concrete base, no shrinkage and cracks
  • ecological cleanliness
  • concrete dust neutralization, ease of maintenance
  • the possibility of adding dyes and creating decorative coatings
  • fast hardening. For example, different brands polymer concrete industrial self-leveling floors Weber Vetonit foot load can be subjected after 1-5 hours, full - after a week

Polymer self-leveling floors

Polymer-based mixtures do not contain any cement or gypsum or water. They have different composition, emit epoxy, polyurethane, acrylic, polyester, methyl methacrylate self-leveling floors, the first two varieties are the most popular.


This is a two-component composition, epoxy resin is purchased separately, a hardener is separately, and they are mixed immediately before use. After polymerization, a monolithic coating with a compressive strength of about 65 MPa is obtained (for example, the epoxy bulk composition QTP® 1030). Such a composition quickly gains strength, the coating is distinguished by hardness, heat resistance and resistance to chemical agents, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, the ability to withstand abrasion and shock loads. The sealed layer protects the concrete base from any adverse effects and prevents the formation of dust.


Polyurethane self-leveling floors are one-component and two-component, the former are often purchased for domestic needs, the latter are preferred by professionals working at industrial facilities. They differ from epoxy in greater elasticity, their compressive strength is lower, but their bending strength and impact resistance are higher. This composition is widely used in facilities where the floor is subjected to intense vibrations, it is able to prevent the appearance of cracks in the base. Polyurethane liquid floors are non-toxic, do not emit bad smell in the process of application, resistant to temperature fluctuations, not afraid of water and humidity. In terms of resistance to chemical agents, they are inferior to epoxy ones, but they resist household chemicals quite well.

Polymer self-leveling floors can be applied with a layer of 1 mm, there are also cheaper thin-layer epoxy floors that form a layer of 0.5 mm and wear out in 2-4 years, after which they need to be updated.

In the process of preparing two-component formulations, the ratio of components can be changed depending on the requirements for the coating. Also, quartz sand can be added to polymer blends as a filler and create a thicker, rougher coating with anti-slip characteristics. Compositions can be tinted and get floors various colors. Such coatings are durable, thick-layer epoxy floors last 10-20 years, and polyurethane - up to 40.


Self-leveling floors in the narrow sense are one-component or two-component polymer compositions that can be applied in a thin layer to create a protective and decorative finishing floor covering. In a broader sense, self-leveling screeds based on special grades of cement or anhydrites, with and without polymer additives, are also referred to as self-leveling floors. Such compositions make it possible to obtain high-strength floors that quickly harden and do not give noticeable shrinkage. Polymer mixtures belong to industrial floors, but they are also used in residential areas.

Self-leveling polymer floors have become one of the most popular coatings recently for finishing industrial, public and residential premises due to a number of its advantages.

The main advantages of polymer floors

  1. Self-leveling floors have no analogues in their own way. appearance which makes them the market leader in this segment. The polymer coating can have a wide variety of colors, patterns or patterns. Its glossy reflective surface visually gives the rooms space and light. Especially popular are polymer floors with a 3D effect, which transmit three-dimensional images. Thanks to these properties, polymer floors are used in luxury residential areas, exhibition halls, halls of cultural palaces and other places where a spectacular look is needed.
  2. The strength of bulk polymer coatings contributes to the fact that they are widely used in industry. Industrial polymer floors are selected depending on the scope of production. For enterprises of heavy production, cement-acrylic floors of high impact strength are more suitable, and for industries with an increased level of vibration, polyurethane polymer coatings are more suitable.
  3. Due to the good adhesion to the side walls and the absence of seams, polymer floors have become indispensable where needed. increased requirements hygiene and cleanliness - in medical laboratories, pharmaceuticals.

The only drawback of such coatings will be quite high price, as well as the cost of work, since the installation of a polymer self-leveling floor implies compliance with an accurate and technological process.

Materials for self-leveling polymeric floors

Polymer floors are divided into several types, depending on the materials from which they are made. In turn, the main characteristics of the polymer coating and its scope depend on the composition of the materials. Consider their main types.

  1. Acrylic - methyl acrylic and cement-acrylic

By mixing acrylic with cement, a polymer coating of increased strength is obtained. Methylacrylic floors harden very quickly and withstand high temperatures. Such floors are most often used for premises of the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

  1. Epoxy

Epoxy coatings are made from epoxy resins. The material is safe for health, and therefore the coatings are used for public spaces. Increasingly, self-leveling polymer floors are used as a coating in an apartment, they look especially beautiful in rooms with a large area or near the pool.

  1. Polyurethane

Polyurethane floors are the most durable, but at the same time, the most expensive. They withstand some vibration and surface instability, therefore they are relevant in industrial applications.

Whatever material polymer floors are made of, they go on sale mainly in bags of 25 kilograms. This amount covers an average of 10 square meters of floor, but it all depends on the thickness and material from which the mixture is made. Experienced professionals use the mixing of polymer mixtures with sand or other components to improve the quality. In order to apply polymer coatings, you need to follow the process technology, consider the main features.

Do-it-yourself self-leveling polymer floors

In order to make a self-leveling polymer floor with your own hands, you must first prepare the base. This is one of the main and important stages that will take the most time and effort. To fill the polymer floor, it is necessary to provide a perfectly even coating with adhesion (sticking property).

Most often do concrete screed, which is the basis for pouring the polymer floor. To do this, you need to mark everything, install beacons, distribute between beacons concrete mix, mixed before this in correct proportions. This is a whole process that will require a lot of effort, and then you still need to endure a cycle of 28-30 days until the screed is completely solidified.

Before pouring the polymer floor, the concrete screed is leveled with a special grinder, you can do it with a grinder. How smooth the coating can be measured with a ruler level. Then it is cleaned of dust and debris.

To improve adhesion, the floor is treated with a primer and waiting for it to dry completely. Then, using a construction mixer, the mixture of the polymer floor is stirred and poured. To level, you need to smooth the polymer layer with a special mop.

Walking on a liquid consistency will help special - wet shoes (nozzles for shoes with needles). Needles not only do not spoil the liquid layer, but also help it to level out. A special roller with needles is also used to prevent the formation of air in the polymer coating. Everything must be leveled very quickly, since the solution hardens within an hour.

Industrial polymer floors cannot be made without the use of special machines and mechanisms that will ensure fast grinding large areas and complete dust removal.

Bulk polymer floors are considered to be the coating of the future, as they are able to perform many functions and have undeniable advantages over their counterparts.

Video how to make self-leveling floors with your own hands

Imagine you come home tired and irritated. You go to your room, and ... your feet step on the warm sand, on which the sea wave lazily runs.

Such relaxation can be realized. After all, the world construction technologies does not stand still, constantly evolving, and continues to amaze us with its developments.

One of them is polymer self-leveling floors - seamless flooring.

These floors are most often used in public spaces: offices, shops, clubs and restaurants, warehouses and parking lots.

Because they are amazingly wear-resistant, durable and chemically resistant.

But, recently, polymer-based floors began to be arranged in residential premises. And the technology of the 3d floor device simply blew up our idea of ​​what a floor covering should be, making it unusually beautiful accent apartment design.

Questions immediately arise. What materials are used for polymer floors? What is all this beauty made of? Is it possible to make a self-leveling floor with your own hands?

We will try to give them comprehensive answers.

Types of self-leveling floor

Epoxy floors. They are made from epoxy resins. Such floors are good where high chemical activity of substances is possible.

For example: solvents, acids, oils, kerosene, etc. They are easy to care for, harmless to health, and its decorative effect is simply wonderful. These floors are produced at a temperature of the base of the floor and ambient air of at least +10 °C. They are divided into two groups:

  • Colored, thin-layer coating. It is used for low and medium loads. Design solutions can be endless in their possibilities. But the foundation for such a floor must be perfect. Service life - up to 20 years.
  • High strength poured coating. It is completely impervious to moisture. Its wear resistance is high. The environmental friendliness of the materials makes it possible to use this floor in children's rooms. When choosing the right colors, the floor will perfectly complement the design of the apartment. A day after pouring, you can walk on the floor. After 7 days it is ready for maximum loads, and after 12 days it will withstand any chemical attack. The service life of this coating is up to 40 years.

Epoxy polyurethane (urethane) floors combine the advantages of epoxy and polyurethane floors. They are both resistant to abrasion and impact, chemically resistant, and ductile. In this mixture, the introduction of sand or crumb rubber is allowed. It is used to cover floors, where the base is: concrete, wood, metal.

Such a floor can replace tiles, solving the problem of waterproofing. Therefore, they cover the bottom of the pools. This coating can be used at ambient temperatures from -30°C to +60°C. It is resistant to temperature extremes - it can withstand a steam attack of 120 ° C. The application of the mixture is carried out at a temperature of the air and the subfloor not lower than +5°C.

Polyurethane floors. They are impact and abrasion resistant. They have chemical resistance and good soundproofing performance, do not let water through. Plastic.

They are divided into two groups:

  • Thin-layer (single-layer) coatings are used, first of all, where high decorativeness of the floor is needed. Coating thickness 0.5-1 mm. Used in rooms with low and medium traffic, and minimal humidity. The floors are easily repaired, but they do not endure very strong blows.
  • Highly filled (two-component) floors are used in any premises where high demands are placed on the floors in terms of resistance to shock, wear, decorative effect. Coating thickness 1-2.5 mm, easy to repair.

The minimum air temperature when applying polyurethanes is 0°C. After their application, you can walk on the floor after 4 hours, but they acquire the necessary resistance after 7 days. To get very durable coating, quartz sand is introduced into the polyurethane mixture.

With such a filler, the floor will withstand very heavy loads. You can get a coating with "pimples", it is not slippery. The service life of such a polyurethane floor is 15-40 years, depending on the intensity of its operation and the group.

Methyl methacrylate floors. They are not as resistant to mechanical stress, and not as chemically resistant as other types of floors. On the other hand, these compositions can be used at negative temperatures, and the operation of the floor can be started 1-2 hours after their application. Due to the pungent odor, when working with this coating, you must have good ventilation. After polymerization, the smell disappears.

The composition of the coating includes quartz sand. From filling it with a polymer composition, the floors can be non-slip (rough), or smooth. Also, on the basis of this coating, floors can be made decorative, multi-colored. Service life from 25 to 35 years. The cost of one square meter, 1 mm thick, costs 10 euros.

How to make a self-leveling floor

The device of polymer floors can be described by a proverb: the devil is not so terrible as he is drawn. The main thing is a carefully prepared concrete base. You need two assistants and, of course, high-quality materials.

Before pouring the self-leveling floor, you must perform the following work:

  • Check the humidity in the room. Relative air humidity should be no more than 60%, and bases - no more than 5%. The room temperature should be between +5°C and +25°C, unless otherwise stated in the instructions.
  • Clean the subfloor. Remove debris, grout, paint, etc. All dust must be removed with an industrial vacuum cleaner.
  • We apply a primer layer. If the impregnation is well absorbed, then primer again. Let the base dry for 12-24 hours.
  • After that, potholes, cracks are sealed with a special putty, then everything is equal. If necessary, fill the base with a leveling compound.
  • We take the dry mixture and pour it into water (according to the instructions we maintain the proportions), and mix thoroughly. We pour the solution onto the surface, and immediately (because after 30-40 minutes it loses its leveling properties, hardens), we distribute it with a special roller with long needles. We make sure that each portion of the mixture lies next to the previous portion, and the thickness of the poured layer is the same. Filling polymer floors should be carried out very quickly. This is where two helpers come in handy. Two interfere with the solution, the third pours immediately.

The cost of a self-leveling floor consists of many parameters. How many layers will be in the floor, and what is their thickness. Whether it is necessary to make a concrete base, whether quartz sand will be used.

A decorative floor is an embodied design idea. And the execution can be different - from a color poster to a painting by the artist.

On average, the price is not more expensive than a floor made of some prestigious materials, but the interior can be obtained much more interesting. Moreover, the reviews of the happy owners of the self-leveling floor are the most flattering.

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