Clean the kettle with citric acid. How to descale a kettle with citric acid. Cleaning a metal kettle from scale

How to clean a kettle citric acid to give him back original shine? You have to constantly get rid of scale in your kettle. Citric acid will help save money on the purchase of chemicals and protect your health from them. negative impact. Every housewife who has cleaned dishes this way can confirm its high efficiency.

Removing a small layer of scale

How to descale a kettle with citric acid? The dishes are filled with water so that it completely covers the lime crust. Citric acid is added to the water. Its quantity depends on the degree of filling of the container. For 1 liter of water you need to take 20-40 g of citric acid powder (1-2 small bags).

The liquid must be boiled and left on low heat for 2-3 minutes. After the water boils, you need to open the lid slightly. If an electric kettle is being cleaned, it must be turned on again after boiling after 2-3 minutes. The steam from the boiling liquid will remove scale from the surface of the lid of the utensil.

After boiling, the liquid is allowed to cool until room temperature. While it cools, citric acid will eat away the plaque. Under the influence of the product, the walls of the dishes will be noticeably cleaned. Cooled down muddy water together with the fallen plaque it is necessary to pour it out.

If it was not possible to completely clean the inner surface of the dish the first time, water is poured into it again. The same portion of citric acid dissolves in it. The liquid is brought to a boil, boiled for several minutes and poured out after cooling.

If the method does not give the desired result, the concentration of citric acid must be doubled and all steps repeated again.

When the plaque has safely disappeared, the procedure can be completed. The kettle needs to be washed thoroughly after use. warm water With liquid soap. The first and second boiled water must be poured out. To completely get rid of the smell of the product, you need to boil and pour out the water three times.

Citric acid is not dangerous to the human body in small doses, but concentrated solutions of the product can cause irritation and burns of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and digestive tract.

Citric acid does not scratch or corrode the surface of dishes, including enameled ones. This is the most safe way for electrical appliances made of plastic.

Instead of citric acid, you can use lemon. The fruits contain large amounts of citric acid. 1 or 2 medium-sized lemons are cut into large slices and filled with water. The liquid is boiled for several minutes and allowed to cool. The cooled contents are poured out along with the fallen plaque, and the utensils are washed with liquid soap. Before using the kettle, you need to boil it twice and pour out the water.

Citric acid and vinegar

This method is recommended for enamel kettles and stainless steel cookware intended to be heated on the stove. It can be used for a closed-coil electrical appliance that has a metal or glass container for heating water. If the heating element is not closed, there is a risk of damage to the galvanic coating of the heating element. It is not advisable to use vinegar in plastic electrical appliances.

You need to pour 0.5 tbsp into the container. table vinegar(9%), then dilute it with water. The vinegar solution should cover the entire crust on the inside of the kettle. After 15-20 minutes, add 40-60 g of citric acid powder into the liquid. The solution is brought to a boil and boiled with the lid ajar for several minutes. The product is left in the kettle for 20 minutes, then it is poured out. If the scale is not completely removed, the procedure must be repeated. Boiling with vinegar will get rid of the most stubborn and voluminous deposits.

After cleaning, wash the dishes with liquid soap and rinse. Then boil it three times and pour out the water.

Due to the specific smell, you need to clean dishes with vinegar in a well-ventilated area.

Elimination of pollution from carbonated drinks

Regular lemonade will help clean the inside of the kettle. It contains phosphoric and citric acids, which have a destructive effect on scale. Lemonade is poured into a container and left for 1-2 hours, allowing the components of the drink to interact with limescale. There is no need to close the kettle with a lid so that the gas is completely released from the drink. Later, the liquid must be brought to a boil and left in the container until it cools. The lemonade along with the separated plaque is poured out. If layers of scale remain on the walls of the kettle, repeat the procedure.

Other carbonated drinks containing citric acid act in a similar way. It is not recommended to use brightly colored products as they contain harsh dyes. The most suitable and effective means, other than lemonade, is Sprite.

How to remove a thick layer of scale

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid in combination with soda and vinegar allows you to get rid of large deposits.

To cope with multi-layer plaque, you first need to pour a solution into the kettle baking soda. It is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. baking soda per 1 liter of water. The solution is poured into a kettle, brought to a boil and left to boil for 20-30 minutes. After this, the liquid from the kettle is drained and the utensils are rinsed.

Next, water with citric acid dissolved in it is poured into the container. She will enter into chemical reaction with soda soaked in scale. The resulting gas will explode the layers of plaque from the inside, destroying it. For 1 liter of water you need to add 40-60 g of powder. The product is boiled and left to cool. The cooled liquid is drained and the dishes are washed under running water.

After an acid attack, you can repeat the alkaline treatment with baking soda. When citric acid cleans the surface, the scale layer loosens. Repeating the procedure will completely detach it from the walls.

For the third time, grape or apple cider vinegar is poured into the kettle to 1/3 of its volume. Vinegar is diluted with water, filling the dishes to the brim. The liquid is brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes, then it is drained.

After this triple processing, the crust becomes pasty. It can be easily removed with a wooden spatula or stick. Fur metal objects Not recommended. They can damage the walls of the vessel.

After mechanical removal plaque, you need to boil water with citric acid in a kettle again to remove all its remnants. After boiling and cooling the liquid, the dishes will become clean and shiny.

Clean dishes should be washed with water special means, rinse with water and wipe dry with a clean towel. It is advisable to use rubber gloves when cleaning the kettle, as the mixture can damage the skin of your hands.

The first 3 boiled portions of water must be poured out so that the remaining mixture does not enter the body.

The method will be more effective if, on the eve of cleaning, you cover the layers of scale with a slurry of citric acid powder and water. The product should be left on the utensils overnight. In the morning, the surface must be washed and further cleaning can begin.

Cleaning a Glass Kettle for Heating on the Stove

Clear glass items are the most difficult to clean. The slightest lime deposits are visible on the vulnerable surface. The cleaning agent should be gentle on glass. Get rid of dirt on glass teapot You can use citric acid.

To get rid of scale you need to prepare the following:

  • 1 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • 100 ml table vinegar (9%).

The ingredients are dissolved in 1 liter of water, then the solution is poured into the kettle. The composition is boiled for 30-40 minutes and left to cool. When the kettle has cooled a little (it should remain warm), clean it with an abrasive or plastic sponge. enjoy metal scrapers or brushes is prohibited. They may scratch the glass surface.

How often should the procedure be performed?

With soft water, utensils can be cleaned less often. It is enough to do this once every 3 months.

You can significantly reduce the likelihood of plaque formation if you wash and wipe the inside of the kettle dry with a clean towel after each use.

The glass teapot needs to be wiped from time to time with a slice of lemon, inside and out. Lemon juice is washed off after 15 minutes with warm water and the surface is wiped dry with a towel.

Cleaning the kettle from grease outside

In the kitchen, any utensils gradually become covered with grease. How to clean a kettle from grease with citric acid?

Small greasy spots easy to eliminate. You need to dip a slice of lemon in salt and wipe the contaminated area. It is recommended to use fine salt. It is not advisable to use salt on metal surfaces. It can cause them to darken.

To clean the walls metal kettle for a small deposit of fat, you need to immerse the utensils in a large container filled with a solution of citric acid for a couple of hours. The solution is prepared from powder and water in a ratio of 1:5. The higher the concentration of citric acid and the higher the temperature of the solution, the faster the surface will be cleaned.

Larger and older greasy spots can be removed with a mixture of baking soda and citric acid. They need to be mixed in equal proportions. The outer surface of the kettle must be wetted and covered with the prepared composition. Baking soda and citric acid will react chemically with the fat and with each other. The resulting gas will rupture the fat from the inside and separate it into lumps. They need to be removed a little later with a damp sponge and dishwashing liquid. Then you need to rinse the dishes with water.

Cleansing from other contaminants

How to clean rust from a kettle? You can remove dirt from the surface of the kettle with citric acid. It acts gently, removing only oxides and without damaging metal walls.

It is recommended to remove a very strong rust stain on the outer surface of the kettle in several stages. The contaminated area is immersed in a concentrated solution of citric acid (2-3 tablespoons of powder per 1 tablespoon of water) for several hours, then wiped with a toothbrush. If the surface is not cleaned, the procedure is repeated.

Light stains on the outside of the utensils will be removed by a solution of citric acid prepared from 1 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. l. powder. Use a sponge with the applied solution to wipe the contaminated area until it is completely clean. After cleaning the surface, rinse it with warm water and wipe dry with a clean towel.

Works well with various spots lemon juice. The cut fruit is applied cut side to the outer surface and rubbed for 1-2 minutes. The treated area is left for 40 minutes. During this time lemon juice will remove dirt and the surface of the kettle will be cleaned. Cleaned utensils should be washed with liquid soap and rinsed with warm water.

To remove green stains from the outer surface of dishes, lemon juice must be mixed with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Use a cotton swab or sponge with the applied product to wipe the contaminated area until it is completely clean.

To clean the kettle from the layer of rust that has settled from tap water, you need to pour a citric acid solution with a concentration of 10% into it. The solution is left in the container for 8 hours or overnight. In the morning, the contents are poured out, and the dishes are rinsed to remove any remaining rust and product. If the inner surface is not cleaned, the procedure must be repeated. The first 2-3 boiled portions of water should not be consumed in a cleaned kettle.

Lemon juice will add a shiny shine to the chrome surface of the kettle. Use a slice of fruit to wipe the surface of the utensil, then (without washing off the juice) polish it with a soft cloth.

Over time, any kettle begins to become covered with a layer of scale. It spoils the quality of water, because fossilized particles get into it, which cause some harm to the human body. Due to the formation of scale, the heating process is delayed, because in this case the walls of the kettle become thicker, and the scale itself has low thermal conductivity. Avoid those listed negative phenomena It is possible if you get rid of the salts accumulated on the walls. There are many solutions to this problem, but citric acid from scale in a kettle is the most effective.

Is descaling a kettle with citric acid safe?

Today there are many chemicals that help remove sediment from a kettle, but they are unsafe for human health and therefore are not recommended for use. Often, after using chemicals, the device is boiled persistently and for a long time, then washed and boiled again. It is not possible to completely solve the scale problem in this way, especially if it is an electric kettle. The metal heating element of such a device, after exposure to salts, remains with many scratches, cracks and chips invisible to the eye. Pieces remain in them chemical agent. Whereas:

  • Cleaning the kettle with citric acid is gentle on the appliance - this product is washed out after the first boiling, so it does not pose a danger to the human body, especially in the small amount that may remain after cleaning the electrical appliance;
  • Citric acid is cheap, you can buy such a descaling agent for a kettle in almost any grocery store, so it is the most affordable way to remove formations from the walls of the appliance. .

Scale is a deposit of magnesium and calcium salts. To remove them, you need to use acid. It reacts with salts, causing them to become soluble. One of the most accessible acids is citric acid, so the method of cleaning a kettle from salt deposits using it is the most popular among people.

Removing scale from a kettle at home

Plaque on the inner surface of the device spoils the taste of your favorite drinks and causes failure of electric kettles. You can get rid of it with regular lemon, with or without boiling (i.e. cold method). All methods are simple and effective, so the choice depends on your preferences. There are other folk methods that involve using it together with lemon. potato peelings, apple peel. Additionally, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The kettle cleaning procedure should be carried out 2-3 times every month, then it will be easier to remove subsequent salt deposits;
  • experts recommend the use of “lemon” for preventive purposes (proportion: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), diluted in water, which should be poured into a kettle;
  • the glass device must be wiped inside and out with a slice of lemon and left for about 15–20 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly;
  • Be sure to wash the inside walls of the dishes with a sponge every day without using detergent;
  • It is recommended to run water through purification devices or install special filters on taps.

The more often you descale your kettle with citric acid, the better. This will significantly extend the service life electrical appliance. This will preserve not only the functionality of the kettle, but also your health. Don't forget that sediment can contribute to the formation of sand and kidney stones and increase the load on the liver.


You can clean the kettle with fresh lemon juice. To regularly clean the device, you will only need 1/2 of a fruit, but to remove salt deposits from the inner wall of the electric kettle, prepare 2-3 fruits. Procedure:

  1. Cut the lemon into thin slices along with the skin.
  2. Fill the electric kettle 2/3 full with water. Dip rings of chopped fruit into it and let it all boil.
  3. Remove the contents of the container. Along with the remaining lemon, the softened sediments will also go away. After this, rinse the kettle thoroughly.

Cold citric acid solution

This method is suitable if the kettle is cleaned at least once or twice a month. In such a situation, scale formation can be removed with a cold acid solution. Sequencing:

  1. Dissolve the acid pack in warm water.
  2. Fill the device with the solution and leave it overnight or at least for 4-5 hours.
  3. Rinse the kettle to remove any sediment.
  4. Pour into container clean water and boil it. After this, the kettle will be ready for use.

When boiling

If during operation the internal surfaces of the kettle are covered with a thick layer of salt deposits, then try using the boiling method. It is suitable for large amounts of precipitation that have already been tightly compressed. Cleaning a kettle with citric acid includes the following steps:

  1. First remove from the walls and heating element soft coating. This can be done with some kind of hard rag, but do not use hard, especially metal, scourers. Rinse the appliance well cold water.
  2. Depending on the amount of plaque, use from 20 to 40 g (1-2 packs) of acid per boil.
  3. Fill the kettle clean water at 2/3 capacity. Then open the packages and pour the contents into the liquid.
  4. Put the device to boil. Boil the water for 2-3 minutes. If it is an electrical appliance with circuit breaker, then a few minutes after turning off, bring the water to a boil again.
  5. Leave the device for several hours, and after this time, pour out the water and carefully remove the sediment, which should have already softened. Do not use sharp objects for this task. If cleaning is incomplete, repeat the procedure.
  6. Rinse the container thoroughly to remove any sediment, fill it with clean water, boil and pour it out. This way your device will be ready for further use.

How to clean a kettle with citric acid to remove dirt from the outside

Salt deposits on the walls enamel teapot- not the only problem, because greasy stains appear on its outer surfaces over time. If the dishes are metal, then they are completely exposed to rust. In such situations, lemon comes to the rescue again:

  • To remove grease stains small size Dip a lemon wedge in fine salt and rub well problem area. This method is not suitable for a metal device, since darkening may occur on its wall.
  • To completely clean a metal kettle, immerse it completely in a large container, which needs to be filled with a solution of lemon powder. The hotter the water and the greater the concentration of the substance, the faster the cleaning process will be completed.

You will have to tinker with a metal kettle. Solutions to rust problems using citric acid:

  • If the contamination is light, then prepare a solution at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1 tbsp. spoon of citric acid. Apply the solution to a sponge and wipe the problem areas with it until complete removal rust.
  • Regular lemon juice works great for removing rust. Cut the fruit, wipe the surface of the device with it (several minutes) and leave for a while. Wash the cleaned kettle using detergent and rinse with warm water.
  • If the layer of rust turns out to be impressive (old), then first immerse the device in a concentrated lemon juice solution for several hours. After this time, wipe off all stains with a toothbrush. If rusty areas still remain, you can repeat the procedure.

Even if you use very clean, well-filtered water for boiling, over time scale will form inside the kettle. Citric acid will help get rid of it. This food product will cope well with plaque and will not harm your health.

For cleaning, we will buy a large bag (50 g) of the most common citric acid in the store. At home, we will take the kettle that we will clean and put the contents of the bag into it. Add room temperature water to the top, stir the contents well with a spoon so that the lemon dissolves a little, and leave for about 2-3 hours. If the scale layer is small, then there is no need to boil water in the kettle. Citric acid will very soon begin to interact with deposits and corrode them.

After the allotted time, drain the water and rinse the inside of the kettle well. Then pour a new portion, put the kettle on the fire and boil it for about 5-10 minutes. Drain the water again and rinse again. Now the kettle inside is as good as new and can be used for its intended purpose.

If there is quite a lot of scale inside, then move on to the second cleaning method. To do this, add citric acid (20-25 g), add water and add about 100 ml of ordinary 9% table vinegar. Now boil this mixture over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. We drain the water, add new water and boil again for about 10 minutes. We do this manipulation one more time. If necessary hot water

leave in the kettle with lemon and vinegar overnight. In the morning, drain the water, wash the inside of the kettle well with a hard sponge and rinse it in the same way as in the previous method. In particularly unfortunate cases, if the layer of scale is very large or the kettle has been cleaned for a long time, we use the following method. Fill a full kettle of water, add a tablespoon of soda and boil the liquid over medium heat for at least half an hour. After which we drain it, be sure to fill in a new portion cold water

and add a heaping tablespoon of citric acid, boil for 25-30 minutes. Drain the boiling water, add water again and add half a glass of ordinary vinegar. Boil again for half an hour. Now thoroughly wash the inside of the kettle, remembering to first drain the boiling water and rinse the dishes with cold water. Even if in this case the scale is not removed on its own, we remove it using a metal mesh. After a triple cleaning procedure, the sediment became loose and can be easily removed. Finally, thoroughly wash the kettle as indicated in the previous methods. We usually use a fairly concentrated solution of citric acid to remove scale. In almost hopeless cases, you can even take

If you decide to clean your electric kettle with citric acid, then you should remember one thing. A concentrated solution of lemongrass can harm its inner surface. Therefore, instead of the prescribed 25-50 grams, we take only 10-15, and then we do the same as in the methods proposed above.

To ensure that your tea is always tasty and aromatic, you should not wait until scale appears inside and ruins your entire tea drinking experience with an unpleasant aftertaste. Therefore, you should clean the kettle with citric acid regularly.

Scale appears due to the contents of poor quality water impurities. During boiling, they settle on the walls of the kettle and spoil the taste of hot drinks. Scale also conducts heat poorly, so a dirty kettle will take longer to boil.

How to clean a kettle with vinegar

The method is suitable for very dirty teapots made of plastic, glass, and stainless steel.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • 1 glass of 9 percent vinegar or 2 tablespoons of 70 percent vinegar essence.

Heat water in a kettle, then pour in vinegar or vinegar essence and leave the solution for an hour. During this time, the scale will soften. Rinse the inside of the kettle with a sponge, boil clean water again and drain it.

How to clean a kettle with lemon or citric acid

The method is suitable for electric kettles made of stainless steel, plastic or glass with a moderate layer.

Not suitable for enamel and aluminum kettles.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • ¼ lemon or 2 tablespoons of citric acid.

Heat water in a kettle and add a piece of lemon or citric acid to the boiling water. Leave the scale to soak for 1-2 hours. Wash the kettle with a sponge and rinse thoroughly. After the first boil, the water will need to be drained.

How to clean a kettle with soda

The method is suitable for any teapots.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda.

Stir the baking soda thoroughly in a glass of water until it dissolves completely. Pour the resulting liquid into the kettle, add the remaining water and boil it. Wait half an hour or an hour and heat the kettle again.

Now you can wash the kettle and boil clean water in it. True, you will have to pour it out afterwards.

How to clean a kettle with soda water

The method is suitable for stainless steel kettles heated on a stove.

Not suitable for aluminum, enamel and electric kettles.

You will need a bottle of any lemonade. The most famous option is cola, but it is better to use a colorless drink (it is important that the composition contains citric acid).

Let the opened bottle of lemonade sit for 2-3 hours to allow the gas bubbles to disappear. Then it’s simple: pour the drink into the kettle and bring to a boil. Then wash and rinse everything thoroughly.

How to clean a kettle with a peel

The method is suitable for enameled and metal teapots with a weak layer of scale.

Not suitable for electric kettles.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • skin of 2–3 apples or pears.

Rinse the cleaning from dirt and sand, put them in a kettle and fill with water. Boil the liquid and leave to steep for one to two hours. A light layer of scale will come off on its own, stubborn stains scrub with a dishwashing sponge. After rinsing, the kettle will shine like new.

If you have a particularly spacious kettle, and scale has accumulated on the walls, take large quantity water than indicated in recipes. The liquid should cover the dirt completely.

How to keep your kettle clean for a long time

  1. Fill the kettle with soft water. If you don't buy bottled, use a filter. Or at least let the tap water sit for several hours to allow impurities to precipitate.
  2. Boil water in a kettle no more than once. Better fill it with fresh one.
  3. Rinse the inside of the kettle at least once a day. And ideally before each use.
  4. For the sake of prevention, boil a filled kettle with one tablespoon of citric acid once a month.

Even if the water has been purified by a filter, it still contains residues of harmful metals. Such water leaves traces of settling impurities on the dishes, and a coating forms on the walls, which, when heated, can distort the taste of the liquid. Known different ways cleaning dishes. But recommendations to clean the kettle with citric acid, as the most gentle way, are very popular.

Scale hazard

Plaque formation is a natural process. This is a compound of calcium and magnesium salts that does not dissolve and is formed when a liquid is boiled. At elevated temperatures, its chemical composition, at this moment salts are released that settle on the walls of the dishes.

  • Even if a small dose of plaque particles enters the human body, there will be virtually no harm. If these salt particles are constantly introduced into the body with food or tea, unpleasant symptoms may occur. Experts call this reabsorption. Salts accumulate in the joints, blood vessels become blocked, kidney stones form, and the urinary system suffers.
  • An electrical appliance with deposits on the heating element takes a long time to heat up, causing breakdown quickly. In addition, energy consumption increases significantly.

If a replacement can be made when an electrical appliance breaks down, then health problems can be avoided by descaling the kettle with citric acid.

How to prepare a kettle

How to properly descale? It is not recommended to use cleaning products similar in composition to cleaning products. washing machines. It is recommended to cleanse folk remedy– citric acid. This method has worked well.

Preparatory steps before descaling the kettle with citric acid:

  • It is not recommended to use a metal sponge or brush;
  • The unit must first be cooled before cleaning at home. The electric one should be disconnected from the network;
  • The mains-powered unit must not be immersed in liquid containing detergent. Pay attention to the nose. There is a mesh in it, which also needs to be cleaned;
  • Make sure you have a complete set of cleaning ingredients in advance.
  • It is better to boil the dishes with lemon juice solution for the first time before going to bed, leave it overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning. This is done so that 3-4 hours pass when the product begins to act on metals.

Advantages of the method

Red plaque on the walls can be removed with vinegar, soda and many others. folk ways. But the most gentle remedy is considered to be citric acid for removing scale from the kettle. Positive sides Applications for cleaning this product:

The effects of citric acid are less aggressive than other agents. It dissolves metals and salt compounds;

  1. Citric acid becomes a barrier to corrosion in iron kettles, which is caused by scale. Removing scale with a product prevents the wall material from collapsing.
  2. After using this solution, there are no marks or scratches left on the surface of the unit.
  3. Doesn't leave unpleasant odor inside the dishes after processing.
  4. Using the cleaning product does not harm human health. Even if the lemon juice is not completely washed off, its particles will not harm the body. Not noticed allergic reaction from contact with her.
  5. The price of the product is affordable for everyone.

Features of different types of cleaning

Citric acid from scale in a kettle is the best safe remedy. The recipe with this product acts very quickly and effectively. The procedure is not difficult.

kettle Gentle cleaning method Aggressive cleaning method
metal Mixture: citric acid, soda, vinegar. Vinegar 150 ml. ½ part kettle of water. Prepare the solution, leave for 20 minutes. Powder 40-60 gr. Boil. Leave for 25 minutes.
plastic Lemons 1-2 packets.

Water volume 1 liter. Prepare the solution. Boil.

enameled You don't need a lot of acid. Fill the kettle with water. Stir with a wooden spoon. Boiling lasts 5 minutes. If the plaque is large, then 15 minutes.

Powder 20-35 gr.

liquid 2/3 kettle.

Lemon-vinegar solution for a metal unit that is used on the stove. Do not use a metal sponge.
electric Powder 30-40 gr.

Prepare a solution with warm liquid. Fill the unit. Leave for 4-5 hours. At the end of the time, rinse the dishes. Can be used. If the deposit is large, increase the temperature of the water to a boil. The procedure is repeated 3 times.

Different cleaning methods

  1. Boiling is used in almost all recipes. It is especially recommended to boil acid solutions with heavy deposits. The solution is boiled on average for 3-5 minutes. After this, be sure to rinse. Before you start using the kettle, you need to fill the clean unit with new liquid and bring it to 100 o C, drain it. You can use it.
  2. The no-boiling method is good if the cleaning procedure is carried out regularly. It is convenient in that it can be performed partially in a passive state: a kettle of citric acid is left to descale the kettle overnight. Prepare a solution of 60 g. powder and 1 liter of water, which is left either overnight or for 5 hours. After the time has passed, wash the dishes, add new liquid and boil.

Use lemon to clean dishes with a slight coating. 1-2 tablespoons of acid are replaced by ¼ part of lemon. A solution is prepared with 0.5 liters of liquid. Bring to 100 o C. Leave the boiling water to cool for 1-2 hours.

The electrical appliance automatically turns off when it reaches 100 o C. To continue the boiling process, you must open the lid. To prevent steam from damaging the ceiling or furniture, the unit must be placed under a hood.

The acid solution used is useful for cleaning the outside of the walls of the dishes. This solution copes with greasy marks and washes away dirt. Therefore, it is recommended to pour it after boiling not into the sink. Prepare separate dishes.

You can work with the lemon-vinegar solution while wearing gloves to avoid damaging your hands.

The cleaning procedure can be repeated several times if it was not possible to get rid of all the plaque at once.

To prevent the formation of a strong coating, make a solution and use it to treat the inside of the kettle 2-3 times for 14 days. Then you can get by with a warm solution, which is left in the bowl for 15-20 minutes, the resulting salts will disappear.

Scale prevention

Three simple rules will help avoid scale formation:

  1. The kettle should be cleaned at least once a month; average amount 1 time every 2 weeks.
  2. It is recommended to fill only with purified water. It is also beneficial for human health.
  3. Before pouring new water, you need to pour out the remaining liquid. It is recommended to rinse the dishes with running water.

Other methods

Important: all methods of removing plaque at home rely on the effect of acid on the scale. Recipes use products that create an acidic environment.

  • Recipe for metal utensils, for prevention:

Place apple or potato peelings in a bowl, add liquid, bring to 100°C, cool for 2 hours. Wash off the plaque with a sponge.

  • Brine recipe:

Pour the liquid into any metal kettle, bring to 100°C, cool for 2 hours. Use a sponge to remove any remaining plaque, rinse.

  • The recipe with soda is suitable for any dishes, including cleaning an electric kettle:

For 0.5 l water 2 tbsp. l. soda Bring the solution to 100 o C, pour soda into the liquid, dissolve, cool for 2 hours. Wipe the inside with a sponge and rinse with running water.

Using such simple ways, you can keep the kitchen and its utensils completely clean. You will have the opportunity to look like a good hostess in front of your guests.

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