Projects of small houses with a veranda and a terrace. Projects of houses with a veranda: which one to choose for yourself

A veranda, or a terrace adjacent to the house, allows not only to save space personal plot, but also creates certain conveniences for the inhabitants of the city or country "residence". In addition, with the right approach to design, they are able to give architectural diversity and expressiveness to the facade, which is also important for most owners.

That is why, projects of houses with covered veranda, terrace or attic, are popular among the people. The video in this article, which presents the topic: “Verandas to the house: projects”, will help those who are starting a construction project to decide on the shapes, sizes, and location of the extension. In the theoretical part, you will be offered not only ideas, but also recommendations for bringing them to life with your own hands.

Before we consider the options for extensions, let's still clarify whether there are differences between verandas and terraces, and how they are expressed. The most important difference is that the terrace (see) can have at the base not only the frame structure of the floor, but also the usual concreted or laid out paving slabs platform.


  • Modern technologies also make it possible to mount terrace decking on surface adjustable supports, which is even easier to disassemble than to assemble. As for the veranda, this design is always capital, that is, it relies on a deep foundation.

Note! The veranda is usually compact, and is always an extension to the house. Most often, it replaces the porch, while the terrace can be placed anywhere: along the entire length of the facade, along the entire perimeter of the house, in the courtyard, on the roof - or in general, in the garden, as a free-standing, small architectural form.

  • Another difference concerns the roof: the veranda always has it (see), while the terrace may not have it. In fact, the French word "terrasse" literally translates as "platform". So, the flooring plays a decisive role here, and the roof for the terrace is an element of secondary importance.
  • As for the walls, the terrace simply does not have them. For reasons of safety or decorativeness, low sectional fences can be installed around the perimeter of the building. If the terrace is closed on all sides with walls or facade glazing, it automatically turns into a veranda or a closed gazebo.
  • These concepts have much in common: frame extension, which you see in the photo below, can be successfully called both a terrace and. The advantage of such extensions is that they can be both provided during the construction process and attached to an already operating building.

To make it look harmonious, choose a suitable veranda project for the house, pay attention to the proportions and configuration of the extension.

It is very important that it does not look next to the house, like something alien, but harmoniously fits into the exterior. Well, what about inner space, then a little effort and invested funds - and the extension will turn into a "paradise", in which it will be comfortable to relax and show the guests not ashamed.

Frame type veranda

Projects of the veranda to the house often provide options where the main building has L-shape. This makes it possible to better protect the site from the wind, and indeed, makes it more secluded.

In addition, the two load-bearing walls of the building, on which the canopy structures can be supported, make it possible to simplify the installation process as much as possible. Accordingly, the price of such a structure will be minimal.

Open summer kitchen

Thus, the kitchen can be located both in the house and on the street. If the veranda has walls on all sides, then the kitchen with its smells can be completely taken out of the living area.

  • Everyone decides such things for himself, because the main criterion for this or that decision, by and large, is climatic conditions terrain. The intensity of home use is also important: do people live in it all the time, or are they only on weekends.

  • As you can see in the photo, the floor in summer kitchen lined natural stone. This is not only very beautiful, but also practical - after all, where food is being prepared, there is always a chance of spilling something, breaking it, and smearing it with fat. Stone, as well as porcelain stoneware and ceramic tile- this, one might say, is an eternal coating that is easy to wash and clean, and always maintains a neat appearance.

The terrace, designed and built together with the house (see), has a common foundation with it. IN this case, it is monolithic concrete slab, the surface of which in itself is an excellent basis for stone cladding. And another advantage of such a foundation is that in order to install a barbecue oven in the summer kitchen, you do not need to fill in a separate support.

Canopy structures

When the issue with the terrace is resolved, it remains to make a roof over it. In the very simple version, this is a shed canopy, under which you need to install two or three racks and, depending on the configuration of the facade, one or two wall beams.

  • When used as vertical load-bearing elements supporting the roof, wooden beam, for its fastening in the process of pouring the foundation, embedded parts are provided in the form of metal forks, or glasses. The beam is inserted into them, and then bolted on the sides.

  • Under metal racks, a steel plate with anchor bolts. If the columns are supposed to be laid out of brick, then the role of embedded parts is usually played by steel pipe with a small section, around which the masonry will be carried out. In general, there are a lot of options.
  • The project of a house with a veranda may provide for them and common roof, and separate. In the second case, the veranda canopy is located at a lower level, and can also be installed during the operation of the house. In this case, to support shed roof, along bearing wall install a horizontal beam.
  • The height of the pillars supporting the canopy is provided at such a level that the rafters can be mounted with a slight slope. To stiffen load-bearing frame, the wall beam is connected by a transverse beam to the tops of the racks - that is, they perform the upper trim.

  • Well, then it’s a matter of technology: on the strapping, at a distance of 50-60 cm, the rafters are laid, the crate is stuffed over them, and mounted roofing material. In order to provide the veranda with better insolation, its roof is often covered with polycarbonate, or, by analogy with attics, small windows are provided in it.

By the way, projects with an attic and a veranda also deserve attention - there is a lot in common in these designs and how they are finished. But today we are talking about verandas, and then we will offer small instruction by their device.

Closed annex with good insolation

It is clear that on open veranda or terrace, you can enjoy fresh air only in warm and calm weather. The ability to solve this problem and use an unheated extension year-round, gives the construction of a closed veranda.

By the way! Solving the issue of heating today is quite simple. Even if there is no fireplace on the veranda, it is quite possible to use infrared heater, which is able to very quickly raise the temperature in the room. You can also install a warm floor, the base under which with equal success serves as concrete screed, and frame insulated floor.

Brick and wood - a classic of the genre

In the example below, we show a veranda with brick walls. In principle, it is a stretch to call them walls, since here we see only narrow piers separating the panoramic windows.

A large glazing area plays both an aesthetic and practical role: it improves the insolation of the room, and makes it possible to do without electricity on a cloudy day - if, for example, you want to read on the veranda.

  • In this case, the glazing is installed frame. We see big windows to the floor, which allow, if necessary, to open or completely remove the transom, and insert it in its place mosquito net. Frames can be made of wood, metal-plastic, or aluminum - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that there is so much light in the veranda that it is comfortable not only for a person, but also for indoor plants.
  • Now a little about brick walls. It is clear that they must be based on a solid foundation: a monolithic tape, a slab, as well as a concrete or metal grillage - it all depends on the design of the foundation. Judging by the fact that the floors on the verandas given by us as an example are tiled, it can be assumed that the base under them is concrete: slab or monolithic.

  • This type of foundation allows not only to support the brickwork, but also to provide a ceramic floor covering. The main walls of the veranda are erected by analogy with the walls of any other building. The masonry is carried out to such a mark that the slope of the roof will provide. Along the upper perimeter, the walls are tied with a Mauerlat beam, and the roof rafters are mounted on it.
  • From the inside, they are usually hemmed with a lining board, and it turns out smooth wooden ceiling, in which you can lay a heater or install built-in lights. But there is another solution. Roof battens can be made without a gap - the opposite of what is usually done when a roof is covered. With continuous stuffing of the rails from the side of the roof, a ceiling filing is obtained, in which the rafters remain visible.

At the same time, the ceiling acquires an interesting ribbed relief. Together with brickwork, especially antique, and left without plastering, you can get an interior in the style of a loft, Provence, or country - and which one will already depend on interior decoration verandas.

All of the above can be attributed to the attic, because above it is also rafter system roof, which can be used in various variations in the design of the room.

Facade glazing for the veranda

Projects of verandas attached to the house often provide for full facade glazing, performed without brick walls - these are windows that correspond in size to the perimeter of the walls. It's quite modern approach to the construction of verandas, which is not only highly aesthetic, but also valuable from a purely practical point of view, as it allows you to admire the opening landscape while relaxing.

  • In production facade systems, the good old aluminum is most often used - light, inexpensive and strong enough for glazing material, which is practically not susceptible to corrosion. In this regard, neither wood nor plastic can compare with aluminum. In the glazing of facades of large office buildings use the most different systems, and in principle, any of them can be used in the construction of a closed veranda.

  • But those are facades, but here you can choose the simplest option, for example: post-transom. As in any frame structure, the system is based on vertical racks, which are rigidly connected together by horizontal elements - crossbars.
  • In addition to the fact that such a veranda looks very nice, it is also quite warm and quiet in it, since the glazing is all the same double-glazed windows that are installed today in plastic windows. The structure is assembled from aluminum profiles, which can be collected in various variations.
  • This makes it possible to implement various solutions by design, make a blank wall, or build windows-doors into it. By the way, for the veranda you can use frameless glazing, only in this case, you can count on protection only from wind and rain. There will be no particular heat in such a room in winter, and it is not possible to put on a mosquito net openings in this case.

  • As for frame systems, they can be used not only for glazing walls, but also for roofs. They are much easier to install, and during the operation of the structure it is created less problems. In any case, if you need to make repairs, or partial replacement of some element, it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • In addition, in frame structures, glass can be completely replaced with polycarbonate, which has higher thermal insulation characteristics. The entrance to the veranda is provided both from the house and from the street, and sometimes you can get into the house only by passing this room.

Instead of a traditional swing door, this could very well be sliding wall. Moreover, the doors can move apart different ways: according to the type of wardrobe or accordion.

It can also be a wall, the glazed sashes of which are moved into a corner and folded in parallel, as book pages. Such designs allow you to realize almost any idea - you just need to develop a sketch in advance and prepare a quality foundation for their installation.

In modern suburban construction, the layout is considered the most popular. two-story house with a terrace. Such a project is able to create a natural and optimal zoning of space. In the lower part of the room for common rooms, for example, the kitchen, living room and guest room, and on the upper part is the location of private apartments. These are perfect for living all year round.

So, the whole structure begins with. It can be under a canopy, it can be fenced or just open. In this project, the latter option is used, since in summer time it is considered one of the best. The terrace can be used for several purposes. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

  1. The first is to consider the terrace as a place for rest and relaxation. Here you can place a sun lounger, allocate a place for barbecue and have picnics. This option is best suited for people who choose seasonal accommodation.
  2. The second option is to place a place for eating in the warm season. For example, here you can have breakfasts and dinners with the whole family. To do this, you need to place a table, chairs and an additional table here so that you can do the cutting and slicing of food right here.
  3. And the last third option is to arrange the terrace as play area. If you have small children in your family, then this offer will be the most optimal. Install a small swing, a slide and lay out toys. In the summer, your children will be able to spend most of the day there.

interior design and furniture layout outdoor terrace country house

Thus, the terrace can be used for many purposes, and for each of them it will convenient option. In addition, its presence means many advantages, for example:

  • It is able to make the area of ​​the whole house larger, and turn the yard into an integral part of the structure.
  • A terrace can add value to your home.
  • If you decorate it beautifully and usefully, then the yard will immediately turn into a useful space that will be not only beautiful, but also functional.
  • You can build a terrace on a slope (if the landscape allows), and then save a lot on leveling the surface.

The terrace is the beginning of the whole house, and precedes the vestibule, the size of which is 2.6 square meters. m. From it you can go to the hall (16.7 sq. m). The layout of this house is unusual. Here three rooms are combined into one at once:, and a dining room with a living room. Let's take a closer look at this from a positive point of view, and start with the kitchen-dining room. This option is often found due to lack of space.

Highlight three in one

Cooking can become not only a family duty, but also a fun event in the circle of your closest friends and relatives. That is why the kitchen in this project is attractively equipped, so that the whole process is exciting and not boring. The set in this kitchen is located in such a way that several people can cook at once. During the development, it was also taken into account that most of the work should be carried out facing the dining area. All the charm of such a kitchen will immediately disappear if the hostess cooks, turning her back to the guests, and looking at the wall in front of her.

option for arranging furniture and interior design of a kitchen designed for several people

Due to the fact that the food is combined with the dining room, cooking and eating takes place in the same space. No need to carry ready-made hot meals to another room. However, great attention is paid to the placement of the table.

Next Feature The layout is enclosed in the combination of the dining room and living room. This is necessary in order to achieve a single room in which, if possible, a similar style will reign. The seating area between the dining room and the living room will become a dividing place between these rooms. In this zone, it is worth placing a table with a computer, a game console, toys for small children and much more. The main plus is that it will be much easier and easier to look after children, since you are in the same room, but at the same time are busy with completely different things.

So, do not forget about the design of this entire huge combined room, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 43.4 square meters. m. This style is indefinite: everything will be done in silver and metallic colors, with the addition of light pastels decorative elements. The lighting will be different for each zone: lamps for the kitchen, a large chandelier for the dining room, several lamps and lighting for the living room.

on the picture beautiful lamps and a chandelier that can be used to illuminate the living room in the house

In addition to these rooms, the first floor includes a toilet, measuring 5.6 square meters. m. And A Boiler Room (6 Sq. M.).

Second floor

It starts with a medium-sized hall, with an area of ​​12.7 sq. m. This is a distribution place on the second floor, the middle from which you can go to any room. In total, there are four living rooms and two technical rooms on the floor. The living quarters include 4 bedrooms. Their dimensions are 18 sq. m., 17.3 sq. m., 17.0 sq. m. and 18.1 sq. m respectively. All bedrooms have two windows at once, which in daytime illuminate the space well. There is also a wardrobe (5.3 sq.m.) and a bathroom (9.8 sq.m.) on the floor. The entire structure does not exceed an area of ​​200 sq. m.

Second floor layout with 4 spacious bedrooms

This layout of a two-story house with a terrace is famous for such qualities as durability, strength and excellent insulation of heat and sound. This building can be attributed to the classics of suburban construction.

The project of a two-story house with a flower terrace

Owning a home is a dream of many families that can be easily realized. However, the most difficult moment in this matter will be the choice of the project, since the subsequent construction depends on it, as well as your future life. Represented here two-storey house with a terrace up to 200 sq. m. will be a great option for a large family who likes to spend time on fresh air. Lightness, smoothness and airiness reign in the external and internal appearance of the house. Everything is decorated delicate flowers and light accessories that perfectly complement the overall interior.

Floral motifs and terrace

The entrance to the house starts from the terrace, the area of ​​which is 5.1 sq. m. The terrace is an open area, which is fenced with railings. Often it is considered as an architectural part of the whole house. For this reason, its design must be carefully considered. As it was said, the house should embody tenderness and lightness. In his style, there should be not only clear lines, but also smooth transitions, blurry borders. In order for the terrace to become a wonderful addition to the house, it will be made in a romantic style with big amount flower plants.

The project of a two-story country house with a terrace up to 200 sq. m.

During the summer it will annual plants in tubs placed around the entire perimeter of the terrace. Furniture should be light, openwork, which is easy to move and clean. Lighting in dark time day will not be bright, on the contrary, a little muffled. The color scheme should be selected exclusively in light colors. Such a terrace will delight the eye and attract everyone's attention.

Delicate style combined with sophistication

The house begins with a small vestibule (4.1 sq.m.), from which you can go to the hall (15.0 sq.m.). There will be racks and hangers for outerwear and shoes. Since the hall implies the use of a darker colors, you will need to use mirrors. They will serve not only as a necessary and useful item but also as an element of decoration. Big role lighting will play into the design of this space. It is recommended to pay attention to the backlight of different colors.

There are several paths from the hall. The first one leads to guest room with an area of ​​13.6 sq. m. This room is recommended to be decorated in sandy tones, and in order to give it beauty and expressiveness, it is better to use elegant furniture. An excellent element in this room are windows located opposite each other. It is worth choosing the right curtains, and then the room will look completely different.

Another room that can be accessed from the hall is the living room. The area of ​​this room is 28.0 square meters. m. In order for this large space not to seem "heavy", a large number of windows are provided. There is no single style solution in this room, but the main goal in the design is to achieve elegance and beauty. Unusual furniture, tulle on the windows, delicate accessories - all this will help to complete the task.

From the living room you can go to the kitchen-dining room, the area of ​​​​which is 16.6 square meters. m. The kitchen is made in darker colors compared to the rest of the room design. It uses shades of gray and blue flowers. There is a clear demarcation between the kitchen and dining areas, since the first part uses a peninsular kitchen, in which the boundaries of the transition are clearly defined. The dining area is located big table with many chairs. All furniture is carved, so, despite the chosen colors, everything looks natural and gentle.

Built-in garage in the house

In another part of the house on the ground floor is located small corridor which leads to the garage. It is very convenient, since you can enter there directly from the house as well as exit after you leave your car in it. This advantage is especially pleasant when it is damp and raining outside. Another advantage is that it is much easier and more economical to bring communications to it, since the built-in garage is part of the house.

However, along with these advantages, there are also some negative qualities. For example, modern cars, despite all their advantages, distinguish unpleasant odors and also generate noise. But it is worth noting that this house is designed competently. It is thought out forced ventilation, soundproofing is provided.

Second floor

The second floor begins with a hall, the area of ​​which is 3.4 sq. m. Since there are no windows here, you should take care of proper lighting. It is recommended to use mirrors, light colors to make the space visually larger and lighter. Also, attention should be paid to flowers, here they can be placed on the walls.

Immediately after the hall there is a corridor with an area of ​​6.4 sq. m. At the end of the room there is only one window. From this corridor you can get into the room, where the main lighting comes from the connected windows along the wall.

The next room that can be accessed from the hallway is the bedroom. Its area is 16.3 square meters. m. This large area must be done in a smart and tasteful way. For example, a large bed desk, light curtains and all in light colors. Thus, it will be possible to create a place where you can really relax after a hard day's work. The other bedroom has an area of ​​13.6 sq. m. It is absolutely no different from the previous one, even in the number of windows.

And the last bedroom on the floor has an area of ​​12.2 square meters. m. Also on the floor there are two bathrooms, the first (2.2 sq. M.) Has an entrance from the hall, and the other (2.3 sq. M.) From the largest bedroom.

So magnificent, but despite this, absolutely everything is thought out here. Utility rooms, places for receiving guests, work zone and private rooms - all this includes this building. This two-story house with a terrace is suitable for a family of five.

Project of a house with a terrace 10x8

I think everyone will agree that at the moment they are very popular. Their layouts are often the most suitable, practical and comfortable for many families.

For example, in this project there is a large living room combined with a kitchen-dining room, a terrace and an unusual original design. This house is well suited for a family of four. It is also well suited for permanent residence and for seasonal.

Ground floor layout

The first floor begins with a small vestibule, the area of ​​​​which is 2.7 square meters. m. From it you can go to the hall, the size of which is 8.5 square meters. m. This is a small area, so you should not use it to place any furniture, you can beautifully decorate the walls, that is, hang pictures, or hang original mirrors. From the hall you can go to the living room combined with the kitchen and dining room. Such a combination visually makes the boundaries of space larger and has many advantages, but, unfortunately, it also has some disadvantages. The main purpose of this open kitchen lies in the increase in space.

The kitchen-living room is one of design techniques, which can be used for a small studio apartment and just for big house. It is for this reason that not always the whole essence of the connection is to increase the area, since the kitchen in this style looks original and attractive. The advantages of merging are obvious:

  • The amount of light in the territory increases, the boundaries of the room expand significantly.
  • It becomes much easier to hold celebrations or holidays: the hostess does not have to leave the room, stop talking, and move from the kitchen to the room.
  • A wonderful option for people who prefer parties.

Another significant advantage is the fact that now you do not have to buy another TV for installation in the kitchen, since one will already be in the living room. Many fireplace lovers would love to have one in their kitchen, now by connecting these spaces, the dream can come true.

However, one cannot but mention the disadvantages of such an association:

  • Smells and aromas from cooking.
  • The sounds that different devices make when working.
  • Cleaning requirements are getting higher.

If we consider the design, it is worth noting that these two territories should not completely “dissolve” into each other, but at the same time, each room should complement the other. It is imperative to have a visual distinction, which can be achieved using different lighting.

Another room located on the floor is a pantry. It can be intended for many purposes: storage of various tools and things, or use as a technical room. Next to this room is a bathroom. The area of ​​these two rooms is 4.1 square meters. m.


There is also access from the kitchen to the terrace, which is also worth talking about in more detail. Agree, sit in the summer on outdoors, drink tea, chat with loved ones, admire the garden and other beautiful things in nature - all this can give a terrace, and this is one of its many advantages. It is a small link that usually connects the garden and the house. In terms of style, it is a continuation of the building, but at the same time, its elements, such as transparent partitions, a light frame, etc., are closer to the design of a garden plot.

In this project, many will be pleased with the exquisite simplicity, the clarity of each line, the graphic quality of any object, and the accentuation of the decoration. The tiles are located on the floor symmetrically, on the pillars there is brickwork, the whole style used in the design of the terrace is in perfect harmony with the freedom and naturalness of nature. To decorate it, it is recommended to use plants in pots: in case of severe weather, they can be quickly removed, and if necessary, they can be easily moved throughout the territory.

Decoration of the second floor

As soon as the tenant rises to the second floor, he will immediately enter the hall, whose area is 6.7 square meters. m. It is the distribution core in the entire layout of the second floor, since you can get into any room from it.

The square bedroom on the second floor is one such room, with an area of ​​13.8 sq. m. It was completed in unusual style. main feature which, is the use practically only of blue color and its shades. Everyone knows that it helps to relax and unwind. Many people are very fond of this color for its depth and beauty. It is quite stylish and fashionable, but with the wrong combination it can become cold and repulsive. For this reason, it is definitely worth adding soft pillows, light curtains, bed linen(preferably the same color).

Another room, which is located on this floor, has an area of ​​12.3 square meters. m. It is made in a minimalist style, so it is very convenient and practical to use. A small amount of functional furniture, white and gray colors and a minimum of decorations and decoration elements.

Thus, such a two-story house is well suited for any family. The project itself has many advantages, including not only the beauty and originality of the idea, but also the execution scheme and convenience, which is highly valued in our time. Such a plan will surely appeal to every person who appreciates free space and oddity.

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