Technical sheets knauf. Walls and partitions made of drywall using Knauf technology. Types of structures provided by Knauf

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Drywall is widely used in the repair of apartments. With its help, walls and ceilings are leveled, niches and boxes are constructed, doorways are modernized, and many decor elements are performed. There are certain rules for the installation of these structures that must be observed. Leading drywall manufacturers have developed entire kits for the convenience of consumers. The Knauf technology has gained particular popularity in our country.

Benefits of Using Technology

Knauf produces a whole line of ready-made kits that differ depending on the type and size of the structure.

The main advantage of the Knauf kits: they include everything you need to mount a wall or partition, from drywall to fasteners. This provides the consumer with several benefits, including:

  • Guaranteed to use only high quality materials. This is facilitated by a strict system of company control, designed for minimum tolerances in the manufacture of plasterboards and other elements.
  • Ease of calculating the consumption of drywall and other parts of the structure. A simple online calculator available on many sites is enough. You need to enter the dimensions of your wall or partition into it, indicating the number of doors and windows, and it will give full list all necessary elements indicating their number.
  • Each set is supplied by the manufacturer detailed instruction for assembly, thanks to which even an unprepared person can carry it out.
  • Buying materials separately, you can forget some details. Using the kit solves this problem.

The procedure for installing Knauf kits

Required preparatory work: alignment and marking. After that, a partition is placed:

  • Guide profiles are attached to the dowels.
  • Vertical racks are installed at selected optimal intervals. Their fixation is recommended to be done using a cutter with a bend.
  • Horizontal jumpers are mounted.
  • If necessary, communications are stretched, insulation is laid.
  • GKL frame is sheathed with special proprietary self-tapping screws.
  • Spend finishing corners and joints of sheets.

Mounting Features

The system for assembling walls and partitions using this technology has its own nuances that must be taken into account in order to achieve the optimal result:

  • To ensure high strength, individual frame elements are reinforced by nesting one profile into another.
  • The guides are attached to the dowels at least three points. The plane of the profile adjacent to the base is pre-pasted with a damper tape.
  • Often it is necessary to join insufficiently long elements of a metal structure. In this case, you should space out the junctions, for example, place them in a checkerboard pattern. This will reduce the likelihood of vibrations or various deformations of the structure.
  • Racks are placed at a distance of 600 mm from each other. Thus, each sheet will be fixed on three profiles. If necessary, the step between the racks can be reduced.
  • The profiles are fastened together with a cutter or branded self-tapping screws. Crab connectors are used at intersections.
  • GKL sheathing elements are fastened end-to-end with the necessary gaps to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material. Later they are filled special composition, produced by the same company "Knauf".
  • When building partitions from gypsum boards with window niches or doorways, it is forbidden to join sheets above them. Otherwise, there is a risk of seams coming apart due to vibrations that occur when using windows and doors. Docking of elements is carried out closer to the corners of the room.

Types of structures provided by Knauf

The sets differ from each other in the number of skins, thickness and frame design. All partitions use branded insulation based on mineral wool. There are the following kits:

  • C 111 - with one layer of sheathing. The minimum thickness and instability to loads do not allow such a design to replace full wall, its function is decorative and zoning.
  • C 112 - sheathing in two layers on each side on a single frame.
  • Sets C 121 and C 122 are similar to the two described above. The difference is that instead of profiles, they use wooden beams for battens.
  • C 115 - a set with a double frame, lined with two layers of drywall. This allows, by increasing the thickness of the partition, to place a double layer of mineral wool in it. According to its characteristics, this design is close to a conventional wall.
  • C 116 - also performed on a double spaced frame. The internal cavities remaining inside it make it possible to produce concealed installation communications. The two-layer sheathing removed from the wall is implemented in the C 626 kit.
  • C 113 or C 367 - sets with triple skin. Designed for those cases when it is necessary to apply drywall different types: moisture resistant, fireproof and common in many combinations.
  • C 118 - used for extra-strong walls and partitions. In it, sheets of galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick are laid between the layers of drywall.
  • C 361, C 362, C 363 - sets on a single frame, sheathed, respectively, in 1, 2 or 3 layers with Knauf gypsum fiber supersheets. C 365–369 - modifications of partitions with gypsum fiber on different frames.
  • C 386.1 and C386.2 - kits that provide for the laying of ventilation or other communication channels.

Various combinations of frames and skins are possible. All of them are presented in the Knauf product line.

A single frame is used when it is not planned to hang anything heavy on the wall, and also if significant insulation or soundproofing is not required. But to attach to the wall household appliances, which has a solid weight, you will have to make a double frame with reinforcement.

Features of the formation of corners from drywall

important role in the device drywall construction corners play. If they are assembled incorrectly, then through a short time cracks will appear in these places, and the fastening of the sheets will be unreliable.

GKL structures can have both internal and outside corners. For the formation of each of them, their own methods are used. First of all, the frame is assembled.

External corners are made as follows:

  • Two vertical posts forming a rib are installed in the rails so as to form a single angle. It is unacceptable to mount them with an offset: in this case, there will be a void under the junction of the drywall sheets.
  • The racks are fixed in the guides with a pair of self-tapping screws at each attachment point. Professionals prefer to use a cutter: such a connection does not contain bulges that interfere with the tight fit of the GKL.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Is it possible to paint drywall without prior putty?

Drywall is the most popular material for building partitions, decorative designs, niches in the walls, openings, arches and much more. But all this requires reliable support structure. They can be made from both wood and profile. Today, Knauf partitions are very popular. This is a drywall construction, the frame of which is made exclusively of a metal profile. At the same time, all sorts of nuances are observed that can harm the integrity and overall reliability.

What is Knauf technology?

Knauf technology drywall walls consists primarily in the use of high-quality and reliable materials:

  • screws;
  • putty, mesh and more.

The advantages of the Knauf profile include the fact that when docking a rack-mount with a guide, no bumps and protrusions form on the wall surface. And this is a definite plus, because it allows you to save money on finishing mixtures.

Mounting technology drywall Knauf provides for the use of branded moisture-resistant sheets. Materials from this manufacturer also have increased resistance to both mechanical factors and moisture. The range of this type of product includes sheets of 5 standard sizes, which greatly speeds up the installation process. And as a heater and sound insulator it is used exclusively.

Heat and sound insulation Knauf

Knauf fasteners and hardware are made of durable types of plastics, and hardware undergo anti-corrosion treatment.

The company is engaged in the production of a huge number of product names, so almost everything should be used from this brand.

What are the benefits of Knauf technology?

The main difference between Knauf products is high durability and excellent quality. Therefore, Knauf drywall installation technology must be performed at the appropriate level. Technology does not allow careless attitude and poor quality work. When starting to build partitions using this technology, you should adhere to all its principles:

If the installation instructions for Knauf drywall are fully observed, then the partition will turn out to be reliable and durable.

Types of partitions Knauf

According to the structural structure of Knauf, partitions can be of several types, depending on the number of skins:

  • with a single layer;
  • with double skin;
  • with three-layer sheathing;
  • with a single-layer sheathing of Knauf-supersheets of moisture-resistant sheets on a single frame;
  • with combined, on the one hand, and two-layer, on the other;
  • with a three-layer sheathing of moisture-resistant sheets and intermediate steel sheets.

Also on Knauf technologies partitions are made with channels for communications and ventilation. These include designs of grades C 386.1 and C 386.2.

The type of partition to be installed depends on the purpose of the room and the degree of its sound insulation.

Knauf partitions are also divided according to the type of frame:

  • double;
  • single.

Single structures are used in places where thorough sound insulation is not required, and no additional load will be applied to the walls. Double applied to create a strong and secure wall, on which it will be possible to hang heavy furniture or some household appliances.

The design of the Knauf partitions

Consider some Knauf plasterboard partitions made using the technology:

Video: Plasterboard partition with a single-layer sheathing made of Knauf sheets

Video: Drywall partition with two-layer sheathing from KNAUF sheets

Video: Knauf partitions from the ceiling profile !!

Video: Installation of a soundproof partition

Why is it important to follow the technology and typical mistakes

Video: Drywall partitions six months later.

Partitions lined with sheet materials Knauf are designed for installation in residential, public and industrial buildings.

The use of partitions according to Knauf technology in most cases turns out to be more profitable in comparison with known structures made of piece materials (brick, blocks, etc.), since the installation speed of Knauf partitions is higher, the weight is less, and wet processes excluded from work.

An additional advantage of dry construction systems is the ability to quickly dismantle.

Knauf has developed a range of specialized partitions to meet increased requirements in area fire safety, sound insulation, impact resistance and even X-ray protection.

The use of special systems and well-chosen types of Knauf sheets makes it possible to achieve high values ​​of fire resistance and the level of airborne sound insulation for various rooms.



To get started, remove debris, dirt and dust from the work surface.

Mark the position of the partition on the floor, walls, ceiling. Mark openings (if required).

Glue the Knauf‑Dichtungsband sealing polyurethane tape on the back of the rack and guide profiles adjacent to the walls, floor and ceiling.

The tape is needed for a tight fit to the base and additional sound insulation.

Mount the frame of metal profiles.

KNAUF rack-mount profiles (PS) install guides (PN) in Knauf profiles vertically with a given step.

Fix the rack profiles with a cutter.

Sheathe the frame with Knauf sheets on one side.

Sheathe the frame with Knauf sheets on the other side.

Apply the Knauf-Tiefengrund primer to the drywall joints of the first layer.

Putty the joints of the first layer without reinforcing tape.

Sheathe the partition with a second layer of Knauf sheets on both sides so that the joints of the second layer do not coincide with the joints of the first layer.

If necessary, make holes for sockets and switches.

Putty the joints of the second layer using reinforcing tape.

The concept of "dry" construction implies the design and construction of lightweight frame-sheathing structures, the installation of which requires a minimum of funds and physical effort. german company KNAUF produces quality materials required in the performance of such work and is a kind of legislator that defines the standards for this type of activity. The Knauf system for plasterboard partitions is known to any professional builder. Now it is our turn to get acquainted with these structures in more detail.

Series of partitions (according to Knauf classification)

The company's specialists classify all frame-sheathed partitions into several standard types:

Horizontal Sectional View Construction type
C 111 - frame made of steel profile, sheathed with 1 layer of drywall sheets.
C 112 - the steel frame is sheathed with gypsum plasterboard sheets in 2 layers.
C 113 - a "single" frame made of steel profile is sheathed with a three-layer coating of plasterboard.
C 115 - Knauf partitions of this series have a double metal frame and 2 layers of cladding made of plasterboard sheets.
C 116 - double steel frame with space for communications. The structure is sheathed with 2 layers of drywall on each side.
C 118 - "Protection against penetration." The framework from a steel profile is sheathed by GKL in 3 layers. Galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick is laid between the sheets.
C 121 - partition frame made of wooden beam sheathed with 1 layer of plasterboard.
From 122 - wooden frame with a two-layer coating of GKL.

For external coating of frame structures company KNAUF produces a durable high-tech material based on gypsum, which does not contain toxic substances, is absolutely non-flammable and has excellent operational properties. Gypsum board is produced in the form of KNAUF-sheets (GKL) - rectangular elements consisting of a reinforced gypsum "core" covered with cardboard that has undergone special processing.

Depending on the application, these sheets have different properties and are divided into types:

  • GKL - used in rooms with normal humidity.
  • GKLO - has increased fire resistance. The material is used for sheathing profile partitions installed in fire hazardous rooms.
  • GKLV - moisture resistant material. Its cardboard coating is impregnated with a special composition.
  • GKLVO - combines the properties of moisture and fire resistance.

Apart from this Knauf classification sheets have differences in the form of the side edge. All features of the material are marked with a marking that is applied to each sheet.

Partition frame features

Next constituent elements frame-sheathing structures Knauf systems are metal profiles- strips of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5–0.8 mm. These products give strength to the frame, but do not weigh it down. total weight. Consider which profile is needed for a plasterboard partition, which will be made according to the KNAUF system:

Tool and fasteners

The design features of Knauf systems require strict adherence to all manufacturer's recommendations regarding their installation. Specialists of the company pay great attention to the characteristics and quality of the fastening material used in the assembly frame partitions their drywall.

To connect the profile to each other, it is recommended to use screws (self-tapping screws) for metal LN 9 and LB 9 (piercing and drilling). For fasteners Knauf sheets, self-tapping screws of the TN and TB types with a length of 2.5–4 mm are used. The guide profile is attached to the ceilings with simple or anchor dowels of 4, 6, 8 or 12 mm in size.

1 - LN screw; 2 - LB screw; 3 - TN screw; 4 - TB screw

The design of the Knauf system drywall partition is very simple, and for its installation it is enough to a simple tool, which is in any "home" set:

  1. Roulette, level, plumb - for marking.
  2. Perforator - holes for dowels that secure the guide profile.
  3. Screwdriver - installation of the frame and fastening of the skin.
  4. Scissors for metal - cutting the profile to size.
  5. Construction knife - cutting drywall.

Installation steps

Knauf specialists have developed phased technology installations drywall systems, implying a strict sequence of performance of all work. So let's consider brief instructions for the installation of plasterboard partitions:

  • Markup. We mark a straight line on the floor with a dyeing cord, and then, using a plumb line or laser level, transfer this mark to adjacent walls and ceiling.
  • Installation of the partition frame from the profile. To the floor and ceiling, with dowels (after 80–100 cm), we fasten the PN profile. It must be fixed to the ceilings by laying sealing material. In PN we install and fasten rack profile. The maximum distance between posts should not exceed 600 mm.
  • Equipment installation. IN frame structure install embedded elements (supports for cabinets, shelves, lamps, etc.). We install electrical wiring and all necessary communications.
  • Frame cladding. On one side of the frame for a plasterboard partition, we mount sheets, fixing them with self-tapping screws every 250 mm.
  • Soundproofing installation. Between the racks (as tightly as possible) we lay soundproofing material.
  • Full upholstery. We fix the GKL on the remaining side of the frame. If the type of partition provides for a multi-layer coating, each layer of sheets must be installed, shifting it by 600 mm from the previous one.
  • Finishing. Having finished facing the frame, you need to putty the seams between the sheets and the caps of the fixing screws. Drywall must be primed for the final decorative finish.

This short review drywall systems developed by the famous German company Knauf, is a kind of instruction that must be followed when installing partitions. Additional questions that arise in the course of work will be carefully considered by our experienced specialists. Do not hesitate, we will give you an answer that will provide a "pleasant" result in such difficult task like home renovation.

Knauf is a leader in the production of gypsum plasterboard materials for dry construction. The advantages of the product include the possibility of using it for various purposes: arranging walls and ceilings, protecting against fire or moisture, enhancing the heat and sound insulation qualities of the treated surface.

Kinds gypsum boards Knauf

Among the differences of the brand is the release of additional components - screws, profiles, and finishing materials- primer, putty, plaster mixtures and so on, which, in combination with drywall, form a reliable, durable and durable coating.

To avoid the problems that arise when choosing and using these materials, the manufacturer Knauf provides a special instruction for the installation of gypsum boards with a description of all the nuances of the work.

Knauf identifies several requirements that a frame for walls, partitions or under a suspended ceiling must have before sheathing begins. These include:

  • To protect the material from the influence of dampness when the profile freezes, sheathing should be carried out with using Knauf GKVL;
  • To exclude deformation of the structure under the weight of drywall, long sections of the profiles are set apart or staggered with an overlap;
  • As a connector of the frame elements, a cutter (with a bend), an LN9 screw or a Knauf brand screw is used;
  • To protect the material from deformation under the action of vibrations created by the door and its weight, it is forbidden to join the GKL in the middle of the doorway;
  • After assembling the frame, it must be finished with thermal insulation tape.

frame Knauf system is assembled from profiles of a certain format. Its choice depends on the type of work performed.

Types of Knauf profiles:

  • UD - guide for ceilings;
  • CD - ceiling carrier, forming a crate;
  • CW - bar for forming racks;
  • UW - guide for the device of partitions, walls.

List of Knauf profile markings

Rules for installing gypsum boards on walls and partitions

The frame for a wall or partition made of plasterboard serves to provide additional heat and sound insulation, leveling, masking communications.

General points:

  • Use pin dowels Knauf K6/35 as a fastening element for UW rails to the base of walls and ceilings, allowable distance between them - 1 m;
  • As an element of fixing the CW profile to bearing wall use direct suspensions, counting 1 pc. per 1.5 m of rack length;
  • The CW profile pitch is 60 cm;
  • Used for cladding walls and partitions drywall sheet format 2500x1200x12.5 cm;
  • For decor under tiles or fake diamond two-layer sheathing is used;
  • In places where the profile contacts the walls and ceiling, a soundproof tape is mounted;
  • The distance between the screws when sheathing is 25 cm;
  • To the frame of the walls and to the straight partition, the GKL sheet is attached vertically, for figured and radius structures - horizontally and by bending.
Scheme of a partition with 2-layer sheathing according to Knauf

Rules for the device and ceiling sheathing

System false ceiling from profiles and drywall Knauf it is used to level, decorate, reduce the height of the room, hide engineering communications.

Basic provisions:

  • Between the UD profile and the base of the ceilings, install a sound insulator (tape - self-adhesive brand Knauf);
  • Use a pin dowel as a fastener for the UD profile (1 pc. for every 50 cm);
  • Suspensions are installed at a distance of 90 cm along the line of attachment of the carrier profile;
  • step between bearing profiles- 40-50 cm, it is inserted with the base of the backrest to the sidewall of the UD bar and fixed to the ceiling with a suspension;
  • The distance between the screws for arranging the ceiling sheathing is 17 cm.

Mounting the GKL sheet to the ceiling starts from the corner of the room

Work with GKLV:

  • To cut niches, openings, holes for sockets, drywall / wood crowns are used, Knauf cutters for round holes or manually with a chisel;
  • Before sheathing begins, a chamfer is removed from the edge of the drywall sheet: if Fkugenfüller putty is subsequently used, the chamfering angle is 45 degrees, if Uniflot is 22.5;
  • For fixing the cladding to metal frame use fixing screws with a length of 25 mm, the optimal deepening of the screw head will provide a nozzle on the screw for a Knauf NK 11 screwdriver;
  • They begin to fasten the GKLV sheets to the frame with self-tapping screws from the center or corner, this will protect the material from deformation during the fixation process;

The sheets are installed close to each other, the edge of the plate is located in the middle of the CW or CD profile.

The position of the GKL sheet relative to the profile

Below you can see how the frame for partitions is installed and sheathed with Knauf materials.

Finishing work

At the end of the skin, the manufacturer proposes to strengthen the properties of the GKVL additional processing surfaces with water-repellent compounds (Tiegenrund primer) and Uniflot or Fugenfüller putty.

Seam sealing:

  • Filling the joints with putty using a narrow spatula, removing residues and excess thickening of the mixture;
  • Seam tape installation;
  • Covering the tape with a thin layer of putty, after 45 minutes removing residues from its surface;
  • Puttying of screw heads;
  • Secondary seam filling wide spatula, removal of residues;
  • Hand sanding to eliminate irregularities;
  • Mounting in the outer corner area of ​​the aluminum elbow, PVC corner or aluminum tape, puttying;
  • Installation of Knauf separating tape between sheets of drywall and inside corner, putty;
  • After drying, the material is painted and plastered.

Subject to all the requirements and recommendations, the installation of partitions, walls or ceilings using Knauf materials will be successful and durable. But remember, when doing: the smoother you set the structure of the profiles, the smoother the surface will be in the end.

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