How to clean an electric kettle from scale. How to descale a kettle with citric acid, Coca-Cola and other improvised means

Every housewife has a kettle in her kitchen. Some people prefer to heat water for coffee or tea on gas, while others use electric kettles. Glass models are extremely resistant to impact high temperatures, do not absorb odor, have a beautiful appearance. But over time, scale forms in any vessel, no matter what kind of water you use. Scale appears due to the build-up of salts and minerals contained in water. The rate of plaque formation depends on its quality. But even if you install super-sophisticated filters, sooner or later plaque will still appear. In an electric kettle, scale forms around the heating coil and causes it to burn out after some time. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically get rid of plaque. How to clean glass Electric kettle from scale at home? We will deal with this in this article.

Anti-scale products

There are several ways to clean Glass teapot from scale. You can use chemicals or traditional methods, which are good because they are safe, plus similar cleaning substances are available in every kitchen. Let's take a closer look.


This is proven effective, completely safe way Clean the glass teapot from scale. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect. So the microbes will have a hard time.

How to proceed:

  1. Pour equal parts water and vinegar into a container.
  2. Boil this solution.
  3. Leave everything inside for 2 hours.
  4. Pour out the liquid and clean off any remaining plaque with a sponge.
  5. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  6. After cleaning, boil clean water a couple more times, drain.

Lemon acid

Another simple one effective method getting rid of plaque - citric acid. This method is suitable for any type of cookware. It is even believed that cleaning citric acid more effective than vinegar:

  1. Pour water into the device, add citric acid. For 1 liter there are 2-3 teaspoons of citric acid.
  2. Boil the liquid.
  3. Leave until completely cool.
  4. Drain off the cleaning agent and remove any softened residue with a sponge.
  5. Boil the water in the device several times and drain before using it.

Important! Citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice. Just squeeze one citrus fruit into a bowl of water.

Baking soda

Cleaning with soda is done as follows:

  1. Dissolve in hot water baking soda, pour into a container.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes, then boil.
  3. Wait until the liquid cools down.
  4. Rinse well kitchen utensils from cleaning agent residues and scale.

Soda and vinegar

How else can you clean a glass teapot? You can clean the device with a mixture of soda and vinegar:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of soda in water.
  2. Pour this mixture into the device up to the maximum mark.
  3. Boil the liquid several times and leave to cool.
  4. Drain the solution. Use a soft sponge to remove any remaining plaque.
  5. Rinse well inner part dishes in running water.

Lemon and vinegar

You can get rid of plaque inside the vessel by mixing lemon and vinegar:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or citric acid and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of liquid.
  2. Pour the mixture into the device.
  3. Boil this solution several times.
  4. Drain the liquid and clean the device with a sponge.
  5. Rinse well.

Lemon and soda

Combination of lemon juice and baking soda will give good result in the fight against plaque from excessively hard tap water. This mixture will degrease and remove deposits, leaving behind a pleasant lemon smell.

Boil water several times with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Carbonated drinks

Strange as it may sound, but clear limescale You can use carbonated drinks. For glass electric kettles would be better suited“Sprite”, since colored drinks, such as Coca-Cola, can leave marks on the walls.

Pour one glass of lemonade into a container and fill it with water. Boil this mixture several times, drain and clean off any remaining plaque with a sponge.

Important! If the coating is very strong, there is no need to dilute with water - fill the container ⅔ full with soda only.

Other non-standard cleaning methods

What people come up with and what they use to clean their dishes from harmful scale:

  • Pour the cucumber brine into the container and bring to a boil several times. In fact, the method is effective, since the product is nothing more than a concentrated saline solution.
  • Place the washed apple or potato peels in a container, add a little salt and fill with water. Boil water along with the cleaning agents and leave everything until the liquid cools. Then all you have to do is clean off any remaining plaque with a sponge and rinse the device thoroughly. This is also a completely understandable option, since apples contain natural active acids, and potatoes contain starch. Both are capable of removing contaminants of various origins, including scale.


From chemicals To combat lime and salt deposits on glass electric kettles, Calgon is best suited. This product is dishwasher safe and washing machines with a unique composition will come in handy. One package will last you a long time.

In order to remove scale with Calgon, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of the product in 3 liters of water and boil it all in a vessel with scale. After this, removing the remaining plaque will not be difficult.

Important! After this, it is advisable to boil the water in the vessel several times and drain it. After this, the device can be used.

Everyone is faced with a situation where, after some time of using any type of kettle, a deposit is observed inside it. Even using special filters for water purification, you cannot avoid the presence of rock-salt deposits on kitchen utensils.

Such deposits increase the heating time of the liquid in the kettle, which, due to the boiled sediment, does not completely give off heat, overheats every time and soon breaks.

In addition, adhered salt particles are harmful to health, as they are deposited in the kidneys, stomach and liver, causing many diseases. It is important to take care of regular cleaning of the kettle so as not to poison the body and prevent constant breakdown of an expensive device.

Such plaque is difficult to wash off without additional funds but using the following effective option, the problem will be solved easily, and most importantly, quickly. you can remove scale with citric acid, this ecological remedy, the preparation of which is accessible to any housewife. This is one of the most popular types of cleaning. All store-bought anti-stone scale powders and liquids contain this acid, since although it removes scale, it does not spoil dishes and does not adversely affect human health.

An accessible recipe for effective cleaning: how to descale a kettle with citric acid

Depending on the type of kettle (electric, enameled, glass) and the amount of precipitation on it, various recipes for removing salt deposits are used.

Initial stage raid

Fill the bowl with water and add 20 to 40 grams of lemon substance to it. Boil for three minutes over low heat with the lid of the device slightly opened. Afterwards, let the contents cool (during this time the product will eat away the plaque and the dishes will be thoroughly cleaned), and then drain the mixture with the plaque removed. If the plaque is not completely removed the first time, repeat the procedure.

Sustained plaque

Triple combination - a radical method

First method: multi-layer plaque is difficult to remove, so use a “nuclear” triple mixture. Dissolve two tablespoons of soda in a liter of water and boil the device with this mixture for half an hour. Drain it and then fill the container with a liter of water with lemon powder (50 grams), wait at least three hours. Next you need to drain muddy water with sediment and rinse the dishes. After washing, clean the loose layer of salt deposits with soda, and then boil the dishes with a solution of grape vinegar. Remove pasty deposits wooden spoon or a spatula and rinse the kettle.

Second method: Pour water into a bowl with plaque, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in it, boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Drain the liquid, refill the kettle and add a tablespoon of acid, repeat the original process. On last stage remove the remains with table vinegar (half a glass).

Metal and plastic electrical appliance

An effective method for a metal electric kettle

There is another method for removing scale from an electric kettle. Initially fill 1/2 kettle with 100-150 ml table vinegar with water, wait 15-20 minutes, add one or two tablespoons of lemon substance into the mixture and boil. Let the mixture cool for 20 minutes and drain it, then wash the sides of the dish. detergent. During the procedure, use gloves to avoid damaging the skin on your hands.

If you are afraid of damaging the dishes with vinegar, you can remove scale from the kettle in another way. Dissolve two teaspoons of citric acid in water and boil the solution until bubbles appear. Do not overexpose, as the heated mixture can damage the electrical appliance, and its vapors are dangerous for the lungs. Empty the kettle and remove any remaining stone deposits using wooden spatula or sponges.

The result of using this method

Regular glass teapot

The most demanding kettle to care for

Such dishes are difficult to clean, since their surface is vulnerable to the slightest mechanical damage. It is correct to use the following gentle remedy: in the device, mix a tablespoon of lemon substance with the same amount of soda, add 90 ml of ordinary vinegar, pour everything with a liter of water and boil for 35–40 minutes. Next, wait until the kettle has cooled down a bit and clean it with the soft side of the sponge.

Method without boiling

If you regularly clean the kettle, you can clean it of salt deposits without prolonged boiling: to do this, fill the device with a mixture of a liter of water and 60 grams of citric acid and leave for 5 hours, or better yet, overnight. Afterwards, rinse the kettle, fill it with water and bring to a boil to remove any salt residue.

Advantages and disadvantages of these cleaning methods

  • Soft cleaning;
  • The solution is easily washed out;
  • Non-toxic, since citric acid is consumed as food;
  • Budget, affordable option;
  • Effectively copes with salt deposits, brings the dishes to the same condition as they were when purchased;
  • Removes even the oldest plaque.

Lemon is an excellent analogue to powder

Some people have doubts about the effect of citric acid on a child's health. There is an option that guarantees safety for small children - making such acid yourself. This method is more expensive, but safer. To do this, cut the lemon into thin rings (do not remove the skin), fill more than half of the device with water, add the sliced ​​lemon and set to boil. Pour out the cloudy water and rinse the dishes. The amount of lemon depends on how dirty the kettle is. Another advantage of this method is the pleasant lemon smell for some time.

Having dealt with this, it is worth considering some recommendations correctly.

Firstly, the regularity of cleaning is proportional to the hardness of the water. If the water is soft, once is enough, if the water is hard, twice.

Secondly, to prevent the appearance of a thick layer of plaque, rinse the device after each use clean water, this will eliminate the complexity of descaling and save effort and time. For greater effect, carry out preventive maintenance as the device becomes dirty, sometimes filling it with an acid solution for half an hour.

Electric kettles can be expensive or cheap, with a wide variety of filters, but nothing can save you from the scale that regularly forms on the walls and bottom of the electrical appliance.

Problems begin to form vulnerable spot– heating element. Citric acid from scale in a kettle will help get rid of the problem quickly and safely.

Water filters do an excellent job of purifying water from heavy metals and chlorine, but this does not apply to lime, and although the amount of sediment will be less, it will not be possible to completely get rid of it.

It turns out that the precipitate obtained during boiling is a poor heat sink. When a heating element, which is made of steel, gets very hot, it cannot transfer heat to the liquid - adhering particles block the path to it. If there is nowhere to transfer heat, the element continues to accumulate it, overheats greatly and eventually simply breaks.

But the process of sedimentation is dangerous not only for economic reasons. Each water has a certain amount of salts. If it is hard, there is a lot of salt. When boiling, they create a salt coating, accumulating on the walls and heating element, and end up in our cups.

All this gets into the kidneys, liver and stomach, creating many problems in the future. That is why you need to know how to descale a kettle with citric acid.

Why is descaling a kettle with citric acid convenient and safe?

There are chemicals available to remove sediment from an electric kettle, but they are not safe for your health. After use, the device is boiled for a long time and persistently, washed, and boiled again. But the metal thermal element, after the action of salts, always remains riddled with cracks, scratches and chips invisible to the eye. The chemical may leave its particles in them.

Cleaning a kettle from scale with citric acid is gentle on it and safe for humans. It is reliably washed out after the first boiling, and is not dangerous for the body, especially in that insignificant amount that may remain after processing the electrical appliance.

In addition, descaling a kettle with citric acid will be very cheap, and you can purchase the product at any grocery store, at any time that you want to determine for this work.

How to descale a kettle with citric acid

There are several options for cleaning by boiling and without it, with lemon.


Remove scale from the kettle using citric acid by boiling. This method is suitable for large quantities of sludge that have already been tightly compacted. The process is divided into the following stages:

  • Before descaling the kettle with citric acid, you must first wipe off the walls and heating element. soft coating. You can do this with a hard rag, but under no circumstances use hard, and especially metal, sponges. After this, rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Depending on the amount of plaque, use 20-40 g. funds for one boiling. In regular store packages this is 1-2 pieces. Prepare them.
  • Fill the electric kettle with clean water to 2/3 of its capacity, open the prepared packages and pour into the liquid.
  • Put the device to boil. If it has an automatic switch, bring it to a boil again a few minutes after turning it off. If there is no machine, boil the water for 2-3 minutes.
  • Leave the kettle for several hours. After this, pour out the water and carefully remove the softened sediment (without the help of sharp objects). If cleansing is not complete, repeat the procedure.
  • Rinse thoroughly to remove any sediment, pour in clean water, boil it and pour it out. Next, the device is ready for use.

No boiling

If the electric kettle is cleaned at least once a month (twice in case of hard water), you can use milder measures and descale the kettle with citric acid without boiling. For this it is enough:

  • IN warm water dissolve the citric acid packet.
  • Fill the container with the solution and leave for 4-5 hours, preferably overnight.
  • Rinse the device to remove any sediment.
  • Fill with clean water and boil. The electric kettle is sediment-free and ready for use.

Regular lemon

There are small children in the house, and you have doubts about how to descale a kettle with citric acid, while still being sure of the baby’s safety? There is a solution that is a little more expensive, but ideal in terms of safety for the body, even for infants. To do this, descale the kettle with citric acid. self-made. Of course, there is no need to make powder. It is enough to have an ordinary lemon in stock:

  • It is cut into thin circles along with the skin.
  • The electric kettle is filled 2/3 with water, the cut rings are lowered into it and the whole thing is set to boil.
  • The softened sediment along with the remaining lemon is removed from the container, and the device is thoroughly rinsed.

Lemon descaler in a kettle - great idea, although it hits a little harder on the pocket. The method is not only harmless and quick (no final boiling is needed), but also has another interesting property - the boiling container gets a pleasant lemon smell for a while. As for the amount of product, it should be varied depending on the contamination.

For regular cleaning, half a lemon is enough, but to descale an electric kettle with naturally occurring citric acid in advanced cases, you will have to chop 2-3 pieces and fill half the container with mugs.

It is better to descale a kettle with citric acid frequently. This will significantly extend the life of the electrical appliance, preserving not only its performance, but also your health. No sediment – ​​no sand and kidney stones, no infection and no stress on the liver.

Knowing how to clean scale with citric acid in a kettle quickly and carefully, you can always keep both the electrical appliance and its owner healthy.

Read more about how to clean an electric kettle with citric acid (video)

It is impossible to be indifferent to tea or coffee. They will add a soulful touch to friendly or family gatherings. The quality of the water plays a dominant role in perfect brewing. Not only the taste properties of the drink depend on this, but also the “health” of the teapot. And although it's quite unpretentious household appliance, but still requires care. Over time, its internal coating and heating element (spiral or disk in electric models) become overgrown with scale. Therefore, it is important to know how to descale a kettle at home.

The modern variety of teapots is amazing. It’s hard to keep up with innovations: manufacturers are experimenting with materials, technologies, shapes and colors. To ensure that the kettle lasts a long time, it is recommended to use spring, filtered or bottled water. And if this is not possible, let the tap water stand for 24 hours.

Why does plaque appear?

Over time, scale will appear in any kettle. But increased water hardness will shorten these times many times and cause many problems. Firstly, scale is dangerous for the heating element. A coil or metal disk covered with plaque quickly overheats, loses heat transfer, and eventually burns out. Secondly, boiling will require additional energy costs. Well, it is clear that water only from clean dishes will give coffee or tea a good taste.

Hard water contains excess amounts of calcium and magnesium salts. A hardness of 3 to 6 mEq/L is considered normal. White and dark spots on faucets, sink or toilet, clogged holes in the shower tube, whitish spots on washed dishes, constant lime deposits in the kettle are sure signs of high water hardness (from 6 to 9 mEq/l).

Many people believe that installing a filter (jug, flow or reverse osmosis) will completely eliminate the problem of scale. In fact, it will reduce plaque formation, but only slightly. The action of most filters is not aimed at softening water, but at its mechanical cleaning from heavy metals and bleach.

How to descale a kettle: special chemistry

Before descaling a kettle, you need to remember: it is impossible to mechanically remove scale that has already formed. If you start scrubbing or scratching it with your own hands, you will ruin the device. Therefore, in our time, many chemical agents have been created to combat scale. Basically, these are liquid or powdered preparations based on soda ash.

They all have an identical principle of operation: pour the indicated dosage into the kettle, fill the device with water to the maximum mark and boil. After this, rinse thoroughly, boil fresh water again and drain.

Do not use cleaning gels and powders with large abrasive granules. They will scratch the surface, and the scale will stick even more firmly to the bottom and walls of the kettle.

Main disadvantage industrial products is that chemical substances may enter the stomach. So it's not harmless. Yes, and not all formulations give the desired effect.

The old fashioned way

You can rest assured: time-tested folk recipes guarantee 100% positive result. Ordinary soda, vinegar and lemon juice are recognized leaders among descalers in a kettle. To successfully get rid of solid deposits, you will need knowledge about dosages, stages of cleansing and rules of use in different types devices.

For a regular enamel teapot

Such specimens are increasingly rare in modern kitchen interior. But, of course, people continue to buy them, because they are much cheaper than their electric counterpart. look after enamel teapot easy enough. The main thing is to do everything in a timely manner.


  1. Fill the kettle with a solution of two parts water and one part vinegar. Bring to a boil and cool naturally.
  2. Then drain the water and rinse the dishes thoroughly.
  3. If the sediment has not completely disappeared, repeat the procedure.

To boil a kettle from scale with vinegar and avoid getting poisoned by the caustic steam, during operation you need to open the windows and put on a protective gauze mask. And before using the kettle, you should once again boil clean water “idle” to eliminate the specific vinegar aroma.

Lemon acid

  1. Fill the kettle with lemon water at the rate of 10 g of lemon per liter of water.
  2. Boil.
  3. Leave the hot solution for several hours.
  4. Pour and thoroughly rinse off the lime grains.

You can replace the store-bought product with lemon: cut it into pieces and boil for ten minutes.


  1. Boil in a kettle soda solution, diluted in the following proportion: two tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water.
  2. Wait until it cools down and remove soft deposits with a sponge.
  3. If the quality of descaling is not satisfactory, repeat twice.
  4. This procedure can also be used to precede vinegar cleaning.

For electrical appliance

The electric kettle is very easy to use. Heats water quickly and almost silently, looks very aesthetically pleasing and modern. The impeccable appearance of such a teapot also requires internal cleanliness. Regular maintenance is especially necessary for heating elements. It is more convenient to clean a kettle with a disk heater than with a spiral one, reminiscent of a Soviet-era boiler. In addition, the first one is more durable and heats water faster. How to effectively descale an electric kettle? Which methods are suitable for devices made of different materials?

From glass

  1. Boil water with a couple of tablespoons of citric acid and the same amount of soda powder.
  2. Let it sit for up to 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off the natural acid-base composition.

Vinegar will help to successfully remove scale from a glass electric kettle. Everything is extremely simple: open the window, boil water and only after turning off the electrical appliance, pour two or three tablespoons of food vinegar into the boiling water, cover kitchen towel until completely cooled. Make sure it's shiny metal surface the heater did not darken. Rinse thoroughly with running water.

Made of stainless steel

  1. Pour a full kettle of water (standard capacity - 1.7 liters).
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and boil.
  3. After cooling, remove the white flakes with a soft washcloth.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.

A stainless steel kettle is less susceptible to the formation of limescale deposits. Nevertheless, a few more tips on how to quickly get rid of scale in a kettle made of this material will be useful. So, you can boil the brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes in a container. Cleaning with apple or grape vinegar is also recommended - pour a glass of the product into a boiled liter of water and leave for half an hour.

Made of ceramics

Beautiful painted ceramic teapots, although very durable, require careful and careful handling. There are no special recommendations for cleaning plaque, so choose one of the recipes suggested above.

Remember safety precautions when working with boiling water and cleaning agents. folk remedies. This is important because, according to reviews, ceramic teapots are quite heavy, retain heat for a very long time and have rather uncomfortable handles that get very hot.

Made of plastic

Such an electrical appliance is the cheapest, lightest and most unpretentious. It will be as good as new if you clean it with any product you have at hand. You can also try and evaluate a unique method: boil water with apple peelings in a saucepan, let it brew for a while and pour it into an electric kettle. After a couple of hours, pour the compote into the sink and rinse the cleaned dishes with water.

Advanced cases, if the plaque does not go away

You don't know how to remove heavy scale from your kettle? Advanced cases will be “cured” by the following method, consisting of six simple steps.

  1. Add three tablespoons of soda to a kettle of boiling water.
  2. After half an hour, boil again and pour out immediately.
  3. Take fresh water and now add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar.
  4. Boil the solution again and pour it out after half an hour.
  5. Remove the resulting loose mass with a soft sponge.
  6. Rinse well so that no vinegar smell remains.

Does the Coca-Cola method work?

Salt deposits of calcium and magnesium dissolve under the influence of citric, acetic, orthophosphoric acids. The latter - H3PO4 - is part of the popular drink Coca-Cola. To descale a kettle with Coca-Cola, you just need to pour 0.5 liters of the drink into the appliance (this is enough to completely cover the heater). In 15 minutes, soda will remove light deposits without boiling. You can consolidate the effect by boiling this sweet aromatic liquid in a kettle and at the end simply rinsing it well with water.

This unusual way Suitable for glass teapot. And for plastic, stainless steel and ceramics, avoid drinks with dyes, they can pigment the walls of the electrical appliance. Try boiling regular sparkling water.

Practice shows that The best way To remove lime deposits, descale the kettle with citric acid by boiling water with a couple of spoons of lemon juice. It turns out cleaner and cheaper than using Coca-Cola, and also without the pungent odor, as is the case with vinegar.

"Options" for scale

Interestingly, there are ways not only to remove scale from a kettle, but also to prevent its occurrence. To do this, you just need to select a device with additional “options”. Some models (though they are more expensive) have cleaning cartridges installed inside them that filter and heat the water at the same time. There are also teapots with gold-plated spirals, the function of which is to protect the part from hard deposits and corrosion. But the most “advanced” users recommend installing an electromagnetic water converter at home. So in one fell swoop you can solve all problems with increased water hardness and protect not only the kettle from scale, but also washing machine along with a water heating tank.


The water in our water supply has the unpleasant property of forming a limescale deposit in kettles, covering its walls and heating element with an untidy layer. How to descale an electric kettle without damaging it? Is it possible to somehow avoid the formation of this muck in the electric kettle and get rid of it forever?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove scale so that it stops forming. Water, even filtered and completely clean, still contains hardness salts. They are not found only in distilled water, but using it in everyday life is not only expensive, but also not at all useful. So the task of “cleaning an electric kettle from scale” is one that regularly arises for everyone who uses a kettle. It will not be possible to remove this necessity from the list of mandatory things to do.

Home remedies to descale your kettle

You can remove scale from an electric kettle different ways, and the worst of them is mechanical. That is, it is absolutely not worth scraping off limescale deposits with hard, sharp objects. This can completely ruin the kettle by damaging its body or heating element. Even if the layer of lime deposits has become thick, it should be removed gradually. Otherwise, you’ll just have to throw away your favorite electric kettle and buy a new one.

It is much more effective to remove scale using various chemical reagents that dissolve it or make the layer looser and more fragile.

Before you try to get rid of stubborn deposits by different means, the electric kettle needs to be thoroughly washed from the inside with a hard sponge (not metal!).

To easily clean the walls and spiral of the kettle from scale, you can use the following substances.

Citric acid or natural lemon juice

To do this, pour 80-100 g of citric acid inside a pre-washed kettle, add water to the top mark and turn on the device. When the water boils, you need to leave the acid solution until it cools completely, maybe even overnight. After this, the electric kettle must be cleaned of the loose grayish sediment formed under the influence of acid and pieces that have fallen off the walls. If necessary, if it was not possible to remove all the scale from the walls at one time, the procedure can be repeated.

If you don’t have citric acid on hand, but have fresh lemons, you just need to cut 2-3 lemons into slices along with the peel and boil them in an electric kettle. Lemon juice It can clean the kettle no worse than powdered acid, and at the same time it also aromatizes it.

Video: checking traditional methods of descaling

Vinegar, table vinegar, apple cider vinegar or diluted vinegar essence

For a regular electric kettle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters you will need 2 cups of 6% table vinegar, which must be topped up with water to the maximum level. To clean the kettle, vinegar needs to be boiled and left for several hours, just like citric acid. Just keep in mind: the smell of vinegar in the kitchen will be very strong. You can get rid of it later by intensive ventilation.

Very persistent, old scale deposits can be removed by combining Chemical properties acids and alkalis: vinegar and soda. To do this, you first need to boil a concentrated soda solution in a kettle. You will need about half a glass of powder per full kettle of water.

When the solution boils, drain it and fill the container with a strong solution of vinegar or citric acid. A violent reaction will begin with intense release of carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles help to destroy dense layers of sediment, and in this way you can clean the kettle even from old deposits. After all the scale has turned into a loose sediment, the kettle needs to be washed thoroughly.


You can get rid of scale very effectively by using Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta or other similar carbonated drinks as a solvent. They contain orthophosphoric acid, which helps remove even the most stubborn limescale deposits. You just need to pour the drink into the electric kettle and leave it for a couple of hours. You don't even need to boil it. Then all that remains is to treat the inner surface with a moderately hard washcloth or brush and rinse.

For white kettles, it is better to use colorless drinks to avoid staining the plastic.

Otherwise, you will then have to look for ways to clean your white electric kettle from colored traces of forfeit.

Oxalic acid

If you have oxalic acid on your household, it is also suitable for descaling. Instead of acid, you can place a large bunch of fresh sorrel inside the kettle - the effect will be the same, you just have to wait a little longer due to the lower concentration of acid.

Finally, you can visit the store household chemicals and buy there special means from scale. Their range is quite large. But you shouldn’t expect that the use of expensive special products will help you get rid of scale easier and faster than the methods described above. They all work almost equally effectively, and the more convenient it is to clean the electric kettle, everyone chooses according to their taste.

Video: getting rid of scale in an electric kettle

What can be done for prevention

Finally, a few tips for preventing scale formation.

  • Buy an electric kettle with a closed spiral or heating disk. They are much easier to care for than models with an open spiral. It will also be easier to remove the scale that appears.
  • Don't run your kettle too hard. It is better to remove a thin layer of scale once a month, simply by boiling a solution of citric acid, than to waste half a day off once a year to get rid of a thick layer of limescale that has covered the entire interior.
  • Use filtered water for boiling. This is healthier for both the teapot and your health.
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