How to poison cockroaches at home. How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever: effective remedies, how to poison cockroaches, methods of control and prevention. What is the best way to poison cockroaches in an apartment to quickly get rid of them

One appearance cockroach in the apartment causes a feeling of disgust. These insects spoil food, carry various infections - viruses and microbes. If pest control measures are not found out in time, they will quickly breed and populate the apartment with entire colonies. How to poison cockroaches in an apartment on your own, what folk and chemical preparations for cockroaches exist, is described in the article.

Causes and signs of the appearance of cockroaches

If at home, out of nowhere, harmful, unpleasant-looking insects appeared, you should immediately sound the alarm. The person himself can bring them - in a bag, with personal belongings and even in pockets of clothes. Cockroaches can be found in hospitals and clinics, with relatives and friends, in schools and even kindergartens. Insects are also able to get into the apartment from neighbors - through doors or ventilation.

Factors contributing to the rapid colonization of all human housing by pests:

  • Rare apartment cleaning
  • Greasy tables, unwashed dishes
  • Crumbs on the tables and the floor
  • Improper storage of products
  • Infrequent sink cleaning and trash removal

The harm from the presence of cockroaches is significant. They spoil food and electrical equipment, contaminate the table and dishes with excrement, and sometimes provoke various infectious diseases. Only cleanliness and regular cleaning can resist insects, but with a large number of them, even such measures will not cope with the misfortune.

Attention: Noticing one or a couple of insects, it is better to poison cockroaches immediately. In 14-30 days, they will lay many eggs and give birth to dozens of individuals, especially if a person’s housing seems suitable to them.

Signs of the presence of pests in the apartment

The main signs are:

  1. The appearance of black dots on various objects in the kitchen, including on the table and dishes.
  2. Strange bad smell, which reflects the colonization of the premises by insects.
  3. Finding egg clutches in secluded corners, especially behind cabinets in the kitchen.
  4. Direct meeting with the pest "face to face".

How to poison cockroaches?

If the infestation of housing harmful insects is very high, then the easiest way is to call SES specialists who use professional tools and equipment. You will also have to call the SES if many housemates also have such unpleasant "tenants".

With a moderate population, you might think about how to poison cockroaches in an apartment on your own. Now there are a number of insecticides and folk remedies that quite effectively destroy pests. There are several preparation tips for conducting the correct and efficient processing houses against cockroaches:

  1. Make cleaning in the apartment - wipe the dust, wash the floors, throw out the garbage, leftover food.
  2. Pack all products, toothbrushes, cosmetics, things in strong bags.
  3. If possible, hide the food in the refrigerator or on the balcony.
  4. Fix the taps so that they do not flow (cockroaches need water for life), wipe the sinks dry.
  5. Furniture and a refrigerator, if possible, move away from the walls.

During insect persecution chemical methods children and pets must be taken away from home, preferably for a few days. Allergic adults are also required to leave the premises.

Insecticides for cockroaches

At home, you can use many different chemicals insect poisons or insecticides. They are sold in any specialized store, which are usually found at SES or in private pest control firms. Aerosols are especially convenient to use - they do not need to be diluted with water, they have convenient nozzles that penetrate into the most inaccessible areas of the room. For liquid products, you will have to buy an additional spray bottle for spraying the apartment, but the efficiency of such solutions is generally higher.

Before using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions. It is necessary to spray the product in compliance with the measures to protect the body:

  • Put on a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage
  • Wear tight clothing or a special suit
  • Don't forget rubber gloves

Upon completion of the treatment, you should leave the room for at least 3 hours (it is advisable to leave for another more time). Then, upon returning home, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment, wipe the door handles and other surfaces with which the person will come into contact in the future with a rag. Particular attention should be paid to the processing of skirting boards, crevices, places under furniture, behind bedside tables. It makes no sense to carefully process the bedrooms - where there is no food and water, cockroaches do not live.

Tip: If the cockroaches did not die after the first treatment, it is better to carry out the procedure using another means. Perhaps the pests have already developed resistance to the previous drug.

Types of drugs from cockroaches

The most popular types of agents that can effectively poison insects are as follows (in addition to aerosols):

  1. Gels. Produced in the form of syringes, they can immediately be squeezed out on the surface in the room. Usually the instructions say to squeeze a little gel onto the baseboards, cabinets or walls behind the furniture. After a week or two, the pests will run away on their own, most of them will die. It is not necessary to leave the apartment after applying the gel, it is not harmful to humans.
  2. Traps. Small boxes for catching cockroaches inside contain an insecticide that penetrates into their body when touched, and after contact poisons their relatives. You can install such a trap anywhere in the house, even glue it to the wall. About effective traps from cockroaches.
  3. Houses. The house, in fact, is the same trap, but pests cannot crawl out of it. They stick their paws to the bottom or walls when they enter in the hope of profiting from delicious food. The houses are safe for humans, unlike those traps that contain insecticide.
  4. Electrical traps. After the pest visits this house, he receives a discharge of current, from which he immediately dies. Unfortunately, traps of this type cannot be used where children live.
  5. Crayons. They need to process ventilation, furniture or floors once a week, and in a month the pests will leave the apartment and die.
  6. liquid funds. These drugs are semi-professional and are sold only in special stores. They are diluted with water in the right concentration, after which the room is irrigated. Usually in a week, at most, all cockroaches in the apartment will die.

What are the most famous gels and aerosols?

In any supermarket or store for exterminators, gardeners, in the household department, you can find such remedies for cockroaches:

More details about folk remedies for cockroaches. Top 10 funds.

A popular method against pests is to destroy them with boric acid. There are two ways:

  1. Pure boric acid. Sprinkle boric acid powder on sinks, vents, baseboards, under bathtubs. On average, an apartment needs about 200 g of powder of this substance. Cockroaches will die upon contact with the product.
  2. Boric acid with the addition of eggs. How to poison cockroaches with boric acid and an egg, and why do you need to add a second ingredient? It turns out that pure boric acid powder for cockroaches is unpleasant in smell, and the egg beats off such a “flavor”. It is necessary to combine 50 g of acid in powder and 1 raw yolk, make balls one centimeter in size. After an hour, spread the balls in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Even when touching the balls, the insect dies.

How to use boric acid correctly and prevent reappearance cockroaches?

Interesting: Instead of egg yolk, boiled mashed potatoes, a little flour and powdered sugar with water can be added to boric acid powder.

Recipe with boric acid from cockroaches:

How to prevent the problem from reoccurring?

To prevent pests from settling again in the house, you need to follow a number of tips:

  • Clean up and take out the trash
  • Properly store food
  • Wipe down the sink, bath
  • Get rid of peeled corners of wallpaper, cracks in the floor, low-quality skirting boards
  • Ventilate the room regularly

You also need to be careful not to bring cockroaches with things from "dangerous" places where they probably live, and not give pests a second chance.

Need to know more folk recipes see in this video:

No matter how much humanity tries to fight cockroaches, the latter seem to be waging a desperate counter war, constantly multiplying with high speed and developing immunity to aggressive chemicals.

When cockroaches start up in a house, this is akin to a real disaster, therefore, the sooner the insects are detected, the sooner the process of their destruction begins, the more chances there are to get rid of red or black uninvited guests in the apartment.

Cockroaches are unpretentious insects, and for them there is no difference in where to settle - in a dirty apartment or with perfect cleanliness. The more reasonable the question becomes, where and why did they come from, if the house is always in order? However, the way barbs enter the house can be different:

  • from neighbors who already have too many cockroaches (through a garbage chute, pipes, cracks in the walls, ceiling or floor, ventilation, etc.);
  • from the same neighbors if they have recently poisoned these insects;
  • with goods brought from shops and especially markets (furniture, clothing, Appliances etc.);
  • with their own things from hotels;
  • from purchased things used by other people from their apartment, infested with cockroaches, etc.

There can be any reasons, and unsanitary conditions may have nothing to do with it, but if the cockroaches have already wound up, the questions “from where and why” fade into the background in their importance. The main thing now is to quickly decide how to get rid of uninvited mustachioed guests and who should poison cockroaches (the owners of the dwelling themselves or SES).

How to fight (without chemistry)

Today there are a lot of methods for dealing with cockroaches. Store shelves are replete with a variety of products that promise to get rid of barbels once and for all and, supposedly, absolutely without danger to human health and pets. Perhaps this is so, but you should not discount the special category of people who are especially harmful to exposure to chemistry. This group includes allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children. Yes, and in pets after such treatment of the apartment, health obviously will not increase.

If the house is clean, but water and food for cockroaches are always available, they will not leave this room. But as soon as it becomes impossible to get to food and drink, cockroaches will not last long here. However, it is not worth considering restoring and maintaining order as a measure of the destruction of cockroaches, because due to the special vitality of these barbels, it will take time for them to leave the premises, during which they will have time to breed to an even greater extent.

If there are pregnant women, children, allergies or pets in the house, do not put them at risk of poisoning or hope that an unpredictable reaction will not occur. For the destruction of cockroaches, there are ways that are harmless to any category of people and do not require their evacuation from the house for the duration of the persecution.

If there are children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers or animals in the house

Before proceeding with the destruction of cockroaches, it will be useful not only to carry out general cleaning, but also make cosmetic repairs: re-paste the wallpaper, repair all cracks and cracks, check and replace plumbing if necessary. Thus, it is possible to prevent the penetration of "new" insects into the apartment from the outside. And only then you can think about how to poison cockroaches.

After that, you can start the fight by choosing for this gentle and safe recipes for people and animals, presented by folk methods of getting rid of cockroaches:

  1. Boric acid in powder. Pour the product around the perimeter of each room, Special attention giving to bathrooms, dark corners, places behind furniture, etc. This drug can be easily bought at a pharmacy at a cheap price, it is harmless to people and animals. But when using boric acid, be sure to cut off access to water, otherwise the cockroaches will simply get warm and survive. The tool is very effective for weed.
  2. Boric acid baits. Here you can use both powder and liquid form. The acid is mixed with crushed potatoes, semolina or an egg (egg yolk). Then the mixture is rolled into tight balls and placed in places of accumulation and in bathrooms (under the sink, pipes, behind the toilet, etc.) and in the kitchen (behind the microwave, around the trash can, in the corners, behind the battery, etc.) . Cockroaches will be attracted by the smell of food, but they do not even have to taste it: just touch the poison, and the infected barbel will bring poison to their relatives. These balls will not provoke an allergy attack and will not harm a woman in any way during pregnancy, but it is still better to place them away from animals and children.
  3. Pyrethrum. A tool with a somewhat "chemical" name, but in fact - just an insecticidal powder from crushed chamomile flowers. It can be used both in an apartment building and in a private house. Feverfew is mixed with food in the same way as boric acid, balls are rolled up and placed around the house in the right places.
  4. Freezing. safe way, but you will need to take people and pets out of the house (although the latter can sometimes survive this) for several hours.
  5. Insecticide traps. Not really folk way, but with a small number of cockroaches it can help, provided that there are a lot of such devices. The contents of such a trap will lure insects and safely "stick" them thanks to a sticky base or poison them with poisonous contents.
  6. Poison baits. Safe for allergy sufferers (if there is no contact with poison) and for pregnant women. Bowls with food poisoned with insecticide are placed around the apartment, attracting cockroaches. But there is a minus: in the same way, they can attract pets (any cat or dog will be interested in the contents of the dish, considering its contents as a treat) and children (elementary curiosity and a desire to taste will play).

If there are no animals that are sensitive and susceptible to poisoning people in the house, it is better not to waste time experimenting with folk methods, but to resort to more effective measures- persecution of cockroaches with chemical insecticides.

When there is no certainty that it will be possible to cope with cockroaches on your own, or there is simply no desire to take risks, you can always call for help from the staff of the sanitary and epidemiological station, who will quickly do everything right and at a high level.

SES actions when baiting cockroaches in a residential area

Contacting the SES is the most faithful and fast way even in large numbers. It will be either very difficult or not realistic at all to achieve such an effect on your own at home, because only professionals understand to the smallest detail both the methods and the preparations that will give best result in each individual case:

  • the secret services have in their arsenal such powerful tools that cannot be found in any of the city's shops;
  • it is better for professionals to know the “habits” of insects (where they hide, where they could come from, how to get them, etc.), depending on which subsequent actions will be carried out;
  • in case of detection of infection of the whole house or several apartments and at the same time the neighbors stubbornly refuse to carry out joint processing, only SES can carry out disinfestation forcibly.

Calling the sanitary and epidemiological station is a paid service, but it guarantees the long-awaited peace and life without insects in the house. If you need a second call, it is usually already free (but depends on the decency of each individual company).

However, SES leaves for private apartments only in especially neglected cases, for example, if an apartment building, hostel, etc. is infected.

What to do before the arrival of the SES

Employees of special services for removing insects should come to an already prepared apartment. Their duties include only processing, and the actions preceding it are already on the conscience of the owners. And it’s good if neighbors from infected apartments voluntarily join this. What need to do:

  • hermetically pack food, dishes, hygiene products, etc., or take it all out of the house;
  • to clean up;
  • move all furniture away from the walls (same as with);
  • remove all household members and pets from the house.

After all these actions, the professionals who arrived on call will be able to get to work without delay and quickly exterminate the cockroaches.

SES services

Workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station negotiate in advance with the residents of the infected residential premises the method of treatment. This may be the usual use of insecticides, but the most effective are hot or cold mist, acting with the guarantee that insects are unlikely to return to the house in the near future:

  • Cold fog. During processing, insecticides are split to the smallest microdroplets, which allows the drug to better penetrate into the most inaccessible places and even into very small cracks and cracks.

  • Hot mist. Even more efficient technology, covering during processing much large area than cold fog. The active split and heated substance reaches a state similar to a gas and penetrates literally everywhere. Cockroaches after such an "attack" have no chance of survival. After this event, the apartment should not be ventilated for another 2 hours to give the crushed particles of the chemical time to settle (and with hot fog this does not happen immediately). After this time, you can open the windows and clean the apartment.

Destruction of cockroaches in offices and shops

Self-treatment of cockroaches in institutions (any catering point, store, etc.), as well as in the office and at the enterprise, is not always possible. Due to the fact that many insecticides have a pungent odor and require the evacuation of people, these methods are not suitable, because it is simply impossible to stop the work of many institutions.

Therefore, in order not to scare away customers with a clear smell of insecticides and not to arouse suspicion of uncleanliness, and also so that store products are not saturated with chemical “aromas”, it would be advisable to call the same SES. The service goes to enterprises and institutions first of all, rather than to private apartments, so there should be no problems.

The arriving crew usually treats such large (comparatively) areas with predominantly hot or cold fog, which is much faster and more efficient than other methods.

In any case, wherever the event for the destruction of cockroaches is held, it is important to first block all possible ways for insects to penetrate inside, and only then, in an already “isolated” room, begin to get rid of them. At the same time, it is important to understand: no one, even the SES, will guarantee that it will work out forever. These adapted to survive in different conditions insects at any moment can return again, as if from nowhere.

At the moment, there are a fairly large number of various methods that will make the destruction of "uninvited" guests a very successful business. In this article, we will analyze how to poison cockroaches at home is best to get rid of pests once and for all.

First, we propose to deal with the reasons, after which it will be possible to declare war on them.

Is it possible to carry out pest control at home correctly, without the intervention of specialized teams or the use of strong chemicals? Yes! Below is a list of the most available funds For independent solution problems with cockroaches in an apartment or a private house.

Traditional means

You should start with very popular insecticides in the form of aerosols. The modern market offers its consumer a large list of excellent sprays that qualitatively destroy pests in almost any room.

The advantages of such aerosols are obvious:

  • Ease of use;
  • High efficiency;
  • Relatively affordable price;
  • Great variety on the market.

When once again the question arises of how to poison cockroaches in an apartment on your own, it is these aerosols that come to mind first.

The most popular and effective representatives of this product group are:

  • Raptor;
  • raid;
  • GETT;
  • Delia and others.

The main thing in this case pick up a spray and start using it actively. It is advisable to carry out baiting of cockroaches in protective gloves to minimize negative impact on the skin. The only disadvantage of such pest control is the relatively rapid consumption of the corresponding aerosol. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to change the cylinders.

Factory "chips"

If a person does not know what is the best way to poison cockroaches in an apartment or house, then he should use some factory tools.

The most popular include:

  • Various gels (for example,);
  • Poisoned baits;
  • Traps for cockroaches and other analogues.

All these devices can help get rid of cockroaches forever. The main thing is to follow the instructions for their use. Basically, it is necessary to place poisoned products and traps in places where the Prussians are potentially most concentrated.

Thus, it will be possible to cause maximum damage to the pest colony. The manufacturers of the respective substances are about the same as the sprays, so the average consumer should not have any problems purchasing a cockroach remedy.

How to poison cockroaches at home according to folk recipes?

But what to do if there is no desire to use a variety of "chemistry" - how to poison cockroaches in an apartment? Despite all the effectiveness, ease of use and safety of all modern cockroach sprays, many people try to avoid these products. They give preference to those who practiced many years ago.

most justified folk remedies currently remain:

  • . This method is especially popular among students who do not want to spend a lot of money, but want to forget about the cockroach problem forever. By itself, boric acid is a powerful nerve poison for insects. However, they need to eat it. The substance has no smell, but looks like a regular white powder. In this form, it does not attract the Prussians, so boric acid is added to specially prepared balls and "cakes". To create them, improvised products are used. Most often it is flour, sugar, chicken eggs, boiled potatoes and the like. The main thing is to create something like dough and make poisonous baits. It is necessary to arrange poison in places of potential accumulation of cockroaches. A similar end result can be achieved by simply sprinkling boric acid along baseboards, near a trash can or toilet. When it gets on the paws of insects, the poison then penetrates the digestive tract. The cockroach, cleaning its legs, swallows the crystals of the substance.
  • Use of deterrents. The most popular in this case remains ammonia. It has a powerful scent that repels cockroaches. It is added to water while washing floors. Such cleaning helps to reduce the pest population. However, not by destroying them, but by scaring them away. Cockroaches can run away to any nearby premises. That is why neighbors are often not happy with such a “gift” from other residents of the house.
  • Turpentine and kerosene are repellents that are rarely used. The fact is that their smell can make not only insects run away, but also people. However, this method remains really effective.

As you can see, to solve the problem of how to poison cockroaches, a person always has a lot of options. The main thing is to choose the most suitable in a particular case. If there is no desire or no result from all attempts made, you can call a specialized team. An insecticidal service will be able to eradicate cockroaches in any room, however, it will cost accordingly.

Electrical appliances in the fight against the Prussians

In addition to traditional sprays and folk methods of dealing with cockroaches, there is also whole line electric, which demonstrate good end results. On modern market You can find a huge number of different devices, however, not all of them are effective.

Conventionally, all of them should be divided into:

  1. Fumigators;
  2. Devices generating ultrasound;
  3. Electromagnetic repellers.

The first group consists of small devices for home use. The mechanism of action of fumigators is to heat the appropriate insecticide and evaporate it. Thus, it is possible to cover a fairly large area. Exist different models using different preparations against cockroaches. Nevertheless, the idea is the same - along with smoke, poisonous gas for insects spreads through the apartment or house, gradually destroying the pests.

Ultrasonic repellers are on the market a large number various models. The mechanism of action of these devices is based on generating sound high frequency, which should scare away cockroaches. In practice, it is clear that the effectiveness of such a struggle very often leaves much to be desired, therefore it is not always worth trusting colorful advertising for the home extermination of the Prussians. In addition, the price of such devices often "bites".

Electromagnetic repellers are somewhat reminiscent of ultrasonic counterparts. They often look almost the same, only the mechanism of action is slightly different. In this case, the main emphasis is on generating a strong electromagnetic field, which affects nervous system cockroaches and causes them a number of unpleasant sensations that make them leave their homes. Such devices also have a number of disadvantages and are unlikely to ever be able to completely displace classical insecticides from the market.

Or the apartment can be quite varied. What kind of method of destruction or scaring off the Prussians a person chooses depends only on himself and his financial capabilities.

The results of using the fumigator can be seen in this video:

  1. Black dots. If on the dishes kitchen shelves, small dark balls appeared, alas, they were left by cockroaches. This is what their products look like.
  2. Specific smell.
  3. Clutches with eggs in corners and crevices. If you find them, you can, of course, be glad that your apartment has officially received the status of "cockroach-friendly", but this also means that the insects will have to be removed twice. First, the main number of pests will be destroyed, then the hatched offspring.
  4. A personal meeting. Cockroaches are curious and sociable creatures, therefore, if you do not pay attention to the alarm bells described above, sooner or later they themselves will make contact. Most often, black (up to 3 cm in length, kitchen) or red (up to 1.3 cm in length, Prussians) cockroaches start up in houses.

Why did they come to you

  1. You have a lot of delicious food. Cockroaches also love to eat. Only if you are eating sandwiches in front of the computer, they are content with little: leftover crumbs. And they also have enough open garbage bags or buckwheat scattered in the kitchen drawer.
  2. You have plenty of water available. A good lunch is a must. Therefore, puddles at the sink and a leaky shower cabin will come in handy.
  3. Your neighbors have plenty of food and water. No matter how hard you try to exterminate pests, all efforts can be broken by the stubbornness of your dirty neighbors. If you can’t agree with them, it’s enough to seal your own home: eliminate cracks and cracks.

Effective remedies for cockroaches

Folk methods

Boric acid for cockroaches is the strongest poison. Getting into the digestive tract of an insect, it affects its nervous system. paralyzes and dies of suffocation. It is best to use boric acid in powder, you can buy it at any pharmacy.

  • Sprinkle the powder along cockroach paths: along baseboards, at watering places (toilet, sink, shower). He will settle on the paws of an insect, and when the cockroach starts to clean them, he will fall into the stomach.
  • Make delicious baits: mix mashed potatoes, egg yolk, sugar or flour with boric acid and roll the resulting mass into balls. Spread them out wherever malicious barbels can run.

Ammonia It has a strong smell that cockroaches don't like. Therefore, they tend to leave the premises treated with this substance as soon as possible. To get rid of cockroaches, add ammonia to your water to clean floors, shelves, walls, and ceilings.

Freezing. Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures. They cease to multiply and weaken at temperatures below +7 °C. However, this method can only be applied in winter, preferably in hard frost. It is enough just to leave the windows wide open for a day (or better for two). It is necessary that all rooms freeze to -10-15 °C.

Trap will help if there are not so many cockroaches. It can be made at home. A jar with a wide neck, a deep enameled or glass bowl, grease the inside with oil, fat or petroleum jelly, and crumble the bait on the bottom: cookies, bread, sugar. Insects will be drawn to the smell of delicious, and then they will not be able to get out. Can also be used as a hazardous container plastic bottle: cut off the neck and, turning it over, insert it back like a funnel.

Leave the trap overnight in the kitchen or bathroom, and be sure to kill the pests in the morning. They can be poured with boiling water or sprayed with insecticide.


The market is rich in various specialized products: from sprays and crayons to nanotechnology lamps and traps. The main thing when working with such things is to carefully follow the instructions and do not forget about gloves and a protective mask.

How to get rid of cockroaches forever

If you live in a private house, it will be enough to thoroughly poison the insects once, and then take them regularly preventive measures so that insects do not come to visit in the future.

But if you are a happy homeowner in apartment building, without actions coordinated with the neighbors is indispensable. Agree with all residents and carry out pest control at the same time. Otherwise, it may happen that a cockroach landing from another floor will again and again enter your neutralized apartment.

Preventive measures

  1. Keep order at home. For the destruction of pests, one single cleaning is not enough, it is necessary to clean it regularly. Store food in airtight containers, remove crumbs from the table, and keep an eye on areas where pets eat. It would be nice to have a review. kitchen drawers for scattered cereals. It is advisable to wash the dishes immediately after eating, and not store them in the sink with the remnants of the meal inside.
  2. Take out the trash. Do not keep trash in a cabinet under the sink or store overflowing bags at front door. Get in the habit of regularly walking to the garbage cans (or the garbage chute), and put a container with an airtight lid in the kitchen.
  3. Fix leaks promptly. While cockroaches can survive for weeks without food, they cannot survive even a day without water. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check potential dangerous places(toilet bowl, sinks, pipe joints) for leaks. In addition, do not forget to dry the surfaces in the bathroom after active bathing. Well, it’s better not to abuse the sailor’s way of washing floors (this is when a bucket of water is poured onto the deck at once).
  4. Repair cracks. If your neighbors are not clean, take care of the impregnability of your apartment. Examine the walls, ceiling, corners of the room: perhaps there are. They deserve to be patched up. A ventilation holes cover with a special fine mesh through which insects cannot crawl.

Are you worried about mustachioed pests? How do you protect your apartment from cockroaches? Share your tips in the comments.

The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment can forever change a person's life, if you do not start fighting them. One can only dream of comfortable living conditions, since they can be found everywhere, both in rooms and in the kitchen, among food supplies, which negatively affects the appetite of all family members. Just the thought that cockroaches have visited some products and left traces of vital activity behind them is confusing. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is how to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood in your own apartment.

As a rule, the maximum effect in the confrontation can be obtained if you use a whole range of measures and means. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors in order to select funds for a particular case. In this regard, it should be noted that it is necessary to have at least some idea of ​​the availability of effective drugs.

The question of why cockroaches appear in the apartment worries many owners. As a rule, these unpleasant insects appear where there is something to profit from. dark time days and where they do not adhere sanitary norms. Although there are cases of penetration of such insects into apartments with perfect order. That's why:

  • Cockroaches may appear in a dwelling due to the fact that they started fighting with them in a neighboring apartment and they are looking for more comfortable living conditions.
  • If you leave unwashed dishes in the sink "for later", then there is high probability that such a habit will interest cockroaches.
  • If you leave leftover food, crumbs or spilled tea on the table, then this will not go unnoticed by insects.
  • Cockroaches can get into an apartment with used furniture purchased from other owners.

What you need to know:

  • At first, when cockroaches have just entered the apartment, it is rather difficult to notice them, especially since they prefer to go hunting at night. If the living conditions for them are optimal, then they begin to actively multiply. When small cockroaches already appear, and there will be many of them, it will not be difficult to notice them. They will be almost everywhere, especially in kitchen furniture where food is located. If you sharply open the box, even during the day, you can immediately see them on the walls of the boxes or in their corners, where they hide.
  • If you do not fight them, but hope that they themselves will leave the apartment, then you can soon regret this. Since they have already begun to breed in the apartment, it means they liked it and leave it just like that, they are not going to.
  • If too many of them are divorced, as evidenced by the traces of their active life, then it will be much more difficult to cope with them, and without chemicals struggle is unlikely to be dispensed with.

Is it possible to get rid of these annoying insects Once and for all? Of course you can, but for this you will have to try hard. Firstly, you will have to analyze the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment in order to approach the solution of the problem in a comprehensive manner. Most the best option is the simultaneous fight against insects in different apartments, otherwise they will run to the neighbors, and then they can return back. But if you deal with the reasons and create uncomfortable conditions for cockroaches, then they are unlikely to want to return to their homes again. That's why:

  • It is necessary to determine in what ways the insects managed to enter the apartment in order to deprive them of such an opportunity.
  • If gaps are found in various places apartments, measures must be taken to seal them.
  • Do not leave any food or water for cockroaches, which is very important for their existence. It is necessary to tightly close the trash can and remove garbage from it in a timely manner. After eating, their remains are carefully removed.
  • Before use, it is better to do a general cleaning in order to look into all hard-to-reach places, removing the remnants of cereals, flour, sugar and other products.
  • Faucets must not leak. Even small drops can serve as a source of moisture for cockroaches.
  • After cleaning and other activities carried out, it will be possible to save cockroaches from the opportunity to receive water and food, which will create unacceptable living conditions for them. In this case, they will begin to look for new, more favorable habitats.
  • It is possible to carry out several treatments for greater efficiency. The number of treatments depends on many factors, including integrated approach. If you approach the solution of the problem with all seriousness, then you can get rid of insects at a time.

When there are a lot of cockroaches, then this is a reason to contact the SES. Specialists first of all should pay attention to attics and basements. As a rule, first of all, insects appear in such places and their nests are located here.

Chemicals used against cockroaches are available in the form of:

  • Aerosols.
  • liquids.
  • Tablets.
  • powder.
  • Insecticide sticks.
  • concentrated emulsions.

Cockroaches die from various substances. Sellers of similar goods will help you choose a remedy for a particular case. At the same time, it is necessary to lay out all the information about who lives in the apartment and whether there are children or pets. Quite often, the use of chemicals is undesirable for a number of reasons, so folk remedies and preventive measures will have to be dispensed with.

This drug, which has a pleasant smell, has a detrimental effect on adult cockroaches. Powder white color, packaged in bags, weighing 10 grams. Surface treatment is carried out with a solution prepared on the basis of this powder. In addition to the powder, Fas gel is sold, which has a long duration of action.

The composition of the preparations includes thiamethoxin and pyrethroid. In addition, apply special additives facilitating the preparation of the working solution.

The drug is poisonous and if it enters the stomach can cause poisoning, so the use of the drug should be carried out in protective clothing, respirator, goggles, etc.

Unfortunately, the drug is powerless against cockroach eggs, so it is better to carry out the treatment several times.

It is in great demand because aerosols are convenient to use. The drug is of the middle class of toxicity, not expensive, but effective. The substance is applied to the surface in those places where an accumulation of such insects is found. Sometimes one treatment is enough to feel a tangible effect. You will have to pay about 50 rubles for an aerosol can.

Modern "Dichlorvos" is not the drug that was produced 30 years ago. The modern spray contains two active ingredients - permethrin and cypermethrin, as well as amephatic carbohydrates, preservatives and auxiliary components. Pyrethroids are drugs of the middle class of toxicity, but this is quite enough for the destruction of insects.

The composition of the aerosol includes another toxic substance - pineronyl butoxide, which is dangerous to humans. In this regard, the use of "Dichlorvos" requires compliance with security measures.

For effective fight first of all, you need to destroy the nests of insects, as well as process the places where pests accumulate. It is possible to use "Dichlorvos" and long-acting agents, such as insecticidal gels, which allows you to permanently get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood in the apartment. In this case, the processing can be repeated.

Pencil is often bought by apartment owners, as it is quite convenient to use it. The tool acts quickly enough, and the pests die in a short period of time. At the same time, they begin to crawl out of their shelters after 15-20 minutes. The remedy is valid for about 9 days, after which the treatment can be repeated.

The pencil consists of active ingredients such as zetacypermethrin and deltacypermethrin. It is considered a drug of the 4th class of toxicity, while it has a minimal effect on humans and animals. The main advantage of the pencil lies in the versatility of its application. With a pencil, you can draw lines on any surface, both horizontal and vertical.

The gel contains an active ingredient called fipronil and is considered very effective against cockroaches. Insects begin to die 8 hours after contact with the drug. For people and pets, the substance does not pose a great danger, but this does not mean at all that safety measures should not be observed when using it. It is also convenient to use, since the drug is placed in a convenient tube with a spout, in the form of a syringe. This makes it easy to apply the substance to hard-to-reach places. In addition, the drug is inexpensive. For one tube, weighing 20 grams, it is enough to pay 50 rubles.

At the same time, you need to know that with the frequent use of Dohlox-gel, cockroaches begin to get used to it. Therefore, to ensure the destruction of these unpleasant insects, Dohlox-gel should be alternated with other drugs.

The composition of such an insecticidal preparation includes alphacypermethrin and diazinon. White powder actively destroys adults for a maximum of two days. The drug shows its activity for about 2 months. A package weighing 30 grams costs about 50 rubles.

Feverfew Powder

This powder is considered safe for both humans and animals. The basis of the drug is a special kind of chamomile. For the destruction of cockroaches, it is enough to scatter this powder in places of the greatest accumulation of insects. This drug, created on the basis of natural ingredients, is not always commercially available. Cockroaches disappear gradually, so you should not expect them to disappear quickly.

The fight against cockroaches based on folk methods is considered the most acceptable, especially if children, animals and sick people live in the apartment, especially those prone to allergies. Therefore, most owners prefer folk recipes.

Recipe based on boric acid.

  • To prepare the current composition, you need to take 5 grams of boric acid and combine it with boiled egg yolk, adding a little water. After that, you need to roll balls, with a diameter of about 1 cm.
  • To make the bait more attractive, flour, powdered sugar, boiled potatoes are added to the composition.
  • The balls are placed in plastic caps and placed in the places where cockroaches are most concentrated.
  • Cockroaches do not die immediately, but in a few weeks only memories will remain of them.
  • For the operation to be successful, it is necessary to check that there is no access to water anywhere.

For those who do not want to mess with various solutions, a simple but effective trap. To make it, you need to take:

  • Liter jar and lubricate it from the inside with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil, and at the bottom put a piece of bread soaked in milk or kefir, as well as another drug that cockroaches will not refuse.
  • The jar is installed in the kitchen in the place where these insects mainly appear.
  • In the morning, the bank will be filled with adults and their little children.

The use of ammonia

Cockroaches cannot stand strong smells, especially the smell of ammonia, so ammonia will make them look for another, more suitable place to live.

First of all, you need to prepare a working solution. To do this, take one part of water and 5 parts of ammonia, after which they are combined together and thoroughly stirred.

If you deprive insects of the conditions for their active life, then you can be sure that after they appear in the apartment, they themselves will leave in search of more comfortable conditions. As a rule, cockroaches appear in unsanitary conditions and this is a fact that does not require any proof. Although it is not a fact that they cannot appear and in enough clean apartments. In this case, you still need to analyze how clean this apartment really is.

If cockroaches appear in your home, you should not immediately run to the store to purchase an effective remedy of chemical origin. First you need to analyze everything, perhaps it will be enough folk recipes and preventive measures for these unpleasant insects to leave the apartment.

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