The use of plasticizer for plaster walls. Plaster mortar: composition and preparation. What cement and sand is better to use

Cement-sand mortar, which is used to level walls and prepare for finishing, has many advantages.

Being budget option for repair work, it can even serve as a finishing coat for exterior walls. In order to properly perform plastering, it is necessary to study the composition of the cement mortar for plastering walls and find out how to prepare a cement-sand mortar for plastering walls with your own hands.

A little about the mixture

Today we will not only find out everything about the cement mortar for wall plastering, the proportions of its manufacture and the characteristics of the material, but also get acquainted with other popular plaster solutions. First of all, it is worth noting that plaster solutions are necessary for leveling the bases, their preparation both inside the house and outside. At the same time, for the street, the mixture should be moisture-resistant, frost-resistant and resistant to a sharp temperature drop, and for the indoors, plastic and environmentally friendly.

Plastering is possible on concrete, wooden, metal bases, as well as plasterboard, foam concrete or brick. In this case, one should start from the features of the base and their adhesion with the solution. In the table you can see the most popular combinations of mixtures for surface treatment and their proportions in parts:

Cement plaster is commonly used for wet rooms, facade, basement and foundation part on which the house stands. Various additives improve the characteristics of the material and make it insulating. A simple recipe for self-preparation and ease of application makes it possible to process more area. In addition, you can mechanize the process of spraying on the wall.

Important! The cost of acquiring components and self-cooking solutions will be minimal.

Mixing mortar on plaster (video)

Preparing the mixture

Self-manufacturing cement plaster consists in mixing all the necessary components and adding plasticizers to improve the quality of the mixture. The use of sand as an aggregate is traditional. Such a solution acquires the properties of strength and resistance to cracking, which is so necessary for the surface.

Important! All ingredients are important for the mixture, so when choosing a cement, start from its brand. Higher brand - better strength.

Let's find out how to make a cement mortar for self-plastering walls and learn tips from professionals:

  • The novice master has no idea what the brands of cement mean. Therefore, when choosing them, start from the specifics of your work. At ordinary plaster M400 is suitable for walls, for workspaces, garages and where you need to save money, choose M300, but for the basement of a building and places with high humidity, you should buy Portland cement M500
  • The mixture begins to dry already 10-15 minutes after application to the base, so you should not hesitate when spraying and smoothing. In order to completely dry the plaster will take from 10 to 12 hours. If you want to maximize the strength of the plastered wall, then you will need to exclude all additional finishes and mechanical influences for about a month.
  • It is necessary to choose the correct sand fraction for cement mortar - it can be from 0.2 to 0.5 mm and from 0.5-2 mm. Make sure that there is no organic matter in the sand, otherwise it will cause a rotting process in the future.

Table of proportions depending on the brand of cement:

Grades of cement Mortar grades
200 150 100 75 50
300 - 1:2,5:0,1 1:3,5:0,2 1:4:0,3 1:6:0,6
400 1:2,5:0,1 1:3:0,2 1:4,5:0,4 1:5,5:0,5 1:8:0,9
500 1:3:0,2 1:4:0,3 1:5,5:0,5 1:7:0,8 -

Important! Using online calculator it will be easier for you to calculate right amount mixtures for wall surface treatment. And with the help of the video, every beginner will learn the sequence of mixing the plaster.

Most people are interested in how long cement plaster will dry on a wall? First of all, the drying process depends on the temperature. environment- For interior spaces it is forbidden to use artificial drying and allow drafts. External walls will take approximately 24 hours to dry, but the strength indicators will gain strength in about a month after finishing. In what sequence to prepare cement plasters and how to make the right mortar yourself:

  1. The main components in dry form must be taken in equal proportions, after which it is good to mix them together
  2. To improve the quality of the plaster, it is necessary to sift the resulting mixture through a sieve.
  3. At the next stage, water is added to the mixture - the resulting solution should be homogeneous
  4. Cement plasters are not plastic, so there is one trick in which washing liquids are added to plasters at the rate of 30-50 ml per 5 liters of water

Plastering process

For high-quality repair work, you should have at least minimal plastering skills. Therefore, let's look at the features of plastering walls with cement mortar along beacons:

  • For rooms, for example, for a bathroom where you need to glue tiles, you need to achieve an ideal smooth walls beacons should be used. The cost of such work will be slightly higher, as it will require the purchase of metal beacons
  • First of all, it is necessary to install extreme beacons, which will be located at a distance of about 20-25 cm from the corner of the room. The strips should be fixed with plaster mortar cakes, which are 40 cm apart
  • The next beacon made of metal is pressed tightly against the guides and checked by the building level. Coming between vertical stripes a fishing line or rope is pulled, thanks to which the subsequent beacons are secured
  • Don't forget to use a small bucket to spray the mortar - more experienced craftsmen spatulas are used for this, with which you can immediately level the surface
  • After processing the entire surface, allow it to dry, and then remove the metal beacons. They should be picked out only after the solution has set. The resulting voids should be plastered finishing putty or plaster for leveling
  • When plastering brick walls it is good to use a reinforcing mesh with cement mortar, which is fixed with cement mortar. The liquid should be of a thick consistency. For one square meter at least 8 fixation points must be applied

Important! At quality alignment the wall will last more than one year, it will not crack and crumble.

Mechanical alignment options

For those who are not confident in their ability to plaster with cement mixtures, they are interested in how mechanized plastering cement walls sand mortar And what is the price for this work. It should be noted right away that many craftsmen charge for 1m2 of area, and total amount depends on the area of ​​the whole room.

The machine method of surface finishing significantly speeds up the speed of all repairs. The elastic solution is thrown onto the wall with a hopper - it makes it possible to increase productivity. The table shows the average prices for professional plaster:

Name Prices per m2
Plaster without mesh From 450 rubles
Plaster on the grid From 550 rubles
arched slopes From 660 rubles per linear meter
Plastering of wall surfaces on lighthouses

Plastering walls is no easy task. The quality of the finishing of the walls directly depends on it. If you decide to do this work with your own hands, then we will tell you how to prepare a mortar for plaster, the proportions in which must be strictly observed. Otherwise, you can get not a smooth, even and durable surface, but a loose, porous layer of mortar, ready to fall off at any moment.

In the article we will answer questions about the composition and proportions of the mixture based on various components, we will talk about the requirements for mortars for plaster, as well as about the types of various modifying additives.

Buy ready mix or make your own

In this matter, the main role is played by the finishing area, as well as the physical and financial capabilities of the owners.

  • Ready plaster mix.

The composition, in addition to the main selected and high-quality components (cement, sand), includes many special additives - modifiers, plasticizers that improve the working and operational qualities of the plaster.

But the price of such a mixture is much higher than that of a do-it-yourself solution. Therefore, it is unprofitable to use ready-made plaster on a large area. But if you need to finish a small surface, then it is better to purchase a ready-made composition. You don’t have to buy all the components separately, charge the mortar mixer, and it will take less time.

  • Do-it-yourself plaster mixture.

When you have to finish a large brick or foam block house, then to reduce the cost of work, the owners usually prefer to prepare the plaster mixture on their own. Cement, sand are bought, a small mortar mixer is installed, and little by little, in portions, a solution is prepared.

In this case, you have to work with your hands and spend some amount of personal time. But as they say, "your work does not count."

When working independently, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the mortar for wall plastering, otherwise there is a risk of reworking all the work already at the application stage. Even worse, if a low-quality solution begins to fall off at the stage of finishing, fine finishing.

It is possible to correct such a marriage only with the complete removal of the applied plaster and replacing it with a new layer. And this, as you know, additional and considerable expenses.

Types of cement mortar, requirements, proportions

There are few types of mixtures, but each requires separate consideration, as it has its own unique characteristics. They differ in the presence of various additional components in the solution.

So, the plaster mixture can be:

Used for leveling and finishing. Such a mixture is compatible with any rough surfaces, except for concrete, due to weak adhesion to the latter.

This mixture is mainly used for rough plaster; for finishing, sand of a very fine fraction is needed. The mixture remains "alive" for an hour, after which technical specifications get worse.

  • Lime-cement.

Used for finishing brick or concrete surfaces. Lime gives the solution plasticity, which facilitates its application and stretching. It also increases the vapor permeability and strength of the solution, extends the "survivability" of the mixture up to 3 hours.

In addition, lime has bactericidal properties, on walls covered with lime mortar, mold will never form, fungus and microorganisms will not appear. But the proportions lime mortar for plaster must be observed, in order to avoid the appearance of lime stains on the walls.

Lime "efflorescence" will bring a lot of trouble when finishing, since not all paints or putties are compatible with this material.

  • Gypsum-cement.

It is applied to the improved plaster of walls. Gives an even, durable layer that can be easily sanded. It sets quickly, so it is not recommended to prepare a large amount of solution at once.

If it is necessary to prepare a lot of mortar, then set retarders are used to extend the "life" plaster mixture. They are already present in ready-made mixtures.

Important! In mixtures prepared independently, depending on the air temperature, the type and quality of the surface, the type of room, it is necessary to add special components. Properly selected mineral fillers, polymeric additives or plasticizers will make the solution more plastic, frost- or heat-resistant, enhance adhesive and astringent properties.

Cement-sand and lime mortars are used for interior or exterior walls (see How exterior walls are plastered) exposed to moisture, gypsum-cement mixtures are used only for internal works in dry rooms.

Requirements for the components of the solution

The composition of any plaster solution includes three main components: cement, sand and water. The strength and durability of the applied layer, as well as the quality of grinding and subsequent finishing, directly depend on their quality.


  1. Cement.

  • This is a binder component that plays a major role in the formation and hardening of the solution, giving the mixture strength and water resistance.
  • The proportions for the preparation of the plaster mortar are standard. it is recommended to use Portland cement or Portland slag cement at least M300.
  • It depends on the brand what proportions of cement and sand for plastering will need to be taken: the higher the brand, the more parts of sand need to be added per unit of cement.
  • This material also has a shelf life, the fresher the cement, the better performance. It is advisable to purchase it in paper bags and store it in a dry place.

Cement is not afraid of frost, but from high humidity the hardening process can begin right in the package.

  1. Sand.

This material is the filler of the plaster mixture, it determines the strength, weight, thermal conductivity and density of the solution.

  • When interacting with cement, sand creates a monolithic layer with the properties of solid rock.
  • For rough plaster, fine-grained ravine sand is taken, in which a small presence of clay is allowed.
  • If there is a lot of impurities, then the solution is able to settle and delaminate. It will have to be constantly mixed, and it is still difficult to work with it, as the ability of the mixture to stick and level is reduced.

For an improved layer, river sand is best - or ordinary, but clean, sifted through a fine sieve, washed from impurities. And again, we must not forget about the proportions - cement-lime plaster will turn out more High Quality if the sand in it does not contain clay impurities, and the amount of filler does not exceed the required volume.

  1. Water.

  • The liquid for the solution must be clean, free of oil impurities, various organic and chemical contaminants, debris.
  • All impurities after evaporation of the liquid will remain in solution and can significantly affect the quality of further finishing.
  • Oil stains will show through the plaster or wallpaper, the paint will peel off in this place. The same can happen from the presence of chemical impurities. Therefore, experts recommend using clean, better drinking water.
  • When mixing with water, the cement setting process begins in the plaster mixture, therefore, after kneading, the solution must be worked out within 1 hour.

Longer storage of the mixture reduces specifications material, and complicates the work.

Proportions of components for different types of solution

Any instruction requires strictly observing the proportions of cement and sand for wall plastering, so that the work is quick and pleasant, and the result is pleasing with strength and reliability.

If there are no plasticizing additives, then to improve the plastic properties of the solution, the masters advise adding a little neutral liquid soap or soap solution:

  • In the cement-sand mixture, the composition of the main components should be as follows:
Grade of cement Cement/sand, parts Produced brand of solution
M3001/3,5 M100
1/2,5 M150
M4001/4,5 M100
1/3 M150
M5001/5,5 M100
1/4 M150

Water is added to the mixture gradually, with constant stirring. The solution is brought to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Important! Too plastic mortar will lie unevenly on the wall, drain, and when leveled, it will reach for the tool. A hard mixture will stick to the trowel, making it difficult to throw it on, and when it dries, it will shrink and crack. You can recognize a normal solution by immersing a trowel, the mixture should leave a thin layer on it without adhering lumps.

  • Lime mortar for plaster, proportions:
Grade of cement Cement/lime/sand, parts Produced brand of solution
1/0,3/4 M75
1/0,2/3,5 M100
1/0,1/2,5 M150
1/0,5/5,5 M75
1/0,4/4,5 M100
1/0,2/3 M150
1/0,8/7 M75
1/0,5/5,5 M100
1/0,3/4 M150

When cement-lime plaster is used in the decoration, the proportions of lime in the composition of the solution are small, so it is better to purchase ready-made lime paste at a hardware store. It is rather problematic to prepare the necessary component with your own hands, the term for slaking and aging lime is about a month using a special technology.

An improperly prepared or unripened mass can destroy the plaster mortar and nullify all work.

Modifying additives

Separately, it is necessary to talk about additives in the plaster mortar, with them the mixture will acquire some important properties, necessary both for applying and processing surfaces, and for their further operation.

Here, too, it is important to maintain proportions for wall plaster: each package has detailed instructions on the use of the additive, and it must be strictly followed:

  • Setting accelerators or retarders.

These are components that act on the crystal lattice of the binder and regulate the time of its formation (setting).

It is desirable to make them, for example, in a gypsum-cement mixture to extend its "survivability". In this case, casein or bone glue serves as such an additive.

  • Additives to increase plasticity.

These substances, getting into the solution with water, form a lot of bubbles, due to which the liquid evaporates less and is absorbed into the surface, which means it stays in the mixture much longer. They are recommended for simple, traditional cement-sand mortars that quickly lose water and delaminate.

  • Antifreeze additives.

Basically, it includes various special salts that slow down and even exclude for some time the freezing of water in the solution, which means that they reduce the risk of losing the positive qualities of the mixture when the air temperature drops.

I must say that they operate mainly up to -5 degrees. At a lower temperature, plastering work cannot be carried out, here no additives will save the mixture from freezing.

  • Strength additives.

They can be of two types: some work in tandem with a binder, by means of chemical action they increase its properties; others act independently, personally perform a reinforcing function.

The second type is called fiber, which may consist of waste glass, cellulose or metal production. Fiber is sold in the form of small chips or polymer threads, which, getting into the solution, intertwine and give the plaster additional strength.


If the surface of the walls turned out to be not too smooth, do not be upset - all minor irregularities will be hidden finishing putty. The main thing is that the plaster itself is strong, does not crumble, does not crack and does not fall off.

By correctly determining the composition and calculating the proportions of the plaster, you will get a high-quality and durable coating that will not require repairs for many years. And after looking at the photos and videos in this article, you will get answers to other questions that concern you.

But if you are still not confident in your abilities, and do not risk plastering the walls yourself, then we recommend inviting specialists who will do this work quickly, beautifully and efficiently.

Plaster or a layer of finishing material applied to the surface during construction works, is an obligatory stage preceding the finishing.

It is specially prepared, which, after drying, hardens, forming a solid flat surface ready for final processing.

In most cases, it is used to correct any defects, as well as to seal technological channels formed during the repair process, for example, when laying new wiring. The surface becomes even, smooth and aesthetic.

The exact proportions of the mortar for wall plastering allow the prepared mixture to perform its function after drying and not crumble over time. To choose it correctly, you need to have a general idea of ​​the types of building mixtures and their purpose. Knowledge of their main components and application possibilities will allow you to easily navigate the existing range and correctly apply the solution for their use.

and their features

Wall decoration can be used outside or inside the room and is divided into three main types:

  • standard as impact protection external environment(external walls) or correction of surface defects, including leveling, sealing cracks, technological channels and preparation for final finishing finishing decorative coatings, as a rule, thin-layer;
  • protective, acting as an insulator or screen, for example, suppressing noise, retaining heat, or preventing the penetration of radiation;
  • decorative, used during the finishing coating (color, stone, Venetian, graphite).

Each type is characterized by a certain composition, the preparation of which requires the exact proportion of mortar for wall plastering.

What is building mix

To prepare a wall plaster mortar, the proportions must include the binder (cement, lime or gypsum), the aggregate, usually sand and water.

Depending on the amount of binder component, they are:

  • skinny, characterized by the absence of cracks, but poor strength;
  • greasy, able to crumble and shrink.

Skinny mixtures easily slide off the trowel, while greasy ones, on the contrary, stick to it. The task of any builder is to prepare a solution for plastering walls, the proportions of which will be optimal.

In addition, a plasticizer is necessarily added to the finished solution, which makes it easier to work with the mixture. The simplest option is the usual liquid soap or laundry detergent, but there are also special industrial additives.

Number of layers

The application usually takes place in three layers, which have individual proportions of the wall plaster solution:

  • the first (spray) is applied with a layer of at least 5 and no more than 9 mm when filling all the irregularities and looks like sour cream;
  • the second (ground) is the main layer, which can be applied several times and has the density of the dough;
  • the third (covering), is applied with a layer of no more than 4 mm, always on a damp surface, similar in consistency to a spray.

When preparing a mortar for wall plastering, the proportions differ in the amount of binder, most often cement. In the first layer there is very little of it, in the second the amount increases and in the third it becomes maximum.

Types of mixtures

When decorating walls, several basic types of compositions are used. Today, three mixtures are mainly used:

  • cement, the most common and popular, is characterized by the greatest strength, but a long solidification period;
  • clay, used during internal and external work in the processing of wooden surfaces;
  • lime, an inexpensive analogue of a cement mixture, often used with gypsum, accelerating the setting period and increasing strength.

In addition, depending on the situation, other options may also apply:

  • gypsum - the most rarely used due to the rapid (within a few minutes) initial solidification and complete fixation after half an hour;
  • mixed - characterized by the use of several special components at the same time;
  • special - used with a certain additive, depending on the goal.

One of the important indicators that determine the type of solution you need is the level of humidity. Depending on the microclimate, the desired composition is selected. The most versatile and common is the cement mortar for plastering walls, the proportions of which are known even to an amateur, and allow it to be successfully used both outside and inside the room.

cement mortar

The most reliable, simple and ubiquitous way. To do it, you must strictly follow the order.

Work begins with the preparation of all components and, first of all, sand. It must be dried, and then be sure to sift. Then carefully clean all lumps, especially clay ones. It is not advisable to use red or red sand, it lowers the quality ready mix and her operational properties, and it is impossible to use unsifted and unpeeled at all.

After sifting, you can start preparing for plastering the walls. The proportions vary depending on the type of cement used. For example, using the M400 brand, 4 sand components are enough for 1 part of cement. If an M500 is used, the number of parts increases to five. Violation leads to loss of quality finish and is not allowed. Dry components are thoroughly mixed in a pre-prepared container. This can be done using a mixer inserted into a hammer drill, shovel or concrete mixer.

The choice of method depends on the required volume. If to be independent work, it is enough to use a large construction bucket of 15 or 20 liters, in which you can prepare a solution for plastering walls with your own hands, the proportions remain the same. If the work is done by several people, it makes sense to use a large trough or a concrete mixer.

Water is gradually added to the thoroughly mixed mixture, bringing the composition to a state of thick sour cream.

Features of lime mortar

In order to reduce costs, cement is sometimes replaced with slaked lime, which has almost no effect on quality. Moreover, the proportions of lime and cement mortar for wall plastering are almost the same.

Its peculiarity lies in the use of only It is quite simple to do at home at no special cost.

Acquired lime is poured warm, but not hot water in a large container, and after the completion of the reaction, filter, usually through cheesecloth. It can be used no earlier than a day later.

lime mixture

Preparing the solution also involves following the sequence.

First, lime is cleaned of lumps by stirring. The use of water or sand in small quantities is allowed. Having received a homogeneous composition, you can proceed to the preparation of the mixture.

The required composition is obtained if three sands, previously sifted and cleaned, are put on one part of the lime mass. Along with the sand, water is gradually introduced. This continues until the solution resembles a thick homogeneous mass. After that, it can be used for 12 hours.

Features of lime mortar during outdoor work

Usually lime mixture only used in dry climates. If the processing time of the facade is limited, the proportions of the mortar for plastering the exterior walls include a small amount of gypsum.

This allows it to begin to harden within a few minutes, completely hardening in half an hour.

To make a solution, 1 kg of gypsum is added to 3 liters of ready-made lime mixture. But it is necessary to take into account the hardening period and the amount of work, otherwise it will harden ahead of time.

clay mortar

The use of clay is still quite common in wooden houses. To prepare a strong clay mortar for wall plastering, the proportions should include cement, lime or gypsum.

You will need alumina, preferably fatty, which is soaked for several hours. It is important to constantly stir the mixture and add water until it becomes thick.

The easiest way to prepare it is to add sifted sand in a ratio of one to three. But it is not particularly durable. This is corrected by adding 1/5 of the cement to these components. At the same time, cement and clay, that is, binders, are first mixed, and only then sand.

Sometimes cement is replaced by lime, but with a mandatory increase in the part to 1/2. You can also add gypsum, but not more than 1/4.

Component ratio

The proportions of different components in the finished solution always differ, depending on the task and the type of layer. Typical ratios are shown in the table below.

Solution Component ratio (in parts)
First Second Third
cement - sand 1 - 3 1 - 0,2 - 3 1 - 2
lime - sand 1 - 3 1 - 3 1 - 2
lime - sand 1 - 4 1 - 4 -
lime - clay - sand 0,2 - 1 - 3 0,2 - 1 - 5 0,2 - 1 - 3
lime - gypsum - sand 1 - 1 - 2 1 - 0,5 - 2 1 - 1 - 5
clay - gypsum - sand 1 - 0,2 - 3 1 - 0,2 - 3 -

The specified proportions are not constant and can be adjusted in each individual case.

Ready dry mixes

Today, almost all manufacturers provide a wide range of ready-made dry mixes. All you need before starting work is to take required volume water and the finished dry solution, after which everything is thoroughly mixed, usually twice. The mixture is ready to use. As a rule, they are always slightly more expensive than the cost of the included components if purchased separately.

Their main advantage is that there is no need to mix several different elements in the right proportions. In addition, the sale is made in large quantities, which is not always convenient. For example, it makes no sense to buy a bag of cement weighing 25 kg if you need to patch up a small hole in the wall. Therefore, with a small amount of work, a ready-made dry mix will be a good alternative.

Working with plaster

Competently selected proportions of mortar for plaster internal walls or outdoor are one of key points any repair. But even the ideal ratio will be useless if the plastering is carried out in violation of the rules for applying to the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all stages without exception. Only in this case can a positive effect be expected.

The sequence, thickness and number of layers is as important as the composition. A mistake can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. The application is carried out with a special tool, with a mandatory time interval provided for each type of mixture.

With minimal experience in carrying out such work, it is recommended that a mandatory number of trial attempts be made. small areas to evaluate your own capabilities.

Tools and specifics of individual surfaces

If the work is done by hand, you will need a certain construction tool:

  • rule;
  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • cord;
  • grater for grouting.

The application of the first and second layers is carried out with a trowel, the third - with a spatula. Typically, the first layers are applied to an auxiliary mesh for reinforcement. When applying the finish coating, a gypsum mixture is used.

Surfaces with large differences are processed using special building beacons, which facilitate the process of applying and leveling the plaster.

Plastering is an essential step in finishing the surface of walls and ceilings. In addition to the protective function, it acts as a decor, increases fire resistance and acts as an additional insulator. In addition, plaster allows you to hide small defects surfaces, connecting seams. The strength and durability of the plaster layer directly depends on the correctly selected composition of the mixture.

Overview of types of plaster mortars

Before directly preparing the plaster mixture, it is important to assess the microclimate in the room. So, for finishing exterior walls, cement or cement-lime plaster is most often used, if the climate is dry enough, then lime plaster can also be used for finishing exterior walls. But in temperate climate it is most often used for interiors.

Depending on the purpose, the following types of plasters are distinguished:

  1. Cement. It is characterized by a slow set of strength, the setting of the mixture occurs within 12 hours after the introduction of water into the mixture. Differs in the greatest durability in comparison with other types of plasters.

  1. Clay. It is used for plastering wooden surfaces.

  1. lime. To speed up the setting and give greater strength, building gypsum is sometimes introduced into the solution of lime plaster.
  2. Gypsum can be used by itself. It must be remembered that the solution completely hardens after 30 minutes, and after 4 minutes setting begins.
  3. IN combined solution several binders are used for wall plastering (cement and lime, lime and gypsum, etc.).

  1. Special plaster. Depending on the purpose, an appropriate additive is introduced into the composition of the mixture.

The most commonly used filler is sand. It is best to use river sand to prepare the plaster mixture. The marine is characterized by excessive salinity, which affects the strength of the mixture, and the ravine, as a rule, is too polluted.

The composition and proportions of the mortar for plaster

To prepare the mixture, you will need a binder, aggregate and water. In some cases, it is possible to use additives to give the mixture the necessary qualities. For example, in order to obtain a waterproof mixture, it is enough to add calcium nitrate to the usual components of cement plaster.

Since the plaster, as a rule, is performed in 3 layers, the composition of the mixture for each layer is different. For spraying, a mixture with a reduced binder content is used, for the preparation of a primer layer, the binder content is slightly increased, and for the finishing layer, the maximum allowable amount of binder is used. Due to this, the finishing layer is characterized by increased strength. If the plaster is performed in 1 layer, then it is recommended to use the average of the proposed ratios of binder and filler. Otherwise, the mixture will not be plastic enough and may move away from the surface of the wall or ceiling.

Solutions for plastering walls have different formulations, it is recommended to use the following ratio of binder and aggregate:

  1. For cement plaster, the ratio of cement and binder is: for spraying - I part of the binder for 2.5 - 4 parts of the aggregate, for the primer layer per unit volume of the binder there are 2-3 parts of the aggregate, and for the finishing layer from 1.5 to 2 parts.
  2. The proportions of mortar for plastering walls using clay are the same for each layer - it is recommended to use 3-5 times more aggregate than clay.
  3. Lime mortar for wall plastering has the following composition: spray from 2.5 to 4 parts of aggregate per 1 part of binder, for primer mixture - from 2 to 3 parts, in the finishing mixture it is recommended to use 1-2 parts of aggregate per 1 part of binder.
  4. Cement-lime mixture, for preparation per unit volume of cement it is necessary: ​​for spraying - from 0.3 to 0.5 parts of lime and 3 - 5 parts of aggregate, for a primer layer - from 0.7 to 1 part of lime and 2.5 - 4 parts of aggregate, for finishing the lime content increases to 1 - 1.5 parts, the sand content does not exceed 2.5 - 4 parts.
  5. Lime-clay mixture for 0.2 parts of lime and 1 part of clay accounts for 3-5 parts of sand.
  6. The composition of the cement-clay mixture can be taken the same for all layers of plaster - 1: 4: 6-12 (cement: clay: sand).
  7. Lime-gypsum mortar (lime: clay: sand) -2 parts of sand, finishing layer - 1 - 1.5 parts of gypsum (in this case, sand is not added).

Tools and materials for the preparation of plaster

To prepare the plaster solution you will need:

  1. Capacity for loading materials.
  2. Dispenser (any container for volumetric dosing of materials);
  3. Nozzle for a drill (mixer), with which materials will be mixed. Mixing can also be done manually using a trowel or any other handy tool.

  1. Binder (lime, cement, clay, etc.).
  2. Aggregate (sand, sawdust, etc.).
  3. Water.
  4. Additives to give the mixture the necessary properties, such as water resistance.

Apart from correct selection composition of each plaster mixture, the quality of the plaster layer is given great attention by the technology of preparing the mixture. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in mixing the components, but it is not. For each type of mixture, there is a recommended order for loading the components and mixing.

  1. It is recommended to mix the cement mortar in a dry state. First, sand is poured into the container and leveled until an even layer is obtained, cement is poured on top. These components are mixed in a dry state and only then diluted with water and mixed again until a homogeneous solution is obtained. It is better if the layers of sand and cement alternate several times.

  1. In mixtures with lime, only slaked lime. The aggregate is gradually introduced into the lime paste with the addition of water. This will avoid lumps and get a homogeneous mixture.

  1. If necessary, add gypsum to it, remember that it is allowed to spend no more than 2-5 minutes on preparing the solution. In this case, gypsum dough is first prepared (gypsum is poured into water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained), then lime mortar is introduced into it.
  2. To prepare a clay plaster mixture, it is necessary to soak the clay for a while and knead it to get rid of large lumps.

  1. When preparing a cement-lime mortar, cement and sand are also mixed in a dry state and then poured with lime milk until the desired consistency is obtained.
  2. In addition, already prepared dry mixes are available on the market. In this case, you just need to pour the mixture with the recommended amount of water and mix until the desired consistency is obtained.

Compliance with all the rules for preparing a solution for plastering walls will achieve the required strength of the plaster layer and its durability. Ideal plaster in addition to direct functional purpose will also perform an aesthetic function.

Plastering is an integral part of any repair work. Thanks to this process, the consumer properties of the treated surfaces are improved, the reliability and durability of the walls are increased. High-quality prepared and correctly applied plaster prevents the spread of mold and fungi, removes all irregularities, chips and mechanical defects, and also helps to strengthen the base.

Features of plastering - 3 layers

It is easy to make a solution for plastering walls with your own hands. It is necessary to level the surface. This operation is required both when carrying out external finishing, and internal. From the place of application of the essence depends on the characteristics and requirements. So, to carry out repair work indoors, a technological and plastic mass will be needed, while outdoor mixtures must first of all be resistant to pressure and temperature changes, frost-resistant and resist moisture.

Solutions are applied on surfaces of all types and types. Plastering of plywood, chipboard sheets, wooden elements, cinder blocks and foam concrete, brickwork, concrete. When making a suitable composition at home, it is very important to pay attention to adhesion finished product when choosing components and proportions.

The correct technology for applying plaster to the ceiling and walls includes three main steps:

  • Spray is the first layer that needs to be applied to the building substrate. It is necessary to fill and level the largest pores and surface defects, as well as to ensure an appropriate level of adhesion and adhesion of subsequent plaster layers. During its formation additional elements, like lime and clay, are not used, and the thickness of the coating should not exceed 4 mm.
  • The second level, which was called the soil, significantly exceeds the previous one in volume and reaches 20 mm. Unlike liquid spray, this layer is more consistent with a thick plastic dough with its consistency. Its task is to maximize the leveling of the base plane, regardless of its roughness.
  • The last stage of work is the application of a coating to the surface, which is required for the final smoothing of irregularities and defects in the base. The formation thickness is from 3 to 5 mm, and so much water is added to achieve the maximum level of plasticity and viscosity of the solution. After covering, it remains only to whiten or paint the walls, or to glue decorative wallpaper on them.

What ingredients are needed to prepare the mixture?

Many beginners, when trying to make a plaster solution with their own hands, disrupt the mixing process from the very beginning. This is very important, because quality and proper mixing depends key features finished composition. The main components include water, aggregate and binder. If necessary, enter Additional materials, including various additives and plasticizers.

Clay and lime can play the role of a binder. But the most popular and in demand is cement. It is great for preparing a mixture, which is later used for outdoor or interior decoration. At the same time, it is the most expensive option, since the rest of the ingredients are seriously inferior to it in terms of quality, reliability and strength.

Choosing among the many varieties, the easiest way is to stop at M400 brand cement. This dry mix is ​​universal, as it meets all the requirements of GOST, as well as apartment owners. Great for bathrooms, kitchens, hallways and naturally living rooms. If the budget is limited, and repairs are carried out in low-responsibility structures, such as basements or plinths, then rational decision will be the purchase of Portland cement M300.

The strength of the plaster is influenced by many factors, but the most important is the brand of cement. The higher this indicator, the better the solution will turn out.

Having decided on the binder, it remains only to deal with the filler. Here, the only and indisputable favorite is ordinary sand. It is recommended to take a pure river fine fraction, which will ensure maximum mixing of all the ingredients of the future plaster. Together with cement, it forms an ideal material that is resistant to cracking and high level strength.

The simplest and most popular proportion of the preparation of a cement-based plaster mixture includes one share of a binder and three parts of sand. This recipe is suitable for almost any room. Water is added until the essence of the required viscosity level is formed. For rooms with a normal level of filler moisture, you can add a little more. If plasticity is required, then the correct ratio involves the use of one portion of cement and two parts of sand.

There are many plasticizers and additives designed to increase the softness and pliability of the finished plaster, change the setting time and various characteristics solution. Home craftsmen often add detergents, soap, adhesives, like PVA. Thanks to such materials, the adhesion of the essence with concrete base, as well as increasing the level of protection against fungal bacteria and mold.

A big misconception is associated with the technology of mixing the mixture. For some "specialists" the order in which components are added does not matter. Many first pour water into a container, then pour in cement, sand, lime and other materials. The problem is that the dry matter, after entering the liquid, is converted into small lumps. It will take a lot of effort to stir them until the consistency of the required level is obtained.

In order for the solution to turn out to be of high quality and homogeneous, experienced craftsmen advise doing the following:

  1. 1. Initially, it is required to sift the sand using a sieve with small cells. Otherwise, all debris and large particles, such as shells, pieces of silt, pebbles, organic residues, will be in solution. During plastering, they will leave grooves on the surface of the wall, clinging to the spatula.
  2. 2. After that, it is necessary to pour dry cement into the sand and mix everything thoroughly. If the filler is wet, then it will need to be dried - mixing will be an order of magnitude easier when both components are dehydrated.
  3. 3. Only after that water is added, and gradually, while the solution itself is constantly mixed. It is recommended to pour in new portions of the liquid at a time when it is almost impossible to interfere.

Types of plaster solutions - different options

For the preparation of mixtures for the treatment of external and internal walls, many different components are used. So, a solution boasts great popularity, an astringent in which cement and lime act. This essence is excellent low temperatures, the impact of direct sun rays, counteracts the appearance of mold and fungi.

Unlike conventional cement plaster, lime analogues are characterized by a high level of plasticity and viscosity. This has a positive effect on their adhesion index, due to which they instantly and firmly seize with the bases of walls and ceilings of any type and type.

In rooms with normal humidity it is worth using lime plasters, which dry quickly and absorb excess moisture. in the best way this composition has proven itself for brick surfaces. The absence of cement affects the strength and reliability of the mixture, in addition, it hardens within three days. But this factor allows you to prepare sufficiently large volumes of essence, because if you wish, you can always add water if the substance in the container begins to solidify.

It is recommended to use additives such as gypsum for coating and finishing wood, stone and fiberboard substrates. In combination with cement and lime, the plaster is very durable and ductile, but it is not suitable for wet walls. The presence of this substance causes high speed solidification, which makes it impossible to prepare the mixture in large volumes or “revive” with the help of an ordinary clean liquid.

Decorative cement mortars and glazing plasters, which require additional investments of money and effort, are very popular. With the help of such mixtures, it is possible to perform finishing halls, corridors and hallways. In addition to the main binders, many other materials are added, including minerals, mica, slaked lime, marble chips.

If it is necessary to give a certain shade, which is typical for Venetian plaster, it is recommended to pour in color pigments. You can buy all these additives in the same hardware store where bags of cement and lime are sold.

If you plan to apply a decorative mixture in baths or near the stove, then you will need to increase the level of resistance and resistance to extreme high temperatures. To do this, it is recommended to pour fireclay powders and special refractory clays. As a result of this process, cement with the addition of these materials produces a strong essence that is resistant to heat, so that even the walls of fireplaces can be treated with it.

What is useful for kneading - let's move on to the tools

Mixing of all components of the solution is carried out in two ways - machine and manual. The easiest way is to prepare the mixture in an ordinary enameled bucket or other similar container. Having added cement and sand and thoroughly mixed everything, it remains only to pour in water in small portions and continue to knead the composition with the help of improvised tools.

If you want to make a large volume of solution, it is recommended to use a special trough or bath. Here, blunt scoops or bayonet shovels, as well as choppers with a flat base. To simplify the process somewhat, experts advise performing movements on yourself, otherwise the arms and lower back will get tired too quickly.

If there is a construction mixer, then it greatly simplifies the work. Any suitable element acts as a nozzle, be it a curved wire or a blade. Concrete mixers also make it easier to mix the mortar, but their operation is only advisable if the volumes of plaster are very large.

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