Money tree attracts health! Healing properties of the money tree and important contraindications

There are many interesting speculations around the money tree or fat woman, as it is called. A sign was attached to this plant that it brings money, material wealth to the house.

But in addition to the benefits with monetary well-being, it also has many healing properties that not everyone knows about. But you need to use this plant strictly according to the rules, as it contains arsenic.

2. All power in outdoor application

2.1 "Money tree" helps against fungi and infections.

Outwardly, the fat woman is used in the form of juice. The soft parts of the plant are crushed and applied to gauze, making a bandage. At the same time, it is necessary that, in addition to the gruel, the resulting healing mass does not lose its juice, it is in it that all healing power. Such a compress has a very beneficial effect on bruises, not deep cuts and even sprains. This is especially worth remembering when there is no first-aid kit at hand, and the plant grows nearby. The slurry must always be made fresh, therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is worth taking rounded leaves individually.

2.2 Natural force in the treatment of chronic ailments.

Another important property the fat woman is her fight against calluses. Moreover, old rough corns were treated with “corns” (the ancient name), even a long time ago, due to arsenic compounds, it perfectly softened, “corroded” the old corn. The leaf of the plant, peeled from the top film, has a healing property.

It is also worth using this recipe for superficial skin burns. But at the same time, it is important that the burns are not severe, and it is worth applying such a sheet without a top film for only half an hour. Then shoot. Such a compress will have a healing and bactericidal effect, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

3. Plant fight against fungal infections and viral diseases

Crassula (another name for the fat woman) was also noted with antifungal agents. The juice of this plant can be used to wipe the beginning mycoses of the nails and feet. So the fat woman has a powerful antimycotic property. A compress from a fat woman made for the affected nail also helps well.

One of the first remedies recommended for use in herpes is Crassula. She perfectly copes with such an unpleasant manifestation of this disease on the lips. Juice heals the lip. You need to repeat the procedure during the day every two hours. And the symptoms of herpes will disappear quickly.

IMPORTANT: Crassula is also a natural air purifier in the house. Disinfects the air. If there are allergy sufferers in the apartment, then it is simply necessary to place one pot with a money tree in order to reduce the amount of unhealthy impurities.

4. Tincture for varicose veins

The money tree received a lot of laudatory reviews from patients with varicose veins. Since the recipe with Crassula has already helped many patients and does not require any special difficulties in preparation. All treatment is based on the healing properties of money tree juice. The main thing is that the course of treatment should be a whole month without interruption. And you have to repeat it every three months.

5. All the power in the healing juice of the fatty

The plant has established itself as a remedy for angina, when the juice is gargled with juice. It is very good to put a tree in the room where the patient is. By purifying the air and killing microbes, the plant contributes to recovery many times faster.

Such a delicate, but very common problem, how hemorrhoids are treated with the juice of this plant. He is lubricated with hemorrhoidal external nodes, after washing. The result is really very good, especially if the treatment is carried out at the initial stage.

The benefits of this tree for injuries, bruises, pain in the joints are invaluable. Where inflammation is blocked with a compress. An indispensable remedy for exacerbations of joint diseases.

Medicinal properties this tree is often associated with aloe. We can agree with this, with only one caveat. Money Tree in some cases stronger and requires a systematic approach. There are many recipes that came from ancient times, but it is better to choose the treatment individually. After all, the power of natural medicines really works wonders!

Attention! The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only, does not claim to be a reference and medical accuracy, is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult with a specialist.

Useful, healing properties of the fat woman, "money tree"

What is useful fat woman ("money tree")? Treatment of wounds, cuts, abscesses. Herpes treatment, sore throat treatment, arthritis treatment.

The birthplace of the fat woman is South Africa, Australia, Madagascar. The fat woman has many varieties. However, it is most commonly used as houseplant the tree-like fat woman, or "money tree", which belongs to succulents, has a thick lignified trunk with fleshy, rounded dark green leaves, sticking to the branches of the plant in large numbers. It blooms with small flowers of pale pink or white color with thin lanceolate, slightly twisted petals, collected in umbellate inflorescences at the tops of the branches. The flowers emit a strong sweet scent. Crassula flowering usually occurs no earlier than after 5-10 years of the plant's life.

Crassula juice for wounds, cuts, abscesses

Crassula juice for herpes on the lips

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Crassula juice with angina, tonsillitis

Ingredients: 10 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of warm water. Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves, mix with water.

Crassula with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Composition: 2 sheets of jade.

Crassula infusion for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys

Crassula juice for arthritis

Crassula juice for insect bites

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula. Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:06 am + to quote pad

What is useful fat woman ("money tree")?

The birthplace of the fat woman is South Africa, Australia, Madagascar. The fat woman has many varieties. However, the most common as a houseplant is a tree-like crassula, or "money tree", Sometimes

this plant is also called crassula, zhiryanka, belongs to succulents, has a thick lignified trunk with fleshy, rounded dark green leaves, sticking to the branches of the plant in large numbers. It blooms with small flowers of pale pink or white with thin, lanceolate, slightly twisted petals, collected in umbellate inflorescences at the tops of the branches. The flowers emit a strong sweet scent. Crassula flowering usually occurs no earlier than after 5-10 years of the plant's life.

Crassula propagates by stem cuttings and leaves, slightly dried before planting.

The fat woman contains a high concentration of arsenic, so it is not recommended to abuse the internal intake of medicinal preparations based on this plant. In case of overdose, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired consciousness are observed.

It has been noticed that the fat woman reacts strongly to the state of health of people living in the room where she is located. If someone gets sick, the condition of the plant begins to deteriorate sharply: it withers, sheds leaves, as if drawing negative energy into itself. And when a person recovers, the fat woman is transformed again.

Despite the huge popularity and unpretentiousness of the fat woman, most people do not know its excellent bactericidal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that are not inferior in strength to aloe.

Crassula juice for wounds, cuts, abscesses

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Method of preparation: grind the leaves into a pulp, trying not to lose the juice.

How to use: spread the gruel over the surface of the gauze, cover with another piece of gauze and apply to the affected area. Change the bandage periodically every 4 hours.

Crassula juice for herpes on the lips Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

How to use: lubricate the affected area with juice every 30 minutes. You can do it differently - soak a cotton ball with juice, apply it to the affected area and fix it with a patch.

Crassula juice with angina, tonsillitis

Ingredients: 10 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of warm water.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves, mix with water.

How to use: gargle with the resulting solution 3-5 times a day.

Crassula with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Composition: 2 sheets of jade.

Method of application: in the morning 1 hour before a meal, eat the leaves of the fat woman, chewing thoroughly.

Crassula infusion for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys

Ingredients: 5 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method: chop the leaves of the fat woman, pour hot water, insist 1 hour, strain.

Method of application: take an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. in 15 min. before meals 3 times a day.

Crassula juice for arthritis

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Method of application: lubricate the affected joints with the juice of the fat woman before going to bed.

Crassula juice for insect bites

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Method of application: lubricate the bites of mosquitoes, wasps, bees with the juice of a fat woman 4-6 times a day.

- for hemorrhoids, apply a cut sheet, it helps immediately

- with bites of wasps, bees, mosquitoes

And yet ... Although the fat woman is unpretentious, she, like any other living creature, is very responsive to care. Therefore, pay attention to it more often, admire it and be sure to wipe the dust from its succulent leaves so that they constantly shine - in this case, the plant will "work" according to full program and will show all its wonderful properties to the maximum.

And that is not all. It is said that if you are lucky and your arboreal tree blooms, then you cannot avoid the fact that you will be attacked by money in such quantities that you will not know what to do with it.

Here is such a wonderful plant - a tree-like fat woman or a money tree. Grow it in your home and get all the benefits that it can give a person!

With gastric and duodenal ulcers, With inflammatory kidney diseases.

In ancient times, with the help of arsenic, which is part of Crassula, they treated fever, diseases nervous system, he also helped with some gastrointestinal diseases, but mainly arsenic was used to treat external forms of cancer and other lesions of the skin tissue.

Fat woman: application

Above, we reported the ailments that the fat woman successfully copes with. However, it will not be superfluous to bring to your attention a few recipes of traditional medicine.

Fat woman with wounds, cuts, abscesses

With one of these ailments, the leaves of the fat woman, crushed into gruel, will help, which must be distributed over the surface of the gauze and applied to the affected area. Periodically (every 4 hours) the bandage must be changed.

Fat woman with herpes on the lips


For people suffering from herpes, a fat woman is a real salvation. All that is needed is to squeeze the juice from several leaves of crassula and lubricate the affected area with it every half an hour.

There is another option to fight herpes with the help of a fat woman. Saturate the cotton wool with the juice of the fat woman, apply it to the affected area and fix it with a patch.

Fat woman with angina, tonsillitis

Squeeze out the juice from 10 leaves of the fat woman and mix with a glass of warm water. The resulting solution should gargle 3-5 times a day.

It also helps with inflammation of the gums.

Fatty woman with arthritis

Before going to bed, the affected joints should be lubricated with juice squeezed from 15 leaves of the crassula.

Crassula with insect bites

The fat woman will help and endure the discomfort after being bitten by insects (mosquitoes, bees, wasps). To do this, the bite site should be lubricated 4-6 times a day with juice freshly squeezed from the leaves of the fat woman.

Fat woman with thrombophlebitis

Five pre-washed leaves of the fat woman should be crushed and poured with a glass of vodka. Remove the mixture in a dark place and leave for 2-3 weeks. After the time has elapsed, this infusion should be lubricated with legs in the evenings. This tool not only reduces varicose veins, but also contributes to their complete disappearance.

Such a tincture is effective in the form of compresses for pain in muscles and joints, swelling.

Fat girl with hemorrhoids

People suffering from hemorrhoids can find their salvation in a fat woman. All that is needed is to cut a sheet of crassula and attach it to the problem area.

Dear visitors of our portal, if you do not have a fat woman in your house, then we advise you to start it immediately. As you can see, this plant is real. ambulance with many ailments, while there is an amazing connection between the state of the plant and the health of the inhabitants of the house where it lives - as soon as one of the household members falls ill, the plant begins to wither, but with the recovery of the owner, it is restored. And finally, having a lot of useful properties, Crassula is quite picky, it does not require special care.


Crassula (Crassula) or money tree

fat girl- a plant of the succulent genus, Crassula family. The botanical name is Crassula. There are more than 300 species. The plant is widely distributed in the southern hemisphere - South Africa, Australia, Madagascar, several species in southern Arabia.

Crassula is the most common as a houseplant, it is also called the money tree. There is a belief that a money tree growing in an apartment will bring good luck and abundance to the house, and the owners will no longer need money.

It has a thick woody trunk with rounded dark green fleshy leaves. The flowers of the money tree are pale pink or white, emitting a strong sweet smell, collected in umbrella inflorescences at the tops of the branches. Blossoms not earlier than in 10 years. Crassula propagates by stem cuttings and leaves, slightly dried before planting.

The money tree should be watered moderately, without waterlogging, as the upper soil layer dries up, and in winter, watering should be minimized (1-2 times a month) or completely stopped, because the fat woman is one of the succulents - plants living in dry areas. In winter, it is better to move the money tree to a cool place, the temperature minimum with a dry content of 7 ° C (with a wet content of 12 ° C), otherwise warm conditions will lose leaves.

Beneficial features

Crassula releases volatile substances that have powerful antiviral, bacterial and antifungal properties that are not inferior in strength to aloe. Purifying the air in the room, improves mood and gives strength. It has been noticed that the condition of the fat woman is associated with the health of people living in the apartment, when someone gets sick, the plant begins to wither, shed its leaves. And when a person recovers, the fat woman is transformed again.


The healing properties of the fat woman are very easy to use at home, for this it is enough to clean the fresh leaves from the film or cut (grind) to release the juice from the pulp.

- at the first sign of herpes lubricate with juice every hour or apply a leaf (cotton soaked in juice) in the form of a compress.

- with tonsillitis, cough, inflammation of the gums squeeze juice from 5-10 leaves, mix with water. Rinse 3-4 times a day

- with thrombophlebitis. Rinse 5 leaves well, chop, place the mass in a 250 ml bottle, fill with vodka, insist in dark place 2-3 weeks. Lubricate the legs in the evenings. Helps reduce varicose veins and even their disappearance. The same tincture can be used in the form of compresses for swelling, pain in muscles and joints.

- with hemorrhoids attach a cut sheet, helps immediately

- with arthritis rub the juice of the plant into the joints at night

- for burns, bruises, sprains, wounds, cuts, abscesses apply a gruel of leaves to the damaged area, secure with a bandage. Change the bandage as it dries (2-3 hours).

- with bites of wasps, bees, mosquitoes lubricate the bite site with the juice of the plant several times a day.

Ingestion DANGEROUS, due to the high concentration of arsenic in the plant.


#1 Nadezhda An excellent tree, and the fact that it also blooms was a discovery for me, my tree has been growing for 2.5 years, so in the 21st year we will wait for flowers.

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The healing properties of the fat woman and its use in traditional medicine

2014-03-30 Ludmila

Good evening or afternoon dear friends and guests of my blog. If you have visited the page, it means you are interested and I am very glad about it. In today's article, I want to tell you about another wonderful plant called Fatty, which is popularly called the money tree.

This plant is native to South Australia and Madagascar. Despite the fact that the fat woman has many varieties, it is most common as a houseplant that looks like a small tree. After reading the article, you will see the unique healing abilities of this small tree.

The healing properties of the fat woman

The fat woman, or the money tree, as it is popularly called, has excellent healing properties. This is a small tree that has a lignified trunk. The leaves on the tree are dark green and fleshy. I really didn’t see how the fat woman blooms, but I would really like to see it.

The money tree begins to bloom at the age of five, and sometimes even ten years. When flowering, the fat woman has small pale pink or white flowers that are located at the very tops of the branches. If you have a desire to see these flowers on this tree, then you need to wait.

It has been noticed for a long time that the money tree reacts to absolutely everything, especially to the state of health of people who live in the same room with it. If one of the inhabitants of the house where this tree is ill, the money tree also begins to ache. It begins to wither and lose leaves.

The healing properties of the fat woman are such that the tree is transformed again when the person recovers. Despite the fact that the money tree is not whimsical and very popular, unfortunately not everyone knows that the money tree is very, very useful for our health.

The healing properties of the fat woman are simply magnificent. Crassula - the money tree has bactericidal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Its unique healing properties are not inferior in strength even to aloe.

Fat woman in folk medicine

Traditional medicine widely uses the fat woman to treat wounds, cuts, abscesses. You can treat wounds, cuts and abscesses like this: pick a few leaves from a tree, chop them, thus turning them into gruel. Just try not to waste the resulting juice. You can treat wounds and cuts in another way, read here: "Kalanchoe officinalis"

Spread the prepared slurry from the leaves of the crassula over the surface of the gauze, then cover the slurry on top with another piece of gauze. After that, apply the prepared medicine to the sore spot. Such a bandage should be changed periodically every four hours.

Crassula in folk medicine is effective for the treatment of herpes on the lips. For this treatment, you need to prepare juice from this plant. Take a few leaves of the fat woman and squeeze out the juice.

Lubricate the affected area on the lips with prepared juice every half hour. You can do it differently. Take a cotton pad, soak it with this juice and put it on the sore. It needs to be fixed with adhesive tape.

Crassula in folk medicine is used to treat arthritis, how else can arthritis be treated, read here: “treatment with a golden mustache” as well as for insect bites. Lubricate the sore spots with arthritis and insect bites with the prepared fat woman juice.

Crassula in folk medicine is widely used to treat tonsillitis and tonsillitis. It is done like this: Take ten leaves of the fat woman and two hundred milliliters of warm water. Squeeze the juice from the leaves and mix with water. Gargle with this solution three to five times a day.

Crassula in folk medicine is used to treat stomach ulcers, and inflammation of the kidneys. How is it treated for diseases of the stomach and duodenum: Every morning, take two leaves of the crassula and eat an hour before breakfast. Crassula leaves must be chewed well. How else can you treat the stomach, read this article: "treatment with potato juice"

Crassula in folk medicine is effective in treating inflammation of the kidneys. To do this, take five leaves of a fat woman, grind it thoroughly and pour hot water over it. Then leave to infuse for one hour. For five leaves of the plant, two hundred grams hot water. Drink one tablespoon fifteen minutes before meals three times a day.

Fat woman in folk medicine effective in the treatment of arthritis. How else to treat Arthritis, as well as other diseases, read in this article: “healing properties bay leaf". Take 10-15 pieces of fat woman leaves, squeeze the juice out of them and lubricate the sore joints before going to bed.

With insect bites, traditional medicine also advises using fat woman juice. Take a few leaves of the plant, squeeze out the juice and lubricate all the bites with any insects. For example, a wasp, bee or mosquito bite with cooked juice. Can be lubricated up to six times a day.


The fat woman - the money tree contains a high concentration of arsenic. Therefore, it is impossible to abuse medicinal preparations inside, which contain the basis of the fat woman. If you overdo it with the ingestion of such a medicine, vomiting, diarrhea and impaired consciousness will begin. Outdoor use is safe.

Here is everything I learned about this plant and I am happy to share it with you. The tips and recipes given in the article are not at all complicated and easy to use.

I myself do not like complex recipes, they take a lot of time. Therefore, I try to give effective and at the same time easy recipes that are prepared very quickly, and the result is excellent.

Once upon a time, the money tree was a curiosity, but today it can be found on every windowsill. The name of this plant speaks for itself. Many are sure that the fat woman is able to attract money to the house. Whether this is really within the power of the plant or not is unknown. But you can talk about the healing properties of the tree with one hundred percent certainty.

The healing properties of the fat woman

Most owners of this wonderful flower do not even suspect that the fat woman is treatment plant. In fact, the composition of the money tree contains a huge amount beneficial trace elements and volatile substances. Thanks to this, the flower can be used as an antiviral and antibacterial drug.

In count medicinal properties fat woman may well compete with aloe. In addition to the fact that the money tree, being in the room, purifies the air, its leaves can be used to treat various diseases:

  1. The juice of the money tree anesthetizes wounds and promotes their healing.
  2. Due to its medicinal properties, the money tree or crassula can be used to treat insect bites. Even a small drop of juice instantly relieves itching and prevents swelling.
  3. The plant can be used to treat sore throats and coughs.
  4. Crassula leaves are better than any antiviral drugs fighting herpes.
  5. In the people, the money tree is called the "cornflower" because the leaves help to remove corns and corns.

Practical application of the medicinal properties of the living tree of the fat woman

Basically, the fat woman is used externally. In some cases, it is allowed to chew a leaf of a money tree. But you need to be very careful: although the fat woman has useful properties, it contains arsenic. It is a poisonous substance that can cause poisoning.

To cure sore throat, sore throat or cough, you need to rinse:

  1. The juice of ten leaves of the money tree is mixed with water.
  2. Gargle with this remedy three times a day.

In order for a wound, burn, or any other injury to heal faster, you can make a compress from the leaves of the fat woman. The gruel is held on the sore spot with a bandage.

To combat herpes, you need to attach a fresh leaf of a tree to a newly formed wound. First, the sheet must be washed and cleaned of the film.

The fat woman has a lot of useful properties and almost no contraindications. That is, everyone can use the plant. Only allergy sufferers and people with individual intolerance to the components of the tree need to be careful.

Fat woman, fat woman, crassula - this squat tree with fleshy oval leaves has so many names. It is unpretentious in appearance, but loved by the people, who dubbed it the "money tree". Amazing Property attributed to this plant: to attract untold wealth. If it blooms, then the money will fall, as if from a cornucopia. It’s just that the fat woman rarely blooms ... But on the other hand, this plant can always treat you. After all, Crassula is a generalist home doctor, no worse than aloe.

You will need

  1. - fresh leaves of the fat woman;
  2. - cotton swabs;
  3. - bandages, gauze.


  1. For cuts, abscesses, wounds, use the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action of the fat woman. Grind a few washed leaves into a pulp. Put it on a multilayer gauze, cover it with another layer on top, apply it to the inflamed area and bandage it. You will change this bandage every three to four hours - the "sore" will heal quickly.
  2. The same bandage will help with burns, severe bruises, sprains of the tendons. The pain will subside, and the inflammation will quickly pass. Just change the bandage even more often, preferably every two hours.
  3. The healing effect of Crassula is also clearly manifested in herpes rashes. Grind a few leaves and squeeze out the juice. Lubricate them with rashes every half hour. Or, apply a cotton swab soaked in juice to the inflamed skin and seal it with a bactericidal patch.
  4. Effectively treats a sore throat. For tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, squeeze the juice from 8-10 leaves of the plant and dilute with a glass of warm boiled water. Gargle at least three to four times a day, more often is even better.
  5. Incredibly excruciating pain is delivered by the joints during exacerbations of arthritis. And with such a diagnosis, it is recommended to use the anti-inflammatory property of the fat woman. Take 9-12 leaves, squeeze out the juice, lubricate the joint area with it three to four times a day and at night.
  6. The fat woman also helps with pyelonephritis. Pour a mushy mass of 5-6 leaves with a glass of boiling water, then leave for one and a half to two hours, filter. Take three to four times 1 tablespoon daily half an hour before meals.
  7. It is even easier to use the plant when hemorrhoids worsen. Rinse the leaf well enough, cut it and apply the pulp to the anus area. Relief comes almost instantly.
  8. An ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is treated by eating two leaves of a fat woman in the morning on an empty stomach, no more. You need to chew them well and then swallow them. And after about an hour you can have breakfast.
  9. Crassula juice is a real elixir for the bites of mosquitoes, flies, bees, wasps. It very quickly relieves itching, inflammation. Squeeze the juice from several leaves and treat the bites with it five to six times.
  10. Finally, if the skin of the hand is too dry, even cracks appear, expensive creams are not needed. Lubricate your hands with the juice of crassula leaves, and soon the skin will become soft, velvety.

Money tree: medicinal properties and contraindications

A plant with fleshy leaves, the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is painted in a reddish tint, received vernacular name"Money Tree". To science, it is better known under the names of homemade fat woman or krasula. This flower is perfect for growing in conditions ordinary apartment or at home. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that the money tree should be in any home, as it brings prosperity. But there is also a completely “tangible” benefit from such a representative of the flora.

Money tree - composition

Naturally, modern people are more interested not in the mystical possibilities of the money tree, but in real ones. The latter, first of all, relate to the state of health. The fat woman is able to fight certain diseases, because it has a unique composition. In addition to the usual active substances present in almost all plants, krasula also contains arsenic. It may seem strange that this component is somehow able to help health. However, it is absolutely real.

As you know, arsenic is an incredibly toxic substance. And therefore it is used mainly to eliminate microbes, reduce the sensitivity of nerves, and disinfect heavily damaged areas of the body. Thus, the money tree has a variety of medicinal properties and contraindications. It is important to use it correctly so as not to harm yourself and achieve good results.

Money tree - medicinal properties

Most often, lovers of indoor plants do not understand how great the benefits of a fat woman are. It, along with aloe, can be used for a number of health related problems. True, the dangers from Krasula come much more. Mostly the money tree acts as an antiseptic. Then under what conditions is it best to use it? The healing properties of the fat woman can be described as follows.

  1. Disinfects damaged areas of the body. Any wounds, burns, ulcers can be treated with money tree sap. It helps reduce the risk of infection and inflammation. As a result, there are suitable conditions for quick healing of injuries.
  2. The fat woman provides a wound healing effect. This healing property, in fact, was noted above. Indeed, a fat woman is an excellent drug for healing wounds, cuts and other injuries. In this case, the treatment can be carried out with the juice of the plant, as well as applying its leaves themselves to the affected areas.
  3. Protects against the appearance of edema, which can cause insect bites. This is a rather useful property of the krasula, thanks to which it becomes indispensable for those who go out of town for a while and at the same time forget the funds from blood-sucking creatures. It is enough to apply just a drop of the juice obtained from the fat woman to get rid of itching and reduce the risk of edema.
  4. It is allowed to gargle with the juice of the money tree. This procedure is useful if there are inflammatory processes in the throat. That is, with a cold or ARVE, krasula becomes an excellent medicine that helps get rid of discomfort.
  5. The plant of this species is excellent for herpes. Actually, only celandine is better able to treat it. But the fat girl is definitely much more effective than the drugs sold in the pharmacy. It also provides excellent help in getting rid of warts. The only warning is that you should not treat genital warts with krasula. Otherwise, the sensitivity of the genital organs will decrease.
  6. The money tree helps a lot in the fight against corns. Actually, it is no coincidence that this plant is also popularly called the corn. It is enough to attach a leaf of the plant to the damaged area and wrap it with a bandage for several hours.
  7. The fat woman will also help patients with hemorrhoids. In this case, swabs soaked in the juice of the plant are used. Money tree well relieves inflammation and reduces the severity of hemorrhoids.
  8. Muscle and joint pain can also be reduced with Krasula-based products. For example, these "drugs" are excellent in helping with rheumatism.

It is easy to see that the methods of using the money tree inside are not presented above. And this is quite natural, because due to the content of arsenic, the fat woman is an extremely dangerous plant. You can not try to take drugs from it on your own. The smallest mistake in dosage can lead to the most serious intoxication.

However, it is believed that the money tree is able to provide support to patients with ulcers and gastritis. No matter how attractive such promises may seem, it is better to listen to your doctor in the first place. Self-medication is likely to lead to extremely undesirable consequences that will have to be eliminated by other medicines.

Money tree - contraindications

In principle, when used externally, the fat woman is quite safe. And there are no serious contraindications to this form of use of this plant. The only case when it is worth completely abandoning the use of a money tree for external treatment is individual intolerance. That is, the juice of the plant can cause irritation, itching and other unpleasant symptoms. But this is incredibly rare and easily diagnosed. Therefore, if irritation does not appear immediately, you can not worry about anything.

As for the use inside, it is better to categorically refuse it. It's not just that arsenic itself is dangerous. In minimal dosages with a single dose, it may not cause negative consequences. But the main problem is that it can accumulate in the body. Therefore, it is incredibly difficult to determine at what point intoxication will occur. Without the constant supervision of a doctor, it is impossible to take a money tree inside. Perhaps the doctor will completely prohibit this method of administration. And this decision will be correct.

Useful, healing properties of the fat woman, "money tree"

Quote from kumushki
Useful, healing properties of the fat woman, "money tree"

What is useful fat woman ("money tree")?

The birthplace of the fat woman is South Africa, Australia, Madagascar.
The fat woman has many varieties. However, the most common as a houseplant is a tree-like crassula, or "money tree", Sometimes

This plant is also called crassula, zhiryanka, belongs to succulents, has a thick lignified trunk with fleshy, rounded dark green leaves, sticking to the branches of the plant in large numbers. It blooms with small flowers of pale pink or white with thin, lanceolate, slightly twisted petals, collected in umbellate inflorescences at the tops of the branches. The flowers emit a strong sweet scent. Crassula flowering usually occurs no earlier than after 5-10 years of the plant's life.

Crassula propagates by stem cuttings and leaves, before planting
slightly dry.

The money tree should be watered moderately, without waterlogging, as the upper soil layer dries up, and in winter, watering should be minimized (1-2 times a month) or completely stopped, because the fat woman is one of the succulents - plants living in dry areas. In winter, it is better to move the money tree to a cool place, the temperature minimum at a dry content of 7 ° C (at a wet content of 12 ° C), otherwise it will lose leaves in warm conditions.

The fat woman contains a high concentration of arsenic, so it is not recommended to abuse the internal intake of medicinal preparations based on this plant. In case of overdose, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired consciousness are observed.

It has been noticed that the fat woman reacts strongly to the state of health of people living in the room where she is located. If someone gets sick, the condition of the plant begins to deteriorate sharply: it withers, sheds leaves, as if drawing negative energy into itself. And when a person recovers, the fat woman is transformed again.

Despite the huge popularity and unpretentiousness of the fat woman, most people do not know its excellent bactericidal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that are not inferior in strength to aloe.

Crassula juice for wounds, cuts, abscesses

Method of preparation: grind the leaves into a pulp, trying not to lose the juice.

How to use: spread the gruel over the surface of the gauze, cover with another piece of gauze and apply to the affected area. Change the bandage periodically
every 4 hours

Crassula juice for herpes on the lips

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

How to use: lubricate the affected area with juice every 30 minutes. You can do it differently - soak a cotton ball with juice, apply it to the affected area and with the help
fix the patch.

Crassula juice with angina, tonsillitis

Ingredients: 10 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of warm water.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves, mix with water.

How to use: gargle with the resulting solution 3-5 times a day.

Crassula with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Composition: 2 sheets of jade.

Method of application: in the morning 1 hour before a meal, eat the leaves of the fat woman, chewing thoroughly.

Crassula infusion for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys

Ingredients: 5 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation: chop the leaves of the fat woman, pour hot water, leave for 1 hour, strain.

Method of application: take an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. in 15 min. before meals 3 times a day.

Crassula juice for arthritis

Ingredients: 10-15 Crassula leaves.

Method of application: lubricate the affected joints with the juice of the fat woman before going to bed.

Crassula juice for insect bites

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Method of application: lubricate the bites of mosquitoes, wasps, bees with the juice of a fat woman 4-6 times a day.

- for hemorrhoids, apply a cut sheet, it helps immediately

for burns, bruises, sprains, wounds, cuts, abscesses put a paste of leaves on
damaged area, secure with a bandage. Change the dressing as it dries (2-3

- with bites of wasps, bees, mosquitoes lubricate the bite site with the juice of the plant several times a day.

And yet ... Although the fat woman is unpretentious, she, like any other living creature, is very responsive to care. Therefore, pay attention to it more often, admire it and be sure to wipe the dust from its succulent leaves so that they constantly shine - in this case, the plant will "work" in full and show all its wonderful properties to the maximum.

And that is not all. They say that if you are lucky and your tree-like fat woman blooms, then you cannot avoid the fact that you will be attacked by money in such quantities that you will not
know what to do with them.

Here is such a wonderful plant - a tree-like fat woman or a money tree. Grow it in your home and get all the benefits that it can give a person!


A series of messages "health":
Part 1 - Expensive over-the-counter drugs and their cheap counterparts
Part 2 - Joint gymnastics Norbekov
Part 33 - Useful plate - where to look for vitamins
Part 34 - The point of longevity. Point from a hundred diseases.
Part 35 - Useful, healing properties of the fat woman, "money tree"

Fat woman (money tree) Care. Medicinal properties.

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Money tree. Care. Medicinal properties.

Reproduction and formation.

Planting a money tree / Crassula (Crassula). The money tree or Crassula belongs to the genus Crassulus. These are the most diverse plants that can be. This genus even carries plants for the aquarium. Consider caring for the popular tree of this kind. The fat woman belongs to succulents. Even a novice florist who does not have any experience in growing indoor plants will have no trouble caring for a plant. How to grow a money tree:

1. Pinch off a money tree sprout from a wealthy successful person.

2. Plant a sprout on the growing moon in a pot of earth, after burying a Chinese coin or a coin of 10 rubles in it. 3. When your "Money Tree" grows up, hang a bunch of Chinese coins on it.

4. Every day, talk to your money tree, praise it for its growth and ask that your income also grow.

5. It is best to put your money tree in the abundance sector of your apartment or house - to the southeast. In summer it is good to take it outside, the plant needs fresh air.

The most suitable temperature for winter period+15 degrees and less, but not lower than +4. Indoors, you need to put it on the southeast windows, as even Feng Shui recommends. Direct sunlight should be avoided, from this the leaves will turn red, wither and fall off. The leaves of the "money tree" can fall off from a lack of fresh air. You can feed the flower in the summer, twice a month will be enough. Good fertilizer for cacti. It is not recommended to transplant a fat woman often. It is necessary to transplant a flower only if it has grown strongly or it is necessary to divide the bush, at least once every 3-4 years. A money tree is planted in the same land as cacti. Propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. For cuttings, you need to leave for 2-3 days in the shade, then put in water for rooting. Many flower growers claim that in room conditions this plant may even bloom.

The healing properties of the money tree

The money tree comes from warm countries. Many varieties of fat women grow in southern Africa, Australia and Madagascar. At home, they grow a tree-like fat woman, which is called the money tree and is used as a green healer. The tree fat woman actually resembles a tree. This plant has a thick lignified trunk and a dense crown of fleshy green leaves. In room conditions, the money tree rarely blooms. And if this happens, then only after the fifth year of the plant's life.

It is noteworthy that the money tree is a kind of indicator of the health of people living in the house where it grows. This tree seems to draw in the negative energy of an unhealthy organism and begins to wither. But as soon as a person recovers, a healthy appearance also returns to the tree. In a word, even at the energy level, this amazing plant is closely related to humans.

By analogy with the treatment of corns, leaves of a money tree are used for an ingrown nail. The cut leaf is applied to the inflamed area, covered plastic wrap and secure with plaster. As the leaf dries, the compress is changed, and the nail plate softened by the fat woman juice is carefully removed.

A series of messages "Home flowers":
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Part 12 - Alocasia from the aroid family. Features of keeping at home
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Part 14 - Money tree. Care. Healing properties.

Healing properties of the money tree.

The money tree is a kind of indicator of the health of people living in the house where it grows. This tree seems to draw in the negative energy of an unhealthy organism and begins to wither. But as soon as a person recovers, a healthy appearance also returns to the tree. In a word, even at the energy level, this amazing plant is closely related to humans. And the money tree is considered a filter plant. That is, it is able to purify the air in the room and thereby have a beneficial effect on the well-being of people. But the use of the money tree in folk medicine is due to its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

It is believed that in terms of its medicinal properties, this plant is not inferior to Kalanchoe and Aloe. However, most often the fat woman is used for external treatment. But the fact is that the arsenic contained in its leaves can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even loss of consciousness when ingested juice and green pulp. Therefore, it is possible to be treated with preparations from the leaves of the money tree only after consulting a doctor.

Money tree in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the juice of the leaves of the fat woman and the slurry prepared from them is used for external and internal use. So, for example, the healing properties of the fat woman are used for abscesses, cuts, wounds and deep scratches. From the leaves of this tree, gruel is made and applied to the damaged area. At the same time, several washed leaves are crushed to the state of gruel, trying to preserve the juice of the plant as much as possible. The resulting slurry is applied to a clean (and even better sterile) gauze or a bandage folded in several layers. Cover it from above with another of the same layer and apply it to an abscess or wound. The bandage is kept for four hours, and then replaced with a new one. This treatment is effective for muscle strains and bruises.

Crassula juice treats herpes on the lips. To do this, squeeze the juice from the washed leaves and lubricate the sore with it every half hour. Or they soak a cotton swab with juice, apply it to the affected area and fix it with a medical plaster.

In case of inflammation of the throat (tonsillitis, tonsillitis), an aqueous solution of fat woman juice is made. To do this, squeeze the juice out of ten leaves and dilute it in an incomplete glass of boiled or filtered water. Gargle with this solution about five times a day.

For the treatment of arthritis folk methods also use the juice of the leaves of the money tree, lubricating it with inflamed joints at night.

Crassula juice relieves pain, itching and swelling from the bites of mosquitoes, bees and wasps. They also lubricate the bites four to six times a day.

It is believed that the healing properties of the money tree help with stomach and duodenal ulcers. traditional healers it is recommended for these diseases to eat two leaves of the fat woman an hour before meals, chewing them thoroughly.

An infusion of the leaves is also used to treat inflammation of the kidneys. To do this, five washed leaves of the money tree are crushed, poured into them with an incomplete glass of hot water and infused for an hour. The infusion is taken one tablespoon fifteen minutes before meals three times a day.

Apply the leaves of the money tree to the calluses. By the way, "cornflower" is another popular name for a fat woman. Only first you need to remove the upper transparent film from the leaflet, and only then attach it to the corn, fix it with a band-aid and leave it overnight. Apply the cut leaves of the money tree to the burnt places, but only if the burn is not very strong and without blisters. By analogy with the treatment of corns, leaves of a money tree are used for an ingrown nail. The cut leaflet is applied to the inflamed area, covered with plastic wrap and fixed with a plaster. As the leaf dries, the compress is changed, and the nail plate softened by the fat woman juice is carefully removed.

An infusion of the leaves is used to treat varicose veins. A half-liter jar is filled with leaves and green twigs for two-thirds of the volume and filled to the top with vodka. The jar is closed with a tight lid and insisted in a dark place for about a month. Then compresses are made from the finished infusion. The same treatment is carried out for joint and muscle pain and swelling.

Helps treatment with fatty juice and hemorrhoids. For cooking medicinal product mix the juice of the leaves with liquid petroleum jelly, soak a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and lubricate the hemorrhoidal bumps. The procedure is carried out only after emptying the intestines and washing away cold water. After applying the ointment, it is necessary to lie down for twenty to thirty minutes, and the procedure itself should be carried out two to three times a day.


Healing properties of the money tree. Home Doctor!

The money tree comes from warm countries. Many varieties of fat women grow in southern Africa, Australia and Madagascar. At home, they grow a tree-like fat woman, which is called the money tree and is used as a green healer. The tree fat woman actually resembles a tree. This plant has a thick lignified trunk and a dense crown of fleshy green leaves. In room conditions, the money tree rarely blooms. And if this happens, then only after the fifth year of the plant's life.

It is noteworthy that the money tree is a kind of indicator of the health of people living in the house where it grows. This tree seems to draw in the negative energy of an unhealthy organism and begins to wither. But as soon as a person recovers, a healthy appearance also returns to the tree. In a word, even at the energy level it is amazing plant closely related to man.

And the money tree is considered a filter plant. That is, it is able to purify the air in the room and thereby have a beneficial effect on the well-being of people. But the use of the money tree in folk medicine is due to its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It is believed that in terms of its medicinal properties, this plant is not inferior to Kalanchoe and Aloe. However, most often the fat woman is used for external treatment. But the fact is that the arsenic contained in its leaves can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even loss of consciousness when ingested juice and green pulp. Therefore, it is possible to be treated with preparations from the leaves of the money tree only after consulting a doctor.

Money tree in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the juice of the leaves of the fat woman and the slurry prepared from them is used for external and internal use. So, for example, the healing properties of the fat woman are used for abscesses, cuts, wounds and deep scratches. From the leaves of this tree, gruel is made and applied to the damaged area.

At the same time, several washed leaves are crushed to the state of gruel, trying to preserve the juice of the plant as much as possible. The resulting slurry is applied to a clean (and even better sterile) gauze or a bandage folded in several layers. Cover it from above with another of the same layer and apply it to an abscess or wound. The bandage is kept for four hours, and then replaced with a new one. This treatment is effective for muscle strains and bruises.

Crassula juice treats herpes on the lips. To do this, squeeze the juice from the washed leaves and lubricate the sore with it every half hour. Or they soak a cotton swab with juice, apply it to the affected area and fix it with a medical plaster. In case of inflammation of the throat (tonsillitis, tonsillitis), an aqueous solution of fat woman juice is made. To do this, squeeze the juice out of ten leaves and dilute it in an incomplete glass of boiled or filtered water. Gargle with this solution about five times a day.

For the treatment of arthritis, folk methods also use the juice of the leaves of the money tree, lubricating it with inflamed joints at night. Crassula juice relieves pain, itching and swelling from the bites of mosquitoes, bees and wasps. They also lubricate the bites four to six times a day.

It is believed that the healing properties of the money tree help with stomach and duodenal ulcers. Folk healers recommend that for these diseases, eat two leaves of the fat woman an hour before meals, chewing them thoroughly. An infusion of the leaves is also used to treat inflammation of the kidneys. To do this, five washed leaves of the money tree are crushed, poured into them with an incomplete glass of hot water and infused for an hour. The infusion is taken one tablespoon fifteen minutes before meals three times a day.

Apply the leaves of the money tree to the calluses. By the way, "cornflower" is another popular name for a fat woman. Only first you need to remove the upper transparent film from the leaflet, and only then attach it to the corn, fix it with a band-aid and leave it overnight. Apply the cut leaves of the money tree to the burnt places, but only if the burn is not very strong and without blisters.

By analogy with the treatment of corns, leaves of a money tree are used for an ingrown nail. The cut leaflet is applied to the inflamed area, covered with plastic wrap and fixed with a plaster. As the leaf dries, the compress is changed, and the nail plate softened by the fat woman juice is carefully removed.

An infusion of the leaves is used to treat varicose veins. A half-liter jar is filled with leaves and green twigs for two-thirds of the volume and filled to the top with vodka. The jar is closed with a tight lid and insisted in a dark place for about a month. Then compresses are made from the finished infusion. The same treatment is carried out for joint and muscle pain and swelling.

Helps treatment with fatty juice and hemorrhoids. To prepare the drug, the juice of the leaves is mixed with liquid petroleum jelly, a cotton swab is soaked with the resulting mixture and the hemorrhoidal bumps are lubricated. The procedure is carried out only after emptying the intestines and washing with cold water. After applying the ointment, it is necessary to lie down for twenty to thirty minutes, and the procedure itself should be carried out two to three times a day.

Consider how exactly the money tree flower is useful for human health, where it is used, how its healing properties are used.

This flower is known, thanks to the emitted phytoncides, for its ability to actively purify the air, including from bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Crassula juice has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, and it is used mainly to treat burns, skin irritations, herpetic infections. The gruel from the leaves helps in the treatment of acne, relieves itching after insect bites, with cuts - it can have a strong healing effect.

A feature of the fat woman plant is that the pulp and juice contain a small amount of arsenic. When using the plant inside in large doses, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, confusion may occur. With external use, there are practically no contraindications, except for allergies.

Read more about the medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of fat women.

Is it possible or not to keep a fat woman in the house?

Consider whether or not it is possible to keep him at home, is it not harmful to health if there is a child in the apartment, is the constant presence of Crassula dangerous and why for a person. If there are pets or small children in the house who can accidentally taste the leaf, it is better to put the plant higher, in a place inaccessible to them, and not keep the flower in the nursery. In all other cases crassula - very unpretentious and extremely useful flower , which perfectly cleans the air and can help with some diseases.

What does Crassula contain?

Crassula juice has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Known antipruritic and antifungal agents of the fresh pulp of the plant. The plant contains large quantities various flavonoids and phytoncides.

Flavonoids, which are part of Crassula, protect the body from viral diseases . They help to strengthen the immune system, and they also develop an anti-inflammatory effect.

Phytoncides inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, which is why crassula juice is used to treat tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis and kidney disease.

But the most effective in the composition of Crassula is arsenic. When applied externally, it allows you to treat arthritis and arthrosis, helps fight inflammation, bacterial infections. May be toxic if taken orally.

Poisonous or not plant?

Arsenic is a poison for any living organism. But in the composition of the fat woman, its amount is not very large. Can the flesh of the plant be eaten?

Can adults take juice or pulp orally?

If an adult is careful and consults with a specialist, the juice and pulp of the money tree in small quantities, strictly according to the prescription, can be used orally to treat stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, increase metabolism, alleviate neurology, and kidney diseases.

It is very effective and efficient to treat sore throats, herpes on the lips, cuts and abrasions with infusions of crassula.

What is dangerous for children?

Is a fat woman poisonous for a child? It is strictly forbidden to give juice and gruel of the money tree inside to children.. The child's body is extremely sensitive to arsenic, even in tiny doses, so even one leaf eaten can cause not only vomiting and diarrhea, but also loss of consciousness and severe allergies. External use of Crassula for children is safe.

Crassula Juice Precautions

Most importantly, before starting treatment with fatty juice, be sure to consult your doctor. Before the first use, it is necessary to check if there is an allergy to the plant. To do this, apply a small amount of juice to the bend of the elbow and wait a couple of hours. If even a slight irritation appears, it is strictly forbidden to use the plant for treatment.

Start treatment carefully, with small doses- for rinsing, it is better to dilute the juice warm water gradually increasing the concentration. For oral use, start with a few drops and see how you feel. If nausea, vomiting, confusion occur, treatment should be stopped immediately and the doctor should be informed about the change in condition. In any case, it is not recommended to take inside more than three tablespoons of infusion (3-5 leaves per glass of boiled water) even with excellent health and no allergies.

Thus, we considered the use of juice from the leaves of a houseplant crassula. - according to its properties, a plant that is extremely useful in a home flower garden, which can reduce the number of viral diseases in the inhabitants of the house, purify the air in the apartment, help treat burns, provide first aid for insect bites, and cure a sore throat.

Useful video

We offer you to get acquainted with an interesting and informative video about beneficial features fat women:

It is only necessary to comply small measures precautions - do not drink juice inside without preparing and consulting with your doctor in advance, and keep the plant higher - away from children and pets.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Money tree, crassula or crassula are the names of the same houseplant with a lignified trunk and small coin-like leaves. Few people know that not only the money tree is famous for its decorative effect, the healing properties of this culture have long been used in folk medicine.

Money tree and its healing properties

Traditional healers and representatives Eastern religions claim that the money tree can absorb negative energy, heal the soul and attract wealth into the house. An unpretentious tree in care has long become an adornment of almost every apartment and house.

IN medicinal purposes juicy fleshy leaves of crassula are used. The value is the juice of the money tree, which contains arsenic. This explains the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect of the plant. Crassula helps to cure skin diseases and injuries, inflammation of the mucous membranes and relieve pain.

What and how the money tree treats: folk recipes and tips

Even just being in the apartment, the money tree purifies the air and destroys bacteria. Crassula leaves are crushed into gruel, juice is squeezed out, lotions are prepared from them and even taken orally.

1. Treatment of skin diseases with a fat woman

People treat herpes, eczema, lichen, allergies and even psoriasis with the help of lotions from the juice of the money tree:

1) prepare a piece of gauze or a bandage for a compress;

2) pick a few leaves of crassula and rinse them with water;

3) chop the leaves with a blender and put on a clean gauze;

4) apply lotions on sore skin for 4 hours.

Rashes on the lips and insect bites should be lubricated with fatty juice every 1-2 hours, or cotton swabs should be applied. Your money tree can also save you from corns. It is only necessary to fasten a cut of a sheet of a fat woman to a corn that bothers you at night.

2. Money tree: benefits for the stomach and intestines

The wound-healing effect of the fat woman allows it to be widely used in gastroenterology. For ulcers, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to eat 2 leaves of the money tree every morning. Chew the medicine slowly, do not drink it, and do not eat breakfast for an hour.

3. Crassula leaves for kidney treatment

From inflammation of the kidneys, an infusion of crassula leaves helps well. You can prepare it as follows:

1) Grind 5-6 leaves of the fat woman into gruel;

2) pour the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water;

3) insist about an hour.

The resulting broth should be consumed before meals in a tablespoon.

4. Money Tree Juice for Sore Throats

Angina, tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat can be quickly cured by rinsing with the crassula nipple. To do this, mix warm water with money tree juice 1 to 0.5. Gargle with this liquid 6-8 times a day.

5. Crassula in the treatment of arthritis and varicose veins

For the treatment of joint diseases, prepare an alcohol infusion of a fat woman:

1) finely chop or grind 20 crassula leaves;

2) fill the porridge with a glass of vodka and leave for a week.

Such a composition can be used as a rubbing before bedtime, or a compress on sore joints. Varicose veins are also treated with money tree sap. It can be mixed with baby cream or rubbed neat on the skin.

6. Money tree - help with injuries, bruises and abrasions

You can quickly get rid of scratches, bruises and bruises with fresh juice or crushed fatty leaves. Lubricate the sore spots with healing liquid or make lotions with crassula gruel every 3 hours. You can moisten the bandage in the juice of the money tree and wrap it around the injured area. From above, warm the bandage with a cloth, and change the bandage every 2 hours.

7. Treatment of hemorrhoids with Crassula

To alleviate discomfort and speed up recovery from hemorrhoids, tampons with fatty juice will help. Mix fresh juice from 4-5 leaves of the money tree with vaseline oil 1 to 1. You can lubricate hemorrhoids with the solution, and also put gauze swabs soaked in the solution inside for 15-20 minutes.

Can a money tree harm health?

Let's not forget about arsenic, which is contained in the leaves of the fat woman. Exceeding the norm of the use of this substance can cause a deterioration in the well-being of a person. The result of an excess of arsenic in the body can become: diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting and clouding of consciousness. The same symptoms can be caused by too long treatment with fatty juice.

"Use self-medication methods only with the permission of a doctor, strictly observe the required doses of medicinal lotions and solutions with money tree juice, and nothing will harm your health!"
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