What are the healing properties of anise lofant? Anise lofant: medicinal properties and contraindications

From stomach colic. But there is amazing flowers, which are planted and which the whole world rejoices in, and for us they are a real mystery. One of them is a lofant, medicinal properties and its contraindications are known Tibetan monks for several hundred years now.

Getting to know the lofant

If you ask a botanist what a lofant is, he will not understand you right away. This name is unofficial, in fact it is called a multi-column, and if in Latin - then agastahe. This unusual flower more than 11 species, and each lofant is unique in its own way.

Most lofants are real giants, they can grow up to one and a half meters. That is why gardeners value them so much - fluffy fragrant leaves not only create a luxurious mini-jungle near your home, but also spread a charming anise smell with hints of mint and caramel for meters around.

The inflorescences of the lofant are collected in original “sultans” candles, color palette which are extremely diverse. Cream, lilac, strict ashen and delicate pink, blue and purple ... Tibetan lofant looks very gentle - the photos show romantic white flowers, and behind the scenes - a real treasure for your first aid kit.

Tibetan or anise?

Gardeners most appreciate the Mexican polygon (for its blazing purple hue and delicate foliage) and mountain (for its unique mint aroma and unpretentiousness). Cooks and supporters healthy eating prefer anise lofant, and adherents of traditional medicine - Tibetan.

controversy around different varieties agastahe are conducted among both scientists and gardeners. Most main question- anise and Tibetan lofant, differences and similarities, because these 2 types are the most popular. Outwardly, it is quite simple to distinguish these flowers: the Asian one blooms with noble white flowers, the spicy one with elegant purple ones.

On the left - Tibetan lofant, on the right - anise lofant. The differences are obvious...

IN folk medicine it is the Tibetan "variant" of the multi-grate that is actively used, the anise one has a different specialization. It is good in cooking, as part of fragrant teas, as a cosmetic product. Doctors recommend drinking tea from anise lofant for colds - to diversify the diet of honey and raspberry jam. But for the treatment of serious ailments, it is pointless to use it.

Tibetan lofant in the Russian garden ...

The Tibetan lofant has many names. Officially, it is called a wrinkled multi-grate (and you can’t tell by the stylish white candle flowers!), People call it Korean mint. This healing miracle comes from the Tibetan highlands and the Himalayas, but today inquisitive Russian gardeners are increasingly growing Asian mint in our domestic gardens.

If you are also going to settle an Asian guest on your site, growing a Tibetan lofant will not be special there. It reproduces in all the ways familiar to us - dividing the bush, cuttings, layering, but the most reliable option- in the old fashioned way, seedlings from seeds. Agastakhe will calmly survive even the unpredictable Siberian winter with its frosts and thaws, and begins to bloom in mid-summer, in July.

But it blooms to the last, until the first September frosts. It is at this time that it is recommended to store seeds for next landings and healing inflorescences for your first aid kit. But the lofant heals not only with inflorescences - for tinctures and medicinal teas, shoots with scented leaves are also needed. The entire upper part of the multi-grate is one continuous natural healer.

...and in the first aid kit

In oriental medicine, Korean mint is considered soft option- the legendary "root of life". Tibetan Lofant is a strong immunomodulator, but it acts smoothly and is famous for its cumulative effect. The result of its application does not appear immediately, but it persists for a long, long time.

Many experts consider this feature to be the only disadvantage of the lofant - the treatment lasts quite a long time. The standard course is 30 days, then you need to take a week break and repeat herbal medicine again (or even better, to consolidate the effect, twice).

But this small flower minus is more than compensated for by the variety of medicinal properties of the wrinkled polygon. With regular use, the Tibetan lofant will help:

  • significantly strengthen and improve defensive forces organism
  • normalize high pressure and improve blood circulation;
  • calm the nerves and get rid of insomnia (doctors recommend Korean mint to recover from nervous breakdowns);
  • improve digestion and speed up metabolism;
  • cure fungal diseases skin (for external use);
  • smooth wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and strengthen the hair;
  • strengthen male potency and increase the effectiveness of prostatitis treatment.

Lofant Tibetan, beneficial features and whose contraindications were so valued in ancient Chinese medicine, is indispensable for modern residents of the metropolis. Phytotherapeutists advise sewing aromatic sachets with lofant leaves and flowers in the summer, and putting them in a pillow. It helps to relax, forget about daily worries, refresh your head, relieve a migraine attack, and most importantly - provides a deep and restful sleep.

How to use the Tibetan lofant?

Apply Korean Mint medicinal purposes Can different ways– the efficiency of the lofant is always the same. The main multi-coloured recipes are infusions and baths.

Universal infusion of Tibetan lofant

We take 2 tablespoons of chopped greens and white lofant inflorescences (preferably fresh, but dried will do). Pour two cups of boiling water, wrap with a towel and leave for 2 hours. You can steam in a thermos, then wrapping is not needed. Then strain and drink half a glass of fragrant broth three times a day, without fail before meals.

Lofant infusion for skin and hair

For two cups of boiling water, you need 4 large spoons of Tibetan agastakhe. Insist 2 hours, use - as you wish. You can freeze and wipe your face with Korean mint in the morning and before going to bed, you can add a fragrant infusion to the bath. And also use the lofant plant as a strengthening rinse for hair.

And if a wrinkled multi-grate has already settled on your site, then it can also be used as a tasty remedy to eliminate bleeding gums and strengthen teeth. The recipe is very simple - scald fresh lofant leaves with boiling water and chew them a couple of times a day for several minutes. For lovers of the spicy taste of anise and mint, this medicine is a real treat!

What is anise lofant famous for?

Anise lofant, whose medicinal properties are not as well known, has a more sophisticated reputation than Tibetan. Online directories tend to understate healing power fennel polygon (this is its official name), which is why many people treat it rather dismissively. Especially in comparison with the miraculous Korean mint.

But such an attitude is completely unfair, because in their field, few can compare with the anisov lofant. So God wisely ordered, distributing between two colors different areas activities: Tibetan - treatment, anise - cooking and facial and body care.

In cooking, it is difficult to find the same universal seasoning as spicy lofant. This is a spice, and a delicacy for jam, and an excellent honey plant. This plant originated in North America, and to this day spicy lofant honey remains one of the most unusual local desserts. And what else can be prepared from anise lofant?

  • Fruit and vegetable salads, exotic okroshka, vegetable sauces.
  • Any fish dishes - baked, stewed and fried fish.
  • Sweet pastries: cookies, pies, spiced bread for morning tea.
  • Jam and sweet puddings.
  • Compotes and herbal tea.
  • Use as a seasoning for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, other homemade preparations.

In cosmetology, anise lofant is also indispensable. Its beneficial properties and contraindications are used for the treatment of skin diseases, and in tonic herbal face masks, and in hair care. And if you need to relax after have a hard day, a fragrant anise-mint bath with a lofant will help - a full-fledged replacement for salon spa treatments.

Recipes with anise lofant

Summer herbal tea with anise lofant

We take in equal proportions green tea, lofant leaves and. If desired, you can add lemon balm, and. Brew like regular green tea. Such a drink not only has a charming herbal taste, but also tones and gives inspiration - what you need on a calm summer evening at your favorite dacha.

Face mask with anti-wrinkle lofant

This mask will help to tighten the skin and even out the complexion. We take a tablespoon of good fat sour cream, liquid honey, cottage cheese and lofant greens (we grind the last two ingredients in a blender or meat grinder). We keep it on the face for 15 minutes, rinse off with a decoction of a fennel multi-growth (cook in the same way as a cosmetic decoction from a Tibetan lofant).

Strengthening hair mask with lofant

This recipe is for those who grow anise lofant in their garden. You need to pick a solid handful of leaves and grind them in a blender. Squeeze out the smelly juice through gauze, rub into the hair roots and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then - wash your hair as usual.

Lofant specialists

Researchers have long paid attention to the beneficial properties of the multi-grate: the Tibetan lofant (like the anise lofant) has been studied for a long time and intently. And here's what's interesting - scientists have not found any special prohibitions on the use of these herbs!

The most ardent fans of the lofant are, of course, gardeners. Many appreciate the agastahe for its beauty and richness of colors - on personal plot such a riot of color looks very advantageous. And the fresh and invigorating anise-mint aroma is another plus for this wonderful flower.

Summer residents admit that even 20-30 minutes near the “bed” with a lofant is enough to feel how tiredness goes away and fresh strength appears. And if you reinforce this effect with a cup of lofant tea, then simple dacha turn into a real summer resort!

Anise lofant belongs to breeding plants, and therefore it is impossible to meet it in the wild. It should be noted that this is a recent achievement of flower growers, therefore it can not be read about in almost any of the encyclopedias. Nevertheless, despite the artificial origin, the plant has unique medicinal properties and is curative.

Anise lofant refers to perennials family Lamiaceae and is considered a relative of lemon balm and catnip. Accordingly, among the beneficial properties of the plant, its antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal effects are noted. Lofant buds at the time of flowering produce a strong anise aroma, in honor of which the second name of the plant appeared. In addition, the plant contains 1.5% essential oil, which is based on methyl chavicol.

Externally, culture is herbaceous bush, whose stems have 4 pronounced edges and can reach almost 2 m in height. The leaves of the lofant are distinguished by characteristic serrated edges. One plant consists of 3-5 stems, on which up to 10 peduncles are placed. Each of them reaches a length of approximately 15 cm and looks like a spikelet of sapphire hue. The bush grows quite quickly.

Anise lofant blooms throughout the summer, and the first buds appear by the end of May. If the flowers are constantly removed from the stem, then over time their number will only increase.

In one place, the lofant is able to live up to 6 years. After that, his condition may worsen. First of all, this is reflected in flowering.

Growing a plant

This plant is considered unpretentious. The only essential condition for its growth is certain type soil. At the same time, the anise lofant is temperature-resistant: it tolerates both drought and small frosts. Propagated by division and seeds. And the easiest way is seed. It requires planting seeds in a specially prepared soil, light and fertile in its structure. Lofant does not grow on sandy, calcareous or waterlogged soil.

When propagated by division, the plant is removed from the soil and cut into pieces. In addition, each of the resulting bushes must have a piece of root and at least 5 buds to resume growth.

When collecting lofant seeds, it should be taken into account that their reproductive ability is preserved in the first 3 years, after which they dry out. It is worth preparing for planting seeds in the fall. Digging depth - at least 25 cm. The soil must be fertilized. It is optimal to add potassium salt (per 1 m² - 15 g), manure (1-2 kg) and superphosphate (2-3 g). In the spring, the site is harrowed and leveled. It is best to plant seeds in March. The soil must first be moistened and loosened. Planting depth - about 2-3 cm. The distance between the bushes - about 70 cm. The first shoots are possible by the end of the second week.

The first month lofant grows slowly, slowly. It must be regularly watered and hilled, weeding emerging weeds. After the plant has 5 true leaves, the first phase of growth is considered completed. Lofant becomes much stronger and accelerates in its development. At the end of the first year, the length of its stems will be about 130-150 cm. At the same time, the appearance of the first flowers is not excluded. They are possible by autumn.

In the second year, the plant will need re-feeding. It must be carried out 2 times during the summer, watering with a solution of superphosphate (20 g per 10 l).

Anise lofant seeds can be planted not only in spring, but also in autumn - before the start of frost. In this case, at the beginning of spring, with the first warming, the lofant will begin to grow vigorously and quickly gain its height.

Lofant needs to change its place of growth 1 time in 10 years. This is especially important to consider when growing it on a balcony or in a room.

When planting lofant seeds in a room, they must first be soaked in potassium permanganate for half an hour, then dried and frozen in the refrigerator. The seeds are planted in the steamed soil shallowly - up to 1 cm. In the first week they are watered and regularly covered with a transparent and impenetrable material, which is removed with the emergence of seedlings.

You need to water the sprouts between the rows, adding a drop boric acid which will protect developing plants from the black leg. Seedling picking is done after 1 month or with the appearance of 5 leaves. By the end of May, young lofants can be planted in open ground, keeping the distance between them at 25 cm (the distance between the rows must be at least 70 cm.).

Useful properties of anise lofant

Modern Scientific research confirmed that the medicinal properties of the aniseed lofant are exceptional and unique. The plant is used in the manufacture of medicines in many countries. There are practically no diseases in which the lofant would not be able to exert its beneficial effect. Contraindications when using a lofant are minimal. Most often it is used for general strengthening immune system, with disorders of the cardiovascular apparatus, diseases of the kidneys, intestines, pancreas and others internal organs. It is also used to relieve inflammation, to treat bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc.

In children and adults with poor health, therapeutic baths, inhalations and other procedures are especially helpful. It has recently been established that positive results gives treatment with lofant skin diseases.

During the action of the drug with the use of anise lofant, the body is cleansed of all kinds of toxins, harmful heavy metals that come from environment as well as by-products of metabolism. Accordingly, very often preparations based on lofant are prescribed to people living in places with atmospheric and radiation pollution.

The plant is actively used in the creation cosmetic preparations designed to smooth wrinkles, restore facial skin elasticity and strengthen hair roots on the head.

Preparation of infusions and their use

For ingestion, you can create an infusion directly at home. This requires 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. After that, the liquid is filtered and poured into separate containers. It is used inside 100-150 ml 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. For children, the dose is halved.

In the manufacture of the drug for external use, 4 tbsp. l. Pour raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water.

The raw material is obtained from the stem of the plant, and specifically from the upper part of the lofant, which is more than 20 cm above the ground. After that, the cut stem is placed in the shade to dry. The material is then stored in paper bags. The younger the plant, the more useful it will be.

In general, anise lofant is very rich in vitamins, phytoncides and trace elements. Fresh stems can be added to okroshka, tea, compote, wines, homemade tinctures, salads and soups. The bush has a fragrant anise flavor, which can make the dish spicy. However, the plant may not appeal to everyone. In any case, one must be careful not to overdo it with this supplement.

Delicate blue and lilac flowers-panicles of anise lofant are a wonderful decoration of the landscape and a means of decorating the room. But in addition, anise lofant has medicinal properties that are used in traditional medicine. The article discusses the beneficial properties of anise lofant and contraindications to the use of medicinal herbs.

Healing properties of anise lofant

Traditional medicine offers many recipes based on anise lofant for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Moreover, for the preparation of medicinal compositions, stems, leaves and inflorescences of the plant are used. Useful properties of anise lofant appear when used in the form of decoctions and infusions that help:

  • in violation of digestion;
  • liver pathologies;
  • angina;
  • headache;
  • nervous states.

In the form of lotions, compresses and baths medicinal plant used in the treatment of burns, open wounds. Contained in medicinal herb antioxidants are primarily essential oils, activate metabolic processes and enhance immunity.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that anise lofant has a noticeable rejuvenating and tonic effect on the body. This is due to the fact that the plant contains many useful substances, including:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • phytoncides.
Preparation of medicinal products based on anise lofant

The medicinal properties of anise lofant are associated with the method of preparation and use in therapy.

Phytocidal infusion


  • dried raw materials - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 400 ml.

Preparation and application

Pour the prepared chopped grass into a thermos, pour boiling water over it. After 3 hours, drain the infusion into a jar. Keep the product in the refrigerator and take 50 ml before meals.

An aqueous infusion of anise lofant is used in the treatment of digestion, blood vessels and nervous conditions.

Alcohol tincture


  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • fresh herb lofant anise - 200 g.

Preparation and application

The grass is finely cut and placed in glass jar, filled with vodka. Under a tightly closed lid, the product is infused for a month in dark place. Ready tincture is filtered. Take the remedy before each meal. To do this, 20 drops of alcohol tincture are diluted in a small amount of water at room temperature.

Vodka tincture can be used for vascular diseases and to increase immunity. In addition, lofant on alcohol is used in the treatment of external wounds and skin defects.

The gel is also intended for the skin.

Gel based on anise lofant


  • freshly picked lofant grass - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar essence - 2 drops.

Preparation and application

Grind the grass in a mortar with a pestle (it is best if these household items are wooden). Put the resulting mass in a jar, adding olive oil and vinegar essence, mix thoroughly. The gel should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. 1-2 times a week, a rejuvenating mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The result will be already noticeable after 3-4 procedures.

For your information! Anise lofant can be used as a spice in cooking. Seasoning adds a pleasant piquancy to fish, meat and vegetable dishes.

Contraindications to the use of anise lofant

Among various plants that benefit, anise lofant stands out. It is also called hyssop and combflower. It grows like natural environment, so it can be grown in your backyard, has valuable properties. IN natural conditions grows in America and Canada, as well as in Asia and Far East. In our country, it is grown in the southern regions and bred in the Crimea and Moldova. middle lane shelter is needed winter period.


Anise lofant grows from 1.5 to 2 meters in height. It is a perennial herb that belongs to the Lamiaceae family and can live up to nine years of age. Its numerous shoots are tetrahedral in shape. They are petiolate leaves in the form of an elongated heart with rare teeth. Flowering occurs almost all summer with lilac spikelets, which are about 10 centimeters. After it, smooth fruits of an oblong appearance appear. Bushes look good in the garden and have pleasant aroma.


In its composition, anise lofant contains citric and malic, ascorbic and caffeic acids, as well as amethoflavone. Its superficial part has valuable essential oils, which consist of methyl chavicol. In medicine, lofant is used in the following cases:

  • strengthening the immune system, increasing the efficiency of the body;
  • lofant-based baths reduce swelling in venous diseases of the legs;
  • decoctions act as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent, heal wounds and cracks;
  • infusions reduce arterial pressure, as a result of which the work of the heart improves, helps to get rid of headaches;
  • baths and decoctions from the lofant help to remove stones from the kidneys, help with urination problems;
  • used in the treatment of neurological diseases;
  • inhalations and tea based on a lofant will help with viral and respiratory diseases, as well as with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • the use of tea every day will have a beneficial effect on the vision and hearing of a person;
  • the plant helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • slows down the aging process in the body;
  • baths are used in the treatment of skin diseases.

In cosmetology, lofant is used as a substitute for shampoos that prevent the formation of dandruff and strengthen the hair follicle. Due to the ability to release essential oils, it is used in massages. And lofant oil will improve the condition of the skin, give velvety.

Lofant is used well in cooking. Dishes with it have an exotic and unusual taste. It is one of the components in compotes and jelly. Included in fish and meat dishes as a seasoning.


It is better to grow a plant at home, as it will not only decorate your flower bed, but it can also be used for its intended purpose. In addition, it is an excellent honey plant, which attracts the necessary insects to your site. In one place, it grows up to six years, while its productivity does not decrease.

Lofant is planted on breathable soils with a neutral environment. The plant loves regular watering, as well as good loosening. Can withstand drought. Strong waterlogging does not tolerate well.

In winter, it requires heavy mulching with sawdust, peat, spruce branches or shelter by special means to prevent freezing. A large layer of snow will also help with frost.

During the flowering period of the lofant, its ground part is pruned. The collected grass is dried in the shade or in a room with good ventilation. The dried plant keeps well in tight bags paper or glass containers. Throughout the summer, the foliage and young shoots can be cut for consumption.

After pruning, the lofant should be fed organic fertilizers for continued growth. But in the spring, annually it is necessary to fertilize it with nitrogen fertilizers.

The lofant practically does not suffer from the invasion of pests, since many simply cannot stand its aroma.


Anise lofant reproduces well with the help of seeds and dividing the bush:

  1. Seed material retains its properties for about three years. It is planted in March. From the moment of planting to planting seedlings, about 60 days should pass. For sowing seeds, use good, nutrient-rich soil. It is important to maintain optimal temperature regime at this time from 25 to 30 degrees, as the lofant is thermophilic. As soon as the first leaves appear - two pairs, a pick is carried out in separate cups. IN open ground seedlings are planted by the end of spring, when the appearance of night frosts will be excluded. Planting is carried out with an interval between plants up to 25 centimeters, and two centimeters deep. It is also possible to sow seeds directly into the ground, but only in places with good climatic conditions. Row spacing is at least 40 centimeters. The first sprouts will begin to appear as early as 10-12 days. When the second pair of leaves appears, the seedlings are thinned out, then again after 10 days.
  1. The division of the bush is carried out in spring or autumn period. For this purpose, adult grass bushes must be dug up and divided into parts using a knife or shovel. It is necessary to ensure that each of the parts has a good root system and up to five renewal buds.

Why it is worth starting in your area

  1. It is an excellent medicine.
  2. Natural body care product.
  3. An indispensable culinary assistant.
  4. Works great without much maintenance.
  5. Abundant flowering throughout the summer.
  6. It reproduces without problems.
  7. Great scent and look.

Precautionary measures

Despite the beneficial properties of anise lofant, people may have adverse body reactions to taking it, namely:

  • allergy sufferers may have a reaction during the flowering period;
  • during the initial intake, a rash and nausea may occur, sometimes dizziness, it all depends on the tolerance of the organism of a particular person;
  • at times, the aroma causes dizziness;
  • when taking plant-based products, you should consult a doctor and follow the dosage correctly, otherwise it may affect the state of your body.

Lofant anise and Tibetan what are the differences?

The lofant plant has more than 10 species. The most popular of them are Tibetan, as well as anise varieties. Inexperienced summer residents often confuse these two varieties, despite the fact that there are clear differences between them. Both cultures can bring both benefit and harm, and what exactly - the article will tell.

Description of the plant. Difference Between Tibetan and Anise Lofant

The botanical "name" of the lofant is a multi-grate. Its varieties can grow up to 1-1.5 m, which makes the plant welcome guest on suburban area. Fluffy foliage creates cozy corner in the garden, and also exudes a pleasant aroma, which clearly captures notes of mint, caramel and anise. Lofant is considered unpretentious culture, due to self-seeding, it grows in one place for many years.

The flowers of the polygon are collected in a kind of "candles" different shades, from white and pink to blue and purple. It is thanks to the color, as well as the shape of the foliage, that two popular varieties of lofant can be distinguished. The inflorescences of the Tibetan, which is officially called wrinkled polygonum, and unofficially - Korean mint, are painted white. The leaves of this variety are rounded. Anise lofant (or fennel multi-grate) produces purple flowers, and its leaves are pointed.

Lofant Tibetan

There are other features that distinguish both species:

  • the aroma of the anise polygon is stronger than the Tibetan one;
  • the wrinkled variety is more resistant to frost;
  • anise is used in cosmetology, as well as a spice for sweet, fish, meat dishes, salads and preservation;
  • Tibetan lofant is preferred by supporters of traditional medicine.

From what they have in common - the composition. These are vitamins of group B, and "ascorbic acid", and essential oils, and trace elements, and much more. The difference is only in the ratio of all components.

Advice. Both varieties of lofant help fight late blight on nightshade crops.

What are useful and to whom varieties of multi-grate are harmful

Those who grow a lofant on their site should know that the entire upper part of the plant benefits the body: leaves, shoots and inflorescences. Moreover, the latter must be harvested in parallel with the collection of seeds, during the flowering period - and it lasts from mid-July to September frosts. The wrinkled polygon is sometimes referred to as "Tibetan ginseng". Some believe that in terms of its qualities it even surpasses the famous healing “root of life”.

Tea and tincture of Korean mint help:

  1. Cleanse the body of toxins.
  2. Improve immunity.
  3. Recover from severe chronic illnesses.
  4. Adjust pressure.
  5. Remove inflammatory processes.
  6. Increase potency and treat prostatitis.
  7. Improve female reproductive function.
  8. Improve digestion.
  9. soothe nervous system get rid of feelings of anxiety and insomnia.
  10. cure anemia.
  11. Remove bacteria and viruses in the nasopharynx.
  12. Get rid of eczema and dermatitis - with external use.
  13. Smooth out wrinkles and give the skin elasticity.
  14. Strengthen hair.

Advice. If you suffer from sleep disorders or migraines, fill the pillow with shoots and inflorescences of the Tibetan polygon.

Anise lofant will help in the treatment of such ailments:

  • angina;
  • liver pathology;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • digestive problems;
  • headache.

Lofant Anise

Also, fennel multi-grate increases immunity, helps to cope with skin diseases, burns and open wounds. It is used in tonic masks for the face and hair. aromatic bath with anise lofant soothes the nerves and restores strength.

Both types of multi-grate should be used with caution, especially during pregnancy. They are contraindicated in hypotension, thrombophlebitis (even with a tendency to it), as well as in oncology. In addition, people with epilepsy and muscle cramps cannot be treated with anise lofant. Check availability allergic reactions, and before taking for medicinal purposes, be sure to visit a doctor.

Lofant Tibetan: video

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