Flowers useful for the apartment. What flowers must be kept at home. Plants that should not be kept at home

They can become not only a great addition to the design of your apartment, but also a useful find. Such create cozy atmosphere for your home, add color to the interior and delight the eye at any time of the year. Of particular value are those that can be beneficial to human health. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

by the most unpretentious and most suitable plant for beginner flower growers is. It is with narrow green and hanging air mustaches, on which small bushes of a new plant are located.
can grow in any soil, in any room: in the sun, in the shade, with warm or cold temperature, on the refrigerator, on the table. Suitable for any size pot. The plant needs plentiful, otherwise it may fade.
An adult flower reaches a diameter of 50 cm and the same size in height. Shoots grow in length from 80 to 100 cm. It has the ability to actively and effectively purify oxygen from harmful substances and carbon monoxide. Most often it is placed in the kitchen, where there is gas stove, since the flower quickly absorbs substances harmful to humans from the air.

The flower that is and should be in every home is. It is a plant with branched, densely leafy, erect stems. The leaves, along the edges of which are hard cartilaginous teeth, reach a length of 40 cm and have a juicy, fleshy pulp.
Aloe, like everyone else, loves bright light and does not need frequent watering . It is necessary to moisten the pot 1-2 times a week in summer and no more than 1 time per month in winter.
Juice is used as effective remedy in the treatment of staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, abscesses and phlegmon. Great distribution this flower was obtained in dentistry in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Moreover, aloe masks have anti-aging properties, help with local baldness and skin diseases. With help, you can stop bleeding, since tannins and catechin increase blood clotting.

Did you know?Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra only for the sake of aloe plantations, which were grown by the locals. It was with compresses from this plant that the conquerors treated the wounded soldiers after the victory.

- a useful and attractive indoor flower, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and a huge number of species. For good growth and ripening requires a room at room temperature, without drafts.
The plant needs a large amount of light, without which it can die. Any flower is suitable. Needs regular and frequent.
one of the most popular plants in the world traditional healers. It stimulates blood flow, normalizes heart rate, satisfies headache. is excellent tool from the common cold, cough and sore throat, useful for otitis media. In addition, geranium has antiseptic, analgesic, diuretic, bactericidal and antidiabetic properties.

beautiful and useful decoration your home will be - a small shrub, densely covered with bright green leaves with a shiny surface and a peculiar aroma. room view of this flower reaches a height of up to 2 m. Best grown in a small flower pot, increasing its size as needed.
can adapt to any conditions and does not require frequent, however, it needs a sufficient amount of light and air. has the ability improve appetite, normalize digestion.
Phytoncides, which secrete its leaves, are detrimental to tubercle bacillus. The oil obtained from has excellent antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

When thinking about what flowers should be in your home, do not forget about. At home, the leaves of this plant can reach sizes up to 70 cm.
a well-lit area at room temperature without direct sun rays, in the shade it can stunt growth and drop leaves. When caring for this, regular maintenance is required as the top layer of the earth mixture dries.
very useful for room microclimate, as it actively cleans the air from impurities of benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol. Tinctures and mixtures of this help with mastopathy and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

An indispensable healer in your home will be, which is valued for its own and its need. This one is unpretentious, it needs a small amount of sunlight.

Kalanchoe is suitable for room temperature, already at 10 ° C it can be set to Fresh air. Watering should be carried out regularly, but in no case should the plant be flooded, this can lead to its death.
Kalanchoe leaves are able to accumulate moisture, which the flower can then use to survive during periods of drought. This is one of the few houseplants that disinfects the air in the house and destroys germs, copes well with the influenza virus.
Kalanchoe has received the greatest distribution as a remedy for the treatment of colds and runny nose. At the same time, it gives strength and vigor, helps to wake up easily in the morning.

There is hardly a person who has not heard of such a useful and popular flower for the home as. This plant is fully adapted to life at home, preferring a cool temperature of 15-18 ° C and short sunny days. Keep it away from direct sunlight.
For drying out of the root system is unacceptable requires regular watering and moisturizing. The plant has a beneficial effect on plasma, blood, bone marrow. It is used for headaches, sore throats, eye infections, liver disease, and nosebleeds.

Perhaps many people in the house have this peculiar thorny plant. adapted to room conditions, since this climate is close to their native semi-desert climate. extremely photophilous and unpretentious to temperature regime in which they are grown. IN summer period require watering every 3-5 days as the topsoil dries.
In cold or overcast rainy weather no need for moisture at all. A feature of this is that its leaves are modified into spines of various lengths and colors.
have a diuretic effect, are used for wound healing, in diseases gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, neurological diseases. Decoctions from the stem of a cactus effectively help in the treatment of colds.

A very controversial plant is, the specific smell of which has the opposite effect on different people. It's perennial herbaceous plant, some species of which are presented in the form of subshrubs. It can both calm and relax, and cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
Pelargonium needs plenty of sunlight and room temperature. It must be watered every 3-4 days as the topsoil dries. The flower is used as an excellent antidepressant and antiseptic used for wound healing.
Pelargonium has excellent tonic and deodorizing properties for the skin. In general, this room "doctor" has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Did you know?Scientists believe that the history of growing plants at home goes back more than 5,000 years.

One of the champions in the production of oxygen and the absorption of harmful substances from the air is, or "pike tail". It is unpretentious in care, looks great in the interior. Sansevieria has dark green leaves, collected in rosettes and growing straight from the rhizome.
At the tips of the leaves of the flower there is a small point that must not be broken off, otherwise this will lead to poor growth. To maintain the beauty of the plant, it is necessary to provide it big amount sunlight and warm room temperature from 16 to 28 °C.
Sansevieria is drought-resistant, needs light watering as the soil dries out. This flower can enrich your home huge amount of oxygen, purify the air from benzene and formaldehyde. It effectively fights streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens, has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

When choosing which indoor flowers are beautiful, and most importantly useful, to keep in your apartment, try to focus on what main effect you want to get from them. If you need natural "purifiers" of the air, opt for chlorophytum, cactus or sansevieria. If you want to grow your own "healer" for various ailments, aloe, kalanchoe, laurel or pelargonium are suitable for you.

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We are all used to subjecting the water that comes to our homes through pipes to additional purification. We install main water filters in the apartment, and then purify the water with the help of pitcher filters.

But we rarely care about the cleanliness of the air in our homes. Just moisturize it. And that is not always the case.

And this despite the fact that it is established: the air inside the apartment is often much dirtier than outside.

Fortunately, you can improve its quality with the help of the most common indoor plants.

Below are 15 flowers that grow well in any home and that NASA, which is actively studying the ability of plants to purify the air, considers the most effective.

Aloe Vera

Cleans the air of formaldehyde and benzene, which are released when using cleaning products and paints.

Does not require any special care. Prefers sunny rooms facing south.

Chlorophytum crested

Saves the house from benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

Incredibly easy to care for. Prefers dry and cool.

Gerber Jameson

Disinfects the air from trichlorethylene, formed during dry cleaning, and from benzene.

Unfortunately, this is quite whimsical plant. Does not tolerate excess moisture. In a pot with poor drainage, it dies immediately. Requires a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.


The people do not like this plant too much. They call it "mother-in-law's tongue." And even associated with him a variety of troubles.

In vain. The plant is very useful. It is one of the best natural plant agents for destroying formaldehyde, the substance that most often poisons the air in our homes.

In addition, sansevieria is able to release oxygen even in dark time days. Therefore, it is an ideal plant for the bedroom.

It is quite easy to take care of. It can grow even when it is practically forgotten.

Scindapsus golden

Another powerful formaldehyde destroying agent.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. Therefore, it must be placed in a place not accessible to children and pets.


Shows the greatest activity against benzene.

Needs a bright sunshine. Feels best on open window in which a soft breeze blows and the sun shines. It is obvious that in our country such expanse for this flower is rarely available.

Dracaena marginata

Protects against xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

The plant is unpretentious. But, placing it on your windowsill, you should remember that over time it can fly up to the ceiling.

ficus benjamina

To combat formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

grow strong big plant not easy. It requires a constant temperature and stable lighting - bright, but not direct light. Also very sensitive to watering schedule.

Rhododendron Sims

Helps fight formaldehyde. And, in addition, it humidifies the air in the room.

Feels best in cool, dry rooms.


Destroys aerobic fecal particles that rise into the air every time you flush down the toilet.

For growth, it needs constantly moist soil and sunlight in the amount of 4 hours a day.

Dracaena Deremskaya

Fights formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Potentially can grow very high - under the ceiling. However, this is rarely achieved, largely because the plant is extremely sensitive to the purity of the water with which it is watered.

Aglaonema curly

Great option for any apartment. It destroys all kinds of toxins and at the same time is so unpretentious that it grows with pleasure in such conditions in which all other houseplants cannot survive.

Hamedorea Seyfritz

One of the most effective plants to combat benzene and trichlorethylene. It also destroys formaldehyde, but not as well.

Feels best in humid, hot environments with indirect but bright sunlight. It grows large, so it requires space.


It destroys formaldehyde and other volatile organic toxins very well.

Unpretentious in care. It grows almost always and everywhere. However, it has a significant disadvantage - toxicity, in view of which it must be kept away from children and pets.


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The choice of a houseplant does not have to be based on the external beauty or rarity of the flower. One of the most important properties plants is also its effect on health. Right choice home flower will allow a person not only to enjoy the beauty of the plant, but also to maintain / improve their health. So let's combine business with pleasure by choosing beautiful indoor flowers that positively affect our well-being!

The healthiest indoor plants


Indoor chlorophytum is very useful for apartment residents. Considered one of the most effective room air purifiers. His beneficial features lie in the ability to process the air, cleaning it from harmful substances, including formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is found in furniture, thermal insulation, plastics, tobacco smoke, and in many other places. Its synthetic component is very harmful to human health. As a rule, the increased content of formaldehyde is fixed in apartments. Chlorophytum is able to clear the air of such harmful substances in a day. Another advantage of chlorophytum is that it absorbs carbon monoxide and actively releases oxygen.

It has also been scientifically proven that activated carbon in a pot with this flower several times increases its cleansing properties.

Chlorophytum does not require special means or skills in caring for him (just likes abundant watering).

indoor geranium

Pelargonium, also known as geranium, has a beneficial effect on the nervous mechanisms human body. It helps people to more easily endure stressful situations and nervous conditions. Geranium also has a positive effect on sleep, so even doctors recommend getting this flower for people with insomnia. Geranium helps people with headaches or pressure problems.

Here's how to decorate your windows... And it's all geraniums!

Pelargonium also has the ability to neutralize dangerous viruses and diseases, process carbon monoxide into oxygen, to normalize the level of humidity in the air. In short, the health benefits of this indoor flower. Geraniums are best kept in the bedroom, but don't place the plant right next to your bed.

Geranium is not whimsical in terms of handling, it is easy to care for it. And many gardeners even specially breed geraniums for themselves.


Peppermint is a cultivated plant widely grown in gardens. However, people often plant this plant at home in pots. This type of mint has a special fresh and invigorating aroma.

It helps to reduce stress, improve appetite and relieve headaches.

Sansevieria rids the air of harmful synthetic evaporation products coming from linoleum and other artificial materials with which our modern apartments and offices.

In addition, sansevieria improves immune system a person, and also effectively replenishes the lack of oxygen in enclosed spaces.

Alternative names for this color - " Teschin language"and" Pike tail.

In general, these are very hardy plants, plus very compact.

myrtle and eucalyptus

Myrtle among people is known as evergreen. Like eucalyptus, it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Special substances that produce eucalyptus and myrtle help to facilitate the respiratory process.

In simple words, breathing in the same room with these plants becomes easier. These plants cleanse the lungs, relax the bronchi, and neutralize spasms. Doctors advise to have these plants for people with lung diseases or asthma patients.

homemade lemon

Lemon decorative tree releases substances that destroy bacteria and germs in the air, thereby purifying it. Experienced growers, from their own experience, advise putting a lemon tree in the bedroom.

Growing an ornamental lemon at home requires special conditions, as well as special rules by content.


Bay leaf not only has a special unique taste, but also able to fight strong viruses.

Due to the heavy traffic on the roads, a lot of toxic substances accumulate in nearby houses, which get there with exhaust gases.

Chamedorea fights these substances and cleans the air of pollution. Hamedorea should be installed if the house is close to a busy highway.


This plant is the best at cleansing the air of dust. Ficus also humidifies the air in the room.

The essence of the principle of action of ficus is the release of phytoncide. This substance prevents the growth of microorganisms. Ficus accumulates room dust on its leaves and thereby eliminates the spread of infection in the air.

The method of caring for ficus is distinguished by its simplicity. It is necessary to periodically remove the layer of dust accumulated on the leaves with a damp cloth. This will allow the ficus to be saturated with oxygen and continue to accumulate all the excess dust in the room.


IN traditional medicine healing properties of aloe wide use. Its leaves are actively used to treat burns and inflammation.

There are more than 500 types of aloe, so for proper plant care you need to know characteristics specific type.

Asparagus, better known among people as asparagus, has the ability to release special substances into the air that contribute to quick recovery damaged tissues and rapid healing of fractures.

It has long been believed that asparagus prolongs youth. This home plant improves not only the elasticity of the skin, but also its general condition. Asparagus saturates the human body with oxygen, purifying the surrounding air from heavy metals, toxins and gases. It is usually recommended to put it in a room for people with various diseases respiratory tract. But it will also benefit people who are not ill.


This type of plant is characterized by the fact that it helps with diseases such as bronchitis or asthma. Often pulmonologists advise people who have problems with the respiratory system to get this plant at home.
Rosemary also increases the activity of people, relieves stress and helps with fatigue.

The oils that rosemary releases have a positive effect on the circulatory system, and thereby increase the efficiency of the brain, improve concentration and attention.

coniferous plants

This type of plant freshens the indoor air by emitting a forest scent. Such a smell quickly relieves fatigue and exhaustion of the mind. Coniferous plants include araucaria, juniper and cypress.

Juniper (bonsai)

You can often see these plants in offices or offices. The air in such rooms is usually stagnant, which has a bad effect on human health. Exactly because of this reason coniferous plants and placed in places where people are during the whole working day.


The length of the needles of a cactus is an indicator of its effectiveness positive impact on human health. It differs from other plants in that it is able to neutralize electromagnetic radiation by reducing air ionization. In simple words, it is able to reduce harm from a computer or TV.

Most often, the cactus is placed on the desktop near the personal computer.


Among chrysanthemums, dwarf chrysanthemums are especially noteworthy.

They drain the bright pleasant aroma, allowing a person to stay in good shape and keep good mood. Home conditions require special rules for keeping chrysanthemums.

These semi-shrubs neutralize bacteria that cause inflammation, such as streptococcus.

This plant, in addition to its beautiful appearance, also has the function of fighting viruses and bacteria.

About 90% of all fungi and harmful microorganisms are destroyed by substances emitted by begonia. Another begonia, like a cactus, significantly reduces the harm of electromagnetic radiation emanating from household appliances.

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We all love flowers and decorate our apartments and houses with them. But not all flowers are suitable for this. According to folk beliefs, some plants can spoil the atmosphere in the house and even cause quarrels between households. Therefore, when buying a new plant, it will not be superfluous to find out what kind of energy it has and whether such a plant will bring harm. Among flower growers there is even a list of plants that must be in every home. Next, we will consider in detail which flowers have positive energy and are considered healing.

It is believed that the Spathiphyllum flower brings harmony and happiness to the house. In another way, the plant is also called "women's happiness." And no wonder it was called that. It turns out that the plant helps the lonely not married women meet your soul mate, and for married women it brings understanding and love. People also say that Spathiphyllum grants wishes for a child. To do this, you need to buy a plant and put it in your room. In addition, the flower releases substances that soothe nervous system. At night, it cleans the air in the room of toxins and makes it humid. What can you put such a flower in all rooms (photo1).

According to popular beliefs, the Uzumbar violet brings love to the house. In another way, it is also called the "flower of love." Violet helps to maintain peace in the family, as well as avoid various conflict situations. At the same time, white violets relieve depression, sadness, and worries. Help to cope with fatigue. Red and pink violets are suitable for the kitchen. They improve mood, protect against disease and give a sense of calm. For creative people useful violets with blue flowers. They fill the space with energy, give a sense of calm. Contribute to spiritual growth and strengthening the character of Saintpaulia with purple flowers (photo 2).

Another plant that folk omens worth keeping in the house - Myrtle. This flower in many nations is considered a symbol of a happy and long marriage. That is why it is given as a wedding gift to newlyweds. But the thrown and dead plant "takes away" well-being and happiness with it. So Mirth needs careful and constant care (photo 3).

The "male plants" include Anthurium. This plant has magical properties. It, like Spathiphyllum, helps single girls find a soul mate. It also affects family relationships: - helps to maintain harmony in marriage. Often this plant is inserted into bouquets along with Spathiphyllum flowers (photo 4).

Beautiful flower - Decembrist Schlumberger. It is called so because it blooms in December. According to signs, if the flowers did not appear at the appointed time, then the family will have happiness and good changes in life. With the Decembrist, a selfish person can become gentle and good-natured (photo 5).

Be sure to buy a Ficus home. The plant has beautiful fleshy and smooth leaves. In the evening, it saturates the air of the apartment with oxygen and cleanses it of toxins. Such a plant is able to dispel doubts and anxieties. Usually it is placed in the bedroom. Ficus can improve the relationship between wife and husband. If long time located next to the ficus, you can calm down and get rid of aggression, worries, anxious thoughts (photo 6).

Well, of course, you can’t do without Geranium. Its leaves can be used to treat runny nose, otitis media, muscle and headaches. She not only decorates the house, but also relieves it of pathogenic microbes and dampness (photo 7).

Tell me, what flowers should be in the house? We are a young family, we recently celebrated a housewarming and made repairs. Now it's up to the small thing - to equip your home by buying and arranging furniture. I also really want a lot of flowers. A start has been made - friends gave us the first pot with dracaena. I heard that not all plants can be kept in the room, besides, we are expecting a replenishment of the family. Help pick flowers that will not cause harm, but will bring benefits, and will be beautiful. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Perhaps there is no house in which there is not at least one flowerpot with a living flower. Houseplants contribute to home comfort special note. Compact or rather tall green bushes decorate the room all year round, to say nothing of flowering. Just imagine: it's winter outside, the trees are bare, covered with a snow cap. And on your windowsill, a charming geranium flaunts, blooming its magnificent bright buds. It's just a fantastic sight, isn't it? But, in addition to decoration, flowers are still able to make the home more comfortable and safe. Some plants can purify the air from dust and harmful substances emitted by household items. Others moisturize it, which is especially important during the heating season, while others are generally curative. There are also flowers-talismans that attract love, prosperity and prosperity to the house. What flowers should be in the house to fill it with coziness and comfort? We bring to your attention a brief selection of indoor plants, depending on their purpose.

Flowers that purify the air

IN modern time each house or apartment is literally “stuffed” different technique. TV, computer, refrigerator, microwave, air conditioner - undoubtedly, all these things are useful and necessary. But at the same time they provide Negative influence as electromagnetic radiation. You can clear the house of them and enrich the air with oxygen by planting the following flowers in the rooms:

If there are small children in the house, it is better to choose cacti without thorns.

Healing flowers for the home

Some plants have beautiful appearance leaves combined with healing properties most often anti-inflammatory. To always have a “green first aid kit” on hand, you need to keep the following flowers in the house:

What flowers should be in the house as a talisman

There are whole legends about some indoor plants, assuring that they can attract good luck and happiness to the house and owner. In order for everything to be good in your house, you need to plant the following flowers:

You can list flowers for the house for a long time. All of them are beautiful and it depends on you which plant will become your favorite. Grow and enjoy the spectacular view and flowering of your pets.

Video about the most useful indoor plants

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