Aloe care at home briefly. homemade aloe. Plant diseases and treatments

Tree-like aloe, known as agave, is a frequent inhabitant of sunny window sills. The cultivation of this succulent is justified not so much by its decorative effect as by the usefulness of the plant. Knowing how to care for the agave is necessary for anyone who wants to get the most out of the plant.

Growing aloe has become so commonplace that it has long ceased to be perceived as exotic. His are the mountainous and desert lands of Africa, Madagascar, the Arabian Peninsula. Despite the fact that the agave does not belong to the genus of capricious and demanding plants, to achieve its flowering at home care- an activity for especially patient flower growers, which requires the creation of a microclimate as close to natural conditions as possible, as well as a sea of ​​\u200b\u200boptimism.
There is even an assumption that the agave got its name from the fact that its flower can be seen once every hundred years. However, on the territory of their historical homeland, the succulent blooms annually, which cannot be said about specimens living on European windowsills.

Temperature regime

Aloe, like plants like it, are resistant to daily temperature changes. environment. But this does not mean that such unpretentiousness is a sufficient reason to leave the agave to the mercy of fate. One of the methods of a prosperous arboretum is to maintain an appropriate "weather" in the house. In summer, it should correspond to +22 ... +26 ° C, and in winter - at least +10 ° C.

This ability to survive in cool conditions is based on the fact that in winter period"pets" show the least activity and actually hibernate. However, specifically expose the plant low temperatures not worth it - it can freeze.

Air humidity

To grow a succulent, it is worth taking care of the air humidity only when its indicators become noticeable. Since the agave is adapted to exist in deserts and mountainous areas, some dryness of the air in the apartment will not harm the plant.

It is allowed to spray a little space from a spray bottle, but only in hot and stuffy summer days. It is more useful to take care of aloe, removing dust from each fleshy leaf, which dry summer days are famous for. In the cold season, any moisture can be harmful by starting the process of decay.

Light level

Regardless of the season, the green healer loves when there is a lot of warmth and light around him. This means that the plant is the place on the sunny windowsill. However, too much heat, as well as rays refracted by the prism of window glass, can adversely affect the condition of the agave, and it will begin to die. The same applies to the situation when the hibernation period was not distinguished by an abundance of clear days - a plant that has grown accustomed to light can be harmed by a sudden change of scenery.

Video "Rules for planting aloe"

From this video you will learn how to properly plant aloe.

How to provide care

After creating the appropriate microclimate, you need to take care of other needs of aloe, among which top dressing, transplanting, watering and propagation of the agave will require regular attention.

Watering and feeding

Like any other plant in the home garden, the agave is partial to water procedures. Water the plant carefully so as not to flood the leaf sinuses. The water is allowed to drain into the pan, which is emptied after half an hour. Sometimes a method is used in which the moisture-absorbing parts of the root absorb liquid directly from the pan, since they are closer to it.

In this case, the water temperature should be slightly warmer than room temperature. Regardless of the method of watering, the soil must have sufficient drainage to prevent stagnant moisture. During the warm season water activities held weekly, in winter - no more than once every two weeks.

To feed the plant, use special formulations for succulents. Apply them from spring, when the active growing season begins. The main thing is not to get carried away.

The agave, adapted to life in infertile soil, requires top dressing no more than once a month, and from autumn to spring it does not need it at all.


This procedure is decorative and prophylactic. In the case of a tree-like variety of aloe, pruning its top is designed to ensure that the plant directs its potential into the development of a bush form and does not grow upwards, since a three-meter one does not the best decoration for an apartment.

All damaged, old, and unhealthy-looking sheets are removed. Even if the tip of the leaf plate begins to turn yellow or dry, it is removed entirely. In addition, those parts of the plant that thicken it too much and interfere with sufficient lighting are also subject to pruning.

Transplant and reproduction

The development of aloe roots is quite fast. This is especially true for young specimens: you don’t have time to plant them in one pot, as the next year you need a new one, but more. Before the agave, you need to prepare:

  • new landing capacity;
  • priming. It is better to plant in a special substrate for cacti;
  • drainage;
  • distilled water.

If it becomes necessary to transplant a plant, then it is better to do this during the period of its activity.
The question of how to properly plant aloe is directly related to the reproduction of this plant. You can breed a succulent with the help of seeds, but only very patient people resort to this method. Since attempts at agave with seeds are not particularly popular, flower growers resort to other methods:

  • from a sheet. The material is treated with activated charcoal, left to dry, and planted in the ground five days later, covered with a jar on top. To root the cutting, nothing more needs to be done, since aloe is able to multiply only by coming into contact with fertile soil;
  • from the offshoot. The principle is no different from the previous one. To propagate plants in this way, planting samples must have 8 or more leaves;
  • kids. Namely: root processes.

Prevention of diseases and pests

You can reanimate the affected agave by identifying and eliminating the cause of the disease, and with it damaged parts like leaves and some roots. Do not regret also corroded by thrips and other pests of the tissue.

To protect the agave, it is necessary to take into account all its characteristics, especially such as vulnerability to dampness. In addition, moderate preventive insecticide treatment has not yet damaged any plants.

Aloe (Aloe) in Greek means "bitter". This is a common houseplant belonging to the genus Succulent, originally from Madagascar. Due to its medicinal properties, aloe is actively used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. In addition, it can be kept as an ornamental plant. Aloe is one of the least demanding plants to care for, but there are a number of rules that must be followed.

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    Types of homemade aloe

    In total, there are about 500 varieties of aloe, including wild and hybrid plants. IN wild nature Aloe is a shrub plant, reaching 6 - 8 meters in height. Despite the fact that aloe originally grew in a hot, dry climate, the succulent grows well at home. Most often, in apartments and houses, grassy specimens of much more modest sizes can be observed than their wild relatives. There are other varieties of this houseplant.

    Aloe is a short trunk or stem that produces thick sword-shaped leaves that are collected in rosettes and arranged in a spiral. The length of the leaves of some species reaches 60 cm. The leaves can be smooth or strewn with thorns and cilia, depending on the variety. The flesh of the leaves is divided into cells in which moisture is stored during prolonged drought. During flowering, a long arrow is released from the rosette of leaves, at the end of which there is a spike-shaped flower with tubular petals. The color of the petals is white, purple, yellow or orange.

    Variety name Description
    Aloe arborescens (agave) The most common room aloe with numerous green mass. The leaves are sword-shaped, green, the surface is velvety, soft spikes are located along the edges. The length of the leaves is about 30 cm. The height of the agave sometimes reaches 1 m. With proper care, the plant lives for about 20 years
    Aloe Real (Aloe Vera) It is used in the culinary and cosmetic industry. It grows in the form of lush rosettes, the stem of the plant is weakly expressed. Leaves are greyish-green in color, the surface is slightly corrugated
    Aloe tiger (variegated) The plant is valued for its original appearance, more commonly used as an ornamental. Height up to 30 cm, leaves are wide, triangular in shape, dark green in color with white transverse stripes. IN summer time may bloom yellow, red or pink inflorescences
    Aloe awesome Large plant with thick fleshy leaves. The surface of the sheets is strewn with numerous strong red-brown spikes. Despite the unpleasant appearance, the juice of this flower is actively used in pharmacology and cosmetology.
    Aloe soap Nice looking flower. Broad leaves form a rosette, which, in turn, is attached to a small strong stem. The leaves are dark green in color with numerous white spots, brownish spikes are located along the edges. Flowers yellow, orange, red and pink
    Aloe spinous Miniature bushy plant. The leaves are connected in a large basal rosette, gray-green with white patches, a white serrated border is located along the edges, forming an awn at the end. Blooms with orange-red tubular flowers

    Growing aloe at home

    The procedure for growing and caring for aloe is quite simple. It long time does without moisture and fertilizing due to the ability to retain water and nutrients in leaf cells.

    However, for the proper growth and development of this flower, it is necessary to follow some rules, regardless of whether the plant serves as a home decoration or is grown for medicinal purposes.

    Location selection

    Like many houseplants, aloe needs enough sunlight. For this reason, the place for it should be as lit as possible. Aloe is usually placed near windows that face south, southeast or southwest.

    IN winter time the flower tolerates the lack of light well and in additional lighting does not need. In the summer, the plant can be moved to the veranda or balcony, Fresh air will help him to harden and get stronger. But at the same time, the flower must be protected from drafts. It is important to remember that scorching Sun rays can harm aloe, so on hot summer days, especially in the afternoon, it is advisable to leave the plant in the shade.

    Temperature regime

    IN summer period aloe feels great at a temperature that is comfortable for all the inhabitants of the room and does not need special conditions. The average summer temperature for a room with a plant is from +22 to +26 degrees.

    In winter, the flower is at rest, for proper development it is sent to a room with a temperature of +12 to +15 degrees. A cold snap below +10 degrees adversely affects the condition of the plant.


    Although aloe can go without moisture for a long time, the plant needs to be watered regularly to keep it healthy. But it is important not to overdo it, as excessive watering can cause root rot.

    The main reference point for watering is the moisture content of the soil in which the flower grows. withered upper layer substrate is a signal that the plant needs moisture. In the summer, an average of 1-2 waterings per week is enough. In winter, one watering per month is enough and only on condition that the earthen ball has dried out completely.

    Water for irrigation should be at room temperature, settled, in the process it is important to ensure that water does not enter the outlet. It is necessary to empty the pan after watering. Some gardeners recommend instead traditional way after watering with water from above, lower the pot with the plant into the water for 10 minutes, then return it to the empty pan. This helps to avoid rotting of the root system and to prevent moisture from entering the outlet.

    Spraying is carried out only in the summer, the sprayer should be at the maximum distance from the leaves. This procedure can be replaced by gently wiping the leaves with a damp cloth, and this will also help to clean them of dust.

    top dressing

    Aloe needs regular feeding during the active growing season - from April to September. As a fertilizer, special mixtures for succulents are used. You need to feed the plant monthly, in accordance with the instructions on the package.

    It is important to know that it is better to apply less fertilizer than to "overfeed" the flower. Excess feeding negatively affects the condition of the plant.


    Aloe transplant is done in spring time when the dormant period of the plant is over. Young flowers up to 5 years old are transplanted annually, adult plants need to be transplanted every 2-3 years. The volume of the new pot should be 20% larger than the previous one.

    As soil for the plant, soil for succulents from a specialty store is suitable. A self-prepared substrate is also used. For its manufacture, you will need sheet, soddy soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. You can add charcoal, peat and clay soil.

    The process of transplanting aloe is as follows:

    1. 1. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, for the role of which shards, pebbles or expanded clay will fit. Sometimes the drainage is covered with a layer of sand from above, then the substrate is poured so that the pot is half filled.
    2. 2. The plant must be carefully examined, yellowed leaves and young shoots removed, sections treated with charcoal. After that, the flower is carefully removed from the old pot along with an earthy clod. If a tree-like aloe has two trunks, the plants are carefully separated and planted in different pots.
    3. 3. Young plants carefully get rid of the earthy coma, trying not to damage the root system. Adult plants are transplanted along with an earthy clod. Aloe is placed in a new pot, sprinkled with a substrate, the bush is gently squeezed for the best contact with the soil. The soil should be 1.5-2 cm below the edge of the pot. After transplanting, the flower must be watered along the edge of the pot.


    There are several ways to propagate aloe. Thanks to them, you can grow a plant yourself or increase the number of succulents at home:

    1. 1. Propagation by seeds. Seeds are planted from late March to early April. Small containers filled with mixture leaf ground, turf and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1, you can add a little charcoal and brick chips. A year later, the sprout is transplanted. It is important not to allow excess moisture to prevent root rot. This landing method requires frequent illumination with a special lamp.
    2. 2. Propagation by cuttings. This method is used at any time of the year, but the spring-summer period is preferable. Sunlight and heat will help the sprout to take root quickly. After cutting from mother plant the stalk is left for 1-2 days, allowing the cut to dry. After that, the cut is treated with charcoal. The stalk is planted in a container with wet sand to a depth of 1 cm, after which the sand is regularly moistened, preventing drying out. Formed in a week root system, and the sprout is transplanted into a pot 7 cm high.
    3. 3. Reproduction by the tops of the shoots and the basal process. After the cut, the sprout is left for 2-3 days, after which it is lowered into a container with water or planted in wet sand to a depth of 3-4 cm. Sometimes the sprouts are tied with pegs, if necessary. After rooting, the plant is transplanted and cared for as an adult flower.


    To keep the flower tidy and promote healthy development, some leaves need to be trimmed regularly. They can take away nutrients from the main plant and cause diseases and pests.

    In flowering varieties of aloe, it is important to remove the flowers in a timely manner. This should be done immediately after flowering, before seeds form in the flower. Thanks to this, the nutrients and moisture received by the plant will be directed to the growth and development of the leaves, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

    For supporting healthy plant young shoots must be removed in a timely manner. They take most of useful substances in the mother plant. Removal is done when the shoots reach 10 cm in height. It is usually enough just to carefully pull the sprout out of the soil. If this cannot be done without damaging the main plant, the aloe is removed from the pot and the parent and daughter roots are carefully separated.

    When using aloe for medicinal purposes, it becomes necessary to cut individual leaves. It is important to do this correctly so as not to harm the main plant. For cutting, choose the outer leaves, because they contain the maximum amount of pulp and healing juice. Cut the leaves sharp knife at the base at ground level. The thorns from the sheet can be cut with a knife. If part of the sheet remains unused, it can be stored in an airtight bag in the refrigerator until the next use.

    Moving aloe to a more lit place or highlighting with a lamp yellowed leaves, cessation of growth Heavy soil, lack of air in the root system Extracting the plant from heavy soil, removing damaged roots and charcoal, then transplanting into lighter soil or a special substrate with a high sand content. After transplanting, the plant is not watered for 3 days Brown spots on the back of the leaf Shchitovka Insects are removed with a cloth soaked in alcohol, after which the plant is treated with vinegar or insecticide for succulents Brown-red or yellow-gray color of the stem, the appearance of a small cobweb on the plant spider mite Cobweb removal, spraying with an alcohol solution or garlic tincture. In the absence of effect - the use of chemicals, for example, "Neoron", "Fitoverma", "Aktellika", "Rogor". With frequent use, drugs need to be changed Cotton or downy tufts on the surface of the plant Mealybug Removing the insect with a brush or tweezers, treating the affected areas with garlic tincture. After processing, the plant is cleaned in a shaded place for 4 days. With a strong defeat, use "Phosbecid", "Intavir", "Fufanon", "Decis" and "Aktellik"

Aloe (Aloe arborescens Mill lat.) Or, in the common people, agave is a common plant that is found on every second window sill of city apartments and houses. It is rightfully considered both a therapeutic and a prophylactic against a mass of various ailments. Succulent is able to replace popular remedies in the home medicine cabinet, and aloe extract is also used in pharmaceuticals as the main component of some drugs.

Beneficial features

Much healthier juice, pulp or sabur of an already matured agave. Aloe contains enzymes, phytoncides, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B, E, C, mineral salts, carotenoids, carbohydrates, glycosides. So what is the power of aloe components?

Advantages and disadvantages. Taken together, when aloe is taken orally, it is able to relieve severe inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the condition of the mucosa, and restore normal functions of the genitourinary system. Well, why is the agave not a panacea?

If we consider in detail positive traits aloe, we can distinguish the following:

  1. Improves digestion (succulent is indicated for the treatment of chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and for their prevention).
  2. Relieves pain from burns, cuts, promotes the speedy healing of deep wounds.
  3. Improves the condition of the skin, softens and nourishes it, especially during relapses of chronic skin diseases.
  4. Stops the development of fungal and infectious diseases, including the ability to fight streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus, dysentery bacillus and others.
  5. It is effective for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis (a sufficient amount of vitamins in the plant strengthens the immune system).
  6. With regular preventive use, it reduces the risk of heart disease, improves sleep quality, and eliminates headaches.

You can list the beneficial properties of aloe indefinitely, but there are also contraindications to its use:

  1. Oncological diseases, in particular, at the stage of relapse (in this case, it is not recommended to use aloe for ingestion).
  2. Uterine bleeding, the first days of the menstrual cycle, intracavitary bleeding or their threat.
  3. Children under the age of 7 years.
  4. Cystitis in the acute stage.
  5. Tendency to frequent allergic reactions.

Important! On state internal organs the use of the agave will have a positive effect only when taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

plant care

Aloe does not require heightened attention, the plant is planted in order "to be", it is not whimsical. But in order for the agave not to lose its healing properties, it is necessary to ensure a comfortable existence for it.

Here are some tips for caring for succulents:

  • Most comfortable room temperature for a plant - 20-25 ° С. In winter, when the succulent is dormant, the plant will feel good even at 15-17°C.
  • Sufficient amount of sunlight. Aloe can grow on a windowsill, but excessive sunlight should be avoided so that the leaves do not dry out and burn. After all, they have all the healing properties of the plant!
  • Periodic cleaning of leaves from dust.
  • The intensity of watering depending on the season: in summer at least 2 times a week, in winter 1 time is enough.

Important! Aloe does not get along with all types of plants, so it is better if he has a separate place from other pets.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction by cuttings

One of the effective ways to propagate succulents, which must be carried out in the spring and summer. Cuttings 11-12 cm long are separated from an adult plant and dried within 1-2 days. After that, sprinkling the places of cuts with charcoal, the cuttings are planted in damp river sand. If watering at this time should be moderate, then after a while the plant will take root. After that, the young shoots are planted in a pot with suitable drainage in the soil, consisting of sand, charcoal, turf and earth from under deciduous plants in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. For this purpose, you can purchase ready-made purchased soil.

The same procedure can be carried out not only with cuttings, but also with plant leaves. Such reproduction is also called leaf.

Reproduction by seeds

It is not always this particular method of reproduction that gives the expected results, but it is the place to be. Seeds are planted in pre-prepared soil, covered cling film or glass and placed in a warm bright room. They should be ventilated at least 1-2 times a day and periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle. After the appearance of the first shoots, the shoots are planted in pots.

tip breeding

Lightweight, fast and efficient method aloe breeding. The top is cut off from an adult plant and placed in water until the roots appear. After, she is planted in a pot and cared for in the same way as for an adult plant.

Aloe transplant - secrets

Under comfortable conditions of existence, aloe grows intensively. Some time before transplanting the succulent, you should abandon frequent watering and wait for the soil to dry completely.

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it, waiting until the earth dries in a pot with a plant. It is necessary to wait for the soil to dry out so that it is easier to separate it from the roots without causing damage to them.

As soon as the earth has dried up, the pot is turned over, while the plant is gently held by the base of the stem, and the soil with the rhizome is gradually shaken out.

Aloe should be planted in a new container in such a way that the roots of the succulent are 2-3 cm above the bottom with drainage, and the distance to the walls is at least 1.5 cm. Fresh soil must be loosened. It is better to water the agave 4-5 days after the transplant, making sure that the plant has taken root in a new pot.

Mature plants (which are more than 3-4 years old) should be transplanted no more than 1 time in 2-3 years. Young animals require annual transplants.

Feeding and pruning

To stimulate growth and prevent diseases, aloe sometimes needs to be “spoiled” with fertilizers. Ready-made universal mixtures or top dressing for cacti are suitable.

Aloe should be fertilized no more than twice a month and only during the period rapid growth- In spring and summer.

Actually, in order to evaluate the medicinal properties of the agave, its leaves must be periodically cut off. You need to do this with a sharp knife, a clerical one is suitable for these purposes. In mature leaves, small spikes form along the edge, which are also desirable to cut before use. Store aloe leaves without losing them useful properties can be in the refrigerator for a long time.

flowering plant

Aloe bloom is a truly grandiose event. And all because at home, the agave very rarely indulges his household with such a wonderful sight. The mass flowering of several aloes is like a fire: bright orange large cone-shaped flowers immediately catch your eye and catch your eye.

Many amateur flower growers who have not observed aloe blooms live are wondering: is it possible to make a plant bloom, how to provide conditions for it in order to at least slightly increase their chances of contemplating this event. The conditions for this are simple, but their implementation is not always successful. However, you can try to increase your chances of winning if:

If, nevertheless, aloe has bloomed, you should know that during this period the plant does not need any special care. It is only necessary to occasionally remove its dried flowers.

Species and varieties

Aloe spinous

Spinous aloe resembles a small stocky bush, its leaves are slightly wider than other varieties of the plant. It is distinguished by small white auricles - thin growths on the outer and inner sides leaves.

Care features:

  1. requires abundant watering;
  2. in winter should be indoors, with a temperature not lower than 18-20 ° C;
  3. in the soil, the absence of peat is desirable;
  4. does not need frequent spraying;
  5. loves intense lighting very much (if it is not enough from natural light sources, then it is better to install several special lamps).
  6. Despite its "fat" appearance, spinous aloe is a very fragile plant, and when transplanting it, you need to be extremely careful.

Aloe vera

The most common subspecies of aloe. Outwardly, it is a rather tall dense stem with wide cone-shaped leaves extending from its base. There are elastic spines along the edges of the leaves, which become woody if the plant is more than 5 years old.

Care features:

  • need to fertilize the plant organic fertilizers not more than once a year;
  • in the soil there should be a predominant amount of river sand;
  • does not need additional light sources, feels comfortable on the windowsill even on a non-sunny day;
  • low watering requirement.
  • Aloe vera differs from its counterparts in its ability to grow intensively, so it will have to be transplanted more often than other succulents.

Aloe Variegated (brindle)

The plant owes its name to its coloration: it is distinguished by milky-colored transverse wide stripes on green, elongated leaves, somewhat reminiscent of a tiger color. A relatively low succulent, it can be no higher than 35 cm in height.

Care features:

  • comfortable wintering temperature - no more than 14 ° C;
  • requires good lighting of the room;
  • has a weighty and powerful rhizome, requires some effort during transplantation;
  • grows best in large, spacious pots.
  • A distinctive feature of variegated aloe is that even in spring and summer (during the period of intensive growth), the plant can feel great at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Aloe Tree

This type of aloe is called tree-like, because it has a wide and long stem growing upwards. The plant can reach a height of more than 3 m, and have a trunk thickness in girth of about 20 cm. The leaves of the succulent are longer than those of other representatives of the aloe species.

Care features:

  • heat-loving plant, the temperature of its content should not fall below 5 ° C;
  • needs bright and constant lighting;
  • able to reproduce all year round: cuttings are always suitable for seating;
  • requires regular ventilation.

Tree-like aloe blooms even less frequently than other species, which is especially affected by temperatures that are uncomfortable for the plant. It is also disastrous for this plant to be in close proximity to a hot battery.

Other types

  1. Soapy.

    It has a spotted color, a massive and stocky plant. It grows up to half a meter in height, and the same in width. Along the edges of the leaves are lignified spines, up to 0.5 cm long.

  2. remote.

    The leaves of this variety of aloe fold towards the center and are egg-shaped. The plant has not light spots on the outer sides of the leaves.

  3. short-leaved.

    Outwardly, it resembles a small “hedgehog”, has compact dimensions - no more than 15-20 cm in height with short leaves tightly pressed to each other at the base.

  4. Pretty.

    The succulent received such a touching name because, against the background of other types of aloe, it looks very fragile and delicate. The leaves of the beautiful aloe are thin and long, twisting in the opposite direction from the center. On slightly rough leaves there are small white spots.

  5. Ciliated.

    Has a long, thin stem climbing plant. The leaves are thin, fragile, have pronounced stripes.

  6. Slim.

    It has wide, almost flat spotted leaves, tightly adjacent to each other. The ends of the leaves are slightly bent down. The succulent does not like bright and constant sunlight, preferring shady places.

  7. Strongly prickly.

    One of the largest plants of its kind. Reaches 3-4 meters in height, the leaves have a bluish tint with a whitish coating. Prefers bright light and infrequent watering. The leaves along the edges are dotted with red or purple teeth.

Diseases and symptoms of improper care

More often, aloe suffer not from pests, but from improper care. There are several clear signs that indicate that the plant feels uncomfortable:

  1. Drying of the stem and leaves, a period of stagnation in growth are symptoms of excessive moisture. This disease is also called root rot. In order to save the plant, it is necessary to remove the damaged segments of the roots and sprinkle healthy ones with sulfur.
  2. Sudden drying of leaves and stem. This disease is called dry rot. The disease is dangerous because external signs it is not observed for a long time, and then in a few days the aloe dies. However, notice initial stage development of dry rot is possible if one of the leaves of the plant is cut off. If the leaf is dry on the cut, does not release juice when pressed, this means that the disease has already affected the plant. Unfortunately, there is only preventive measure against dry rot: periodically spraying with a fungicide.
  3. The dryness of the tips of the leaves and their yellowing indicate that the aloe needs to be transplanted, and the roots no longer have enough nutrients, as the soil has been depleted.
  4. Curling and thinning leaves are signs that the succulent is not getting enough light and needs to be cleaned of dust and other contaminants.
  5. Falling leaves indicate that the water for irrigation is too cold.
  6. Reddening of the foliage indicates that the aloe has received a burn, it should reduce the brightness of the lighting for a while.

Pests and fungal infections

Aloe, which is kept at home, is very rarely affected by pests, only if they have not been taken out of the natural habitats of the succulent. However, some pests can still harm the plant. Among them:

  • scale insect (brown growths and whitish spots appear on the trunk and leaves);
  • fungus (softening of leaves and stem);
  • spider mite (this pest can be seen with the naked eye: it looks like a red spider).

Aloe care is simple and does not require material costs. You need to show a little attention and care to the plant, and it will regularly perform the functions of a home doctor for decades.

Aloe vera is a frequent guest on home windowsills. People actively use it and the ability to disinfect the air. Cultivation consists in the correct and timely implementation of care and reproduction procedures, as well as maintaining favorable conditions for its development. Florists give some advice on these issues, with photo and video instructions.

plant features. Basics of growing at home

The aloe vera plant and its properties were appreciated by people even before our era. Its original range is central Africa and the island of Madagascar. Today, aloe has spread throughout the world. This is not surprising, because the succulent is completely unpretentious in terms of the composition of the soil and is almost not capricious in terms of care. At home, it grows even on volcanic ash, as well as on rocks and stones, desert sand, thickets.

In the wild, aloe vera grows up to 3 m. People have cultivated herbaceous plant and grown on plantations for collection for medicinal purposes. The flower looks like a cactus. It has fleshy oblong leaves with teeth along the edge.

Aloe vera - a plant with healing properties

It blooms with tubular flowers collected in a brush. IN natural environment- every 2-3 seasons, indoors - much less often: once every 10-20 years, usually in spring or summer. After flowering, seed boxes appear on the stems, but they rarely ripen indoors. Proper Care behind this herbaceous culture is:

  • providing a sufficient level of lighting;
  • maintaining a favorable temperature regime;
  • regular watering and feeding.

How to plant and transplant aloe

It is easy to find a flower for sale. Just remember that in specialized stores you will most likely be sold aloe in a small pot. So he needs a transplant. It is easy to determine whether a plant is cramped in a pot by its appearance:

  • leaves have grown more than 2 times compared to the diameter of the pot;
  • aloe stops growing;
  • in the container is a tightly woven root ball, the earth in which is almost invisible.

Attention! Aloe vera grows quickly, so it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot at least once every 2 years.

The plant is usually planted in a regular pot. Preferably wide, but shallow. It is good if it is ceramic, because clay tends to remove excess moisture. Equip a drainage layer at least 2 cm thick at the bottom. This will prevent the accumulation and stagnation of water at the root.

Young aloe transplant

Before use, the pot should be prepared:

  1. Wash the container with cooled and soapy boiled water.
  2. Bake in the oven for disinfection. Only relevant for ceramics. In the case of plastic, the pot is washed with soapy hot water.
  3. It is also advisable to soak the ceramic pot for an hour in a superphosphate solution.

Advice. Aloe vera is unstable and can easily fall on its side in a bad landing. Florists fix the succulent, fixing it with 2-3 pebbles at the exit point of the aerial part.

Store-bought cactus mix works well as soil for aloe vera. You can prepare the substrate yourself by mixing 30% of sod and leafy soil and 15% of coarse sand and humus. The soil can be enriched charcoal. But peat is undesirable, because your task is to make slightly acidic soil. The land should be completely renewed during each transplant.

The nuances of choosing a place and lighting for aloe vera

A houseplant needs an abundance of light at any time of the year. The optimal location in the apartment is on the south or southeast side. But do not immediately expose it to direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will get burned. Young aloe is accustomed to this mode of lighting gradually. Alternate short strokes sunbathing with being under gauze, tulle or any other filter material. Every spring, it is better to repeat the procedure for adapting to the bright sun: during the winter, the plant can wean itself from intense and aggressive light.

Advice. In winter, it is desirable to organize additional artificial lighting. With insufficient light, the bush will begin to stretch.

Despite the room status in the conditions middle lane, aloe vera loves fresh air. Therefore, in the summer, flower growers recommend taking it out to the loggia or balcony and placing it near open window. The succulent will also receive a portion of ultraviolet from the sun, which does not pass through ordinary window glass. In autumn, a plant that has grown stronger and filled with juice will delight you.

Aloe is unpretentious to conditions

Optimal climatic conditions. Feeding and Watering Aloe Vera

This succulent is undemanding to temperature. It grows in high humidity and in a dry atmosphere, in high heat and cool - that is, in the climate of most dwellings. The main thing is not to be very cold. If you move the plant to the balcony in the summer, make sure that it is not in a draft and does not get rain on it. In late autumn, it is advisable to find a cool room for aloe. At + 14 ... 15 ° С, the succulent will ideally endure the winter.

Watering aloe vera should be moderate. Keep the top layer of earth slightly moist. In winter, the amount of water is cut in half. It is important that in the process of watering it does not fall on the plant - this will cause rotting of the green mass. Water under the root.

Advice. Fertilize with aloe vera when the succulent is in its active growth phase, from March to October. Apply liquid mineral supplements. Bring them in 2 times a month.

How Aloe Vera is propagated

At home, this is possible in several ways:

Grow aloe vera in room conditions not difficult. Almost all succulent procedures are needed only in spring and summer. The rest of the time, the plant is quite satisfied with the minimum conditions and care.

Aloe is best propagated in early spring. At this time, the plant begins to awaken, and all life processes begin in it, which allow the root system to develop faster and adapt to new conditions.

Soil selection

Now almost all flower, garden or hardware stores sell specialized soil for growing any kind of this flower.

If you want to independently select and compose the soil for aloe vera, then you should use coarse sand, humus, expanded clay gravel, perlite and sheet soil in the composition.

All elements are taken in equal proportions. Bottom is a layer of drainage, then a layer of mixed soil, then a layer of sand is on top. Do not add peat to the soil mixture for growing aloe vera.

Reproduction methods at home

There are several ways to propagate and plant a flower at home. Let's consider them.

How to plant a leaf without a root?

Propagation by cuttings is a common type of propagation, but in the case of this plant, the chance of an unsuccessful attempt increases, since the fleshy leaves of aloe contain a lot of moisture, which contributes to the rapid decay of the leaf.

If you decide to propagate this flower by cuttings, you will have to follow the rules and approach reproduction very responsibly. Consider how to propagate by leaf. To propagate aloe leaf, you need:

  1. First you need to choose a healthy and large leaf, its diameter at the base should be at least 7-8 centimeters. After that, you need to cut it at a slight angle.
  2. Next, put the sheet in dark place for a couple of weeks, so that a protective film appears on the cut.
  3. Then the cut must be processed with crushed coal.
  4. Also, you need to pick up a pot or container that needs to be pre-treated, for example, you can rinse plastic container warm water using laundry soap.
  5. After processing, the container must be filled with properly selected and moistened soil, not forgetting the drainage layer, since the soil must be moderately moistened.
  6. Next, the sheet needs to be dug into the ground for about ¼ of its entire length and wait for the first roots to appear.
  7. During cultivation, the soil must be constantly moistened.

How to root "kids"?

Reproduction by root shoots - the most effective method , but it has one drawback - the development of a new plant will take a long time.

"Babies" appear in plants from an early age, so finding such processes is not a problem.

Reproduction must be carried out using the following steps:

How to grow from seed?

Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming and long way. You need to choose high-quality seeds, it is advisable to purchase them in a store, as you get a large and high-quality planting material unlikely to work at home.

The process is carried out according to the following steps:

  1. Seeds must first be soaked in a weak solution of valerian to prevent the disease of a young plant.
  2. First you need to prepare the container and substrate. The container should be flat and the soil moist.

    Before planting, the soil should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The temperature of the room where seedlings are grown should be above +22 0 С.

  3. Next, you need to plant the seeds in the soil, deepening them by 1-2 centimeters. The distance between each seed should be at least 2 centimeters.
  4. Next, the container must be covered on top with a film or transparent glass to maintain the greenhouse effect. With the gradual appearance of sprouts, the shelter must be removed.
  5. Then the new plants that have appeared must be transplanted into a new separate container with the same soil.
  6. After a year, each plant that has already grown stronger must be transplanted into a separate container.

Features of care in the open field

Knowing how a plant reproduces at home, consider how to grow a flower in open field. This is possible only in areas with a particularly warm and favorable climate. Residents of the southern regions of Russia and Kazakhstan can grow aloe vera in their garden, as well as all regions to the south.

Growing such a flower in your garden is quite laborious, it requires a certain amount of effort.

  • External conditions should be favorable, that is, very warm.
  • If your soil is clayey and heavy, you will need to mix it with a special substrate designed specifically for this type of plant.
  • Each of the plants should have its own specific space, which should be at least a meter, since aloe vera grows very strongly over time.

If you grow aloe vera at home, then we suggest reading how to care for it at home.

What to do after landing?

After planting, each plant requires certain conditions and care. Aloe vera is an unpretentious plant, but anyway, for normal development and the possibility of flowering, it needs some conditions:

  • The plant needs a lot of light, with a lack of it, the flower begins to wither, but direct sunlight can also harm this plant.
  • Aloe requires a constant flow of fresh air.
  • The plant needs to be watered regularly, but not often, in the warm season it is necessary to moisten the soil once a week, in the cold season - a couple of times a month.
  • Also, you need to carry out periodic spraying of the leaves in order to avoid dry air.
  • Water temperature for irrigation and spraying should be about 30 0 C.
  • Periodically, you need to feed the plant with special fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

If it doesn't take root

During the cultivation of a new plant, the grower may face many problems, the main one being that aloe does not take root.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Poor quality soil.
  • Wrong place to grow.
  • negative external conditions.
  • Bad material.

This problem is not difficult to solve, the main thing is not to despair. First you need to make sure that you have taken the quality material, if the stalk or seed was sick, then nothing will grow out of it.

If you are sure of the quality of the material, then you need to try to change the location of the new plant, since lack of light or drafts are the main causes of plant death.

If the change of location did not help, then you should think about the quality of the soil. and change it to another. Subject to all these factors, the reproduction of aloe should pass without problems. If the cultivation of a new plant occurs with difficulty or does not occur at all, then the method of reproduction should be changed and a more rational one should be chosen.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video on how aloe is grown and propagated at home:


You did the right thing by choosing this particular flower for growing, because aloe vera has, and also practically does not have any special conditions for growing. You need to follow all the rules, choose more rational methods of reproduction, and then you can easily grow this beautiful plant!

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