The device of brick partitions according to the Knauf system. Knauf drywall installation instructions: general provisions, description of the nuances of the work, a list of recommendations. GKL types used in KNAUF systems

An important element of any house are considered walls and partitions. Without them, it will not be possible to divide the building into separate rooms. Particular demand today is for Knauf partitions, which are a steel frame and drywall lining. Such popularity is due to the excellent quality and affordable cost of products. All its characteristics correspond European standards and installation is so simple that anyone can handle it.


Partitions "Knauf" have found their application due to their advantages:

  • ease and speed of installation (assembled element by element);
  • ease of repair finished wall can be quickly disassembled and moved to another place);
  • low cost;
  • absence of “wet” processes;
  • reliability and durability.

These partitions have also gained popularity among consumers due to other qualities:

  • the ability to use the structure in regions with seismic hazard;
  • high quality products;
  • opportunities to lighten the building;
  • general savings on construction;
  • a variety of architectural solutions (curvilinear forms can be erected);
  • opportunity to get a design with increased fire resistance, sound insulation, moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • variety can be covered with paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster).

The device of partitions "Knauf"

As stated above, this system consists of plasterboard panels, internal filler and fasteners. Additionally, it can be equipped with specialized plates, which are distinguished by increased fire protection. Sheathing can be one-, two- or three-layer. In this case, drywall, hypofiber or aquapanels are usually used.

As for the fact that they are guides, rack-mount and bearing. Together they form a frame, with each element having a standard length of 3 or 4 meters.

If necessary, the profiles can be extended by overlapping them. Their fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws: four from each edge and two in the middle. The outer side of the guide element is glued with insulating tape. Self-tapping screws are placed on it every 300 mm (maximum pitch - 1000 mm). TO load-bearing structures partitions are fastened with dowels.


Depending on the purpose and device, the Knauf partitions are divided into types: W111, W112, W113, W118. The W111 system is a frame sheathed with a single layer of material on both sides. Inside it is laid soundproofing. The guides are attached to the supporting structures with dowels. After attaching the drywall, the joints between the sheets are filled special composition.

Partition W112 includes a frame, two layers of sheathing on both sides and sound insulation between them. The structures are also fastened with dowels, however, additional fixation of the second layer of sheathing is necessary. This has a positive effect on fire resistance and sound insulation.

The W113 structure consists of a frame and three layers of skin (both sides). Inside there is non-combustible sound insulation. Such a wall has a serious sheathing, so it must be fastened after a maximum of 50 cm.

The W118 partition has the same structure as the previous design, but it is reinforced with a 0.5 mm thick galvanized sheet. It is also equipped with a reinforced profile frame, 0.6 mm thick. The article presents the drawings of the Knauf partitions and how they are attached.

Profile types

Depending on the purpose, Knauf profiles are divided into rack, rail and arched. Rack structures have a section in the form of the letter “C” and are located vertically in the frame. Racks are installed together with guide profiles of the appropriate size. The ends of the products are equipped with two holes through which engineering communications are laid (hidden in the walls). They are attached to the rails with self-tapping screws, which are easily centered thanks to the longitudinal grooves.

They have a section in the form of the letter “P” without curved edges - this allows you to get a snug fit of the racks to the upper and lower elements. They are needed not only for fastening rack-mount parts, but also for installing jumpers between them. In the manufacture of structures, holes are drilled into which dowels are inserted during installation.

Partitions "Knauf", specifications which are listed in the table below, can also consist of arched profiles that serve as the basis for curved structures. They are made of different radii, and the shelves can be wrapped inward or outward.

Cladding options

During installation, structures can be sheathed different types drywall sheets. Sheathing is attached to metal profiles and can have 1, 2 or 3 layers. This is necessary when the building is subject to deformation loads.

Conventional GKL is used in rooms with normal humidity and different from other types in gray. The composition includes protective additives that make the material "breathable". During manufacture, it is dyed green.

In fire-resistant sheets add special additives that are non-flammable. Material is different pink. Combined GKL combines the properties of fire-resistant and moisture-resistant types. It can be recognized by its green coloration with red markings.

Installation technology of partitions "Knauf"

There is nothing complicated in this process, but it is important to know some rules and nuances. First you need to prepare the walls, floor and ceiling. They will need careful alignment so that the guides lie without distortion. The next stage is marking, the evenness of which is checked by a level, a cord and a plumb line.

After preparing the base, proceed to the installation of profiles:

  1. Install the supporting elements and attach them with dowels (pitch - 200-400 mm).
  2. They have vertical structures that are located at regular intervals (corresponding to half the width of the GCR).
  3. Attach them with screws.
  4. Lay horizontal guides so that they set two identical planes of the future partition.
  5. The frame is fixed with the help of a cross and special self-tapping screws.

The result should be a frame with square cells 600x600 mm.

Insulation and plasterboard lining

The installation of the Knauf partition also includes the laying of a soundproof layer. Most a budget option allows you to not use Additional materials, however, if necessary, foil-based insulation or mineral wool can be placed inside the frame.

After installing the frame, laying the insulation and utilities, you can proceed to attaching drywall. For these purposes, special screws are used. You should be aware that the connection of sheets can be carried out arbitrarily, but a checkerboard pattern is preferable. Thanks to this, there will be no cracks on the structure and a stronger connection will be obtained.

Partitions "Knauf" - designs with original elements, characterized by durability and high quality. Their use will allow you to build a small building in a short time.

Knauf is a leader in the production of gypsum plasterboard materials for dry construction. The advantages of the product include the possibility of using it for various purposes: arranging walls and ceilings, protecting against fire or moisture, enhancing the heat and sound insulation qualities of the treated surface.

Kinds gypsum boards Knauf

Among the differences of the brand is the release of additional components - screws, profiles, and finishing materials- primer, putty, plaster mixtures and so on, which, in combination with drywall, form a reliable, durable and durable coating.

To avoid the problems that arise when choosing and using these materials, the manufacturer Knauf provides a special instruction for the installation of gypsum boards with a description of all the nuances of the work.

Knauf identifies several requirements that a frame for walls, partitions or under a suspended ceiling must have before sheathing begins. These include:

  • To protect the material from the influence of dampness when the profile freezes, sheathing should be carried out with using Knauf GKVL;
  • To exclude deformation of the structure under the weight of drywall, long sections of the profiles are set apart or staggered with an overlap;
  • As a connector of the frame elements, a cutter (with a bend), an LN9 screw or a Knauf brand screw is used;
  • To protect the material from deformation under the action of vibrations created by the door and its weight, it is forbidden to join the GKL in the middle of the doorway;
  • After assembling the frame, it must be finished with thermal insulation tape.

The Knauf frame system is assembled from profiles of a certain format. Its choice depends on the type of work performed.

Types of Knauf profiles:

  • UD - guide for ceilings;
  • CD - ceiling carrier, forming a crate;
  • CW - bar for forming racks;
  • UW - guide for the device of partitions, walls.

List of Knauf profile markings

Rules for installing gypsum boards on walls and partitions

The frame for a wall or partition made of plasterboard serves to provide additional heat and sound insulation, leveling, masking communications.

General points:

  • Use pin dowels Knauf K6/35 as a fastening element for UW rails to the base of walls and ceilings, allowable distance between them - 1 m;
  • As an element of fixing the CW profile to bearing wall use direct suspensions, counting 1 pc. per 1.5 m of rack length;
  • The CW profile pitch is 60 cm;
  • For cladding walls and partitions, a plasterboard sheet of 2500x1200x12.5 cm format is used;
  • For decor under tiles or fake diamond two-layer sheathing is used;
  • In places where the profile contacts the walls and ceiling, a soundproof tape is mounted;
  • The distance between the screws when sheathing is 25 cm;
  • To the frame of the walls and to the straight partition, the GKL sheet is attached vertically, for figured and radius structures - horizontally and by bending.
Scheme of a partition with 2-layer sheathing according to Knauf

Rules for the device and ceiling sheathing

Suspended ceiling system made of profiles and drywall Knauf it is used to level, decorate, reduce the height of the room, hide engineering communications.

Basic provisions:

  • Between the UD profile and the base of the ceilings, install a sound insulator (tape - self-adhesive brand Knauf);
  • Use a pin dowel as a fastener for the UD profile (1 pc. for every 50 cm);
  • Suspensions are installed at a distance of 90 cm along the line of attachment of the carrier profile;
  • step between bearing profiles- 40-50 cm, it is inserted with the base of the backrest to the sidewall of the UD bar and fixed to the ceiling with a suspension;
  • The distance between the screws for arranging the ceiling sheathing is 17 cm.

Mounting the GKL sheet to the ceiling starts from the corner of the room

Work with GKLV:

  • To cut niches, openings, holes for sockets, drywall / wood crowns are used, Knauf cutters for round holes or manually with a chisel;
  • Before sheathing begins, a chamfer is removed from the edge of the drywall sheet: if Fkugenfüller putty is subsequently used, the chamfering angle is 45 degrees, if Uniflot is 22.5;
  • To fix the skin to the metal frame, fixing screws with a length of 25 mm are used;
  • They begin to fasten the GKLV sheets to the frame with self-tapping screws from the center or corner, this will protect the material from deformation during the fixation process;

The sheets are installed close to each other, the edge of the plate is located in the middle of the CW or CD profile.

The position of the GKL sheet relative to the profile

Below you can see how the frame for partitions is installed and sheathed with Knauf materials.

Finishing work

At the end of the skin, the manufacturer proposes to strengthen the properties of the GKVL additional processing surfaces with water-repellent compounds (Tiegenrund primer) and Uniflot or Fugenfüller putty.

Seam sealing:

  • Filling the joints with putty using a narrow spatula, removing residues and excess thickening of the mixture;
  • Seam tape installation;
  • Covering the tape with a thin layer of putty, after 45 minutes removing residues from its surface;
  • Puttying of screw heads;
  • Secondary seam filling wide spatula, removal of residues;
  • Hand sanding to eliminate irregularities;
  • Mounting in the outer corner area of ​​the aluminum elbow, PVC corner or aluminum tape, puttying;
  • Installation of Knauf separating tape between sheets of drywall and inside corner, putty;
  • After drying, the material is painted and plastered.

Subject to all the requirements and recommendations, the installation of partitions, walls or ceilings using Knauf materials will be successful and durable. But remember, when doing: the smoother you set the structure of the profiles, the smoother the surface will be in the end.

In contact with

In the manufacture individual part the interior or the implementation of the entire repair and construction project should adhere to the exact technology. Each manufacturer of relevant materials, mixtures and parts give a number of recommendations for the use of their products, following which you can achieve the expected effect during operation and fit into the guaranteed period of use of the final product. Partitions of the Knauf system can be considered one of the most clear examples in the market of construction products, where the above axiom really works.

Why Knauf? This brand is known to many, but during repairs, not everyone decides to purchase materials from this brand, as they are afraid to go beyond the budget. Having considered the installation of partitions from Knauf sheets, you will understand whether this method is yours, what makes it remarkable, and how much it will cost to repair this system.

To understand the essence and differences of these partition structures from other options, it is worth getting acquainted with their types.

There are four types of such structures:

  • Partition wall model W111;
  • Partition wall model W112;
  • Partition wall W113 (fireproof);
  • Security wall W118.

Each of these types has its own characteristics.

The device of partitions according to the Knauf system - W 111

This design consists of a frame, which is covered on both sides with sheets of drywall. Inside the structure, a layer of sound insulation is necessarily placed.

Guide profiles are fixed to the ceiling, walls and floor, using dowels. After sheathing the GKL, the joints are sealed with a special Uniflot composition. The places where the walls come into contact with the ceilings are subjected to sealing.

It happens that the structure reaches a length of 15 m, in which case movable seams will have to be made in it. Thanks to them, the partition will have the possibility of linear expansion. To do this, two racks are placed at the seam.

An insulating material is always placed between the profiles, and a metal profile with an elastic insert inside is placed between the drywall sheets.

You can also consider special cases of such partitions from GKL:

  • For example, the rack profile has a size of at least 75 mm, then the installation of a movable seam has such a feature - it is placed between two additional racks. They will be smaller in size than the main racks, the difference will be about 25 mm. Then the drywall sheets will have a thickness of 12.5 mm, this will compensate for the difference.
  • If there is also a false ceiling in this room, then in order to mitigate the possibility of subsidence of the floor structure, the partition is attached with a movable joint.

Partition wall W112

It also consists of a metal frame and drywall sheets, with which the frame is sheathed on both sides. Between these sheets there is a soundproof layer. The height can also be different, depending on the objectives of the design.

Installation steps are the same as above. The subtleties, in which the differences lie, is that the structure is sheathed on both sides with additional GKL. This is done in order to improve the soundproofing qualities and increase the fireproof properties of the device.

Partition wall W113

The partition includes all the same metal carcass, which has a three-layer GKL lining. Inside the device is a non-combustible layer of sound insulation. It fits between sheets of drywall.

Since the structure is distinguished by a three-layer sheathing, the distance between fixing the guide profiles will be no more than 500 mm.

Air duct surfaces pass through such partitions; they must have reliable fire protection. Often this is a casing with a fire resistance above 0.5 hours.

Security Wall W118

This type of device resembles the design features of the W113. But W118 differs in that a galvanized sheet half a millimeter thick is placed between the drywall sheets. The installation of this structure requires strict compliance with the requirements that are prescribed for fire walls.

This type of partitions has a reinforced frame, which is made of metal profile PS 100. The thickness of this profile is not less than 0.6 mm.

Factors influencing the choice of the type of complete partitions

The manufacturer of German construction products offers its customers big choice kits for the installation of plasterboard partitions. To date, there are more than twenty types of partitions. They are marked with the letter "C" with the prefix of the corresponding number (for example, C 111, C 115.2, etc.).

The specific type that should be applied indoors will depend on several factors:

  • total height of the room;
  • permissible noise level;
  • estimated additional load on the wall;
  • condition and type of material base surface fastenings;
  • the need for laying / hiding in the box of communication systems;
  • availability and type of door (pendulum, hinged, sliding);
  • the required height of the partition;
  • humidity and temperature levels;
  • type of premises and its functional purpose.


On the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space, a couple of decades ago, the word "European-style renovation" was firmly associated then with the exotic material "drywall". This and other related products of its production were first launched on the market by building materials new generation German company Knauf. At the same time, the leading specialists of the enterprise developed detailed instructions for the construction of suspended, frame and frameless structures lined with plasterboard sheets. High quality products in combination with a properly selected complex marketing techniques allowed the company to as soon as possible become a leader among competitors.

Today, Knauf produces whole line kits for the manufacture of partitions, which, depending on the purpose, have different configurations. Phased and detailed explanation the installation process allows you to install the partitions of the Knauf system with your own hands, without wasting time studying the building materials market and independently searching for the required components of the structure.

Also, the convenience of such kits lies in the simplicity of calculating the cost of one square meter finished product. In addition, it is also not difficult to determine the consumption of materials.

One of the important advantages of the set should be considered the exclusion of the "forgetfulness" factor. All necessary basic and additional parts are included in the kit.

The purchase of complete Knauf partitions will save you from various misses and inconsistencies that are very common when using construction materials for mounting various firms manufacturers.

Constituent elements

Knauf has a fairly wide range of complete systems, each of which has a specific purpose and place of application.

Drywall sheets

Depending on the conditions of use, as well as the properties of this sheathing material, there are:

  • ordinary sheets (GKL);
  • refractory (GKLV);
  • moisture resistant (GKLV);
  • combined (GKLVO).

In addition, outwardly the sheets differ from each other in the type of edge, depending onmethod of processing technological joints:

  • PC - straight edge;
  • ZK - rounded edge;
  • UK - edge, thinned on the front side;
  • PLUK - an edge with a refined and semicircular edge on the front side.
  • PLC - the edge is round on the front side.

Depending on the area of ​​application and the required dimensions of the final product, plasterboard of various dimensions is used for the installation of partitions:

  • Length: from 2000.0 mm to 4000.0 mm.
  • Width: 600.0 mm and 1200 mm.
  • Thickness: 6.5mm to 24.0mm.

metal profiles

Represent hardware made of rolled steel sheet with galvanized coating. Used to build a frame for plasterboard partitions. The standard length of these elements varies from 2750.0 mm to 4500.0 mm.

From above, the parts have grooves that give the finished structure additional rigidity.

For mounting the base for drywall, two types of profile are used: guide (NP) and rack (SP). They must have comparable cross-sectional dimensions.

A feature of the Knauf guide profiles should be considered the presence of mounting holes in them, which reduces the deformation coefficient of the part and, to a large extent, reduces the time for installing the frame.

The functional task of the data metal elements is to hold the rack profiles in a given direction, as well as to stiffen the plasterboard partition as a whole. In addition, it is used to make jumpers inside the structure.

Rack Profile

The section of the part has C-shape. The joint venture is installed vertically.

It is fixed due to the guide profile by one of three methods:

  • butt;
  • nozzle method;
  • the “cut-off with a bend” method (used most often).

Side walls rack profile have holes designed for easy installation of electrical wires.

Wooden slats

Designed for manufacturing wooden frame drywall partition. These elements, as a rule, have a square section. Just like a metal frame, a wooden one has guides and rack-mount parts. Vertical did have to be mounted on the same distance from each other (as a rule, the step of fastening the racks is 30.0 or 40.0 cm).

The moisture content of the material used for the wooden base should be in the range of 10-12%.

Additional components

In addition to the listed main elements of the Knauf system partitions, various fasteners are also used, the type of which will depend on the difference general level the base plane, as well as the material from which the mounting surface is made and the degree of wear.

To improve the soundproofing properties of the partition, the voids of the frame must be filled with an appropriate material. The German manufacturer advises the use of mineral and fiberglass fillers that meet sanitary and epidemiological standards, with a high sound absorption index.

Mounting technology

Installation of this design is, of course, similar to standard installation. But still, the technology has its own characteristics, which I want to focus on.

Features of the installation of partition structures according to the Knauf system:

  • Constructors Knauf company some recommendations have been developed that must be followed at all stages of installation;
  • Knauf partitions are equipped with guides (upper and lower), as well as racks, their width depends on the weight of the structure and on the height of the room;
  • The guide profiles must be fixed to the ceiling with dowels, the step will be equal to the step of the risers, you need to fix it in at least 3 places;
  • Rack profiles will be fixed with a distance of 600 mm from each other, sometimes it can be less;
  • Racks need to be fixed using the “cut-out with a bend” method; Knauf self-tapping screws can also be used;
  • If structures are to be attached to false ceiling, the fire resistance class is always observed;
  • As for sound insulation (and the partition should be like walls, soundproofed), mineral wool is most often used as an insulator layer;
  • The peculiarity of the installation of sheets is that they need to be installed without a gap, end-to-end;
  • The laying of sheets should take place in such a way that there are no cross-shaped seams.

The installation of the frame also has its own characteristics - the joints of the plasterboard partition above the doorway should not be on the racks to which the box is attached. The seam must be placed on an intermediate guide that is installed above the horizontal beam. It, in turn, is the upper bound. These measures are necessary to ensure that the service life of the structure is long.

Obviously, without using plasters and other “wet” repair elements, the cost construction works decreases. Therefore, the difference between these materials, and the materials of the lower price segment, offset by savings on the same plaster.

Partition walls - devices made of plasterboard sheets that change the appearance of the room. These walls, built on their own, allow you to zone the apartment, divide the rooms into functional parts, and at the same time be separate. decorative element. Knauf specialists are constantly looking for new technologies and studying the demand market for construction products. Thanks to the application modern methods production and the desire to expand the sales market, complete partitions Knauf systems throughout for long years remain a leader in their field, offering consumers more advanced new products every year.

Prefabricated partition systems made of plasterboard Knauf (video)

It is used as internal enclosing structures in rooms various types. It is most expedient to use in rooms with a small height in the absence of high requirements for fire resistance and sound insulation. The surface is intended for subsequent final finishing e.g. wallpapering, painting, etc.

  • Weight 1 sq. m - about 25 kg.
  • Maximum partition height: up to 8 m*.
  • Partition thickness: 75–125 mm*.
  • Sound insulation index, Rw: up to 50 dB.
  • Fire resistance limit: EI 45 (using GKLO).

*depending on the size of the frame profiles and the spacing of the uprights.

** according to the customer's needs.

() values ​​​​in brackets are given for the case when the height of the partition exceeds the length of the drywall sheet.

Composition of the complete system

Pos. Name Unit of measure Quantity per m2
1 KNAUF-list (GKL, GKLV, GKLO) m2 2,0
2 KNAUF profile PN 50/40 (75/40, 100/40) linear m 0,7
3 KNAUF profile PS 50/50 (75/50, 100/50) linear m 2,0
4 Screw TN 25 PC. 29
5 Putty KNAUF-Fugen (Fugenfüller) kg 0,6
6 Reinforcing tape linear m 1,5
7 Dowel K 6/35 PC. 1,6
8 Sealing tape linear m 1,2
9 Primer Knauf-Tifengrund l 0,2
10 Mineral wool plate m2 1,0
11 Knauf profile PU PC. **

Application area

Application area

It is applied at finishing of rooms in the dry way.

Partitions C 111 are recommended for use as light internal enclosing structures in rooms with dry and normal humidity conditions according to SNiP 23-02-2003, residential, civil and industrial buildings of all degrees of fire resistance and erected in any areas, including seismic ones.

The analogue of partitions C 111 are structures W 111 Knauf(Germany).

It is most expedient to use in rooms with a small height in the absence of high requirements for fire resistance and sound insulation.

If there are requirements for thermal, sound and fireproof insulation, the cavity of the partition between drywall sheets filled with insulating material made of mineral fibers.

The resulting surface of the partitions is suitable for applying various finishing coatings (paint, wallpaper, ceramic tile, structured plaster, etc.).

Mounting process includes the following stages of work:

  • Marking the design position of the partition on the floor, ceiling and base walls.
  • Installation of partition frame C 111.
  • Installation of electrical wiring and embedded parts for fixing stationary equipment inside the frame.
  • Installation and fastening on one of the sides of the frame vertically oriented plasterboard Knauf sheets(GKL).
  • Fastening in the space between the racks insulating material if provided by the project.
  • Installation and fixing of KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKL) on the other side of the frame.
  • Sealing joints between KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKL) and priming the surface for decorative finishing.
  • Decorative finishing of the partition after the device of the finishing floor.

Partition walls should be installed within finishing works(V winter time when the heating is connected), before the installation of clean floors, when all the “wet” processes are completed and the electrical and plumbing systems are wired, in dry and normal humidity conditions in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”. In this case, the temperature in the room should not be lower than 10°C.

In conditions high humidity(bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms) it is recommended to use moisture-resistant KNAUF gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKLV), while it must be borne in mind that in places where water directly hits the walls (bathrooms), the surface of the sheets should be covered with KNAUF-Flachendicht waterproofing.

Location electrical wiring in the frame space of the partition should exclude the possibility of damage to them by the sharp edges of the frame elements or screws during the fastening of Knauf plasterboard sheets (GKL).

Any master who has been repairing or construction residential facilities, will confirm the manufacturability of the use of materials from Knauf. Practical developments German specialists in the field drywall systems(read more) deservedly occupy a leading position in the design of walls and zoning elements of living space.

If decently has already been written about the walls, then there is still an information vacuum about the method of corporate organization of bulkheads. Therefore, in this article Knauf partition system will be our focus.

Specification of enclosing structures Knauf

Use in "pie" construction drywall GVL significantly increases the fire safety of the room. Such a development is especially in demand in boiler rooms, garages, chimney zones. Such walls are able to localize the source of fire and prevent it from breaking out.

This Knauf partition technology based on the use of GVL boards or its moisture-resistant counterpart - GVLV. Both sides of the sheet are already treated with water repellent solutions at the factory.

The total weight of 1 m² of construction, together with mineral wool board and putty is about 18 kg. A maximum bulkhead height of up to 6.5 m is allowed.

Double metal frame and system from Knauf: partitions C 365

It uses a double profile metal frame, which is sheathed on both sides Knauf GVL supersheets in two layers. Frame racks are separated sealing tape to improve sound insulation. Such a design has a benefits:

  • light weight;
  • effective fire safety;
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • suitable for any finish;
  • improved sound and heat insulation performance.

Made according to this system from Knauf partitions are used in buildings of any purpose, from residential to industrial. Experts recommend using this technology in rooms where the requirements for fire safety raised.

Where and why is an acoustic partition from Knauf used?

Mineral wool materials Knauf Insulation Available in both mat and slab form. Their width is 610 mm, which is very convenient for installation in the frame, the extra 10 mm will securely fix the cotton wool and prevent slipping. Due to the large number of voids between the fibers, the soft insulation provides excellent sound-absorbing properties.

The operating experience of separating walls with mineral wool proves them complete fire safety. Besides, acoustic partition from Knauf is a thermal insulator, which will save on heating. The presence of international certificates once again demonstrates the safety of the company's products for the health of others.


The implementation of zoning of premises using Knauf products has a number of benefits:

  • affordable price;
  • absence of "wet" processes;
  • the ability to control each stage;
  • compliance with European standards;
  • long service life.

Most of the technologies are quite within the power of most private developers, it is enough to acquire the right tool. Using moisture-resistant GKL, you can build a partition in the bathroom or bathroom without much risk - it is only important not to deviate from the design principles.

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