How to build an extension to a house made of wood. Extension to a house - the most interesting projects and main types of extensions (130 photos). Connecting beams in an extension

Extension to the house – perfect solution to expand the free space in any type of home. It is important that everything construction works can be done independently.

Of course, this will require certain construction skills and knowledge of work technologies, but there is nothing particularly difficult about it. The help of specialists may be required at the design stage of the structure, as well as when connecting communications inside the structure. In addition, certain problems often arise when legitimizing an extension with regulatory authorities.

The attachment can perform a variety of functions.

Most often, an extension is built to form an additional room, summer kitchen, garage, veranda, terrace, canopy, porch. There are a huge number of options - everything will depend on personal requirements and wishes. Of course, building something will be very difficult from a technological point of view, but often all construction is done with one’s own hands.

The main thing here is to correctly construct the foundation, walls, roof, insulate and isolate the room from moisture, and also correctly attach the new foundation to the old one.

Types of extensions for country houses

Before starting any construction work, it is necessary to clearly determine the type of structure, because making an extension to a house is only possible if you have a clear plan and project. There are several of the most common types of extensions in our country:


This is the simplest and most cost-effective extension for country house. The main functional task of such a design is to protect people and things located under the canopy from sun rays, rain and other precipitation. Under such a canopy it will be good to relax in the warm season and have lunch, or you can park your car.


An important advantage of installing a canopy is that the construction of a foundation is not required, because support pillars (made of metal, wood, concrete) will act as the base. The canopy frame is attached to these supports.

Summer room

To form summer room More capital construction will be required than in the case of a canopy. Such rooms are intended for relaxation in the warm season, gatherings, reading books, etc. Naturally, a foundation will be required.

It is recommended to use a columnar or strip base, depending on the type of building material and the dimensions of the room. To create walls, boards, foam concrete blocks, and frame panels are usually used. For better lighting walls and roof, wholly or partially, can be made of glass.

Summer room.

Such an extension usually has a lean-to or gable roof. It is recommended to use the lightest roofing material. Installation thermal insulation materials, as a rule, is not carried out, because such premises are not used during the cold season.

Living room

Before adding a room to the house, it is necessary to complete all the required calculations and draw up a project. In this case, a thorough approach will be required, involving the construction of a foundation, capital construction of walls and roofs, installation of waterproofing and thermal insulation materials, and supply of all necessary communications.

Warm living room.

Particular attention is paid to the insulation of the premises, so that one could live here in winter time without spending a lot of energy on heating.


As a rule, extensions are not intended to accommodate a kitchen. Such a structure must be capital, so it needs to be insulated as efficiently as possible.

Kitchen made of wood.

Such an extension can only be built correctly using quality project, created by professionals, because the kitchen needs all communications: sewerage, water supply, electricity, gas, ventilation system. This, of course, leads to serious financial costs, which not everyone is ready for.


Using an extension to create a garage is a very common trend in last years. The garage will require the construction of a strip or monolithic foundation, and for the construction of walls, foam concrete blocks or bricks are usually used.

Two garages.

The roof, in most cases, is made of profiled sheets or metal tiles, slate or roofing felt. Mandatory communications for the garage - ventilation system and heating.

Connection of an extension with a country house

Many people spend a long time choosing where to add a new room to their home, so that it would be easier to connect it with the main building. Here you have to choose from two options:

  • Independent building. In the event that difficult soil conditions are observed in the area (for example, heaving soils or high level groundwater), then it is recommended to build an independent structure that will not be connected in any way to the main house. In this case, the extension and the main structure have no points of contact, so they do not depend on each other. In this case, the minimum possible distance is maintained between the two buildings, which is a technological gap that must be filled with thermal insulation and waterproofing materials.
  • Implementation of an extension to the structure of an old building. Such a solution involves a certain amount of labor, because construction will require compliance with all necessary technologies and carrying out many calculations and studies. First of all, you will need to properly build and insulate the foundation, which must be correctly connected to the base of the country house. This is usually done using reinforced rods. Using approximately the same technology, the walls and roof of structures are connected.

Features of roof construction for an extension to a house

The roof of an extension to a house can have any shape - here again everything will depend on the requirements and wishes of the owners. At the same time, most often country homeowners choose a pitched roof because it is simple to implement, it is easy to insulate it yourself, it combines well with other types of roofs that the main structure may have, and also removes precipitation well, preventing the entire structure from experiencing additional loads.

To ensure that rainfall from the roof of the extension drains normally, the design of the roof involves installing a roof slope of 20 degrees or more.

Besides, Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the establishment of the roof of the extension under the roof of a country house. If everything is done correctly, the wall located between the extension and the country house will be protected from water entering through the joint between the two structures. In addition, the roof of the extension must be extremely harmoniously combined with the roofing material of the main building and fit harmoniously into the exterior of the building, without standing out from the general background.

During the design process, it is very important to correctly calculate the load that the roof structure will provide. The weight of the rafters should be taken into account, roofing material and other structural elements used in the construction of the roof.

It is important to understand that the extension to the house is screw piles or pillars is not designed for too heavy loads, unlike monolithic or strip concrete foundation. You also need to insulate the roof (you can insulate it using any suitable thermal insulation materials, with which it is recommended to cover the top with waterproofing).

How to legalize construction?

Build an extension to the old or new one country house- that's half the battle. Any additional premises erected on a land plot must be documented and obtain permission to carry out construction work from regulatory authorities.

An extension to the house can be done with your own hands; no one will force you to invite builders, but the homeowner must submit a well-drawn design of the structure to the employees of the regulatory services.

The procedure for completing all the documentation for an extension to an old country house usually takes from several months to a year.

An interesting point is that you can start collecting documents and obtaining a building permit after all the work is completed. This is permitted by current law.

At the same time, when reviewing documents, employees of the regulatory authority may have some complaints that will have to be corrected (for example, the location of the building relative to underground communications or the use of inappropriate building materials).

Let's consider buildings to the house and not extensions

A pergola is the simplest structure and an excellent place to relax.

A barbecue is a great place for entertaining guests and celebrating.

Most people buy or build a house based on what they can afford at that time. Owners are forced to add an extension to the house based on increased needs or desires. The question arises of how to make an additional extension so that it turns out inexpensively, correctly and reliably. Again, in order to save money, many people prefer to build it with their own hands.

Project selection

Construction technology will depend to a large extent on what task you set for yourself when expanding.

For example, if there is a project and plans to make extra room, then the new structure must be warm, strong, and no different in characteristics from the main structure.

If the project involves moving, for example, a kitchen into an extension, then you need to provide for everything in advance necessary communications. And, of course, in both cases you need to choose a material for the walls so that it is strong and reliable - for example, it could be a structure made of bricks or other solid material.

If the goal is to build a summer terrace, porch, or unheated veranda with your own hands, then it is important to provide waterproofing for the foundation, and the walls and ceiling can be built from lightweight materials. In any case there is general requirement: the thicker and heavier the walls, the stronger and thicker the foundation should be. Accordingly, the higher the costs.

Concerning appearance and design of the extension, then to brick house you can choose quite a lot of harmonious options for additions - it can be traditional rectangular shape, square, semicircle shape. Very interesting option a bay window, it will give the house the elements of a real rich mansion, even if the house itself is not very impressive in size. We will discuss the technology of constructing a bay window-style extension in more detail below.

Material selection

The joints between two parts of the building should be well insulated from drafts

The most the best material For new extension to the house will be the one from which the house was built. Therefore, if the house is made of brick, then it needs to be adjusted in the same way. However, in practice, people often look for simple and cheap, while warm materials, which do not require deep foundations and high costs. Design standards allow the combination of brick with extensions made of timber, foam blocks and other materials.

What is important to know about the adjoining of one part to another

It is important to know that a brick house requires special conditions for the annexation of new buildings in any case. Some of these special construction characteristics include the following:

House with bay window

If the main building is brick, then we can recommend making a brick bay window - a beautiful and practical result will be guaranteed. It’s not so easy to build a bay window with your own hands, but nevertheless, it’s worth trying. After the project has been prepared and calculated, the foundation is prepared.

In this case, the foundation is poured the same as that of the main building, and the frame must be connected to the frame of the house.

The bay window is built on a traditional foundation like this:

  1. Along the perimeter of the future foundation, dig a trench with a depth equal to the depth of the old foundation and a width of 40 cm.
  2. Sprinkle a layer of sand at the bottom of the trench, and then lay a layer of gravel or crushed stone. To fill with water.
  3. Install formwork and fill concrete mixture, prepared at the rate of 2 parts gravel or crushed stone, one part sand and cement and 0.7 parts water. Wait until the concrete hardens completely. The new one is connected to the main foundation by reinforcement and concreting with an expansion joint.

Wall masonry:

  1. The best, highest quality brick is placed on the outside. If the difference between the bricks is more than 3 mm, the masonry will not be perfectly level.
  2. Inside the walls are laid with gas silicate blocks.
  3. Usually chosen as insulation mineral wool.
  4. The bay window is connected to the wall monolithically, using reinforcing rods. For this I brick wall At home, holes are drilled into two-thirds of the bricks, where metal reinforcement pins are inserted and walled up. This should be done after a couple of rows of masonry. After laying, these rods are inserted into the seams. If they are thicker than the seams, then in bricks in the right place cuts are made.

You can see how to beautifully make a bay window with bricks in the video:

Roof structure

For the installation of a ceiling:

  • beams are placed on top of the bricks - beams every 70 cm. They can be walled up in the upper brick belt if they are wrapped in sheets of roofing material to protect them from moisture;
  • hem with plywood sheets or boards;
  • lay a layer of insulation;
  • sew the sheathing;
  • cover the roof with metal profiles, tiles and other materials.

Extension to brick houses made of timber

The timber option is a good project because:

  • economical;
  • visually attractive (extensions to a house made of timber look harmonious and beautiful);
  • does not cause deformation of walls and kinks during shrinkage of soil under wooden frame in the place where the main and new structures are attached.

A wooden extension made of timber is installed on a foundation made in the usual way. You can make it with your own hands using the above tape method.

Depending on the type of foundation, a frame perimeter of the base floor is made. For an extension to a house made of timber, a project with a foundation on piles or pillars is suitable. The walls are erected on a timber frame, with rafters, sheathing and a roof installed on top.

Most important point when building an extension from timber and other relatively light materials, it is necessary to take into account the heaving of the soil (their seasonal movement), and, therefore, the deformation of the walls. And, of course, the fact that a lighter building will move differently than an older and heavier one on the main foundation.

Therefore, to avoid problems in the future, be sure to remember that:

  • both foundations must be at the same depth;
  • it is impossible to make a blind binding due to different shrinkages;
  • be sure to make an expansion joint.

The walls are erected on a timber frame, with rafters, sheathing and a roof installed on top.

Everything else depends on how you handle the work with your own hands, what design and idea you put into your extended home.

Before you begin constructing a living room extension to an individual residential building, you must obtain permission from the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

Find out more about how it’s done to avoid mistakes when building brick walls yourself.

Insulating the roof from the inside is not very expensive and will save money on heating your home. Read about how to perform insulation and what materials to choose.

To do this, you will need to provide documents for land plot(lease agreement or certificate of ownership, cadastral passport), documents for the house (certificate of ownership, technical passport), construction and architectural projects (in principle, there can be one project, but it must have sections affecting construction and architectural part of the extension being built) and, of course, write a corresponding application for permission.

Foundation for extension

After receiving permission, we begin construction. Construction, of course, needs to begin with the construction of the foundation. To do this, along the perimeter of the future extension, we dig a ditch at least half a meter deep; the width of the ditch should be approximately the same.

We fill the bottom of the ditch with sand and gravel. This is necessary in order to increase the density of the connection between the foundation and the soil, as well as to reduce the risk of foundation subsidence.

Then we begin to pour the foundation. The solution for the future foundation is prepared based on climatic conditions your region, the characteristics of the soil, the size of the future room and the weight load it places on the foundation (all this should be reflected in the project). In addition, the foundation must be below the freezing level of the soil.

If the foundation is higher than this level, then the moisture accumulated in the soil will swell and expand when freezing, and thereby cause additional uneven loads on it. Such an impact on the foundation will lead to its deformation, as a result of which cracks of various sizes may appear on it and the walls of the future room.

After the foundation is poured, it should be watered abundantly. You need to start watering eight to ten hours after finishing work on its construction. This is necessary to avoid the appearance of cracks on it and its uneven drying. This procedure need to be done three to four days in a row.

In order not to constantly run with a hose, the foundation can be evenly covered with wet sawdust. The foundation will dry completely after three to four weeks. But this does not mean that you can immediately start building walls. Let it sit for a year. During this time, the foundation will completely subside and “find” its place.

When pouring a foundation, it is better to give preference to the type of its construction that will be similar to the construction of the foundation under the main house. If the foundation under the main house protrudes beyond its boundaries from the outside, then the new foundation can be “linked” to it to add strength and avoid additional subsidence.


The walls of the room can be built from brick, cinder block, or from rounded logs, or other suitable material building material. A block extension to the house is also a viable option, although not the best. Everything here will depend on your preferences and financial capabilities.

But better, from an aesthetic point of view, the material of the walls of the new extension should be similar to the material of the walls of the main house or combined with it (unless, of course, you are going to carry out external finishing the walls of the whole house are modern finishing materials). An example would be frame extension To wooden house, it’s easy to do and looks aesthetically pleasing.

The height of the walls (ceiling) of the new extension should be slightly lower than the height of the main building. It should be lower exactly as much as is required for arranging the roof.

When building the walls of a new room, you need to decide on their “connection” with the wall of the main house. IN in this case Experts do not recommend using a rigid connection. Since the weight and “age” of the main structure exceeds those of the new extension, which in turn affects their uneven subsidence. A rigid connection in this case will lead to the appearance of cracks. And not only at the junction. It is best to use an “elastic layer” in such cases.

The “elastic layer” is installed as follows. The wall of the extension should not be adjacent to the wall of the main building. Between them you need to leave a small distance of two to three centimeters. The remaining space is filled with a special sealant (Vilaterm or polyurethane foam) for expansion joints and gaps.

Making a roof

It was already mentioned above that the height of the extension should be slightly lower than the main house. So, when installing the roof of a new room, you need to ensure that the roof extends under the eaves of the house, forming a smooth transition. The connection between the two roofs should be such as to prevent as much as possible the entry of precipitation into the extension in the form of snow, rain or other moisture.

It is best to make a transition from a galvanized iron corner at the junction of the roofs. We place one part of such a corner thirty to forty centimeters under the roof of the main building and leave the same amount on the roof of the new extension. We carefully seal the resulting space between the roof and the edge of the metal corner.

Beams for the roof of a new room can be made, for example, from wooden beams. We lay the beams themselves on pre-prepared grooves in the wall. To cover the roof of the extension, we choose a similar material for the roof of the main building. We definitely insulate the ceiling. Expanded clay or mineral wool or a similar material can be used as insulation. Self ceiling can be either wooden or reinforced concrete slab. The same goes for gender.

By the way, to level the floor, it is best to resort to a dry screed. In terms of its qualities, such a screed is no different from others. In addition, it requires less labor and financial costs.

The interior decoration of the new room will depend on its purpose and your design abilities. But before that, do not forget to first conduct new room all necessary engineering support networks, for example, electricity and heat supply.

And in the end, I would like to say that all construction work on the construction of an extension to a residential building must be carried out in strict accordance with the project submitted to the department of architecture and urban planning.

Any deviation from the project will entail certain legal consequences, up to the impossibility of legitimizing the house as a whole. If at the stage of construction of the extension you deviate from the project for any reason, then it is better to immediately inform the department of architecture and urban planning, get their approval and make appropriate changes to the project.

After the addition of a new living room has been erected and accepted by the commission for commissioning buildings and structures, you can safely go to the registration chamber and make appropriate changes to the title documents for the house.

A frame extension to the main building is the easiest way to increase living space. In this way you can build a living room, technical room or covered veranda. The main thing is to correctly connect the house and its extension.

Selection of foundation and expansion joint

You should initially decide what the extension will be used for. The way of joining the foundation, walls and roof with the old house will depend on this. This is key point, because with different types of structures they will shrink differently, which can lead to cracks and distortion of the walls of the extension.

If you are planning a living space, be it a kitchen or a bathroom, an extension to frame house must be of the same type - made of the same materials, with a floor and walls of the same thickness as the main building. If the main foundation is strip, then the new one is joined rigidly, using driven reinforcement, and the formwork is installed close to the wall of the house.

This will allow you not to close the contour of the foundation and not to organize an expansion joint around the entire perimeter. But with a rigid connection, the foundation must be very stable and not sag. Therefore, it is recommended to compact the soil well under the cushion, and make the cushion itself reinforced and 15 cm wider than the foundation strip. In this case, it is better to use crushed stone rather than gravel.

If the weight of the extension and the building is very different, or a different type of foundation is chosen, it is necessary to organize an expansion joint. The extension can be made either in the shape of the letter P, without closing the contour, or by erecting all four walls.

In the first case, the expansion joint is made only at the junction of the house and the extension. This is the most convenient way connecting the extension with your own hands. If the finished foundation is level and strictly vertical, the expansion joint can be made using ordinary roofing felt - it will provide the possibility of vertical displacement of buildings.

Otherwise, it is better to use thicker and more elastic material - foamed polyethylene and expanded polystyrene. The smoother the foundation, the smaller the thickness of the expansion joint. The smooth side of the sheets is placed on the new foundation. The outer part of the seam is filled with sealant and covered with a flashing that is attached only to the existing wall.

A four-sided foundation is needed if there is a risk of strong displacement of the house and the extension - with significantly different weights, heaving soil or an unstable foundation. Then an expansion joint 1-2.5 cm wide is made between the two buildings along the entire perimeter. The walls and roof in this case should not be rigidly connected either.

Construction of walls and their connection to the house

If the house and the extension are on the same foundation and are framed, erecting walls will not be a problem. The section of the beams is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation. For example, if a sheet of mineral wool is 15 cm thick, then the beams must be selected with the same cross-section of one of the sides. The main thing is not to confuse which side to attach them to the harness.

The walls are erected in the following order:

1. The lower frame is laid on the foundation. Between the wood and concrete you need to lay waterproofing - roofing felt or foamed polyethylene. The strapping is screwed on with ordinary dowels, and the corners are connected “in half a tree”.

2. If the extension is attached rigidly to the walls of the house, then vertical bars They are simply nailed to the walls, pre-leveled. If not, then corner posts are first installed, which can be fixed with temporary bevels.

It is better to make the connection between the strapping and the bars by completely cutting it out and additionally fixing it metal corners.

3. It is important to choose the right height of the vertical beams - will the extension be under common roof or under a separate one.

4. The upper harness allows you to strengthen the frame and remove temporary cuts. The bars of the upper harness are connected to the vertical ones in the same way as the bottom.

5. After this, you can choose a location for the windows and/or doors. Additional racks are attached along the width of the openings and horizontal lintels are nailed along the height of the window and door.

6. Vertical bars are added in increments of 1 cm smaller than the selected insulation - it should lie as tightly as possible. You can also add horizontal jumpers that will strengthen the entire structure - the distance between them is also 1 cm less height insulation, if it is supplied in sheets and not rolls.

It is important to remember that when using laminated veneer lumber, windows and doors cannot be installed immediately. The structure may shrink. Sheathing assembled frame carried out after the roofing has been installed.

Sometimes the frame of an extension to a house is assembled separately, installed on bottom trim whole blocks at once. This is very convenient for large structures - there is no need to fasten each vertical beam with temporary slopes and constantly work at height.

An expansion joint should be installed along the entire wall being added, if the foundation has a closed contour, or only at the junction of the walls of the house and the extension. The requirements for it are the same as for a foundation seam - an elastic seal is used inside, and the outer edge is treated with sealant.

The rafters of the extension are laid with the lower end on the upper frame, and the upper end is connected to the roof rafters or rests on a purlin nailed to the wall of the house. If the rafters are rigidly connected to the wall of the extension, the roof may not be able to withstand shrinkage and the upper fastenings will break off. Or the wall of the extension will begin to lean inward. Therefore, it is better to use movable joints to freely move the lower support.

For a roof with insulation, in addition to the horizontal lathing, a vertical counter-lattish is also made, as well as an additional lathing with inside. If metal tiles are used, they can be laid directly on the sheathing, and for soft tiles A moisture-resistant OSB board is mounted on the sheathing.

In the first case, the wall of the house is covered with a galvanized apron, bent at an angle and fixed on top of the roof of the extension. This will protect the wall from rain and roofing pie- from dampness.

In the second case, the roof will be common and will have to be completely re-roofed.

Wall cladding and insulation

After installing the roof, you can begin covering the walls. Despite popular tips first cover the walls with boards or OSB sheets For structural strength, it is much more convenient to do this under the roof. First, the exterior of the extension is sheathed.

If non-glued laminated timber was used, then windows and doors are installed at the same stage. It is better to order a double-glazed window ready-made - with a double chamber for better thermal insulation. If you plan to install a door, it is better to hang it right away. The second post is adjusted to the door. Installing windows and doors before insulation allows you to fit the horizontal lintels and racks as tightly as possible to the openings.

After outer skin Insulation is laid and the extension is sheathed from the inside. You can use the same OSB boards, plasterboard or lining. At the same stage, the roof is insulated - waterproofing, insulation and vapor barrier are laid under the sheathing. Additional sheathing and internal lining are mounted on top.

For a living space, it is necessary to insulate the extension from the outside as well. The easiest way is foam plastic boards, which are attached to the wall using foam and screwed with self-tapping screws.

To prevent the screws from falling into the foam, rectangular or round spacers are used. Another trick is to window slopes were smooth, the slabs are attached to the window frame with the side with factory cuts and with a slight overlap.

Door slopes can be damaged during operation, so it is better to screw a beam as thick as insulation around the perimeter of the door with self-tapping screws. The ebb on the window can be attached polyurethane foam, all the cracks are filled with it. After this, a reinforcing mesh and reinforcing mortar are laid on the foam plastic, and all corners are reinforced with metal corners.

Floor installation in a frame extension

The floor for a small extension on a strip foundation could be filled with cement-sand screed. To do this, the entire perimeter inside the foundation was filled with brick rubble and compacted. You can lay tiles on top of such a floor - best option for technical premises.

If you are planning a living space, or a columnar foundation is chosen, it is best to install a wooden floor on joists.

For strip foundation the space under the floor should be insulated. The soil is selected to a depth of 25 cm and a layer of crushed stone is first poured into the resulting hole, compacted, a layer of sand is poured on top, moistened and compacted again. Brick pillars are placed on the resulting cushion - the logs will rest on them.

The advantage of flooring on joists is its multi-layer nature. Between the rough and finished floor there is a layer in which the insulation is laid. This allows you to create a truly warm floor that you don’t have to walk on with shoes on.

Featured in the video detailed review finished frame of an extension to the house:

Some time after the construction of a house, there is often a need to expand usable area. The only way out of this situation is to build an extension to a wooden house. With proper design of the structure and selection of appropriate materials, this activity can be completed independently.

What do you need to know?

The construction of any object requires the creation of a project that is based on calculations. The construction of an extension to a wooden house is no exception. In this case, it should be provided that constructive solution, which would eliminate the occurrence of cracks. When choosing architectural form extensions, we must not forget about the need to create a unified complex in style.

In addition, it should be understood that the construction of the extension must be approved by the relevant organization and have all the necessary accompanying documentation. Otherwise, the constructed facility will be considered an unauthorized construction and in the future the developer will have to resolve the issue of legalizing it.

Types of extensions

Before starting the construction of an extension to a wooden house, you should study possible options structures and technological features their construction. After analyzing the information, the choice of materials and work technology is greatly simplified. This approach will allow the extension to be harmoniously connected to the existing building.

Canopy. This is the simplest extension design. It is necessary to protect the porch and people from sunlight and bad weather. In addition, under the canopy you can spend leisure time and receive guests.

The construction of a canopy does not necessarily require the construction of a powerful foundation. Installing pillars that act as supports can provide a fairly solid foundation. A frame is mounted to them, and the surface of the walls is designed depending on the taste preferences of the developer.

A wooden house may need an extension

Summer room. It is often built out of an extension. The room is intended for relaxation and serves as a place for friendly feasts. As the base of such an extension, a strip or columnar foundation. Wall material frame structure Plywood, boards or brick serve.

In order to create better illumination The walls are made partially glazed. The roof of a summer room can have one or two slopes, and it is undesirable to make its structure heavier. Insulation or creation heating system in such a room is impractical.

Living room. The construction of a full-fledged living room implies a full construction cycle. When constructing a foundation, use block or monolithic structure. Brick, foam blocks or timber are used to build walls. When building a roof, a layer of waterproofing is required. The entire structure of the structure must also be properly insulated.

Kitchen. Arranging an extension indoors is quite a complex undertaking. This is due to the fact that in addition to the construction of a capital structure, all communications are required, including sewerage and ventilation.

Garage. This structure is built on a surface on which walls made of bricks or blocks are located. A reliable roof is also constructed from slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. In addition, the room must be well ventilated.

Porch. Often when installing various designs extensions, it is necessary to build a porch. The material can be concrete, timber or metal. If the porch is of significant height or has a turn, railings must be installed.

Installation features

The construction of an extension to a wooden house largely depends on how the room is intended to be used and whether it will be residential. If capital construction is necessary, it is necessary to build a reliable foundation, separate from the base of the main building and the wall. It is also necessary to lay communications.

The main problem with building an extension is connecting it to the house. If there are omissions at this stage, then the formation of cracks in structural elements construction is inevitable.

There are the following methods of connecting structures:

  • Construction of an independent building. The method is used in the case of construction on moving soil. The base is arranged closed around the perimeter, having no points of contact with the main foundation. The gaps between the surfaces of the walls of buildings are provided with reliable hydro- and thermal insulation. The roof is constructed using a similar technology.
  • Integration of the extension into the main structure. Carrying out work using this method is associated with certain difficulties. To connect structures, anchors or pieces of reinforcing steel are installed in the foundation of the house. Then, using welding, a connection is made to the frame of the base of the attached structure. At the end of this event, they begin to pour the monolithic type foundation. Connecting the walls of two structures becomes possible by partially dismantling the frame of the house. To integrate the roof structures, disassembly is carried out rafter system home and connecting it to the extension. Moreover, the fastening occurs both to the rafters and to the beams of the main building. After this, the roof covering is laid so that it represents a single surface.

When building a foundation for an extension, it is necessary to take into account the type of foundation under the house. This is due to the fact that different types foundations on the same soil exhibit different shrinkage. To prevent this phenomenon, identical base designs should be used.

Construction of an extension

Calculation and purchase of materials

At the design stage of an extension to a wooden house, the purpose of the object, its number of storeys and design features are taken into account. This makes it possible to implement optimal choice materials and draw up a construction estimate.

The following materials can be used for its construction.


Using timber to build an extension to a wooden house is the best option. Moreover, the timber can be of any kind: glued, rounded or planed. Standardized material dimensions greatly simplify installation.

As a rule, timber is produced by specialized enterprises, each product has strictly defined dimensions, and the quality of the wood meets the standards. In the factory, the material goes through all the necessary stages protective treatment, which increases the service life of wood. If necessary, then ready product undergoes heat treatment to give the wood a certain shade. Natural wood refers to environmentally friendly materials, which has a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the house.

In addition to the described qualities, the versatility of the timber should be noted, since it can be used to create an extension not only to a wooden house.

If the cost of timber exceeds the construction estimate, then you should pay attention to other materials.

The most difficult thing is to connect the extension to the house

Frame extension

A good option from an economic point of view is the construction of a frame structure for the extension. It is characterized by the ability to carry out work on the existing foundation, which significantly reduces construction time.

The technology for constructing an extension involves the construction metal frame or wooden structure. To create the surface of the walls, the frame is sheathed on both sides using chipboards or OSB. Between them a layer of thermal insulation is placed from available heat-insulating material. There must be vapor and moisture insulation on top of the insulation.

The frame structure of an extension to a wooden house is easy to install and is available for self-assembly.


When using brickwork when constructing the walls of an extension to a wooden house, you can get a permanent structure. The material has good thermal insulation properties, therefore, the extension can have both economic and residential purposes.

To maintain integrity architectural style It is recommended to move the brick extension out of sight. However, its location on the rear side of the building is not excluded. Brickwork has a significant mass, so a reliable foundation is built that can withstand the loads from the walls.

The cost of construction in this case increases not only due to the increase in the price of materials and additional costs for constructing the foundation, but also due to the costs of finishing work.

Main stages of construction

Foundation installation

The base for an extension to a wooden house is selected depending on design features structures. If you plan to create a residential building, then construction is mandatory. At the same time, its depth should be the same as that of the main building. Reliable connection of two structures occurs due to reinforcement.

The progress of work on the construction of the foundation occurs in the following order:

  • carry out marking;
  • dig a pit or trench of appropriate depth;
  • formwork is installed;
  • produce a bundle of reinforcement cage;
  • pour .

At this stage, protection from moisture should be performed.

Easy extension on a columnar foundation

Wall installation

The construction of the walls of an extension is no different from the technology of constructing a house from timber or other lumber. In this case, the resulting expansion joint must be sealed using polyurethane foam.

When using the same materials to build an extension and a house, the walls are connected using different fasteners. Dowels are made in the timber. Screws and plates are used, as well as staples to fix the walls.

Roof installation

In the case when the height of the extension is less than the height wooden house, the roof is made with a significant slope. This will allow precipitation to be removed without hindrance. In this case, the connection of both roof structures is not necessary.

When constructing a two-story warm extension It is recommended to connect the roofs of buildings. For this purpose, the roof of the main house is partially dismantled and the ceilings are tied together with metal corners. After that, waterproofing is installed and the roof is laid. Must be organized one system drainage

It is better to make the roof from the same material as the main building

How to cut costs?

You can reduce the cost of building an extension to a wooden house if you take into account the following recommendations:

  • the cost of timber is lower if purchased in winter;
  • independent construction of the foundation will allow you to achieve savings of about 20%;
  • use available materials;
  • use frame method construction.
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