Ginnal maple crown diameter. Unusual shrubs: ginnal maple. Planting and description of river maple


Ginnal maple or riverine (Acer Ginnala) R astet in the form of a large shrub up to 6 meters tall. It grows quickly, winter-hardy, photophilous, tolerates transplantation and city conditions well. Gives abundant growth. An excellent ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright, hedges, landscaping the banks of reservoirs. It is especially good in autumn, when it stands out as a fiery red spot against the background of greenery. It looks good in combination with a snowberry, dogwood, sucker, against the background of conifers.

The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, in dense multi-flowered panicles, blooms after the leaves open. Fruits - lionfish up to 3 cm green, in the sun with a bright red blush.

The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe. Autumn coloration from yellow-orange to fiery red is especially pronounced in good light.

Ginnala maple borders are very beautiful with regular haircuts no higher than 0.5 m. A dense mosaic of leaves, bright autumn colors make such a border very effective.

Beneficial features:

  • Clen is an excellent antidepressant, well relieves nervous tension, reduces aggression, harmonizes, and leads to the restoration of energy. In early spring in maple wood vessels accumulates in large quantities juice is a delicious nutritious drink. Maple sap contains a lot of sugar and vitamin C, as well as mineral salts, nitrogenous and other substances. The juice is almost colorless, sweetish, with a pleasant aroma, they drink it from scurvy, with pain in the lower back. Maple sap healed wounds, healed ulcers. It produces an unusually tasty syrup - a natural, environmentally friendly product containing minerals.
  • Maple sap contains a rich complex of B vitamins: for example, thiamine affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Plant juice is a real storehouse of antioxidants, among which there are polyphenols that contribute to the rapid recovery of cancer patients. It is recommended to use it for heart problems. The fructose content allows the use of condensed juice for people weighed down by obesity and diabetics. By adding syrup to the diet for violations of the functions of the pancreas, patients receive the help of abscisic acid (phytohormone).
  • The leaves and shoots of the Norway maple are used in traditional medicine as a choleretic, antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. Jaundice, scurvy, nephrolithiasis are treated with infusions and decoctions from the leaves, they are taken in the same way as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic. Fresh leaves in crushed form are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers. Studying chemical composition leaves showed that they accumulate up to 268 mg% of vitamin C, contain alkaloids, tannins.
  • For the preparation of syrup, the juice of only a few types of maple is used, namely: black, red, silver and sugar. Fresh, finely chopped leaves are applied to damaged skin, decoctions and juice are drunk with beriberi and asthenia. Viral infections, kidney diseases, hepatitis, bronchitis are treated more effectively if curative agents from maple are added to the complex of drugs.

Anyone who wants to grow a low culture on their site that can be used as a hedge to form a shaded corner should definitely pay attention to the ginnal maple. This is a tree small size has an extended crown, it will help cover country cottage area from the eyes of passers-by, protect it from strong winds and direct sunlight.

Appearance description

IN autumn time such a culture decorates the garden with its beautiful foliage. Maple ginalla (in other words - riverine) comes from the genus of the same name and the Sapindaceae family. Such a shrub does not differ in height and replaces foliage every year. The height of the tree can vary from 3 to 8 meters. The crown is spreading, wide, has the shape of a tent. In diameter, the crown can reach up to seven meters.

The bark is small in thickness, presented brown with a gray tint. In older cultures, the bark is usually covered with cracks. The branches are thin and erect, painted in brown and red.

Root system of superficial type with abundant density. The leaves are arranged oppositely, reach a length of 10 centimeters, a width of about five. All leaves are divided into three separate lobes, the middle lobe is elongated. Over time, the cross section begins to become less noticeable. The leaves grow on straight petioles with a total length of up to five centimeters, very often colored in pink color. The surface is smooth, dark green.

The maple leaf has been used by Canadians as a state symbol since the 17th century. Since 1965, it has been used on the official flag of the state. The plant was awarded such an honor due to the fact that sugar maples are important economic resources of the country, they are used during the harvesting of wood, in the extraction of sugar, and also for the preparation of nutritious maple syrup, which helps to improve human health.

Places of growth

The places of growth of this type of maple are East Asia, Southeast Siberia. Often the plant can be found in Japan, China, Mongolia and Korea. The tree grows along the banks of rivers, as well as in coastal areas. Because of the latter feature, the culture was called riverine. And also the tree can grow in mountainous areas, in forests with good illumination and dispersion. sun rays.

Such a culture is considered a good honey plant. The honey that is harvested from this type of maple includes about 2.5 percent sugar, as well as about thirty percent tannins.

Birds love to settle in the lush green mass of the ginnal maple, bullfinches feast on its seeds. Twigs and buds are for small squirrels.

Use in design

The first pruning should be done one year after planting (during the spring season). River maple has a positive attitude to pruning - it is restored in a short time. Since the shoots of the culture form long internodes, and the table quickly grows in height, it is important to leave no more than ten centimeters of growth every year when cutting until the desired height is reached, while maintaining the shape of a trapezoid. Only after that you can start a haircut on a special project.

Pruning will help to improve the culture and direct its growth and development in the right direction. If maple is used to decorate the border, then it must be cut regularly, while leaving only 0.5 meters in height.

Despite the fact that ginnal maple is resistant to low temperatures, in the first years after planting in the ground, its rhizomes will still have to be covered for the winter, in order to avoid freezing. To do this, you can use dry foliage or spruce branches. As the plant develops, the winter hardiness index will increase, therefore, the crop will not need this procedure in subsequent years of cultivation.

Maple has good immunity to diseases and pests. It can cope with coral blotch, which forms red spots on the bark of the plant. In case of damage, the diseased branches must be cut and eliminated without fail, and the places of the cuts must be carefully treated with garden pitch, while it is important to spray the culture with a solution of copper sulphate.

Maple is a real decoration of any city park or garden. In summer, under the shade of its dense crown, you can hide from the sweltering heat, and in autumn you can admire the unusually bright color of its foliage. One of the common species of this tree is Ginnala Maple (Acer ginnala Maxim). Popular rumor ascribes to him miraculous properties that can withstand evil spirits.

Botanical description of Ginnala Maple

Maple Ginnala is native to China, Korea, the Far East and the southeastern part of Mongolia. This plant was first discovered in the middle of the 19th century, after which it began to be cultivated in European countries, where it took root perfectly.

Ginnala maple is quite large ornamental shrub, which can reach the size of a low tree (up to 6 m). The shrub has a dense, tent-shaped crown. If the culture has only one trunk, then in this case the crown is presented in the form of a cone. The crown size can be 5-7 meters.

For a year, the culture grows by about half a meter. The shrub begins to bloom only after the leaves bloom. Inflorescences - paniculate, many-flowered, yellow. The flowers are small, about 5 mm in diameter, rounded, flat. During the flowering period, the plant exudes pleasant aroma. The fruit of Maple Ginnal is a lionfish 3 cm in size. The color of the fruit may vary depending on the degree of exposure to sunlight: from green to bright red. The sheet has a figured shape, reminiscent of three connected lobes, of which the middle one is elongated a little more than the others.

The period of life of Maple Ginnala is 100 years.

Benefits of Ginnal Maple

  • Frost resistance (only adult crops, seedlings are afraid of frost);
  • Unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil;
  • Drought tolerance;
  • Use in landscape design.

Planting Maple Ginnala

Since the culture belongs to light-loving plants, the area for its cultivation must be light. Only a small penumbra is allowed, otherwise the plant will grow and develop poorly, and the leaves will lose their unusual color.

If on site ground water located close to the surface, then drainage is required.

To plant a Ginnala Maple seedling, it is necessary to prepare planting holes. It is not recommended to deepen root system. The permissible parameter is no more than 5 cm for varieties with a developed root system. The distance between the seedlings, so that in the future they do not interfere with each other, should be 2-4 meters. Ginnala maple in landscape design

Although the plant is unpretentious to the soil, it is better to plant a young tree in fertile land. To do this, the soil can be fertilized with humus or mineral fertilizers.

Landing should be carried out in spring or summer.

culture care

* Loosening, weeding. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil around the stem of the plant. This will prevent soil compaction. Remove weeds as they grow.

* Top dressing. The first feeding of the plant is carried out a year after planting it. You can use fertilizers such as Urea, Superphosphate, potassium salts, Kemira.

* Cropping. Conduct annually.

* Care in winter. If adult plants tolerate frost painlessly, then seedlings do not. Therefore, young plants must be covered on winter period. To protect root collar, seedlings are better to cover with spruce branches. In plants a little older, for example, 2-3 years old, it is recommended to wrap the trunk in two layers of burlap. In the spring, frozen branches are best removed in order to young plant did not spend their energy on their restoration.

Infectious diseases

Ginnal maple is very susceptible to various fungal diseases. Moreover, both leaves and branches with trunks suffer from pathogens.

leaf diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. The first sign of defeat white coating on the leaves. The cause of the disease is drought. Appears in summer. Gradually, white dots turn first into yellow, and then black. Remove affected leaves, as the virus survives even in winter time already hitting the ground.
  • White spotting. The disease manifests itself in late summer in the form of white spots. irregular shape with a small black dot in the center, which is the focus of the virus.
  • Brown spotting. Brown and red spots appear on the leaves in early summer.
  • Pink spotting. Pink spots appear from the outside and inside sheet.
  • sheet deformation. This occurs under the influence of a fungal virus called Taphrina polyspora. The places affected by the fungal pathogen turn black or turn brown.

Diseases of the trunk, branches:

  • Wilt. A dangerous disease that can kill a plant. The fungus infects the vessels of trunks and branches, not allowing the plant to fully feed. The affected shrub begins to dry out gradually.
  • necrosis necrosis. The virus infects the bark of a tree, blood vessels. Maple Ginnala first begins to fade, and then completely dries up. The fungus is spread by rainwater and insects.
  • Cytosporosis. The fungus infects thin trunks and branches. Has a local character. The bark infected with the fungus differs from the main one in a light or dark tone.
  • diplodian necrosis. The disease manifests itself as black, rough growths on the bark of a tree.

How to cure a Ginnal Maple infected with a fungus?

So that the plant does not undergo a large-scale disease, it must be examined as often as possible and, at the first sign of damage, appropriate measures should be taken immediately. This timely pruning affected parts of the crop, as well as spraying with a fungicide solution.

The elements of landscape design include several groups: the buildings themselves, lawn coverings, sculptures, ponds, lakes, various artistic additions in the form of lamps, and of course green spaces from shrubs, trees and flower beds. This is creativity that requires a rational approach. An excellent example for landscaping your site is the Ginnala maple.

External characteristics

Ginnal maple is a deciduous tree or shrub 3 to 5 meters high. The sprawling tent-shaped crown has an unusually beautiful red-carmine leaf color. They are three-lobed, up to 8 cm long. The middle of the leaflet is the largest and far protruding, while the lateral ones are almost at a right angle.

Only 3 weeks of flowering with fragrant creamy flowers in multi-flowered panicles at the end of May gives others an excellent aroma. Ripening red lionfish fruits are decorative, the bark has a light brown golden color and twists vertical stripes. Its crown is asymmetrical, the trunk is interestingly curved.

This plant is quite unpretentious and has a high threshold of frost resistance, it grows both in partial shade and in sunny areas. River maple, as it is also called, can be found on Far East in the wild. The bottom of the trunk is characterized by exposure. The annual growth of the maple is 25 cm both in height and in width. It is related to the Tatar maple and is its subspecies.

It is impossible to imagine a garden without trees and shrubs. They create a beautiful view and shape general impression about a city, town, street or in general about the area. All plants must be proportionate to the site, when designing it, the size of an adult plantation should be taken into account.

Maple is a very common and popular tree in park areas, which is widely used in landscape design. Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of strength and positive energy. It allows you to revive cities and parks with its variety of color shades. Ginnala maple or river maple has been used in decorating the area since 1860. This species is well known in China, Korea and Japan, in East Asia and Mongolia, and is also found in Russia.

This is the best ornamental plant used for growing bonsai. Maple has been grown for several decades, but hard work pays off. This painstaking art can be seen in Japanese gardens. low shrubs design in oriental style.

Thanks to rapid growth, an abundance of buds and its resistance to temperature changes, maple makes it possible to create an element of topiary art in the shortest possible time.

Maple on the plot

A hedge of living trees and a beautifully designed lawn will please the eye for a long time in any park, garden, or in private estates when drawing up landscape design. Larger shrubs are used for a single-row hedge, and smaller trees for a two-row hedge. Hedges look strict, this is an excellent backdrop for a combination of floral and ornamental plants. Such a fence has good sound insulation, protects from prying eyes and creates an unusual design solution.

The lawn is one of the elements modern design requiring less maintenance than a flower garden. Ginnal maple planting options are very diverse and include a single planting or in combination with other species. Its scarlet colors are accentuated by unusual black trunks, which looks spectacular on a flat green lawn. Designers create amazing compositions that harmonize with each other in color, leaf shape, height, appearance of trunks and fruits.

Nothing decorates the territory like an artificial pond or lake. This tree or shrub is actively used in landscaping coastal zone reservoirs and ponds. Regular shearing makes it possible to create beautiful borders up to 0.5 m high. Amazing mosaic of leaves and bright color tones give the area a special effect. External beauty and originality are used in the creation of colorful garden compositions.

The charm of a spacious and large garden will be given by an alley or path, planted on both sides with maple. The magnificent crown will cover in the heat from the heat, and the colorful foliage in autumn period makes you admire all shades of gold - yellow color. The alley can be single-row, two-row or multi-row. It all depends on the architecture of the site and its size.

For the rapid formation of green mass in cities, trees of the same species are planted. Good to match high grades maple and shrubs, this creates an ensemble.

With the help of riverine maple, living walls are constructed that protect the site from dust, wind and noise. For fairly high walls decorative types with different crown shapes. In combination with other shrubs, the entrance to the garden, gate or house is effectively made out.

The combination of maple with other plants

In landscape design, the combination of Ginnala maple with all types of lilacs is amazing, and. It especially stands out among those with a dark color. And the bright color of the leaves is striking while being among others. deciduous trees and shrubs. Enough good combination groups of trees. Unusual compositions created at a young age will smoothly intertwine the crowns over time and a whole symphony will turn out.

Multi-component grouping of oak and poplar in the center, surrounded by blue firs, and in the next tier, compositions of Tatar maple, Ginnala maple and lilac create an amazing picture of landscape design.

The plant perfectly coexists with perennial and ground cover plants. With a single landing, he will allow you to admire yourself from early spring to the end of autumn.

Decorative maple looks great with snowberry and dogwood.

For example, surrounding maple bushes that have reached four meters will cover its trunk and will contribute to a smooth transition to the lawn. They harmonize well with each other due to bright colors.

From mid-July to early September, river maple lionfish are pink in color, while viburnum fruits remain red until autumn. Tatar honeysuckle with its light pink beads noticeably sets off the green foliage. Such a grouping will be decorative from early summer until almost the beginning of winter.

Ginnala maple and Shorti solidago are decorative in autumn, as solidago blooms in September. The combination of scarlet leaves with its flowers looks bewitching. This design is practical and stable over time, since both types are resistant to winter conditions.

Landing features and care

Maple propagates with the help of seeds, which are harvested in autumn and cuttings. Seedlings dive and after 3-5 years they are planted. All varieties of maple tolerate moist soils and shade well. When choosing maple tree seedlings, close attention is paid to the root system, which must have a healthy appearance and be free of growths. Preference is given to visually healthy and strong trees that appeal to the eye.

When planting, many factors must be taken into account, although Ginnala maple can be artificially created suitable conditions. Pulling a hole to a depth of 60 cm, it is filled with a substrate, which includes sod land, sand and humus. After planting, you need to water abundantly, and prevent the soil from drying out. And also to apply fertilizer in a timely manner, and clean the near-stem space from weeds and keep it under a mulching layer of compost or peat.

Maple Ginnala perfectly tolerates a haircut, which is convenient for creating a crown different shapes. Young seedlings tolerate winter well and do not need shelter. If the winter is severe, the root neck is covered with dry leaves.


Most often, this type of maple is affected by coral spotting, some branches die off, and spots appear on the leaves. Sick branches are removed, the cuts must be treated with garden pitch, and the crown of the tree blue vitriol. For other diseases sprayed special formulations designed to control a particular pest.

Magic Secrets

Even in ancient mythology, the maple plant was considered a protector. Therefore, in landscape design, Ginnala maple will not only create an irresistible look and delight the eye with a chic crown, but will also turn away from this land plot dark forces.

This tree is honey-bearing and brings great benefits to the economy. Leaning against a maple, you immediately feel a surge of strength and energy, peace of mind.

Video - Ginnala Maple and other species

In domestic conditions, two similar types maple: Tatar maple and Ginnala maple, the descriptions of which are very similar and they are even confused in tree nurseries, in parks. It turns out this way, since both this and that type of maple have the same needs in caring for the crown, in the composition of the soil, and in growing conditions. In order not to confuse Ginnala maple with other varietal varieties, it is worth understanding the features of growth, care and salient features this plant.

Botanical description

Usually represents big bush, in more rare cases, a smaller tree. Multi-stemmed plants have a tent-shaped crown, when there is only one trunk - the shape is wide-conical. For a year, the shrub adds 30-50 cm.

Flowers in rich multi-flowered bunches, he dissolves a flat and rounded shape. They have a yellow tint and a delicate aroma, and bloom after the leaves bloom. As a result, green lionfish appear, up to four centimeters in size, although in some cases they can be bright red. In September-October, the color of the foliage changes from yellow-orange to bright red, it stands out especially well in sunny weather.

The tree grows on average about five meters in height and in diameter, and sometimes can reach seven meters. This plant usually lives for a century, but can live up to two hundred and fifty years. The leaves are oblong in shape. In spring and summer they are green, in autumn they are crimson, reaching 8 cm in size.

Ginnala maple in landscape design is also called riverine maple. This plant has earned such a name for its popularity on the coast of rivers in Chinese, Japanese and Korean regions. It should be noted that it is used for the purpose of bonsai on Japanese soil, because maple blooms for up to three weeks.

The main characteristics of the tree

The peculiarity of maple is that it grows quite quickly, is stress-resistant to cold and is able to decorate municipal streets with its presence. It is important to keep in mind that this plant loves light very much, and therefore, in dim light, it loses its individual palette of colors.

It is worth noting that maple in landscape design shows itself remarkably both alone and in combination with other trees. Very beautifully, it stands out with a colorful crown in autumn among other plants. And also the shrub can be advantageously used as a vegetable fence.

If it is supposed to be used in this particular variant, then the Ginnala river maple must be regularly sheared so that it is no more than one and a half meters in height. Regular shearing will have the necessary impact on the renewal of the crown and will allow the shrub the opportunity to bloom luxuriantly, beautifully and in an organized manner. Then the tree will be an unsurpassed decoration of any place.

The tree is a honey plant. For this reason, during the flowering period, bees can be seen circling around Ginnal. This should be taken into account if landing is planned near children's educational institutions.

Features of planting and care

Planting and caring for Ginnala maple has its own characteristics that must be borne in mind. The future depends on their observance. appearance landings:

Of course, maples perfectly tolerate drought and heat, but still abundant watering will help maintain the original bright color of the crown. An average of fifteen to twenty liters of water is enough for one bush.

The plant is very susceptible to various characteristic diseases and influences. harmful insects. The most common of these are:

  • maple whitefly;
  • coral spotting;
  • maple mealybug.

If this happened to the seedling, then immediately you need to cut off the affected areas of the crown and treat the fresh place with garden pitch. Moreover, seasonal pruning very beneficial effect on the condition of the trees. This accelerates the growth of new healthy branches and soon the delicate green foliage will please the eye.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the features of care in the winter. These trees need to be monitored in the winter. especially for young trees. Their seasonal cold can destroy, for this reason, the root system should be insulated to prevent freezing of the roots. In the same time mature tree becomes practically indifferent to the cold, and there will be no need for this event.

IN ancient legends the maple tree was considered a talisman. Therefore, this plant will not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but also save the garden from otherworldly evil spirits.

Maple trees are completely undemanding in care, which is why they are so easy to use in landscape design. If you choose Ginnala maple for planting, you can soon get beautiful plant, which can please with its brightness and saturation of colors, transform any, even the most nondescript garden.

Who to choose as a neighbor

Since the Ginnala river maple is a tree with a very rich color, it is more correct to combine it with greenish trees. Conifers are perfect in this capacity, for example: spruce or fir. Besides, the tree will look great with trees like this:

  • common elm;
  • birches;
  • oak.

These trees fit perfectly and are combined with each other, while they have quite similar claims to the ground.

Dwarf maple species are excellent for arranging rocky areas. You should also choose neighbors here. A very colorful tree is mixed:

  • with small-leaved lindens;
  • firs;
  • larches.

This choice of trees will be especially successful, since they require the same soil composition.

Conditions for favorable growth

Ginnal needs a lot fertile soils, so be sure to worry about the composition of the soil. If large trees are considered candidates for planting, then it is important to fertilize the pits for planting maple and then moisten the seedlings well.

An important advantage is that such trees cope much better with severe frosts, so if they are planted in the northern regions, it is advisable to opt for large varieties of shrubs.

Maple reproduction

Maple propagation is carried out through seeds that are harvested in autumn, and cuttings. In the first case, you will need to collect maple seed material during leaf fall, when the temperature outside is around zero.

Seeds are placed in prepared recesses of three to four centimeters. The first shoots will appear in 14-20 days.

The height of the young shoot in the first months is not forty - eighty centimeters. Before planting a shrub in its permanent growth zone, it should be kept at the first planting site for two and a half or three years. During this time, their root system should be strengthened.

To grow these plants in wetlands, it is necessary to use a drainage system.

Reproduction of decorative varieties

Ornamental species reproduce by grafting trees of the same type with them. For this, they are used as cuttings and budding.

It is important to consider when breeding various conditions, although the big plus of this type of maple is that favorable conditions for it can be created artificially. For this you will need:

  • dig a deep hole 60 cm;
  • fill with a substrate, which includes humus, sod land, sand;
  • after planting, you need to properly water and prevent the soil from drying out, and also do not forget about fertilizers;
  • the near-stem space must be systematically cleared of weeds.

Ginnala maple is a convenient and attractive plant for landscape designers, thanks to which it is possible to relatively short term realize many interesting original design solutions in the garden.

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