Clinker brick for facade dimensions. Which clinker brick to choose. Description and characteristics of clinker

Modern market is steadily replenished with new building materials that are superior to those already available in terms of characteristics, properties and cost. However, there is an indisputable fact that it is out of competition.

Its durability, strength, appearance and other properties greatly increase its competitiveness. Therefore, let's talk today about the dimensions of the facade, cladding, etc. (clinker), its properties and specifications.

In several formats, ranging from standard to atypical shapes and sizes for building materials. This feature makes it possible to implement any design projects. At the same time, the material itself does not differ in affordable cost, so it must be chosen wisely.

The market presents products from Russia, Ukraine and European countries. Germany and Holland are famous for the highest quality products, while domestic production has a more affordable price.

The main standard dimensions of clinker bricks (length*width*height), cm:

  • 24.0*11.5*7.1 (base);
  • 25.0*12*6.5 (single);
  • 25.0*8.5*6.5 (euro);
  • 25.0*6.0*6.5 (half).

For the production of non-standard sizes, some deviations are allowed. The weight of the QC can be in the range of 1.6 - 3.3 kg.

About the durability of clinker bricks (brick), its strength, service life and other properties, read below.

The video below will tell you in more detail about the dimensions of the clinker:


CC has the following characteristics:

  • The clinker brick compressive strength is about 250-350 kgf / cm 2, which will differ depending on the brand;
  • Water absorption 5-6%;
  • The frost resistance of clinker bricks is 200 freeze-thaw cycles under the condition of 100% humidity;
  • The minimum density index is 1500 kg/m;
  • The number of voids up to 30%;
  • Specific gravity 2000-2100 kg / m 3;
  • The average value of thermal conductivity is 1.15 W / Mk;
  • High fire safety. Exposure to fire does not lead to their destruction.
  • The service life is 130-150 years.

Characteristics of clinker bricks say little common man, but for a professional are extremely important.

This video will tell about the properties of clinker bricks:

QC properties

Due to the fact that the material is subjected to high temperatures during the production process, the result is a clinker brick with increased strength and low water absorption coefficient. Its density allows it to withstand up to 1 ton per 1 cm 2 without loss and change in structure. In addition, due to this property, the brick is resistant to fungus, bacteria and other destroyers.

High frost resistance is achieved as a result of the minimum number of pores that can absorb water. If we compare this material with concrete, then KK is several times higher than it in terms of mechanical strength, abrasion resistance and durability.

Due to the fact that the clinker is fired at temperatures above 1800 0 C, as a result finished product extremely resistant to fire. With prolonged contact with it, the brick does not change its integrity.


According to GOST standard 32311 of 2012, clinker bricks are produced in accordance with all norms and requirements.
This document provides for the division of clinker bricks into and additional ones, which are for paving, areas for pedestrians, squares, decking of terraces, loggias, etc.

GOST distinguishes bricks:

  • additional (D),
  • square (K),
  • rectangular (P) and
  • curly (F).

The thickness of the product must be at least 40 mm, and the length to this value must not exceed 6. All requirements for technical characteristics, packaging, transportation and acceptance of the material are described in the official document.

Thanks to the properties and characteristics of clinker bricks, it is possible to carry out a comparative analysis with other building materials, for example, to visually verify that KK is superior to them. This data is especially useful when choosing the optimal building material.

The specialist will tell about GOST and some features of the clinker in the video below:

Clinker brick has excellent decorative properties and amazing durability. What are its areas of application? What range of sizes, types, colors and textures is available to customers? We will talk about this in this article.

What is clinker brick?

Thanks to unique combination elegant appearance and excellent performance, this building material is considered elite. Its use will help the house look aesthetically pleasing, while giving the facade strength and durability. Clinker brick is much more expensive than other facing materials, but its quality justifies the costs. It was invented and began to be produced on an industrial scale in Holland in the 19th century. Its name in translation from the Dutch language means "voiced". At first, it was used only for paving roads, but later it became one of the most popular materials for exterior and interior decoration.


Clinker facing brick has unique physical and decorative properties. They are conditioned unusual technology production and use of special raw materials. Brick is made only from the so-called lean clay with a high content of quartz sand. Mineral dyes and volcanic basalt can be added to the refractory mixture. Under the influence of high temperature, the sand turns into glass. The firing conditions of blanks are very different from standard ones. To obtain a product of the desired quality, the temperature in the kiln must be maintained exactly at the level of 1300 ° C. For comparison, in the process of firing an ordinary brick, 900 ° C is sufficient. Compliance with these technological conditions guarantees a minimum porosity of the material and its density. It acquires exceptional strength and very low moisture absorption.

Strength and safety

Clinker facade facing bricks do not require special care and efforts to preserve the aesthetic appearance. Dirt does not penetrate into its surface and is easily washed off with water, this is ensured by the extremely low porosity of the material. This property also prevents the appearance of mosses on the walls. It does not fade over time, since mineral dyes are added directly to the clay at the stage of blank formation. This facing material retains its original appearance throughout its entire service life.

In terms of strength, clinker facing bricks are twice as superior to ordinary ones. He possesses high level compressive strength and resistance to mechanical damage. Architects use it to build foundations and plinths of buildings that bear the weight of the structure and must withstand heavy loads.

Moisture absorption and frost resistance

The internal structure of clinker bricks is characterized by exceptional density, due to the preliminary pressing of raw materials and firing at high temperatures. The almost complete absence of microscopic pores prevents the penetration of moisture. Clinker facing brick absorbs 3-5% of water from its mass. If the product has a glazed surface, then it does not absorb moisture at all. For comparison, for other materials, this figure is 25%.

Low moisture absorption provides tangible benefits. The cladding can be used in difficult climatic conditions without taking additional efforts to protect it from precipitation. There is a relationship between moisture absorption and frost resistance. If a brick absorbs a lot of water, its structure collapses at low temperatures. Clinker brick is free of this drawback and can withstand at least 75 freeze and thaw cycles.


According to this parameter, this material confidently holds the leading position. Subject to all technological requirements in the process of using it in construction and operation, the warranty period can reach up to 100 years. This phenomenal durability is the result of the numerous positive qualities of clinker bricks. Low moisture absorption, high frost resistance and strength reliably protect it from all destructive influences environment.

Safety: eco-friendly and flame retardant

Clinker facing brick includes only natural components in its composition: clay, sand and various mineral additives. It does not emit any substances harmful to health. This building material can be confidently attributed to the most environmentally friendly. Clinker brick can withstand temperatures up to 1800 ° C without deformation. It owes this degree of fire resistance to the refractory mixture from which it is produced. The use of this material in construction increases fire safety buildings.


With many advantages, clinker facing bricks also have some disadvantages. These include its low soundproofing properties. In addition, in terms of heat savings, it is about two times inferior to ordinary red brick. It is worth noting that this disadvantage is partially offset by the fact that manufacturers produce many hollow types of this product. For example, facing clinker bricks for exterior decoration in most cases are found in this version. Hollowness significantly increases thermal insulation.


Types of clinker facing bricks are determined by purpose. Facade is used for exterior decoration, usually has a glazed surface for maximum safety and moisture resistance. Manufacturers offer a wide range of color shades and textures of this type of brick. Pavement is used for paving garden and driveways. It is worth noting that due to its strength, it perfectly withstands significant loads, for example, the weight of a car. The construction view is used in the construction of socles and foundations.

Sizes and colors

There are strict standards in accordance with which clinker facing bricks are produced. Dimensions cannot have deviations greater than 4 mm in length, 3 mm in width and 2 mm in thickness. Accuracy depends on the quality of the manufacturer's equipment and the qualifications of its specialists. There are three main sizes of this building material:

  • single (250 x 120 x 65 mm);
  • one and a half (250 x 120 x 88 mm);
  • double (250 x 120 x 140 mm);

European standard - 250 x 85 x 65 mm. The products of German manufacturers are the most popular. Russian clinker facing brick occupies a small market share. A wide range of colors of this material is available to customers. Companies offer about a hundred shades created by adding mineral dyes to raw materials. decorative properties combined with durability make clinker brick one of the most attractive materials for exterior and interior decoration.

If you are going to do the exterior decoration of the walls of the house, many owners opt for clinker bricks, as it is one of the most reliable and durable materials. At the same time, not everyone knows how clinker differs from traditional ceramic bricks, and why it is considered more durable.

Clinker bricks for the facade can have a different external design, shades, sizes and configurations, which allows you to decorate any architectural details of the walls, improving their appearance and making them less boring. Well, the technical and operational characteristics of clinker bricks, along with its aesthetic features, directly indicate that it is the optimal finishing material.

Briefly about the history of the creation of clinker bricks

Clinker material, in fact, is a kind of ceramic brick. What distinguishes it is a higher density of the structure, due to the manufacturing technology. The firing of this material is carried out until the final sintering of the clay is reached at a temperature of 1000 ÷ 1400 degrees almost to the glassy phase. Features of high-temperature firing, as well as the mineral components that make up the clay, give the products different shades. When finished, a high-quality brick, when tapped on it with a metal object or against each other, makes a ringing sound. Interestingly, it is thanks to this property that it got its name - in many European languages, the word-forming root “klink” just means pure ringing.

Previously, clinker bricks were called refractory, because of the special clays used for its manufacture with special properties.

The first workshop where they began to make clinker bricks appeared in 1743 in Denmark. This enterprise began to produce burnt bricks for pavement. Thanks to the deep firing technology, ordinary molded clay acquired the strength of the cobblestone that was previously paved with roads. Unlike the latter, brick is easier to install, and cheaper in cost.

A special impetus to the production of clinker products was given by the rapid development of industry in the 19th century, and the growth of large cities accompanying it. For the construction of numerous buildings, for paving roads, there simply could not be enough capacity of the old quarries. We needed a material that would not be inferior in strength natural stone, and which could be produced in any required quantity, and - as close as possible to the construction sites. It was in the middle of this century that the birth of many clinker brick firing enterprises took place, which then grew into large companies with a worldwide reputation and successfully continue to engage in such production to this day.

In Russia, clinker began to be produced in 1884 in the Chernigov province, at the Topchievsky plant. For its manufacture, German equipment, innovative for that time, was used - these are screw presses and a Hoffmann furnace. Moreover, at first, not molded, but chipped bricks were produced, that is, clay at the first stage was sintered into one layer. Then the slabs obtained after firing were split into pieces, which were used for paving the carriageways.

Only since 1904, the plant switched to the production of molded clinker products, and in 1908 the owner replaced the Hoffmann ring kiln with a chamber version of the kiln. Thanks to the advent of this new equipment, the amount of unburned bricks has significantly decreased, and its strength properties have become higher.

In Soviet times, clinker bricks for arranging roadbeds and building heating stoves produced several factories, but their production capacity for such a vast country was quite insignificant. The situation has not changed dramatically so far - and until today, the bulk of the clinker bricks is delivered to domestic markets from European countries. However, due to the fact that the demand for this building material is steadily increasing, in Russia there is also a gradual tendency to expand the geography of its production. So, since 2013, the production of facade and sidewalk clinker has been carried out at a plant located in the Leningrad region, in the city of Nikolskoye. And since 2015, the corresponding lines at brick factories in Tyumen region and Mordovia.

Production of clinker bricks

How does the production of clinker bricks differ from the firing of a conventional ceramic counterpart? Let's look at this issue in a little more detail.

Materials for the production of clinker

For the manufacture of clinker, specially selected clay rocks are used, which include rock-forming minerals that are part of the silicate group. In total, the raw mass for the manufacture of high-quality clinker should include the following components:

  • Refractory refractory grades of clay containing a large percentage of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), which is able to reduce the viscosity of the clay melt, which ensures less deformation of products during firing. Optimal quantity of this substance in clay varies from 17 to 23%. If clay containing a smaller amount of aluminum oxide was purchased for the manufacture of this brick, then it must be enriched with kaolinite clays.
  • In addition, the clay must contain some ferric or trivalent iron oxide, which determines the hue of the brick after firing, which can range from dark purple to cherry red. However, its content should not exceed 8% of the total mass, since when fired at a temperature of 1000 degrees, reactions occur in which fayalite is formed. This substance forms a dense layer on the brick, which prevents carbon oxidation and the release of carbon dioxide. This phenomenon can lead to the formation of swelling on the surfaces of the product.
  • The calcium content must also not be exceeded. Its amount should be in the range of 7÷8%, otherwise, an excess of this substance will lead to:

- a decrease in the sintering period of clay, which means that as a result of undesirable reactions of the material, deformation of the clinker may occur;

- increase in porosity, which means a decrease in moisture resistance and a reduction in the life of the material, when using clinker bricks outside buildings.

  • The optimal content of magnesium oxide in clay should be 3–4%, since if the concentration of this component is increased, the clay will shrink more, and as a result, deformation of the molded products.

Manufacturing technology

The production of clinker bricks is carried out in two ways - extrusive and semi-dry pressing. To understand what these manufacturing processes are, and which one gives a better building material, it is worth saying a few words about them.

extrusion molding

The production of clinker bricks by extrusion is quite simple, with the necessary equipment and raw materials.

  • The clay mixture is mixed to a homogeneous plastic mass and moves to special department production line equipped with an extruder conveyor.
  • Then, under pressure, the mixture is squeezed out through a molding hole having a certain cross-sectional configuration. The mass goes to the tape in the form of a rectangular long volumetric strip.

  • Further, the extruded molded mass on a moving belt enters the next section of the technological line, where it is cut into individual bricks.

  • The molded products are sent for drying, since they must be delivered for firing with a moisture content of no more than 2–3%.
  • After drying, the brick goes to firing, which is carried out in a tunnel kiln. This is a chamber that can be about 200 m long. The process is carried out at high temperatures ranging from 1100 to 1400 degrees.

Clinker bricks made in this way have high quality and a clear "geometry", so many European companies operating in this industry use it in their production. However, the disadvantage of this method is the high energy costs, which increases the cost of the brick.

Prices for clinker bricks

clinker brick

Semi-dry pressing

Unlike the extrusion method, the semi-dry pressing method allows the production of clinker bricks with minimal energy costs, but the quality of the products will be much lower. The process of making bricks in this case is as follows:

  • Purified, dried and crushed to a powder state and moistened clay mass is poured into special forms.
  • Next, the mixture is pressed.
  • The molded bricks enter the chambers, where they are dried at a temperature of 80÷85 degrees for 24÷48 hours.
  • Dried bricks are sent for firing.

Clinker firing

As can be seen from the description of the production methods, whichever of them is used to make bricks, the final stage of this process is the same - this is firing at high temperatures.

The most common firing method used by modern manufacturers is tunnel. The operation of such a production line is that the shaped bricks, laid out in a special way in stacks on pallets, enter the continuous firing tunnel kilns.

The length of the kiln tunnel is 200 meters or more. Pallets of bricks mounted on conveyor trolleys move slowly inside this chamber. They pass through zones with different temperatures, while the maximum heating is 1100÷1400 degrees. Thanks to this firing principle, raw clay is completely sintered, turning into a monolithic clinker block, and acquires not only high strength, comparable to metal, but also the required decorative appearance.

Dimensional parameters of clinker bricks

Modern production of clinker bricks is carried out according to certain dimensional standards, on which some of its characteristics also depend. So, clinker is manufactured in several basic sizes, and they are designated as follows:

DimensionsAccepted name of standard sizes of bricksSize, mmMarking
250×120×651 NF
one and a half250×120×881.4 NF
double250×120×1402.1 NF
"Eurostandard"250×85×650.7 NF
modular, single288×138×651.3 NF

In addition to standard-sized products, for ease of installation, smaller products are also produced, called fractions: ¾ - three quarters, ⅓ - one third, ½ - half, ¼ - a quarter.

The accuracy of the parameters of domestic clinker bricks is strictly regulated by the standards specified in GOST 530-2012 "Ceramic brick and stone". According to the standards established in this document, the product must have a strength grade of at least M300. Permissible deviations from the established dimensional parameters cannot exceed: in width - 3 mm, length - 4 mm and thickness 2 mm.

In addition, the facing facade brick is divided into solid, that is, without voids inside its body, and hollow, having through holes of various shapes and sizes.

More details need to be said about the hollow version of the clinker brick, since many do not fully understand the purpose for which through holes are provided in the products.

When cladding facade surfaces, laying is very often carried out on a foundation common to the main walls. Therefore, in order to remove excess load from the base, a hollow brick is used, the weight of which is much lower than that of full-bodied options. Holes in a brick can have a different configuration and size, respectively, the larger they are or their number, the lighter the product.

In addition, immobilized air layers are always a huge plus for the thermal insulation qualities of the material. Thus, the pronounced “coldness” characteristic of a dense clinker structure is somewhat reduced.

Voids in the body of a brick are formed during its manufacture, at the molding stage, both when using the extrusion method and pressing. Weight parameters are determined as a percentage of the mass of a solid brick.

So, some variants of clinker with through holes have a weight that is 35 ÷ 40% less than a solid brick.

Clinker bricks can have different shapes. Some parties are generally made to order for a specific project, in which, according to the architect's idea, non-standard design elements are provided.

With the help of figured bricks, the most daring ideas are brought to life with the presence of various architectural decorative and functional details on the facade - these can be columns and semi-columns, arched and window openings of complex shapes, window sills and basement ebbs and much more.

For framing various architectural elements brick models are provided with rounded corners, as well as semicircular or straight cuts, internal rounding and other features regarding both shapes and sizes.

The main physical, technical and operational characteristics of clinker

The quality of clinker brick is determined by its physical and operational characteristics. This type of finishing material always has high strength properties, low porosity and hygroscopicity, and as a result, excellent frost resistance. Since clinker is divided into types with different purposes in use, its characteristics differ somewhat from each other. Some of them are presented in this table:

Name of parametersUnitTypes of clinker bricks
Facade for wall cladding Private for building walls Road (sidewalk) for paving paths and sidewalks
Densitykg/m³2000 1900 2100
Thermal conductivityW/m °C1.17 1.16 1.15
moisture absorption% 3 ÷ 54 ÷ 6≤ 6
Frost resistanceThe number of cyclesF75F100F70
Vapor permeabilitymg/(m/h/Pa)0.07 0.05 0.03
acid resistance% 95 95 95

Now, knowing the digital parameters of the main characteristics, it is worth considering them in more detail in order to know how they affect the performance of the building material:

Material density

The long service life of clinker brick and its resistance to various external influences is largely ensured by the density of its structure formed during the firing process.

The density of various types of clinker, as can be seen from the table, ranges from 1900 to 2100 kg / m³, which is achieved by sintering and fusing the mineral components of clay during the manufacturing process.

Thermal conductivity

Technical characteristics of any building materials are always interconnected. For example, the high density of clinker significantly increases its thermal conductivity, which can vary from 0.8 to 1.16 W / m ° C. Therefore, walls built of clinker bricks require additional insulation, and even when using it as a facade finish, it is recommended to provide a layer of insulation between it and the main wall. When comparing different types clinker blocks, their thermal conductivity coefficient can be estimated approximately as follows:

- solid clinker brick - 0.5 ÷ 0.7 W / m ° C;

- hollow brick - 0.22 W / m ° C.

Obviously, a hollow brick is two to three times “warmer” than a solid one.

Hygroscopicity (moisture absorption) of clinker

Due to the pronounced low porosity, this variety ceramic bricks absorbs a minimum amount of moisture from the environment. This quality of products is especially important at temperature extremes, since moisture freezing in the pores will create stress in the structure of the material, trying to break it from the inside.

Due to the high density of clinker, such a problem does not threaten him, which means that he will be able to withstand high loads and pressure. Therefore, ordinary clinker bricks are excellent for building plinths and even foundations for various buildings. The low moisture absorption of products also ensures the complete absence of efflorescence, which almost always protrude onto the surface of conventional ceramic products.

Frost resistance

Due to its density and resistance to moisture, clinker perfectly resists temperature fluctuations, withstanding even the most severe frosts. If the products are manufactured in accordance with established standards, they are able to withstand up to 75 cycles of complete deep freezing followed by thawing.

Therefore, quite often this material is used to build houses, as well as paving paths and driveways in regions with extremely cold climates.

Vapor permeability

The density of the clinker negatively affects its vapor permeability, therefore it is quite low and amounts to only 0.03÷0.07 mg/(m/h/Pa). In this regard, clinker brickwork cannot be called breathable, therefore, using this material, a proper ventilation system should be considered.


Clinker does not soundproof walls, since low porosity and high density contribute to the penetration of sound vibrations, especially of the shock type. Therefore, if you need to protect the house from external noise, then the clinker walls must be additionally covered with heat-insulating material, which also fully possesses the quality of sound insulation.

fire resistance

As mentioned above, the manufacturing technology of clinker bricks consists in exposing it to high temperatures, therefore, after undergoing such hardening, it is not afraid of heating up to 1800 ° C. In this regard, the masonry of clinker blocks is able to withstand the impact of open fire for a long time without any deformations on it.

Ecological purity of the material

Clinker products are made from natural mineral materials, but easier to say, from different varieties of clay. Not used in clinker production chemical compositions and somehow harmful technological processes. Therefore, products can be safely called environmentally friendly, both at the exit after manufacture, and during the entire period of operation. For conscientious manufacturers who value their reputation, raw materials for clinker products must pass control for the presence of harmful substances and background radiation, so the products comply with all established safety standards.

Advantages and disadvantages of clinker products

The technical characteristics of clinker bricks discussed above lead to the conclusion that despite the large number of advantages of this, this material also has its drawbacks.

to explicit virtues This building material can be attributed to the following qualities:

  • Resistant to high and low temperatures, as well as their sudden changes.
  • Long service life, when using optimally selected solutions in masonry. Many clinker buildings have already crossed the century without any loss of serviceability and appearance.
  • No need for cleaning and repair (if installed correctly).
  • Resistance to external natural influences, such as ultraviolet rays, wind and precipitation in all manifestations.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • The ability to withstand increased mechanical loads, including abrasive, abrasive properties.
  • Aesthetics, style and spectacular appearance.

disadvantages clinker bricks can be considered the following factors:

  • Too high thermal conductivity of this finish can lead to large heat losses. Such a finish acts as a powerful accumulator of cold - in winter, and excess heat - in summer, and both can negatively affect the microclimate in the premises. Therefore, if the clinker brick is used as a cladding, then it is recommended to additionally insulate the main walls by installing an insulating material between their surfaces and the clinker, with an appropriate thickness - according to the results of thermal engineering calculations.
  • The large weight due to the high density complicates the transportation and construction of the main walls and cladding.
  • Clinker is always characterized by a fairly high price, which reduces the availability of such a finish.
  • Clinker, even from the same batch, may differ in shades, therefore, before laying, it is necessary to sort and select blocks by color, otherwise the wall may not look quite aesthetically pleasing.
  • Inaccurate dimensions and deliberately curved lines of some models of facing bricks can complicate the finishing if there is no accumulated experience.
  • There are also certain requirements for the increased quality of the masonry mortar.

A variety of modern collections of clinker bricks

Classic types of clinker bricks

In Germany, in the city of Bad Nenndorf, the Wittmunder Torfbrand Klinkerwerk plant has been producing clinker bricks for more than a hundred years, which is considered classic version this material. The firing of bricks at this production is carried out in an annular classical kiln.

Almost all work at this enterprise is carried out manually, which ensures high quality products and eliminates the possibility of marriage. Products made in Germany using this technology are unique, since the ring kiln used for firing them is the only one preserved in Europe.

The products of the Wittmunder Torfbrand Klinkerwerk plant have natural shades of baked clay, as they are produced without any chemical additives and dyes. The plant uses not only natural raw materials for the manufacture of bricks, but also environmentally friendly production processes. And molding, and laying raw bricks in the kiln for firing, and removing it from it - everything is done manually. In order to avoid accidental getting into the batch of defective bricks, even sorting before sending to the customer is carried out individually.

The firing of clinker in an annular kiln is carried out at a temperature of 1200÷1400 degrees and this is a rather long process, the duration of which reaches two weeks. This provides products with high strength, durability, and a completely unique appearance.

Clinker brick « Wittmunder is produced in three size formats with the following names: Oldenburg, Hamburg and Slim. The color shades of the clinker of this manufacturer are very diverse, and vary from rich purple to rich red, and the shades can be presented in numerous combinations.

A special place in the collection of this manufacturer is occupied by clinker bricks of “silver” and “golden” colors, as they are the hallmark of a factory operating using old technologies.

Clinker brick "Wittmunder Klinker" is suitable for exclusive finishing of the facades of buildings, which, according to the architectural design, are planned to be given a "touch of antiquity", turning them into medieval castles. It is also used for finishing private houses, decorated in one of the selected styles.

The uniqueness of Wittmunder Klinker products lies in the fact that there are not even two identical bricks - each of them is exclusive and has amazingly beautiful overflows from silver-violet to red-blue. Another feature of the bricks produced using this technology is that each of them does not look properly separately, but all together they acquire a special aesthetics only in masonry with beautifully designed seams.

Due to the fact that the Wittmunder Klinker collections are sorted according to the shades of each brick, this work is also carried out manually.

As an example, you can consider several options for selecting shades:

  • "Friesenjung" - the bricks of this collection are based on red, which is diluted with blue tints interspersed with silver.

Prices for clinker bricks "Friesenjung"

clinker brick "Friesenjung"

  • "Charakterkopf" is a rusticated brick with a spoon side in dark greenish hues with iridescent silver inserts.

  • "Goldstuek" - the brick that makes up this collection, is painted in a greenish-gray with a yellow tint, has a golden sheen effect and is an exclusive type of brick that has undergone peat firing.

sorting process finished brick for a specific architectural project is carried out manually and is performed as follows:

  • To determine the color range, a strip of clinker is exposed, consisting of approximately 8 ÷ 10 bricks, which are installed on the spoon side.
  • The customer is invited, who, together with the master, excludes or adds one or another brick to the exposed row. This process is carried out until the necessary harmony of combinations of color shades is achieved. The series compiled by the customer will serve as a model for the manufacturer in the manufacture of the bulk of the finishing material.

Table of some variants of sorted clinker batches from Wittmunder Torfbrand Klinker:

Appearance of the sorted lotSort number and brief descriptionBrick size, mmNumber of bricks per palletThe number of bricks per square meter of masonry
0215 - solid red220×105×52504 72
1051 - blue-brown, with a violet tint, mottled220×105×52504 72
1056 - blue-violet, pastel, with ocher patches.220×105×52504 72
1057 - blue-red-violet, motley with decorative damage on the spoon of some bricks to give the appearance of the wall a "bloom of time".220×105×65416 56
1649 - red-gray-black with a flat surface.220×105×52504 72
1653 - red brick with a deliberately deformed surface.220×105×52504 72
1656 - red-black-burgundy with an ashy touch - the effect of burning.220×105×52504 72
1753 - black with an even ash coating.220×105×52504 72
1936 - architectural, special red-blue220×105×52504 72
Assen - exclusive finishing of an office building (red-brown brick).220×105×52504 72
Berlin - decoration of the building on Potsdamer Platz (red, ultramarine).220×105×52504 72
Bremerhaven - wall decoration of the institute building (brown-orange).220×105×52504 72
Bremerhaven - decoration of the walls of the historical museum.220×105×52504 72
Waldkirch - facade of the law office building.220×105×52504 72
Wilhelmshaven - facade of an office building.220×105×52504 72
Groningen - facade of the shopping center.220×105×52504 72
Frankfurt - external decoration of the walls of the kindergarten.220×105×52504 72

To date, more than forty sorting options have already been developed, and the company's artists and designers continue to work on new combinations of shades. In addition, the model range may well be developed according to individual sketches of the customer.

Clinker bricks manufactured using modern technologies

The Russian market presents not only expensive exclusive products from Wittmunder Klinker or other heavyweights in this area (Feldhaus-Klinker, Stroeher, RÖBEN Tonbaustoffe), but also products of domestic and other foreign companies. Clinker is supplied to Russia from China, Poland, Spain, Holland and Germany. Exclusive collections come, as a rule, on order, but economical, the most popular options can always be found in the warehouses of many Russian cities.


The CRH Group (Cement Roadstone Holdings) was formed from several companies engaged in the production of various building materials. In 1989, she joined German company"AKA", whose activities are aimed at the production of bricks. Thus, "CRH" acquired another direction of its activity. The experience of this division of CRH in the field of manufacturing ceramic building and finishing materials is more than 40 years in total, and during this period the products have taken one of the leading positions. The united concern "CRH" includes many enterprises that are located in different countries of the world, and 17 of them are located in Europe.

For example, in Poland in 2001, three lines for the production of clinker "CRH-Klinker" were opened, so products manufactured under this brand can be considered Polish products. At factories in three cities of the country, in the vicinity of which there are deposits of clay of suitable quality, clinker-pavers are produced for arranging sidewalks and garden paths, as well as brick for facing facade walls. So, in the city of Patoka, paving stones of the Antika, Super, Rustika and Classic series are produced. In the city of Gliwice, at the Zerg plant, using a special firing technology using powdered coal, clinker bricks are produced with a dimensional format of 250 × 120 × 65 (RF) and 240 × 115 × 71 (NF) mm.

The bricks of this manufacturer of the "Mizar" series have a corrugated front side and a rich red-brick tint.

In addition, the product range includes two more models of products in red-brown shades - "Wega" and "Orion", which have a smooth front side.

"Wega" has a pleasant color of dark chocolate, and for its embroidery, white or immediately masonry mortar this color. This combination will give liveliness to the surfaces of the walls and emphasize the accuracy of the masonry.

"Orion" - clinker brick, which is given the color of milk chocolate. Can be used with embroidery in the same color, but a few shades lighter, as well as with light gray or ivory. Such a restrained combination of colors will add seriousness to the structure.

In the west of Poland there are deposits of light-burning clay, so the GOZDNICA plant is located there, where facing products with the same name are produced.

The clinker bricks of this plant can have a smooth and rough surface - such opportunities are provided by special properties local clay and special technology firing. The coloring of different model ranges is quite diverse, and allows you to choose an option for every taste and for the intended design solution facade design.

The lineup"Sahara" can have different shades: from matte yellow to thick sandy. Walls lined with bricks from this collection create an optimistic mood, and even on a cloudy winter day they will look “sunny”.

"OCHRA" is the traditional brick color. If the walls of the house are built not of brick, but of any other material, but you would like the facade to look respectable and neat, this brick option will be an ideal choice. Facade surfaces lined with products from the presented collection will be indistinguishable from walls built entirely of red brick for jointing.

Clinker brick CRH - "CHERRY".

Brick "CHERRY" can also have several shades, but these are always rich, deep and noble colors that will decorate any facade.

ADW Klinker Co.

Another German manufacturer that has earned recognition from the Russian consumer is ADW Klinker, which specializes in ceramic products various for various purposes.

Prices for clinker bricks "CHERRY"

clinker brick "CHERRY"

The company has been presenting its products on the Russian market for more than ten years, and throughout this time it has been constantly expanding its range. Moreover, the products of the ADW Klinker company differ from the clinker of other manufacturers in a very bold color scheme, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used for their manufacture. The fact is that this company makes its products from white clay, which allows you to give the bricks any shade. Therefore, the color range of products of this manufacturer is wider and more diverse. Moreover, no dyes are used to change the color. One of the technological secrets of the company is mineral component additives that give the clinker the necessary shade after heat treatment.

Experienced artists-designers work on the design of clinker products, creating unique combinations of colors. As an example, we can consider three options for clinker bricks from the numerous line collections offered by the manufacturer.

This version of the clinker brick resembles the color of malachite and its characteristic shades - light and dark blotches. The bricks of the displayed collection may have a somewhat deformed shape and a smooth surface. It is clear that such a cladding is more suitable for houses or public buildings designed in a certain style, that is, this clinker requires a project specially designed for it, otherwise it may look clumsy, defiant.

The Fußsortierung collection is a clinker brick in grey-silver tones with a black overflow. The restrained intonations of these combinations, in general, create a cold design, but if you choose a certain design, they are perfect for the facade of the house.

pastel beige tones will give the walls of the house freshness and accuracy. Slightly wavy edges of products will add individuality to the design. Well, with the right color of the remaining elements of the facade decoration in combination with the facing clinker bricks of the “Sintra sabioso” collection, the external appearance of the building will definitely stand out against the general background with its harmony and the “warmth” emanating from it.

Today, many architects and designers, when drawing up projects, prefer ADW Klinker facing bricks. They fully trust the high German quality of products, which makes it possible to use this material for regions with the most severe winter conditions. And the richness of shades allows you to realize the most daring ideas.

Daas Baksteen

"Daas Baksteen" - this company was founded in Holland in 1890, thus, its experience in the production of clinker products is more than 120 years. The facing brick of this manufacturer is distinguished by its picturesque coloring. Designers literally create works of art, as in masonry, various shades of products resemble stains and brush strokes. Well, the company's management, in order to improve its products and increase its sales, is trying in every possible way to encourage the development and use of the most modern innovative technologies.

The company also practices the production of bricks according to the sketches of the customer after drawing up a specific facade design project.

Baksteen 051 Cedarwood"– this collection of facing bricks is presented big amount picturesque shades, but the textured pattern of the front side of the brick always imitates the structure of the cedar bark. The color combination of colors was conceived by designers in such a way that light shades seem to shine through dark ones, which creates the effect of space. Interestingly, this color option will look in combination with snow-white frames of windows and doors, as well as other elements of the facade.

A warm combination of shades of ocher, red and peach, interspersed with dark brown, reaching black, but through which they seem to shine through from the inside warm colors. A house lined with brick in such a color scheme will look like a fairy tale hut or a “gingerbread house”.

This masonry is made of non-standard narrow bricks, having a size of 240 × 90 × 50 mm, and according to its pattern and color combination somewhat reminiscent of a rocky structure. Facing with such clinker is well suited for a chalet, which, after construction, must be planted with a large number of trees. A finish having a similar color scheme suitable for both private homes and office buildings.

Rauf Co.

Unfortunately, in Russia the production of clinker bricks is not yet as developed as in Europe. We can say that this area is only at the beginning of its development. Nevertheless, domestic producers also have something to present to the consumer.

The production of clinker at Russian brick factories is carried out according to European technologies, and the products have a quality not lower than foreign analogues. Prices are much lower, even for elementary reasons of logistics - costly operations of delivering products to places of sale are excluded, there are no customs barriers and other considerable overhead costs.

Since this area of ​​\u200b\u200bproduction is only gaining momentum, so to speak, "overgrown with traditions", a variety of colors and invoice design still not as wide as that of foreign companies. But for sure - and our speed technologists will catch up to the world level. Confirmation of this - the products of the company "Rauf Fassade"

The Rauf trademark belongs to the LSR group of Russian companies engaged in the production of building materials. The Rauf company was organized in 1993, and during its activity it has already managed to win recognition from Russian consumers.

The brick is produced on high-quality innovative technological equipment according to internationally recognized standards. Besides, finished products undergoes strict quality control. The standard size of domestic products is 250×85×65 mm (RF).

The modern assortment of "Rauf" includes facing clinker bricks in traditional shades - red, ocher, brown in various tones. In addition, products can have light noble shades, such as "vanilla", "ivory", "straw" and others. Several of them can be considered to make sure that the domestic version of the facing material has a decent quality and aesthetic appearance.

Vanilla color clinker brick has a noble appearance, and when used for facade wall cladding, it will give the walls aesthetic appeal, especially if you use the right combination with other shades. "Vanilla" will look great in a composition with white and different shades of brown. They can be used to paint the pediment, window and door frames, the roof of the canopy and other elements of the house.

This version of the clinker brick is called "Brown MIX Rustic", it is painted almost in chocolate color, and the relief shallow pattern somewhat resembles the texture of wood. Such a lining will harmonize well with white or beige, as well as shades close to them. The facade, lined with bricks of this series, will stand out against the background of other buildings and look respectable at any time of the year.

Clinker facing brick "White Venice" actually has a pinkish tint, and thanks to this, in natural light, the walls will look perfectly white. This color will be especially well combined with black or dark brown, which can be used to decorate masonry seams, facade elements, as well as roofing.

Since the price of building materials can change, it is best to find out on the websites of trade dealers or manufacturers.

When deciding to put in order the facade appearance of your house, it is recommended that you first draw up a sketch of the finish and decide on the color preference. After that, you can already proceed to the choice of facing material. As you can see, its diversity is extremely large.

At the end of the publication - an interesting video that will also help visitors to our portal to get to know this unique building and finishing material - clinker bricks.

Video: Meet the clinker brick!

Facing brick is one of the best and most durable solutions for decorating the facade of a building. It has excellent aesthetic data, is durable, and can be used to decorate a house from any wall material. The only thing that can confuse users when choosing facing bricks is not always standard sizes.

Standard facing brick sizes

The size range of the facing brick is not tied to the wall brick, because it does not carry such a load. This is also due to the fact that by varying the size, you can achieve non-standard shape facing masonry, and this may be necessary according to the designer's plan or according to an approved project. The facing brick can be single, one and a half, and perform not only decorative function. It does a good job of protecting the building from temperature changes, damping them, and facilitating the work of insulating structures. It is also important that it can protect the main wall from snow, rain and wind, while not losing its aesthetic performance.

The size of a standard single facing brick is 250x120x65 mm; Bricks in these sizes are most often made of ceramic or silicate raw materials. Due to the fact that the facing brick is simply obliged to be aesthetically attractive in the first place, special requirements are imposed on it from this point of view.

Facing brick parameters

  1. Facing bricks must have a strictly defined and consistent color throughout the entire batch. The expansion in tone in this case is simply unacceptable, since the wall brick does not have to be uniform. Often it is simply hidden under a layer of cladding.
  2. Facing brick must have at least two front faces. They should be either absolutely smooth or textured, but without chips or cracks.
  3. The linear dimensions of the facing brick are controlled very tightly, since it will no longer be possible to hide an oversight caused by a mismatch in size.
  4. The maximum moisture absorption of the facing brick should be no more than 5%, but besides this, it must also be frost-resistant and have strength in order to withstand elementary mechanical stress. For this, manufacturing techniques are used that are different from the usual wall brick, which can not but affect the price.

The size of one and a half facing bricks

One and a half facing brick has slightly different dimensions from the standard. It is the same length and width, but slightly thicker. Its dimensions are 250x120x88 mm. Oddly enough, but one and a half bricks are sold better than a single one. This is due to the fact that it has greater strength, and is more consistent with the physical characteristics of ordinary bricks.

One and a half bricks can be both hollow and filled. Its structure depends on the specifics of the application. If a higher load on the brick is implied, it is better to choose it filled. Hollow material is well suited in cases where there is no need to strengthen the cladding, but it retains heat better, since the best heat insulator is still air enclosed in a certain volume. The composition of one and a half facing bricks can be ceramic and silicate. Ceramic has a higher density and good sound insulation, but as a result, surface strength suffers. Efflorescence often appears on it. Silicate brick is made using a different technology, which makes it more favorable price. It cannot be used indoors, but for facing materials this is not critical.

Dimensions of clinker facing bricks

Clinker brick is a modification of ordinary brick, but technologists did a good job with its parameters. Clinker facing brick has excellent wear resistance and strength, and it is most rational to use it in those places where the surface is used most actively. It finds its application on the plinth, on the door and window openings. It is also very often used for paving garden paths and yards.

Clinker bricks are produced from special types of clay, subjected to high temperature processing during manufacture. It has a very dense structure, which gives it good properties in terms of frost resistance and water resistance. Brick can have a wide variety of colors and textures, and besides standard size, can be elongated - 528x108x37 mm. All this makes it one of the best facing materials.

Facing bricks in any version can not only decorate your home and emphasize the individuality of the project, but also make it warmer and more comfortable, both inside and out.

Clinker is deservedly considered ideal for finishing the facade, it retains its beauty and reliability during for long years service, isolates the premises from outside noise and prevents heat loss. But when choosing this option, you should be prepared for significant final investments, both because of the high cost, and because of the relatively sophisticated technology installation.

Description and characteristics of clinker

Clinker bricks are obtained by molding and high-temperature processing of mixtures of carefully ground refractory clay, minerals and silicates with a slight addition clean water. The main requirement of the manufacturing technology is the slow firing of products in tunnel-type furnaces with heating up to 1300°C. Under these conditions, the raw mass is sintered with the highest possible uniformity, forming a high-strength element without cracks and fine pores.

It is characterized by high color stability, but due to the absence of foreign impurities in the composition, its shades are always natural. The range of colors is wide - from light to almost black. The texture can be anything: from smooth to rustic or velvet. The sizes correspond to the standards, in case Russian production- GOST 530-2012, foreign - to European ISO standards. To reduce weight and improve thermal insulation qualities, they are mostly hollow, but there are exceptions. Despite different shape edges and the possible absence of chamfers, they have a high accuracy of geometric parameters.

Properties and characteristics of facade clinker

Performance indicators:

  • The value of water absorption does not exceed 6%, for most advanced manufacturers - 5.
  • Withstands at least 100 freezing cycles.
  • The minimum allowable strength grade is M250.
  • Not afraid of fire and withstands direct contact with the flame. For this reason, it is recommended to buy it not only for facades, but also for facing fireplaces.
  • The minimum density is 1500 kg / m 3, the average for most products is 2000-2100.
  • Thermal conductivity does not exceed 1.15 W/m °C.
  • The average voidness is 30%. Slotted clinker brick size 1NF weighs no more than 2.3 kg.
  • Durability reaches 100 years or more.
  • Absolutely resistant to UV and biological hazards.

Pros and cons of application
The considered features and disadvantages include fragility, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses, the terms of delivery, unloading and laying are negotiated separately. This finish is considered elite, the minimum cost is 1400 rubles / m 2 (excluding installation services). When buying foreign-made products, they increase at least twice.

Unambiguous advantages - resistance to most external influences, high decorativeness, strength and durability. Facades made of clinker bricks remain unchanged throughout their entire service life, this option is chosen when finishing "for centuries". The scope of application is not limited by climatic conditions, but installation is carried out exclusively in warm and dry weather.

Overview of brick manufacturers

1. LSR. Wall materials.

A Russian manufacturer producing up to 25 million conditional products per year. Of the 4 plants included in the group, Nikolsky KZ, located next to the largest Cambrian clay deposit in the Russian Federation, is engaged in the manufacture of facade cladding. The availability of raw materials and a well-established production line make it possible to reduce the cost of production, the retail price does not exceed 30-40 rubles per 1 piece. In terms of quality, they are not inferior to foreign analogues, they are subjected to high-temperature firing up to 1200 ° C.

The range is presented in 10 basic colors, 3 formats, including 0.7 NF, 1 NF and 1.4 NF, and 3 types of surface: smooth, rusticated and imitating reed. Notches are made on all front faces, high geometric accuracy speeds up and simplifies their installation. In addition to facade cladding, this group specializes in the production of paving clinker, porous and solid ceramics. The quality of VP has been tested by time, the line was successfully launched in 2013, and at the moment its technological capacity is constantly growing.

2. Group of companies Magma.

Dubensky KZ, which is part of this production association, specializes in the manufacture of premium class ceramic and clinker products, the products are also lime under the Magma Keramik & Klinker brand. The offered assortment includes facing bricks of 1NF and 1.4NF formats with uniquely low water absorption within 5%, acid resistance from 95% and higher. The coloring is limited to 5 positions (White, Pearl, Red, Chocolate, Flash firing, texture - 2 (smooth surface and Antique). Voidness does not exceed 33%, the scope of application, in addition to facing external walls, includes the design of window sills, stairs, fireplaces, chimneys, balconies and similar structures subjected to frequent saturation with moisture and temperature changes.

3. Feldhaus Klinker, Germany.

The collection is represented by more than 50 variations of color and texture solutions, including hand-molded facing bricks. TO distinctive features include ultra-low water absorption (2-4%, no more), high strength grade (up to M1000) and frost resistance up to 1000 cycles. Aesthetics and performance remain unchanged over a long service life (from 50 years and above). Compared to Russian clinker, they have a non-standard format: DR, RF, NF, WDF and 2SDF. This is due to the use of different standards during production, the products of this company are regulated by European standards, and not GOST 530-2012. But the main difference lies in the variety of products, they are multi-colored.

4. Daas Baksteen, Holland.

This brand was introduced to the market in 1890, and currently the range includes over 100 items. The distinctive features include the uniqueness of the color and shape of each element with a fully automated production line that controls the dimensions and performance with the utmost precision. The brick for the facade of this company is considered to be super-dense, after laying such a cladding, vandals and any external influences are not afraid, for the entire time of operation, its surface remained clean of moss and was not covered with cracks. Prices depend on decorativeness and vary from 50 to 135 rubles apiece.

The world leader in the production of ceramics is known to the Russian consumer by the Terca line, in particular, by the Nordic Klinker Line series. The range is represented by 4 main brands (Tallinn, Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo) with smooth and rough surfaces in burgundy, red, light and dark brown. Their declared strength grade reaches M400, frost resistance - 100 cycles, water absorption does not exceed 6%. Unlike other foreign counterparts, the dimensions and weight correspond to Russian standards: with a mass of 2.26 kg, the exact dimensions are 250 × 85 × 65 mm.

They are made by the plastic forming method, which allows to show all the advantages of classic refractory ceramics and get an original velvety surface. Smooth and natural lines are inherent, there is no chamfer. Rates are average estimated cost at 60 rubles apiece, they can be bought at any building supermarket.

A European concern specializing in the manufacture of paving stones, facing and molding bricks and clinker tiles for the facade, which includes 17 plants in the group (7 in Holland, 5 in Poland, 5 in Germany). The quality is time-tested, the advantages include high color fastness, resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage, temperature extremes and moisture. The choice of colors and textures is large, the format meets Russian standards.

Installation nuances

The work may coincide with the construction of walls, but most experts recommend cladding after the construction of all supporting structures and insulation (if necessary). The standard scheme includes the following steps:

  • Checking the condition of the foundation. Such a brick is placed on a stable and fairly wide tape; in the absence of a plinth or a protruding part of the base, the corresponding bar is securely fixed on the walls. Horizontal deviations in this case are unacceptable.
  • Checking the verticality and condition of the walls. The presence of depressions does not play a special role, but any protrusions and interfering elements are carefully removed.
  • Laying the first row: at first without mortar, starting from the corners and taking into account the selected joint thickness and grouting method. On doorways bricks are interrupted, if necessary, they are cut to the desired size.
  • Mixing cement-based compound in a clean plastic container (but not in a concrete mixer). In the absence of experience, preference is given to ready-made specialized mixtures.
  • Application of the first leveling layer, laying the corners and the bottom row of bricks, checking the level, setting the order and cord.
  • The construction of all other rows with the obligatory control of the level and thickness of the seams.
  • Seam grouting.

Among the general requirements, there is a need for a uniform distribution of the solution and the rapid removal of excess from the front surface. The main secrets of a beautiful facade include:

  • Facing each individual plane with bricks from the same batch, but from different pallets, to speed up the work, it is advised to mix the elements.
  • The use of homogeneous, carefully ground compositions with the desired consistency.
  • Compliance with a uniform and sufficiently large thickness of the seams, in the absence of experience, they are performed using a special template.
  • Work with products in dry form, they are not wetted before installation.
  • Scraping the mortar 20 cm deep and filling the joints with special grout mixtures to match the main cladding.

clinker brick price

Imported products include the lines Roben, Feldhaus Klinker, Murh, A.D.W, Hagemeister (Germany), CRH and Daas Baksteen (Holland), Wienerberge (European concern). Currently, 2 joint groups have established production in Russia - LRS and Magma, most of the factories specialize in the production of brick tiles (the same plus Ecoclinker, Zeus-Keramika and many others).

Brand, type Manufacturer Invoice type Brand, frost resistance Dimensions, mm Price per piece, rubles
Facade white clinker Naples with 20% hollowness LRS. Wall materials, Russia Smooth, reed, birch bark M300/F100 250×85×65 37
Same, Munich, brown 35
Chocolate OOO Magma Keramik, Russia Smooth, Antique 250×120×65 37,50
White Topaz
Sintra Handmade Clinker Brick Feldhaus Klinker, Germany Rough M1000/F1000 240×71×115 90
Birchridge, slotted gray Daas Baksteen, The Netherlands corrugated М400/F100 210×100×50 87
Terca Narva, Nordic Klinker Line, hollow Wienerberge, Estonia With sand 250×85×65 60
Perforated for facade cladding Cegła Sotis Poland smooth М350/F100 250×120×65 95

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