Moroccan interior - charming notes of style! Moroccan style in interior design. Origins, features and ideas of the embodiment of the Moroccan style in the design Moroccan style pillows

Love for oriental style in these recent decades obvious.

Fashion, interior, arts and crafts are full of Arabic, Turkish and Moroccan motifs.

The last of them becomes more desirable and in demand.

And this is no coincidence, since it is the Moroccan style that is distinguished by its unique exoticism, comfort, intimacy and wealth.

Features of the Moroccan style

Morocco is one of the most mysterious countries in the Arab world. Located in northwestern Africa, it is not African at all.

Its culture is a fusion of Muslim traditions and European innovations. It was this feature that determined the characteristic features of such a popular Moroccan style today.

Moroccan style first of all - ethnic. It reflects the worldview and lifestyle of its locals.

The house of the Moroccan is oasis. This is a place of rest, solitude, prayer, communication with the closest people.

You can come back here after tiring work or long exhausting wanderings. Therefore, everything in the house is as comfortable and pleasing to the eye as possible.

For a Moroccan, 100% comfort, beauty and at the same time the functionality of every detail is indispensable.

Since Morocco is country of hospitality, it carefully preserves all historical and foreign influences. First of all, its culture was influenced by Moorish.

Spanish Arabs brought architectural luxury to the Moroccan style: arches, columns, wall mosaics.

Berbers- the indigenous population, living mainly in the mountains - also made their significant contribution to everyday design.

The people, simple in relation to life and home design, gave the style coarser, even “wild” features.

Bold color combinations bright to that sign.

Shades such as brown, red, orange, pink and plum are included in the basic style palette. Berber motifs also include geometric shapes, colored glass, leather, wooden, ceramic accessories.

Moroccan style can be embodied in its purest form, completely recreating traditional design. And can only use it characteristic details, thereby placing bright accents. For example, long sofas with pillows, Moroccan zelij tiles, arched niches.

Moroccan style in interior design

Eastern culture used to hide all the most valuable from prying eyes. Moroccan is no exception to this.

That's why main feature style will create an intimate, mysterious atmosphere. Due to what is this happening?

1. Windows overlooking nature / courtyard

Not only love for nature determines this criterion.

The eye of an outsider should not see what is happening inside. Therefore, windows should not face a noisy street or other crowded place. Such isolation creates complete comfort, prevents the penetration of noise.

2. Heavy curtains

Even if the first criterion could not be met, the use of the second one will more than cover it.

Curtains are one of the main decorations of the room. Dense opaque fabrics serve to protect from the scorching sun, creating twilight and coolness in the room.

Usually their color range varies within saturated colors: brown, red, ocher. But other shades are also possible.

3. Carpets

These can be both traditional Berber carpets and Arabic ones. The first option is more suitable for utilitarian premises (corridor), while the latter is designed for the living room and bedroom.

The realm of relaxation and pleasure- this is how you can briefly describe any room in the Moroccan style, whether it be a bedroom, a veranda, a kitchen or a bathroom.

What are the most iconic components of this style in interior design?

1. A big sofa

The more sofas the better. In a traditional room, sofas strewn with pillows are located around the entire perimeter of the room.

They form the basis of the design of any room.

It is also supplemented low table and low leather poufs. If guests arrive, then there will be no problems with their accommodation.

Even if they stay overnight.

2. Moroccan tiles

it's the same business card Moroccan style.

Clay tiles are created using a special technology, which was presented to the Moroccans by the Arabs from Spain. Like the mosaic tile itself, its original geometric ornament is unique and unrepeatable. Most often these are squares, rectangles, rhombuses, six-pointed stars, octahedrons.

The "weaving" of these figures is carried out with clear mathematical proportions.

The tile is suitable for finishing any surface - walls, vaults, floors, columns, niches and decorative ledges.

3. Arches

Arches came in Moroccan style from Spain.

They can be used as a form of windows, doors, transitions to another room.

Most often they fit into the interior as arched niches - simply decorative or serving as shelves.

Moroccan style is rich in decor. Most often, each thing performs some useful function. At the same time, she is amazingly graceful and beautiful.

The unique exotic taste of Morocco is given by the following decor items:

1. Products made of aluminum, copper: Moroccan lantern, vases, paintings, weapons, figurines, a bowl for washing hands, candlesticks, lamps.

2. Ceramics: plates, jugs, other utensils, small sculptures. Moroccan ceramics also has its own unique ethnic patterns. You can't confuse it with any other.

3. Colored glassware: mirrors, windows, chandeliers.

Moroccan style in the exterior design of the house

Exterior finish At home, Moroccans do not attach much importance.

Traditional houses are riads - rooms whose windows overlook the courtyard. Here sophistication and beauty is not inferior interior design.

The courtyard is like a garden of paradise.

Fountains, fruit trees, graceful benches and even sofas with pillows - everything is arranged so that there is no desire to go outside the courtyard.

Moorish arches may be present in the architecture of the courtyard, more often in the form of a horseshoe or oval-elongated.

A special effect is created by rows of arches that frame the courtyard, replacing the outer walls. The center of this place is usually a fountain. On especially hot days, it gives coolness and fills the space with the sounds of nature.

Walls and arches can be decorated with Moroccan tiles. The tea table is also irreplaceable. Color palette different from the interior.

She is more calm and natural. Orange, blue, green tones can be accented with pink, red, yellow spots.

great place given to plants and flowers. Cacti are the most popular and unpretentious among them.

A special charm is created by greenery planted in large clay vessels. It would also be appropriate to place copper Moroccan lamps along the paths or sidewalk.

In the evening and at night, they will illuminate the path, as well as create a fabulous atmosphere.

Moroccan style furniture

Moroccan furniture, like Morocco itself, is exotic and unique. In choosing the material, the craftsmen prefer wood.

This is mainly thuja, beech, argan, cedar. This is due to its characteristic dark brown color. The preference for a tree is not accidental. This is the most natural, suitable for human body element.

Oriental ornament, graceful and rich, distinguishes this furniture from any other. Carving is not the only decor.

Mosaic, artistic forging, hand-drawn patterns equally create originality for these products. As a rule, chairs, armchairs and even tables are quite low.

The main furniture of the Moroccan style is the sofa. As a rule, it is also lower than usual, long, with a myriad of bright pillows.

The color of the upholstery is chosen bright or pastel, but with an ornate ornament. The chic of style is emphasized by satin or silk bedspreads. The table occupies an equally important place in the house, since the ceremony of eating in Morocco is one of the main ones.

The tables are also low, as eating takes place sitting on pillows or low chairs. A set of furniture will complement chests of drawers, stools, poufs, screens.

Moroccan ornament in interior design

Each traditional culture has its own unique ornament.

This is a kind of way of comprehending and ordering the world.

The ornament has both an aesthetic function - to decorate, and a sacred one - to protect the house from the evil eye.

Moroccan mosaic perfectly reflects these ideas.

Humid, hot climate does not allow wallpapering.

After all, they shrink very quickly. They are replaced by "zelij" clay tiles lined with mosaics.

The tile is prepared according to ancient technology, originating from the Middle Ages. The influence of the Roman Empire is also possible.

After all, it was the Romans who were famous for the art of mosaics. The ornament is a complex geometric pattern.

His philosophy is this: everything in this world is harmonious, orderly and has its own specific place.

Such images are essential for human relaxation. The eyes, constantly watching the ideal rhythmically built drawing, receive solace and aesthetic pleasure, as from a work of art. In fact, this mosaic is a real masterpiece.

traditional method its creation involves exact selection each small cube to another.

Symmetry and mathematical accuracy are the main criteria for creating tiles. geometric, floral, floral ornament represents the complexity and at the same time the beauty of the structure of the world.

Strict regulation in this craft also implies certain colors: green, white, blue, brown, red. In addition to originality, this tile has such advantages as water resistance and durability.

Another indisputable advantage is its versatility. It is used for facing balconies, fireplaces, stairs, bathrooms, fountains, living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. You can meet such tiles even in bedrooms.

It can be on walls, ceilings, floors, and even furniture.

Moroccan style in the interior is becoming more and more popular in Russia.

This desire is associated with the search for new original solutions to decorate your home. the main task Moroccan style is to create a charming atmosphere of the East. If all the principles are correctly implemented, then the idea that this place is the best on earth will not leave its inhabitants.

You also need to take into account the rule of the golden mean, and try not to overdo it.

After all, the main mood of the Moroccan interior is languor, slowness, sensuality. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select details for rooms where the energy of activity prevails (offices, halls, children's rooms).

Moroccan style is one of the most striking and memorable trends in interior design. Richness of colors and textures, authentic oriental luxury and attention to every detail - these are perhaps the best epithets for this style, which, despite its rich history, can be completely recreated with the help of modern finishing materials and pieces of furniture. The most organically in the Moroccan style will look like a bedroom, living room and spacious kitchen, That's why Special attention it is worth giving it to this room, which we will do next.

The unique color of the Moroccan style charges with positive emotions and good mood, mainly due to the combination of many warm and cold shades. As you know, Morocco is located in Africa, where the sun reigns and the vast expanses of deserts, so it is not surprising that yellow, red, orange, gold and brown are considered the main colors in the interior. Arab culture has also contributed, so blue, turquoise, purple, pink and blue colors are often used.

Despite the colorfulness of the Moroccan style, white is no less relevant, and in large quantities. Quite often, the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings is done in monochrome white, as, indeed, pieces of furniture. The expressiveness of the interior is given by the use of several textures, arched structures and curly lines.

The Moroccan direction in the interior is characterized by a number of distinctive features, so it is quite difficult to confuse it with another style. So, the main characteristics include the following points, namely:

  1. Architectural elements in the form of lancet arches. With the help of figured arches, characteristic exclusively of oriental styles, all kinds of decorative niches in walls, doorways and fireplaces. window openings also quite often performed in the form of arches, additionally decorated with figured forging elements;
  2. An organic combination of many colors. As mentioned earlier, in the Moroccan style, several rather bright colors can be used at the same time, and without compromising the overall aesthetics of the interior. This is a kind of symbol of the influence of a large number of cultures, in particular, Moorish, Phoenician, Berber, Andalusian and many others;
  3. The presence of paintings in an oriental style and mosaics. The combination of various floral motifs and clear geometric lines embodied in the form of a spectacular mosaic and colorful hand painted used in the design of walls, ceiling surfaces and furniture. Windows and doors are decorated with colorful stained-glass windows. Today it is not necessary to use heavy and painstaking manual labor, because modern materials perfectly imitate oriental painting, but if you wish, you can also hire a professional decorator;
  4. The use of textiles in large quantities. Window and bed textiles made of expensive fabrics are an integral part of the interior in the Moroccan style. And it can be as easy translucent tulles, and dense materials with a rich decorative trim. Particular attention is drawn to the many decorative pillows and upholstery. upholstered furniture. Central location occupies a carpet, which not only shows the level of prosperity of the owners of the house, but also tells a certain story;
  5. Original pieces of furniture and accessories. As a rule, furniture items are made of natural wood, most often a dark saturated color. The main decor is figured carving, which is distinguished by its special aesthetics and at the same time complexity in execution. Colorful lamps, vases and dishes are no less important, so the role of accessories should never be underestimated.

At first glance, it seems that the Moroccan-style rooms are too saturated with furniture and excessive decor, but this is far from the case. The fact is that the inhabitants of eastern countries are quite practical people, although they appreciate the beauty of the world around them, so even an ordinary sofa can have additional storage space, and overall wardrobes have been replaced with compact and original chests of drawers.

Features of the choice of finishes, furniture and accessories

Finishing works play an extremely important role on the way to creating an interior in the Moroccan style, since only with their help you can achieve a feeling of unity between eastern and western cultures. It is best if some measures for the layout of the premises are taken before the repair work. We are talking about the shape of the door and window openings, as well as the creation of special niches in the walls used as alcoves or small shelves for placing vases and dishes in the Moroccan style.

Most often, various arched structures of lancet, keeled or horseshoe shape are used, which are characteristic Muslim temples(mosques), so it is their architecture that can be taken as a basis.

For wall decoration, you can use both decorative plaster and painting. The color of finishing materials can be the brightest and even combine several colors, for example, turquoise and terracotta or sand and white. lovers white color you will definitely like the interior in the Moroccan style using the predominant snow-white hue. Additionally, you can decorate the walls with the help of various mosaics, frescoes and ornaments.

Looks great as flooring a natural stone and tiles small size. Considering that these are cold materials, a carpet is an indispensable element, which will not only make spending time in the room more comfortable, but also add a sense of coziness. Finishing the ceiling surface can be either monophonic or quite rich and spectacular. An excellent addition to the interior will be a fireplace stylized in an oriental style, and it will be relevant both in the bedroom and living room, and in the kitchen.

A feature of the Moroccan style is that the color of the floor, walls and ceiling can be identical or differ literally by one tone.

Furniture and accessories with a Moroccan flavor are quite unusual, as a lot of work has been invested in their manufacture. As a rule, pieces of furniture are made of expensive woods and are decorated with rich carvings. It is customary to use lamps, vases, trays, pillows, figurines and caskets as decor. In addition to wood in the Moroccan style, objects with openwork metal forging and colored glass are popular.

Moroccan style in the interior of various rooms

In principle, the Moroccan style can be harmoniously entered into any room, but it will look most successful in spacious rooms. Therefore, if the first place is the visual expansion of space, and not the style, it is better to refuse this direction in interior design.

Colored glass in the design of wall sconces echoes bright bedside tables. The laconic Moroccan-style bedroom interior is decorated with an arch and lamps. Bed frame of blue color and a white canopy made of opaque fabric make the bedroom extremely fresh.

Let's take a closer look at the design features. various premises in Moroccan style, namely:

  • Bedroom. A Moroccan-style personal rest and sleep area will look simply luxurious. The central place here, of course, will be occupied by a beautiful spacious bed with a spectacular canopy. Standard wardrobes should be replaced with no less comfortable wooden chests and chests of drawers, which will also become very important element decor. Subdued light looks organic in such bedrooms, filling the space at night with an extraordinary atmosphere of mystery, romance and relaxation. Mirrors in an openwork frame, made in oriental style, look very nice. With their help, you can not only complement the dressing table, but also visually expand the boundaries of the room.
  • Living room. A spacious Moroccan-style living room is really filled with genuine comfort, so relaxing with your family and receiving guests in such an interior would be more than appropriate. Sofas with bright upholstery and a lot of decorative pillows with ornaments and embroidery are an obligatory piece of furniture. In addition to them, colorful puffs are placed. If you intend to create an airy and rather relaxed atmosphere for decorating lancet windows, it is best to choose light airy curtains. The finishing touch will be a large silver tray with fruits and sweets, set in the center of the arranged sofas and poufs. Live plants in ceramic pots will help to give a zest to the interior;
  • Kitchen. The design of a Moroccan-style kitchen requires more painstaking work, since an abundance of textiles and decor will not be entirely appropriate here, and modern household appliances cannot be dispensed with at all. Therefore, special attention is paid to the choice of finishing materials. So, a safe bet is to use decorative plaster natural shades and beautiful ceramic tiles with oriental ornament or mosaic. With the help of tiles, you can lay out the original kitchen apron and decorate the floor. If possible, it is better not to use chrome surfaces, but to give preference to at least a little, but stylized household appliances. The hood made in the oriental style looks especially impressive. The elements of figured forging, present in the design, will help to finally support the concept. ceiling chandelier and additional lamps, pieces of furniture and window decoration. Do not forget about the dishes corresponding to the Moroccan style.

Moroccan style is of particular interest to modern people, therefore, more and more often, when drawing up an interior design project, the choice falls on him. Finally, it is worth mentioning that not only living quarters, but also spacious terraces, balconies and even country gazebos which simply cannot be ignored.

Morocco is a sultry and dazzling exotic country, glowing with bright colors and incredible ornaments. The peculiarity of its culture is that it is built on a harmonious combination of East and West, and everywhere it demonstrates the duality of style, which is so clearly visible in the interior.

Moroccan style, which appeared due to a mixture of different cultures, fell in love with designers around the world because of its unpredictability.

The history of this country is a motley ribbon of cultures that were formed in the conditions of war by indigenous Berbers and colonizers. The arrival of the Arabs to these lands significantly changed the way of life at that time. Arab culture united the lands and brought Islam to them. Morocco for a long time was the center of the empire, which included many African countries. Accordingly, this diversity did not go unnoticed in the culture of the country. Everything here is literally permeated with Arabic features with Greek classicism, and Spanish romanticism.

If you are passionate about the East, then you can safely add Moroccan style motifs to the interior of your home.

Although the style was named after one country, behind it is a symbiosis of different cultures. The name of the design comes from the country where it was widely distributed, but today its fame has gone far beyond North Africa. As a result of this symbiosis, a very recognizable and eloquent, juicy and passionate style was born, with a bizarre harmony of carvings, patterns and light.

The style combines Mediterranean, Arabic and African motifs.

The interior is characterized by a combination of muted tones and bright harmonious shades.

In the Moroccan interior, two trends can be distinguished:

  1. Andalusian - strict Spanish architecture, combined with the luxury of Moorish palaces, subtly seasoned with a pinch of Africa.
  2. Berber is rough and passionate, pragmatic and utilitarian, reflecting Berber culture.

Moroccan design is, first of all, the harmony of Arab culture, Africa and the Mediterranean. This combination is exotic in modern interior. And the style itself owes its birth to the work of French and Spanish architects. But this in no way means that he limited himself to the features of these two countries. Here, the impulsive and striking features of various peoples are successfully combined.

Moroccan interiors are often called the “style of contrasts”

First of all, the Moroccan style was formed under the influence of French designers who built residences for the colonialists, the sunshine and brightness of the African perception. Here, European and North African traditions are combined into one whole, dating back to the time of British and French colonial activity.

Main features and character

Moroccan interiors will appeal to both fans of primitivism and lovers of luxury. Such an interior is both diverse and not at all tiring. First of all, fans will appreciate it non-standard solutions. But not only them.

This style is characterized by a combination of luxury, comfort and coziness.

This design is perfect for:

  • those who love order - each element of the situation in its place;
  • minimalists - large rooms filled with air and light, piles of furniture and things are excluded;
  • connoisseurs of oriental exoticism.

This design will perfectly decorate a large mansion, and cozy apartment. And all because of its originality and uniqueness. No one holds down the wings of your imagination here.

Living room in Moroccan style in red shades

White living room with a niche in the shape of a dome

A characteristic feature of the Moroccan style is the combination of bright colors and textures. Here you will meet the rudeness of nomads, and complex African patterns, and European elegance of furniture.

Moroccan style in the interior is not afraid to combine bright colors. This is its main feature. First of all, these are warm sunny and golden shades. The most popular is the union of red and gold. The decorator, working in this direction, must give the room impulsiveness and passion, with the help of a play of colors, so the combinations can sometimes be bold and defiant.

Suitable for Moroccan design natural colors Africa, reminiscent of the outlines of the desert, the jungle and the fiery sun

Blue color can be used for wall, ceiling and floor decoration

When decorating, the tones of "earth dust" must be present:

  • bronze;
  • ocher;
  • umber;
  • shades of brown.

These natural shades are the perfect canvas for brighter accents:

  • purple
  • red;
  • blue
  • green in various shades.

Bright Moroccan-style bedroom decor

Bed in Moroccan style

Everything here is built on harmony and interaction of cold and warm tones. The walls are usually plastered with exquisite and warm Moroccan stucco, giving it a marble look. This is due to the peculiarities of its texture. The coloring is basically monochromatic. The Moroccan interior includes the use of predominantly natural materials such as stone and wood. Since this country has a hot climate, the style solution is to decorate the room from floor to ceiling with small tiles. But this technique is not at all necessary for the design of residential premises, while for the bathroom it will come in handy.

Indian-style lamps, mesh lampshades and colored glass lamps are suitable for lighting.

Emphasis is placed on creating intimate lighting with the help of cute lamps, floor lamps with original weaving

Furniture plays an unusual role here, because auxiliary items are in the foreground - cabinets, benches, pouffes, exquisite footrests. The place of classic sofas is occupied by podiums under a canopy, decorated with many pillows of various shapes and sizes. But this does not mean minimalism in furniture; on the contrary, furniture emphasizes the status of the owner of a house or apartment.

A lot of auxiliary furniture is a hallmark of the Moroccan style.

Tall furniture is not welcome, but low and wide furniture will come in handy

Low sofa with bright soft pillows

The average person might be creatively shocked by the sheer amount of drapery in one room, but that's the way it's meant to be. An abundance of curtains, draperies, canopies, pillows and bedspreads with a pronounced texture. The most popular here are organza, velvet and silk.

The main role of textiles is to create harmony and comfort in the room.

Carpets are used both traditionally on the floor and on the walls. The rule of tricolor does not work in African motifs; complex ornaments with tints of shades are used here.

The main thing is in the details

You can’t create a Moroccan style indoors without understanding how to use decorative elements that will decorate the interior. Traditionally, the peoples of Morocco lay out the floor with mosaics, it is worth considering this moment if you want to bring a touch of Africa into the room. The completed drawing should resemble a six-pointed star or a variety of flowers. To implement this idea, you can not be limited to mosaics, by the way, you will also have to parquet or tiles. The floor can also be decorated with a picturesque Moroccan-style carpet.

The more decorative elements reminiscent of the East in the room, the more it will be possible to bring it closer to the Moroccan style.

For interior decoration, a colorful panel with patterns or wallpaper in the same style is well suited.

Characteristic ornaments are also appropriate when decorating the ceiling.

Interior details come to the fore here:

  • these are small twisted cords with heavy tassels;
  • forged lamps combined with night lamps under the ceiling to create the atmosphere of the Arabian night;
  • a lot of chests and mini chests of drawers that store the little wealth of the hostess - jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes;
  • an ensemble of patterns and a miniature mosaic that adorns any piece of furniture or interior detail;
  • all interior objects must be completed using self made, or at least create such an impression;
  • the unpredictability of the contrast of color and shape, but this does not mean randomness and insanity.

An integral part of the interior - niches in the form of polygonal architectural elements, repeating the shape of the domes of minarets

Skillfully mastering the techniques of decor, you can create an original home, saturated with passion and comfort.

The arch is one of the most famous details of the Moroccan interior.

The highlight is also the numerous Arabic arches of various forms. In such an interior there will not be too many of them. They can decorate window and door openings, internal partitions, which are often used in Moroccan style. If it is not possible to equip windows and doors with arches, then they can decorate niches, cabinets and showers. Niches in such a bath will be present everywhere. Although they are used in the Moroccan bathroom as exquisite details, but at the same time they are fully functional. You can combine the bathroom with part of the corridor to create a magical nook. To create a complex arch, drywall is very good; it can be used to make arches of any configuration and gracefully decorate them. Most simple option is the plastering of walls, followed by painting with waterproof enamel with a satin or silk effect. And you can paste over the surface with a mosaic.

Small bedroom with an arch in the doorway

As a result, here we observe complex ornaments of Africa, and the style of settlers, a fine line of rudeness and modern European decoration and furniture. All this explosive mixture forms a detailed original interior.

Bathroom in Moroccan style

The Moroccan style is characterized by a peculiar interweaving of Arabic, Mediterranean and African motifs. If you are passionate about the aesthetics of the East, collect oriental items and souvenirs, then you can safely bring Moroccan style motifs to the interior of your home.

Due to its geographical location and eventful history, Moroccan culture is distinctive and international. The Arabic style is fundamental here. The historical quarters and palaces of Tangier and Marrakesh are prime examples of this style.

The architectural concept of the Moroccan style fully adheres to the Arab traditions. A private house in the Moroccan style, it is a polyhedron with stucco facades ranging from pink-beige tones to the pure white of the interior.

High ceilings, narrow windows, adjoining one side to the wall of the stairs without railings. The bathrooms have a domed ceiling, walls tiled to the middle with small tiles, decorated with geometric ornaments. Required element the bathroom has a small square pool.

To decorate a city apartment in the Moroccan style, follow color design interior in warm colors(ocher, terracotta, sand), in combination with emerald green azure blue, purple. Add contrasting colors (purple, red).

With a sufficient height of the ceilings, arrange them wooden beams with painted ornaments. Ceilings can be finished in the same way as walls. Plaster the walls in beige and sand tones, Alternative option- drywall for painting. window frames can be completed with black metal or wooden arches. Doorways and doors are wooden, paneled, predominantly black in contrast with red and white.

Doorways can be decorated with a figured wooden lattice. The Moroccan-style floor is traditionally stone or ceramic. However, wooden floors made of dark woods, or covered with plain dark linoleum, are acceptable. Illuminated niches replace shelves and cabinets. Complete the interior with Mediterranean plants planted in large ceramic pots.

Emphasizing the Moroccan style in your apartment, decorate the walls in the hallway in blue or red tones, the ceiling in beige.

Decorate a small bedroom in the form of a tent. Hang a red fabric with a golden oriental pattern along all the walls on the eaves under the ceiling. Place a flat lamp on the ceiling. Cover the floors with oriental carpets with decorative pillows and pouffes. Instead of a bed, install a low wooden podium with a mattress. Complete the interior of the bedroom with a carved wooden chest of drawers.

Light up your living room modern furniture. Carpet on the floor, decorative pillows, Wall lights, chased dishes on coasters will bring Moroccan style to this room.

And your home will become bright, cozy, rich, filled with light and beauty.

A separate topic is the Moroccan-style bathroom, it exudes luxury and bliss. In such a bathroom, you want to bask all the time, everything in it is beautiful, exquisite ornaments in a characteristic style, romantic lighting, even a Moroccan-style sink will bring constant pleasure.

A house with a Moroccan-style interior and a bathroom will become not just a home, but your personal or family paradise.

Moroccan style in the interior is one of the directions Eastern style. At the same time, it is the most versatile of all Eastern stylistic trends, combining African, Arabic, Turkish and European traditions. Moreover, European influence began since the time of colonization, so it left a bright and indelible imprint.

In general terms, the Moroccan style in the interior can be characterized as follows:

  • bright and saturated colors;
  • the presence of a large amount of textiles;
  • mosaic and ornament, carving, embossing;
  • natural materials.

At the same time, it should be noted the features of the decoration of the premises, which are characteristic of the Marrakesh style. This is a special type of plaster called Tadelakt, and is a special treatment of plastered surfaces, when perfect smoothness and gloss is achieved, by applying wax or soap made from olive oil. The method of such decoration is very time-consuming and expensive, therefore, when creating the Marrakesh style in a modern interior, it is worth using imitations.

Another feature of the interior decoration is the use of Moroccan ceramic tiles, which are distinguished by their small size and hand-painted pattern. Zelij, the so-called Moroccan tile, which is made by hand, is also very expensive. Nevertheless, it can also be replaced with modern counterparts, and used to create interiors in the Marrakech style.


In the photo: interior in Moroccan style in red shades

Marrakech style is characterized by bright colors, but the basis of any color combination are the "colors of the earth":

  • terracotta;
  • umber;
  • all shades of brown;
  • ocher;
  • bronze;
  • and, undoubtedly, red is one of the favorite colors of any Eastern direction.

The versatility of the style allows you to combine many colors and shades, varying them both within the same tonality and playing on contrasts.

Patterns and ornaments

In the photo: Moroccan-style interior with patterns

Like any of Eastern directions style, this style involves the presence of a large number of floral ornaments. Ornament is present everywhere:

  • on hand-painted dishes;
  • on plaster;
  • on the floor, laid out from Moroccan tiles or natural stone;
  • on pieces of furniture;
  • on textiles.

At the same time, small mosaics, decorating many household items, are used to finish the floor, walls and ceilings. In addition, tables, chests of drawers, bedside tables richly decorated with inlay and mother-of-pearl mosaics are indispensable elements of the interior.


In the photo: interior in Moroccan style with an arch

A distinctive feature of Marrakesh is the abundance of lancet arches. In this form, windows and doorways are made, as well as many niches, which are indispensable in the interior of this style, which serve as a place to store things, since the style implies the presence of a minimum number of pieces of furniture.


As for furniture, the style does not allow for bulky items. The interior is based on low comfortable soft sofas and armchairs made of natural wood, decorated with rich carvings and inlays.

Pictured: Moroccan-style interior with low furniture

The mass of pillows, which are piled on the sofas, give the atmosphere peace, dispose to rest and relaxation.

Small tables, cabinets and chests of drawers are also rich in mother-of-pearl mosaic decoration, but metal (silver, bronze, black metal) forged details are often present in the furniture.


Marrakech is distinguished by the presence of handmade carpets, often lint-free. Carpets are present in almost all rooms, they are one of the main decorations of the interior.

In the photo: Moroccan-style interior with carpets

In addition to carpets, Moroccan-style interiors are full of big amount curtains, bedspreads and canopies. All of them are made in bright colors and have a traditional ornament. Thin and light fabrics are used to create a romantic setting, heavy and rich fabrics are used to emphasize wealth and luxury.


In the photo: Moroccan-style interior with multi-level lighting

Traditionally, Marrakech style involves subdued lighting. After all, any room made in this style should be conducive to relaxation. However, special attention is paid to the lamps here. Most often, they are forged lanterns. various shapes and are made of metal, decorated with chasing, hung in groups, which includes several lighting fixtures of various shapes and sizes.

Modern interior in Marrakech style

If you want to create a real Mediterranean fairy tale in your home, then the Marrakech style is perfect for you. However, it should be remembered that too saturated colors and an abundance of patterns may be inappropriate in a city apartment, so it is better to use Marrakesh for interior design of a summer residence or country house. And in the apartment, decorate one room in this style.

So, living room in Moroccan style fit for lovers of the exotic. In such a living room it will be convenient to receive guests, conduct long intimate conversations, sitting on soft comfortable sofas. Treats can be served on luxurious large silver dishes, which will only emphasize the style of the room. And the muffled light, breaking through the carved lamps, will set the guests and hosts to peace and tranquility.

A Moroccan-style kitchen is the most acceptable option for a city apartment. To create an interior in accordance with this style, you should use bright ceramic dishes with a traditional ornament, hang large silver trays on the walls, decorate the windows with translucent curtains, lay out the floor with ceramic mosaics, which can also be used to decorate a kitchen apron.

A Moroccan-style bathroom will also look unusual and attractive. Here, instead of an ordinary sink, it would be appropriate to install a large bowl lined with colored mosaics, and install a bronze faucet above it. To finish the floor and walls, it is also better to use tiles with a traditional ornament or to clad the walls and floor with natural stone.

In general, to create a Moroccan style, you should use mainly natural materials:

  • stone;
  • tree;
  • ceramics;
  • metal.

Video - Moroccan style in a private house

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