Stump. How to uproot a stump. How to get rid of stumps in the garden. Methods for uprooting stumps. Land cultivation: how to quickly uproot a stump without effort How to uproot small stumps from a birch

A person who has never encountered uprooting stumps most often believes that this procedure is extremely simple. A strong rope, a shovel, a few assistants, and within an hour or two the issue will be resolved. But is that really the case? Unfortunately, the very process of uprooting trees and stumps on the site often becomes difficult and time consuming, which beginners without experience rarely cope with, especially when you need to uproot a large stump from an old but strong tree.

The need to get rid of a stump, most often, arises in the following situations:

When you need to uproot the lower part of an old, diseased or emergency tree.
If the roots interfere with the construction of roads, houses, water supply, sewerage or other communications.
To "ennoble" the territory personal plot, garden, as well as planting young plants.
When to Release land area for a garden or water feature.

Stumps are also uprooted if the owner of the site on which they are located cannot come up with a real object for these objects. practical use. For example, make a table, arrange a flower garden or grow other plants with it.

Ways to uproot stumps

Depending on factors such as the location of the stump, its size, age, level of damage, the presence of obstacles in the area, etc., the following uprooting methods are used:


Uprooting trees and stumps mechanically

In the first case, special equipment is used, and it is rational only when you need to uproot at least 10-20 stumps or a full-fledged tree. There should also be a place for the entrance, turn around and free movement around the territory. Important point! Do not forget about the root system (both nearby growing plants and those that are removed), as well as heavy equipment that can severely damage fertile soil.

The result of mechanical uprooting of stumps can be almost completely destroyed upper layer black soil, damaged useful plants, as well as a decent amount of money from your savings, which will have to pay for the restoration of the site. But in this way, you can uproot trees and stumps effortlessly and extremely quickly, in just a couple of hours.

Uprooting stumps chemically

The modern chemical industry will allow you to get rid of the stump without uprooting, i.e. less "barbaric" way than mechanical uprooting. This procedure in this case used sodium, potassium (for fruit trees- ammonium) nitrate, kitchen salt, as well as special chemicals. Experts recommend that the procedure itself be carried out immediately after cutting down the tree, but it is imperative to consult with professionals how the above substances affect the soil around the stumps to be removed (especially when herbicides are used). The process of uprooting stumps with chemical elements is carried out as follows:

The tree is cut down;
roots are dug up;
holes are drilled in the stump and roots, which are filled necessary means(the surface of the stump is also abundantly covered with chemicals);
the object being processed is covered with a film or other waterproof material;
after a year (or the time specified by the reagent manufacturer), the stump will almost completely shrink.

The advantages of the method are a minimum of financial costs, as well as the ability to eliminate stumps with your own hands and strength. The main disadvantage is that it takes 1-3 years to solve the problem.

A rather irrational method of destroying stumps, from the point of view of time costs, is planting an object with spores of edible mushrooms. But keep in mind, you will have your own tasty and environmentally friendly mushrooms on the table, and the stump itself will collapse in 2-5 years.

Uprooting stumps by hand

If you have ever cultivated the land with an ordinary shovel, provided that trees have grown on it before, you are unlikely to dare to uproot tree roots and stumps in the area in the cheapest way (that is, manually).

The figure clearly shows how the part of the tree hidden from us is arranged, which is “tightly” tied to the stump. Just imagine, you need to get all this as much as possible along with the hemp!

Technically, this procedure is carried out as follows. You need to dig around the perimeter of the tree trunk, chop off the roots, and then, using physical strength, swing the tree while continuing to saw off the roots.

As a result, at some point, the tree (or the remains of its trunk, which you have previously processed) will succumb to your efforts and fall, freeing the necessary territory. Fulfilling this procedure Don't forget safety precautions! Best of all, secure the trunk using a strong rope so that it does not fall at the most unexpected moment.

Uprooting stumps with a jack

Some representatives of the “old school”, for uprooting stumps (moreover, regardless of their size, age and type of tree), dug a hole at a distance of 50-80 cm from the stump, from which they watered abundantly root system from a hose. As a result, the stump left its “native environment” without problems, and the soil structure was not disturbed.

If the stump did not give in, it was removed with a jack or winch, this allows even one person to stir up the trunk and pull it out with the main part of the root system (including not only the roots, but also the stump with the trunk).

This process of preparing the stump for extraction from the ground took 3-4 times less time than with the usual manual method. Quite often, if the stump could not be removed from the ground using jacks, winches, etc., it was tied to a car and the issue was quickly resolved.

But in order to prevent the above problems from occurring, it is much easier to carefully assess the situation when making a decision to plant green spaces. City water supply, sewerage, telephone cable - this is just a small list of objects where it is not necessary to plant trees, which will grow very quickly and begin to create problems for the services servicing the above objects.

Purifying country cottage area from dry and old trees, you are probably faced with the fact that cutting down the trunk is only half the work. Tree roots usually remain in the soil. Then the question would be quite appropriate, because this is a rather troublesome and time-consuming process. There are many examples decorative use stumps left in the ground. You can build flower beds out of them, make the basis for a bench or a table, but not all areas should be kept such, even if sometimes useful remnants.

Uprooting stumps (with examples)

1. Use the service of a company that deals with this problem, or purchase a shredder, it will help you. But, unfortunately, both options involve financial costs on your part, which is not always justified.

2. You can also get rid of the stump by digging it up and sawing off the lateral roots, then remove it from the hole. True, this is a rather laborious task, which physically not everyone can do.

3. Wondering if you're in a hurry and don't want to waste family budget? Use a chemical or biological method, allowing you to decompose the stump on the vine to the state of dust within a year.

Fighting methods:

  • Make holes in the cut, fill in the mycelium there, pour it over and cover with a film, so you can populate the stump or oyster mushrooms. Mushroom mycelium can be purchased in stores or made by hand. Arrange the mushroom caps on the surface, shake after 2 hours, this will release the spores, which must be mixed with water, and then simply pour over the disturbing stump. From time to time your mushroom plantation will need to be watered. In a year you will receive a harvest. But this method produces by-effect. There is a risk of infection of other trees with fungal spores.
  • Create a pretty deep hole in a slice, pour sodium there or in the amount of 1 cup, fill with water, cover with a film. Within a year, this composition will completely nourish the stump, you will have to burn it. But this method is not suitable for peat soils as there is a risk of fire.
  • Salt the problem. From the hemp, nothing but dust will remain, but keep in mind that the land after such a procedure will become unsuitable for sowing seeds and will not yield a crop.

Tree uprooting can be done gradually and without the use of chemicals. Pulling the tree trunk 16 centimeters, make a cut at the bottom of the pit. Then fill with soil.

How to uproot stumps of different tree species, taking into account their structure? Depending on the type of tree, it differs. Start with a thorough analysis and preparation. Remember school lessons botany.

How to uproot stumps with a hose?

You will need to dig a hole at a distance of fifty centimeters from the root system. Then, opening the faucet with a good stream of water, wash away the roots, clearing them of the earth. Get a "hanging" stump. After all the water has gone into the dug hole, leave it to dry. The next day, chop off all interfering roots, remove the stump itself.

Stumping is the removal of tree stumps and shrubs from the ground along with the roots. There are many methods of stump removal - check out the best.

Uprooting is the process of removing the stumps of trees or shrubs from the ground along with the roots. Produced during afforestation and clearing areas.

There are the following main categories of uprooting methods:

Mechanical- basic industrial way, which consists in the use of machines and mechanisms to apply force to the stump, leading to its extraction from the ground. Exist different principles actions of mechanisms - screw, gear wheels, lever and hydraulic press.

Explosive- also an industrial method in which one or more explosive charges are placed under the stump into holes drilled in the ground. It is mainly used in the preparation of stump resin.

fire- consists in burning out a previously prepared stump. It is practically not used as an industrial one.

Manual- includes digging, cutting off the roots and pulling out with the help of a log, winch or chain hoist. It is also almost never used on an industrial scale.

Chemical and mushroom way s Uprooting stumps.

Chemical- the most harmful method of uprooting stumps, which I fundamentally refuse.

Chemical method of stump removal.
The chemical method, which is one of the simplest, is aimed at accelerating the decomposition of wood.

To destroy the stump with chemistry, it is necessary to make several holes in the stump with a perforator to a depth of 50 cm and fill them with a chemical solution. Cover the stump with polyethylene and wait.

But you have to wait at least a year. After 1-2 years, only dust will remain from the stump. Main chemicals are: sodium and potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and urea.

Benefits of chemical stump removal
A cheap way to remove a stump.
You can do the work yourself.
Does not require the use of physical force.
Does not damage the surrounding landscape.

Disadvantages of chemical stump removal
The stump decomposition process can take several years.
There is a chance to poison the fertile soil around.
The soil in place of the stump long time becomes unsuitable for plant growth.

Mushroom- most The best way stump removal, because it has been proven by Nature for millions of years, and besides, stumps can be turned into edible mushrooms.


Here we will keep within just a few paragraphs, since this method is simple and interesting, but rarely used.

Removing stumps with mushrooms

An old stump can be populated with mycelium of edible mushrooms, which will spread along the stump, developing into a real colony. As a result of vital activity, mushrooms will decompose, that is, completely destroy wood, and you will get your own mushrooms for cooking delicious and fragrant dishes.

This process is lengthy and may take several years. It is also dangerous for other trees in the garden and small architectural forms which means you have to be very careful when using it.

In the Ecopark, I will try to use the mushroom method of removing stumps.

With extra money, you can always order uprooting stumps. See Prices for uprooting stumps. After reviewing the prices, there is a desire to do Uprooting on your own in order to transfer money from one of your pockets to your other pocket - this will allow you to use them with greater benefit.

Stumps can be removed manually using available funds small mechanization.


So we come to the most important method for us, since on own site we are used to doing everything by hand. You can also uproot stumps on your own, but this method is also not the best, and therefore, we will consider separately its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of manual uprooting

Manual stump removal is carried out in absolutely any place on your site, which is very good, because not all stumps can be approached with a crusher and, especially, on a tractor;

With a skillful approach, uprooting stumps by hand is enough effective method, since it is possible to remove from the soil not only the stump, but also the absolute maximum of the root system;

After the release of the land from the stump, the next year it is ready for cultivation.

Flaws manual uprooting stump

First of all, it is really hard, and sometimes even hellish physical labor;

This method cannot be applied in winter, since its effectiveness is completely lost due to the significant complication of work - snow, frozen soil, mud, and so on;

The cost of such uprooting from firms is now almost impossible, and if so, it will cost you a fortune, especially if the tree was tall and old, and had a serious root system.

How to uproot stumps with your own hands?

Manual uprooting of stumps is used everywhere, and each experienced summer resident encountered him several times. It happens approximately the same in any region of our country, and indeed the whole world as a whole.

So, do-it-yourself stump removal occurs completely independently or with the help of physically strong like-minded people. You will need crowbar, shovels, axes, hammers, levers, possibly winches, and also, cutting tool and, of course, gloves and plastic goggles for your own protection.

The stump is dug from all sides to a certain depth - more often, a couple of tens of centimeters. Further, its main roots are separated from the stump and, with the help of levers or a hefty force of the participants in the process, the stump is removed from the soil.

How many words, but the features of the process are not described. I make up for this deficiency.

When removing a stump, you have to dig a larger hole, the larger the tree - this is necessary to get to those places of lateral roots where they are not too thick.

Earth and sand on the roots quickly dull the cutting tool, so its use is desirable only after cleaning the roots from the bark.

You have to dig up each lateral root to remove a piece from it.

You need to chop with an ax obliquely towards the direction of the root.

Stump removal takes a lot of time and physical strength because you have to work at an uncomfortable height.

Therefore, manual uprooting of stumps should be taken only when the stumps really interfere and there is no time to use the Mushroom method.

And now I describe the ancient and forgotten stump twisting method:

Using a ladder, cut down the tree at a height of 400 cm, then remove the trunk and branches to the side, sawing them into pieces.

With an ax or a shovel, remove the bark from two opposite sides tree at a height of 60 cm.

Using a chainsaw or cordless chainsaw, cut a through hole.

We insert a long lever into the hole - a rail, a channel, a thick-walled metal pipe.

So that the stump does not crack, we wrap the stump with a rope or a thick rope, at the same time it is useful to grab the lever so that it does not slip in the hole.

We lean on the lever and twist the stump - while the lateral roots bend, break and tear at some distance from the stump, and the central root (if the tree has one) is twisted, shortened in length, which leads to tearing off many small roots. It is only foolish to hope for the removal of most of the root system, because in all plants the volume and mass of the aboveground and underground parts are approximately equal.

To observe the reaction of the roots and facilitate the twisting process, you can dig into the tree and even cut off some of the roots.

If you don’t have enough strength, either call your neighbors for help, or use a chain hoist, or use a winch.

If there is a hoist and there is not enough total length of extension cords, you can bring an electric generator to power the hoist.

To pull out the central root, we apply a sawn off piece of the trunk to the rest of the trunk, fixing it with two pins driven into the soil, tie a rope to the upper end of the trunk and, using a lever with a good aspect ratio, pull out the central root from the soil.

The genius of this method lies in the fact that it is not the Force that is used, but the Moment of Forces!

So, in my opinion, Stump Uprooting is best done using the Mushroom Method and the Stump Twisting Method. It is these two methods that I am going to use in the ecopark.

I invite everyone to speak in

Consumption ecology. Manor: Now let's talk about one of the most unpleasant and time-consuming procedures. This is the removal and uprooting of stumps, roots and other forest heritage (it is no secret that plots for suburban construction were and are allocated on purpose and allocated on waste and low-value lands, in addition overgrown with forests).

Usually this forest is of no value and is cut down completely (with rare exceptions, but in this last case the owner of the "species" site will not need our advice). Spruce, birch, alder and other woodland are cut down quickly enough, but their roots and stumps can cause a lot of trouble. Let's say screw screw piles you won't succeed. It is also better not to put a traditional slab foundation "on stumps".

Therefore, stumps and roots will have to be uprooted. If there are relatively few of them, you can do it manually. Four people with axes, crowbars and a winch will, in principle, replace a small excavator, but their fee in total will approach the cost of a machine shift.

Manual way

Manually, it is quite possible to remove not only the stump from the soil, but the entire root system. Of course, this is hellish work, and the use of mechanization is very limited here. Use chain saw it is very difficult in the ground (the rollers will clog, and the saw will become unusable). A disc cutter is more applicable (see below for a crusher), but its advantages over good ax are not obvious.

In winter, it is practically impossible to remove stumps manually (frozen soil will not let go of roots, and large stumps, even old and rotten ones, freeze in the cold and become "stone").

And yet - where to start? To put it bluntly: security. At manual work just need gloves and plastic goggles.

Then the stump is dug from all sides to a certain depth, more often, a couple of tens of centimeters. Exposed roots are chopped off from the stump and, if possible, removed from the soil (preferably with a lever - crowbar or something similar). You can use a winch - if you can find a foothold. For example, you can gain a foothold (or start a cable) for a separate strong tree(so don't saw them all clean).

With a tractor

It would seem, what could be easier? However, there are also disadvantages here. Of course, you will need free access to the removed objects. Further: neighboring sections and roads are very likely to be damaged. In addition, the tractor will almost inevitably ruin the surrounding trees and bushes (if you care about them). And most importantly, ordering a tractor is quite expensive and becomes profitable if you clear a more or less large area.

Combined equipment is often used (such as TEREX light tractors). It combines the functions of an excavator, a bulldozer and, say, a hydraulic hammer. It is advisable to use all the functions of such a tractor: for example, you can bring soil to the backfill in advance (after removing the stump, your site will be disfigured by pits) and, using the tractor as a bulldozer, immediately level these pits.

There is a nuance: low, swampy areas are often inaccessible even to a tractor (especially a wheeled one). The more he develops an effort, the sooner he will dig into the ground.

Removing stumps with a crusher

Yes, it is appropriate to talk here not about uprooting, but about the removal of stumps by milling and crushing. In this case, it is often used manual technique- for example, a compact wheel crusher from Laski (despite the pleasant name, it is quite powerful and efficient), similar mechanisms from Husqwarna and other manufacturers. Such mechanisms (manual and self-propelled) with the help of a special disk cutter will crush your stump to the ground and below. Moreover, you yourself will be able to control the diameter of the recess, the depth of the resulting hole, and so on.

Still, crushing with a disc stump cutter has its limitations. So, as a rule, it cannot go deeper to remove the remains of the stump by more than 30 cm (this may be enough for garden landscaping, but very little for foundation work). This method is also ineffective (and even dangerous) when removing stumps in cluttered areas, for example, after construction works. Any piece of rebar or stone can break a cutter, and it's not cheap.

They also use a rotary cutter (on a hydraulic manipulator). It is a pleasure to watch how such a cutter strictly vertically bites into a stump. But she also has drawbacks: she will destroy the stump, but the roots will have to be chopped off and removed from the ground by hand.

Chemical stump removal

The use of chemical reagents to destroy stumps and roots can terrify the ecologist, but not the builder. Interestingly, with the help of chemistry, it is possible to remove not only the aerial part of the stump, but also possible young shoots.

Usually saltpeter (sodium or potassium) is used for this - by the way, one of the components of gunpowder. True, this method is long and laborious. First, saltpeter is poured into the stump, then (after a few months or even a year) they are burned out with ordinary fire. At the same time, even the underground part of the old stump burns out.

Ammonium nitrate (urea) is also used. In this case, you don’t even have to set fire to the stump. It will take about three years to "destroy" a stump in this way.

And yet this method is only suitable for huge, old, deeply rooted stumps in the middle of a landscaped area, that is, where other methods are inapplicable.

There is an even more exotic and rather aesthetic way: removing stumps with the help of mushrooms. A rotten stump can be populated with mycelium of edible mushrooms (honey agarics, oyster mushrooms, and so on). A stump covered with mushrooms may or may not become a garden decoration. One way or another, in five years the mushrooms will be completely destroyed - and all these five years you will have fresh mushrooms on your table (please understand us correctly).

Let's say a little about why it is necessary to remove stumps, even if at first they fit well into the landscape and do not interfere. Stumps are harmful to surrounding plantings, and to humans too. Within a year, dead wood becomes a haven for all sorts of harmful organisms(starting from bark beetles, beetles to various larvae). Also, the stump will inevitably serve as a distributor and "provoker" of various diseases (including human ones, such as asthma), and will become a source of mold and rot throughout the site. Therefore, the most stringent measures should be applied to the stumps, and in order to choose them more correctly, you can return to the beginning of this material. published

Let's talk about how you can get rid of a stump that prevents, for example, building a barn on this site or acquiring new bed. There are faster ways to get rid of the remnants of a sawn tree, and there are more time-consuming ones. Let's explore all the options so you can make a choice.

Of course, a beautiful stump can be made part of landscape design, adapted to a bench or flower bed. However, the old stump does not always look attractive, moreover, it can become a source of rot and insect pests. In addition, new shoots may appear on a fresh stump for many more years, but you do not need them. In this case, it is better to remove the stump as soon as possible.

Option one

Most fast way- Hire professionals special equipment, which will simply pull out the stump along with the roots. Pros - you do not make any effort, everything happens quickly. Cons - the service costs money. Uprooting one stump with a winch - at least 1,500 rubles. If the stump is large - more expensive. In addition, vehicles cannot always drive up to the location of the hemp, and brute force can damage the roots of neighboring trees. And for a small amount of work it is very difficult to find performers.

Option two

Manual way. A very time-consuming, but effective option is to do everything yourself. You will need a shovel to dig into the stump, to get to the roots. Then an ax will come in handy to chop off all the branched roots. Some elastic roots will have to be cut off, so do not forget about the hacksaw too. After that, the stump is loosened, tied with a rope and pulled out. You can use a winch or call an assistant. With little stumps from fruit trees this version of uprooting is not so difficult, although a lot of effort will have to be made.

Option three

Wet. Water will help to facilitate the manual uprooting of a stump with a highly developed root system. Around the hemp, you still have to dig a hole, and you will need another one - at least 0.5 m 3 with a volume about half a meter from it. It is into the second hole that water should flow, which, under strong pressure, is washed away by the earth around the stump. The water helps to expose all the roots, which will be easier to cut off. In addition, from wet soil the stump is easier to pull out.

Option four

Fire. You can try to burn a stump firmly sitting in the ground. Efforts are much less than in the case of manual uprooting, but this will not work quickly. A fresh stump will generally burn very badly. You will have to lay firewood over the stump more than once or twice and burn a fire until you achieve your goal. Of the minuses, one can note the fact that large roots will still remain in the ground, you will have to remove them in the process of digging a site freed from hemp. Yes, and firewood will have to spend a lot.

Option five

Chemical. If you are not in a hurry to get rid of the stump, but do not want to make a lot of effort, use the chemical method of destroying it. To do this, holes are made in the stump with thick drills, where potassium or sodium nitrate is poured. The chemical is poured with water to start the reaction, the holes can be covered with clay, and the rest of the tree itself is covered with a film, which should be pressed to the ground with stones so that the wind does not rip it off.

One medium-sized stump takes about 2 kg of saltpeter. You will have to wait about a year. It is best to put the chemical into the stump at the end of summer in order to get the result the next year. During this time, saltpeter will saturate not only the upper part of the stump, but also its roots.

The stump soaked in saltpeter burns perfectly, so at the second stage of such uprooting, fire will come to your aid. Even wood hidden underground will smolder, leaving only dust that can be easily removed. The disadvantages of this method include not only the duration - not everyone is ready to wait a year. Saltpeter in large quantities may adversely affect the condition of nearby plants. In addition, it is impossible to burn the stump impregnated with the chemical in the area with peat deposits. Fire from smoldering roots can set fire to peat bogs!

Instead of saltpeter to destroy the stump, you can use common salt. She just falls asleep too. drilled holes, the stump is covered with a film. You also have to wait less than a year until the wood turns to dust. Remember that the soil in your area will suffer from a large amount of salt! Instead of salt and saltpeter, urea is used - in this case, the stump will rot in two years.

We state: if there is no strength, but there is time, it is better to choose chemical method getting rid of the stump as much less time consuming. If not, for example, it is planned to start construction on the site already this warm season- uproot, facilitating the task by washing the roots with water.

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