Shield extension to a wooden house. Extension to the house: organizational issues, features, technical solutions and methods of construction. If you decide to attach a bath

If you decide that there is not enough veranda in the house or in the country house, then it can always be completed. But first, ask yourself: why do you need an additional outbuilding? If purely for relaxation against the backdrop of nature, then it makes sense to do outdoor terrace or gazebo. The veranda is erected to increase the thermal insulation of the house, because it plays the role of a vestibule between the street and the front door, blocking the direct entry of cold masses into the premises. The side function of the extension - to be a place of rest - will be performed only if the room is spacious and insulated. Then in winter you can sit with a cup of tea, contemplating the winter landscapes. Let's try to figure out how best to attach a veranda to the house so that it is warm in winter and maximum air in summer.

Since the veranda will become part of the main building, its style should match the design of the house itself. It is recommended to use the same materials that make up the walls and roof of the house so that the building looks harmonious.

If used in home decoration modern materials, That glass veranda looks quite appropriate

You can also combine materials, connecting the house and the veranda with the help of decoration. For example, if the house is brick, keep the same roofing, and make the walls of the veranda out of blocks, but exterior finish execute decorative plaster and with it to finish the foundation of the main building. To wooden country house definitely worth attaching a wooden veranda.

WITH best ideas for the design of the veranda can be found in the material:

Wooden house and veranda look like a single ensemble

Planning and legalization of the project

The veranda is always built in such a way as to cover front door. Therefore, in already finished house you can't put it on the side you want. Without an entrance inside, this room will be torn off from the house, and food and tea from the kitchen will have to be brought into it across the street.

The owners themselves come up with the dimensions of the veranda, taking into account the number of people who could relax in it at the same time. For the needs of a family of 5-6 people, a 3x4 m building is enough. But here it is worth considering general form from the street. If you think of a small veranda, and the dacha itself is two-story, then it is unlikely that your architectural ensemble will look harmonious. But for small houses, you can just attach a veranda to the entire width of the wall of the building. This will increase the usable area, and from the outside it looks quite decent.

But for any footage, you will have to officially legalize the building. And not after construction, but before! When you come up with the design of the veranda and estimate its general appearance, go to special department, engaged in the design of buildings, and order a veranda project. After its manufacture, one must go to the architectural department of the city in order to obtain a building permit and make changes to the project of the house. Why is it important to do this ahead of time? It takes about 2 months for the project and approval, so it is better if they fall in the winter, when the construction season has not yet begun.

Marking and laying out the site

Before you start work, you need to prepare the site. To do this, remove the fertile layer (about 15 cm) and take it to the garden or flower beds. The site is leveled and staking is started. According to the dimensions specified in the project, mark the boundaries of the future veranda. To do this, iron pins or wooden pegs are driven into the corners of the building and twine is pulled tightly around the perimeter.

The outer edge of the layout should match the dimensions of the veranda, and the inner edge should be the width of the foundation

Creating a Foundation: Pour Rules

Most often in Russia, for a veranda attached to a house, they make a tape or columnar foundation, equal in depth to the foundation of the main building. At the same time, it is recommended not to tie them into one monolith, because the house and the veranda have different weights, which means that varying degrees shrinkage. And so that a heavy building does not pull a light building behind it, put the veranda on a separate base. To do this, a gap of up to 4 cm is left between the foundation of the house and the veranda.

Attention! When creating the foundation take into account the characteristics of the soil in your area and total weight the buildings. Lightweight foundations on heaving soils can “play”, and then the veranda will move away from the wall of the main building. In addition, they are not designed for heavy walls, for example, made of brick, and can shrink under their pressure.

It is used for the construction of large verandas made of bricks or blocks, which are covered with a heavy roof (slate, metal tiles, etc.). The easiest way is to build a strip foundation for a veranda to a concrete house.

On strip foundation the heaviest veranda will stand

For this:

  • A trench is being dug (calculate the dimensions according to the foundation of the house).
  • The formwork is placed at a height equal to the height of the future foundation (or slightly higher). It is made from boards, knocked down into shields.
  • Concrete is prepared in the following proportion: 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 6 parts of crushed stone.
  • The first layer of concrete is poured to the bottom and reinforced with stones to make about 10 cm.
  • Then the next portion is poured, stones are added again, etc.
  • For the top layer of concrete, stones are not used, but the surface is leveled with a trowel and left to dry (3-4 days).
  • If it’s hot, then they spill it a couple of times a day to avoid cracking the foundation.

If the veranda is frame or wooden, then you can put it on a columnar foundation. To protect against heaving of the soil, dig holes to a depth below the freezing of the soil in your area (more than a meter). For a small and light veranda, it is enough to put posts only in the corners. For a large one, it is worth making a series of intermediate posts with a step of 50-60 cm between them.

Column foundation can be made of concrete, blocks or red brick

Work progress:

  1. Holes are being dug.
  2. The bottom of each of them is covered with a 20-cm layer of sand.
  3. Concrete is poured to the surface of the earth and is expected to dry.
  4. Coat the finished post with bitumen and fill the gaps between it and the ground with sand.
  5. The above-ground part of the column is created from brick or block masonry, bringing it to the height of the main foundation or slightly lower. Be guided so that about 30 cm remains to the finishing floor of the veranda.

Subfloor installation

Work order:

  1. We fill the space of the subfloor with expanded clay for insulation.
  2. We cover the foundation with a double layer of roofing material (both tape and columnar).
  3. We fix the logs on the foundation, having previously smeared them with an antiseptic.
  4. Laying edged boards(thickness 5 cm).

Logs are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic composition

You can also make a concrete floor, but in this case you will have to carry out additional thermal insulation works because the base will draw cold from the ground and the floor on the veranda will be constantly cold.

The construction of the frame of a wooden veranda

Consider how to build a wooden veranda. To do this, they mount a frame of bars, 10x10 cm in size. Work procedure:

  1. Bars are placed on the finished draft floor for bottom strapping, connecting in the corners with a "straight lock".
  2. Cut out in the bars every half a meter grooves for vertical racks.
  3. They put racks, fixing them with nails and staples.
  4. A beam for the upper strapping is attached to the racks from above.
  5. Near the slope of the roof of the house, a beam-girder is nailed, on which the rafters will lie. She must be taken to anchor bolts(and all racks adjacent to the building).
  6. The truss system is installed.
  7. The whole tree is treated with an antiseptic.

Material on the construction of a veranda in a frame-type cottage will also be useful:

The bars for the lower strapping are laid on a foundation waterproofed with roofing material

A rafter system is attached to the bars of the upper trim

Design features of the roofing pie

Most often, roofs are made single-pitched. At the same time, they are more sloping than the roofs on the house. Creation roofing cake on the veranda is carried out in the same way as the installation of the roof of an ordinary house.

A continuous or intermittent crate is stuffed onto the rafters, depending on the roofing.

Only if you have a home attic type, then you made a vapor barrier with one of the layers. In the veranda, vapor barrier is not needed, because the under-roof space will not be used. In addition, with high-quality insulation of walls and floors, the vapor barrier layer is contraindicated. After all, a couple of the premises must go somewhere. And it will seep through the ceiling to the attic, and from there - volatilize outside. To do this, it is worth laying a special super-diffusion membrane as a waterproofing layer, which does not let moisture in from the outside, but the steam from the inside passes freely. True, it is not used for steel and metal coatings, because they can rust from condensation. For metal tiles buy a special condensate film.

Superdiffusion membrane consists of microscopic funnel-like pores

Wall cladding and window installation

After creating the draft floors, you can sew up the frame, leaving openings for windows and doors. For this:

  • In the locations of the windows we install window sill, which should be about half a meter from the floor. We fix the board to the vertical posts.
  • We sew up the frame with materials that will keep warm and fit the main building. From the inside it can be plywood, and on top of it - lining, outside - or wood. But be sure to lay a layer of insulation between them and a waterproofing film (on both sides of the insulation), so that moisture from the street and steam from the inside do not penetrate into it. Don't forget to leave window openings.

After you have made the frame of the veranda to the house, insert windows and doors.

When installing vertical racks, a step is made between them equal to the width of the windows

It is better to sew up the walls on both sides, laying insulation inside

Also, it is necessary to pay attention that the door should not be located opposite the internal door leading to the house. Otherwise, drafts cannot be avoided. It is best to do it from the end, so that the cold air that has flown in when opening does not find its way into the living quarters.

Features of creating a brick or block veranda

If the veranda is attached to brick house, then it is logical that its walls are made of bricks or blocks, ennobling them with decorative plasters.

The brick veranda must have a solid foundation, as the construction will be heavy.

Mounting Tips:

  1. It is better to put the extension on a strip foundation.
  2. Take on the masonry yourself only if you have building skills.
  3. Since the building will not be large, half-brick laying is enough, and inside put in blocks.
  4. Fill the voids with expanded clay.
  5. They trim such a veranda with drywall or plaster it, and then paint it.

Pay special attention to the insulation of each structural element. Even those owners who first put up an uninsulated veranda look for ways to make it warmer after a couple of seasons. Because freezing corners and frosted doors are not very pleasing to the eye. And in Russia, severe winters are not uncommon.

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A great way to increase the area is an extension to wooden house. Projects of such structures are striking in their diversity and scale. After choosing a suitable project, you need to prepare special materials. An additional extension is useful when creating a kitchen area, or a luxurious terrace. Any room can be built independently, but it is necessary to choose the right type of building.

Such structures are often built from logs, timber, foam blocks, and also from bricks. Frame technologies are often used.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Ask a Question

"option under common roof considered more convenient and profitable. When using superstructures, it is worth calculating the strength of the base.

Related article:

Extension to the house from the frame: features of design and installation

When making an extension to the house from the frame, significant costs will not be required. This a budget option. The construction is made on a frame basis, which consists of bars or planks made of metal. After the installation of the frame structure, the walls are clad on both sides. In this case, OSB or chipboard plates are used. Heat-insulating material is laid between the plates. It can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

In terms of thermal insulation properties, frame structures are not inferior to more solid stone or brick buildings.

Construction work is carried out in several stages:

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

Ask a Question

"For frame structure a foundation is required. You can use a tape construction with waterproofing.

Extension to the house of foam blocks: photos of interesting projects

You can build an extension to the house from foam blocks.

This design is in demand due to the following features:

  • The material is available at an affordable price.
  • To mount the structure, it is not necessary to mount a complex and expensive foundation.
  • The elements hold heat well. This is possible due to the porous structure and low density index.
  • Foam blocks are produced overall dimensions, which affects the speed of construction.

For structures made of foam blocks, a special foundation is required. It can be a tape or monolithic base. Be sure to use high-quality waterproofing. Construction work starts from one selected corner. After installing two rows. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion of the elements.

An extension to a wooden house made of timber: installation nuances and style features

A beautiful and solid extension to a wooden house can be made from a bar. Projects and photos of individual can be found on the Internet.

The material has the following features:

  • The production of timber is carried out according to factory technologies.
  • Surface processed special composition, which protects against fungi and decay processes.
  • Naturalness and high environmental friendliness are considered important advantages of the material.

The extension must be connected to an existing building. Usually, the same foundation is made for the structure as for the main building.

For living quarters, a separate foundation and a special wall should be created. The void and the gaps between two walls are blown out mounting foam. This will prevent damage to the building wall during shrinkage. new extension.

More economical option foundation is piled. The walls are built from profiled timber. After installing the first row, the surface of the tree is treated with antiseptic compounds. Then lags are mounted on it. Voids and cracks are filled with special heat-insulating material.

Each row is fastened with wooden dowels. special attention requires installation of corner zones. For this, logs with a ledge and a groove are used for a stronger grip.

For your information! Reinforcement is used to unite the two foundations.

Before proceeding with the construction, one should take into account some of the nuances of installing an additional structure to the main structure. The length of the new structure should be in harmony with the length of the main building wall. The width of the additional structure can be any.

The extension does not have to be adjacent to the wall where the entrance to the house is located. Access to a spacious veranda or kitchen area can be from the living room. If a bathroom is planned in an additional structure, then the exit can be made from or. suitable location structures are considered to be the front or end part of the house. The choice and amount of material depends on the type of future structure.


Outbuilding size overall - 6000x3000

Walls - foam block 20x20x60 wall thickness 20

Finishing inside - plaster

The type of roof is a complex envelope.

Doors - 890x200cm.

Windows are optional.

Foundation - strip foundation (calculated separately).

Paid separately:


Warming - knauf (knauf) house 50mm; 100mm or similar (if any).

pile foundation or foundation blocks

Installation of a soft roof

Floorboard replacement

window replacement

Door replacement

Replacing the floor with larch

Hemming roof extension

Extension of the boiler room to the house 3x4 price: 155000 rubles.

Outbuilding size overall - 3000x4000

Floor - dry grooved floor board 28mm.

The walls of the boiler room - foam block.

Finishing outside - finishing brick

Finishing inside - tiles

Finishing the ceiling of the extension - plaster.

The roof of the extension is a professional sheet painted 0.4mm.

Roof type - hipped.

Doors - 80x200cm.

Windows are optional.

Extension partitions - no.

Paid separately:


Installation of a soft roof

Floorboard replacement

window replacement

Door replacement

Replacing the floor with larch

Hemming roof extension

Extension to the house 8x8 price: 190,000 rubles.

The basis of the frame extension - timber 150x100

Outbuilding size overall - 8000x3000

Floor - dry grooved floor board 28mm.

Frame - timber 100x100.

Finishing - impregnation with a composition from decay and fungus

Finishing inside - no

Finishing the ceiling of the extension - softwood lining.

The roof of the extension is a professional sheet painted 0.4mm.

Roof type - one-pitched.

Doors are not.

Windows are not.

Extension partitions - no.

Foundation - foundation blocks 20x20x40.

Paid separately:


Heat insulation knauf (knauf) house 50mm; 100mm or similar (if any).

Pile or strip foundation

Installation of a soft roof

Floorboard replacement

window replacement

Door replacement

Replacing the floor with larch

Hemming roof extension

For extensions, two types of foundation are used:


1. Requires clearing the area for construction;
2. Digging holes for blocks up to 20 cm deep;
3. A pillow is poured (sand or gravel), after which it is carefully rammed;
4. Concrete blocks of 20x20x40 cm in size are laid;
5. Waterproofing with roofing felt is required;
6. The floor is laid on logs supported by blocks.

Pile-screw foundation:

1. Pile - a hollow pipe made of durable steel, treated with an epoxy composition with a pointed tip and blades on it;
2. Installation is carried out by screwing the pile into the ground manually;
3. Pipe concreting with parallel alignment;
4. Mounting the strapping.

Our advantages:

. We accept payment after completion of work;
. Delivery by our transport;
. We use quality materials;
. We work under a contract.

Before proceeding with the construction of an extension of a living room to an individual residential building, you need to obtain permission from the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

Learn more about how it is done in order to avoid mistakes when self erection brick walls.

Insulation of the roof from the inside is not very expensive and will save money on heating the house. Read about how to perform insulation and what materials to choose.

To do this, you will need to provide documents for land plot(lease agreement or certificate of ownership, cadastral passport), documents for the house (certificate of ownership, technical passport), construction and architectural projects (in principle, there can be one project, but it must necessarily contain sections affecting the construction and architectural part of the annex under construction) and, of course, write an appropriate application for a permit.

Foundation for an extension

After receiving the permit, we start construction. Of course, you need to start construction with the construction of the foundation. To do this, along the perimeter of the future outbuilding, we dig a ditch with a depth of at least half a meter, the width of the ditch should be about the same.

We cover the bottom of the ditch with sand and gravel. This is necessary in order to increase the density of the connection between the foundation and the ground, as well as in order to reduce the risk of subsidence of the foundation.

Then we start pouring the foundation. The solution of the future foundation is prepared based on climatic conditions your region, the characteristics of the soil of the earth, the size of the future room and the weight load exerted on the foundation by it (all this should be reflected in the project). In addition, the foundation must be below the freezing level of the soil.

If the foundation is above this level, then in this case the moisture accumulated in the soil will swell and expand during freezing, and thereby cause additional uneven loads on it. Such an impact on the foundation will lead to its deformation, as a result of which cracks of various sizes may appear on it and the walls of the future room.

After the foundation is filled, it should be watered abundantly. You need to start watering eight to ten hours after the completion of work on its construction. This is necessary to avoid the appearance of cracks on it and its uneven drying. This procedure you need to do three or four days in a row.

In order not to constantly run with a hose, the foundation can be evenly covered with wet sawdust. The foundation will dry completely after three to four weeks. But this does not mean that you can immediately start building walls. Let it sit for a year. During this time, the foundation will completely sink and “find” its place.

When pouring the foundation, it is better to give preference to the type of its construction, which will be similar to the construction of the foundation under the main house. If the foundation under the main house protrudes from the outside beyond its borders, then the new foundation can be “connected” to it, to give strength and avoid additional subsidence.


The walls of the room can be built of brick, cinder block, or round logs, or other suitable building material. A block extension to the house is also a viable option, although not the best. Everything here will depend on your preferences and financial capabilities.

But it is better, from the point of view of aesthetics, the material of the walls of the new extension should be similar to the material of the walls of the main house or be combined with it (unless, of course, you are going to carry out the exterior decoration of the walls of the whole house with modern finishing materials). An example would be frame extension to a wooden house, this is both simply done and looks aesthetically pleasing.

The height of the walls (ceiling) of the new extension should be slightly lower than the height of the main building. It should be exactly as low as necessary for the arrangement of the roof.

When erecting the walls of a new room, it is necessary to resolve the issue of their "bundle" with the wall of the main house. IN this case experts do not recommend the use of a rigid connection. Since the weight and "age" of the main structure exceeds those of the new extension, which in turn affects their uneven subsidence. A rigid connection in this case will lead to the appearance of cracks. And not only at the junction. It is best to use an "elastic layer" in such cases.

"Elastic layer" settles as follows. The wall of the extension should not adjoin closely to the wall of the main building. Between them you need to leave a small distance of two to three centimeters. The remaining space is filled with a special sealant (Vilaterm or foamed polyurethane) for expansion joints and gaps.

Making a roof

It has already been said above that the height of the annex should be slightly lower than the main house. So, when constructing the roof of a new room, it is necessary to ensure that the roof goes under the eaves of the house, forming a smooth transition. The pairing of the two roofs should be such as to prevent as much as possible the ingress of precipitation in the form of snow, rain or other moisture into the extension.

Best of all, at the junction of the roofs, arrange the transition from a galvanized iron corner. We bring one part of such a corner thirty or forty centimeters under the roof of the main building and leave the same amount on the roof of the new extension. The resulting space between the roof and the edge of the metal corner is carefully sealed.

Beams for the roof of a new room can be made, for example, from wooden beams. The bars themselves are laid on pre-prepared grooves in the wall. As the covering of the roof of the extension, we choose a similar material for the roof of the main building. The ceiling must be insulated. Expanded clay can be used as a heater or mineral wool or similar material. Samo ceiling can be either wooden or reinforced concrete slab. The same goes for gender.

By the way, to level the floor, it is best to resort to a dry screed. In terms of its qualities, such a screed is no different from others. In addition, it requires less labor and financial costs.

The interior of the new room will depend on its purpose and your design skills. But before that, do not forget to first swipe in new room all necessary engineering and technical support networks, for example, electricity and heat supply.

And in the end I would like to say that all construction works for the construction of an extension to a residential building must be carried out in strict accordance with the project submitted to the department of architecture and urban planning.

Any deviation from the project will entail certain legal consequences, up to the impossibility of legalizing the house as a whole. If at the construction stage of the extension you deviate from the project for any reason, then it is better to immediately inform the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning about this, get their approval and make appropriate changes to the project.

After the extension of the new living room is erected and accepted by the commission for the commissioning of buildings and structures, you can safely go to the registration chamber and make appropriate changes to the title documents for the house.

Some time after the construction of the house, often, there is a need to expand usable area. The only way out of this situation is the construction of an extension to a wooden house. With proper design of the structure and the selection of appropriate materials, this event can be performed independently.

What do you need to know?

The construction of any object requires the creation of a project based on calculations. The construction of an extension to a wooden house is no exception. In doing so, provision should be made for constructive solution, which would exclude the occurrence of cracks. When choosing architectural form extensions, one should not forget about the need to create a unified complex in style.

In addition, it should be understood that the construction of an extension must be agreed with the relevant organization and have all the necessary accompanying documentation. Otherwise, the constructed object will be considered a self-construction and in the future the developer will have to decide the issue of legalizing it.

Types of extensions

Before starting the construction of an extension to a wooden house, you should study possible options structures and technological features their construction. After analyzing the information, the choice of materials and technology of work is greatly simplified. This approach will allow you to harmoniously connect the extension with an existing building.

Canopy. This is the simplest extension design. It is necessary to protect the porch and people from sunlight and bad weather. In addition, under a canopy you can spend leisure time and receive guests.

The construction of a canopy does not necessarily require the construction of a powerful foundation. Installing pillars that play the role of supports can become a fairly solid foundation. A frame is mounted to them, and the surface of the walls is formed, depending on the taste preferences of the developer.

Wooden house may need an extension

Summer room. She, often, is equipped from an extension. The room is designed for relaxation and serves as a place for friendly feasts. As the basis of such an extension, a strip or column foundation is constructed. wall material frame structure serves plywood, boards or bricks.

In order to create better illumination the walls are partially glazed. Roof summer room it can be with one or two slopes, and it is undesirable to make its design heavier. Warming or creation heating system in a place like this would be inappropriate.

Living room. The device of a full-fledged living room implies a full construction cycle. When building a foundation, use a block or monolithic structure. For the construction of walls, brick, foam blocks or timber are used. During the construction of the roof, a layer of waterproofing is necessarily arranged. The entire structure of the structure must also be well insulated.

Kitchen. Arrangement in the extension room is a rather complicated undertaking. This is due to the fact that in addition to the construction of a capital structure, all communications are required, including sewerage and ventilation.

Garage. Such a structure is being built on, on which walls of brick or blocks are located. A reliable roof is also being constructed from slate, metal tiles or corrugated board. In addition, the room must be well ventilated.

Porch. Often on device various designs outbuildings, it is necessary to build a porch. The material can be concrete, timber or metal. With a significant height of the porch or the presence of a turn, a railing is required.

Mounting Features

The device for an extension to a wooden house largely depends on how the premises are supposed to be used and whether it will be residential. If capital construction is necessary, it is necessary to build a reliable foundation, separate from the base of the main building and the wall. Communications are also required.

The main problem with building an extension is connecting it to the house. If there are omissions at this stage, then the formation of cracks on structural elements structures are inevitable.

There are the following ways to connect structures:

  • Construction of an independent structure. The method is used in the case of construction on moving soil. The base is arranged closed along the perimeter, having no points of contact with the main foundation. The gaps between the surfaces of the walls of structures are provided with reliable hydro- and thermal insulation. The roof is arranged using a similar technology.
  • Integration of the extension into the main building. The implementation of this method is associated with certain difficulties. To connect the structures in the foundation of the house, anchors or pieces of reinforcing steel are mounted. Then, with the help of welding, it is connected to the frame of the base of the attached structure. At the end of this event, they begin to pour the foundation of a monolithic type. The connection of the walls of two structures becomes possible with the partial dismantling of the box of the house. To integrate roof structures, disassembly is carried out truss system at home and connecting it with an extension. Moreover, the fastening occurs both to the rafters and to the beams of the main building. After that, the roof covering is laid so that it represents a single surface.

When building a foundation for an extension, it is necessary to take into account the type of foundation under the house. This is due to the fact that different types foundations on the same soil give different shrinkage. To prevent this phenomenon, the same base designs should be used.

Construction of an annex

Calculation and purchase of materials

At the design stage of an extension to a wooden house, the purpose of the object, its number of storeys and design features are taken into account. This allows to carry out optimal choice material and draw up a construction estimate.

The following materials can be used for its construction.


The use of timber for the construction of an extension to a wooden house - best option. Moreover, the beam can be any: glued, rounded or planed. Standardized material dimensions greatly simplify installation.

As a rule, timber is produced by specialized enterprises, each product has strictly defined dimensions, and the quality of wood meets the standards. In the factory, the material goes through all the necessary stages protective treatment, which increases the life of the wood. If necessary, then ready product undergoes heat treatment to give the wood a certain shade. natural wood refers to environmentally friendly materials, which has a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the house.

In addition to the qualities described, the versatility of the timber should be noted, since it can be used to create an extension not only to a wooden house.

If the cost of the timber exceeds the construction estimate, then you should pay attention to other materials.

The most difficult thing is to connect the extension to the house

Frame extension

A good option from an economic point of view is the construction of a frame structure of an annex. It is characterized by the possibility of conducting work on the existing foundation, which significantly reduces the construction time.

The technology of building an extension involves the construction metal frame or wooden structure. To create a wall surface, the frame is sheathed on both sides using chipboard or OSB. Between them, a layer of thermal insulation is arranged from the available heat-insulating material. On top of the insulation, there must be a vapor and moisture barrier.

The frame structure of an extension to a wooden house is easy to install and is available for self-assembly.


When using brickwork when erecting the walls of an extension to a wooden house, you can get a capital structure. The material has good thermal insulation properties, so the extension can have both economic and residential purposes.

To maintain integrity architectural style it is recommended to move the brick annex out of sight. This does not exclude its location on the rear side of the building. Brickwork has a significant mass, so a reliable foundation is being built that can withstand the loads from the walls.

The cost of construction in this case increases not only due to the rise in the price of materials and additional costs for the construction of the foundation, but also due to the cost of finishing work.

Main stages of construction

Foundation installation

The base for an extension to a wooden house is selected depending on design features structures. If you plan to create a dwelling, then the construction is mandatory. At the same time, its depth should be the same as that of the main building. Reliable connection of two structures occurs due to reinforcement.

The course of work on the construction of the foundation takes place in the following order:

  • perform markup;
  • dig a pit or trench of the appropriate depth;
  • formwork is installed;
  • produce a bunch of reinforcing cage;
  • pour .

At this stage, moisture protection should be performed.

Light extension on a column foundation

Wall mounting

The construction of the extension walls is no different from the technology of building a house from a bar or other lumber. In this case, the resulting expansion joint must be sealed with mounting foam.

When using the same materials for the construction of an outbuilding and a house, the walls are connected using different fasteners. Dowels are made in the beam. Screws and plates are used, as well as brackets for fixing walls.

Roof installation

In the case when the height of the extension less height wooden house, the roof is made with a significant slope. This will allow you to freely remove precipitation. In this case, the connection of both roof structures is not necessary.

During the construction of a two-story warm extension connection of roofs of structures is recommended. For this purpose, a partial dismantling of the roof of the main house is carried out and the floors are connected metal corners. After that, waterproofing is arranged, and the roof is laid. Must be organized one system drainage.

The roof is best made from the same material as the main building.

How to cut costs?

You can reduce the cost of building an extension to a wooden house if you consider the following recommendations:

  • the cost of timber is lower if you purchase it in winter;
  • self-construction of the foundation will achieve savings of about 20%;
  • use improvised materials;
  • use wireframe method construction.
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