Entrance group from double-glazed windows to a private house. Entrance groups for a private house: projects, materials, photos. What should be the doors in the entrance group

Home protection, an attractive facade, a beautiful panorama - all this is important for the owner of the house. Why solve several tasks at once, spending money and time choosing individual elements for the facade? KELMAN offers the best option- entrance group a private house. Sturdy door, beautiful stained-glass windows, safety, protection from weather conditions- all in one "complex".

Comfortable and stylish

Entry group into the house - a "system" of multifunctional elements. Durable profiles will allow you to organize a platform or terrace. The porch will provide a convenient entrance. Visor - protects from weather conditions. doors various types(swing, sliding) - maximum comfort of movement. decorative elements(columns, "outbuildings") emphasize the style of the building. The advantage of the structures is the ability to organize and mount an entrance group of any size and configuration.

We use for profiles modern materials that do not lose technical characteristics during long-term operation.

Entry group country house can be made of aluminum profiles, metal-plastic (plastic), metal. Glass selection:

  • Hardened - resistant to mechanical stress, resists strong impacts.
  • Triplex - excellent protection against noise, weather conditions. Some types of material can withstand bullet impact.
  • Energy-saving - no heat loss, no moisture.
  • Sunscreen - minimize the penetration of ultraviolet radiation and heat.

Panoramic glazing looks very impressive, it is possible to control the light transmission, giving preference to transparent or matte canvases.

The entrance group to the cottage is reliable protection from intruders entering the house. At your choice, we equip doors various systems security.

What is the entrance group of a residential building?

Modern solution, excellent performance characteristics, durable profiles are a system for a comfortable life and protection of the house from cold and heat. To make it meet all the requirements, carefully choose the “right” door:

  • Swing - canvases open inward or outward (attached to fittings or hinges).
  • Sliding - shutters in automatic or manual mode move along the "rails". Cloths open in opposite directions or in one-way mode.

The glazing of the entrance group of the cottage is also an excellent design of the facade. Applying Newest technologies processing materials, we are ready to design canvases different sizes, colors, configuration.

A winter garden, an entrance hall, a terrace - the entrance group of a private house (photo in the catalog) creates additional rooms in the house filled with light and warmth. In addition, your home will always be protected from the weather.

Appreciate the functionality at a low cost of goods? We offer to purchase aluminum profile entrance groups.

The entrance group is an architectural structure, which consists of several elements. The main element of the entrance group is one or more entrance doors. Additional elements consider fixed sections of glass, canopies, canopies and fences located near the entrance. The entrance group is not just Entrance door: but also part of the stained-glass window or vestibule framing it. The entrance group must correspond to the status and image of the company.

Types of entrance groups

By design features There are several types of input groups:

  1. Swing is a classic front door made of one or two glass panels. This option is often complemented by glass transom partitions to create a full-scale translucent structure. They are only manual opening (not automatic) and can be supplemented with an anti-panic system.
  2. Sliding - doors with a roller mechanism, thanks to which the canvas moves easily, opening a free passage.
  3. Automatic - the doors are equipped with an electromechanical drive and several motion sensors, on the signal of which the door is opened. This type of doors has long become familiar in hypermarkets, shopping malls, and business centers.
  4. Revolving doors move around their own axis. Inside such structures there are sections for passage, surrounded in a circle by curved glass panels. To ensure security, the carousel entrance groups are complemented by traditional side swing doors.
  5. The use of radial semicircular sliding doors began relatively recently and allowed designers and architects to get away from the annoying angular, rectangular shapes. Door leafs made of bent (curved) triplex or tempered glass are available both in frameless all-glass design and in aluminum profile.

Advantages and features of glass entrance groups

Glass entrance groups are especially popular in large shopping malls, administrative and office buildings, large sports complexes. The glass entrance group of a restaurant, hotel, cinema looks beautiful. In fact, this is a modern hallmark of the building, which attracts the attention of others.

Increasingly, glass entrance groups are installed in private homes. Features of the manufacture of structures according to individual sizes, allows you to embody any design ideas.

In addition to a luxurious appearance, these entrance areas have an important function: they create a full-fledged protection of the room from cold, precipitation, drafts, and noise. In some buildings, a duplicate structure is installed, due to which a vestibule is created at the entrance. In addition, thanks to the transparency of the glass, the room behind the entrance becomes more naturally lit. sunlight which saves on electricity.

For the manufacture of glass entrance groups, 2 types of structures are used: all-glass and warm groups in aluminum (sometimes PVC) profile.

All-glass entrance groups

All-glass entrance groups have a more impressive appearance, due to the absence of profiles and frames. Glasses and fixed sections are mounted on special, almost invisible fittings and steel holders. In the manufacture, fittings are used that are designed for a higher than usual load. Thus, the impression of a solid transparent wall is created, overlooking the street. However, when installing an all-glass entrance group, it is necessary to install a thermal curtain in winter or arrange a second glazing circuit for building a vestibule.

In a large-sized all-glass entrance group, curtains and stationary elements above the average height of a person must have visible markings at eye level (about one and a half meters from floor level). Any ornament can be used as a marking. Thanks to the marking, the glass will be more visible, which will avoid the collision of people through inattention with an imperceptible barrier due to transparency.

Aluminum systems

Aluminum profile systems are a more insulated option, since the doors are provided with a hermetic seal, and the seams are closed with a profile. However, with increased operation of the doors, cold air still penetrates into the room, therefore, in this variant thermal curtain will not be redundant.

The following advantages of aluminum profile entrance groups can be listed:

  • practicality, thermal insulation, creating a convenient entry / exit;
  • the ability to realize the most intricate design idea;
  • design diversity is achieved through color solutions.

For the manufacture of aluminum doors, you can use a cold and warm profile. The warm profile in the design has a thermal bridge, which accordingly increases the level of thermal insulation. In the manufacture of the entrance group, only quality materials and especially strong accessories providing reliability of designs. Cold Profile does not have a thermal bridge and is used only when there is no need to maintain a certain temperature regime.

Serious pluses are the strength and lightness of the material. With its help, large and reliable structures are installed. The construction of entrance groups with an aluminum profile is fast.

Entrance groups made of glass with aluminum can be painted in any color and coated with an anodized oxide solution, which provides not only a high decorative effect of the structure, but also protection from negative impact aggressive environment.

Glazing of entrance groups: advantages

Briefly, we can list the following advantages of glass entrance groups:

  1. The glass surface reflects light, it can be seen from afar, it will not remain noticed.
  2. Modern man-made urban architecture requires glass and metal, so glass groups- is in step with the times.
  3. Safety: glasses do not burn, do not deform or collapse from rain, sun and are able to withstand strong impacts.
  4. Unlimited design possibilities.
  5. The most durable type of finish - up to 50 years of service.

In addition, you can not lose sight of the marketing component. Due to the transparency of the structure from the street, the interior of the room is perfectly visible, especially in the evening when the lights are on. If it is a restaurant, then this property will increase the flow of customers attracted by the splendor of the interior. If this is a store, then through the glass you can see which groups of goods are being sold, which will also attract the attention of potential consumers passing by.

Entrance groups equipped with automation

Modern entrance groups, which are installed in buildings with high attendance, are equipped with automation. Most often, the entrance group to the store is equipped with automation. Almost any type of door can be equipped with automation: swing, retractable, carousel, radius, revolving. When choosing an automation option, take into account dimensions entrance group, the estimated number of opening / closing cycles per day. Automatic doors are equipped with motion sensors, on the signal of which they are triggered to open. Sensors can be programmed for any distance from which a person approaches the door.

Entrance groups inside the premises

In addition to the entrance groups separating the street and the room, in some cases they are also installed indoors. This is how a separate entrance to a large organization can be designed, occupying, for example, an entire floor in a large business center. Such structures do not need additional sealing and insulation, therefore they are mainly made in an all-glass version.

Glazing options

Glass doors can be made of traditional transparent glass or other options: tinted, frosted, mirrored. Anti-vandal solutions are used for high traffic areas. Tempered or triplex glass up to 12mm withstands hits by heavy objects - cobblestones, crowbars, and when broken, either crumbles into small rounded fragments (tempered) or sags on the adhesive layer in the form of a curtain (triplex), which guarantees the safety of people who are nearby.

Depending on the budget apply:

  • Triplex is considered the most durable glass. It is made by gluing under pressure in a vacuum several layers of ordinary or tempered glass. Triplex can be used in all structures: in frame, frameless, in entrance and internal groups.
  • Double-glazed windows are used only in frame structures and provide maximum sound and heat insulation.
  • Tempered high-strength glass is made by tempering: heating to high temperatures and rapid cooling.
  • Reinforced - fragments during destruction are held by a thin reinforcing mesh.

Additional elements

The entrance group usually has a visor. If it is also made of glass, the design becomes visually more accurate. For the manufacture of visors, either tempered or laminated triplex glass is also used. Outdoors, stainless steel fittings are used for installation. When designing a canopy, it is necessary to take into account snow and wind loads, architectural features of the building, as well as the climatic features of the region.

A glass canopy or canopy is considered load-bearing structure, which consists of several reinforced canvases. To increase the strength at large sizes glass it can be combined with metal. The following visor designs are the most popular:

  • mounted on suspensions;
  • supported by a column;
  • spider on shrouds.


The entrance group is a complex of architectural and technical elements installed at the entrance to the building. The combination of these elements is selected individually, taking into account the wishes of the owners regarding the design and architectural features facade, the purpose of the entire building, building codes, requirements fire safety, noise and heat insulation.

The cost of the project depends on several factors:

  • the size of the entrance group;
  • door type;
  • accessories used;
  • the need for glass decoration;
  • project complexity;
  • installation features.

Remember that the entrance group is the face of a store, restaurant or office building. It depends on its design, what impression will remain about your institution and whether the buyer wants to come here a second time.

The entrance group of double-glazed windows to a private house is a symbiosis of structures that provide easy access to the building. Modern technologies manufacturing various designs allow the use of any material. Even plastic and aluminum, glass, which until recently were considered fragile materials, are now used almost everywhere.

What profile can be used when installing a double-glazed window

The entrance group of double-glazed windows to the house can be installed on a wooden, metal or plastic profile. also in last years for registration public buildings often began to use metal-plastic. Such designs have a large number of advantages, which we will discuss later.

In any of these frames, you can install a double-glazed window with one or more air chambers, which affects the width of the product. At the same time, it is worth considering in advance in the project that the design will have quite big weight so it needs a solid foundation.

Construction of products with double-glazed windows

  • You need to buy an entrance group to a private house with a double-glazed window in cases where it is necessary to isolate the building from external factors.
  • The main qualities of a double-glazed window include soundproofing and heat-insulating ability.
  • Protection is provided through the use of double glass and an air chamber, which can contain air or argon.

IN last case the insulation value increases. Also, for the device of a sealed design, you can use a double-glazed window with several chambers.

The greatest effect is achieved when using warm profile. The maximum thermal insulation index is for wood, slightly lower for plastic, followed by aluminum. Warm aluminum profile has a polyamide insert inside, which significantly reduces heat loss.

Benefits of installing double glazing

The entrance group of double-glazed windows to a private house has the following advantages:

  • insulating ability;
  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of application at any dimensions of the opening;
  • great combination with window blocks Houses.

Beautiful entrance groups of houses from this material can be created using decorative techniques. For example, you can color plastic profile according to the RAL catalog, cover aluminum and plastic with a decorative film that imitates the structure of wood, etc.

has long been put on stream, and their varieties can be divided into several categories - according to the type of used door mechanisms.
Swing The simplest and most common version of the door mechanism in everyday life. The rotation of the sash is made by hinges cut into the frame. The door can only be opened in one direction.
pendulum Unlike the previous type, the pendulum-type door opens in both directions. The sash of the system is not blocked by the frame structure.
Sliding A variant widely used in compartment-type railway passenger cars. The door opens by sliding away from the passage.
Telescopic As in the previous type of door mechanism, the movement of the wings occurs due to movement along the rail on the carriages. The difference lies in the fact that the leaves themselves are divided into segments that move in a bundle and slide one after the other when the door is opened.
semicircular The rail-carriage mechanism is somewhat modified, as are the door leaves. The rails and the doors themselves are arched, which gives the entrance group a radius shape. An elegant design solution, attractive to the inhabitants.
Revolver The flaps are fixed on the shaft, and the passage is opened due to physical impact on the flap or mechanical impact on the shaft. Perfect option for the input group, assuming a large throughput.
Tambour This design allows you to combine different types door mechanisms. It involves the space between the exit from the building and the entrance to the room. The tambour is used to reduce heat loss from the building to the outside.

Double-glazed windows in themselves are excellent heat insulators, which allows them to be used in any of the proposed design options.

We offer you to get acquainted with the variety of entrance groups from double-glazed windows by materials, application and type of door mechanism:

Material selection


Type selection

Materials for entrance groups from double-glazed windows

Entrance groups from double-glazed windows are made by our studio under the order. Are determined the right dimensions necessary components and others specifications products. The choice of materials used is somewhat limited - double-glazed windows have been produced for a long time. established standards GOST. In their manufacture, laminated glass is most often used - its heat-shielding characteristics are among the best among other types of glass sheet. It consists of a triplex of two or three glass sheets glued together with a special protective film. It is quite difficult to break such material, so the strength of the triplex makes it excellent choice for the arrangement of the entrance group. In addition, in emergency situations this species glass does not form sharp fragments - which is extremely important in practice. This helps to avoid injuries among visitors and workers. Others in the manufacture of double-glazed windows are used extremely rarely.

Rice. 2. Double-glazed windows for the entrance group do not differ in design from window

Double-glazed windows are made using plastic or metal (aluminum). These materials have proven themselves in construction and installation works, they function perfectly in any conditions with proper care. Do not forget that the profile for the entrance groups of double-glazed windows can perform various functions.

  • Metal-plastic. Modern and ergonomic material that does not require special care. Excellent thermal insulation combined with large stock strength help to make interior spaces warmer, significantly increasing the life of the entrance group compared to other construction technologies.
  • Aluminum. Fairly light and durable metal. Does not require special care, does not lend itself to corrosion and decay, and its low thermal insulation properties are more than offset by the use of double-glazed windows and heat-insulating materials in the design.

Double-glazed windows are most often attached to the H-shaped metallic profile with a metal thickness of at least 3 mm. You can learn about the procedure for designing and installing entrance groups from double-glazed windows below.

Installation of entrance groups from double-glazed windows

From double-glazed windows implies the following steps:

  • The working space should be cleared to concrete for the strength of the structure to be installed. It will be fastened at the bearing points directly into the concrete.
  • Installation door frame. First of all, vertical bearing "pillars" are mounted along the perimeter of the future entrance group. After their installation by welding, the profiles are fastened together by horizontal segments.
  • For fixing double-glazed windows in openings, you will need anchor plates and bolts. It is necessary to mount windows and panels in the openings as evenly and accurately as possible, otherwise ugly gaps will be visible.
  • Filling the remaining gaps between panel and profile mounting foam. Excess foam is removed after it hardens.
  • When all windows and panels are installed, and their correct functioning is thoroughly checked, you can proceed with the installation of platbands to hide the profile.
  • Door installation. The gaps between the opening and the profile are carefully foamed, after which the excess foam is cut off in the same way, and platbands are attached to hide the profile.

The point about installing the door frame is not the only true one. When using a revolving or pendulum door mechanism, the door installation technology will be somewhat different.

Advantages and disadvantages of double-glazed entrance groups

Like other types of entrance groups, entrance groups from double-glazed windows have their advantages and disadvantages. They need to be highlighted to help potential customers decide on the type of construction.

The advantages include:

  • excellent appearance of the materials used;
  • nai best performance according to the thermal insulation parameter;
  • the possibility of using decorating techniques;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to choose the material for the profile, allowing you to build exactly the entrance group that best meets the aesthetic requirements and design project.

Rice. 3. Slightly different in price, entrance groups with double-glazed windows have the best performance
energy savings compared to those where a single layer of glass is used

The downside of this design can only be considered a solid price. However, the costs are justified by the quality of work performed. Our studio gives a 100% guarantee of excellent results.

The cost of entrance groups from double-glazed windows

The cost of entrance groups from double-glazed windows varies depending on many factors, such as:

  • selected profile material and glass type;
  • hardware manufacturer;
  • number of valves;
  • use of parts of non-standard sizes;
  • the use of decorating techniques;
  • the size of the entrance group and the amount of materials spent;
  • door mechanism design.

It should also be taken into account that if the order will involve will grow a little. In any case, the costs will be quite significant, which, of course, is fully justified by the quality of workmanship and the materials used.

The term of production of entrance groups from double-glazed windows makes from 10 days.

Ordering entrance groups from double-glazed windows from our studio

Production and installation of entrance groups using absolutely any materials and types of glass is possible when placing an order in our studio. Any of the presented types of door mechanisms, a variety of configurations and bold design solutions- We will do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. The convenience of using our entrance groups and their long trouble-free operation are guaranteed.

Plastic entrance groups represent a room of dimensions between the entrance to the building and the exit to the courtyard. Their main task is to minimize heat loss. Design feature plastic entrance groups and PVC doors - the presence of a special thermal lock that ensures constant maintenance of a favorable temperature regime in the house. In winter, it retains heat, and in the heat - it works exactly the opposite, keeping cool inside the room.


  • These systems are known for their reliability and long service life.
  • Doors of these designs are equipped with a multi-locking mechanism.
  • The fittings used ensure a snug fit of the door leaf to the frame throughout the entire parameter.
  • Plastic entrance groups to a private house can be made in any color by laminating.
  • The PVC profile from which the vestibule is made is fireproof and provides high level soundproofing.
  • Entrance door designs are single-leaf or double-leaf.
  • Systems are resistant to adverse external factors and easily withstand temperature fluctuations.

Types of plastic structures

  • Embedded.
    Structural solution located inside the house, only doors go out to the street. Such a room serves as a small hall for the owners.
  • Attached.
    The entrance group goes beyond the boundaries of the house, attaching itself to it, and becomes something like an additional vestibule.
  • Open.
    The design includes a porch and a canopy, sometimes equipped with handrails and stairs. Such input groups become " calling card» at home and are used in the design of cafes, offices, shops.
    This solution is frame structure from a profile made of plastic or aluminum. It harmoniously integrates into the architectural composition of the building and is used as a hall or vestibule.

Characteristics and properties

  • Profile width door structure PVC input group varies from 60 to 80 millimeters.
  • Quantity air chambers located in the profile, can reach 6 pieces.
  • The plastic profile is able to withstand air temperatures up to -60 degrees Celsius.
  • Glazing thickness pvc doors is 4-6mm, 24, 32 and 40mm.
  • The materials of the plastic entrance group are environmentally friendly, certified and comply with GOST.
  • The service life of these systems is approximately 40 years.

Our company has been manufacturing plastic entrance groups in Moscow for a long time. We independently carry out the full cycle of work: from manufacturing to installation, so we are ready to offer our customers very affordable prices with guaranteed high quality!

PVC windows: Interesting facts and news

Stylish entrance groups for office buildings Entrance groups for a country house and a summer residence Entrance groups for residential facilities
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