Mirrored ceiling with your own hands. Exclusive interiors with mirrored ceiling. Ceiling panel prices

A do-it-yourself mirror ceiling is an original, modern and unique design solution that will not only add sophistication and elegance to the entire interior, but also visually expand the space and double the height of the room.

Types of mirror ceilings

Ceiling installation

  • Mirrored polystyrene adhesive boards. These boards are made in rolls and have a size of 2612x1000x1 mm. To the question of many consumers: how to make mirror ceiling with these boards? To do this, we describe below the installation technology.
  • Mirror stretch ceilings. In such a ceiling, a PVC film is often used to obtain a mirror effect. Of course, it has good reflective properties (since it is glossy), but still the effect is slightly different than that of mirrors. Therefore, the reflections are quite blurry. On the other hand, such a ceiling gives an excellent expansion of space.
  • Mirror suspended ceilings. Most often in such ceilings, mirrors are used as inserts. At the same time, the size of the tiles can reach from 300 to 1200 mm. The mirror, at the request of the customer, can be tinted in absolutely any shades, including golden.

There may also be mirrors made of polyacrylate or polycarbonate glass. Such ceilings have a significantly lower weight and are more suitable for installation in private houses and apartments. The mounting methods for such mirrors are exactly the same as for ordinary ones.

Such a ceiling with a rack mounting system is also possible. In this case, metal suspensions are first mounted on the ceiling with their own hands, and there are rails to them. This design is interesting in that the mirror surface takes on a dissected look, like long mirror seams.

The entire do-it-yourself suspension system, regardless of what types of glass are used in it, must have an increased margin of safety and high resistance to corrosion.

Advantages of mirror ceilings

Mirror ceiling requires knowledge of certain subtleties

  • Lighting improvement. Mirrors have a display property sun rays. And if do-it-yourself lamps are also installed, then a feeling of a uniformly lit space is created;
  • Significant expansion of space. Also, the mirror has the ability to expand any space;
  • Moisture resistance. Due to this, it is possible to use mirror ceilings in rooms with high humidity;
  • aesthetic and pleasant appearance. The mirror itself performs the function of decor;
  • Environmental friendliness. The process does not use any chemical substances and additives that do not have the ability to accumulate static electricity;
  • Variety of uses. As you know, do-it-yourself mirror ceilings can be used in conjunction with suspended plasterboard ceilings, creating unique design masterpieces. In addition, the mirror tiles themselves can be decorated with various patterns, which makes them a unique decorative material.

Disadvantages of mirrored ceilings

  • Prone to contamination, as it will be necessary to periodically clean the mirror surface;
  • Fragility: Heavy and sharp objects should not be placed on the surface. Otherwise, it will break;
  • Before installation, you need to level the ceiling.

After the choice has been made, the question arises: how to make a suspended mirrored ceiling? Namely, how to make it yourself?

Mirror ceiling installation

Mirrored ceilings have the ability to expand the room

Before you do the installation yourself, you need to calculate the number of mirror tiles needed for the ceiling. At the same time, the process of cutting a mirror is quite laborious and requires certain knowledge. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance the number of tiles and entrust the cutting of the mirror to professionals. Or you can do it yourself if you have the appropriate skills. We will describe how to make a suspended mirrored ceiling below. There are several ways of installation: gluing and fastening with screws.


  • Before starting the installation with your own hands, the surface is properly prepared, since all tiles must be located on the same plane. And often many concrete ceilings bumpers are not suitable for installation. Therefore, alignment is carried out using plywood or moisture-resistant drywall. Is being done suspended ceiling, on which mirror tiles are subsequently attached;
  • Next, a careful gluing procedure is carried out on special adhesives for mirrors based on epoxy resin or silicone rubber;
  • Glue is applied crosswise (along the diagonal of the tile), as well as around the perimeter;
  • The tile is firmly pressed against the ceiling. It is important to make sure that it holds well enough so that it does not fall on your head later. To do this, it is pressed with effort, and then checked. Then move on to the next tile.

Screw fixing

  • Required tools: self-tapping screws, drill, screwdriver, stepladder, roller with a long handle;
  • Also, as in the previous version, before starting installation, the surface is properly prepared, since all tiles must be located on the same plane. Leveling is carried out using plywood or moisture-resistant drywall. A suspended ceiling is made, on which mirror tiles are subsequently attached;
  • In the corners mirror tiles small holes are carefully drilled;
  • On screws and dowels, special rubber washers are put on. This is done in order not to damage the surface of the mirror. Further, the tiles are fixed with these screws;
  • For greater reliability and better fixation, you can combine the two methods by adding glue.

Installation of mirror polystyrene plates

Mirror ceiling with caissons

  • Before starting the installation, the plates must be leveled, preferably under the load. They also need to get used to room temperature;
  • These plates are glued quite simply. For this on them, with reverse side there is a special adhesive layer;
  • Sometimes these plates are produced without an adhesive layer, then they can be glued with PVA glue;
  • You can mount such a coating directly on the plaster. And in order to avoid air bubbles, it is necessary to use a special rubber roller.

Recommendations: before buying such a polystyrene sheet, it is important to look at how it is calculated for wet rooms or not. Also, on a polystyrene sheet, you do not need to use powerful or halogen lamps in recessed fixtures, since the plastic often melts.

The popularity of mirror ceilings is gaining momentum in recent years. They are often preferred not only in residential areas, but also in public areas - in offices, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants. But to do right choice materials for their manufacture, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the main features of mirrored ceilings. Having weighed all the pros and cons, you can create your own unique interior.

The ceiling is that important component of the interior, which draws attention when entering any room. The mirror ceiling is a modernized, spectacular looking way. original decoration rooms.


Mirror ceiling coverings have a number of advantages:

  • The mirror surface of the ceilings visually makes the space larger, in this regard, this solution is very relevant for small apartments.
  • The same effect affects the lighting: the mirror reflects not only the room itself, but also the light, respectively, the light in rooms with a mirrored ceiling becomes at least twice as much.
  • An important factor is safety. Mirror elements with inside covered with a protective film, which prevents the mirror from disintegrating into fragments and, as a result, protects against possible injuries.
  • Sandblasting ceilings and airbrushing allows you to apply any pattern or effect to the surface, which will add sophistication and originality to the entire interior.
  • The material is well combined with other coatings.

  • The installation of mirrored ceilings is very simple, a person without professional training can handle it, and the installation takes place almost without dust and dirt.
  • If the ceiling is mounted using suspension systems, all communications and electrical wiring can be hidden behind it.
  • Due to its moisture resistance, the material is suitable for bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity.
  • They visually increase the room, the space becomes wider, lighter, more comfortable.
  • You can choose any color of the coating.

  • Mirror ceiling coverings are extremely moisture resistant, so they are often installed in bathrooms.
  • Mirror tiles have an advantageous property - they hide any irregularities in the floors.
  • They are easy to care for: just wipe with a cloth, after wetting it in a special solution for glasses.
  • The material can be easily combined with other types of coatings, such as aluminum structures, wooden slats with glass covers.

But despite all its advantages, this material there are also disadvantages:

  1. when installing the ceiling covering, you need to be very careful not to violate the integrity of the material;
  2. if you choose a material with sandblasting, do not forget about its fragility;
  3. dust quickly becomes visible on the mirror surface, which requires more thorough and frequent maintenance;
  4. installation of a ceiling covering using suspended structures entails a decrease in the height of the room;
  5. there are ceiling tiles without a moisture-resistant coating, pay attention to this Special attention when choosing materials;
  6. bathroom slabs must be processed at the edges before installation, otherwise their service life will be significantly reduced;
  7. it is necessary to perfectly level the surface before self-assembly mirror ceiling, otherwise all irregularities will be visible;
  8. the fragility of the structure, so when installing mirrored ceilings, you need to be extremely careful and careful.

Some tiles are not coated with a moisture-resistant material, so when choosing tiles, you need to carefully study every detail.

The surface of mirrored ceilings quickly becomes covered with dust, therefore, it requires frequent and careful personal care. Another point is high price such structures.


There are several types of mirrored ceilings.

The easiest mirror to install Armstrong ceiling: first, the suspended structure is mounted using a T-profile, and then the mirror tiles are simply placed on top. In addition to the ease of installation, the advantages of this system include the possibility of combining mirror plates with matte or colored ones.

This version of the ceiling is suitable, for example, for corridors and hallways. Mirror tiles with a facet (beveled edge) will look more aesthetically pleasing, but they will be mounted end-to-end on the outside of the structure using silicone glue. There are also tiles, the joints between which are closed with decorative inserts in gold or chrome.

Slatted mirror ceiling is usually used in the kitchen and bathroom. Lamellas made of aluminum coated with chrome or gold are ideal for these rooms, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for practical ones, as they have high moisture resistance. The slats are mounted on suspended structure. The rails of the suspension system are of three types: open, closed and with decorative inserts. Closed ones are fastened end-to-end, overlapping each other a little.

Open slats are attached with a small gap, which is almost imperceptible with a ceiling height of 5 meters and above. As in the case of tiles, mirror slats can be alternated with matte or colored ones. Or, conversely, you can get a completely mirror surface through the use of mirror decorative inserts between the lamellas.

Stretch mirror ceiling is universal, suitable for any room. Such ceilings have a highly reflective surface, due to which they are practically indistinguishable from a real mirror, while being much safer and lighter than the latter. Like any stretch ceiling, it has a seamless surface, is quickly mounted, does not require a perfectly flat initial surface and makes it possible to hide electrical wiring.

Installation of a stretch mirror ceiling should be trusted to professionals who have the necessary skills and special equipment.

Real mirrors on the ceiling have the highest reflectivity, but at the same time they require the most difficult installation: due to the large weight of the material, several types of fasteners are required (mechanical and glued). It is also not possible to obtain a single seamless surface due to technological limitations. But mirrors can be of any shape and color, which allows you to create an exclusive design, you just need to adjust the plates to fit. right size and cut them.

To prevent chips and scratches, it is better to cut the mirrors on special equipment. As a result of complex and time-consuming installation, this type of mirrored ceiling is the most expensive compared to their alternatives.

Polystyrene slabs are the newest type of mirrored ceilings. Plastic panels are very popular, their size is 600 x 600 mm.

Installation takes a lot of time, since the material itself is supplied in rolls and must be straightened out at room temperature before installation. Rolls come with a base on glue and without it; in the second case, PVA glue is additionally required. In any case, the original surface must be perfectly flat, otherwise the ceiling will be with a distorted reflection. Also, the coating of polystyrene boards or acrylic may not be moisture resistant, which should be paid attention to.


Ceiling design is an integral part of creating an interior, sets general style the entire room. Mirror ceilings in interior design are a technical innovation, they began to be used relatively recently. And if earlier the possibilities of using mirror surfaces were limited, now they have received wide use thanks to great choice range of suspension systems finishing materials And design solutions. With their help, you can create a unique, bright and spacious interior.

The mirror ceiling can be made multi-level, create a pattern on it using sandblasting or airbrush effects, and embed spotlights in it. In addition, the surface of the ceiling can be not only glossy, but also matte. Also, the mirror ceiling can be given any color or tone.

The shapes and sizes of the plates differ in variety, and this, in turn, allows you to combine them as you like and create a unique ceiling design. Possibility to combine boards various colors, textures and sizes allows you to fit a mirrored ceiling into a room of any style and purpose, as well as make it a "highlight" of the entire interior: any modern style can be supplemented with a mirror surface, and to classic interior a ceiling with a light coating (the effect of an aged mirror) or a painting is well suited.

The mirror ceiling goes well with any other materials in the interior, be it wood, stone, textiles or metal, which also provides unlimited design possibilities and allows you to realize the most daring ideas.

Mirrors for the wall in the interior are universal remedy to solve problems with inconvenient layout and lack of space. The most popular design of such a ceiling covering is “black horoscope” and “starry sky”.

Scope of application

As mentioned at the very beginning, mirrored ceilings are preferred to be used not only in residential premises (living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways), but also in public ones (offices, hotels, restaurants, and others). Such wide application they have received thanks to their quality characteristics, a variety of design solutions and, in most cases, simple installation.

As a rule, in residential premises, a mirrored ceiling is used as decorative element in the form of inserts or a solid web, and in office space, shopping centers, and hypermarkets - as a full-fledged ceiling.

Mirror ceiling - stylish solution for a modern bathroom, captivating with its originality, elegance and practicality. This cladding is great for both large and, because it visually expands the space. Do you want to equip such a ceiling with your own hands? To get started, learn about the advantages, disadvantages and species diversity of coatings and evaluate the photos of ready-made structures to decide on the design. Also get acquainted with the installation instructions, and only then, armed with an auxiliary video, get to work. But first things first.

All for and against

Although mirrored ceilings are rightfully considered unique finish, they, like other types of cladding, have their pros and cons. Let's start with the first:

  • high moisture resistance - the mirror surface easily tolerates high humidity without losing its performance, therefore it is ideal for the bathroom;

Mirrored ceiling greatly expands the space of the room

  • the effect of expanding space - mirrors have the ability to visually enlarge the premises, which is especially beneficial in small rooms;
  • the ability to create various ceiling compositions - mirror materials are well combined with each other and combined with many other finishes;
  • ease of care - such ceilings can be washed with any cleaning products that do not contain abrasive substances;
  • amplification of lighting - the mirror surface reflects light rays, therefore, increases the illumination of the room;
  • a wide variety of designs - modern manufacturers offer a wide range of mirror materials with various external effects.

Mirrored ceiling with a pattern

The cons of mirrored ceilings are much smaller, but you need to know about them:

  • instability to mechanical damage- the mirror surface is quite fragile, so it can be damaged even due to minor impacts;
  • high cost - the price of such a finish is much higher than traditional cladding options: plasters, paints;
  • big weight- despite the visual lightness, the mirror ceiling is quite heavy, which creates inconvenience during the installation of such a finish.

Variations of mirrored ceilings

Before proceeding with the installation of the ceiling, you need to decide exactly what kind of finish you want to see in your own bathroom. And for this it is important to know the features of each option. There are three of them today.

Mirrored ceilings are also distinguished by their appearance:

  • solid - spectacular mirror canvases without traces of connecting parts, without any edges and prints;
  • with facet - a finish with bevelled edges that provide the original refraction of light rays;
  • with a pattern - canvases with printed prints of any size and color.

Mirror ceiling with built-in lighting

Mirror ceiling installation: preparation

Despite the variety of materials, not all types of mirror ceilings can be installed by hand. For example, tension structures require the involvement of professionals, since the structure uses metal frames, for the correct fixing of which special knowledge and skills are needed.

It is also difficult to work with glass materials. Therefore, we recommend installing it in the bathroom with your own hands. mirror designs from slabs. About working with such a finish and will be discussed further.

For the installation of mirror plates, it is necessary to carefully level the surface

First stage - preparatory procedures. First you need to decide how many mirror tiles you need. Calculate the area of ​​​​the ceiling and divide this figure by the size of one tile you have chosen.

Advice. Since you are equipping the ceiling without the help of specialists, buy a department with a margin in case of possible deformation of the tiles during the work.

If you buy tiles in the form of rolls, you need to straighten them in advance so that the cladding aesthetically lies on the ceiling surface. To do this, you can use any heavy weight with a soft base that will not scratch the finish.

Next, you need to clean and level the work surface. Remove the old coating and polish the ceiling. If it has small flaws, you can hide them with plaster. If the irregularities are too serious, it is better to hem the ceiling with drywall.

Advice. Use in the bathroom only moisture resistant drywall, as other materials due to high humidity can quickly deform, thereby provoking the destruction of the mirror ceiling itself.

After surface treatment, you can proceed to installation work.

How to fix a mirrored ceiling?

There are two options for installing mirror plates on the ceiling surface: using self-tapping screws and by gluing. Each of them has its own characteristics.

If you decide to stick a mirror tile, carefully select the adhesive

Sticking tiles- the easiest way to install a mirror ceiling. Suitable only for perfectly flat surfaces, that is, hemmed with drywall or at least treated with a primer. The process itself is quite fast:

  • apply adhesive to the ceiling and let it dry to improve the quality of the connection;
  • if necessary, apply glue to the wrong side of the tile;
  • apply the tile to the ceiling surface.

Advice. For the most durable connection of the mirror tile to the ceiling, gently press each piece to the surface with a rubber roller.

The second mounting option by means of self-tapping screws- requires more care and attention. First you need to make small holes in the four corners of each tile. They can be done with a drill and a drill. Subsequently, it is impossible to correct the existing markup, so try to make it as smooth and accurate as possible.

Caring for a mirrored ceiling will not give you trouble

Be sure to put rubber washers on the self-tapping screws you use so that the screws do not damage the finish. Then apply the tile to the ceiling and, armed with a drill, fix it to the surface through the already prepared holes. Make sure that there are not even the slightest gaps, otherwise the canvas will look unaesthetic. The final stage is the installation of chrome caps at the attachment points of the self-tapping screws that will hide the rubber washers.

Thus, the mirror ceiling is not only an original and practical, but also a fairly easy-to-use finish for the bathroom. The main thing is to choose right kind facing material and then the installation of a mirror canvas will be possible even for a non-professional.

Suspended mirror ceiling: video

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: photo

Modern ceiling products, which are offered by various companies, can surprise any person. Due to their attractiveness, mirrored ceilings have gained tremendous popularity. In addition, a significant role was played by the gradually declining prices for these products.

There are many varieties of mirrored ceilings on sale, and one or another option is definitely suitable for a particular room. As practice shows, often the owners decide to base the design of their room on mirrored ceilings, which set the general tone for the room.

In this article, we will consider in detail the specifics of choosing mirror coatings for the ceiling, as well as analyze the features of the repair, so that the mirror ceiling becomes the most attractive part of the home.

If a few years ago a decent mirror ceiling was limited to only a couple of options in a hardware store, now the range has grown to an unprecedented scale. It can be noted that to pick up a mirror ceiling even under the most original style space is not a problem.

In addition, you can pay attention to the fact that many manufacturers produce mirrored ceilings to order, so each person can get exactly what in the best way suitable for housing.

  • Classic mirror ceiling. The so-called "classic" among the mirror surfaces for ceilings is the surface of thin glass mirrors. They have an excellent effect associated with the spread of light and the visual expansion of space. However, the specificity of using such surfaces lies in the fact that their installation takes place in Armstrong tension systems.
  • Tension reflective coating. In the current conditions, even such a ceiling can be called a classic, since it is used really often and for a long time. for long years. First of all, it is worth noting that this is a material based on polyvinyl chloride. The film has a mirror effect, due to which it occurs visual extension space. The strongest side of such a ceiling is its resistance to various external conditions, thanks to which the material is successfully used in a variety of rooms. In addition, it becomes possible to create multi-level surfaces, this is exactly what stretch ceilings are so fond of.
  • Polystyrene boards. This is a strong and really durable resource, which often becomes the basis for mirrored ceilings. Their forte- this is not only strength, but also ease of installation, and also present in many varieties of adhesive backing boards.

Obviously, self-installation of mirrored ceilings is not always possible. For example, if we are talking about stretch ceilings, then here you can’t do without special equipment, so the easiest way is to turn to specialists for help. You can also try to do everything yourself, but the numerous features of the process can create a lot of problems, including financial losses if the material is damaged during installation attempts.

The main aspects when choosing a mirror ceiling

Immediately after we have decided on the main types of mirror ceilings, you need to pay attention to various features, which are essential both in the selection and installation of the material. Perhaps even the most insignificant detail at first glance can create many problems. In the following, we will elaborate on each aspect.

  • Color solutions. By the word "mirror" many people mean ceilings that look exactly like a mirror, but on a larger scale. In fact, the mirror effect here is not so large, but at the same time, various color solutions mirror ceilings. It can be silver, graphite or bronze. There are other options, but they are extremely rare on sale. The silver covering of the ceiling looks like it is the thinnest or translucent layer of foil, the graphite mirror surface has a rich steel hue, which gives the impression that the ceiling is completely metal. Bronze plating has golden tints. Sandblasting elements on such surfaces have recently become more common. It looks attractive if the room is created in the same style.
  • Ceiling height. Obviously, the height of the ceiling is of tremendous importance, since in some cases there may not be extra centimeters. If the ceiling in the room is 3 or more meters high, then almost any type of structure can be installed, while under rooms with a low ceiling it is possible to use only the facet system. The essence of this system is to use a minimum of space, and at the same time getting the maximum effect from the coating. It must be borne in mind that low ceilings severely limit almost any attempt to create original design, but at the same time, it is worth remembering that in a room of sufficient volume, mirrored ceilings will create an incredible effect.
  • Dimensions of mirror elements. If the room is small or has some other restrictions related to the area or space, then the size of the mirror elements play a huge role. As part of the facent system, elements with a side size of 30 or 40 cm are used. Designs called "Armstrong" consist of squares, the dimensions of which can be either 29.5 cm or 59.5 cm.
  • Use of lighting fixtures. It is obvious that the lighting in every space plays big role, therefore, with the use of certain mirror ceilings, we have significant limitations associated with the installation of fixtures. For example, if the owners decided to use a large hanging chandelier, then the only right decision would be to create a ceiling based on the Armstrong system. Polystyrene coatings are successfully combined with small lamps and chandeliers. From all this, we can make a logical conclusion that before buying a mirror coating for a ceiling or a chandelier, it is necessary to analyze the situation associated with the possibility of using a combination of these elements. In the event that the owners plan to create a mirror surface of only part of the ceiling, then there may not be any restrictions.
  • material characteristics. Each material used as a ceiling covering has significant limitations associated with the specifics of the space. For example, glass ceilings mirror effect It is better not to use in the kitchen or in the bathroom. The fact is that under the influence of moisture, the material will simply lose its presentable appearance. At the same time, as we have already said, stretch ceilings easily endure harsh conditions, but this does not apply to all types of products, so it is worth studying specifications material before purchasing.
  • Price issue. It just so happens that the mirror ceiling consists not only of the main material, which creates this whole effect, but also of the rest of the structural elements. From this we can conclude that the costs of such repairs can be more than large. Therefore, every owner who does not want to spend too much money can pay attention to certain design options, as well as types of mirror material. The savings can be more than impressive if you understand the specifics of the material, as well as consider possible sellers. Fasteners, suspensions, mortars and much more should be included in the calculation of the cost of repairs.

Types of installation of mirror ceilings

Obviously, mirrored ceilings by themselves cannot be used as part of the repair process, since everything is based on structures or slightly different mounting options. It is clear that installation plays an important role, since all this takes place on the ceiling, where the quality of work must be more than high. Therefore, you need to consider the main options for attaching mirror material:

  • Glue based. This is the easiest installation option, as it takes a minimum of time and Money. But at the same time, there is not always confidence in the quality of the result. IN this case we are talking about the use of tiles that are mounted on a cleaned concrete surface. Also, plywood (preferably moisture resistant) or drywall can be used as a base, but only if the ceiling itself has irregularities that can pose a certain threat to obtaining a high-quality repair result.
  • Based on dowels. This option for installing mirrored ceilings is used if large slabs are used as the main material. Small holes are drilled in the corners of the material, after which the installation to the ceiling takes place. Rubber pads should also be involved in the process, but only if the mirror plates are small and they should be tight.
  • suspension system. It's about about the prefabricated frame, which is a rather complex structure. The suspension system can have almost any dimensions, so it is possible to hide any flaws in the base ceiling, if such a need exists. In the process, special suspensions are involved, as well as a crate frame, where mirror materials are located.
  • Adhesive layer for polystyrene boards. If we are talking about polystyrene boards, then everything here is limited to the creation of a special adhesive layer, which is the basis for decorative material. Do not ignore the information that polystyrene must first be aged in the room where the repair will be carried out. Otherwise, the material during the installation process will begin to deform, which will lead to a complete failure of the repair measures.

Creating a mirror ceiling with your own hands

System features

In this article, we will consider the specifics of creating a mirror ceiling based on the Armstrong system. This is the most common option, which is used in a wide variety of conditions.

In the process, we will need the following components:

  • Mirror tiles. We are talking exclusively about elements that have dimensions of 60x60 cm or 60x120 cm.
  • profiles. Data metal elements have special holes for suspension. On sale you can find different types products, but most commonly used wall profiles, and T-shaped - for other cases.
  • Suspension. This component consists of a pair of bars that are connected to each other by a curved spring. To date, on sale you can find several options for the execution of this product, but their main essence does not change from this.
  • Mounting knot. This implies the use of dowels for self-tapping screws. All this is carried out on the base ceiling.
  • Lighting equipment. To create a decent mirrored ceiling, do not ignore the lamps that create the most attractive atmosphere in the room.

The process of marking the mirror ceiling

The first stage of the work itself related to ceilings is the marking of the surface.

  • It all starts with determining the most optimal ceiling level. Of course, it all depends on the room and the height of the base ceiling.
  • Appropriate marks are placed at the right level, which will allow the most accurate installation of all components. ceiling structure. An equally important part of the work is an additional check using a laser level.
  • The next step is to determine the places for mounting universal hangers. The distance between these elements should be about 60 cm. It must be taken into account that the weight of the suspensions is more than large. An important task is the need to arrange the structure in such a way that opposite walls panels were the same size. All this can be obtained by elementary calculations. In parallel, you need to apply markings that will indicate the location of the ceiling elements.

Frame installation

As part of the last stage, a small markup was carried out, which allows the installation of the frame.

  • Holes are created in straight lines every 60 cm. In these same holes you need to mount the suspensions. Also, do not forget about lighting fixtures that require additional holes.
  • A wall corner must be attached around the perimeter, the step is from 80 to 90 cm. Technological holes are also created that break right through the metal.
  • The main profiles of our frame must be fixed with universal hangers. Hangers called "butterfly" are very popular, as they are used to adjust the height of the elements of the ceiling structure.
  • As for the transverse guides, you need to remember that their location should be equal to the dimensions of the mirror plates. It is either 60 cm or 120 cm.

Installation of lighting elements

It is important to remember that the lighting is mounted earlier than the ceiling itself. mirror elements.

For an ordinary mirrored ceiling, raster lamps are used, which create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, and also comply with all safety standards. Therefore, they can be used not only in an ordinary room, but also in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The raster luminaires have fixed dimensions, which are ideally combined with the Armstrong ceiling.

To connect the fixtures, a somewhat unusual terminal block is used, which does not allow heating of the wiring, and, accordingly, will warn against trouble if ceiling material does not respond well to high temperatures.

Fixing mirror plates

At this point, the owners should already choose mirror elements for the ceiling. By the way, on sale you can find many options for executions specifically for the Armstrong design. Accordingly, one or another combination can be used to get the most attractive style rooms.

  • Mirror tiles are inserted into special cells. Despite the full correspondence between the dimensions of the material and the cell, everything must be done as carefully as possible. Careless movements can damage the material.
  • Mirror material is cut with a glass cutter. Common measuring devices are used, which will allow you to get the highest quality part of the material. As we have already said, the trimmed elements along the edges of the walls should have the same dimensions. This not only simplifies the cutting process, but also creates a nice style for the room.
  • It makes sense to combine mirror material with other products. Perhaps if there are a lot of mirrors, this will have too negative an effect on general impression from space.


When finishing ceilings today, unexpected and original solutions. One such example would be a mirrored ceiling that can visually expand a space.

Glass classic plates on the ceiling are glued or fastened with special screws.

Making a mirror ceiling with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem, there are many mounting options. It's unusual but beautiful slatted ceilings, suspended tiles and mirror tiles, which are glued either on the entire surface of the ceiling, or only on a selected part of it.

Mirror ceiling options

It is possible to make a mirror ceiling with your own hands. There are several options:

The darker the glossy film, the stronger the "mirror" effect.

  1. Can be applied tension materials. Special PVC film is used, it has high reflective effect. Such materials can be used for any room, installation is carried out exactly the same as for any other stretch ceiling. You can make beautiful multi-level designs with cornice lighting.
  2. Polystyrene products for glue base. This is a roll or slab material based on polystyrene. Outside, it is covered with a special polyethylene film. This option is not recommended for wet rooms. In addition, the material must not be heated.
  3. Slatted ceilings in the form of plastic or metal slats with a mirror surface. Usually these are narrow long panels.
  4. Glass classic plates that can take different shape and color. They are glued to the surface or fastened with special screws.

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Preparatory work

Mirror ceiling calculation.

To make a mirror ceiling with your own hands, you must first prepare the surface for work, select the material for installation.

Preparatory work:

  1. First you need to correctly calculate the amount of material. It all depends on the shape of the tiles, the area on which they will be glued. First you need to draw up a diagram showing the location of individual tiles, taking into account their shape. So it will be much easier to calculate the area, taking into account the position of the material on the surface of the ceiling and the dimensions and shape of each element. First you need to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach tile, then the entire surface that will be glued. Dividing total area on the value of each tile, you can get the quantity. If the entire surface of the ceiling will be sewn up, then approximately 5-10% should be left for trimming. The amount of glue is calculated depending on the consumption.
  2. After you need to prepare the surface of the ceiling for work. It should be even and smooth, whitewashing or paint should be carefully removed. Then the plane is carefully examined, if necessary, then all defects are eliminated. Plaster is used for leveling. If the irregularities are strong, then drywall will have to be used to eliminate them. If the mirror ceiling will be used in the kitchen or bathroom, you must purchase moisture-resistant drywall to level the surface.
  3. The plane should be treated with a special primer, before finishing it must dry completely.

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Installation of a mirror tile ceiling

A mirrored ceiling can be made in a variety of ways, but the simplest is the method of gluing tiles to the ceiling.

  1. You can use only special glue, which allows you to quickly and easily complete the job.
  2. You can mount the tiles using special self-tapping screws, the heads of which have decorative surface, i.e. they become a medium in their own right.

The gluing option is used most often, but it is only suitable for flat surface. Special experience is not required, you just need to prepare the plane. The installation process is as follows:

  1. The surface must be treated with a primer, as already mentioned, its layer must dry completely before the tile is glued.
  2. Glue is applied with a spatula to the surface, its layer should not be too thick or thin. The adhesive should dry slightly after application to improve adhesion.
  3. Next, use a spatula to apply glue around the perimeter of each mirror tile. During installation, it must be pressed tightly against the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plane with glue.

All connections must be made with high quality, each element must be glued firmly and reliably.

Otherwise, the beautiful mirror surface will begin to fall off. It is best to work with gloves so as not to leave fingerprints. It is necessary to press each element of the coating with a special rubber roller.

To work, you need certain materials and tools:

  • mirror tiles of the required shape and size;
  • tile adhesive;
  • building level;
  • a set of metal spatulas;
  • putty;
  • starting and finishing primer;
  • rubber roller;
  • protective gloves.
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