More good and different gloxinias! Reproduction by seeds and plant parts. How to grow gloxinia from seeds

- one of the most beautiful indoor plants. It belongs to the genus Gesneriaceae. Its flowers, shaped like bells, come in a variety of colors. There are 14 known species of this plant. It is more difficult to grow gloxinia from seeds than vegetatively from leaves. But if certain conditions are met, this is quite possible.

  • Gloxinia: description

Gloxinia: description

Gloxinia grows wild in Brazil. There it is a common plant and has about 20 species. This is a perennial herb with nodules. Two of them became the basis for the creation of famous hybrids. The name is associated with the name of Benjamin Peter Gloksin, who was the first to describe the plant. It has another name, sinningia. It comes from the name of the gardener from Germany W. Sinning, who lived in the 19th century.

There is an opinion that Sinningia and Gloxinia are two different plants, and it is Sinningia that grows on our windows, which everyone calls Gloxinia. Gloxinia has a scaly, oblong rhizome. And Sinningia has a smooth, round shape. Be that as it may, we have beautiful plant With lovely flowers, decorating our lives.

Our Gloxinia is a potted plant with large velvety leaves on succulent roots and large funnel-shaped flowers.

Their colors are very diverse, monochromatic and consisting of several colors or tones, including white, pink, blue. There may be inclusions in the form of specks, dashes, and borders. The fruit is a capsule with big amount small brown oblong seeds. 1 g contains 25 thousand of them. The plant is grown on southern windows.

Types of Gloxinia:

  • Perennis with smooth leaves and blue or purple flowers.
  • Gymnostoma (naked mouth) is brick-colored with brown speckles.
  • Ericoides with small flowers and bright leaves with black veins
  • Lindeniana with leaves that are decorated with dark veins.
  • Nematanthodes with bright orange flowers grown in the garden.
  • Purpurascens has beautiful hairy leaves and pink flowers that are tapered at the end.
  • Sylvatica with beautiful bright red flowers and narrow leaves.

The most famous varieties of gloxinia (sinningia):

  • Royal with large velvety leaves decorated with silver veins and drooping flowers purple. Cultivated since the beginning of the twentieth century.
  • Gloxinia is beautiful on appearance similar to the royal one, but its leaves are lighter, without contrasting veins, the flowers are purple or pink in different shades.

In order to grow gloxinia from seeds, you need to prepare or buy them. This could be a product from Aelita, the Dutch or English company Unwins. Check their expiration date. can be obtained at home. To do this you need to carry out pollination. Take two flowers and apply pollen from one to the pistil of the other. Mark the pollinated flower. I wait about a month for the seed pod to ripen. Cut it off and place it in a cup or jar. Soon the seeds spill out.

To grow seedlings you need the following tools and materials:

  1. Plastic containers in which to grow. They can be of different depths: shallow for sowing, deep for plants.
  2. Drainage made of expanded clay, gravel, vermiculite or coarse sand.
  3. Soft soil.
  4. Plastic film with a set of colored rubber bands or glass.
  5. Potassium permanganate.

Choose a landing time. If it is possible to provide lighting and a temperature of 18 degrees, sow the seeds in January or February. Additional illumination is carried out with a fluorescent lamp (50 W) for 14 hours a day for 2 to 3 months. If there are no such conditions, it is better to wait until March or April.

Several holes are made in the containers, through which excess moisture will escape into the pan.

Lay a drainage layer. A layer of soil is poured on top. It should be soft so that it can be easily loosened. You can buy it at the store or cook it at home. Take 4 parts of leaf soil and humus, and part of sand. You can lay a layer of coniferous-deciduous soil on the bottom, and a second layer mixed with peat.

Spill with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or disinfect in another way (roasting in the oven). Sowing begins the next day. By this time the soil will still be quite moist.

Distribute the seeds evenly throughout the container. This is not easy to do because they are very small. Can be used thin stick. There is no need to plant seeds in the ground. Press down with a wooden plank. If the soil is dry, water with a spray bottle. The top of the container is covered with plastic film. It's better if it's thin. Secure it with rubber bands. Can be covered with glass. Install in a well-lit place. Maintain temperature from 20 to 22 degrees.

Seedling care:

  1. Every day, containers need to be ventilated for 10-30 minutes - this will prevent the development of mold. But you cannot leave containers open for a long time. Hatched seeds may die from dry land. Water only in case of severe drying out. Usually this is not necessary, because there is enough moisture. Moreover, it evaporates from the soil and settles as condensate on the film. When opening it, turn it over or shake off the drops.
  2. After a week or two, shoots begin to appear. Their roots are located almost on the surface, so high humidity must be maintained constantly. The sprouts do not hold onto the soil well, so you need to water them very carefully. Even a spray bottle can blow away young plant. Place the container so that Sun rays didn't push against them.
  3. The next stage of cultivation is. Often seedlings grow unevenly, so they need to be replanted gradually. This is done very carefully so as not to break small plants. Place in another prepared container. They are buried a little into the soil.
  4. After a few days, when the seedlings begin to take root, you can feed them. Repeat the procedure every two weeks. In order for plants to quickly adapt to natural conditions, the ventilation time is constantly increased. When they stop fading, remove the film completely.

You need to dive every month. This helps to increase the tubers. Each time, the distance between plants is increased by 4 cm. After 3 months, the plant is planted in a permanent place. Some gardeners do not pick gloxinia so often. They plant the plant immediately in a permanent place. Pots for gloxinia are wide but shallow, with large holes in the day.

After a few months, flower buds appear. They need to be removed so that gloxinia gets stronger. But if you really want to look at the flower, you can leave one bud. There is no need to prune young plants for the winter. Plants that have grown 6 pairs of leaves are sent for wintering.

You need to water it abundantly with settled water, but not from above into the pot, but from a tray or onto the ground around the plant. The water temperature must be at least 17 degrees. The soil should always be moist, but not wet. Spraying is carried out so that small drops do not fall on the leaves, and the air is moistened.

Feed with fertilizer for flowering plants once a week.

An adult plant blooms from spring to autumn, then its above-ground part disappears. In winter, the flower pot is put in a cool place, but so that the soil in it does not fall below 10 degrees. In spring, gloxinia comes to life. Then watering and fertilizing are resumed.

Gloxinia does not like excess moisture. Therefore, when watering, you need to make sure that drops of water do not fall on the flowers and leaves. Root rot is especially dangerous for the plant. The main pest is . They fight it by treating it with insecticides.

More information can be found in the video:

To grow Gloxinia from seeds at home, it is necessary to pollinate the plant artificially during the flowering period, using a soft brush. If pollination is successful, after the petals wither, a green fruit is formed, which turns into a dry capsule in about three months.

The small dusty seeds in it ripen unevenly and are removed in several stages. Germination persists for two to three years.

Gloxinia grown from independently obtained seeds, may have new, not the same as mother plant, varietal characteristics.

On sale available seeds of various varieties gloxinia, prisoners, for ease of sowing and speedy germination, into shell-granules.

Sowing Gloxinia with seeds is carried out in January, February, March on the surface of a moistened light soil mixture ( leaf soil and sand) and cover plastic film.

Ventilate, moisturize and keep in a bright, warm place ( optimal temperature– 24-26ºС). Shoots appear approximately in two weeks.

If the sowing is thickened, the seedlings are planted already at the cotyledon leaf stage, at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

When one or two pairs of true leaves are formed, young gloxinia can be gradually removed from the “greenhouse” regime and planted in small “cactus” pots for further growing.

New plants obtained from seeds bloom approximately in seven months.

From a leaf cutting

Preparation of cuttings from large, well developed leaves of the lower tier: cut a leaf with a petiole 1 cm long. How thicker petiole, those a larger nodule is formed from it.

The cut leaf can be pre-root, immersing in water only the petiole. As it evaporates, water should be added. Roots form within two weeks, after which the leaf cuttings are planted in light, loose soil.

You can immediately bypassing water rooting, disembark leaf cutting V soil mixture by dipping its cut into charcoal powder. In this case, the cutting is covered with a transparent plastic film, ventilated, moistened and kept at a temperature not lower than 22ºC. Usually, roots form within 2-3 weeks, A blossom the resulting gloxinia can same year.

Using a leaf

Life-loving tropical plant can even be reborn in several copies from one sheet.

To obtain new gloxinia in this way, separate large leaf, cut his sharp blade across the largest veins on the underside, lay this side on moist soil, press and cover with plastic film.

With regular moisturizing. ventilation and a temperature of 22-25ºС, roots and then nodules of future independent plants form in the places of cuts.

You can also cut the sheet crosswise into 2-3 parts, plant them in a light soil mixture and root them in a plastic greenhouse at the same temperature.


Some species of gloxinia successfully reproduce by peduncle. His cut after the flower fades and lower into water to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. In this case, the peduncle should not touch the walls of the vessel. Water is added as needed. Within a month, roots and a nodule are formed, after which the future gloxinia is planted for growing.

Stem cutting

In the event that the plant forms many side shoots, their cut off And take root Also, like leaf cuttings– first in water, or immediately in a light soil mixture. Gloxinia from stem cuttings blooms the same year.

By dividing the tuber

If the tuber has formed several shoots, his cut into pieces so that each fragment has its own escape. Process the cuts with crushed charcoal, dried for 3-4 days and planted in separate containers.

Conditions for successfully rearing young at home

New plants, especially those obtained from seeds, in the first winter they can grow without a dormant period. In this case, you need to take care of sufficiently warm content and optimal light mode with additional lighting.

However, this method of maintenance is an exception to general rule, according to which all gloxinia have period of active development leaves and abundant flowering from March to October changing time peace without leaves and roots within 3-4 months.

During the dormant period, the gloxinia tuber should be in dark place with a temperature not lower than 10 degrees.

After awakening - the appearance of sprouts, which occurs in January-February-March, the tuber is planted in a fresh, loose and nutritious soil mixture, kept in a bright, warm place without intense sunlight and carefully watered along the edge of the pot so that the soil is moist, but no water stagnated.

The air around the plant is regularly sprayed or the pot of gloxinia is placed on a tray with wet pebbles.

During the active growing season, feed weekly, alternating organic fertilizers with minerals (minimum of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus equally). In late autumn, when the last leaves turn yellow and wither, stop watering and put the tubers away for storage.

In this way, mature specimens are formed from young seedlings, which are capable of giving life to new generations of plants.

Highly viable children of the tropics - gloxinias reproduce by all means available to plants and, subject to proper maintenance conditions, develop into profusely flowering specimens with powerful foliage and large tubers.


Next you will see a photo of Gloxinia propagation:

Among indoor crops, Gloxinia, or, as it is also called, Sinningia, is especially popular. Flower growers love it for its beauty, tenderness and variety of species. In order to grow a flower at home, you need to know some secrets of gloxinia propagation.

General information about the flower

Gloxinia is tropical look tuberous plants with bright, velvety, bell-shaped flowers. The flowers of the plant can be white, purple or Pink colour. This genus is cultivated as greenhouse or indoor plants.

Features of flower propagation

Of course, you can buy potted flowers, but a truly self-respecting florist prefers to propagate gloxinia at home. For their successful cultivation it is necessary, first of all, to be aware of their life cycle, which includes the following periods:

  • vegetation;
  • peace.

Important! Gloxinia is propagated exclusively during the growing season; during the dormant period, watering is reduced to a minimum and the flower is allowed to “rest” so as not to disturb the flowering process in the next growing season.

Considering the cyclical development of this plant, the crop can be effectively propagated using a variety of methods.

Reproduction methods and their features

How does gloxinia reproduce? At home they are cultivated in various ways, the most popular of which are propagation methods:

  • propagation of gloxinia by leaf cuttings;
  • peduncles;
  • tubers;
  • seeds.

The methods of reproduction of gloxinia listed above can be divided into two main groups:

  • vegetative, that is, a method in which a young plant develops from a part of the mother plant, for example, from a leaf, peduncle or tuber;
  • generative, that is, a truly natural way, in which a young plant grows from seeds.

Since the culture is unpretentious, it can be cultivated in all the ways presented above. Since the majority indoor varieties were bred using complex selection and hybridization, the vegetative route seems to be more preferable, since it allows the preservation of varietal characteristics of flowers.

Video: popular methods of propagating gloxinia.

Leaf propagation

Propagation of gloxinia by leaf cuttings, or rooting of leaves, is the simplest and most accessible method.

Important! Propagation of gloxinia by leaves is best done in spring and early summer, during the budding period of an adult plant, since fresh leaves have more strength and nutrients In addition, at this time the new plant has a greater chance of forming a tuber.

Gloxinia propagation by leaf cuttings is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • cutting a leaf;
  • rooting of gloxinia leaf;
  • waiting for small roots to appear;
  • planting a leaf with roots in a greenhouse.

To achieve the maximum effect, in which new plants grow quickly, you must adhere to a number of rules.

So, here's the best way to propagate gloxinia from leaves:

  • The leaf is rooted in boiled water or a mixture of one part peat and three parts sand.
  • A greenhouse can be made from a plastic cup, peat tablet and plastic film.
  • Don't forget to make holes for drainage.

Important! As soon as young leaves appear, the film must be removed to prevent rotting of the tender, immature roots. And before the formation of a new gloxinia, the greenhouse should be ventilated once a day, slightly moistening the soil as necessary.

  • If there is only one leaf of the treasured variety, then it can be cut into pieces with a sterile knife and rooted in different containers. Thus, the likelihood of at least one new plant appearing increases.
  • The greenhouse with a young flower should be kept on the windowsill, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • The substrate temperature should be at least twenty degrees.

A new gloxinia on a leaf, or baby, appears in about one and a half to two months. Immediately after this, each independent plant must be planted separately.

Video: propagation of gloxinia by leaf.

Reproduction by peduncle

After removing dead flower stalks, they can be rooted and thus gloxinia can be propagated.

Important! Not all varieties can be propagated by peduncles. The pollinated flower stalks of simple gloxinias take root most effectively.

  1. Cut off the wilted peduncle, trim it from the bottom so that it is less than 10 cm.
  2. When rooting in water, add one centimeter of water.
  3. When rooting into the soil, follow the instructions given above. Don't forget to cover the mini-greenhouse.
  4. The babies will be ready in a couple of months.

Propagation by tubers

A popular method of propagating gloxinia is the tuberous method. The tuber is cut into several parts so that each has a bud.

Important! If you cut the tuber incorrectly, the plant will die!

How to propagate gloxinia using tubers? To carry out the procedure, you must adhere to the algorithm given below:

  • Select a tuber with several sprouts, the size of which is about a centimeter.
  • Using a sterile knife, divide it so that there is a sprout on each of the resulting slices.
  • Treat the sections with charcoal or brilliant green and dry.
  • After drying, cover the cut with garden varnish.
  • Place drainage expanded clay a couple of centimeters into the pot. Fill the container with a mixture of peat and sand.

Important! To grow a plant using this method, it is more convenient to use transparent containers to monitor the development of roots.

  • Before planting, moisten the soil and plant the tubers so that the sprout is at ground level.
  • Replant the plant only after root system will fill the entire pot.

Important! It is necessary to water the plant by pouring water into the pan.

The described type of plant propagation is complex and is suitable only for experienced gardeners, since the tubers often rot.

Video: propagation of gloxinia by tubers.

Propagation by seeds

Seeds of the crop can be freely purchased, however, sometimes you want to get a specific variety of flower. In such cases experienced flower growers They collect gloxinia seeds on their own at home. The seeds of this plant are very small, brownish-black in color, slightly oblong.

In order to collect gloxinia seeds at home, you need to do a number of operations:

  1. When the buds bloom, you need to wait for the pistil to ripen. It becomes sticky and a gap forms in the middle. This occurs on the fourth day of flowering.
  2. To obtain seeds, the plant must be pollinated. Armed with a clean brush, collect pollen from the stamens and apply to the pistil. The operation is carried out several times every day.
  3. If all steps are carried out correctly and pollination has taken place, after four weeks a capsule will form, which will crack when the seeds are ready.
  4. To collect gloxinia seeds, you need to shake them out of the boxes, dry them a little on a clean napkin and put them in paper for storage.

Important! It must be remembered that the formation of seeds is a very difficult process for a plant; it takes a lot of effort, so if seed propagation is not planned, it is best to remove dead flowers.

Gloxinia seeds should be sown from January to February, with the expectation that the seedlings will be ready in the fall. To grow gloxinia from seeds at home, it is better to use disposable containers with lids, after which they are thrown away.

How to grow gloxinia from seeds?

  • The soil is prepared from peat soil and sand. The soil for violets is also suitable.
  • The seeds should be mixed in equal parts with sand and poured evenly onto the surface of the soil.
  • Water the soil, for which it is most convenient to use a spray bottle.
  • The greenhouse needs to be covered and placed in a warm place, there should be enough light.

Important! The mini-greenhouse needs to be ventilated and sprayed the soil daily, and after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to harden them, increase the time of ventilation and watering.

  • Shoots can be expected no earlier than in a month.

Important! To successfully grow gloxinia from seeds at home, it is necessary that the plant seedlings be replanted at least four times within six months to form roots. When replanting a plant, you must each time choose a container slightly larger than the previous one.

Video: growing gloxinia from seeds at home.

Possible plant propagation problems and their solutions

Some problems with the reproduction of gloxinia occur as a result of typical mistakes presented in the table below.

problem cause solution
- rotting of seedlings

- leaf damage

- planting too deep - seeds are planted on the soil surface;

- insert the seedling shallowly

- waterlogging of the soil - watering through a tray;

- watering with a spray bottle

- lack of light - use of additional lighting
- overheating, direct rays of the sun - reduce watering;

- move to shadow

— infection of tubers or leaf fragments - use of sterile cutting tools
- tuber rotting - reduction of watering;

— optimization temperature regime up to 20-23 degrees

low temperature air providing light and heat
powdery mildew - removal of affected parts;

- fungicide treatment

— late blight - destruction of diseased seedlings
- cyclamen mite

spider mite

- thrips

- treatment with insecticides

When propagating gloxinia at home, it is necessary to take into account whole line factors and conditions. If all the procedures described above are carefully carried out, the flowers will reproduce successfully and delight the grower for a long time.

In contact with

Growing gloxinia from seeds is rarely used by gardeners and requires more effort than vegetative propagation. The seed method has some advantages: it allows you to create hybrids yourself and grow rare plant varieties. If you choose high-quality seed material and properly sow and care for the seedlings, you can achieve flowering of new gloxinia within six months.

How to get gloxinia seeds?

Seed material can be purchased at a flower shop, or you can collect it yourself. In this case, you must first pollinate using a piece of cotton wool. They touch one by one the pistils of all gloxinia flowers that are in the house. Soon after the petals fall, a seed capsule forms in the central part of the flower.

When signs of ripening and opening appear, the boxes are cut off and placed in a separate container. This will simplify the process of collecting small brown gloxinia seeds. Before sowing, such material does not need to be additional processing. Store-bought seed is often coated with a special nutrient composition. This makes the seeds a little larger and makes sowing easier.

The most suitable time for sowing gloxinia seeds is the end of winter. You can do this in the fall, but then you will need to add additional light to the seedlings artificially.

Sowing seedlings

Before sowing the seeds, you need to prepare everything you need. The easiest way to grow seedlings is in peat tablets. This eliminates the need to prepare the soil. In addition to peat tablets, you will need a plastic container with which you can create the microclimate necessary for successful germination. For this purpose, you can use food containers for cakes, in the lid of which several holes are made for ventilation.

Step-by-step cultivation of gloxinia from seeds looks like this:

  1. 1. Peat tablets are placed in a container with the hole side up and carefully poured warm water. After a quarter of an hour, the tablets will absorb water and grow in height. Excess moisture, if any remains, is drained.
  2. 2. Place 2-3 seeds in the center of each peat column using a toothpick.
  3. 3. After sowing, close the lid of the container and place it in a warm, well-lit place. If the container does not have a lid, then it is covered with film or glass.
  4. 4. Periodically remove the cover and carefully water the seedlings using a spray bottle. Shoots should appear in 2 weeks.

If it is not possible to purchase peat tablets, then you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. To do this, go to the bottom plastic container put drainage layer from expanded clay and fill it with a soil mixture containing peat. The soil is poured in a layer 3 cm thick and lightly compacted. After moistening the soil from a spray bottle, seeds are placed on its surface over the entire area of ​​the container. Then the crops are sprayed with water again and the container is covered with film.

Features of picking

A month after the emergence of seedlings, the gloxinia seedlings will have grown enough to plant them. Before this procedure, it needs to be slightly hardened. To do this, on cloudy days, remove the film from the container for a while or lift the lid. At first, it is enough to do this for one hour. Then the time is gradually increased. If after hardening the plant feels normal and its leaves have not drooped, then you can pick.

As the seedlings grow, up to four pickings will be required.

While the seedlings are small, they do not require spacious containers. Yogurt cups are quite suitable for this purpose. Every glass is filled universal primer and pour warm water over it. Then, using a fork, pry up each seedling and plant it in a separate container. If necessary, add soil, then carefully water the plant and place the container in a lighted place.

Since gloxinia has a tuber, it rarely gets sick after transplantation. In the future, the seedlings are provided with favorable conditions, maintaining the temperature, soil and air humidity at the usual level. In separate flower pots Gloxinia should be planted only after the seedlings are strong enough for this. To do this, take small pots with a diameter of 12 cm and the soil that was used for sowing the seeds.

Rules of care

Gloxinias growing at home must be properly cared for. First of all, you need to organize proper watering plants and their regular feeding. During periods of rapid growth, plants are irrigated often enough to prevent the soil from drying out. At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to stagnate at the roots so that they do not begin to rot. The water used for irrigation must be filtered and have a temperature 2 degrees above room temperature. Gloxinia tubers absorb warm water more easily.

When watering, it is important to prevent moisture from getting on the flowers and leaves, so you can do this through a tray. After irrigating the soil, the remaining moisture present in the pan must be drained to prevent stagnation of water and rotting of the root system. During the flowering period, irrigation is made more intense.

During active flowering, the number of buds on one gloxinia bush reaches 20 pieces. To achieve this, it is necessary to feed the flower with fertilizers. For this purpose in growing season Fertilizing is done every 10 days, using compositions for indoor plants. From mid-August, gloxinia will gradually begin to enter the dormant stage. During this period, they need fertilizing containing potassium and phosphorus. And here nitrogen fertilizers must be excluded. From the moment active growth is completed, fertilizing gloxinia is stopped.

For good development Gloxinia requires sufficient lighting. At the same time, it should be such that the flowers and leaves are not exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause burns and even death of the plants. Therefore, it is best to place pots with gloxinia on western or eastern window sills in the apartment. If the windows face south, then the plant on such a windowsill must be shaded. Daylight for normal flower development must last at least 12 hours. Therefore, if necessary, the plant must be illuminated with special phytolamps.

If at least one of the maintenance conditions is not met, gloxinia begins to grow more slowly and loses its attractiveness. It's ok developing plant dark green leaves and a small stem. Lack of lighting causes excessive elongation of stems and loss of foliage color intensity. If the light is too bright, the leaves begin to turn yellow and the stem becomes short. To maintain an optimal level of air humidity, it is necessary to place bowls of water next to the gloxinia. Moisture should not get on the leaves or flowers, so spraying with water is excluded.

During the growing season, it is necessary to keep gloxinia at a temperature of +18 degrees, preventing it from overheating. And in the resting phase, the plant will feel good at a temperature of +10 degrees.

I am a beginner florist, and especially in indoor floriculture. Last year's experience in growing gloxinia was successfully lost. But difficulties only strengthen us. And this year I again purchased two bags of gloxinia seeds. Very beautiful flowers!

In one bag there are seeds of gloxinia Avanti F1 Mix (EN Gloxinia LA Sinnigia multiflora) - a mixture of colors - from white-lilac to bright pink and red, in the other - seeds of gloxinia Avanti F1 Blue (EN Gloxinia F1 hybrid LA Sinningia hybrid) - purple coloring. I really want to add gloxinia to my list of flowering plants, which already includes pelargonium (white, bright red, crimson colors), impatiens, pachystachys, crossandra.

Gloxinia is one of the most beautiful, one might say, spectacular flowering indoor plants. Large semi-double and double bell flowers with corrugated petals are striking. Under favorable conditions (soil + fertilizing + proper watering + ambient temperature + right choice places) up to 20 buds can appear on one plant at the same time.

Sow gloxinia seeds needed in January-February so that they can bloom in July-August. Gloxinia seeds are very small, granular, sold in capsules of 5 pieces. And they sprout, just like some other plants, in the light. Therefore, gloxinia seeds are not sprinkled with soil, but carefully laid out on the ground.

To maintain constant humidity you need to cover gloxinia crops with glass or film. The easiest way is to place the container with planted gloxinia seeds in plastic bag and put it under a light bulb. At a temperature of 18-20 0 C, seedlings appear in two to three weeks. Every day, gloxinia crops need to be ventilated and the surface of the substrate moistened with a spray bottle. A month later, when the gloxinia seedlings get a little stronger, when several true leaves appear, they can be transplanted from the greenhouse into another container, but keep in mind that the volume of soil must correspond to the root system of the tiny plant. In large pots or cups, the soil can quickly turn sour, and then the gloxinia seedlings will disappear.

When transplanting gloxinia, you can use hydrogel. It absorbs excess water when watering, and then gives it to the plants as needed.

Gloxinia constantly needs watering. But When watering gloxinia, avoid getting water on the leaves and flowers, It is best to use tray watering for this. If water gets on the leaves of gloxinia, the leaves will first begin to disappear, and then the whole plant will disappear. Therefore, be careful when watering gloxinias and violets. This is their common problem.

For normal development and flowering Gloxinia needs to be fed completely complex fertilizer with trace elements content. Any flower shop will be able to help you with their choice, and later, when gloxinia blooms, you can use fertilizer for flowering plants to feed.

Gloxinia obtained from seeds blooms in 6-7 months. This year my seeds all sprouted. I hope that now I can cope with them. Wish you luck! And from me - photographs of blooming gloxinias.

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