Beautiful hardy perennials. Perennials: beautiful and unpretentious. Verbena - lovely flower

The decoration of a summer cottage is not an easy task, requiring not only aesthetic taste, but also certain knowledge in the field of floristry and gardening. When choosing plants for a flower garden, you need to make sure that they will be in harmony with each other in shape, size and color, and also converge in care requirements. If landscape design is a topic that you have not yet fully studied, we suggest you find out what flowers to plant in the country to bloom all summer - photos and details.

Flowers in the countryside create comfort

Why do many gardeners prefer to arrange a variety of flower beds from plants that do not lose their decorative effect during all three hot months? The answer is simple - it makes it easier to care for. When the flowering period of plants in the same flower bed is long and completely coincides, there is no need to fill empty spaces or completely replace plantings.

Plants for a summer flower bed - annuals or perennials?

Assortment blooming all summer ornamental crops represented by annual and perennial varieties. Gardeners actively use both those and others. The advantage of annuals is the ability to decorate the cottage in a new way every season. Even using the seeds of last year's flowers, you can create different shapes and combinations.

Perennials are easy to care for. They winter well, so they do not need to be grown from scratch every year. In addition, during transplantation, perennial flowers can be divided, thereby increasing the number of bushes.

Photo of flowers blooming all summer with a description - annuals


Pictured is a dimorphotheque

Dimorphoteka feels good on fertile and well-drained soil in high light. The flowering period is quite long - from the beginning of summer until October. Appreciate the magnificence of the dimorphotheca in the photo.

Dimorphoteka - a flower that blooms all summer until the frost


Unpretentious, photophilous and cold-resistant plant. It does not require special fertilization of the soil, but it should be light and loose.

In the photo - terry cosmea
Cosmea - a popular flower for giving

Eschscholzia Californian

Although it is a perennial, we use it as an annual. Beautiful flowers are often used for cutting. The photo provided shows that all parts of the bush have a high decorative effect: flowers and openwork leaves.

In the photo, Californian escholcia

Eschscholzia Californian begins to bloom from the very beginning of summer and fades in October, gives self-sowing. Shows special decorativeness when landing on a well-lit area with sandy soil. Additional soil fertilization is not required.

Eschscholzia California blooms all summer until October

Mattiola bicorne

The garden flower, popularly nicknamed the night violet, won the hearts of many gardeners not so much with its appearance as with its most delicate aroma. Being at the dacha in the evening, you will plunge into the world of fabulous fragrance, spreading everywhere. As seen in the photo, night violet may have different variations in color and structure of flowers.

In the photo, Mattiola is bicornuate


The second name of the flower is snapdragon. The popularity of the plant is increasing every year. The variety of varieties is striking: bushes can have different heights, colors and structures of flowers.
In the photo antirrinum

The wide variety allows each year to experiment with new varieties of the plant. Antirrinum will bloom luxuriantly all summer if planted in a sunny area.

Antirrinum - a great coloring of the cottage for the whole summer

Photo of ornamental crops blooming all summer - perennials

Astration large

It has about 10 varieties and is extremely popular. ornamental plant in modern cottages. Colorful umbrellas will delight the eye for a whole summer, if you follow the basic rules of care.

In the photo, the astration is large Astrantia umbrellas delight the eye all summer

Salvia oak

This is the well-known sage. Oak salvia is the easiest variety of culture to care for, perfectly tolerating frost.

In the photo, oak salvia, or sage
Sage blooms all summer

Armeria maritime

Neat bushes with delicate flowers require the simplest care and do not need shelter for the winter. Armeria maritime loves the sun and sandy, well-drained soil.

In the photo, seaside armeria

Be patient with the drought. Armeria feels great among the stones, so it is often used to create rocky flower beds.

Armeria seaside - a wonderful decoration of the dacha


As you can see in the photo, this plant has unusually delicate pink or white flowers. Sufficiently tall bushes are most often used in flower beds as rear view plants.

In the photo gypsophila

Varieties of gypsophila that bloom in early summer bloom and lose flowers in early or late August. About the soil in which the gypsophila prefers to live can be understood by the translation of the name from Latin - a lover of lime.

Delicate gypsophila flowers delight the eye all summer

Cuff soft and plain

Cuff - elegant plant, attracting summer residents with the beauty of leaves and small flowers. When creating flower beds, it is important to consider that the cuff is a low plant (20 - 40 cm). The love of gardeners is explained by the long-term decorativeness of the culture - all summer until the very cold.

In the photo, the cuff is soft
Cuff ordinary in the country

loosestrife willow

A tall plant for decorating a garden or a summer house, whose star-like flowers delight all summer.

unpretentious perennials great option for planting in the country or in the garden, if you simply do not have time to carefully care for the flowers. From perennials completely different in shape, height, color and texture, you can create magnificent complex compositions that will delight for more than one year.

Astilba is a perennial upright plant from the saxifrage family, popular in floriculture. The name of the plant is translated from Latin as "without shine", which indicates matte leaves. In horticultural culture, it is valued because of its undemanding care and long-term abundant flowering.

Plants of different varieties reach two meters in height or can be quite low. The aerial part of the bush dies off for the winter. Dissected leaves with red cuttings make the plant decorative at any time.

Astilba blooms during the summer months. Paniculate or pyramidal inflorescences with high peduncles are collected from small openwork flowers, have a variety of colors: white, pink, lilac, purple, red.

Astilbe is propagated by seeds and division of the bush.

Astilba can be grown in the most shaded corners of the site, it does not need abundant sunlight, but it needs to be provided with enough water. The bush looks aesthetically pleasing in mixborders with others shade-loving perennials: lilies of the valley, irises, late tulips, bergenia. Classic variant for the site - a flower bed with astilbe and hosta.

Important!For astilba, it is useful to mulch the ground with bark, straw, sawdust or small pebbles, this reduces overheating, retains moisture and looseness of the soil, and creates a comfortable wintering for the plant.

Catchment (aquilegia) - herbaceous perennial of the buttercup family. The catchment can grow for many years in one place with little or no care, it is undemanding to light and soil, it does not need winter shelter (except for five-year-old plants).

The development cycle of aquilegia flowers is two years. The flowers are complex bell-shaped. The color of the flowers is varied different types and varieties: there are monochromatic and two-color flowers, shades of petals - white, yellow, rich pink, blue, purple. Plants of many European and American varieties of aquilegia have spurs on flowers - outgrowths on the petals where nectar accumulates.

The catchment is propagated by seeds, cuttings and, in extreme cases, by dividing the bush. After flowering, the stems are cut to the very rosette of leaves.

A composition of multi-colored aquilegia is an excellent flower bed for the lazy. Also, the catchment is planted in the foreground in combination with other plants: low forms - with saxifrage, carnations, gentians; high - with poppies and bluebells.

Very beautiful compositions with aquilegia and irises, bathing suits, ferns, astilba near the reservoirs.

Dicentra, popularly nicknamed "broken heart", belongs to the poppy family.

This is a lush bush up to a meter high with succulent stems. There are also dwarf species (up to 15 cm) and creepers.

Dissected bluish-green leaves and arcuate graceful inflorescences also have decorative properties. Thanks to the pink flowers, the dicenter cannot be confused with another plant: they resemble hearts up to 2 cm in diameter in shape. At the bottom of the flower are protruding white petals. The dicentra blooms in May, the duration of flowering is a month.

Dicentra propagates by division of the rhizome and above-ground shoots, the seed method is very laborious and often inefficient.

You can plant it on any soil, but it is better to choose nutritious, light, moderately moist and drained. Both a sunny place and a shade are suitable for a dicentra. In the shade, flowering will be later, but long-lasting.

Care for a "broken heart" consists in timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

Dicentra looks good in bright flower beds with spring tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, primrose, combined with forget-me-nots, hosta, aquilegia, ferns. It is planted on curbs and lawns, in rockeries.

Did you know?The folk names of the plant are often based on legends of unhappy love. In France, the dicenter is called "cœur de Marie" (Mary's heart) and "cœur-de-Jeannette" (Jeanette's heart), in Germany "herzblumen" (flowers of the heart), in Poland "serce Jasia" (Jas' heart), in Bulgaria " ladies' heart" (ladies' heart). In English, there is the familiar name "bleeding heart" (bleeding heart) and quite unusual - "lady-in-a-bath", which means "lady in the bath."

Iris (iris) is a perennial of the iris (iris) family.

Flat xiphoid leaves are collected in bunches in the form of a fan. Large flowers are painted in different colors: lilac, purple, blue, pink, white, yellow, burgundy. Irises are remarkable for the shape of the flowers: three petals are bent down, and three grow together into a tube at the top. Probably, for such a bizarre shape in Ukraine, the iris was called "pіvnik" (cockerel).

Irises love light and fertile soil with good drainage (except for the marsh and Siberian species, which prefer wet ground). Plant nutrition is carried out with mineral fertilizers. Most often, irises are propagated vegetatively (by dividing the rhizome).

Irises of different types and varieties can be planted in a monoflower - iridarium. The borders of irises along the paths or along the perimeter of the flower garden look beautiful. A bush of bearded iris can be planted against a shrub or lawn. Marsh iris is good for decorating garden ponds. Dwarf irises are suitable for creating rockeries (slides).

Important! When planting in a flower bed near the iris, it is better to place perennials with deep roots, since it root system is in upper layers soil.

Lupine ("wolf bean") belongs to the legume family. A plant up to 1.5 m high is distinguished by high inflorescences - brushes of different colors: white, pink, yellow, red, purple, purple. The brush can reach a length of up to 0.5 m.

Lupine is propagated by seeds (seedlings and sowing in open ground), less often by cuttings.

Not too alkaline or acidic soil in a lighted area is suitable for planting lupine. Heavy loamy and wet soil is not recommended. In shaded places, the plant stretches and becomes less decorative.

To care for the plant, you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds, adult plants must be hilled. Lupine loves plentiful in spring and moderate watering at other times.

Lupine is sometimes grown as green manure - a nitrogen replenisher in the soil: its rotten stems and leaves become a good fertilizer.

Lupine looks good in a single planting, in homogeneous groups and in complex flower beds with other perennials: cornflower, iris, hosta, delphinium, lily. Tall bright lupins are planted in the background of the composition.

Important! In developing the design of a multi-level flower bed, it is important to correctly position the plants in height. If the flower bed is placed near a fence or wall, tall plants are planted in the background, and low ones in the foreground. If the flower bed looks like an island, tall plants are placed in the center, and low plants are placed at the edges. Tall perennials can be planted alone or in small groups, and medium-sized plants can be placed next to them.

The peony family contains only one genus - peony, the majority of which are herbaceous species. Peony bushes attract with fragrant lush flowers of one or different shades(red, burgundy, pink, white), the diameter of which reaches 15-20 cm. There are about five thousand varieties of peonies, they all have different characteristics. Peonies are very frost-resistant and have considerable longevity. They prefer areas with good lighting and the absence of drafts. The best soil for peony - loam.

The peony is propagated by seeds (more often in selection) and by dividing the bush. Peony care includes infrequent abundant watering, weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Peonies look most impressive in a vast space in the middle of the lawn.. In garden design, peonies can be used to give volume to a flower arrangement and create a backdrop for plants after flowering. In this case, it is necessary to take into account color scheme. For example, plants with red flowers against the background of burgundy peonies will be lost, and a combination with white or coral will create a good ensemble.

Plant height is also important: partners should be taller (trees) or shorter (plants with small flowers). Several different varieties of peony are best not planted side by side.

Important!Between the peony bushes, it is better not to plant other plants, but to leave this place free for loosening.

Chamomile is called a perennial daisy herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. The erect stem can reach up to a meter in length. The flowers of leucanthemum are inflorescences-baskets with a yellow center of fruit-bearing tubular flowers and long sterile false-lingual flowers along the edge. In addition to the traditional white color of the petals, the plants also have yellow, pink, lilac, brown.

Leucanthemum is propagated by seeds (sowing in open ground and seedlings), cuttings and division of the rhizome.

So that the stalks of leucanthemum are not deformed, it is better not to place the plant in the shade. Garden chamomile prefers sunny locations with good drainage. Instead of sandy or clayey soil, it is better to choose calcareous or neutral soil for cornflower.

Caring for the cornflower consists in watering (frequently for seedlings and only in drought for rooted plants), weeding, loosening and fertilizing the soil with organic fertilizers. During flowering, wilted inflorescences should be removed, and after flowering, the entire bush should be cut. For the winter, the nivyanik is covered with dry leaves.

Simple in appearance, but very decorative flowers leucanthemum is well suited for complex flower beds - mixborders. They can also be planted alone or in combination with other plants.

Did you know?Because of the similar appearance, chamomile is mistakenly called whole line plants of other genera of the Asteraceae family: gerbera, doronicum, feverfew, navel and others.

Rudbeckia belongs to the Asteraceae family and has annual, biennial and perennial species. Perennials include species such as shiny rudbeckia, glossy rudbeckia, beautiful rudbeckia, hairy rudbeckia. A plant with a height of 0.25 m to 1.5 m has hard, straight stems with stiff hairs.

Large inflorescences-baskets are notable for bright contrasting shades: the middle is black or dark brown, and the petals are yellow, orange and red.

Perennial rudbeckia is often propagated by dividing the bush. When planting a plant, two factors unacceptable for it should be considered: shade and poorly drained soil. Plant care is very simple and includes timely regular watering in the morning or evening, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Sunny rudbeckia - wonderful unpretentious flowers for the garden in rustic style, which involves the use of natural materials in decor, fuzzy lines and simple plants. A bright spot of rudbeckia will create a mixborder in the background. Successful combination with rudbeckia will make purple echinacea. In autumn, chrysanthemums and asters look beautiful nearby.

Did you know? Hairy rudbeckia is a plant symbol of the US state of Maryland.

Hosta (funkia) is a herbaceous perennial of the asparagus family. Hosta flowers are funnel-shaped or bell-shaped and are colored in white, pink, blue and purple colors. Collected in inflorescences-brushes.

Hosta strikes with a variety of foliage: each species and variety has its own characteristics. Basal leaves on long petioles are lanceolate or heart-shaped. The surface of the leaves is textured: glossy or matte, waxy, wrinkled, crinkled. The range of leaf colors is shades of green and blue, white and yellow.

On one leaf blade, several colors can be arranged in stripes, spots, lines. Leaf color is one of the signs of the classification of host varieties; the second sign is the size of the plant (from dwarf to giant).

Hosta is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings. Different varieties of hostas need different lighting: blue varieties like shade, plants with yellow and white elements on the leaves prefer more light. Optimal lighting for hostas is partial shade. The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic, sand and heavy loam are not recommended. If the soil is fertile, fertilizing is not required for several years.

For hosta, timely watering is important, it is done under the root of the plant in the morning. Due to its strong growth in the garden, the undersized hosta is used as a ground cover. It is often planted at the edges garden paths, near reservoirs. In hosta flower beds it provides a backdrop for other perennials. garden flowers: astilbe, aquilegia, dicentra, peony, fern.

Did you know?Without a transplant, the host grows in one place for up to twenty years.

Echinacea is a perennial plant in the Asteraceae family. In culture, the most popular species is Echinacea purpurea.

A plant up to 1.5 m high looks like a large chamomile. A large inflorescence-basket along the edges has reed purple-pink flowers, and in the center - fruiting tubular flowers. Basal leaves with long petioles and teeth along the edges have a wide oval shape. Echinacea blooms from the second year of life, in the summer months.

Thanks to varietal diversity today you can grow not only the usual bright pink, but also yellow, orange, white, red echinacea.

Did you know? Echinacea - valuable medicinal plant, which has a powerful immunomodulatory effect, as well as antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties.

For echinacea, you need to choose a bright and fertile place, as it does not tolerate shade and sandy soil. However, the plant is resistant to drought and cold. Echinacea is propagated by seeds (specific plants) and division of the bush (hybrid varieties). All that the plant requires in care is plentiful frequent watering in the evening, removing weeds and top dressing from rotted compost with ash from the second year of life in spring and after flowering.

Echinacea can be placed in a multi-level flower bed of high, medium and low (ground cover) perennials.

Unpretentious perennial flowers do not require painstaking care and will allow you to create a beautiful composition for a summer residence without much hassle. The most difficult thing in working with such plants is the choice of your specimen from the many species and varieties of perennials.

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Annual flowers that bloom all summer (the name and photo will be presented below) will delight you with their multicolor all season, from the beginning of spring - until the onset of the first cold weather. Real flower growers will not be stopped by the annual chores of growing, planting seedlings of annuals. Let this beauty be for one season, but a flower bed with blooming all over annual season will be one of the most beautiful. Flowers in a well-groomed flower bed always delight the eye, give positive emotions.

Each of us has a desire to make a summer cottage a small paradise. All this is available, moreover, you can design your garden in such a way that every year it looks new. Valuable for a creative summer resident, the quality of annual flowers allows you to make new flower arrangements every year.

Flower bed with annual flowers

Annuals have many advantages: you do not have to worry about how they will winter, you can choose a place for them on the site in advance. If you choose the right shades, the flowering time of individual species, you can get an excellent result - flower beds that play with all the colors and aromas of summer throughout the season. Most annuals prefer full sun, but there are some that do well in shade.

Annuals for flower beds

For these plants, the entire growing cycle takes place in one season, they develop rapidly, bloom profusely. The most unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, are petunias, marigolds, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given shape: diamond-shaped, round, rectangular.

Most often, flowers in a flower bed are located in the same plane, but there are multi-tiered, vertical options. In such places, low-growing annual flowers look very advantageous; they are planted singly or together with tall flowers. Most often they act as ground covers, filling empty spaces between, for example, roses or other shrubs.

Marigolds Karina

Marigolds are distinguished by long flowering, have a bright yellow-orange range with brown hues, they are unpretentious, grow well in sunny areas and in the shade.


Everyone's favorite petunia shows a rainbow of shades, prefers sunny places. She loves warmth, blooms all season, grows until the first cold weather.

blue salvia

Salvia is an unpretentious flower that looks good with other plants. Flowers have the shape of candles, the range of shades is diverse, but candles of lilac, purple, pink, red shades look especially beautiful in flowerbeds.

Many varieties of salvia are known, it can also be perennial.

Photo of lilac salvia:

Salvia in the flowerbed

Calendula with yellow or orange voluminous flowers stands out as a bright spot among its fellows. In addition to its decorative qualities, it is medicinal, and its flowers and leaves can be used in cooking.

Calendula - annual flowers, photo:

Calendula vulgaris

Nasturtium has many varieties, its terry varieties are especially beautiful.

Nasturtium in different colors

Loves the light, the sun, but can also grow in the shade, although there it gives more lush foliage than inflorescences. Nasturtium flowers are bright orange, red, yellow.

Annual flowers that bloom all summer Snapdragon(Antirrinum, "dogs") attracts attention with its unusual shape, combination of colors (pink and white, yellow, just white or pinkish).


It looks harmonious when planted with other plants.

If you plant zinnia in your home, you will admire its long flowering, up to 35 days.

Zinnia is an annual

Even when cut, she lives in a vase for a very long time, does not fade. The more fertile the soil in the flower bed, the brighter the flowers, which can be both undersized and very tall. The color of flowers in zinnia can be monophonic or variegated, she loves sunny places, warmth.

Calceolaria is another representative of flowers of an unusual shape.


The buds of the dimorphotheque are simple in appearance, but this is their charm. The flowers are similar in shape to a chamomile, the height of the stems is about 30 cm, the color scheme is diverse - purple, orange, white, pink, double-colored petals. Differs in abundant long flowering, unpretentious, not particularly afraid of pests, diseases.


Another representative popular among gardeners has a rich color palette. These pale blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look great in flower beds, in hanging containers, along paths. Unpretentious, loving light and moisture annual flowers for summer cottages. Their photo and name are well known to summer residents - lobelia.


Nemophila (American forget-me-not) does not grow very often in our flower beds, requires regular top dressing, and is notable for the fact that it can bloom during rains.


It has a delicate aroma, looks great in flower beds, thanks to its delicate, but conspicuous color. Depending on the variety, it is white, white-blue, has purple, black or blue spots, rims around the edges (with a white flower).

Nemophila spotted

There are very dark purple nemophiles, almost black in color.

Coreopsis - annual garden flowers in flower size, smaller in height than perennials.


They are distinguished by abundant long-term flowering, they feel good in flower beds, in flowerpots, near curbs, anywhere. Well take root, absolutely unpretentious.

Brachikoma annual densely growing can boast of all shades of lilac, lilac.


It is unpretentious, but feels most comfortable on fertile sandy soil. Loves the sun, but also blooms well in cloudy weather, thermophilic.

Annual dahlia flowers are unpretentious, possess interesting feature, the lower - the faster they give color.

annual dahlias

The most common variety is Funny boys. undersized, dwarf varieties ideal for borders, flower beds. The flowers of annual dahlias are bright, of different shades.

Only because of one aroma, enchanting, unlike anything else, it is worth planting Matthiola (night violet) on the site.

Mattiola - night violet

The genus Mattiol annuals has up to 20 different varieties of this fragrant plant. The flowers are small, dense, pale lilac, pink or dark purple. There are also white, pale yellow Matthiolas (gray matthiola). It is easy to care for, blooms profusely, loves the sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The plant has an average height, blooms throughout the summer.

Garden annual balsam is a fairly tall plant (50-70 cm) with large flowers that can be double or semi-double.

Garden annual balsam

The color of the balsam is varied: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.

Datura or dope

Large-flowered datura - a real decoration of the garden, blooms with large white flowers in the shape of a bell. There are also red, blue, yellow varieties. Grows quickly, differs in plentiful, long blossoming. Datura is a tall plant (1 m or more).

Mallow annual

The annual mallow is beautiful, conspicuous, due to its size (from 30 to 120 cm) and bright double flowers. It is unpretentious in care, drought-resistant, if you pinch off wilted flowers in time, you can extend the time of its flowering.


From May to September, cornflower blooms - an unpretentious plant of medium height, with dense small flowers of bright blue, pink, raspberry, purple, white color. Looks harmonious in mixed flower beds.


An annual bellflower is a low-growing plant with light blue flowers. He loves sunny places, but can grow in the shade, although it blooms not so abundantly. Blooms from May to September.

Iberis white

Snow-white Iberis ("bitter") is one of the shortest annuals, up to 30 cm high. It is sun-loving, but feels good in shaded areas. Varieties of Iberis umbrella are found in pale pink, lilac, purple flowers.


Shade-loving annuals

For places under trees with lush crown or sprawling shrubs, unpretentious annuals that prefer shade are suitable. Such flowers have dense foliage, saturated with all shades of green. Their flowering is not as plentiful as that of their sun-loving counterparts, but this factor does not detract from their beauty.

Kosmeya annual

Multi-colored bright Cosmos - shade-loving annual flowers for a flower bed, can create a joyful atmosphere even in shaded areas of the site. Cosmea blooms for a long time, profusely, is similar in shape to a chamomile, the color scheme is replete with all shades of pink, raspberry. Shaded areas are noticeably "refreshed" by white kosmeya.

They love the shade of nasturtium, forget-me-nots, marigolds, pansies, mallow - their buds have rich colors, they feel comfortable in any weather. With browallia, fuchsia, lobelia, balsam, you can create bright and harmonious group plantings in shady places in the garden.


It should be borne in mind that some shade-loving annual garden flowers do not respond well to direct Sun rays, they are recommended to be planted in the darkest areas of the site.

Curly annuals

Annual curly flowers are very popular with gardeners and summer residents. Their beauty is not inferior to perennial representatives, they grow faster, require minimal care. In addition to external attractiveness, they can decorate fences, country buildings, use as protection from the sun over the gazebo. Curly flowers for the garden are annuals (those species that are not afraid of drafts) can serve as a kind of wind shield for more vulnerable plants. With imagination, you can create amazing design compositions.


Beauty morning glory prefers regular watering, sunlight, otherwise she is unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.

Curly sweet peas love moist soil and sun, but not direct sunlight. The coloring is very diverse, blooms from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.

Curly nasturtium Curly nasturtium (annual) and liatris (perennial)

There is a variety of climbing nasturtium (large nasturtium), which grows up to 3 meters in length. Kobeya with large flowers bells. Thunbergia winged with large orange buds. All of them belong to climbing annual vines.


Ipomoea Kvamoklit pinnate (Ruby stars) looks very nice - braids large area complexly dissected leaves, along which bright red flowers, shaped like stars, are evenly, not very often located.

Kvamoklit pinnate (Ruby stars)

Annual flowers that are not afraid of the heat

And this information will be of interest to my countrymen, residents of the Kuban. The summer of 2017 was very hot for us. Other regions complained about the cold summer, but we had the opposite. And in my flower beds, in the flower beds of acquaintances, there was no particular splendor. Some flowers refused to bloom, others had scarce flowers, and still others simply survived in extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.

But there were flowers that were not affected either by the abnormally hot sun, or rare, but torrential (in the full sense of the word) rains. In fact, I used to weed them out. These were annuals, but they sprouted by self-sowing and did not grow at all where I needed them. That is, that summer showed that these flowers are very resilient. In the conditions of that summer, only they bloomed profusely and smelled.

These are mirabilis, fragrant tobacco and purslane. I will write briefly about each.


This flower must have grown in the flower garden of my grandmother, mother, and I also love it very much. True, in childhood I did not know his real name, we all called him Zorka. And he fully justified his name. The flowers opened in the evening, stood open all night and closed only in the morning, at dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are white, yellow, pink and pale salmon petals. I even saw with flowers different color on one bush. At home, it is a perennial, in the conditions of the Kuban it can survive the winter, or maybe not, but then in the spring shoots appear in this place, of which only the strongest and healthiest remain. I think that under the conditions middle lane it is definitely an annual. By the way, many grow it at home on the windowsill.

Mirabilis is an unpretentious plant. In addition to evening watering, light loosening, removing weeds, last year he did not receive anything from me, but was almost the main decoration of the garden. Bloomed until frost. And they came to us almost in December.

Fragrant tobacco

For me, fragrant tobacco is a flower that "planted and forgotten." This is an annual, but every year in the spring new shoots appear in the same place. I just have to keep it from growing all over the garden. But to be honest, I'm not particularly zealous. The flowers of fragrant tobacco are not very noticeable, but in the evenings such an aroma spreads throughout the garden that you don’t want to get rid of the “extra” plants. It also does not require special care. Only seedlings can "clog" weeds, so their removal is mandatory at first. Then, when the plant gets stronger, no weeds are afraid of it. Only the strongest and strongest who survive the winter survive. Sometimes I transplant tobacco plants in the spring from those places where I do not need it to empty places in the flower bed. Growing, becoming a fluffy bush, it not only closes the bare spot in the flower garden, but also creates a backdrop for undersized plants.


Purslane, this is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him both in my grandmother's and in my mother's flower garden. We called him "carpet", because he covered the ground with a bright carpet near the paths in the front garden. It was the purslane that gave the flower garden a certain completeness. Which beautiful flowers at the purslane! There are simple, there are terry or semi-double of the most diverse colors. Purslane blooms all summer, from June until frost. In the evenings, the flowers close, but in the morning they “burn” like multi-colored lights in a flower bed. You can sow purslane only once and, thanks to abundant self-seeding, it will delight you every year. Likes sunny places, in the shade it blooms poorly or does not bloom at all. Grows well in sandy soils. But he also likes my black soil. I do not know how true my observations are, but it seems to be better not to fertilize purslane. Growing, purslane can even survive weeds. I have never observed weeds in the place where it grows.

When choosing annual flowers for giving, you can buy seedlings or seeds in flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of seed materials is so wide that finding the desired flower is not difficult.

Tall representatives are great for decorating flower beds or mixborders; in mixed flower beds, they usually create a backdrop. When planning the design of the site for the summer season, consider the combination of sizes (heights) of plants, their colors. The requirements of flowers for soil moisture, lighting, fertilizers should also be borne in mind. Sometimes plant species with the same name can be both tall and short, medium tall. When buying seeds, study the attached information. Annual flowers that bloom all summer - the name and photo are always on the package. Try to keep crops that grow next to each other close from an agrotechnical point of view.

The labor-intensive and not always successful cultivation of capricious gladioli, roses and pelargonium is not to every gardener's liking. To many, the prospect of annual flower bed planning and the sowing of annual seeds seems terrible. Often there is simply no time for feeding, growing seedlings, storing bulbs and winter shelter.

However, a suburban area or Vacation home I want to somehow decorate, add bright colors, create a flowering island.

In this case, unpretentious perennial flowers and plants for summer cottages will be a real salvation. They are also suitable for ennobling problem areas where other garden "sissies" will not grow.

Quite a few plants have been introduced into the culture, with minimal requirements for soil and care. In this article, we will note only the most unpretentious ones, dividing them into several groups depending on the features that need to be taken into account when landing. A photo will help you make a choice from an aesthetic point of view.

Plants with beautiful and long flowering

Unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer are ideal for creating a "lazy" flower bed or for filling empty places that are inconvenient for cultivation. This group included not only long-flowering plants, but also species with repeated flowering at the end of summer.


Large, orange-yellow or red-brown gelenium inflorescences, densely covering tall bushes, will decorate the most inconspicuous corners from mid-summer to late autumn. The sun-like gelenium does not tolerate partial shade; it loves nutritious and moist soils. In the southern regions it winters safely, but in the Moscow region it requires shelter. Care consists of moderate watering on dry days. It is often used to mask the nondescript walls of old summer cottages.

Cornflower perennial

The familiar “fluffy ball” does not need special care and grows well on any type of soil. Being wild flower, cornflower loves sunny areas and gets along well with all the inhabitants of the flower bed. Cornflower belongs to medium-sized plants. Blooms from early summer to autumn. Very rarely damaged by pests and disease resistant.


Lupins are loved by flower growers not only for their tall “slender” inflorescences of various colors, but also for their very decorative pinnate leaves and compact bushes. It grows on any soil and quickly spreads over the site by self-sowing. It has high winter hardiness, tolerates shading, and is quite drought-resistant.

The first flowering begins in June, and after the removal of faded inflorescences, it blooms a second time in August. Lupine can disperse throughout the area as a weed, therefore, to control its spread, it is recommended to remove some of the autumn inflorescences before the seeds ripen.

oak sage

Candle-like inflorescences of sage in different shades of purple perfectly complement mixborders, filling the garden with a bright aroma. Flowering lasts all summer, while undersized bushes always remain decorative without additional manipulations by the grower. It is unpretentious to the type of soil and fertility, but does not tolerate waterlogging. It can grow in partial shade, but feels better in a sunny meadow.

Chamomile garden (nivyanik)

If you select the most unpretentious perennials for the site, then garden chamomile must be on the list. Perhaps you won’t surprise anyone with such a flower, but you definitely shouldn’t expect trouble with it. Nivyanik will delight with its flowering from the beginning of summer until autumn, if it is planted in a sunny, heated area and regular watering is ensured.


Rudbeckia is represented by several species with different structures of inflorescences-baskets. They are united by a bright yellow color and high shoots. Flowering begins in mid-summer and continues until the end holiday season. The plant does not require fertile soils and winters well without shelter. For rudbeckia allocate open sunny areas.

Hardy perennials that bloom in early spring

After the winter dullness, one can not wait to plunge into the bright colors of the blossoming nature. Therefore, we must take care of the form in which the summer cottage will be with the beginning of the season. Unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming in the first warm May Days, will certainly decorate the "bare" garden.

Geranium is magnificent

Undersized geranium bushes in May are completely covered with delicate simple blue flowers. After flowering, it remains attractive due to decorative leaves. It tolerates shading well, so it can be used to decorate tree trunks and in compositions with ornamental shrubs. Planted in partial shade, geraniums can grow without watering.


Low-growing ground cover periwinkle is intended for the area under ornamental trees and shrubs. Under direct sunlight, it can die. Large blue flowers on tall peduncles appear in late April - early May. Periwinkle grows very quickly, capturing territory and surviving weeds. It does not need watering, in snowless winters without shelter it can freeze. There are varieties with double flowers and other colors.


Medium-sized brunner bushes with dark green large leaves are strewn with small ones in early May. blue flowers with a white core. Optimal conditions for good growth- nutritious moist loams in the penumbra of large shrubs and trees. Brunner also grows well near water bodies. It grows quickly, does not require transplants and rejuvenation. Differs in high winter hardiness.

Badan thick-leaved (saxifrage)

Inflorescences of "panicle" of lilac color appear at the end of April. At the end of June, after flowering, compact undersized bushes with rounded whole leaves of juicy green color remain decorative. Badan is a shade-tolerant and winter-hardy plant. Does not tolerate drought and needs abundant watering.

Shade tolerant perennials for the garden

As a rule, on suburban area it is rather difficult to find sunny places for planting flower-ornamental plants, at the same time I want to ennoble shady areas under the trees. Unpretentious perennial flower crops for shade have not only beautiful inflorescences, but also attractive leaves. They compete well with weeds and can do without any care at all.

Aquilegia (catchment)

Aquilegia harmoniously looks in the garden of any style and grows and reproduces beautifully without human intervention. This "flower of elves" has a compact lush bush medium size and fancy flowers on tall peduncles. The color of the flowers varies from species to species, so a small collection will look especially impressive. Old bushes can freeze out, but it is easy to leave young shoots to replace them. Optimal growth conditions are partial shade and moist soil.


Astilba is one of the few plants that can bloom luxuriantly even with strong shading. In floriculture, undersized (up to 20 cm high) and tall (up to 100 cm) species are grown. Lush panicles of white, pink and scarlet color appear from mid-summer and adorn the near-stem circles until late autumn. The only requirement for care is timely abundant watering. However, when planting under a dense canopy of trees and creating a mulch layer, the frequency of irrigation is significantly reduced.


Hosta with its species diversity is ideal for shady areas. The combination of several species with a variety of leaf colors helps to create unique compositions that retain decorativeness throughout the season. Compact bushes with large leaves grow slowly and always look well-groomed. The hosta is undemanding to the soil and has high winter hardiness. Flowering is short and occurs in June.


Kupena forms a low sprawling bush of the original form. It blooms in May, white bell-shaped flowers are located under the leaves on the lower part of the stem along its entire length and it is difficult to notice them, but they pleasant aroma sure to grab attention. It can also grow on poor soils, develops well in partial shade and when moistened.


Derbennik is a tall plant with lilac or purple long spike-shaped inflorescences that decorate the garden and attract butterflies from mid-summer to mid-autumn. It grows well on heavy, waterlogged soils and in partial shade. It can be successfully grown near a water body or in lowlands. Differs in good winter hardiness. It grows rapidly and forms clumps. When growing does not require care.

Unpretentious vines for the garden

Climbing plants occupy in the garden special place. On the one hand, the rapid development of shoots is very important in the design of arbors, hedges and country porches. On the other hand, due to rapid growth creepers need proper formative pruning. However, you can choose unpretentious species climbing vines, which grow quickly and are modest in requirements.

Honeysuckle Brown

Differs in early and long blossoming to frosts. In severe winters, it needs shelter.

Actinidia kolomikta

Actinidia shoots become woody with age. Valued for ornamental greenery, delicate aroma of flowers and pineapple flavor of fruits. It has high winter hardiness and does not require shelter.

girlish grapes

The most common type of vines. Adapts well to many growing regions. Valued for carvings large leaves changing color depending on the season. Forms shoots very quickly and is ideal for creating hedges. Easily shaped.


Ivy is an evergreen heat-loving liana that climbs on any support (house wall, trellis, tree). Often used to mask nondescript walls of buildings.

In conclusion, I would like to note some more unpretentious perennial plants for the garden, which are highly resistant to lack or, conversely, excess moisture in the soil. For a long time without watering, evening primrose, cornflower, catnip, oriental poppy, are well maintained. At the same time, they delight with lush and beautiful flowering.

Around the pond or in wetlands, you can plant moisture-loving meadowsweet, bathing suit and buzulnik. The name of many plants is well known from wild-growing representatives of the genus.

All presented types of garden plants impose minimum requirements on the level of soil fertility, but when compost or humus is introduced, an increase in growth force and more is observed. lush bloom. When purchasing perennial planting material, it is better to give preference to simple varieties that are highly viable, good resistance to adverse weather factors, pests and diseases, and also multiply easily and quickly.

For most of us, flowers are an indispensable decoration. garden plot, but in many of them the flowering period is limited to a few days or weeks. Long-blooming unpretentious perennials for the whole season can turn your garden into a real sea of ​​​​colors and aromas.

The most popular perennial long-flowering plants


The luxurious beauty is also famous for its huge number of hybrids and varieties, many of which can continuously bloom from early June until late autumn. not complicated, however, as befits the queen of the garden, the culture is quite sensitive to growing conditions and susceptible to diseases and pests.


Perennial Mediterranean compact shrub with purple-blue or pale pink fragrant flowers that appear in late May and adorn the garden until the first frost. Lavender is virtually maintenance free, its fluffy bushes are great in a group planting, and are a wonderful option for decorating borders, mixborders and in mediterranean style. Pairs well with roses and carnation grass.


Fragrant and unpretentious long-flowering perennial. Depending on the type of color palette: white, pink, purple or blue. Flowering is long - from spring to late autumn. It tolerates periodic droughts well. Indispensable in creating .

Multi-grate or lofant

This plant is often referred to as Mexican mint because of the pleasant anise scent of the leaves and flowers. Great for creating mixed flower beds and gardens herbs.


It is characterized by multi-colored double flowers that resemble small pillows. Height, depending on the species, from 25 to 70 cm. Flowering period from July to mid-October.


Numerous hybrids and varieties make it possible to paint the garden with a wide range of warm colors, from shades of yellow to purple. Tiny flowers are collected in large flat inflorescences that look spectacular against the background of dark green carved foliage. It grows well both in the sun and in partial shade, drought-resistant. Together with sage and multi-grate, you can create a great composition in.

carnation grass

Height of this miniature plant only 15-20 cm. Ideal for decorating rocky gardens and rock gardens in naturalistic compositions. Abundant and fragrant flowering begins in May and continues until the end of August. Tolerates poor soil and drought. Popular varieties: bright yellow "Golden Queen", hot pink "Diamond", snow-white "Wisley White".

Anthemis or umbilical dye

A completely undemanding long-flowering perennial with bright yellow or orange chamomile-like inflorescences and bluish openwork leaves. The height of the plant is about 60 cm. It is best to plant it in groups of several. Golden glades of anthemis look spectacular against the backdrop of coniferous crops and in a rocky garden.


Garden echinacea pleases with its bright bloom from July to September. Group landings plants allow you to create wonderful flower beds of warm shades.


The hardy plant reaches a length of 25-35 cm and looks like mint. Its pride is white, lavender-blue, purple or bright blue spikelets and lemon-scented foliage in some species. It is often planted in rockeries, in the garden of herbs next to oregano, echinacea, sage. The most popular drought-resistant decorative species is Fassen's catnip, which is ideal in border gardening, as well as such great varieties like "Purple Haze" and "Walker's Low".


High, up to 2 m in height, powerful stems are strewn with beautiful and large flowers of blue and pink shade. Flowering period from June to the end of September. Tall handsome delphinium is an excellent solution for creating mixed flower beds, decorating low buildings and fences.

flat-flowered geranium

Ground cover species of garden geranium, blooming from June to August. Likes diffused light and moist soil. This modest plant is well suited for landscaping areas around bushes and trees.


Unpretentious long-flowering is popular with gardeners. Its flowers, like little suns, fill the garden with their golden, cozy warmth from early July to September. The plant easily adapts to almost any conditions, but prefers a sunny position and moderately fertile soil.


Pink, white and lavender luxurious oblong inflorescences on long peduncles adorn the perennial from July to September. No wonder it is often called the "burning star". High sun-loving plant is characterized by endurance and high decorative effect.


The beautiful evening primrose with bright gold and pale pink flowers adorns the garden from June to August. Grows well on full sun, on fertile and moist soils. Great in group plantings.


Bright pink and white flowers of miniature armeria, collected in capitate inflorescences-balls on thin stems, do not fade all summer. This perfect option for rocky gardens and small alpine slides.


The visiting card of the plant is bright and large pink and lilac-blue inflorescences that retain their decorative effect after cutting in a dry form. It is completely undemanding in care, as it grows in nature in the steppes. Watering is practically not required. It blooms in July and retains its decorative effect until frost.

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