How to sheathe a change house outside. How to insulate a change house for winter living. Main stages of construction

The change house is a bright representative of the class of mobile and easy-to-install modular structures, which are characterized by strength, reliability, small dimensions and affordable cost. They are most often used as temporary garden houses, which subsequently turn into a harmonious addition to the main dwelling.

Why do you need interior decoration makeshift?

It is now completely unnecessary to build change houses on your own - this will be done by professionals who will provide a ready-made product with external and internal decoration. If the need for internal cladding is beyond doubt, since it provides protection for the building from climatic factors, but interior design some people consider it not worthy of close attention.

Of course, when a temporary building is used as a barn, then its interior decoration does not matter. And if country house- housing? Then the finish inside it should be aesthetic, safe and environmentally friendly. Conscientious organizations such as the SK Block company, which manufacture the best change houses, use high-quality materials in the lining of their products. What options exist?

Materials for interior decoration

Often, the walls and ceiling in a change house are decorated with the same finishing material, which can be used as:

1. Fiberboard is the most budgetary, but quite a good option. True, this material is afraid of moisture. Yes, and it does not look very attractive, especially considering that its fixation is carried out with the help of nails, the caps of which remain visible.

2. MDF is a more advanced version of fiberboard, which boasts greater strength, moisture resistance and environmental friendliness. A big plus is a wide range of colors.

3. Wooden lining - the most popular material for decorating a temporary house. Its advantages include environmental friendliness, ease of installation, high heat and sound insulation characteristics, long service life. The room, decorated with clapboard, becomes more comfortable and attractive. However, this material requires protection from moisture and fire, which is provided by special impregnations.

4. Plastic lining - very practical solution for home decoration. This material is characterized by low cost, excellent moisture resistance, durability and a wide variety of colors and design solutions. The main disadvantage is artificial origin. In addition, not quality material may be hazardous to health.

These options are most in demand for the interior decoration of temporary buildings, but this does not mean that the choice is limited to them. If desired, other options with suitable performance characteristics can be used.

Interior decoration of the change house: when there are really a lot of options

Interior decoration of the change house: when there are really a lot of options

What does it cost us to build a house? Let's draw, let's live. But how to live is another question. The comfort of residents of a country change house depends not only on the quality factor of the house and its design, but also on how and with what material it is made inner lining cabins.

From right choice finishing material largely depends on how the change house looks from the inside, its final cost and performance. Today you can order a change house with interior decoration wooden clapboard, MDF panels, fiberboard sheets, plastic panels made of PVC materials, siding, laminated chipboard boards and other materials.

How to sheathe a change house from the inside? Sheathing materials

Most often for lining the inner surface country houses And construction cabins used lining based on deciduous or coniferous wood. This material has an affordable price, has excellent sound and heat insulation properties. The interior decoration of the premises with wooden clapboard gives the interior a special coziness.

In the decoration of construction trailers are often used fiberboard sheets- fibreboard. This is a relatively inexpensive and practical finishing material, it does not deform and does not lose its attractiveness over time, it is easy to use and does not require special care.

For change houses intended for offices, finishes are often chosen laminated chipboard. It is quite budget aesthetic option finishes. Laminated chipboards are distinguished by a wide range of textures and shades, resistant to high temperatures and mechanical deformations.

For rooms where great importance acquires good thermal insulation, sound absorption and hygiene, excellent choice becomes facing MDF panels. This material is ideal for interior decoration of office cabins, security posts, canteens and workshops. MDF panels are easy to maintain - to clean them from dirt, it is enough to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth.

The inner surface of the walls of change houses for commercial purposes is often sheathed with plastic decorative panels from PVC material. Plastic panels are easy to install, much lighter than wooden counterparts and affordable. Finishing with MDF plastic panels is often found in cabins, canteens, first-aid posts, security posts, and sanitary facilities.

Another common material inner lining cabins - plastic panels (siding). This coverage is high decorative properties, the panels are resistant to mechanical damage and fires, the warranty period of the coating is about 50 years. Sheathing siding has become widespread in both residential and commercial cabins. More often, plastic panels decorate walls in rooms with high humidity - in the kitchen, in dining rooms, showers and bathrooms.

To reduce the cost of purchasing a change house, some owners of summer cottages and suburban areas buy wooden structures in the basic configuration without sheathing. After delivery and installation of the house, it is necessary to give it an elegant appearance. Besides facing material performs a dual function. Additionally, it protects the structure from penetrating cold and wind. Before starting work, read the instructions on how to properly sheathe a change house with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

Initially, you need to decide on the material for lining the change house. It can be sandwich panels, eurolining or an economy option - dried lining. You can also sheathe a change house from the outside with the help of:

  • House block imitating profiled timber;
  • Profiled sheet, which increases the strength of the walls and prevents the penetration of moisture around the entire perimeter of the wall;
  • Sidings. The polymeric material can be made of metal, but when laying it, it is necessary to additionally insulate the structure, or vinyl, the service life of which is estimated for decades.

For interior decoration, panels with imitation of natural timber are more suitable. They give the interior a finished look. stylish look and help to create a cozy living atmosphere in the room.

Panel mounting technology

The most common and cost-effective option to sheathe a change house from the outside is laying finishing material with imitation of timber. The individual elements are connected to each other with the help of groove-strings. The method of fastening them together resembles the assembly of a designer. First you need to attach the bottom panel to the wall with self-tapping screws, after which you should carefully put on a new part until it clicks. Proper styling guarantees uninterrupted service for 50 years. Lumber has a moisture content of 16-18%. Therefore, over time, it will become stronger and stronger, and even after years it will not lose its specifications and will not burn out in the scorching sun.

The eurolining fastens on galvanized self-tapping screws or by means of brackets. Lay the first layer, then fasten the inner bar to the clayer at an angle of 50 degrees. Repeat the operation to the last detail until the change house is completely sheathed.

What should be taken into account when finishing work?

Designed for a relatively long stay and recreation, their finish must meet the requirements of convenience, aesthetics, safety and environmental friendliness.

Walls and ceilings, as a rule, are finished with the same material.

Fiberboard (hardboard) and MDF panels

In the most budget options, interior decoration is usually made of hardboard (hardboard). The material is quite good, but very afraid of moisture. For example, if a kettle boils in a change house, then bumps may soon appear on the walls. Also, hardboard sheets are attached to the guides with small nails, from an aesthetic point of view it is better when the nails are covered with plastic strips.

Cheap does not mean sloppy: pay attention to the joints between the sheets, the absence of cracks and breaks.

Wall MDF panels in fact, this is also fiberboard, but created according to more modern technologies. Less afraid of moisture, more durable, many color options, and most importantly - more environmentally friendly than hardboard.


Traditional finishing material summer cottages(both walls and ceiling) is wooden lining. Its advantages include high environmental friendliness, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation characteristics, durability. The room, trimmed with wooden clapboard, immediately acquires a cozy home view, it always has a fresh smell of natural wood. Caring for the lining is quite simple, it is easy to provide it in a summer cottage.

The photo shows a quality lining and good job, in practice, especially in "ready-made" change houses, usually the work is less accurate, and the material itself is far from good quality.

Look at the surface of the boards, it must be well processed, otherwise you risk getting a lot of trouble with splinters.

The difference in the decoration of the change house 6x2.3 clapboard or hardboard will be approximately 10-15,000 rubles.

Worth Considering lining, which has special grooves that provide ventilation and prevent condensation from settling - a more expensive option.

The disadvantages of wooden lining include its susceptibility to fungi, mold, rot and other damage caused by high humidity and insufficient heating during the cold season, which is quite typical for suburban buildings, which are used primarily in warm season. You can avoid this by processing the lining by special means. Finishing the premises with wooden clapboard entails the need for special fire safety measures.

In the decoration of change houses are often used plastic lining. Compared to wood, it costs less and is not subject to various destructive processes, being even more durable. The advantages of plastic lining include a variety of possible patterns and shades - under malachite, marble, wood, etc. Caring for plastic lining is extremely simple. On top and her thermal insulation properties. The disadvantages of the material include its artificial origin and, as a result, low environmental friendliness. Cheap grades of plastic lining emit into the air harmful substances and have a strong odor that can long time stand indoors. However, more expensive and high-quality varieties of these shortcomings are completely devoid of.


Relatively new material for this area: OSB- oriented strand board. At high temperature and pressure, flat rectangular chips are glued together with waterproof phenol-urea formaldehyde resin.

Very aesthetically pleasing, the material is environmentally friendly, easy to install, strong, durable. The cost of sheathing is cheaper than lining. The lining itself is burrs and a rough surface, but here everything is smooth and neat.

We reviewed the most popular finishing materials. PVC can be attributed to the "exotic" - plastic panels, they are not afraid of moisture, have good thermal insulation properties, but they are not popular with manufacturers of change houses. Change house, this budget solution, therefore, the materials used are both familiar and common, and inexpensive.

Editor's choice: ordinary lining or OSB.

If you need temporary housing for personal plot, it is worth buying change houses country wooden. Compared to capital buildings, they cost much less, they are mobile, permission is not required for their installation, and over time you will no longer be able to do without a change house. The design will serve as a holiday home, your separate office, it is converted into a kitchen near the barbecue or just a place for guests.

Comparing a wooden structure and a metal one, it is worth paying attention to distinctive features bar change houses:

  1. The tree has more aesthetic appearance near the natural environment.
  2. The material is much lighter, which makes it easy to transport the change house to remote areas. For unloading, you do not need to resort to the use of heavy equipment.
  3. Possible self assembly or demolition of a temporary structure.
  4. Undeniable environmental friendliness of the product.
  5. Low cost of a change house in comparison with the container or trailer.

How is the interior of the change house lined?

Finishing modern building materials allows change houses to compete with stationary houses. interior country change houses depends on the tasks that are set before him. Of course, if you need a change house only for a tool warehouse, then insulation is not required, and ordinary OSB panels or hardboard are suitable for walls.

But most often, country wooden change houses are needed for temporary residence. Therefore, everything inside the structure must be equipped for this: the walls and ceiling are lined with clapboard or MDF panels, they conduct electricity, heating, and reliably insulate the space between the facade and the wall to reduce heating costs in the cold season. Wooden cabins more heat-resistant, one radiator is enough to heat them in winter.

The zoning of change houses is common: a vestibule, a bedroom, a kitchen area, a bathroom and a shower. Everything should be at hand in such a moving house. Change houses are equipped with two bunk beds, due to which free space is saved. Capacious and small at the same time change houses have a standard size of 2.5m * 6m, which makes it easy to transport them on the roads.

Table 1. Characteristics of a standard country wooden change house
Name Description
Dimensions 2.5*6*2.3m
total area 13.8 sq. m
Design Frame - panel construction from a bar 5 * 5 cm
Flooring Not edged board laid on logs, carry out hydro- and vapor barrier, insulate mineral wool 50 mm thick, a grooved board is laid on top
Walls and ceiling Interior lining or OSB boards, or hardboard
Window Single (summer change house) or double glazing

What kind of facade can country wooden change houses have?

Country wooden change houses are often sheathed with dried clapboard, which is budget option finishes. But today, manufacturers offer several types of lining, which will be discussed later. Therefore, if you are planning to install a change house for a long time, then you should choose a better material for the facade or even for interior work.

Finishing timber imitation will allow you to independently and quickly sheathe a temporary hut, since the material has joints in the form of groove-pinch. The difference between such a beam and a planed one is that the lumber has a moisture content of 16-18%, so over time you will not see cracks or blue on the change house. conifers wood.

Eurolining different from the usual high quality because it is produced on imported equipment. Permissible moisture content of the material - no more than 15%, the connection is also in the form of groove-strings. The surface of the lining has no defects and is perfectly smooth. The length is from 1.5 to 6 m, and the thickness and width are unchanged 12.5 * 96 mm. Prices differ depending on the type of lining: per m2 from 120 to 200 rubles or per m3 from 9.5 to 16 thousand rubles. The installation of the material occurs in most cases vertically with the help of brackets or fasteners-clamps at an angle of 50 degrees. Galvanized self-tapping screws are also suitable, but nails should be discarded, because they can ruin the appearance of the change house.

Change houses country wooden can be lined with a block house, which relatively recently appeared on the lumber market. It outwardly imitates a galvanized log or log house and has unique properties: an improved processing process contributes to increased wear resistance of wood, the material itself serves as a heater and protects the structure from destruction.

Externally, the block house is convex on the front side and flat on the back. There are narrow and wide standard sizes this lining, the price of which ranges from 300 to 550 rubles per m2, from 12.5 to 15 thousand rubles per m3. It is possible to manufacture a block house according to your size. Installation of the material is quick with the help of stainless steel screws.

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