How to wash pvc windows after repair. How to clean windows after repair. Window cleaning after repair

Renovation can sometimes be very difficult. On the frame and glass remain sticky tapes, primer, cement, paint, etc. For each type of pollution, there are separate tools that will help remove them. But that's only preparatory stage. Only after various building materials have been removed can it be fully completed.

When choosing a cleaning agent, you need to pay attention Special attention on the label, it should indicate that the product can be used for PVC. If there is no such mark, you should refrain from buying for the reason that the components that make up this product lead to a change in the color of the plastic or corrode it. It is worth noting: in order to bring glass and plastic parts into proper form, different means are needed.

It is quite difficult to wash windows after repair in a new building. During the work on ennoblement of the dwelling, various kinds of pollution may remain on them. These are stains from paint, putty, plaster, construction dust.

Before proceeding, it is necessary to recognize the nature of the pollution. It is important not only to clean the surface of dirt and dust, but also not to damage it.


It must be washed off immediately, as soon as the first drops fall on glass or plastic. Then you can't use additional funds. The paint is removed with a wet cloth. If it is dry, you will have to use improvised means:

  1. Sunflower oil. They need to lubricate the paint stain and leave for a while until the substance dissolves.
  2. Soap. It must be crushed on a grater and dissolved in water. Then use the liquid to treat the stain. This option helps if paint was used on water based.
  3. special solvents. They must be chosen on the advice of a specialist so that the product does not harm the surface of the windows.

All of these methods have been tested and proven to be effective.


The tape can be removed using the following options:

  1. Vegetable oil. It is supposed to be used in the same way as for paint stains. Perfectly copes with traces of adhesive tape, not only olive or sunflower oil but also tea tree extract.
  2. Medical alcohol, cologne or vodka. They also act as solvents.
  3. Nail polish remover. It is better to wipe the windows with products that do not contain acetone.
  4. School eraser. They are supposed to carefully rub the soiled place.
  5. White Spirit. It is necessary to moisten the cotton wool in it and wipe the traces of adhesive tape.


This material is the most dangerous for PVC windows in a new building. This is due to the fact that a fresh stain is transparent until it dries. And then the substance hardens, and it is difficult to wash it off. You can use the following means for such pollution:

  1. Warm water. It is necessary to thoroughly wet the stain with it and leave it to soften. After that, wipe with a rag.
  2. Any bathroom cleaner suitable for limescale removal.
  3. Any solvent. It is used only as a last resort, when the previous means have not coped with the task. It is necessary to act strictly according to the instructions on the package.

All these tools will help get rid of ugly gray spots. But if this has not been done, then the frame will have to be painted. To do this, you need to purchase a special product for plastic surfaces, nitro enamel or aerosol paint for a car.


You can use the following cleaning methods:

  1. Special tools that are designed to remove cement from different surfaces. For example, Baugerätereiniger 81, Cement N Concrete Remover, ATLAS SZOP are suitable. They are sold as a spray, which is supposed to be sprayed on dirty window. After a certain time, the cement will soften, and it can be removed with a rag.
  2. Comet. Apply the gel on the stain, wait. When the dirt softens, remove it wet wipe. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Vinegar. Need 2 tbsp. l. Essences diluted in 1 liter of water. Moisten the stain liberally with the solution. Wipe off after a few minutes. Protect hands with gloves.

The main thing is that the product does not contain acids that can damage the window (this is indicated on the packaging).

Mounting foam

It cannot be washed off with water. If the traces are still fresh, then you need to use Cosmofen. It is used by plastic window installers. The higher the number on the package, the better the remedy.

From dried foam, only Dimexide helps. This medication is a strong solvent, so you will need to protect your hands with gloves. It is necessary to apply the undiluted liquid with a sponge on the stain, and after a few minutes wash it off with a wet cloth.

Means for washing frames and glasses

You can wash the window after all the remnants of building materials have been removed. You can use soap or regular dish detergent to clean the frame. The first should be ground on a grater and dissolved in 3 liters of water. Detergent relies only 1 tbsp. l. You can also use other household chemicals: Mr. Proper, Cillit Bang, Sanita, Domestos. From ingrained building dust ammonia helps. It is necessary to dissolve 25 ml of the substance in 1 liter warm water.

To wash the glass, you can use the following tools: Mr. Muscle, Help, Wedge, Sif, Ecover, Secunda for glasses. The solution can also be prepared from improvised means. For example, you can mix 50 ml of alcohol and table vinegar, then add 1 tbsp. l. starch. Dissolve all this in 0.5 liters of water. Means must be sprayed from a spray bottle on the windows, and then rubbed with a rag. The fabric must be lint-free.

First you need to wash outside and then internal. It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning or in the evening so that direct sunlight does not fall on the windows after use. chemicals.

Protect during renovation window profile from any type of pollution will not succeed. Paint or plaster can get on the glass, polyurethane foam can get on the window sill, the slopes and the frame get dirty. In order not to damage the surface to be cleaned and new finish need to clean them properly. Therefore, many people have a question - how to wash windows after repair?

Before you start washing window block, you need to prepare him for this. If there are traces of glue on it, polyurethane foam or plaster, then the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. To remove glue stains from the surface of the window profile, you need to use chemical drug Cosmofen. Or remove stains with a spatula, preheating with a hairdryer.
  2. The growths from the hardened mounting foam must be scraped off with a spatula or scraper, while being careful not to spoil the integrity of the window surface. The remaining traces must be treated with a special solvent containing acetone. The contaminated area is impregnated with liquid, and after 6-8 minutes the foam soaks. Then remove stains with a damp cloth. You can buy such a solvent at a hardware store.
  3. Traces of plaster must be well soaked with water. Then carefully remove them with a spatula or a special scraper.
  4. The film from new plastic windows should be removed as soon as possible and before the onset of extreme cold or heat, otherwise it will be difficult to do later. If you can’t remove the film coating, you can use a hair dryer to dry your hair. To do this, you need to direct the hot stream to the surface with the film and keep it until it starts to peel off slowly. Then you need to immediately remove it.
  5. After cleaning the window profile from contamination with building material, you can start washing windows.

Cleaning window profiles

To clean the window profile, you must first remove dust particles from the hinges and other window mechanisms with a vacuum cleaner. Then you need to wash the window frames with soapy water or other detergent. To do this, in a five-liter container with cool water, dissolve half a bar of soap or 2 tbsp. l. cleaning agent. Wetting a cloth in it, wipe the profile. If after this procedure there are traces on the washed windows, then you need to use other means or household chemicals.

Household chemicals for cleaning window frames

There are many window cleaners on the market. If you use any household chemicals, you must follow the instructions for use.

The following cleaners can be used for windows:

  • "Sanita". Has a creamy texture. Apply to the surface to be cleaned for 3-4 minutes and rinse off. clean water. For stubborn stains, leave the product for 5-6 minutes.
  • "Domestos". Such a tool has a whitening effect, helps to remove stubborn dirt. In order to receive good result, you need to put it on the window profile for 12-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
  • Mr. Proper. Available in powder and liquid form. The powder dissolves in water (6 tsp per 5 l), and the solution is applied invariably liquid state. The prepared mixture is placed on the window frames, and after a couple of minutes it is washed off with a sponge well moistened with plain water.
  • Cilli Bang. Available with a spray gun, with which the liquid is sprayed onto the window surface. The applied product should be rubbed until foam is formed and left for 8-10 minutes. Then wipe well with a cloth.

Work with the use of household chemicals in a well-ventilated area and with protective equipment (rubber gloves, mask).

Folk ways to clean windows

You can wash more severe pollution with the means that are at home. These funds include:

  1. Vinegar essence. To wash windows from dirt, you need to dilute a 9% solution of vinegar in cold water in a ratio of 3:1. Moisten a cotton pad with the resulting liquid and wipe the dirty areas.
  2. Kerosene. Helps a lot with paint stains. Gasoline can be used instead. It is worth noting that this remedy due to its toxicity, it should only be used if other cleaning methods are not effective.
  3. Nail polish remover. Such a liquid perfectly wipes stains from glue and paint. It is worth choosing a product that does not contain acetone. Wipe windows well with a cloth moistened with this liquid.
  4. Ammonia. To wash window profiles, a solution prepared from alcohol and water (25 ml per 1 liter) is used. The resulting product will quickly cope with settled dust and other traces of dirt left after repair work.

If you wash windows after repair, using such cleaning methods, they will shine with cleanliness.

For effective cleaning windows should follow the following recommendations:

  1. When washing windows, especially when working with chemicals and solvents, wear rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands from their harmful effects.
  2. Do not allow any product to get on the rubber window seal. Aggressive substances included in its composition can damage the rubber and break the tightness of the window. Some profiles are made with rubber already soldered into them, and if it is damaged, the entire window must be replaced.
  3. If traces of adhesive mixtures and putties are strongly ingrained into the window surface, then you can get rid of them by special means designed for cleaning cement-lime contamination, which are available in building materials stores.
  4. Extreme care must be taken when working with conventional solvents that are not intended for plastic, as a high content of reactive substances can damage the window profile. Taking advantage different ways, following such recommendations, the question of how to wash windows after repair will no longer arise. These methods can be used to clean windows in country house. This task can be dealt with quickly and easily.

During the repair, building dust, plaster, paint and other solutions used in the repair get on the window frames and glass. You can wash windows using folk recipes or household chemicals. To choose the best method, you should take into account the nature of the dirt and the material from which the frames are made.

Preparing windows for cleaning

Before washing window frames they should be prepared. Often, after repair, traces of mounting foam, glue or plaster remain on them. If you encounter this issue, please follow the suggestions below.

Tips for preparing window frames for cleaning:

Mounting foam. The outgrowths of the hardened mounting foam should be removed carefully with a spatula so as not to damage the surface of the window. Places in which the foam has eaten should be treated with an acetone-based solvent (purchased at a hardware store). The agent must be soaked with a napkin or a piece of cloth and applied to the remaining foam. After 5-7 minutes, the foam will get wet and can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Glue. If new windows were installed before the repair, after all construction works they need to be removed protective film. Traces of glue often remain on the surface of the frames, which can be removed using the special Cosmofen tool. Also, glue residues can be removed with a spatula by preheating them with a hairdryer.

Plaster. Traces of plaster from windows must be moistened with plenty of water. After the remains of the plaster get wet, they can be easily scraped off with a spatula.

Washing window frames

After removing the remnants of building materials, you should start washing the frames. Remaining dust can be removed with soapy water or detergent. To do this, add one third of a grated bar of soap or a tablespoon of dish detergent to warm water (3 liters). Then in the solution you need to moisten a cloth and wipe the frames. If after such a procedure stains remain on the surface, you should use special household chemicals or other preparations.

Household chemicals for cleaning frames

There are many various means household chemicals that can be used to wash frames. Before using any drug, you should read the instructions for use.

Brands of means for washing frames:

  • "Mr. Proper". Available in powder or liquid form. If a powder is used, it must be dissolved in clean water(3 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). The liquid is used in its pure form. The product is applied with a sponge on contaminated surfaces, and after a few minutes it is removed with another clean sponge, abundantly moistened with clean water.
  • "Cilli Bang". Sold in a bottle with a spray bottle, with which the product must be sprayed onto the surface of the frame. After that, it needs to be rubbed a little with a sponge in order for the foam to form. After 10 minutes, the foam should be wiped with a clean cloth. The tool is sharp bad smell so it is recommended to keep the windows open when using it.
  • "Sanita". The product has a creamy consistency. It should be applied to the surface, rubbed and left for 2-3 minutes. If difficult-to-remove impurities are present, the product should be washed off after 5-7 minutes.
  • "Domestos". This tool has a slight whitening effect, so it can be used to get rid of persistent pollution. To maximize the effect of the application, "domestos" should be applied to the frames and left for 12-15 minutes, then remove the residue with a napkin.

Other preparations for cleaning frames

You can wash stubborn dirt from window frames with other means that are at hand.

These funds include:

  • Nail polish remover. You should choose those brands that do not contain acetone. Soak a napkin or cotton pad with the product and wipe the places of contamination. Nail polish remover is good for removing paint and glue stains.
    Table vinegar (9%). To wash windows, you need to prepare an vinegar solution of 5 parts vinegar and 2 parts water. The resulting composition should be wiped with dirt using a napkin.
  • Ammonia. For a liter of warm water, 25 milliliters of alcohol are used. Such a solution will help remove stubborn dust and other contaminants after repair.
  • Kerosene. This remedy should only be used when other methods fail, as kerosene is toxic. The remedy is especially effective in the presence of paint stains on window frames. In the absence of kerosene, gasoline can be used.
    Washing glass windows

Glass cleaners can be purchased or prepared independently.

Purchased glass products

Glass cleaning products, which are purchased in the store, are available in the form of a liquid in bottles that are equipped with a spray bottle. Such products are used according to the same principle - the liquid must be sprayed onto the surface of the glass and then wiped dry. For wiping, it is best to use newsprint or special wipes for cleaning glass.

Brands of glass cleaners are:

  • "Mister Muscle". It has an affordable cost and cleans glass well from building dust and other contaminants.
    "Help". It is in the same category as the above remedy. It does not leave streaks, but copes with persistent pollution with difficulty.
    Clin. More different high price in comparison with "Mr. Muscle" and "Help". Effectively removes even stubborn stains from glass remaining after repairs.
  • "cif". It is one of the most effective glass cleaners. It does not have a pungent odor, and is comparable in cost to Clin.
  • "Second for glasses". It has a low price and well eliminates all pollution. The downside of this tool is a sharp aroma that lasts longer than the smell of other drugs.
  • "Ecover". Distinctive characteristic This product is a composition that includes only natural ingredients. The cost of this tool is higher than all the others. For persistent pollution "Ecover" is not suitable, as it does not contain aggressive chemical components. This tool is the best choice for pregnant women or allergy sufferers.

Means of self-preparation

For washing glasses, you can prepare a remedy according to a folk recipe. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • Alcohol medical or technical - 50 milliliters;
  • Starch potato or corn - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 500 milliliters.

All components must be mixed in a convenient container and poured into a spray bottle. Before spraying the liquid on the glass, the bottle must be shaken vigorously. After spraying the product, the treated surface must be wiped with a napkin. The starch in this recipe can be replaced with powdered chalk or dentifrice powder.

If there is dried dust on the glass, you can use soap solution with vinegar. To prepare this remedy, take the following ingredients:

  • Pure warm water - 500 milliliters;
  • Table vinegar - 50 milliliters;
  • dish detergent or liquid soap- 1 teaspoon.

All components must be poured into a vessel with a spray bottle and sprayed onto glass. Vinegar in this recipe can be replaced with lemon juice (3-4 tablespoons) or citric acid(on the tip of a knife).

Each window cleaner has instructions for use and preparation, if we are talking O folk recipe. But there are also general rules, which must be observed when cleaning window frames and glass. These guidelines should be followed in order to keep appearance products and ensure your safety.

General rules for window cleaning include:

If chemicals are used to clean windows, all manipulations must be carried out in a protective mask and gloves. The same guidelines should be followed when using folk remedies based on alcohol and other aggressive substances.

To wipe glass and frames, you need to use cloths that do not crumble and do not leave lint on the surface. These can be cotton towels or flannels. You can also use microfiber or thick paper towels.

First, the outer surface (the one that faces the street) of the windows is washed, then the inner one. You should start by cleaning the glass, then you should wash the frames, mechanisms and window sill.

After completing the procedure, vacuum the surface of the window frames in order to remove small particles of cement, soil, and dust.
Care must be taken when using abrasive cleaners for frames. You can not rub them intensively, as the granules can scratch the plastic.

In order for window cleaning after repair to be effective, procedures should be started immediately after completion of all construction work. To obtain a high-quality result and ensure safety, you should also follow all the recommendations for using both purchased and self-prepared products for cleaning window frames and glass.



Often repair work in the house are held after plastic windows have been installed. Workers do not always worry about their protection from pollution, so the owners of the premises have to think about how to clean plastic windows after repair. In fact, this task is quite feasible, if you know which detergents should be used in which cases.

Ways to clean up the window profile

When working, for example, with slopes, it may happen that the mounting foam gets on the window frame. It should not be washed off immediately, as the smeared foam will stick, dust and dirt will stick to it, and it will be much more difficult to clean it off. pollution. But if there is no film, you will have to resort to the following:

  • The mounting foam should be torn off, and its remains carefully scraped off with a knife or blade: this must be done carefully, as deep scratches may remain on the plastic. This method is radical, but quite effective, but it is worth using if you can’t wash it in another way.
  • The easiest way to clean windows after repair will not be difficult - this is the application special formulations for washing windows. Can you dilute them warm water, apply to the hard part of the sponge for dishes, wipe the frame, let the foam and other dirt soak, then try to remove them. The procedure can be repeated several times if necessary.
  • If the dirt is old and has dried up for a long time, it is more convenient to use liquid detergents or foam. They are applied to the frame, wait a certain time, and then cleaned with a rag along with the remnants of pollution. To do this, you can purchase a detergent in the store that is designed specifically for cleaning plastic items.
  • The foam can be scraped off using a soft spatula. This option will help to clean off plaque without damaging the frame. Difficulties can arise only if the foam has managed to soak well into the material.
  • In order to get rid of the remnants of foam on the glass or frame, you need to stock up on a piece of felt, soak it with acetone, and wipe the remaining traces of mounting foam with it. When the foam gets wet, you need to start wiping it with felt, you need to apply quite strong pressure, make energetic movements until all the dirt is removed; if necessary, acetone can be added.

In order not to damage the skin of the hands when working with the window, it is necessary to use protective rubber gloves. Good for this purpose are those that are designed for washing dishes.

What to do if the methods described above did not help?

The question of how to clean windows after repair does not always disappear after the first attempt to do this. Pollution is not always easily removed by improvised means. There are other, more complex and deep cleaning methods, for example, electromechanical polishing. It can be done using grinder, drills with a special nozzle. In addition, you will need to purchase acetone, felt circles and GOI paste.
Cleaning is done as follows:

  • Large dirt is removed with a spatula. You need to remove as many of them as possible.
  • After that, the power tool is supplied with a felt circle. With its help, carefully remove upper layer mud. Along with it, part of the plastic will also be removed, so you need to ensure that the cleaning takes place evenly.

The same method will help remove not only old dirt, but also traces of building foam, defects, dents, scratches on the frame. Deep scratches can be removed by covering them with acrylic for plastic. You can buy it from window companies.

Not less than actual question- how to wash the glass after repair. This part of the window structure requires careful handling and cannot be subjected to rough processing with a power tool, and dirt gets on it even more than on the frame, since the glass occupies a large area.

Most often, the window can be washed with ordinary window cleaners. However, if the pollution is strong, this may not work, then you have to invent other methods. For example, one of the interesting recipes for how to wash plastic windows after repair in one liter of warm water, you need to add a tablespoon of alcohol, you can replace it with a glass of vinegar of any consistency, it is acceptable to use ammonia. Some housewives use bleach, it needs to be diluted 50 g per 1 liter of water. After thoroughly mixing the solution, you can use it to clean glass, for this purpose you can use a sponge or newsprint. After the dirt has been cleaned, the glass should be polished with a dry newspaper.

If the design is inconvenient for washing, and you cannot reach some fragments of the window, you can use these methods to wash the glass , like a sponge with a long handle or a sponge with magnets. Such a device will help wash windows with blind sashes or structures that are too high.

Instructions for the care of plastic windows are located at the link.

Perhaps our article will help you. Here are the most simple and common ways to clean windows on a balcony or loggia.

A modern way to wash windows on both sides is described in the article

Even with heavy pollution do not use those types of solvents that can harm the plastic. Many substances are aggressive enough that they will remove dirt, but your frame will suffer to the point of unusability. The reason for the chemical melting of plastic is the acid contained in the composition of such substances. They can only be washed with structures for which these detergents are intended.

That is why you need to think about how to clean plastic windows after repair safely for the window itself.
If you still dared to use such a composition, try it in an inconspicuous place, at one point, do not process the entire frame at once. When working, use protective gloves otherwise, the skin of the hands may be damaged. Be careful not to get detergent into your eyes.

When washing windows with such a composition, it is important to ensure that the rubber bands do not suffer. Glass can be washed with it, but if it gets on the rubber parts of the double-glazed window, the acid will begin to corrode them, and the seals will become unusable quickly enough. If the tightness of the window is violated, drafts are formed, the double-glazed window will cease to perform its functions, cold air will begin to enter the room, and the glass itself will begin to sweat. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the rubber bands, for example, you can protect them with adhesive tape or other similar materials. It is worth remembering that some of the designs have rubber bands that cannot be replaced, so due to negligence, you can lose serious money, since the double-glazed window will have to be completely changed.

Knowing how to wash windows, you can return any design to its original appearance. It is better not to use aggressive compounds that are not intended for plastic structures.

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